作者 主题: 【4E-SL】帕克 P50-52  (阅读 9982 次)

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【4E-SL】帕克 P50-52
« 于: 2018-04-08, 周日 13:15:50 »
帕克 Puck

劇透 -   :
Age: Unknown Height: 1.75 m Weight: 64 kg Hair: White/silver
Eyes: Grey Gender: Male Metatype: Human Awakened: No

劇透 -   :
Let me start with the important thing: Puck is out. Free. I know he is. I don’t have any direct proof, like a message from him or anything. I don’t even have an eyewitness who saw him. What I have is more than just a feeling, though. There are certain communities I keep an eye on, watching the flow of information through those channels, seeing how people act, and I’ve sensed him. He’s out there, behind the scenes, acting, recovering, preparing for whatever it is he’s going to do next. I don’t know what it’s going to be, but all I can hope is that for once, his actions and his ideals will finally match up.
劇透 -   :
I know there are plenty of people here who don’t like Puck and will never forgive him for what he did. I may not agree with them, but I see where they’re coming from. Puck has been involved in some horrible things, and he doesn’t exactly come across as apologetic about any of it. But once you understand why he did the things he did, and you see where he’s trying to go, you get more sympathy for the guy. And while I’m not saying his intentions justify the things he did, the guy has been through a lot (including whatever it is that kept him away from us recently), and you can’t see and experience everything he has without it affecting you in some pretty serious ways.
劇透 -   :
But maybe I should stop talking in generalities and get specific. Doing so will involve revealing some things about Puck that he has chosen not to share. He may not be happy with me for doing so, but that’s a chance I have to take. Puck first came onto the scene as an otaku in the days before the wireless Matrix. He met an entity called Deus (an AI—you’ve heard of it, right?) and heard about Deus’ idea of remaking the Matrix. That appealed to Puck—he has always seen the physical world as full of pain, limitations, and inequities, while the Matrix held out the possibility of freedom, equality, and even immortality through the preservation of the data that, as some would have it, is the complete underlying foundation of our consciousness.

> “就像有些人那样”?就是说你有另一个意识本质的理论想要跟我们大家分享咯?
> Slamm-0!
> 请不要把我们带偏到那个方向。即便话题没有转向形而上学,Puck的故事也应该足够让我们思考了。
> Dr. Spin

劇透 -   :
> “As some would have it”? Does that mean you have an alternate theory about the nature of consciousness that you’d like to share with us?
> Slamm-0!
> Please don’t try to take us down that road. Puck’s story should give us enough to think about without us being sidetracked by metaphysics.
> Dr. Spin

这是我们之中的一些人不知道,已忘记,或拒绝接受的事情——少有例外,成为宅客的孩子们的生活会让狄更斯式的流浪儿童都看上去光鲜亮丽。帕克一无所有,从你能想象的最差的地狱里活过来,想办法找到了一条出路。他找到矩阵的时候,它还是有线的,受控的,而且通常来说没了途径便无法访问。在那个矩阵里,他发现了一个部落——深层共鸣(Deep Resonance),还有一个目的。主给予Puck的不仅是达到他理想的途径——还给了他一个居所,一个部落。Puck是个理想主义者,而把理想付诸行动需要指导,这在他遇到主之前不可能找到。在SCIRE主机中命运的相遇后,他才承认这一点。Puck成为了主麾下白党(Whites,他的宅客核心集团)的一员,而有一阵子,他执行主的命令,推动AI谋划的革命,过得很开心。
劇透 -   :
Here’s the thing some of us don’t know, forgot, or refuse to accept—the children who became otaku were with few exceptions living lives that would make Dickensian urchins look glamorous. Puck came from nothing, survived the worst kind of hells most of could imagine, and somehow found his way out. He found the Matrix when it was wired, controlled, and generally inaccessible to those without means. In that Matrix, he found a tribe, the Deep Resonance, and a purpose. Deus offered more than a way for Puck to pursue his ideals—he offered him a place and a tribe. Puck is a man of ideals, and putting those ideals into action required guidance that he could not find before encountering Deus, a fact he could not admit to himself before a fateful encounter within the SCIRE host. Puck became one of Deus’ Whites, his inner circle of otaku, and for a while he enjoyed himself carrying out Deus’ orders and working toward the revolution the AI was planning.
劇透 -   :
Then the revolution erupted in Renraku Arcology, and Puck gained a better understanding of what Deus was planning—and what the cost would be. The things he saw in the arcology were seared into his mind, and he has told me that he can do more than just perfectly recall what he saw. He can feel it. Open an ARO, and he’ll fill it with a picture from inside the arcology. If he doesn’t like you, he’ll give it to you in simsense. He carries these images with him everywhere he goes. He could not forget if he tried.

> 他告诉过你?他告诉过你他见过什么?啊当然。因为Puck真是对他的过去太坦白了。看,我不是在说你搞错了什么关键信息——它和我所知的一致——但我拒绝相信他就那么开了口,告诉你关于他过去的事情。那不是他会做的事。
> Slamm-0!
> 那不是他会对你做的事。
> Icarus

劇透 -   :
> He told you? He told you about what he saw? Sure he did. Because Puck is so damn forthcoming about his past. Look, I’m not saying you’re getting any of the key information wrong—it meshes with what I know—but I refuse to believe he just opened up and told you things about his past. That’s not what he does.
> Slamm-0!
> That’s not what he does with you.
> Icarus

Puck并没有立刻离开白党,也许是因为他没有其他地方可去。但分道扬镳的种子已经植下。Puck认为他跟随主的经历让他更聪颖,而也许事实上,他的确学了一点东西,但就在生态建筑事件之后几年,他开始犯同样的错误。又一次,一个魅力十足的领袖用另一个版本的重塑矩阵说服了他。又一次,那领袖所说大部分都让Puck赞同,却同时又隐瞒了会被大多数人认为是邪恶的细节。最后又一次,Puck深陷其中。Pax——帕克斯继者(Ex Pacis)的领袖,用她开放、普遍的矩阵说服了Puck(却没有告诉他那失谐版本的全部细节)。
劇透 -   :
Puck did not leave the Whites immediately, maybe because he did not have any other place to go. But the seeds of his departure were planted. Puck would like to think his experience with Deus made him wiser, and maybe he did, in fact, learn a thing or two, but only a few years after the arcology incident, he set about making the same mistakes. Once more, a charismatic leader sold him on a vision of remaking the Matrix. Once more, that leader spoke in generalities with which Puck could agree, while concealing the specifics that include things most people would think of as atrocities. And once more, Puck was sucked in. Pax, the leader of Ex Pacis, sold Puck on her ideals of an open, universal Matrix (while not sharing the full details of her Dissonant vision).
劇透 -   :
There are many, many people, including a number of JackPointers, who will never forgive Puck for his role in spreading the Jormungand virus. He has never asked for it, and never will—which I believe is to his credit. Attempting to explain his actions, or asking for forgiveness, would not change anything that happened. He knows that he is the person who did what he did, and he will have to live with the consequences of that. An apology doesn’t make that any different.

> 胡说(你都预料到了,对吧?)。看,帕克没有对任何事情负责,而他肯定没和他所作所为的后果一同生活,因为他都从来没承认过。他为所做的事情付出了什么代价?他失去了什么?回答我,然后我们可以开始谈后果。
> Slamm-0!
> 帕克没有进监狱,或者经受其他形式的正式惩罚,如果这是你想问的话。但他失去了他的部落。他失去了一生中唯一曾经给他归属感的东西。他从那些关系中离开,因为他知道他们会做出什么。这是很重要的损失。
> Arete
> 我觉得我们错过了重要的东西——Icarus暂时证实了Slamm-0!一直在说的事情。这意味着Slamm-0!要变得更难以忍受了。
> Netcat

劇透 -   :
> Bullshit (you all saw that coming, right?). Look, Puck’s not taking responsibility for anything, and he sure as hell isn’t living with the consequences of what he did, because he never admits what he did. How did he pay for what he did? What did he lose? Answer that, and then we can start talking about consequences.
> Slamm-0!
> Puck didn’t go to jail or experience some other form of formal punishment, if that’s what you’re looking for, but he lost his tribe. He lost the only thing that had ever given him a sense of belonging in his whole life. He walked away from those connections because he knew what they were capable of. That is a significant loss.
> Arete
> I think we’re missing something important—Icarus is confirming what Slamm-0!’s been saying for a while. Which means Slamm-0! is going to be extra insufferable.
> Netcat

劇透 -   :
That’s Puck’s past. There are things about the present that he’s chosen to conceal, and since I believe he’ll be returning to us shortly, I’ll respect his wishes.

> 咳,超链者,咳。
> Clockwork

劇透 -   :
> *cough* technomancer *cough*
> Clockwork
« 上次编辑: 2019-08-05, 周一 01:24:18 由 马非鱼 »

离线 妖猫

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Re: 【4E-SL】帕克 P50-52
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-04-10, 周二 21:13:11 »
劇透 -   :
I can say this—he doesn’t have any regular employers, and he doesn’t work with a regular team, but the people he works with speak highly of him. They say he’s efficient, smooth, and always willing to help teams find ways to complete missions without resorting to gunfire. They say he’s happy to talk about the work they’re doing, but closed-mouthed about himself. But we all knew that.

劇透 -   :
They also say that, in person, his demeanor is somewhat twitchy. Haunted. You see, the reason Puck has been so committed throughout his life to a free and open Matrix is because the Matrix is his home. The flesh-and-blood reality where most of us do our living is a pale shadow of the reality that is most important to him, the one where he is fast and powerful and capable of anything he can envision. That was, for many years, where he was comfortable and at peace, where he belonged.
劇透 -   :
Puck also continues to operate by his own particular moral code, and he feels no obligation to explain it to those who do not understand it. On a recent run, before his disappearance, he led a virtual infiltration of a Saeder-Krupp node that supposedly held information on the trail of artifacts that had been crisscrossing the globe. There were two spiders who caused him particular problems—one with a barrage of Black IC, the other with much more mild IC designed to keep intruders out without doing significant harm to them. By the time the mission was over, the spider who sent the Black IC was frustrated but otherwise fine; the other spider was lying on her floor, nearly flatlined from dumpshock, with the afterimage of the virtual flash that had been sent her way seemingly burned directly into her brain.
劇透 -   :
Puck’s team members have no idea why the spiders earned two different treatments. One of them said Puck was interacting with both spiders during the combat, and theorized that perhaps the conversation with the second spider took a turn for the worse and let to her painful ejection from the Matrix.

> Puck因为别人对他说了什么就生气?这让我很难相信。关于他的坏话都说反复烂了,他现在肯定已经习惯了。毕竟,如果他没有咬Slamm-0! 丢出来的那些饵,我很怀疑一个蜘蛛会戳到他的痛处。
> Netcat
> 这可能是因为荣誉。在战场上直接袭击你的敌人意味着他们觉得你和他们相当,值得一战。而那些逃避战斗(至少据某些人解释如此)意味着拒绝承认你值得作为敌手。Puck的攻击可能是属于他的坚决要求被认真对待的方式。
> Kia
> 帕克对荣誉的关注和对辱骂的关注差不多少。我打赌在他和两名蜘蛛的对话中发生了什么,让他如此行事。某些不关于他,而是关于两名蜘蛛分别如何看待矩阵和它本质的内容。那是他关心的事情,他会为此付诸行动。
> Fastjack

劇透 -   :
> Puck got mad at someone because they said something mean to him? I find that hard to believe. He’s been called every name in the book, multiple times, so he’s got to be used to it by now. After all, if he hasn’t risen to all the bait Slamm-0!’s been throwing his way, I doubt a simple spider would get under his skin.
> Netcat
> It could be a matter of honor. An antagonist who comes at you directly on the field of battle signals that they consider you to be their equal, and you are worth fighting. Someone who avoids combat (at least in as some interpret it) is refusing to acknowledge your worth as a foe. The strike by Puck could have been his way of firmly saying that he should be taken seriously.
> Kia
> Puck cares about honor about as much as he cares about insults. I’d bet something came out in his conversations with the two spiders that made him act the way he did, something not about him but rather about the way each spider viewed the Matrix and its basic nature. That’s an issue he cares about, and one he would act on.
> FastJack

劇透 -   :
While Puck still spends most of his time on the Matrix, it is not the place of peace and comfort it once was. One of the things Puck has always loved about the Matrix is that it never forgets, that the things and people stored there never fully go away. But that’s come back to bite him in the ass, because Deus is still out there. The AI knows that one of his chief lieutenants has left him. I can’t understand how an AI thinks, especially one like Deus, but it’s likely Deus sees this as an abandonment, a betrayal. Puck, more than anyone else, knows how merciless Deus can be, and every moment he is on the Matrix, he is waiting for Deus to find him and initiate whatever revenge he has planned. Even worse than Deus, perhaps, is Pax. She is out there, hidden, but fully capable of taking action against him. Worse, she knows him better than almost anyone but the AI, and his death may not be sufficient for her. She knows that Puck is still out there, seeking something. He always said it was Deus who reached out to him, but I think it was Pax who made it happen, who made him into what he has become. Deus would likely just kill him, but Pax could turn him into a danger to himself, to us, and to everyone else on the Matrix.

> 嘿!主!想找怎么追踪那小子的窍门吗?联系我!
> Slamm-0!
> 我很清楚他的问题并在于追踪到Puck,而是决定究竟要如何处理。
> Icarus
> 我很清楚关于主的流言仍然在,而且未经证实,但这没有阻碍这里的其他报道,所以谁在乎呢?
> Snopes
> 别吊我们胃口了,Icarus。是什么让你觉得他自由了?他之前在哪里?
> FastJack
> 我让它悬置于此,因为这并不是我要讲的故事。所有我能说的,我都说了。但这故事很快就会讲出来了。
> Icarus

劇透 -   :
> Hey, Deus! Looking for tips on tracking the bastard down? Call me!
> Slamm-0!
> I’m fairly certain the issue is not tracking Puck down, but rather deciding just what he wants to do with him.
> Icarus
> I’m fairly certain that the rumors of Deus still being out and about remain unsubstantiated, but that hasn’t gotten in the way of the rest of the write-up here, so who cares?
> Snopes
> You left us hanging about your hook, Icarus. What makes you think he’s free? And where has he been?
> FastJack
> I left that hanging because that is not my story to tell. All I have to say, I said. But the story will be told soon.
> Icarus

> 这里仍然缺了什么。有个我们都该知道答案的问题:为什么他在接入点里?什么让他这么他妈的特殊?
> Slamm-0!
> 通常我不会忍受这孩子的胡说八道,但这次我同意。在你告诉我他已经是我们中一员的时候,我没有开口。我曾希望他永远不会回来。但……他杀了我们的朋友,Jack。
> Bull
> 我看过很多评估——联络的、JTF西雅图的、GOD的,还有Pax的和主的。Icarus的评估非常准确。他忘记提到的一点是,虽然Puck没有固定的队伍、没有固定的委托人,没有其他人脉——但他有我们。选择不言而喻。我已经活过了两次矩阵崩溃了。
> FastJack

劇透 -   :
> There is still something missing here. That is the question I think we all deserve to know the answer to: Why is he on JackPoint? What makes him so fucking special?
> Slamm-0!
> Normally I wouldn’t abide the kid’s drek, but I agree. I held my tongue when you told me he had been part of this group. I hoped that he would never come back. But … He killed our friends, ‘Jack.
> Bull
> I’ve seen the assessments—Renraku’s, JTF-Seattle’s, GOD’s, and also Pax’s and Deus’ own. Icarus’ assessment is pretty spot-on. What Icarus forgot to mention is that while Puck didn’t have a regular team, regular clients, or any other constants in his life—he has us. The alternative speaks for itself. I’ve lived through two Matrix crashes.
> FastJack
« 上次编辑: 2019-01-02, 周三 01:51:29 由 妖猫 »