作者 主题: [P.058]赛雅茉芙Siamorphe  (阅读 2182 次)


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« 于: 2017-07-31, 周一 01:07:05 »



  (高贵者[The Noble],神性权能[the Divine Right],贵族之责[la Noblesse Oblige])

  主物质面半神力[Demipower of the Prime Material Plane],

  神职PORTFOLIO:贵族成员[Nobles],贵族[nobility],贵族统治[rightful rule of nobility],人类王室[human royalty]
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:托瑞尔/费伦[Toril/Faerûn]
  敌对FOES:班恩(现今消逝)[Bane(now dead)],希瑞克[Cyric],加葛斯[Gargauth],伊亚契图·希维姆[Iyachtu Xvim]
  徽记SYMBOL:在杯沿有一轮金色太阳的圣杯 或 在额部有一轮金色太阳的圆箍饰环[Silver chalice with a golden sun on the side of the cup or a circlet with a golden sun on the brow]
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:任意[Any]
【右图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

  “高贵者”赛雅茉芙[Siamorphe the Noble](读作SIGH-a-morf)位主要在深水[Waterdeep]城贵族阶层中被崇拜的半神力,除了在这片特定地区和泰瑟尔[Tethyr](近来扎兰达·星光[Zaranda Star]在泰瑟尔带起了赛雅茉芙崇拜的风潮)外,她便相对地不为人知。赛雅茉芙的理念是贵族阶级掌握统治的权力,同时身负以对其辖下民众尽可能好的方式来进行统治的责任。这一理念对某些人非常有吸引力,尤其是对在找理由解释为什么是他们在管事的贵族们。
Siamorphe(SIGH-a-morf) the Noble is a demipower worshiped primarily among the noble class of Waterdeep,and she is relatively unknown outside of that limited environment and Tethyr,where Zaranda Star has recently brought her worship into vogue. Siamorphe's ethos is that the noble class has the right to rule and the responsibility to rule in the best manner possible for the people who serve under it. This is a very appealing ethos to some,particularly to nobles looking for some reason to explain why they are in charge.

  拥有这一神职与名讳的一系列神祇们组成了历史悠久的传承,而赛雅茉芙现世的肉身便是其中的一员。她的前一世肉身名为希亚莫夫[Siamorphe](读作SEE-a-morf),是位以博德之门[Baldur's Gate]为信仰中心的男性半神力。他的教派在历经几个世纪的衰落后,蜕变成一个颓废堕落、自私自利的贵族理事会,这些理事会的贵族们觉得仅仅是因为他们保持着纯正的高贵“蓝血”,便有权享有城市的劳动成果,而不觉得自己负有领导城市民众的责任。因此,他开始由于缺乏崇拜而消逝。
The current incarnation of Siamorphe is one in a long line of deities who have held the position and name. The previous incarnation was a male demipower known as Siamorphe(pronounced SEE-a-morf) whose faith was centered in Baldur's Gate. His cult had declined over several centuries into a decadent,self-serving council of nobles who considered themselves entitled to the fruits of the city's labors due solely to their refined,true-blue blood and who felt no obligation to lead the city's masses responsibly. Consequently,he was beginning to die from lack of worship.

  当一代代的赛雅茉芙肉身们渴望将神性披风传承下去时,他或她将选中一位凡人继承者。理想状态下,在这位继承人身为凡人之时,他或她必是这位神祇的直系后裔,不过在紧要关头任何出身高贵之人终究是可以被接受的。当深水城的赛雅茉芙女士[Lady Siamorphe]于蒙尘王座之年[the Year of the Dusty Throne](1256 DR)被弑时,博德之门的那位希亚莫夫选择了她来继承自己。赛雅茉芙女士以其宽厚的禀性、宽仁的智慧以及为未来创造愿景和处理治下的人们日常困难的能力而闻名。随着深水城贵族们在黑风之年[the Year of the Black Wind](1262 DR)公会战争[the Guild Wars]后的重新掌权,她已被视为一位贵族们的守护女神,现在,这些贵族们说她“确保了我们应有权力的恢复”并宣称她在看顾着他们。
Each incarnation of Siamorphe chooses a mortal successor when he or she is dying to inherit the mantle of godhood. Ideally,the successor must be a direct descendant of the deity from when he or she was a mortal,though anyone of noble birth is ultimately acceptable in a pinch. Siamorphe of Baldur's Gate chose Lady Siamorphe of Waterdeep to succeed him when she was killed in a riot in the Year of the Dusty Throne(1256 DR). Lady Siamorphe was known for her generous nature,kind wisdom,and her ability to generate a vision for the future and deal with the day-to-day hardships of those she ruled. By the time the nobles of Waterdeep were restored to power after the Guild Wars in the Year of the Black Wind(1262 DR),she had come to be looked on as a patroness of nobles,who now spoke of her “ensuring the restoration of our rightful power” and claimed that she watched over them.

  赛雅茉芙的教派在贵族们复辟后开头几年存在显著,但它最终衰弱到只剩一位年老的女祭司,后者靠着反复使用延寿药水[potions of longevity]吊着命。除了一支在泰瑟尔的遥远分支——古尔德霍恩[the Gulderhorn]贵族家族外,这位女神的凡人家族也最终消亡。当古尔德霍恩家族从九月之黑色十日[the Ten Black Days of Eleint]逃离时,赛雅茉芙指引他们到了深水城,在那里他们与阿苏姆巴[the Assumbar]贵族家族联姻,并着手重振赛雅茉芙信仰。今日,赛雅茉芙在光辉之城[the City of Splendors]是位不太重要的存在,在泰瑟尔影响力则在扩展,而在诸国度[the Realms]的其他地方则该信仰有少许零散的追随者。尤其是在深水城,戈斯特[the Gost]、冈德温得[the Gundwynd]以及梅尔诺斯[the Maernos]贵族家族都是其信仰的突出捐助者。
Siamorphe's cult was prominent in Waterdeep for a few years after the nobles restoration,but it eventually dwindled to a single aged priestess who hung on through the decades through the repeated use of potions of longevity. The goddess's mortal family eventually died out except for a distant branch in Tethyr—the Gulderhorn noble family. When the Gulderhorns fled the Ten Black Days of Eleint,Siamorphe guided them to Waterdeep,where they married into the Assumbar noble family and set about revitalizing the faith. Today Siamorphe has a modest presence in the City of Splendors,a growing influence in Tethyr,and a few scattered followers elsewhere in the Realms. In Waterdeep in particular,the Gost,Gundwynd,and Maernos noble families are prominent contributors to her faith.

Siamorphe is kind and quiet with individuals,but firm and charismatic when dealing with large groups. Her soft voice is tinged with great wisdom,but she brooks no argument when she gives an order. She likes to think of her duty as one of building a sturdy skeleton of continuity in government through a noble infrastructure so that the body politic can grow and develop properly under the leadership of a royal ruler.

赛雅茉芙的化身Siamorphe's Avatar
  (牧师Cleric 20,法师Wizard 19,战士Fighter 10)

Siamorphe appears as a noblewoman of advancing years,regal bearing,grace,dignity,and majesty. Her dark hair is tastefully streaked with gray,and her iron-gray eyes are penetrating. She always wears deep purple robes laced with gold and silver filigree and set with countless priceless gems. She bears an adamantine scepter in her right hand and a mithral chalice in her left. On her head rests a delicate tiara carved from a single diamond. Siamorphe favors spells from the spheres of charm,divination,healing,law,time,and thought and the schools of enchantment/charm and divination,although she can cast spells from any sphere or school.

  防御等级 -2;移动 15,生命值 164;零级命中值 8;#攻击 2次/1轮
  伤害 2d6+5(+5权杖
  魔抗 65%;体型 大型L(10英尺高)
  力量 15,敏捷 17,体质 19,智力 22,感知 23,魅力 24
  法术 祭司P:13/12/12/11/9/8/2,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/3/1
  豁免* 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 5;喷吐武器 8;法术 6

  *由于高阶威力法衣[greater vestments of power]的+4奖励,实际上为 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法1;权杖、法杖与魔杖 1;石化或变形 1;喷吐武器 3;法术 2
  AC -2;MV 15;HP 164,THAC0 8;#AT 2/1
  Dmg 2d6+5(scepter +5
  MR 65%;SZ L(10feet tall)
  Str 15,Dex 17,Con 19,Int 22,Wis 23,Cha 24
  Spells P:13/12/12/11/9/8/2,W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/3/1
  Saves* PPDM 2,RSW 5,PP 5,BW 8,Sp 6

  *Actually PPDM 1,RSW 1,PP 1,BW 3,Sp 2 after a +4 bonus to saving throws for a greater vestments of power.

  特殊攻击/防御:赛雅茉芙的权杖,高贵之力[Noble Might],由坚固的精金合金锻造。它充当着一柄+5权杖,在战斗中造成2d6+5点基本伤害,此外还拥有耐瑟瑞尔[Netherese]之爆炸权杖[blast scepter]统治权杖[rod of rulership]、以及治愈法杖[staff of curing]的全部力量。当爆炸权杖的破坏性力量被使用时,它们将高贵之力在正常的基础伤害上附加。赛雅茉芙的冠冕英明统治之冠[The Diadem of Wise Rule]有着光辉头盔[helm of brilliance]的全部力量,但所有的法术效果都是从看似在后冠正面中舞蹈的太阳发出的,而这顶冠冕的力量永远不会被用尽。赛雅茉芙的长袍起着如高阶威力法衣的功能,而她的圣杯则如丰饶药水高脚杯[beaker of plentiful potions],能创造圣水或她命令创造的任何类型药水。(见《地脉迷城的废墟The Ruins of Undermountain》战役扩展、或《魔法百科Encyclopedia Magica》中关于爆炸权杖的信息,以及《至高王国的大厅The halls of the High King》、或《魔法百科Encyclopedia Magica》中关于高阶威力法衣的信息。)
Special Att/Def:Siamorphe's scepter,Noble Might,is forged from solid adamantine alloy. It serves as a scepter +5 and inflicts a base damage of 2d6+5 points in combat and has all of the powers of a Netherese blast scepter,a rod of rulership,and a staff of curing. When the damaging powers of the blast scepter are used,they are inflicted in addition to Noble Might's normal base damage. Siamorphe's crown,The Diadem of Wise Rule,has all of the powers of a helm of brilliance,but all of the spell effects emanate from a golden sun that seems to dance within the front of the tiara,and the crown's powers can never be exhausted. Siamorphe's robes function as greater vestments of power,and her chalice as a beaker of plentiful potions that can create holy water or any type of potion upon her command.(See The Ruins of Undermountain campaign expansion or the Encyclopedia Magica tome for information on blast scepters and The halls of the High King or the Encyclopedia Magica tome for information on greater vestments of power.)

Siamorphe is immune to all enchantment/charm spells and effects that she does not wish to be affected by and all poisons(including gases). She cannot be dominated or ruled in any way,magical or psionic,by anything(not even another deity).
【图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

其它显现Other Manifestations

  赛雅茉芙常显现为幽灵般状态的徽记,如一柄剑、一根权杖或是一只杯子。若女神希望,剑显现能如一柄+5舞空剑[sword of dancing]攻击,但奖励和伤害不会变化,也不需要定期挥舞。权杖显现拥有其化身所持权杖的全部力量,而杯子显现拥有女神所用圣杯的全部力量。
Siamorphe commonly manifests as a ghostly symbol of state such as a sword,scepter,or cup. Sword manifestations can attack if the goddess wishes as a sword of dancing +5,but without the constantly changing bonus to hit and damage or the need to be wielded periodically. Scepter manifestations have all of the powers of the scepter wielded by her avatar,and cup manifestations have all of the powers of the chalice employed by the goddess.

  在贵族活跃的王国中,那些被视为贵族或王室徽记的生物侍奉着赛雅茉芙。因此,赛雅茉芙能通过海狮[sea lion]仆从来向泰瑟尔王室展现她的眷顾或不悦,而与深水城的艾特梅尔[the Artemel]贵族家族的联系则以巨鹰为媒介。据说,赛雅茉芙通过创造极其罕见的、被称为君王之泪的宝石,来向被敬爱国王或女王的逝世表示哀悼。
Siamorphe is served in kingdoms with active nobility by creatures who are regarded as symbols of the nobility or royalty. Hence the Siamorphe might indicate her favor or disfavor with the royal house of Tethyr through sea lion minions,but interact with the Artemel noble family of Waterdeep by way of giant eagle intermediaries. Siamorphe is said to mourn the passing of beloved kings and queens through the creation of the extremely rare gems known as king's tears.
[译注:sea lion,一种半狮半鱼生物。]

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师[Clerics],专属祭司[specialty priests],战士[fighters],圣武士[paladins],法师[wizards]
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序善良LG,守序中立LN,守序邪恶LE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:C:Yes,if good,SP:No,F:No,Pal:Yes,at 3rd level,Wiz:No
  支配不死Cmnd. Undead:C:Yes,if neutral or evil,SP:No,F:No,Pal:No,Wiz:No

  赛雅茉芙的所有牧师和专职祭祀得到宗教知识(泛费伦)[religion(Faerûnian)]作为非武器熟练奖励。赛雅茉芙神职人员的大部分成员被授予了贵族头衔。如果DM使用了出自以下书籍的:《完全战士手册The Complete Fighters Handbook》、《完全祭司手册The Complete Priest's Handbook》或是《完全战士手册The Complete Wizard's Handbook》的配组,那么对应的贵族勇士、贵族祭司、以及贵族配组,都是尤为合适的,而《完全圣武士手册The Complete Paladin's Handbook》的大部分配组也是合适的。
All clerics and specialty priests of Siamorphe receive religion(Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. Most members of Siamorphe's clergy are titled nobility themselves. If the DM is employing kits from The Complete Fighters HandbookThe Complete Priest's Handbook,or The Complete Wizard's Handbook,the noble wanior,nobleman priest,and patrician kits,respectively,are particularly appropriate,and most of the kits from The Complete Paladin's Handbook are also appropriate.

Siamorphe is little known outside of the nobility,and even less known by the noble classes outside of Waterdeep. Those common folk who hear of her typically assume she embodies all of tie decadent,selfish,conceited attitudes exhibited by the local nobility,even though the exact opposite is true. Only in Waterdeep does the name Siamorphe evoke feelings of gratitude,as the charity of Lady Siamorphe as a mortal lives on in the tales of bards throughout that splendid city. Her ethos is very appealing to commoners who expect to be ruled justly and to nobles seeking a divine mandate for their position.

The only true temple of Siamorphe remaining in the Realms is located in Waterdeep,City of Splendors. A few minor chapels have recently been refurbished in Tethyr and long-neglected shrines still exist in Cormyr and Baldur's Gate on the estates of various noble families. Temples of Siamorphe tend to be small chapels accessed from the main hall of a lord's castle. Their interiors are typically constructed with marble floors,mahogany paneling,and stained-glass windows.(Some windows are constructed from cut gems!) Although some are ostentatious or even gaudy,most simply reflect the prodigious wealth of their noble benefactors. Above their altars are hung the familial crests of the noble families who sponsor the shrines,and their ceremonial swords or maces of rulership are laid on the altars themselves.

  赛雅茉芙神职者被统称为赛雅茉芙的幼枝[the Scions of Siamorphe]。这一做法源自她的大部分祭司都直接系出女神(或她的前任),在理论上有朝一日能继承她的神性披风(不过这在事实上并不太可能)。赛雅茉芙的神职人员包括出身贵族的战士、圣武士和法师、以及牧师和被称为名门望族[highborns]专属祭司。各类职业的比例大约为:5%、10%、10%、40%、30%。在神职人员中,正式存在着关于头衔与阶级的严格等级制度,然而事实上,这种等级制度并不比神职人员真正的贵族等级更重要。正式的头衔等级依升序排列如下:幼枝阁下(女士)[Lord(or Lady) Scion]、幼枝侯爵(或女侯爵)[Marquis(or Marquise) Scion]、幼枝公爵(或女公爵)[Duke(or Duchess) Scion]、以及幼枝至高阁下(或至高女士)[High Lord(or High Lady) Scion]。
Members of Siamorphe's clergy are collectively known as the Scions of Siamorphe. This practice arose from the fact that most of her priests are directly descended from the mortal form of the goddess(or one of her predecessors) and theoretically could inherit the mantle of divinity themselves someday,as unlikely as that may actually be. Siamorphe's clergy includes fighters,paladins,and wizards drawn from the nobility,clerics,and specialty priests,known as highborns. The breakdown among the various classes is roughly 5%,10%,10%,40%,and 35%,respectively. Within the clergy,officially there is a strict hierarchy of titles and ranks,but in practice this hierarchy is less important than the actual noble ranks of the clergy. The official hierarchy of titles,in ascending order,is as follows:Lord(or Lady) Scion,Baron(or Baroness) Scion,Viscount(or Viscountess) Scion,Count(or Countess) Scion,Marquis(or Marquise) Scion,Duke(or Duchess) Scion,and High Lord(or High Lady) Scion.

Dogma:Nobles are the rightful rulers of the bulk of humankind provided that they keep themselves fit for the task and responsibilities of rule. Nobles have the moral obligation to rule in the best manner possible for the people who serve under them even if their obligations conflict with their personal desires.

The descendants of noble bloodlines inherit their charisma and potential for wisdom from their noble ancestors. Their family fortunes provide them enough leisure time to be properly educated as rulers. The regular inheritance of noble titles by strict inheritance rules reduces the potential for power struggles between rival claimants to leadership. A strong noble class that cares for the commoners of the Realms and looks out for their best interests is the most stable,fair form of government thus far invented.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Day-to-Day Activities:Siamorphe's priests are expected to serve as advisers and councilors to noble rulers if not of noble birth themselves and as rulers themselves if of noble birth. When confronted with a ruler of noble birth who does not keep himself or herself fit for the task and responsibilities of rule,a priest of Siamorphe must either seek to rectify that ruler's shortcomings through counseling and education or engineer the ruler's succession by a more fit ruler of noble lineage.

In practice,many Scions of Siamorphe spend their days presiding over various advisory councils,researching genealogies and histories of noble families,coordinating ceremonies of investiture,and determining who is next in line for various titles. Those Scions of Siamorphe who have truly taken Siamorphe’s message of responsibility to the common folk to heart spend their days serving the people,providing advice,arbitrating disputes,giving leaderless folk direction,and preaching the rights and responsibilities of the nobility and the duties and rights of commoners.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:The church of Siamorphe has lost many of its ancient ceremonies and traditions over time,and priests of the faith are only slowly rediscovering them,often by exploring ancient castles in which mortal descendants or ancient clergy of Siamorphe or her predecessors served various forgotten rulers.

  她们提供的宗教服务,往往是简单地召集贵族讨论社会秩序与当前管理群众中的困难。在这些服务开始和结束时,赛雅茉芙的名讳将在一场短祷中被援引;通过使用神授仪式[divine investiture]法术,赛雅茉芙的神职人员已为深水城中各种各样的贵族家族制定了许多独特的仪式。有种风行于所有贵族之间、由一位赛雅茉芙的幼枝主持的新生继承人洗礼仪式,费用可能高达10000gp。
Religious services tend to be simple convocations of nobles discussing the social order and current difficulties in governing the masses. Siamorphe's name is invoked at the beginning and end of such services with a short prayer,Siamorphe's clergy have crafted many unique ceremonies for the various noble families of Waterdeep through the use of divine investiture spells. All the rage among the nobility,the ceremonial baptism of a newborn heir presided over by a Scion of Siamorphe can cost as much as 10,000 gp.

  在深水城,赛雅茉芙在港口区[Sea Ward]和北区[North Ward]有个圣日,贵族们将在那里接管英雄之路[Heroes’ Walk]和英雄之园[Heroes’ Garden]、以及从头骨街[Skulls Street]延伸并沿着扫视街[Street of Glances]到海豚之歌街[Street of the Singing Dolphin]的道路,并举办一场被称为神圣盛典[the Divine Pageantry]的宏大仪式,这场风行的狂欢总是在夏天举办,但其日期将根据赛雅茉芙的意志(以及,某些批评家宣称的,根据该年当前的社会历书)变化。深水城的贵族们会以古代的服饰装扮自己,并漫游在这片区域向平民抛洒钱币(通常是铜或银的),以完整的头衔称呼他人,还会以一种已被弃用了几个世纪的、高度程式化且生硬的辞法说话。
In Waterdeep,Siamorphe has a holy day in Sea Ward and North Ward where the nobles take over Heroes’ Walk and Heroes’ Garden and the road from Skulls Street and all along the Street of Glances to the Street of the Singing Dolphin and hold a huge festival Known as the Divine Pageantry,this fashionable revel is always held during the summer,but the date varies according to the will of Siamorphe(and,some critics claim,the year's current social calendar). Waterdeep's nobility bedeck themselves in archaic costumes and wander the area throwing coins(usually copper or silver) to commoners,addressing each other with their full titles and speaking in a highly stylized,stilted speech that has been abandoned for several centuries.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
  深水城里的神圣权力之杯神堂[The Chapel and Chalice of the Divine Right]是赛雅茉芙在诸国度最重要的神殿。这座相对较小的礼拜堂坐落于阿苏姆巴家族所属贵族豪宅的围墙之内,且是歌唱海豚街三个边界标志物的中央建筑。这座由赛雅茉芙的首席至高幼枝女士[the First High Lady Scion of Siamorphe],蓓尔克芮·古尔德霍恩[Belkerri Gulderhorn]主持的神殿,其大部分营运资金都受惠于莱洛斯·阿苏姆巴领主[Lord Laeros Assumbar]。蓓尔克芮女士[Lady Belkerri](她更喜欢被这样称呼),是亮刃之年[the Year of the Bright Blade](1347 DR)]九月之黑色十日期间从泰瑟尔逃离的古尔德霍恩贵族家族女族长。在逃离而陷入流亡后,残存的古尔德霍恩人[Gulderhorns]定居在了深水城中。蓓尔克芮女士很快就将她的长女克芮女士[Lady Kerri]嫁给了在当时是位合格的年轻单身汉(同时也是位远房堂表亲)的莱洛斯领主,从而确保了他们在深水人[Waterdhavian]贵族社会中的地位。
Major Centers of Worship:The Chapel and Chalice of the Divine Right in Waterdeep is Siamorphe's primary temple in the Realms. This relatively small house of worship is located within the walls of the noble villa of the Assumbar family,and is the middle building of the three bordering the Street of the Singing Dolphin. Presided over by the First High Lady Scion of Siamorphe,Belkerri Gulderhorn,this temple is beholden to Lord Laeros Assumbar for most of its operating funds. Lady Belkerri,as she prefers to be known,is the matriarch of the Gulderhorn noble family who fled Tethyr during the Ten Black Days of Eleint in the Year of the Bright Blade(1347 DR). After fleeing into exile,the surviving Gulderhorns settled in Waterdeep. Lady Belkerri moved quickly to marry her eldest daughter,Lady Kerri,to Lord Laeros,then an eligible young bachelor(and a distant cousin),thus securing their place in Waterdhavian noble society.

  尚不清楚蓓尔克芮女士是在泰瑟尔、在前往深水城(也许是在博德之门)的路上、还是在抵达光辉之城后,“发现”了自己真正的使命,但她迅速且有效地复兴了在深水城贵族中这支濒于崩溃的信仰。虽在最开始被当作一时的风尚被忽视,但赛雅茉芙拥护者的队伍在过去二十年里已显著地增长。尤其是雅茉芙在动荡之年[the Time of Troubles]期间显现于这座别墅、并在米尔寇[Myrkul]的军团所释放的大规模破坏面前保护了北区和港口区的传闻,让这个信仰在深水城的贵族中新近崭露。
It is unclear if Lady Belkerri “found” her true calling in Tethyr,on the road to Waterdeep(perhaps in Baldur's Gate),or after arriving in the City of Splendors,but she has quietly and efficiently resurrected a relatively moribund faith among Waterdeep's nobility. At first ignored as a passing fad,the ranks of Siamorphe's adherents have grown significantly over the past two decades. In particular,rumors that Siamorphe manifested in the villa during the Time of Troubles and protected the North and Sea Wards from the large-scale damage unleashed by Myrkul’s legions has given the faith new prominence in Waterdeep among the nobility.

  神圣权力之杯神堂由三位祭司——蓓尔克芮女士、她的侄女哈菈女士[Lady Harlaa]、以及她的幺子万门阁下[Lord Vrom]值守。除此之外,这座神殿的队伍还包括六位侍僧和12位次级祭司,主要来自于当地的贵族。这些祭司中有许多大半年在诸国度冒险,试图吸引人民对该信仰的关注。哈菈女士以其难以置信的美貌和社会声望而闻名,吸引了许多深水城的年轻贵族为她效劳,因为她已公开宣誓不会嫁给任何不是其女神忠实追随者的男人。
The Chapel and Chalice of the Divine Right is staffed by three priests—Lady Belkerri,her niece Lady Harlaa,and her youngest son Lord Vrom. In addition,the temple ranks include six acolytes and 12 minor priests,drawn predominantly from the local nobility. Many of these priests spend much of the year adventuring throughout the Realms,trying to attract favorable attention to the faith. Lady Harlaa,known for her incredible beauty and social prominence,has drawn many of Waterdeep's young nobles into services as she has publicly sworn that she will not marry any man who is not a devoted follower of her goddess.

  多年来,莱洛斯领主一直迷恋着他的妻子克芮女士和他的岳母。起初他将此视为一时兴起,但现在他的态度变为了一种令人困惑的骄傲,自鸣得意于女神住在他房中的谣传给家族带来的恶名。莱洛斯领主的姐妹,瑟茜·阿苏姆巴女士[Lady Circe Assumbar],是族长孺子的教母,当在任领主遭遇某些事时,她将被指定为摄政,瑟茜对她嫂子与嫂子家族的信仰带着几乎不加掩饰的厌恶。这种紧张的关系对赛雅茉芙信仰在深水城的复兴有所阻碍,让蓓尔克芮女士多有不满。
Lord Laeros has indulged the interest of his wife,Lady Kerri,and his mother-in-law for many years. At first he viewed it as a passing fancy,but now his attitude is one of bemused pride,and he is pleased by the notoriety that rumors of a goddess inhabiting his abode have brought the family. Lord Laeros's sister,Lady Circe Assumbar,godmother of the patriarch's infant son and designated regent should something befall the reigning lord,regards the faith of her sister-in-law and her family with barely disguised revulsion. This tension has somewhat impeded the revitalization of Siamorphe’s faith in Waterdeep,much to Lady Belkerri’s displeasure.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:
  在动荡之年数年后,幼枝女侯爵阿兰葛玛·古尔德霍恩[Aalangama Gulderhorn](蓓尔克芮·古尔德霍恩的次女)建立了银杯骑士团[The Order of the Silver Chalice]。诸神之战[the Godswar]落幕不久她便重返泰瑟尔,宣称得到了来自赛雅茉芙本尊的幻象。在这个被冲突蹂躏的国家里,女侯爵建立了这支献给“高贵者”赛雅茉芙的骑士组织。银杯骑士团主要由逃离了(或是其父母逃离了)九月之黑色十日与随后的疯狂的贵族血统武士组成,他们致力于恢复泰瑟尔贵族的应有地位。骑士们寻觅那些将会以最贴近普通群众内心利益地方式,进行公正治理的内战幸存者,并试图恢复他们的权力地位。近年来,骑士团已让泰瑟尔堕落的贵族回归了一个恰当的位置,然而目前因为是否该支持扎兰达·星光作为泰瑟尔的统治者而陷入分歧。
Affiliated Orders:The Order of the Silver Chalice was established by Marquise Scion Aalangama Gulderhorn,the second child of Lady Belkerri Gulderhorn,several years after the Time of Troubles. She returned to Tethyr shortly after the conclusion of the Godswar claiming she had received a vision from Siamorphe herself. In that strifewracked country,the Marquise founded a knighthood dedicated to Siamorphe the Noble. Composed primarily of warriors of noble blood who had escaped(or whose parents had escaped) the Ten Black Days of Eleint and the ensuing madness,the Knights of the Silver Chalice work to restore Tethyr's nobility to their rightful positions. The Knights look for survivors of the civil war who will govern justly with the interests of the general population closest to their heart and attempt to restore them to positions of power. The Order has recouped a modest position for Tethyr's fallen nobility in recent years but is currently divided as to whether or not it should support Zaranda Star as ruler of Tethyr.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Priestly Vestments:Scions of Siamorphe wear primarily deep purple robes fabricated from the finest silk,furs,gems,and filigree. No two robes are alike,and the relative ostentatiousness of priests's vestments often have more to do with their families's wealth than their rank in the priesthood or their piety. Scions of Siamorphe are never without one of the two holy symbols of the faith:silver circlets adorned with a miniature golden sun or silver goblets(often containing holy water).

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
Adventuring Garb:When adventuring,Scions of Siamorphe always protect themselves in the best money armor can buy. No Scion would be seen in public in anything less than chain mail armor,preferring to stay home sipping wine than to venture forth in the garb of mercenaries and rogues. Although many nobles are trained in the basics of swordplay,Scions of Siamorphe forswear such weapons upon entering the priesthood. They prefer maces,rods,scepters,and other tokens of nobility and rulership.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(名门望族Highborns

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:智力[Intelligence] 9,感知[Wisdom] 10,魅力[Charisma] 12
  主要属性PRIME REQ.:感知[Wisdom],魅力[Charisma]
  武器WEAPONS:所有钝击武器(类型B)[All bludgeoning(wholly Types B) weapons]
  防具ARMOR:链甲和更好的武器和盾牌[Chain mail or better metallic armor and shield]
  主要领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通[All],星界[astral],魅惑[charm],预言[divination],医疗[healing],守序[law],太阳[sun],[thought],时间
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:战斗[Combat],创造[creation],守卫[guardian],[numbers],保护[protection],战争[war],结界[wards]
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师[Same as clerics]
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:陆地骑乘(马)[Land-based riding(horse)],阅读/书写(通用语或母语;任选1)[reading/writing(Common or native tongue;pick one)],当代语言(某1种人类或亚人语言)[modern languages(pick one human or demihuman tongue)]
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:估价[Appraising],礼仪[etiquette],纹章学[heraldry],阅读/书写(任选1)[reading/writing(pick one)]

  ·Highborns must be legitimate descendants of long-established noble families(titled for at least three generations). Most highborns hail from Waterdeep,although a few are citizens of Tethyr,Cormyr,or the like. They must also be human or at least half human(such as half-elf).

  ·为了保持该信仰神职者们仪容得体,也为了理解许多贵族在与同侪的攀比中运用的那些微妙的交流方式,名门望族需要了解大量关于时尚(尤其是贵族中的最新时尚)的知识。(这一知识领域与来自《光辉之城City of Splendors》中的非武器熟练-时尚学[fashion]相同。)
  ·Highborns are required to know a great deal about fashion,particularly the latest mode among the nobility,in order to uphold the proper appearance of clergy of the faith as well as to understand the subtle form of communication employed by many nobles in social competition with their peers.(This field of knowledge is identical to the fashion nonweapon proficiency from City of Splendors.)

  Fashion:Highborns know what particular modes of dress are “in fashion” at any given season among commoners and nobility alike,and they are always conscious of changing patterns. However,this knowledge is applicable only for places highborns know at least passingly;if new to a place,they need 2d20 days to determine the fashions of their current location. When checking their fashion knowledge,highborns make an ability check against their Wisdom score with a +1 bonus.

  ·每日3次,名门望族能够说出镇静之言[soothing word]镇静之言有两种功能。第一种功能,它可以从这名名门望族20英尺范围内的所有人身上,移除恐惧[remove fear]或放逐其他有害的影响情感魔法。名门望族有50%+2%/每经验值等级的可能性可以从影响个体上移除这类魔法。第二种功能,镇静之言可以使其他人的初始反应调整值+2。镇静之言的使用明显可见,所以若是对象对被使用的魔法怀有疑虑,或者对象是个偏执狂,使用镇静之言可能会被当作攻击表现。
  ·Highborns are able to speak a soothing word three times per day. The soothing word has two functions. First,it may remove fear or banish other harmful emotion-affecting magic from all within 20 feet of the highborn. The highborn has a 50% chance plus 2% per his or her experience level to remove such magic from affect individuals. Second,the soothing word may add +2 to initial reactions with others. The use of the soothing word is obvious and visible,so if the individuals it is being used on are suspicious of magic or are paranoid,it may be interpreted as an attack.

  ·每日1次,名门望族有能力施展占卜血脉[divine bloodline]支配术[command](如同1级祭司法术)或 坐骑术[mount](如同1级法师法术)。
  ·Highborns have the ability to cast divine bloodline or command(as the lst-level priest spells) or mount(as the lst-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ·在第3级,每日1次,名门望族有能力施展占卜术[augury]注目术[enthrall]绝对服从[unquestioning obedience](如同2级祭司法术)。

  ·At 3rd level,highborns have the ability to cast augury or enthrall or unquestioning obedience(as the 2nd-level priest spells) once per day.

  ·在第5级,每日1次,名门望族有能力施展忠诚附庸[loyal vassal](如同4级祭司法术)。
  ·At 5th level,highborns have the ability to cast loyal vassal(as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ·在第5级,名门望族得到另一项非武器熟练奖励:陆地骑乘(任选1除了马)[land-based riding(pick one other than horse)]、游泳[swimming]、现代语言(任选1)[modern languages(pick one)]、或艺术才能(任选1)[artistic ability(pick one)]。
  ·At 5th level,highborns gain another bonus nonweapon proficiency:land-based riding(pick one other than horse),swimming,modern languages(pick one),or artistic ability(pick one).

  ·At 7th level,highborns have the ability to cast divination(as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ·At 10th level,highborns have the ability to cast commune or consequence(as the 5th-level priest spells) once per day.

  ·在第10级,名门望族得到另一项非武器熟练:空中骑乘(选1)、游泳[swimming]、当代语言(选1)[modern languages(pick one)]、或艺术才能(选1)[artistic ability(pick one)]。
  ·At 10th level,highborns gain another bonus nonweapon proficiency:airborne riding(pick one),swimming,modern languages(pick one),or artistic ability(pick one).

  ·在第13级,每旬3次,名门望族能施展铜墙铁壁[guards and wards]通晓传奇[legend lore]、或[Forest's fiery constrictor](如同6级法师法术)。
  ·At 13th level,highborns have the ability to cast guards and wardslegend lore,or Forest's fiery constrictor(as the 6th-level wizard spells) three times per tenday.

赛雅茉芙教派法术Siamorphan Spells

1st Level
占卜血脉Divine Bloodline
  (祭司Pr 1;预言[Divination])

  施法时间Casting Time:4
  影响区域Area of Effect:一个生物[One creature]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过即无效

This spell enables the spellcaster to ascertain any trace of noble lineage in the target of the spell. A successful saving throw vs. spell negates the attempted divination,and the saving throw cannot be foregone,even voluntarily.

  以占卜血脉法术为手段,施法者能确定目标是否拥有任何贵族血统,以及目标的血缘与某一贵族头衔的继承权有多亲近。贵族血统(无论是多么的微不足道)由认可贵族阶级普遍以血缘传承的文化产生。这道法术甚至能确认久被遗忘、已经灭绝的文化的贵族血统。举例来说,若这道被施展在一位兽人身上,它可以弄清这位兽人是否为尖叫女妖部落[the Screaming Banshee tribe]的国王后代,以及他是在位君王的排名第三的在世儿子。
By means of a divine bloodline spell,the spellcaster can determine if the target is descended from any noble bloodlines and how close the target is to inheriting a noble title. A noble bloodline is created by any culture(no matter how insignificant)that recognizes a class of nobility commonly passed on to blood relatives. This spell even ascertains noble bloodlines of cultures long forgotten and extinct. For example,if this spell is cast upon an orc,it might determine that the orc is a descendant of the kings of the Screaming Banshee tribe and that he is the third surviving son of the reigning monarch.

  以这道法术为手段,施法者能占卜100 年/经验值等级内,某一头衔活跃持有者的血统。举例来说,若阿萨兰塔[Athalantar]王国末代国王在过去的900年中当政,那么至少有9级的施法者将能确认这一血统的任何贵族后裔。尽管伊尔明斯特[Elminster](初代王室家族的末代王子)仍然在世,但无论是他还是其他任何人,都未坐上那个王座,或是认为自己处于“流亡中”,这种状态已经持续了大约9个世纪。
By means of this spell,the spellcaster can divine bloodlines for titles which have been actively held within 100 years per experience level. For example,if the last king of Athalantar reigned within the past 900 years,the spellcaster would have to be at least 9th level to recognize any noble descendants of that bloodline. Even though Elminster,last prince of the first royal family of Athalantar still lives,neither he nor anyone else has held that throne or considered themselves “in exile” for approximately nine centuries.

In cases where the spell target is a descendant of multiple noble bloodlines,the spellcaster can ascertain one such bloodline for every three experience levels. The order in which such bloodlines are ascertained is ranked first by proximity in terms of how close in line the spell target is to inheriting the corresponding title,second by the relative rank or importance of the titles,and third by whether a bloodline is active or dormant(that is,whether the culture or kingdom it is from is still extant or essentially extinct).

The material component of this spell is the priest’s holy symbol.

2nd Level
绝对服从Unquestioning Obedience
  (祭司Pr 2;附魔/魅惑[Enchantment/Charm])

  距离Range:10 码/级[yards/level]
  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级[round/level]
  施法时间Casting Time:2
  影响区域Area of Effect:一个生物[One creature]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊[Special]

An improved version of the lst-level priest spell command,this incantation enables the priest to command another creature with a single phrase or sentence and expect unquestioning obedience. The command must be uttered in a language understood by the creature. The subject obeys to the best of its ability only as long as the command is absolutely clear and unequivocal. Thus,a command like “Go away!” is ignored. Unlike the command spell,commands to “Die!” or similar self-destructive orders cause the spell to end immediately.

All spells must be reasonable commands a just sovereign could expect of an intensely loyal liege. Hence the commands “Lie still in a prone position!” or “Defend my honor and person!” would be obeyed,but absurd commands like “Bite the green elephant!” or unreasonable commands like “Jump off that cliff!” would be ignored. The DM must adjudicate any command given by the priest as to whether or not the priest elicits unquestioning obedience.

This spell only allows one command to be given,but it is followed until the spell expires or the action demanded is completed. Creatures with an Intelligence of 15 or more,or those with 9 or more Hit Dice(or experience levels)are entitled to a single saving throw vs. spell,adjusted for Wisdom,to avoid the effects of unquestioning obedience.

3rd Level
忠诚附庸Loyal Vassal
  (祭司Pr 3;附魔/魅惑[Enchantment/Charm])

  持续时间Duration:1 天/级[day/level]
  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:一个生物[One creature]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

This spell affects any single person who is a bipedal human,demihuman,or humanoid of man-size or smaller,such as brownies,dryads,dwarves,elves,gnolls,gnomes,goblins,half-elves,halflings,half-orcs,nixies,orcs,pixies,sprites,troglodytes,and others. This spell can only be cast upon a person who voluntarily enters into the service of another being(who is not necessarily the spellcaster)as a servant or bodyguard. No saving throw is necessary,as it only affects beings who voluntarily submit to the effects of the spell.(Creatures under any form of magical or psionic control or those that are not in their right minds cannot be affected by a byal vassal spell.)During the casting of the spell,the spell recipient’s liege-to-be must be named in sufficient detail to specify exactly which person shall serve in that role. More than one loyal vassal spell cannot be cast on a single recipient at the same time;subsequent spells automatically fail.

While under the effects of this spell,a recipient is absolutely loyal to the master named during the casting of the spell,and she or he cannot even contemplate any form of betrayal or treachery. The spell does not enable the named master to control spell recipients as automatons,but enspelled vassals serve to the best of their ability,even giving their lives in service if appropriate. A vassal is loyal to a person,not the office,so deposing the reigning monarch and proclaiming oneself king does not result in a transfer of loyalty by any vassals loyal to the former king.

  若施法者或被法术受术者指定的主人通过任何公开的行动,伤害或企图危害这名附庸,或是如果有一道成功的驱散魔法[dispel magic]法术被施展在这名附庸身上,忠诚附庸法术将被打断(虽然在后一种情况下,那名附庸并不可能立即转而背叛主人)。
If the spellcaster or the named master of the spell recipient harms or attempts to harm the vassal by some overt action,or if a dispel magic spell is successfully cast on the vassal,the byal vassal spell is broken(although it is unlikely that vassals will immediately betray a master in the latter case).

The material component of this spell is the priest’s holy symbol,which is touched to the brow of the spell target during the casting.

5th Level
神授仪式Divine Investiture
  (祭司Pr 5;附魔/魅惑[Enchantment/Charm],幻术/幻象[Illusion/Phantasm])

  施法时间Casting Time:特殊[Special]
  影响区域Area of Effect:一个生物[One creature]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊[Special]

  这道法术常在贵族继承人出生时、在加冕时、或在某个贵族头衔被授予时运用。它只能被在贵族血统的后裔(如占卜血脉[divine bloodline]法术的定义)获得贵族头衔时施展。一场神授仪式的典礼需要花费至少1回合来施展,不过最大部分赛雅茉芙幼枝[Scions of Siamorphe]会在这道咒语上花费至少1个小时。
This spell is often employed upon the birth of a noble’s heir,at a coronation,or upon the investiture of a noble’s title. It can only be cast upon descendants of a noble bloodline(as defined in the divine bloodline spell)upon their assumption of a noble title. A ceremony of divine investiture takes at least one turn to cast,but most Scions of Siamorphe extend the incantation for at least an hour.

  在施展这道法术的典礼上,一位自愿的受术者将沐浴在等效于妖火术[faerie fire]的闪烁的辐射光灵气中。灵气的颜色由施法者选择(通常为金色、银色、或其它与贵族职务相称的颜色), 并在施法的持续时间中延续。在这道咒语期间,祭司将被赋予创造与这场活动相适的盛典。这一幻象类似于3级法师法术幽光之力[spectral force]所创造的,但必须契合仪式,由DM裁决。举例来说,若神授仪式在加冕礼期间施展在王储身上,这位祭司可能会唤起过去国王们的影子,这些影子一位接着一位站出来,将他们的阴影之剑搁在这位王子的肩上。当王冠倍戴在王子的头上时,这位祭司可能会唤起一阵来自冠冕的耀眼光芒,瞬间使所有出席者失明。
Upon the commencement of the casting of this spell,a willing recipient is bathed in a flickering nimbus of radiant light equal in effect to a faerie fire spell. The color of the radiance is selected by the spellcaster(often gold,silver,or some other color appropriate to the noble office)and lasts for the duration of the spellcasting. During the incantation,the priest is empowered to create pageantry appropriate to the event. The illusions created are similar to those of the 3rd-level wizard spell spectral force,but must be appropriate to the ceremony,as adjudicated by the DM. For example,if divine investiture is cast upon the crown prince during his coronation,the priest might evoke the shades of past kings who one by one step forward to lay their shadowy swords upon the prince’s shoulders. When the royal crown is placed on the prince’s head,the priest might evoke a dazzling burst of light coming from the crown that momentarily blinds all in attendance.

  除了授职仪式的盛况外,法术还将创造名为赛雅茉芙的馈赠[the legacy of Siamorphe]的效果。这一馈赠根据受术者的不同而不同(由DM而非玩家决定),并且在力量上看上去不严格地对应着受术者的相对阶层。典型的馈赠是:在对受术者的臣民时的+1魅力奖励;+1对抗毒素豁免检定的奖励;在挥舞国家的仪式之剑时,命中的+1奖励;诸如此类。
In addition to the pageantry of the ceremony of investiture,this spell creates a lasting effect known as the legacy of Siamorphe. The legacy varies from recipient to recipient(and is determined by the DM,not the player)and seems to loosely correspond in power to the relative rank of the spell recipient. Typical legacies are: a +1 Charisma bonus with respect to the recipient’s subjects,a +1 bonus on saving throws vs. poison,a +1 bonus to hit when wielding the ceremonial sword of state,etc.

Unwilling recipients of this spell may choose to forego its effects. This decision is irrevocable once made,regardless of whether the spell is accepted or foregone,and it must be made at the start of the spell’s casting.(Infants and small children targeted by this spell are assumed to voluntarily accept its effects.)

The material components for this spell are a chalice of holy water and a small amount of dye laced with gold flakes. The latter is used to sketch the noble’s heraldic device(or appropriate symbol of nobility)somewhere on the spell target’s body prior to the casting. The holy water is then poured over the inscribed symbol during the ceremony and the sketched symbol then vanishes.
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