作者 主题: 【OA】催眠师变体(Mesmerist Archetype)  (阅读 17451 次)

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【OA】催眠师变体(Mesmerist Archetype)
« 于: 2015-12-01, 周二 20:09:53 »
催眠师变体(Mesmerist Archetype)

教团领袖(Cult Master)

生性狡诈(Insidious Personality,Ex):教团领袖将职业等级的1/2(最低为1点)作为加值加到所有的交涉检定上。该能力取代了精湛骗术(Consummate Liar)。

狂热注视(Fanatical Stare,Su):1级起,教团领袖能够将他的目光集中在一个对他充满强烈信仰的生物身上。受到注视的目标在攻击检定以及武器伤害检定上受到+1表现加值。教团领袖每具有6个催眠师等级,该加值就会再增加1点,最高为18级时的+4点。取代催眠注视(Hypnotic Stare)对意志豁免施加的减值,狂热注视会让目标在意志豁免上获得等量的加值。这些加值无法应用至对教团领袖发起的攻击、或者对抗教团领袖的法术或能力时进行的豁免。教团领袖还能够压制任何由自身的注视对目标施加的任何惩罚。该能力取代了痛苦注视(Painful Stare)。

教主诡计(Cult Tricks,Su):教团领袖可以选取后述新诡计。这些诡计仅能植入到教团领袖的部署(cohort)或追随者(follower)身上。该能力改变了催眠师诡计(Mesmerist Tricks)。
引述: 教主诡计

赞颂领袖(Extol):一种心理冲动迫使一名部署(cohort)或追随者(follower)高声赞颂教团领袖的伟大。每当教团领袖尝试一次交涉检定时,只要他与受术者之间的距离不超过60尺,教团领袖就能够触发该项诡计。受术者会对教团领袖的交涉检定执行协助他人(aid another)动作。如果受术者的检定成功,教团领袖会在他的检定中获得+4加值。这是一个附魔系(enchantment)胁迫(compulsion)效果。

虚假医疗(False Healing,Su):3级起,教团领袖能够使用精神力量来欺骗心智,以此来提供暂时的治疗能力,该能力的每日可用次数为3 + 他的魅力调整值。使用该能力是标准动作(如果教团领袖对自己使用该能力的话,则为迅捷动作),而且教团领袖必须能够接触到他的目标。教团领袖让目标获得临时生命值,具体数值为1d8 + 他的魅力调整值。6级起,教团领袖能够选择为目标提供2d8 + 他的魅力调整值点临时生命值,或者短暂移除1d4点属性伤害。每个生物每日只能获得一次虚假医疗的效果。该能力提供的临时生命值以及属性伤害的减少仅能持续一段时间,具体为每个教团领袖职业等级持续1小时。该能力取代了3级和6级的接触疗法(Touch Treatment)。

忠实信众(Faithful Followers,Ex):7级起,教团领袖凭借着自身的人格魅力,开始大量吸引追随者拥护对他的信仰。教团领袖获得领导力(Leadership)作为奖励专长。该能力取代了7级的深邃注视(Bold Stare)。

狂热献身(Fanatical Devotion,Ex):10级起,教团领袖操纵着他的部署(cohort)和追随者(follower),让他们为了自己而奉献自我。教团领袖不再会由于冷漠(aloof)或残酷(cruel)而让他的领导力值(Leadership Score)承受减值。此外,教团领袖对他的部署和追随者所施放的所有附魔系(enchantment)法术DC增加4点。14级起,教团领袖不再由于部属或追随者死亡、或者由他本人而造成部属或追随者死亡而让领导力值承受减值。该能力取代了10级和14级的接触疗法(Touch Treatment)。

教宗诡计(Masterful Cult Tricks,Su):任何12级或更高等级的教团领袖均可选取后述新诡计。这些仅能植入到教团领袖的部署(cohort)或追随者(follower)身上。该能力改变了大师诡计(Masterful Tricks)。
引述: 教宗诡计
为我报仇!!(Avenge Me):教团领袖让一名追随者产生想要为他施行报复的冲动。每当教团领袖由于一次攻击而受到生命值伤害时,只要他与受术者之间的距离不超过60尺,教团领袖就能够触发该项诡计。受术者会立即如同受到狂暴术(Rage)一般受到影响,该效果持续时间为每个催眠师等级1轮。

替我死!!(Die for Me):教团领袖向一名部署(cohort)或追随者(follower)灌输为了自己而万死不辞的思想。每当教团领袖将要由于一次攻击、法术、或效果而受到生命值伤害时,只要他与受术者之间的距离不超过60尺,教团领袖就能够触发该项诡计。其中半额伤害会通过精神而转嫁到受术者身上。这是一个附魔系(enchantment)胁迫(compulsion)效果。

借身重生(Reborn,Su):20级起,教团领袖可以确保自己死后仍能存在于世。教团领袖能够执行一场持续1小时、花费5000gp稀有材料的仪式,使用精神力将自己的部分存在本质植入到部属(cohort)体内,该名部属最低也要达到17级。当教团领袖死亡之后,部属的身心会在7天内逐步转化为教团领袖,就如同曾经施放了克隆术(Clone)一般,不过部属的身体取代了克隆术所要使用的复制体。教团领袖在获得另一个至少17级的部署之前无法再次使用该能力,也无法执行必要的仪式。除非使用神迹术(Miracle)或祈愿术(Wish),否则部属无法再度复活(back to life)。该能力取代了精神支配(Rule Minds)。

役魂人(Spirit Walker)

法术(Spells):役魂人将这些额外法术加到他的法术列表中相应的环级里:1级-亡灵无视术(Hide from Undead),2级-命令死灵(Command Undead),3级-死灵定身术(Halt Undead),4级-作祟灵交谈(Speak With Haunt)。他能够将这些法术选为已知法术,但是不会自动获取它们。该能力改变了催眠师的法术列表。

死者之心(Undead Inception,Su):1级起,役魂人能够用催眠注视(Hypnotic Stare)来影响不死生物,就如同深邃注视(Bold Stare)中的开启心智(Psychic Inception)能力一般。这仅能让他影响不死生物;如果役魂人想要影响其他无心智(mindless)生物的话,必须真正获得开启心智能力才行。3级起,当役魂人使用该能力时,不死目标(undead targets)无法获得豁免检定的加值(如果它们之前能够获得的话)【译注:虽然并没有标明,不过译者认为此处的加值指的是开启心智(Psychic Inception)提供的加值。】,而且仅有25%的概率忽略役魂人的影响心灵(mind-affecting)法术与能力,而且役魂人可以在不使用催眠注视的前提下影响它们。5级起,当役魂人使用影响心灵法术和能力时,可以正常影响不死生物,不再具有任何失败率。该能力取代了精湛骗术(Consummate Liar)和心智潜能(Mental Potency)。

死体续命(Continued Animation,Su):3级起,当役魂人对一个类人生物目标(humanoid target)使用催眠注视(Hypnotic Stare),且目标死亡了的话,役魂人能够以直觉动作迫使目标的灵魂逗留在身体之内。役魂人能够控制目标,就如同使用支配人类(Dominate Person)一般,持续轮数等同于役魂人职业等级的一半。该生物会获得临时生命值,数值为役魂人职业等级 x 2,而且直至这些临时生命值耗尽或者持续时间结束为止,该生物都会如同活着且有意识一般采取行动。在此期间内,该生物被视为不死生物,但是无法被负能量所治疗。役魂人每具有3个催眠师等级,便可以获得一次该能力的每日使用次数。目标可以进行一次意志豁免检定(DC = 10 + 1/2役魂人的职业等级 + 他的魅力调整值)来避免该效果,并如常死亡。如果目标的身体被摧毁(比如使用解离术)或者复生(restored to life)的话,该能力便会立即结束。14级起,役魂人能够将该能力应用至任意类型的目标身上,就如同使用支配怪物(Dominate Monster)一般。该能力取代了3级和14级的接触疗法(Touch Treatment)。

命令死灵(Command Undead,Su):6级起,役魂人获得命令死灵(Command Undead)作为奖励专长。役魂人每日能够使用专长的次数为1 + 他的魅力调整值(最低1次),将他的催眠师等级作为他的牧师等级。10级起,抵抗该效果的DC增加2点。该能力取代了6级和10级的接触疗法(Touch Treatment)。

亡者之主(Master of the Dead (Su):20级起,役魂人获得了完全掌控亡灵的力量。每日1次,役魂人能够以类法术能力对一个目标使用操控死灵(Control Undead)。若该生物在豁免检定中失败,而且生命骰为20个或更少的话,它便会永久受到役魂人的奴役,直至役魂人死亡为止。生命骰为20个以上的生物在豁免失败后,会受到命令死灵(Command Undead)的效果影响。成功通过豁免的生物在24小时内不会再度受到亡者之主的影响。在同一时间内,役魂人仅能以该方式控制一个不死生物。若他尝试永久性地操控一个新的不死生物的话,原先的不死生物便会得到解放。该能力取代了精神支配(Rule Minds)。


灵巧双手(Deft Fingers,Ex):毒理学者将1/2的职业等级(最低1点)作为加值加到所有巧手检定上。该能力取代了精湛骗术(Consummate Liar)。

注射针剂(Injections,Su):1级起,毒理学者使用炼金技术与自己的异能力量制造出了一种针剂。毒理学者每日能够制造的针剂数量等同于他的催眠师等级 + 他的魅力调整值。制造这些针剂要花费1小时的时间。针剂本身没有效用,需要毒理学者花费迅捷动作将自己的精神力量注入其中将其活化,才能够尝试使用。
毒理学者能够在使用的同时尝试一次DC为20的巧手检定,以此来暗中为目标进行注射。若毒理学者使用巧手检定,目标便可以尝试一次察觉检定来试图发现这次尝试,这次检定要用来对抗巧手检定的结果,不过即便目标发现了毒理学者的尝试,也不能阻止针剂的注入。每当毒理学者使用巧手技能来向他人注入针剂时,他能够将针剂植入而非直接注射,并且在稍后的时候活化针剂的效果。在毒理学者恢复每日针剂数量之前的任意时点,他都能够以自由动作活化被植入的针剂。毒理学者与被植入针剂的目标的距离不得超过中距(100尺 + 每个催眠师等级10尺)。
复数针剂造成的惩罚不会叠加,由于针剂而产生的惩罚也不会与催眠注视(Hypnotic Stare)或者女巫的邪眼巫术(evil eye hexes)叠加。注射针剂是影响心灵(mind-affecting)效果。
该能力取代了催眠注视(Hypnotic Stare)。

注射苦痛(Painful Injection,Su):毒理学者的注射针剂会引起剧烈的疼痛。这会增加受术者所受到的伤害,其生效方式与催眠师的痛苦注视(Painful Stare)职业能力相同。这些额外伤害会自动造成,并不需要由毒理学者来触发,但是毒理学者自身对目标造成伤害时这些额外伤害不会得到提升,而且这些额外伤害每轮仍旧只能生效一次。该能力取代了痛苦注视(Painful Stare)。

添加剂(Injection Improvement,Su):3级起以及之后的每4个等级,毒理学者能够选择一项添加剂来增强针剂。每种添加剂毒理学者最多只能选取一次。在每日准备针剂的时候,毒理学者不需要选择向针剂中添加何种添加剂;添加剂的选择要在活化针剂时,以迅捷动作的一部分做出。目标能够尝试一次强韧豁免检定来抵抗含有添加剂的针剂。豁免DC为10 + 1/2毒理学者的职业等级 + 毒理学者的魅力调整值。即便成功通过豁免,目标仍会在意志豁免中承受减值,但是它不会承受添加剂带来的效果。毒理学者能够以自由动作牺牲一次注射针剂(Injections)的每日使用次数,来使得另一根针剂的DC增加2点。
  • 削弱属性(Ability Decrease):按照毒理学者的选择,目标的一项属性受到-2减值。11级起,减值提升至-4点。
  • 痛感提升(Excruciating):注射苦痛(Painful Injection)所产生的额外伤害得到了提升,增加量为2点 + 毒理学者每拥有3个催眠师等级1点。
  • 削弱韧性(Fortitude Decrease):目标的免疫系统被削弱了,强韧豁免检定受到了-2减值。11级起,减值提升至-4点。
  • 削弱天防(Natural Armor Decrease):目标的表皮变得柔软,它的天生防御(若有的话)降低2点。11级起,天生防御加值会减少4点作为替代。
  • 削弱反应力(Reflex Decrease):目标的身体变得僵硬,它的反射豁免检定会受到-2减值。11级起,减值提升至-4点。
  • 迟缓(Slow):目标的行动变得缓慢,它的基本速度降低10尺,而且攻击检定会受到-1减值。11级起,攻击检定受到的减值变为-2点。
该能力取代了深邃注视(Bold Stare)。

恢复剂(Treatment Vials,Su):3级起,毒理学者能够在每日制作针剂时,同时制作出一些恢复剂;制造每个恢复剂都会花费一次接触疗法(Touch Treatment)的每日使用次数。毒理学者的恢复剂与接触疗法(Touch Treatment)能够产生相同的好处,不过任何人都能够以标准动作服用恢复剂。每个恢复剂都能够移除毒理学者在当前催眠师等级中可以移除的任何一个状态,但是无法用于产生破除结界(Break Enchantment)的效果。每个恢复剂都会在24小时后失效。该能力改变了接触疗法(Touch Treatment)。

针剂改良(Improved Injections,Su):11级起,毒理学者能够将两种不同的添加剂应用至一个针剂上。抵抗针剂仍旧只需要进行一次豁免。该能力取代了从容妄言(Glib Lie)。

迷踪侠(Vexing Daredevil)

本职技能(Class Skills):迷踪侠将特技动作(敏捷)加入到她的本职技能列表中。这改变了催眠师的本职技能。

擅长军用武器(Martial Weapon Proficiency,Ex):1级起,迷踪侠选择一种军用武器,她会擅长这件武器。该能力取代了1级的催眠师诡计(Mesmerist Tricks)。

奖励专长(Bonus Feats):迷踪侠在3级时获得精通虚招(Improved Feint)作为奖励专长,在6级时获得高等虚招(Greater Feint)作为奖励专长,并且在10级时获得【(Greater Mesmerizing Feint;见本书)】作为奖励专长。她不需要满足这些专长的先决条件。14级时,她会获得一个奖励注视专长(bonus stare feat;见本书);她必须满足该专长的先决条件。这些奖励专长取代了接触疗法(Touch Treatment)。

夺目虚招(Dazzling Feint,Su):3级起,每当迷踪侠成功对一个生物使用虚招,而且该生物正受到她的催眠注视(Hypnotic Stare)影响的话,迷踪侠能够从后述夺目虚招中选取一个好处并将其激活。除非另有说明,夺目虚招的好处只能应用至迷踪侠在该轮内的下一次攻击上。她会在3级以及之后的每4个等级选择一项夺目虚招。夺目虚招效果如果需要任何豁免检定的话,其DC均为10 + 1/2迷踪侠的职业等级 + 她的魅力调整值。每个夺目虚招仅能被迷踪侠选取一次。
  • 致盲闪击(Blinding Strike):迷踪侠的武器会向敌人的眼睛射出明亮的闪光。如果迷踪侠的下次攻击命中,目标必须进行一次强韧豁免检定,失败则会目盲(blinded)1轮。
  • 变招如风(Combat Maneuver):迷踪侠的攻击模式变得更加难以被识破。迷踪侠在使用这项夺目虚招时要选择一种战技。在该轮的剩余时间内,她在对夺目虚招的目标运用被选择的战技时,不会引起借机攻击。该项夺目虚招会应用至战技上,以取代对迷踪侠的下次攻击造成影响。
  • 直取弱点(Critical Strike):迷踪侠的武器总是瞄准着目标的弱点。如果她的下次攻击对抗的是该夺目虚招的目标,而且攻击造成了重击威胁的话,迷踪侠能够在确认重击的检定中获得环境加值,数值为她拥有的每3个催眠师等级+1点。
  • 诡步(Outmaneuver):目标做出的所有封住迷踪侠的尝试,都被她那灵动的步伐所挫败。若迷踪侠的下一次攻击命中,那么她会在用于穿过目标占据空间以及威胁区域特技动作中获得+4环境加值,持续1轮。她还能够在攻击命中之后,以自由动作至多移动速度一半的距离。若迷踪侠想要在这次移动中,使用特技动作来穿过目标的威胁范围或敌人的占据空间的话,她必须如常选择降低速度或者让特技动作检定的DC增加10点。
  • 穿心痛击(Piercing Strike):通过从心理上放大目标的痛感,迷踪侠可以造成更多的伤害。如果迷踪侠的下次攻击命中,而且要使用她的痛苦注视(Painful Stare)造成伤害的话,她能够将增加的伤害骰从d6骰变为d8骰。
  • 挫败防守(Sloppy Defense):迷踪侠的攻击能够毫不费力地击破目标的守备;她的下次攻击检定会获得环境加值,数值为她拥有的每5个催眠师等级+1点。
  • 突袭(Surprise Strike):迷踪侠为自己创造机会,突然发起另一次攻击。如果迷踪侠的下次攻击命中,那么她能够以自用动作,用最高攻击加值-5来做出另一次攻击。迷踪侠必须至少达到了7级才能够选择该项夺目虚招。
该能力取代了深邃注视(Bold Stare)。

闪影护身(Shimmering Body,Sp):11级起,当迷踪侠在一轮中进行了移动之后,直至她的下个回合开始为止,对于她的催眠注视(Hypnotic Stare)的任何目标来说,都会把迷踪侠看成不断闪烁着光芒的存在,就如同她受到了朦胧术(Blur)影响一般。该能力取代了从容妄言(Glib Lie)。

劇透 -   :
While mesmerists typically concentrate on purely mental arts, many look outward as well, focusing on physical combat or the creation of powerful tools with which to practice their craft.

The leaders of some cults are simply charlatans, bathing in the adulation of their followers. Others believe themselves to be truly in touch with an unknown power, bringing their unique messages to those willing to follow and obey them.
Insidious Personality (Ex): A cult master adds 1/2 his class level (minimum 1) as a bonus on all Diplomacy checks. This ability replaces consummate liar.
Fanatical Stare (Su): At 1st level, a cult master can turn his gaze on a creature to fill it with fervent belief in the cult master. The target of the gaze gains a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by 1 for every 6 mesmerist levels the cult master possesses, to a maximum of +4 at 18th level. Instead of taking the hypnotic stare’s penalty on Will saves, the target gains a bonus of an equal amount on Will saves. The bonuses don’t apply to attacks against the cult master or on saves against the cult master’s spells or abilities. The cult master can also suppress any penalties inf licted by his stare for the target. This ability replaces painful stare.
Cult Tricks (Su): The following new tricks can be selected by a cult master. These tricks can be implanted only in a cohort or follower of the cult master.
Double: An illusion makes either the cult master’s cohort or one of his followers appear to be him. The cult master can trigger this trick when he is targeted by an attack, provided he is adjacent to the subject, to give the attack a 50% miss chance. If the attack misses the cult master, it targets the subject instead. This is an illusion (glamer) effect.
Extol: A mental compulsion causes a cohort or follower to extol the virtues of the cult master. The cult master can trigger this trick whenever he attempts a Diplomacy check, as long as he is within 60 feet of the subject. The subject takes the aid another action on the cult master’s Diplomacy check. If the subject is successful, the cult master gains a +4 bonus on his check. This is an enchantment (compulsion) effect.
This ability alters mesmerist tricks.
False Healing (Su): At 3rd level, a cult master can provide temporary healing by using his psychic powers to trick the mind a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Using the ability is a standard action (or a swift action if the cult master uses it on himself ), and the cult master must be able to touch his target. The cult master grants a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + his Charisma modifier to the target. At 6th level, the cult master can either grant a number of temporary hit points equal to 2d8 + his Charisma modifier to the target or temporarily remove 1d4 points of ability damage. A creature can receive the effect of the false healing only once per day. The temporary hit points or reduction in ability damage lasts a number of hours equal to the cult master’s class level. This ability replaces the 3rd- and 6th-level touch treatments.
Faithful Followers (Ex): At 7th level, a cult master begins to attract followers to his espoused beliefs, thanks to his magnetic personality. The cult master gains Leadership as a bonus feat. This ability replaces the 7th-level bold stare.
Fanatical Devotion (Ex): At 10th level, a cult master has manipulated his cohort and followers into becoming utterly devoted to him. The cult master no longer takes a penalty to his Leadership score for being aloof or cruel. Additionally, the DCs of all enchantment spells the cult master casts on his cohort and followers increase by 4. At 14th level, the cult master no longer takes a penalty to his Leadership score for any cohorts or followers he has killed or caused to be killed. This ability replaces the 10th- and 14th-level touch treatments.
Masterful Cult Tricks (Su): The following new master tricks can be selected by any cult master of 12th level or higher. These tricks can be implanted only in a cohort or follower of the cult master.
Avenge Me: The cult master creates a compulsion for one of his followers to avenge him. Whenever the cult master takes hit point damage from an attack, he can trigger this trick as long as he is within 60 feet of the subject. The subject is immediately affected as if by the rage spell for 1 round per mesmerist level.
Die for Me: The cult master instills within either his cohort or one of his followers the desire to give her life for him. The cult master can trigger this trick whenever he would take hit point damage from an attack, spell, or effect and the subject is with 60 feet of him. Half the damage is psychically transferred to the subject. This is an enchantment (compulsion) effect.
This ability alters masterful tricks.
Reborn (Su): At 20th level, a cult master can ensure his own survival upon his death. The cult master can perform a 1-hour ceremony costing 5,000 gp in rare materials in which he uses his psychic powers to implant a small portion of his essence into his cohort, who must be a minimum of 17th level. When the cult master dies, in 7 days the cohort physically and mentally transforms into the cult master as if clone had been cast, except that the cohort’s body takes the place of the inert body. The cult master can’t use this ability again until he gains a new cohort of at least 17th level and performs the necessary ceremony. The cohort can’t be brought back to life except through miracle or wish. This ability replaces rule minds.

Some mesmerists specialize in dominating and controlling undead rather than the living.
Spells: A spirit walker adds additional spells to his spell list at the spell levels indicated: hide from undead (1st), command undead (2nd), halt undead (3rd), and speak with hauntACG (4th). He can choose these as spells known, but doesn’t gain them automatically. This ability alters the mesmerist’s spell list.
Undead Inception (Su): At 1st level, a spirit walker can affect undead creatures with his hypnotic stare as the psychic inception bold stare ability. This allows him to affect only undead; he must actually choose the psychic inception bold stare improvement if he wants to also affect other mindless creatures. At 3rd level when the spirit walker uses this ability, undead targets don’t receive a saving throw bonus (if they did to begin with), have only a 25% chance of ignoring the spirit walker’s mind-affecting spells and abilities, and no longer need to be under the spirit walker’s gaze to be affected. At 5th level, when the spirit walker uses his mind-affecting spells and abilities, they affect all undead normally, with no chance of failure. This ability replaces consummate liar and mental potency.
Continued Animation (Su): At 3rd level, when a spirit walker is using hypnotic stare on a humanoid target and the target dies, as an immediate action the spirit walker can force the target’s soul to remain in the body. The spirit walker can then control the target as if using dominate person for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the spirit walker’s class level. The creature gains a number of temporary hit points equal to 2 × the spirit walker’s class level and continues acting as though it were alive and conscious until it loses those temporary hit points or the duration expires. During this time, the creature counts as undead, but it can’t be healed by negative energy. The spirit walker can use this ability once per day for every 3 mesmerist levels he possesses. The target receives a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the spirit walker’s class level + his Charisma modifier) to avoid this effect and die normally. This ability ends immediately if at any point the target’s body is completely destroyed (such as by disintegrate) or restored to life. At 14th level, the spirit walker can apply this ability to any type of target as if using dominate monster. This ability replaces the 3rd- and 14th-level touch treatments.
Command Undead (Su): At 6th level, a spirit walker gains Command Undead as a bonus feat. A spirit walker can use Command Undead a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Charisma modifier (minimum 1), using his mesmerist level as his cleric level. At 10th level, the DC to resist this effect increases by 2. This ability replaces the 6th- and 10th-level touch treatments.
Master of the Dead (Su): At 20th level, a spirit walker gains mastery of the undead. Once per day, a spirit walker can use control undead as a spell-like ability on one target. If that creature fails its saving throw and has 20 or fewer Hit Dice, it falls permanently under the spirit walker’s control until the spirit walker dies. A creature that fails its save but has more than 20 HD suffers the effect of command undead. A creature that succeeds at its save can’t be affected by master of the dead for 24 hours. A spirit walker can control only one undead creature in this fashion at a time. If he permanently controls a new undead creature, the previous one is set free. This ability replaces rule minds.

Toxiticians forgo the mesmerist’s stare, instead combining their psychic power with their alchemical knowledge to craft injections that torment their foes and bolster themselves and their allies.
Deft Fingers (Ex): A toxitician adds 1/2 his class level (minimum 1) as a bonus on all Sleight of Hands checks. This ability replaces consummate liar.
Injections (Su): At 1st level, the toxitician uses his skill with alchemy and his own psychic powers to create injections. The toxitician can create a number of injections per day equal to his mesmerist level + his Charisma modifier. It takes 1 hour to create the injections. An injection is inert until the toxitician attempts to use it, taking a swift action to infuse it with his psychic power to activate it.
Using an injection requires taking a standard action to attempt a melee touch attack. If the attack hits, the target of an injection takes a –2 penalty on its Will saving throws for a number of minutes equal to 1/2 the toxitican’s class level (minimum 1). The penalty becomes –3 at 8th level.
The toxitician can simultaneously attempt a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check to inject the target surreptitiously. If the toxitician uses Sleight of Hand, the target can attempt a Perception check to detect the attempt, opposed by the Sleight of Hand check result, but detecting the attempt doesn’t prevent the creature from being injected. Whenever the toxitician uses Sleight of Hand to administer one of his injections, he can implant it rather than injecting it and then trigger the effect of the injection at a later time. At any point before he regains his injections, the toxitician can trigger an implanted injection as a free action. The toxitician must be within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per mesmerist level) of the target of the implanted injection.
If either the melee touch attack or the Sleight of Hand check (if attempted) fails, the injection isn’t delivered but can still be used again—once activated, it remains potent for 1 day. An injection that hasn’t been administered becomes inert if it leaves the toxitician’s possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to his keeping.
The penalties from multiple injections don’t stack, nor do the penalties from injections stack with penalties from mesmerist stares or witches’ evil eye hexes. Injections are mind-affecting effects.
This ability replaces hypnotic stare.
Painful Injection (Su): The toxitician’s injection causes intense pain. This increases the damage the subject takes in the same way as the mesmerist’s painful stare class feature. This extra damage is dealt automatically, without being triggered by the toxitician, but doesn’t increase when the toxitician damages the target and can still be dealt only once per round. This ability replaces painful stare.
Injection Improvement (Su): At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, a toxitician can select one improvement to add to his injections. The toxitician can’t choose the same improvement more than once. The toxitician doesn’t have to select the improvements when he prepares his injections at the start of the day; the choice is made as part of the swift action to activate the injection. The target can attempt a Fortitude saving throw to resist an injection with an improvement added to it. The DC is 10 + 1/2 the toxitician’s class level + the toxitician’s Charisma modifier. On a successful save, the target still takes the penalty on its Will saving throws, but not the effects of the improvement. A toxitician can, as a free action, sacrifice one use of his injections to increase the DC of another injection by 2.
Ability Decrease: The target takes a –2 penalty to one ability score of the toxitician’s choosing. At 11th level, the penalty becomes –4.
Excruciating: The extra damage from painful injection increases by an amount equal to 2 points + 1 point per 3 mesmerist levels the toxitician possesses.
Fortitude Decrease: The target’s immune system weakens, imposing a –2 penalty on Fortitude saving throws. At 11th level, the penalty becomes –4.
Natural Armor Decrease: The target’s skin becomes looser, decreasing its natural armor (if any) by 2. At 11th level, its natural armor bonus instead decreases by 4.
Reflex Decrease: The target’s body becomes stiffer, imposing a –2 penalty on the target’s Ref lex saving throws. At 11th level, the penalty becomes –4.
Slow: The target’s actions become sluggish, reducing its base movement by 10 feet and imposing a –1 penalty on attack rolls. At 11th level, the penalty on attack rolls becomes –2.
This ability replaces bold stare.
Treatment Vials (Su): At 3rd level, a toxitician can create treatment vials when he creates his injections for the day; creating each treatment vial expends one use of touch treatment. A treatment vial has the same benefit as his touch treatment, but anyone can administer it as a standard action. A vial can remove any condition the toxitician is able to remove at his mesmerist level, but can’t be used for a break enchantment effect. A treatment vial becomes inert after 24 hours. This ability alters touch treatment.
Improved Injections (Su): At 11th level, the toxitician can add two different improvements to an injection. The injection still requires only one save. This ability replaces glib lie.

Vexing daredevils train their psychic powers for combat, specializing in momentarily blinding and confusing their foes with sudden feints and tricks.
Class Skills: A vexing daredevil adds Acrobatics (Dex) to her list of class skills. This alters the mesmerist’s class skills.
Martial Weapon Proficiency (Ex): At 1st level, a vexing daredevil picks one martial weapon and becomes proficient in its use. This ability replaces the 1st-level mesmerist trick.
Bonus Feats: A vexing daredevil gains Improved Feint as a bonus feat at 3rd level, Greater Feint as a bonus feat at 6th level, and Greater Mesmerizing Feint* as a bonus feat at 10th level. She doesn’t need to meet the prerequisites for these feats. At 14th level, she gains a bonus stare feat; she must meet the prerequisites of that feat. These bonus feats replace touch treatment.
Dazzling Feint (Su): At 3rd level, each time a vexing daredevil successfully feints against a creature under the effect of her hypnotic stare, she also chooses one of her dazzling feint benefits to activate. Unless otherwise stated, a dazzling feint’s benefit applies only on the vexing daredevil’s next attack this round. She selects one dazzling feint at 3rd level and another every 4 levels thereafter. The DC for any saving throw against a dazzling feint’s effect is equal to 10 + 1/2 the vexing daredevil’s class level + her Charisma modifier. The vexing daredevil can’t choose the same dazzling feint more than once.
Blinding Strike: The vexing daredevil’s weapon emits a bright f lash of light into the opponent’s eyes. If the vexing daredevil’s next attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be blinded for 1 round.
Combat Maneuver: The vexing daredevil’s attack patterns become more difficult to discern. The vexing daredevil chooses one combat maneuver when making this dazzling feint. For the rest of the round, she doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity when performing that combat maneuver against the target of her dazzling feint. This dazzling feint benef it applies on combat maneuvers instead of on the vexing daredevil’s next attack.
Critical Strike: Ever alert, the vexing daredevil hones in on the target’s weak points. If her next attack is a critical threat against the target of this dazzling feint, the vexing daredevil gains a circumstance bonus on the roll to confirm that critical hit equal to +1 for every 3 mesmerist levels she possesses.
Outmanuever: The vexing daredevil’s darting movements foil the target’s attempts to box her in. If her next attack hits, the vexing daredevil gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through the target’s space or threatened area for 1 round. She can also move up to half her speed after the attack hits as a free action. If she wants to use Acrobatics to move through the target’s threatened area or an enemy’s space during this movement, she must reduce her speed or the DC of the Acrobatics check increases by 10, as normal.
Piercing Strike: By psychically amplifying the target’s pain, the vexing daredevil causes more damage. If she hits with her next attack and deals damage with her painful stare, she increases the damage dice from d6s to d8s.
Sloppy Defense: The vexing daredevil’s attacks effortlessly penetrate the target’s defenses; she gains a +1 circumstance bonus on her next attack roll for every 5 mesmerist levels she possesses.
Surprise Strike: The vexing daredevil creates an opening so she can squeeze in another strike. If her next attack hits, she can make another attack at her highest attack bonus – 5 as a free action. The vexing daredevil must be at least 7th level to select this dazzling feint.
This ability replaces bold stare.
Shimmering Body (Sp): At 11th level, when a vexing daredevil moves in a round, until the beginning of her next turn, any target of her hypnotic stare sees her as a constantly shimmering form of light and treats her as if she were under a blur spell. This ability replaces glib tongue.
« 上次编辑: 2016-02-17, 周三 19:53:21 由 四月 »


  • 访客
Re: 【OA】催眠师变体(Mesmerist Archetype)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2016-02-16, 周二 10:30:35 »
法术(Spells):役魂人将这些额外法术加到他的法术列表中相应的环级里:1级-亡灵无视术(Hide from Undead),2级-亡灵无视术(Hide from Undead)
2级法术是“command undead (2nd)”,命令死灵

离线 卡米尔

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Re: 【OA】催眠师变体(Mesmerist Archetype)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2016-02-16, 周二 11:39:18 »

离线 longman123

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Re: 【OA】催眠师变体(Mesmerist Archetype)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2016-02-17, 周三 13:37:04 »

离线 四月

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Re: 【OA】催眠师变体(Mesmerist Archetype)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2016-02-17, 周三 19:53:42 »
法术(Spells):役魂人将这些额外法术加到他的法术列表中相应的环级里:1级-亡灵无视术(Hide from Undead),2级-亡灵无视术(Hide from Undead)
2级法术是“command undead (2nd)”,命令死灵
