作者 主题: 【DD】未達者之皿(Vessel of the Failed)[通靈者变体]  (阅读 7253 次)

副标题: 总感覺他的共鳴有些怪怪的…


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未達者之皿(Vessel of the Failed)[通靈者变体]
出自《虔信教条 pg. 7》

未達者之皿呼喚那些挑战星石試煉(Test of the Starstone)卻遗憾告败的英靈;这些英靈从自身的致命短處中鍛造出给予通靈者的能力。未達者之皿对于成功与失败之间那一綫之差了然于胸,並游走于線上来獲取他呼喚的英靈的力量。

未達者的意志(Will of the Failed,Su):未達者之皿非常熟悉这些死在追求星石試煉中的傲慢英雄的那份超級执着,而当他最需要的时候,他可以利用这种力量。


魯莽奔湧(Reckless Surge,Su):未達者之皿能嘗試激起他的英靈的好胜心——盡管这样取巧从来都没有保證。若未達者之皿在做出任何享有英靈同調加值的d20檢定且失敗後,他能让英灵以增加2點共鳴為代價,有75%机率(d100时出1-75)在检定结果上不需要任何動作就能增加3d6加值。(10級時此加值提升至3d8,而20級時提升至3d10。)但是,有25%机率(d100时出76-100)则没有任何加值。未達者之皿必須让他的英灵先增加2點共鳴才能決定他獲得什么加值。


英勇特权(Heroic Exceptions,Ex):每次未達者之皿打破他遵守的禁忌时,他能让他的英灵增加1點额外共鳴。如此使他會在攻擊,傷害,豁免,屬性與技能檢定上承受的罰值由-2变為-1。此共鳴點是額外于打破禁忌所產生的共鳴。若通靈者在承受減少过的罰值期间繼續打破禁忌,這些罰值的持續時間會延長,但英靈不會繼續對他造成額外共鳴。


英灵挽歌(Spiritual Swan Song,Sp):15级时,当形勢正確时,未達者之皿能成為他的英灵与神力碰撞时的通道。当通靈者成功通过豁免检定来避免被英靈徹底支配时,他獲得1次与此英灵的传说相关的类法术能力,详情如下。



  大法師(Archmage):未達者之皿能以类法术能力施放連環閃電(Chain Lightning)冰封法球(Freezing Sphere)燃燒之風(Sirocco)。未達者之皿必須在獲得使用次數时选择其中一种。若他在单次降灵中獲得多次使用次數,未達者之皿每次能选择不同的法术。
  勇士(Champion):未達者之皿能以类法术能力施放劍刃護壁(Blade Barrier)
  守護者(Guaridan):未達者之皿能以类法术能力施放反魔場(antimagic field)
  大祭司(Hierophant):未達者之皿能以类法术能力施放群體治療中度傷(Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass)群體造成中度傷(Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass)。未達者之皿必須在獲得使用次數时选择其中一种。若他在单次降灵中獲得多次使用次數,未達者之皿每次能选择不同的法术。
  統帥(Marshal):未達者之皿能以类法术能力施放高等英雄氣概(Heroism, Greater)
  詭術師(Trickster):未達者之皿能以类法术能力施放真知術(True Seeing)

劇透 -  原文:
Vessel of the Failed
Source Disciple's Doctrine pg. 7
A vessel of the failed channels the spirits of those who attempted the Test of the Starstone but failed; these spirits grant the medium abilities wrought from the spirits’ ultimate shortcomings. A vessel of the failed intimately understands the shaky line between success and failure and embraces walking that line to gain power from the spirits he calls.

Will of the Failed (Su): A vessel of the failed is intimately familiar with the supernatural stubbornness of the brash heroes who have met their demise pursuing the Test of the Starstone, and he can tap into this strength when he needs it the most.

When a spirit attains 5 or more points of influence over the vessel of the failed, the vessel can attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + half the vessel’s class level) to avoid completely losing control to the spirit. The first time in a single 24-hour seance period that the vessel succeeds at this saving throw, he is deafened until he awakens the next day with the spirit gone. The second time the vessel succeeds at this saving throw during that period, he is also blinded. The third time, he is also staggered. These conditions are unavoidable and cannot be removed through magic or any other method. (If he wishes, the vessel of the failed can choose to forgo this saving throw and lose control to the spirit as normal.)

The fourth time in a single seance period that a spirit gains 5 or more influence points over the vessel of the failed, the vessel must succeed at a Will save or he loses control to the spirit and effectively becomes an NPC under the GM’s control until after he awakens the next day with the spirit gone.

If a spirit ever attains 7 or more points of influence over the vessel, the vessel automatically loses control to the spirit and effectively becomes an NPC under the GM’s control until after he awakens the next day with the spirit gone.

A vessel of the failed cannot channel a weaker spirit.

This alters spirit and spirit mastery.

Reckless Surge (Su): A vessel of the failed can attempt to tap into his spirit’s bravado—though harnessing such moxie is never guaranteed. If the vessel allows his spirit to gain 2 additional points of influence over him after failing a d20 roll that was modified by his spirit bonus, there is a 75% chance (1–75 on a d%) that he can add 3d6 to the check’s result without taking an action. (At 10th level, these dice increase to 3d8, and at 20th level, they increase to 3d10.) However, there is a 25% chance (76–100 on a d%) that the vessel instead gains no bonus from this ability. The vessel of the failed must allow his spirit to gain the 2 points of influence over him before determining whether he receives any bonus.

The vessel of the failed can use the spirit surge ability as normal. However, using reckless surge in the way described above always requires the vessel to allow his spirit to gain 2 additional points of influence over him, regardless of abilities that allow him to otherwise use spirit surge without incurring influence (such as taboo or spirit mastery).

This alters spirit surge.

Heroic Exceptions (Ex): Each time a vessel of the failed breaks a taboo he has accepted, he can allow his spirit to gain 1 additional point of influence over him. When he does so, the penalty he takes on attack rolls, damage rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws changes from –2 to –1. This influence is in addition to the influence the spirit normally gains for breaking the taboo in the first place. If the vessel continues violating the taboo while taking a reduced penalty, the duration of the reduced penalty extends, but the spirit doesn’t gain additional influence over the vessel.

This alters taboo.

Spiritual Swan Song (Sp): At 15th level, when the circumstances are right, the vessel of the failed can become a conduit for his spirit’s brush with divinity. Whenever the vessel makes a successful saving throw via the will of the failed ability to avoid completely losing control to his spirit, the vessel gains one use of a spell-like ability tied to the spirit’s legend, as noted below.

When he gains a use of a spell-like ability, the vessel of the failed can expend it anytime before his next seance. (A vessel might gain multiple uses of these spell-like abilities, depending on how many times he successfully saves to avoid losing control to a spirit.) However, if he loses contact with a spirit during that time, he also loses all uses of the spell-like ability gained from avoiding losing control to that spirit. If the vessel does not expend his uses of these abilities, they disappear when he loses contact with that spirit or when he starts a new seance, whichever comes first.

This replaces trance of three.

Archmage: The vessel of the failed can cast chain lightning, freezing sphere, or sirocco as a spell-like ability. The vessel must choose which one when he gains a use of this ability. If he gains multiple uses of this ability in a single seance period, the vessel of the failed can make a different choice each time.

Champion: The vessel of the failed can cast blade barrier as a spell-like ability.

Guardian: The vessel of the failed can cast antimagic field as a spell-like ability.

Hierophant: The vessel of the failed can cast mass cure moderate wounds or mass inflict moderate wounds as a spell-like ability. The vessel must choose which of these two he can use when he gains a use of this ability. If the vessel of the failed gains multiple uses of this ability in a single seance period, he can choose a difference spell-like ability each time.

Marshal: The vessel of the failed can cast greater heroism as a spell-like ability.

Trickster: The vessel of the failed can cast true seeing as a spell-like ability.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【DD】未達者之皿(Vessel of the Failed)[通靈者变体]
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-02-22, 周五 12:57:43 »