作者 主题: 諸神殞落  (阅读 9932 次)

副标题: 角色表與各種背景資料

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« 于: 2013-11-08, 周五 09:53:20 »

從井中看去, 夜晚的星空格外的明亮.
在冰冷的井水中嗅聞到了村莊焚燒的氣味, 聽到了姊姊的哭喊.
口中滲入了鐵鏽般的血味, 身體往井底沉下
井口透入的星光逐漸遠去, 在一切遠去之前, 把眼睛閉上
讓自己被黑暗覆蓋, 往著更深沉的底端沉下.

當我睜開眼的時候, 身處在是一處幽暗而潮濕的密室, 只有未曾見過的綠色螢光漂浮在空中, 陳舊的桌椅上擺滿了奇妙的裝置, 為什麼會身處在這個地方呢? 在回想的時候身體裡的痛楚被突然的喚醒, 卷縮著身體忍耐著, 但眼淚已經掉了下來.
在哭泣之後, 黑暗又將我覆蓋了起來.
再度睜眼之時, 眼前站著一位穿著華袍的駭骨
「乞望著復仇嗎, 孩子啊?」
那頭骨中的兩團幽火閃爍, 傳來了乾枯而低沉的聲音
為什麼要救我呢? 在這樣的疑問湧出之前, 人就不自主的點頭答應了對方, 眼淚也不爭氣的又落了下來.
於是枯骨伸出了手, 森冷而蒼白的. 但之上卻纏繞著明亮而溫暖的光芒

歡迎, 老友. 經過漫長的旅程長途跋涉至此, 想必已十分疲累了吧? 我已喚人熱了壺新茶, 今日不妨在此歇下, 與我談談旅途上的見聞如何?

哈啊, 真是十分的有趣而精彩, 許久未曾接觸的外界沒想到已有了那麼多的變化… 這次就多待些時日, 讓我好好記述下這些奇妙的故事吧. 嗯? 也想要聽聽這裡所發生的事情是嗎? 沒想到今日有此談興. 既然不嫌煩膩的話, 那麼這次就讓我以這個故事回報吧.

現在要講述的, 是一個很久很久以前的故事, 也是一個不久之前所發生的故事. 其隱沒在歷史的洪流之中, 不被人所記憶, 也不被任何人傳述. 只在一本名為《黑色年代記》的書中記載了下來. 那是以一朵在月下染血的雙生曇花, 所展開的一齣黑暗的童話…

「乞望著復仇嗎, 少女啊?」

Faust <-- 姊弟 --> Elise
Faust/Elise <-- 主從 --> Viara/Avasha
Avasha --> 復仇 --> 大主母
Viara --> 復仇 --> 派翠西亞公主
Viara <-- 寵物 --> Luna
Viara --> 可靠的部屬 --> Ziegfred
Ziegfred --> 研究贊助人 --> Viara
Luna --> 老友 --> Faust/Elise
Catruth --> 故人之女 --> Viara
Viara --> 父親的舊友 --> Catruth
人類巫妖, 職業: 死靈法師18,
守序邪惡偏中立, 中型不死生物(類人)
先攻: +7 (敏捷+2, 專長+4, 表現+1)
黑暗視覺60呎, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility常駐, 察覺+47
恐懼靈光 (60呎, 豁免難度23)
AC: 27/觸碰12/遲滯25 (敏捷+2, 法師護甲+4, 盾+6, 天生護甲+5)
生命值: 161 (18d6+96)
豁免: 強韌+16, 反射+14, 意志+21
防禦式特能: 引導抗力+4, 傷害減免15/魔法與敲擊, 免疫寒冷/電擊, 不死生物特性
近戰觸碰+9 (1d8+9負能量傷害, 附加麻痺之觸, 豁免難度23)
施法視同19級法師, 對立學派: 塑能, 附魔. 豁免難度=21+環數
每日施法數量: 4/7+1/7+1/7+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/4+1/3+1
力量10, 敏捷14, 體質-, 智力32, 睿智16, 魅力18
基礎攻擊加值: +9/+4, 戰技檢定: +9, 戰技防禦: 23
語言: (除秘密語言外所有語言)
Tireless Logic: 每日一次, 在進行基於智力的技能或屬性檢定時可以擲雙骰取高
Second Chance: 每日一次, 可以重骰失敗的豁免檢定
Auspicious Tatoo: +1特性加值在意志豁免上
Meticulous: 進行未受訓的技能檢定-2不利
人類額外(等級1): Skill Focus (Knowledge Arcana)
人類額外(等級8): Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
人類額外(等級16): Skill Focus (Perception)
法師額外(等級1): Scribe Scroll
法師額外(等級5): Persist Spell
法師額外(等級10): Quicken Spell
法師額外(等級15): Opposition Research (Evocation)
等級1: Defiant Luck
等級3: Inexplicable Luck
等級5: Spell Focus (Necromancy)
等級7: Leadership
等級9: Mage's Tatoo (Necromancy)
等級11: Undead Master
等級13: Innocent Blood (Story)
等級15: Improved Initiative
等級17: Golem Constructor (Mithral)
技能 (點數268)
飛行 +8 (Rank1, Dex+2, Class+3, Com+2)
潛行 +16 (Rank1, Dex+2, Class+3, Racial+8, Com+2)
護甲手藝 +36 (Rank18, Int+11, Class+3, Com+2, Cir+2)(Headband associated)
煉金手藝 +19 (Rank1, Int+11, Class+3, Com+2, Cir+2)
語言學 +34 (Rank18, Int+11, Class+3, Com+2)
法術辨識 +40 (Rank18, Int+11, Class+3, Com+2, SF+6)
察覺 +47 (Rank18, Wis+3, Class+3, Racial+8, Com+5, Feat+10)
察言觀色 +38 (Rank18, Wis+3, Class+3, Racial+8, Com+2, Feat+4)
偽裝 +30 (Rank18, Cha+6, Class+3, Com+3)(Headband associated)
交涉 +30 (Rank18, Cha+6, Class+3, Com+3)
威嚇 +34 (Rank18, Cha+6, Class+3, Com+3, Feat+4, +1 Trait)
使用魔法裝置 +12 (Rank1, Cha+6, Class+3, Com+3)
地區 +39 (Rank18, Int+11, Class+3, Com+5, Cir+2)
├亞里多德 1
├牛角海灣 17
├歐隆鐸薩 18
├荒蕪沙海 1
├山嶽部落 1
└其他 1
地理 +22 (Rank1, Int+11, Class+3, Com+5, Cir+2)
├山嶽 1
├叢林 1
├平原 18
├海洋 1
└地底 1
貴族 +39 (Rank18, Int+11, Class+3, Com+5, Cir+2)
├亞里多德王權體系 2
├牛角海灣富人圈 18
├歐隆鐸薩軍閥體系 18
└其他 1
宗教 +22 (Rank1, Int+11, Class+3, Com+5, Cir+2)
├諸神信仰體系(源初神系) 18
├次級神位體系(昇華神系) 1
├原始精魂體系(傳統元靈) 1
├遠東諸神體系(源初神系) 1
└其他 1
自然 +22 (Rank1, Int+11, Class+3, Com+5, Cir+2)
├叢林生態系 1
├山嶽生態系 1
├天空部族生態系 1
├平原生態系 1
├海洋生態系 1
├古代生物生態系 16
└地底生態系 1
祕法 +45 (Rank18, Int+11, Class+3, Com+5, Cir+2, SF+6)
├預言系 1
├附魔系 1
├死靈系 18
├咒法系 1
├防護系 18
├幻術系 4
├變化系 1
└塑能系 1
地城 +39 (Rank18, Int+11, Class+3, Com+5, Cir+2)
├天然洞穴 1
├遺跡 18
├機關 18
└迷宮 2
工程學 +39 (Rank18, Int+11, Class+3, Com+5, Cir+2)(Headband associated)
├建築學 17
├矮人科技(蒸氣機械) 18
├爆破學 1
├機械 1
├煉金術 1
└化學 1
歷史 +39 (Rank18, Int+11, Class+3, Com+5, Cir+2)
├亞里多德王朝歷史(西方人類) 7
├山嶽種族歷史(矮人王朝、半巨人部落歷史) 1
├巨林諸族歷史(精靈、樹精族歷史) 1
├荒蕪沙海古代種族史 10
├歐隆鐸薩諸族歷史(人類、象人、鼠人、獸人、地精、哥布林) 18
├遠東巨龍血脈歷史 1
└其他 1
位面 +22 (Rank1, Int+11, Class+3, Com+5, Cir+2)
├遠東 3
├影界 18
└其他 1

精研(Focused Study)


當巫妖被摧毀時,它的護命匣(通常被安置在離巫妖本人較遠的安全位置)將立刻在附近開始重構巫妖的軀體。通常這個過程耗 時1d10天——如果製造中的巫妖軀體再次被摧毀,那麼護命匣也會重新啟動此過程。在重構結束時巫妖將獲得一個完全恢復的新軀體(但之前使用的裝備仍留在原地)並通常燃燒著對殺身之仇的熊熊恨意。

恐懼靈光(Fear Aura)(SU)

任何被巫妖的觸碰攻擊命中的生物都必須通過一個堅韌檢定,否則將被永久性麻痹。移除麻痹法術或任何可以移除詛咒的法術皆可以接觸此效果,但是這個效果不能被驅散。被麻痹的生物從外表看起來和死人無異,不過通過一個DC20的察覺檢定或者DC15的醫療檢定也 可以發現其實他還活著。

奧術聯結(Arcane Bond)
聯結物品(戒指): 一日一次, 可以施放任何法術書中的法術而無需準備

奧術學派(Arcane School)
學派專精(死靈系), 禁制塑能系與附魔系. 每級能多獲得一個額外法術格以準備專精學派法術.


你獲得”命令不死生物”或者”超渡不死生物”作為獎勵專長。你每天能引導能量的次數等於3+智力修正值,但只能使用你所選的專長。你能夠選擇其他專長來增 強這項能力,比如”額外導能”或者”精通導能”。但是不能用專長來改變這項能力,比如”元素導能”或者”陣營導能”。對抗此專長的DC=10+1/2法師 等級+魅力修正值。在20級,不死生物不能用它們的導能抗性來對抗此能力。


8級開始,你獲得10尺盲視,每天持續等於你法師等級的輪數。此能力僅僅允許你偵測活物和不死生物。這個視野也會告訴你一個生物到底是 不死是活物。構裝體和其他不死不活的生物無法被此能力看見。此能力的範圍在12級以及之後的每4級額外增加10尺。這些輪不必是連續的。
裝備, 總資產530,000gp
30,000gp 主手: Staff of Master(Necromancy)
13,515gp 盾: Mithral Buckler +5
20,000gp 戒指: Freedom of Movement (Bond)
1,250gp 戒指: Sustence
18,000gp 頭環: Headband of Headband of Vast Intelligence +6
2,250gp 頭部: Circlet of Persuasion
1,250gp 眼部: Eyes of Eagle
12,500gp 肩部: Cloak of Resistance +5
5,000gp 手部: Glove of Storing
25,000gp Rod, Absorption

5,000gp Ioun Stone (Dark Blue Rhomboid) Alertness (as the feat)
4,000gp Ioun Stone (Incandescent Blue Sphere) +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom
3,000gp Ioun Stone (Pink and Green Sphere, Flawed) +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma
8,000gp Ioun Stone (Mossy Disk, Flawed)*10, +5 competence on one Knowledge
15,000gp Ioun Stone (Orange Prism) +1 caster level
250gp Ioun Stone (Dusty Rose Prism, cracked) +1 competence bonus on initiative checks
2,800gp Ioun Stone (Magenta Prism, cracked)*7 +2 competence bonus on checks with any one skill you choose, can be changed once per day
2,000gp Ioun Stone (Pale Green Prism, cracked) +1 competence bonus on saving throws
1,000gp Bag, Handy Haversack

12,990gp Scribe Fee
6,250gp Book, Blessed

Spell Focus
8,115gp for Total

180,750gp Mithral Golem
60,000gp Soulbond Shell

Non-Magic Items
500gp Books, adventurer's chronicle*10
200gp Outfit, Royal

Cohort Equipment
22,750gp Avasha
55680gp Viara

Left 12,950gp
« 上次编辑: 2013-11-18, 周一 21:22:20 由 darkfantasy.tw »

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Re: 諸神殞落
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-11-08, 周五 09:57:54 »
以梅爾為原型 參考了Hellboy中Professor Trevor Bruttenholm的地下秘密居住地, 並混雜了the League of Extraordinart Gentlemen中不死人帶點浮誇與裝腔作勢的英倫貴族風
外貌是約廿歲的青年, 實際年齡為百歲開外, 自稱為說書(收屍)人

與姊姊Elise為雙子, 同為魯赫倫塔爾的正統繼承人, 母親在產下兩人後死去, 繼任的皇后不待見兩人. 自幼便生長在充滿敵意的環境之中.
在被宗教戰爭捲入之前 皇后曾為求討好新教欲獻兩人為人柱 被Elise發現後領著弟弟逃離了王城 之後在遊蕩數日後 被一位女巫誤認為變換兒而受到收留
此後數年無事 蠱惑國王相信兩人因意外死去的皇后在掌握了繼承權後不再理會兩人行蹤 直到新教率兵入侵
轉身投入教廷身側的皇后 坐視著王國被憎恨的火焰吞盡 並在那於己身上扭動腰軀的男人耳語著先王座下未亡盡的子嗣
« 上次编辑: 2013-11-08, 周五 11:02:13 由 darkfantasy.tw »

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Re: 諸神殞落
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-11-08, 周五 17:24:15 »

Elise, the Black Lady
Greater Banshee CR 15
LE Medium undead (incorporeal)
Init +15; Senses darkvision 60 ft., hear heartbeat; Perception +27

AC 26, touch 26, flat-footed 14 (+4 deflection, +11 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 184 (19d8+95)
Fort +10, Ref +19, Will +18
Defensive Abilities incorporeal; Immune undead traits
Weaknesses sunlight powerlessness

Speed fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Melee incorporeal touch +25 (14d6 negative energy plus terror)
Special Attacks wail
Bard Spells (CL 10th; concentration +14, DC=14+level)
4th (2/day)—dimension door, improved inivisibility
3rd (4/day)—arcane concordance, displacement, haste, glibness
2nd (5/day)—darkness, eagle's splender, gallant inspiration, mirror image, tongues,
1st (6/day)—grease, see alignment, timly inspiration, unseen servant, unnatural lust
0th —dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 15), mage hand, message, open/close, prestidigitation

Str —, Dex 32, Con —, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 19
Base Atk +14; CMB +25(Trip+40); CMD 40
Languages Common, Elven, Undercommon, Necril, Abyssal


Skills (133)
Stealth: Rank 19, Class+3, Dex+11 = +33
Fly: Rank 19, Class+3, Dex+11 = +33
Perception: Rank 19, Class+3, Wis+5 = +27
Sense Motive: Rank 19, Class+3, Wis+5 = +27
Bluff: Rank 19, Class+3, Cha+4 = +26
Intimidate: Rank 19, Class+3, Cha+4 = +26
Perform(Sing): Rank 19, Class+3, Cha+4 = +26

Hear Heartbeat (Ex) A banshee can sense the beating hearts of living creatures within 60 feet, as if it had the blindsight ability.

Terror (Su) A creature damaged by the banshee's touch attack must make a DC 23 Will save. Failure means that the victim cowers in fear for 1d3 rounds. If a target is protected against fear by a dispellable effect (such as heroes' feast or mind blank), the banshee's touch attempts to dispel one such effect with greater dispel magic (CL 14th). Negative energy damage caused by a banshee's touch can only harm the living; it cannot heal undead. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Wail (Su) Once per minute, a banshee may wail as a full-round action. The wail lasts until the beginning of her next turn. All creatures within 40 feet of the banshee when she begins her wail, as well as all creatures that end their turn within that radius, must make a DC 25 Fortitude save. (This save is only required once per wail.) Creatures under the effects of a fear effect take a –4 penalty on this save. Creatures that make their save are sickened for 1d6 rounds. Those that fail take 140 points of damage (as if affected by a CL 14 wail of the banshee). If a wailing banshee is damaged during a wail, she must make a Will save (DC 15 + damage taken) to maintain the wail; otherwise it ends. This is a sonic death effect. Banshee wails are supernaturally powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 3rd level or lower that creates silence. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Improved Wail
Those who fail to save against a greater banshee’s wail are slain immediately rather than being reduced to –1 hit points. Any female elf slain by a greater banshee’s wail rises in 1d4 rounds as a banshee under the control of the greater banshee who slew her. These newly created banshees are always standard banshees—a greater banshee cannot spawn another greater banshee.
« 上次编辑: 2013-11-08, 周五 20:01:55 由 darkfantasy.tw »

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Re: 諸神殞落
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-11-08, 周五 20:34:49 »
黑夫人伊莉絲(Elise, the Black Lady)
留著金色的長髮, 身著黑色的華服, 女子身姿的繪畫懸掛在廳堂之上. 在百年之前的宗教審判中以魔女定罪後慘遭火刑的女子繪圖, 如今只有一縷身影相似的幽魂用著歪曲的笑容凝視著, 在殘破空蕩的廳堂中發出了刺耳的尖笑.

只剩餘靈魂殘留, 平常附身在一具人偶之中.
規則上是以Create Greater Undead+Power Over Undead做出來的
« 上次编辑: 2013-11-11, 周一 09:58:28 由 darkfantasy.tw »

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Re: 諸神殞落
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-11-08, 周五 20:35:43 »

Black Guard Lv2/Monk Lv4/Ranger Lv11
Flowing Monk, Qinggong Monk, Vow of Silent, Urban Ranger, Guide, Skirmisher
Noble Drow Vampire, Medium undead (augement)
Init +19; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +46
AC 42, touch 36, flat-footed 28 (+13 Dex, +2 Monk, +7 Wis, +6 NAC, +1Dodge, +2 Def, +1 Insight)
hp 241 (13d10+4d8+147)
Fort +34, Ref +37, Will +30
Defensive Abilities: Channel Resistance +4, Evasion, Fast Healing 5, SR28, Unholy Resilience, DR10/Magic and Silver, Resistance to Cold and Electricity 10, Immune to undead traits
Weaknesses: vampiric weaknesses
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Flurry +34/+34/+29/+29/+24/+24/+19 (2d6+18)
Range +1 Composite Longbow +29/+29/+24/+19/+14 (1d8+2/x3, 110ft.)
Special Attacks: Smite Good(swift, 1/day, +2 dmg, cha to atk/ac against good target), Ranger's Focus(swift, 4/day, +6 atk/dmg against target), ki pool(11 point per day)
Spell-Like Abilities: Drow nobles can cast dancing lights, deeper darkness, faerie fire, feather fall, and levitate each at will, and have detect magic as a constant spell-like ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispel magic, and suggestion once per day each.
Str 13, Dex 36, Con —, Int 15, Wis 24, Cha 24
Base Atk +16; CMB +18; CMD 53
Languages Common, Undercommon, Elven, Drow Sign Language, Necril
Race Bonus: Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflex, Improved Initiative, Toughness
Monk Bonus: Improved Trip
Qinggong Monk: Power Attack (1 ki point)
Ranger Style: Rapid Shot
Ranger Style: Manyshot
Ranger Style: Improved Precise Shot
Lv1: Weapon Finesse
Lv3: Weapon Focus(Unarmed)
Lv5: Crane Style
Lv7: Monastic Legacy
Lv9: Crane Wing
Lv11: Crane Reposte
Lv13: Dazzling Display
Lv15: Shatter Defense
Lv17: Deadly Aim
Skills (120)
Acrobatic: Rank 17, Class+3, Dex+12 = +32
Disable Device: Rank 17, Class+3, Dex+12 = +32
Stealth: Rank 17, Class+3, Dex+12, Racial+8 = +40
Perception: Rank 17, Class+3, Wis+7, Racial+10, Feat+4, Com+5 = +46
Sense Motive: Rank 17, Class+3, Wis+7, Racial+8, Feat+4 = +39
Survival: Rank 17, Class+3, Wis+7 = +27
Bluff: Rank 1, Class+3, Cha+7, Racial+8 = +19
Intimidate: Rank 17, Class+3, Cha+7 = +27
Trait: Honored Fist of the Society, +1 ki point in ki pool
Trait: Reactionary, gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.
Trait: Second Chance, Once per day reroll a failed save
Drawback: Paranoid, Anyone who attempts an aid another action of any type to assist you must succeed at a DC 15 check instead of the normal DC 10 check.

Drow: Ambitious Schemer
Seduction and treachery are tools for advancement in drow society, even for the martially inclined. drow with this racial trait may choose either Bluff or Diplomacy as a class skill, and gain a +2 bonus on such skill checks.

Drow: Poison Use
Drow are skilled in the use of poisons and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.

Drow: Seducer
Certain drow possess an innate understanding of the darkest desires that lurk in every heart. drow with this racial trait add +1 to the saving throw DCs for spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment school. In addition, drow with a Wisdom score of 15 or higher may use charm person once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the drow's character level). This racial trait replaces drow immunities.

Drow: Surface Infiltrator
Some drow dwell close to the surface lands, either because they serve drow causes or they were exiled. drow with this racial trait gain low-light vision, allowing them to see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. This racial trait replaces the darkvision and light blindness racial traits.

Anti-Paladin: Aura of Evil (Ex)
The power of an antipaladin’s aura of evil (see the detect evil spell) is equal to his antipaladin level. A paladin who uses smite evil on an antipaladin deals 2 points of damage per paladin level on his first successful attack.

Anti-Paladin: Detect Good (Sp)
At will, an antipaladin can use detect good, as the spell. An antipaladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single Item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is good, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the antipaladin does not detect good in any other object or individual within range.

Anti-Paladin: Smite Good (Su)
Once per day, an antipaladin can call out to the dark powers to crush the forces of good. As a swift action, the antipaladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is good, the antipaladin adds his Charisma bonus (if any) on his attack rolls and adds his antipaladin level on all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target of smite good is an outsider with the good subtype, a good-aligned dragon, or a good creature with levels of cleric or paladin, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the antipaladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite good attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.
In addition, while smite good is in effect, the antipaladin gains a deflection bonus equal to his Charisma modifier (if any) to his AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the antipaladin targets a creature that is not good, the smite is wasted with no effect.
The smite good effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the antipaladin rests and regains his uses of this ability. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the antipaladin may smite good one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: Antipaladin, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.

Anti-Paladin: Unholy Resilience (Su)
At 2nd level, an antipaladin gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Anti-Paladin: Touch of Corruption (Su)
Beginning at 2nd level, an antipaladin surrounds his hand with a fiendish flame, causing terrible wounds to open on those he touches. Each day he can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 his antipaladin level + his Charisma modifier. As a touch attack, an antipaladin can cause 1d6 points of damage for every two antipaladin levels he possesses. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Alternatively, an antipaladin can use this power to heal undead creatures, restoring 1d6 hit points for every two levels the antipaladin possesses. This ability is modified by any feat, spell, or effect that specifically works with the lay on hands paladin class feature. For example, the Extra Lay On Hands feat grants an antipaladin 2 additional uses of the touch of corruption class feature.

Monk: AC Bonus (Ex)
When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and his CMD. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.

Monk: Flurry of Blows (Ex)
Starting at 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action.
When doing so, he may make one additional attack, taking a –2 penalty on all of his attack rolls, as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. These attacks can be any combination of unarmed strikes and attacks with a monk special weapon (he does not need to use two weapons to utilize this ability).
For the purpose of these attacks, the monk's base attack bonus from his monk class levels is equal to his monk level. For all other purposes, such as qualifying for a feat or a prestige class, the monk uses his normal base attack bonus.
At 8th level, the monk can make two additional attacks when he uses flurry of blows, as if using Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (even if the monk does not meet the prerequisites for the feat).
At 15th level, the monk can make three additional attacks using flurry of blows, as if using Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (even if the monk does not meet the prerequisites for the feat).
A monk applies his full Strength bonus to his damage rolls for all successful attacks made with flurry of blows, whether the attacks are made with an off-hand or with a weapon wielded in both hands. A monk may substitute disarm, sunder, and trip combat maneuvers for unarmed attacks as part of a flurry of blows. A monk cannot use any weapon other than an unarmed strike or a special monk weapon as part of a flurry of blows. A monk with natural weapons cannot use such weapons as part of a flurry of blows, nor can he make natural attacks in addition to his flurry of blows attacks.

Monk: Unarmed Strike
At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks may be with fist, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.
Usually a monk's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but he can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on his attack roll. He has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.
A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

Flowing Monk: Redirection (Ex)
At 1st level, as an immediate action, a flowing monk can attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver against a creature that the flowing monk threatens and that attacks him. If the combat maneuver is successful, the attacker is sickened for 1 round (Reflex DC 24 to halve the duration). The monk gains a +2 bonus on the reposition or trip combat maneuver check and the save DC for redirection increases by 2 if the attacker is using Power Attack or is charging when attacking him. The benefit increases to a +4 bonus and an increase of the saving throw by 4 if both apply.

Monk: Evasion (Ex)
At 2nd level or higher, a monk can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. If a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Flowing Monk: Unbalancing Counter (Ex)
At 2nd level, a flowing monk’s attacks of opportunity render a struck creature flat-footed until the end of the flowing monk’s next turn (Reflex DC 24 negates)

Flowing Monk: Flowing Dodge (Ex)
At 3rd level, a flowing monk gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each enemy adjacent to him, up to a maximum bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).

Monk: Maneuver Training (Ex)
At 3rd level, a monk uses his monk level in place of his base attack bonus when calculating his Combat Maneuver Bonus. Base attack bonuses granted from other classes are unaffected and are added normally.

Monk: Still Mind (Ex)
A monk of 3rd level or higher gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.

Monk: Ki Pool (Su)
At 4th level, a monk gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy he can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in a monk's ki pool is equal to 1/2 his monk level + his Wisdom modifier. As long as he has at least 1 point in his ki pool, he can make a ki strike.
At 4th level, ki strike allows his unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
By spending 1 point from his ki pool, a monk can do one of the following:
Make one additional attack at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack, or
Increase his speed by 20 feet for 1 round, or
Give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Each of these powers is activated as a swift action.
The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.

Urban Ranger
At 1st level, an urban Ranger adds Disable Device and Knowledge (local) to his list of class skills and removes Handle Animal and Knowledge (nature) from his list of class skills.

Favored Community (Ex) (Evernight, Oronzersa)
At 3rd level, the urban Ranger forms a bond with a community. While inside the limits of this community, he gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (local), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. An urban Ranger traveling through his favored community leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (although he may leave a trail if he so desires).
At 8th level, and every five levels thereafter, an urban Ranger may select an additional favored community. In addition, at each such interval, the skill bonus and initiative bonus in any one favored community (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by +2. For the purposes of this ability, a community is any settlement consisting of 100 or more individuals. The community may be larger than this minimum. Outlying farms, fields, and houses are not considered part of a community.

Trapfinding (Ex)
At 3rd level, an urban Ranger can find and disable traps, as the rogue class feature of the same name.

Push Through (Ex)
At 7th level, an urban Ranger is never slowed by difficult terrain in his favored communities. In addition, he can move through the space occupied by local citizens as if they were allies. This does not apply to creatures intent on harming the Ranger. Areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect him.

Ranger’s Focus (Ex)
At 1st level, once per day, the guide can focus on a single enemy within line of sight as a swift action. That creature remains the Ranger’s focus until it is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points or surrenders, or until the Ranger designates a new focus, whichever occurs first. The Ranger gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against the target of his focus. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2.
At 4th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the Ranger can use this ability one additional time per day.

Terrain Bond (Ex)
At 4th level, the guide forms a bond with the land itself, enabling him to direct others in such terrain. When in his favored terrain, the Ranger grants all allies within line of sight and that can hear him a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. Also, as long as they travel with him, the Ranger’s allies leave no trail and can’t be tracked. The Ranger can choose for the group to leave a trail, or even specific members of the group to leave a trail if he so desires.

Ranger’s Luck (Ex)
Upon reaching 9th level, once per day the guide can either reroll one of his attack rolls or force an enemy who just hit him with an attack to reroll the attack roll. The Ranger must take the result of the second roll even if it is worse. A Ranger can use this ability once per day.

Inspired Moment (Ex)
At 11th level, the guide can have an inspired moment once per day as a free action. The Ranger gains the following benefits until the end of his next turn. His speed increases by 10 feet. He can take an extra move or swift action on his turn. He gains a +4 bonus to AC and on attack rolls, skill checks, or ability checks. Finally, he automatically confirms any critical threat he scores. He can use this ability one additional time per day at 19th level.

Ranger Skirmisher: Hunter's Trick (Total 12/day)

Skill Sage (Ex): As a free action, the Ranger can roll twice on any one skill check and take the better result. He must have at least 1 rank in that skill to use this ability.

Stag's Leap (Ex): As a free action, the Ranger can attempt a running jump without moving 10 feet before the jump.

Chameleon Step (Ex): The Ranger can move up to twice his speed as a move action. The Ranger does not take any penalty on Stealth checks for movement during this move. This move provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

Rattling Strike (Ex): The Ranger can use this trick as a free action before he makes a melee attack. If the attack hits, the target is shaken for 1d4 rounds.
1,500gp +1 Composite Longbow(+1)
8,000gp Agile Ghost Touch Amulet of Mighty Fist
20,000gp Headband of mental prowss +4
18,000gp Belt of Dexterity +6
12,500gp Cloak of Resistance +5
6,000gp Boots of Haste
6,000gp Monk's Robe
6,000gp Hat of Disguise, Greater
4,000gp Ring of Protection +2
1,250gp Eyes of Eagle
500gp Quick Runner's Shirt
4,000gp Ioun Stone, Pale Green Prism, Cracked*2
2,000gp Ioun Stone, Dusty Rose Prism, Flawed
7500gp Permenent: Magic Fang, Grater(+5)
Total: -22250gp
« 上次编辑: 2013-11-11, 周一 12:37:25 由 darkfantasy.tw »

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Re: 諸神殞落
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-11-08, 周五 20:36:19 »
告死者愛伐莎(Avasha, the Deathtold)
喉嚨上留有一條巨大的疤痕, 渾身遍布無數的舊傷, 已失去言語能力的卓爾少女全身赤裸的站在鏡前.
但在鏡面的反映中, 沒有少女的身姿.
像是確認一般的用指尖撫過了自己的臉頰, 再將指尖按壓到鏡上.

因侍父的出身而取代了無數姐妹成為大主母艾蘭德拉的第一順位繼承人, 少女自幼即遭受了無數的陰謀與暗殺, “最親近的人就是最危險的敵人呢”, 那是她孩童之時唯一當作朋友的女侍所說過的話語. 而那孩子也早已在暗殺失敗後被處理, 至今連容貌都已經忘卻. 在被無數敵意針對的環境裡, 少女唯一的信仰只剩餘對母親的憧憬. 在那美麗的面孔下輕吐的一句 “做的很好喔” 那樣簡單的東西, 就是她所有的憑依.

所以她躲不過那一劍. 即使被切開了喉嚨, 仍然不能理解自己對於眼前那個女人的威脅.

在死亡降臨之前. 她第一次感受到了悲傷.

主要倚靠命令驅使和本能行動 偏向單純的武人

« 上次编辑: 2013-11-11, 周一 18:03:53 由 darkfantasy.tw »

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Re: 諸神殞落
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-11-08, 周五 20:40:00 »

Weapon Master lv4/Black Guard lv2/Noble Scion lv10
Human Grave Knight, Medium undead (augement)
Initiative: +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +29
AC 42, touch 18, flat-footed 37 (+5 Dex, +7 Shield, +13 Armor, +4 NAC, +2 Def, +1 Insight)
hp 262 (2d10+14d8+176)
Fort +34, Ref +25, Will +28
Defensive Abilities: channel resistance +4, SR28, DR10/Magic, Immune to cold, fire, electricity, undead traits
Speed 30ft.
Melee 2 Shield +39/+39/+34/+34/+29/+29 (2d6+26+4d6fire/x2)
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +2d6, Pounce(Fleshcrafting Poison, Lion)
Str 34, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 26
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 41
Languages Common, Elven, Undercommon, Necril, Orc, Giant, Dwarven, Dragon, Sylven, Halfling, Gnome
Racial: Improved Initiative, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Toughness
Human Bonus(lv1): Skill Focus(Intimidate)
Human Bonus(lv8): Skill Focus(Diplomacy)
Human Bonus(lv16): Skill Focus(Sense Motive)
Fighter Bonus(lv1): Weapon Focus(Heavy Shield)
Fighter Bonus(lv2): Dazzling Display
Fighter Bonus(lv4): Weapon Specialization(Heavy Shield)
Noble Scion(lv7): Leadership
Regional Expertise(lv9): Persuasive
Regional Expertise(lv11): Enforcer
Regional Expertise(lv13): Intimiadating Prowess
Lv1: Two-Weapon Fighting
Lv3: Double Slice
Lv5: Improved Shield Bash
Lv7: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Lv9: Shield Slam
Lv11: Shatter Defense
Lv13: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
Lv15: Shield Master
Skills (120)
Ride: Rank 16, Class+3, Dex+5, Rac+8 = +32
Knowledge(Nobility): Rank 16, Class+3, Int+2, NS+5 = +26
Linguistic: Rank 8, Class+3, Int+2 = +13
Perception: Rank 16, Class+3, Wis+3, Feat+4, Com+5, Rac+8 = +39
Sense Motive: Rank 16, Class+3, Wis+3, Feat+10 = +32
Bluff: Rank 16, Class+3, Cha+8, Com+3 = +30
Diplomacy: Rank 16, Class+3, Cha+8, Feat+10, Com+3, +5 NS = +45
Intimidate: Rank 16, Class+3, Str+12, Cha+8, Feat+10, Com+3, Rac+8 = +60
Trait: Reactionary, +2 trait bonus on Initiative
Trait: Second Chance, Once per day reroll a failed save
Trait: Weapon of Peace, lethal weapon deal nonlethal damage for -2 attack instead -4
Drawback: Haunting Regret, take a –2 penalty on saving throws against the distraction ability of swarms and mind-affecting effects and on concentration checks.

Graveknight: Rejuvenation (Su)
One day after a graveknight is destroyed, its armor begins to rebuild the undead horror's body. This process takes 1d10 days—if the body is destroyed before that time passes, the armor merely starts the process anew. After this time has elapsed, the graveknight wakens fully healed.

Graveknight: Channel Destruction (Su)
Any weapon a graveknight wields seethes with energy, and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 4 Hit Dice the graveknight has. This additional damage is of the energy type determined by the ruinous revivification special quality.

Graveknight: Devastating Blast (Su)
Three times per day, the graveknight may unleash a 30-foot cone of energy as a standard action. This blast deals 2d6 points of damage for every 3 Hit Dice a graveknight has (Reflex for half ). This damage is of the energy type determined by the graveknight's ruinous revivification special quality.

Graveknight: Undead Mastery (Su)
As a standard action, a graveknight can attempt to bend any undead creature within 50 feet to its will. The targeted undead must succeed at a Will save or fall under the graveknight's control. This control is permanent for unintelligent undead; an undead with an Intelligence score is allowed an additional save every day to break free from the graveknight's control. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same graveknight's undead mastery for 24 hours. A graveknight can control 5 Hit Dice of undead creatures for every Hit Die it has. If the graveknight exceeds this number, the excess from earlier uses of the ability becomes uncontrolled, as per animate dead.

Graveknight: Phantom Mount (Su)
Once per hour, a graveknight can summon a skeletal horse similar to a phantom steed. This mount is more real than a typical phantom steed, and can carry one additional rider. The mount's powers are based on the graveknight's total Hit Dice rather than caster level. A graveknight's mount looks distinctive and always appears the same each time it is summoned. If the mount is destroyed, it can be summoned again with full hit points 1 hour later.

Graveknight: Ruinous Revivification (Su)
At the time of its creation, the graveknight chooses one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. This energy type should be relevant to the graveknight's life or death, defaulting to fire if none are especially appropriate. This energy type influences the effects of several of a graveknight's special abilities.

Fighter: Weapon Guard (Ex)
Gains a +1 bonus to CMD against disarm and sunder attempts while wielding shield. This bonus also applies on saves against any effect that targets shield.

Fighter: Weapon Training (Ex)
Gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with shield.

Anti-Paladin Aura of Evil (Ex)
The power of an antipaladin’s aura of evil is equal to 2 level. A paladin who uses smite evil on an antipaladin deals 4 points of damage on his first successful attack.

Anti-Paladin: Detect Good (Sp)
At will, an antipaladin can use detect good, as the spell. An antipaladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single Item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is good, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the antipaladin does not detect good in any other object or individual within range.

Anti-Paladin: Smite Good (Su)
Once per day, an antipaladin can call out to the dark powers to crush the forces of good. As a swift action, the antipaladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is good, the antipaladin adds his Charisma bonus (if any) on his attack rolls and adds his antipaladin level on all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target of smite good is an outsider with the good subtype, a good-aligned dragon, or a good creature with levels of cleric or paladin, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the antipaladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite good attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.
In addition, while smite good is in effect, the antipaladin gains a deflection bonus equal to his Charisma modifier (if any) to his AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the antipaladin targets a creature that is not good, the smite is wasted with no effect.
The smite good effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the antipaladin rests and regains his uses of this ability.

Anti-Paladin: Unholy Resilience (Su)
Gains a bonus equal to Charisma bonus (+8) on all saving throws.

Anti-Paladin: Touch of Corruption (Su)
An antipaladin surrounds his hand with a fiendish flame, causing terrible wounds to open on those he touches. Each day he can use this ability a number of times equal to 9 times. As a touch attack, an antipaladin can cause 1d6 points of damage. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Alternatively, an antipaladin can use this power to heal undead creatures, restoring 1d6 hit points.

Noble Acion: Affluent (Ex)
Gains extra 41250gp

Noble Scion: Greater Leadership (Ex)
Gains the Leadership feat as a bonus feat and can recruit a cohort of the same level.

Noble Scion: Aristocratic Erudition (Ex)
At 3rd level, a noble scion gains a bonus equal to 5 on Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) checks. This ability also reduces the DCs of Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) checks others make to gather publicly known information about the noble scion by the same amount.

Noble Scion: Prestigious Influence (Ex)
A noble scion can use his influence to receive special treatment, favors, and other services. He effectively has a pool of virtual gold pieces equal to 250 gp to spend on services and non-material goods. This pool replenishes at the beginning of every week.
Services and nonmaterial goods available to a noble scion include:
Pay for lodgings, stabling, taxes, and tolls.
Improve his lifestyle quality.
Hire entertainers, messengers, mounts, servants, transport, workers, and so on.
Obtain invitations to exclusive events, or entry into privileged locations.
Spread rumors or start a whispering campaign.
Purchase spellcasting services.
Employ an expert hireling to make a skill check with a check bonus of +10 plus his class level (50 gp).
A noble scion cannot permanently gain goods or wealth from this ability; boons attainable from this ability are generally only available in settlements of 5,000 people or more. The exact benefits available in a location are subject to GM discretion.

Noble Scion: Regional Expertise (Ex)
The Empire of Devils: Enforcer, Intimidating Prowess
General: Improved Initiative.

Noble Scion: Dilettante Studies
Dilettante Scoundrel (Ex): A noble scion gains a +2d6 sneak attack bonus as per the rogue class ability. If a noble scion gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses on damage stack.
Dilettante Warrior (Ex): A noble scion gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls.

Noble Scion: Servitor (Ex)
At 7th level, a noble scion gains a faithful NPC servitor of the same level as his cohort granted by the Leadership feat. This servitor can only have levels in NPC classes and comes equipped with gear appropriate for a character 1 level lower than the servitor's actual level. The servitor does not follow the noble scion as would a cohort or follower, but instead can run various errands for his master while the noble scion is adventuring, such as delivering messages or maintaining the scion's manor in his stead.

Noble Scion: Peerless Patrician (Ex)
At 10th level, once per round a noble scion can roll twice on any Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (nobility), or Sense Motive check and take the better roll. Once per day, instead of rolling one of these skill checks, he can assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.
Equipment: 99,750
36,360gp, 2 Spiked Heavy Shield +5 Bashing
13,070gp, Piecemeal Armor +5
45,000gp, Belt of Physical Might +6
18,000gp, Headband of Alurring Charisma +6
12,500gp Cloak of Resistance +5
2,250gp, Circlet of Persuation
4,000gp, Ring of Protection +2
500gp Quick Runner's Shirt
1,250gp Eye of the Eagle
6,000gp Boots of Haste
7,500gp Gloves of Dueling
4,000gp Ioun Stone, Pale Green Prism, Cracked*2
3,000gp Ioun Stone, Deep Red Sphere, Flawed
2,000gp Ioun Stone, Dusty Rose Prism, Flawed
Total: -55680gp
« 上次编辑: 2013-11-18, 周一 22:11:30 由 darkfantasy.tw »

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Re: 諸神殞落
« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-11-08, 周五 20:40:55 »
菲艾菈, 鋼鐵的女爵(Viara, the Iron Countess)
在鏡中映照出的, 是那十年來未曾有所改變的容姿.
還有甚麼可以要求的呢? 妳有了一直以來所奢望的永恆美貌與青春, 以及一顆不再跳動的心.
在心裡對自己默語著, 她低低的笑了.

在十年前的那場劇變當中, 最終出面宣告領土繼承權的少女容姿至今未有絲毫改變, 這位以鐵腕外交著稱的年輕女軍閥奉行著強權即公理的思想主義, 靠著強盛的軍事實力以專制獨裁的方式統御著這座城市, 並以手握的強橫軍權在四方圖謀下站穩了腳跟.

帶著一柄裝飾華貴的寶劍, 但從未用過. 原因根據本人說法:"會斷掉"
Faust的Cohort, 但因為是Noble Scion, 職業能力給一名同等級的Cohort與僕役
« 上次编辑: 2013-11-11, 周一 16:32:54 由 darkfantasy.tw »

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Re: 諸神殞落
« 回帖 #8 于: 2013-11-08, 周五 20:51:25 »

Merlis Lunatic, the Arch Witch
Lv3 Transmuter/Lv3 Urban Druid/Lv10 Mystic Theurge
Guild Master
Female Samsarans, Medium humanoid
Initiative: +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +29
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 Mage Armor)
hp 124 (3d8+13d6+35+27 Greater False Life)
Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +23
Defensive Abilities: Lifebound
Speed 30ft.
Melee Touch +8
Range Touch +9
Spell-like abilities
1/day: comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize.
Cast Spell As Lv17 Wizard, DC=17+Spell Level
Spells per Day:4/6+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/2+1
Specialize in Transmutation, Forbid Divination
Cast Spell As Lv17 Druid, DC=17+Spell Level
Spells per Day:4/6+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/3+1
Domain: Soul
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 12
Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD 19
Languages Common, Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Giant, Ignan.
Lv1 Improved Initiative
Lv3 Craft Wondrous Items
Lv5 Craft Magic Arms and Armors
Lv7 Craft Construct
Lv9 Craft Rod
Lv11 Brew Fleshcrafting Poison
Lv13 Forge Ring
Lv15 Quicken Spell
Skills (150)
Fly: Rank1, Class+3, Dex+1 = +5
Appraise: Rank16, Class+3, Int+7 = +26
Craft(Alchemy): Rank16, Class+3, Int+7 = +26
Craft(Armor): Rank5, Class+3, Int+7 = +15
Craft(Sculpture): Rank5, Class+3, Int+7 = +15
Spellcraft: Rank16, Class+3, Int+7 = +26
Heal: Rank1, Class+3, Wis+7 = +11
Perception: Rank1, Class+3, Wis+7 = +11
Survival: Rank1, Class+3, Wis+7, Drd+2 = +13
Handle Animal: Rank16, Class+3, Cha+1 = +20
Knowledge(Arcana): Rank8, Class+3, Int+7, Cir+2 = +20
Knowledge(Dungeoneering): Rank8, Class+3, Int+7, Cir+2 = +20
Knowledge(Engineering): Rank8, Class+3, Int+7, Cir+2 = +20
Knowledge(Geography): Rank8, Class+3, Int+7, Cir+2 = +20
Knowledge(History): Rank6, Class+3, Int+7, Drd+2, Cir+2 = +20
Knowledge(Local): Rank6, Class+3, Int+7, Drd+2, Cir+2 = +20
Knowledge(Natural): Rank6, Class+3, Int+7, Drd+2, Cir+2 = +20
Knowledge(Nobility): Rank6, Class+3, Int+7, Drd+2, Cir+2 = +20
Knowledge(Planes): Rank8, Class+3, Int+7, Cir+2 = +20
Knowledge(Religion): Rank8, Class+3, Int+7, Cir+2 = +20
Trait: Reactionary, +2 trait bonus on Initiative
Trait: Second Chance, Once per day reroll a failed save
Trait: Magical Knack, +2 CL on Druid
Drawback: Fey-Taken, You take a -2 penalty on saving throws against disease, illusions, andpoison of all kinds, as well as against the spells, like abilities, andsupernatural abilities of fey.
Samsarans: Lifebound (Ex)
Gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws made to resist death effects, saving throws against negative energy effects, Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit points.
Samsarans: Mystic Past Life (Su)
Add Ill Omen, Animated Objects, Regenerate, Harm, and Nine lives to Wizard Spell List.
Urban Druid: Nature Sense (Ex)
A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Urban Druid: Wild Empathy (Ex)
A druid can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The druid rolls 1d20 and adds her druid level and her Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result.
The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, the druid and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.
A druid can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check.
Urban Druid: Spontaneous Casting
An urban druid can channel stored spell energy into domain spells that she has not prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower.
Urban Druid: Nature Bond (Ex)
Domain: Repose (Soul)
Urban Druid: Lorekeeper (Ex)
An urban druid adds Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) skills to her list of class skills. She also receives a +2 bonus on these skill checks.
Soul Domain Power: Touch the Spirit World (Su)
With a touch, you can empower a weapon to affect incorporeal creatures. The weapon touched deals half damage to incorporeal creatures, or full damage if it is a magic weapon. This benefit lasts for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Wizard: Arcane Bond (Sp)
Object: A ring.
Wizard School: Physical Enhancement (Su)
Gain a +1 enhancement bonus to Strength.
Wizard School: Telekinetic Fist (Sp)
As a standard action you can strike with a telekinetic fist, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The telekinetic fist deals 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage + 1. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
Mystic Theurge: Combined Spells (Su)
A mystic theurge can prepare and cast spells from one of his spellcasting classes using the available slots from any of his other spellcasting classes. Spells prepared or cast in this way take up a slot one level higher than they originally occupied. This ability cannot be used to cast a spell at a lower level if that spell exists on both spell lists. To a maximum of 5th-level spells. The components of these spells do not change, but they otherwise follow the rules for the spellcasting class used to cast the spell.
Mystic Theurge: Spell Synthesis (Su)
At 10th level, a mystic theurge can cast two spells, one from each of his spellcasting classes, using one action. Both of the spells must have the same casting time. The mystic theurge can make any decisions concerning the spells independently. Any target affected by both of the spells takes a –2 penalty on saves made against each spell. The mystic theurge receives a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance with these two spells. A mystic theurge may use this ability once per day.
Equipment: 58,500
8,000gp Belt of mighty constitution +4
20,000gp Headband of Mental Prowess +4
12,500gp Cloak of Resistance +5
15,000gp Ioun Stone, Orange Prism
Left: 3000gp
« 上次编辑: 2013-11-11, 周一 10:53:29 由 darkfantasy.tw »

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Re: 諸神殞落
« 回帖 #9 于: 2013-11-09, 周六 07:45:39 »
很久以前 有一名與愛人死別的魔法師
他尋求著 能使死者復活的禁忌之秘法
理當知曉 災禍必將降於侵犯領域者之身
為何人類還要尋求? 那超越人智的魔神的力量……



聽說只要擦擦油燈魔神就會出現 實現三個願望
以讓給他一個願望為條件 他得知了油燈的所在
據說那油燈就在 西南方向的某個洞窟中封印著
代替那自稱跛了一隻腳的男人 他爬下洞窟……

沙漠之下是 大大的空洞
冰冷的空氣 侵襲著背脊
洞窟深處是 詭異的祭壇
黃金油燈和 古老的絨毯
油燈剛被手一碰 洞窟就立即崩塌



無光的黑暗中 聽到懷念的聲音
溫暖的光芒 聽到了所愛的聲音


無光的黑暗中 懷念的聲音說道
溫暖的光芒 所愛的聲音在說著


醒來的時候只見砂塵卷揚 正被人環抱在沙丘上
那長髮的美麗少女 笑顏之下是淚痕未乾的臉

「古老的罪與罰之輪舞曲 被封入油燈之中
 來,許願吧 我將為你實現它」




梅里斯.露娜提克 (Merlis Lunatic, the Arch Witch)
以享樂主義為人生標的的妖精. 雖然外貌還是個孩子, 但年歲已超千歲. 在十年前的政變當中出現於菲艾菈身邊, 並一直擔當其法術顧問. 身邊總跟隨著一具巨大的魔像保護著.

從幻想鄉被呼喚到現世的妖精 被人招喚出後封印於油燈之中 最後由Faust許下了讓其自由的願望
人瑞 輪迴裔 大女巫 公會首長
外貌看起來像個孩子 個性也像個孩子 但年齡似乎已達四位數
現在成立了一座法師公會, 並以公會長兼領主首席法術顧問的身分活躍於伊謝爾倫領內, 不過說穿了就是個吃閒飯的

可以被殺死 但會帶著記憶轉生 現在已轉生過一次
規則上是隸屬Viara的Cohort(greater leadership)
« 上次编辑: 2013-11-11, 周一 16:33:47 由 darkfantasy.tw »