
譯文資料區 => Pathfinder RPG => Pathfinder => 玩者手册(Player Companion) => 主题作者是: 晴澈之空 于 2020-10-18, 周日 15:34:16

主题: 【HoG】催眠师选项:盲眼催眠师(Blind Mesmerist)
作者: 晴澈之空2020-10-18, 周日 15:34:16
盲眼催眠师(Blind Mesmerist)
(出自Heroes of Golarion,9页)

盲眼催眠专长(Blind Mesmerist Feats)
Mental Stare(Stare)
先决条件:催眠注视(Hypnotic stare)职业能力。
Overpowering Stare(Stare)
先决条件:催眠师11级,痛苦注视(painful stare)职业能力。

催眠师诡计(Mesmerist Tricks)
精神印象(Psychic Impression):物品保存着与之接触之人的精神印象,而足够强大的心智则能够阅读这些印象。当受术者触摸一个智力值至少为3的生物在过去10分钟内接触过的物品时,催眠师可以触发这项诡计。催眠师得知最后接触该物品生物的情绪状态的精神印象。该精神印象不包含图像或语言,若催眠师不认识这个生物,催眠师无法得知该生物是谁。
心灵链接(Telepathic Link):受术者能够在危机之中向催眠师传递精神感应。当受术者与其盟友在战斗中以寡击众(outnumbered)时,催眠师可以触发这项诡计。受术者可以与催眠师进行心灵沟通,持续每催眠师等级1分钟。若受术者与催眠师间的距离超过中等距离(100尺+每等级10尺),心灵沟通连接就会被切断。受术者与催眠师须有相通的语言才能交流。
理性之声(Voice of Reason):在催眠师的帮助下,受术者更易看破基于视觉的幻觉。当受术者尝试豁免检定来怀疑基于视觉的幻觉效果、而催眠师不受幻觉影响或不相信幻觉时,催眠师可以触发这项诡计。受术者在该豁免中获得等同于催眠师的魅力调整值的洞察加值。这项诡计不能用于不允许豁免的幻觉。

深邃注视(Bold Stares)
分神(Distracted):催眠注视的惩罚也应用于专注检定(concentration checks)。
易感(Sensed):催眠注视的惩罚也应用于隐蔽检定(Stealth checks)。
无助(Unaided):催眠注视的目标无法提供或获得夹击修正(flanking bonuses)。

Though  the  Darklands  are  spoken  of  with  fear  across  Golarion, this vast subterranean realm is home not only to monsters. The ordinary folk of the Darklands, whether drow peasants or races largely unknown to surface dwellers, must adapt to the low light and unique hazards of the Darklands in  order  to  survive.  The  following  mesmerist  options  are  useful  to  blind  characters  or  those  who  are  accustomed  to  dwelling in dark or subterranean areas, though they can be taken by any character who meets the prerequisites.

Blind Mesmerist Feats
The following feats are available to blind mesmerists.

Mental Stare (Stare)
Blind mesmerists have learned to navigate the world without relying on sight and can use their hypnotic stare regardless of their sight level.
Prerequisite: Hypnotic stare class feature.
Benefit:  You  can  use  your  hypnotic  stare  ability  without  relying  on  sight  and  do  not  have  to  attempt  concentration  checks to use this ability while blinded.

Overpowering Stare (Stare)
Your painful stare overwhelms your foe’s mind.
Prerequisites: Mesmerist level 11th, painful stare class feature.
Benefit:  Whenever  you  use  your  painful  stare,  the  target  must  succeed  at  a  Will  saving  throw  (DC  =  10  +  half  your  mesmerist   level   +   your   Charisma   modifier)   or   become   confused for 1 round. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be affected by this ability again for 24 hours.

Mesmerist Tricks
The following tricks are available to mesmerists and can be selected whenever they would normally select a trick.

Psychic  Impression:  Objects  retain  psychic  impressions  of  those  who  come  in  contact  with  them,  and  a  powerful  mind can read these impressions. The mesmerist can trigger this  trick  when  the  subject  touches  an  object  that  another  creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or more has touched in  the  last  10  minutes.  The  mesmerist  receives  a  psychic  impression of the emotional state of the last such creature to touch the object. This impression contains no images or languages  and  can’t  show  the  mesmerist  who  the  creature  was if the mesmerist doesn’t already know.
Telepathic Link:The subject can communicate telepathically with the mesmerist during a crisis. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject and her allies are outnumbered in combat. For 1 minute per mesmerist level, the subject and the mesmerist can communicate telepathically. If the subject and the mesmerist are more than a medium distance (100 feet + 10 feet per level) apart, the telepathic connection is severed and cannot  be  regained  unless  the  trick  is  implanted  again.  The  mesmerist and the subject must share a language to be able to communicate.
Voice of Reason: The subject can more easily pierce sight-based  illusions  with  the  mesmerist’s  aid.  The  mesmerist  can  trigger  this  trick  when  the  subject  attempts  a  saving  throw to disbelieve a sight-based illusion effect, but only so long as the mesmerist is not affected by or has disbelieved the  illusion  himself.  The  subject  receives  an  insight  bonus  on  her  saving  throw  to  disbelieve  the  illusion  equal  to  the  mesmerist’s  Charisma  modifier.  This  trick  cannot  be  used  for illusions that do not allow a saving throw.

Bold Stares
The following bold stares are available to mesmerists and can  be selected whenever they would normally select a bold stare.
Distracted:  The  hypnotic  stare  penalty  also  applies  to  concentration checks.
Sensed:   The   hypnotic   stare   penalty   also   applies   to   Stealth checks.
Unaided:  The  target  of  the  hypnotic  stare  is  not  able  to  grant or receive flanking bonuses.

翻得很烂 :em032
主题: Re: 【HoG】催眠师选项:盲眼催眠师(Blind Mesmerist)
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主题: Re: 【HoG】催眠师选项:盲眼催眠师(Blind Mesmerist)
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主题: Re: 【HoG】催眠师选项:盲眼催眠师(Blind Mesmerist)
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