作者 主题: [P.036]拉芮Lurue  (阅读 2938 次)


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« 于: 2017-07-13, 周四 23:56:20 »



  (“独角兽”[the Unicorn],独角兽女王[the Unicorn Queen],能言野兽与智能怪物的女王[the Queen of Talking Beasts and Intelligent Mosters])

  主物质面半神力[Demipower of the Prime Material Plane],

  神职PORTFOLIO:有语言能力的野兽和智慧非人形生物[Talking beasts and intelligent nonhumanoid creatures]
  别名ALIASES:银月[Silverymoon],拉睿[Lurae],“展翼女王”雅思格赫瑞[Yathaghera the Winged Queen]
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:托瑞尔/费伦[Toril/Faerûn]
  盟友ALLIES:裳禔亚[Chauntea],桂伦·流风[Gwaeron Windstrom],梅丽凯[Mielikki],诺班尼恩[Nobanion],希阿莉亚[Shiallia],塞伦涅[Selûne],西凡纳斯[Silvanus]
  徽记SYMBOL:对着银新月背景的独角兽首 或 一匹后腿昂立对着银新月的白色独角兽[Unicorn head against the background of a silver crescent moon or a white unicorn rampant against a silver crescent moon]
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LG,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN
【右图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

  “独角兽”拉芮[Lurue the Unicorn](读作Luh-RUE),也被称作“银月[Silverymoonm]”,是具语言能力的野兽和善良的智慧怪物的女神。她受到许多拥有与生俱来、或是因魔法后天得来的使用人类或是亚人语言能力的智慧野兽崇敬。虽然某些物种整体,譬如独角兽[unicorns]、飞马[pegasi]、以及有语言能力的猫头鹰,将她作为女王崇拜,但她崇拜者中有很多是因为它们的独特能力而遭自己的族群放逐的弃儿。
Lurue(Luh-RUE) the Unicorn,also known as “Silverymoonm,” is the goddess of talking beasts and ,good intelligent monsters. She is venerated by many sentient beasts who have inherited or magically acquired the ability to speak human and demihuman languages. While some entire species,such as unicorns,pegasi,and talking owls,venerate her as Queen,many of her worshipers are outcasts from their owm kind due to their unique abilities.

  狮子与独角兽[the Lion and the Unicom](诺班尼恩[Nobanion]与拉芮通常被如此称呼)的崇拜,经常被混在“拜兽教[beast cult]”这个杂类中。然而这两位神祇与作为乌斯伽族[the Uthgardt]和北地的冰猎人[the Ice Hunters of the North]的部落图腾伟大精魄并不相同,因为那些精魄并非依靠自身力量的神性存在,而是分别作为乌斯伽[Uthgar]或乌鲁提欧[Ulutiu]进行活动时的渠道。拉芮是位依靠自身力量的女神,而这也是她信徒们的共识。然而,她的主要崇拜者并非人类,甚至不是类人生物,并且它们中的大多并不会坚持记录历史,甚至不会记录许多口口相传的传统。它们的宗教是私人且直接的信仰,直到拉芮开始吸引人类崇拜者前,她的天性和她宗教的行事方式是无人管理的、无人记录的,并且实际上是没什么人会注意到的。
Worship of the Lion and the Unicom,as Nobanion and Lurue are often called,is frequently lumped into the catch-all category of “beast cult.” These two deities,however,differ from the tribal totem great spirits of the Uthgardt and the Ice Hunters of the North,as those spirits are not divinities in their own right,serving rather as conduits for the actions of Uthgar or Ulutiu,respectively. Lurue is a deity in her own right,and always has been to the knowledge of her faithful. However,her primary group of worshipers is not human,or even humanoid,and most of them do not maintain written histories or even many oral traditions. Their religion is a personal and direct faith,and until Lurue began attracting human worshipers,her nature and the ways of her religion went unattended,unrecorded,and essentially unnoticed.

  据说拉芮是塞伦涅[Selûne],银色女士[Lady of Silver]与月亮女神的女儿。有些人说她也是大地母亲[the Earthmother]在月影群岛[the Moonshae Isles]的孩子之一:“独角兽”凯梅利恩[Kamerynn the Unicom]。来自其他晶壁系的旅者会尝试将她与埃彻斯赫恩[Eachthighern],一位独角兽与飞马男神联系起来(后者在托瑞尔[Toril]星球并未被崇拜),然而她对此的反应仅是对提及的名字感到困惑,并声称与他并无瓜葛。拉芮被精灵视作雅思格赫芮[Yathaghera],展翼女王[the Winged Queen],永聚岛[Evermeet]的飞马与独角兽名义上的统治者礼敬。在丛林女士[the Lady of Forests]需要她的服务时,拉芮充当着梅丽凯[Mielikki]的盟友、朋友以及坐骑。拉芮和诺班尼恩有着一段屹立了许多个世纪的漫长联盟和深厚友谊。拉芮憎恶黑暗神祇玛拉[Malar],并在某些时间点与他的化身或他的仆人发生了战斗。一些迹象表明,她正在外层位面[the Outer Planes]万兽园[Beastlands]的黑夜之森[Karasuthra]相当接近诺班尼恩的地方筹备着一个神国。
Lurue is said to be the daughter of Selûne,Lady of Silver and goddess of the moon. Some say she is also related to one of the Earthmother's children,Kamerynn the Unicom,of the Moonshae Isles. Travelers from other crystal spheres have attempted to link her to Eachthighern,a male deity of unicorns and pegasi who is not worshiped on Toril,but she reacts only with puzzlement to mention of his name and claims no relation to him. Lurue is revered by the elves as Yathaghera,the Winged Queen,the nominal ruler of the pegasi and unicorns of Evermeet. Lurue serves as Mielikki's ally,friend,and steed when the Lady of Forests needs her services. Lurue and Nobanion have a long-standing alliance and deep friendship that has stood for many centuries. Lurue detests the dark deity Malar,and battles with his avatar or his servants at any opportunity. Some indications seem to show she is preparing a realm on Karasuthra in the Beastlands in the Outer Planes to be relatively close to Nobanion.

  能言野兽与智能怪物的女王[the Queen of Talking Beasts and Intelligent Mosters]通常被认为有旅行癖。她可以是反复无常的,但一旦她认为某人值得信任,便会给予无限的忠诚,而且永远不会抛弃那些需要帮助的信徒。当她除了战斗以外别无选择时时,拉芮是位专注且难以对付的敌人,但她更喜爱的是轻松的玩笑、机智的谜语、新的发现、以及生活中令人愉快的探索。
The Queen of Talking Beasts and Intelligent Creatures is often taken with wanderlust. She can be whimsical but is infinitely loyal once she takes someone into her trust,and she never abandons her worshipers in times of need. When faced with no other option but combat,Lurue is a dedicated and intractable foe,but she prefers light banter,clever riddles,new discoveries,and the joyous exploration of life.

  拉芮最大的伤心事,便是由塞尔[Thay]的红袍法师[the Red Wizards]创造的暗黑独角兽[the black unicorns]的存在。这些恶毒的生物是那些被恶魔的血污染的真正独角兽的后代。拉芮指责玛拉协助了红袍法师的魔法研究,而她自己则在寻找一种能救赎它们被腐化灵魂的方法。
Lurue's greatest sorrow is the existence of the black unicorns created by the Red Wizards of Thay. These malevolent creatures are the offspring of true unicorns tainted with the blood of fiends* Lurue blames Malar for secretly assisting the Red Wizards in their magical research,and she seeks a method of redeeming their corrupted souls.
图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

拉芮的化身Lurue's Avatar
  (巫师Mage 23,牧师Cleric 19,游侠Ranger 17,吟游诗人Bard 16)

  拉芮展现为一匹被银色的灵气笼罩着、巨大而美丽的独角兽。(在永聚岛,作为雅思格赫芮,她的形象在这个本底上增加了美丽动人、银色和乳白色的飞马翼)。她的角被称作白银之角[the Argent Alicorn],角由最纯净的白银构成、并且历经回火,它的坚硬程度超过了最坚硬的精金。“独角兽”偏好来自以下领域或学派的法术,领域:动物、预言、魅惑、治疗、植物和太阳;学派:防护、改变、预言、附魔/魅惑和幻术/幻象,不过她可以施展除了有害的死灵法术外,任何领域或学派的法术。
Lurue appears as a gigantic,beautiful unicorn bathed in a silvery nimbus.(On Evermeet,as Yathaghera,she appears in this same form with gorgeous silver- and-opalescent pegasi wings.) Her horn,known as the Argent Alicorn,is made of the purest silver tempered harder than the strongest adamantine. The Unicorn favors spells from the spheres of animal,divination,charm,healing,plant,and sun and the schools of abjuration,alteration,divination,enchantment/charm,and illusion/phantasm,although she can cast spells from any sphere or school except for harmful necromantic spells.

  防御等级 -3;移动 25,飞行 72;生命值 175;零级命中值 -4;#攻击 6次
  伤害 2d6X2/2d6X2/2d12+5X2/(蹄踢/蹄踢/+5角
  魔抗 80%;体型 大型L(肩高10英尺)或 超大型H(肩高15英尺)
  力量 18,敏捷 23,体质 19,智力 24,感知 19,魅力 22
  法术 牧师P:12/11/10/9/6/4/2,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/3
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 4
  AC -3;MV 25,FI 72;HP 175,THAC0 4;#AT 6
  Dmg 2d6x2/2d6x2/2dl2+5x2(hoof/hoof/alicom +5
  MR 80%;SZ L(10 feet tall at the shoulder) to H(15 feet tall at the shoulder
  Str 18,Dex 23,Con 19,Int 24,Wis 19,Cha 22
  Spells P:12/11/10/9/6/4/2,W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/3
  Saves PPDM 2,RSW 3,PP 4,BW 4,Sp 4

  特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:在战斗中拉芮极其迅捷和灵敏。每轮两次,她能以她的前蹄(最多两个目标,每只蹄子对一个)践踏,或以后蹄踢打(所有的蹄子攻击同一目标)。每轮2次,她也能以她的角戳刺,视同一支+5角。独角兽女王[The Unicorn Queen]能冲撞加入战斗,在当前轮1次,使用她骑枪般的角命中造成3倍伤害(6d12),但她不能在同一轮使用她的蹄脚。
Special Att/Def:Lurue is incredibly quick and nimble in battle. She can trample with her forehooves(up to two targets,one per hoof) or kick with her rear hooves(both hoof attacks at one target) twice each per round. She can also thrust with her horn,which is treated as an alicorn +5,twice per round. The Unicorn Queen can charge into battle,using her horn as lance and strike for triple damage(6d12) once in a round,but she cannot use her hooves in the same round.

  依据她的意志,当拉芮的角触碰到凡物时,相当于对此凡物施展了一道医疗术[heal]法术、一道再生术[regenerate]法术、一道中和毒素[Neutralize Poison]法术、以及一道白银之舌与群星之眼[silver tongue and starry eyes]法术。然则这一触碰也有副作用,它将会使接受者在40轮里沐浴在银色妖火术[faerie fire]的光辉中,而且会在接受者的前额上留下一个永久的拉芮的徽记文身。当拉芮的角碰到任何水体的时候,里面的水会变成3倍力量的甜蜜之水[sweet water]药剂。
The touch of Lurue's horn to a mortal being acts as a heal spell,a regenerate spell,a neutralize poison spell,and a silver tongue and starry eyes spell if she so wishes. One side effect of this touch is that it bathes the recipient in a silver faerie fire radiance for 40 rounds and leaves a permanent silver tattoo of Lurue's symbol over the recipient's brow. The touch of Lurue's horn to any body of water is equivalent to that of a triple-strength sweet water potion.

  随意使用,拉芮能够无误传送术[teleport without error]。随意使用,她能够生出或收回一对半透明、泛着银光的翅膀,并在它们能张开时以72英尺(A)速度飞行。每旬1次,她可以说出一道圣言[holy word]、创造一道禁制术[forbiddance]、以及放逐术[banish]一只邪恶的位面生物。任何被拉芮允许骑在她背上(这是一种极其罕见而珍贵的礼赠)、有着纯洁之心和善良阵营的女性,会立刻永久获得两点魅力。
Lurue can teleport without error at will. She can sprout or retract a pair of translucent,silvery wings at will,flying when they are displayed at 72(A),Once per tenday she can speak a holy word,create a forbiddance,and banish an evil extraplanar being. Any female of pure heart and good alignment that Lurue allows astride her back(an extraordinarily rare and treasured gift) immediately gains two points of Charisma permanently.

It is said that if Lurue ever loses her horn,spring will never return to Faerûn,and the continent will perish beneath the icy claws of an endless winter.

Lurue is immune to all spells or spell-like effects from the school of enchantment/charm or the sphere of charm to paralyzation,all poisons,and to all hold magics. She can only be harmed by spells and by +3 or better magical weapons.

其它显现Other Monifesbahions

Lurue often manifests at night as a silvery nimbus around Selûne visible to a few lucky individuals. Such individuals are said to receive Lurue's blessing,a +1 bonus on all saving throws until the following dawn.

  有时候,独角兽女王会展现为一匹幽魂般的银色独角兽、出现在地平线上,带领着白银兽群[the Silver Herd]——由十二匹生命值取满的公独角兽组成——激昂地奔跑。如果能言野兽与智能怪物的女王的某个虔诚的崇拜者正在遭到攻击,这个兽群会在它们幽灵般的女王的带领下雷霆万钧地蜂拥而上,冲向袭击者。这一波幽魂般的冲锋通常足以吓退大部分对抗者,但是如果没有能够,那么公独角兽将会进行攻击、直到目标被赶走。如果任何一匹公独角兽被杀,他会立刻蒸发化作晨露。如果整个银色兽群被击败,拉芮的化身就会呼唤其它的自然神祗来帮助她、实体化、并毫不留情地进行攻击。
The Unicorn Queen sometimes appears on the horizon as a ghostly silver unicorn leading the Silver Herd —12 unicorn stallions of maximum hit points—in a spirited run. If a devout worshiper of the Queen of Talking Beasts and Intelligent Creatures is under attack,the herd bears down on the attackers in a thunderous stampede led by their ghostly queen. This ghostly charge is usually enough to scare off most antagonists,but if not the unicorn stallions attack until their opponents are driven off. If any of the unicorn stallions is slain,he immediately evaporates into morning dew. If the entire Silver Herd is vanquished,Lurue's avatar calls the other nature deities to her aid,solidifies,and attacks without mercy.

  银月被以下事物侍奉着:勇气、希望、节欲以及智慧次级具现[courage,hope,temperance,and wisdom minor incarnates]、独角兽、妖精龙[faerie dragons]、麒麟[ki-rin]、飞马、伪龙[pseudo-dragon]、言灵[talking owl]、巨猞猁狲[giant lynxe]、翼猫[tressym]、以及各种各样有智慧和语言能力的野兽。据说她喜爱花朵,从浪漫的白色和红色玫瑰到简单的雏菊她都喜欢,并且一直对甜食、尤其是用薄荷和用蜂蜜酒制作的甜食情有独钟。
Silverymoon is served by courage,hope,temperance,and wisdom minor incarnates,unicorns,faerie dragons,furestars,ki-rin,pegasi,pseudo-dragons,talking owls,giant lynxes,tressyms,and a wide variety of sentient,talking beasts. She is said to love flowers,from romantic white and red roses to simple daisies,and to have a persistent sweet tooth with a special fondness for mint and for honey wine.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师[Clerics],专属祭司[specialty priests],十字军[crusaders],秘术师[mystics]
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,混乱中立CN
  驱散不死Turn Undead:C:Yes,SP:No,Cru:No,Mys:No
  呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:C:No,SP:No,Cru:No,Mys:No

  拉芮的所有牧师、专属祭司、十字军、以及秘术师得到宗教知识(泛费伦)[religion(Faerûnian)]、陆地骑乘(马)[land-based riding(horses)]、以及陆地骑乘(独角兽)[land-based riding(unicorns)]作为非武器熟练奖励。拉芮的所有祭司必须是女性,且可以是人类、半精灵或精灵。
All clerics,specialty priests,crusaders,and mystics of Lurue receive religion(Faerûnian),land-based riding(horses),and land-based riding(unicorns) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. All of Lurue's priests must be fe-male and may be human,half-elf,or elf

  拉芮受到北地各地和其他任何知晓她的地方的善良种族爱戴。目击任何独角兽都是幸事,独角兽女王[the Unicorn Queen]露面更是一件蒙福的事件。秩序与纪律的严厉守护者认为她轻浮而顽皮,但大部分智慧生物欣赏她自由的灵魂和她奔放而喧闹的快乐。
Lurue is well-loved by the goodly races throughout the North and wherever else she is known. Sightings of any unicorn are considered lucky,and the appearance of the Unicorn Queen is a blessed event. Dour guardians of order and discipline view her as flighty and mischievous,but most sentient creatures admire her free spirit and unrestrained,rollicking joy.

  拉芮在被有独角兽蹄行漫步的林隙与月光照耀的峡谷中被崇拜。她没有供奉其名的神殿,与之相反选择在自然圣境和神圣的小树林被崇拜。独角兽之流[the Unicorn Run](一条蜿蜒穿过至高森林[the High Forest]南部地区河流)的河畔是她圣地的典型代表。已知独角兽们会沿着独角兽之流河畔腾跃、嬉戏,而她们,便是林地自然在其的纯净、最天然一面的化身。
Lurue is worshiped in sylvan glades and moonlit glens wherever unicorns tread. She has no temples dedicated in her name,choosing instead to be worshiped at sacred natural sites and holy groves. The banks of the Unicorn Run,the river which winds through the southern reaches of the High Forest,are representative of her holy sites. Unicorns are known to cavort and gambol along the Unicorn Run's banks,and they are an example of woodland nature in its purest and most unspoiled incarnation.

  拉芮的女祭司们没有正式的头衔阶级。资浅神职人员被称为月空姐妹[Sisters of the Moonlit Sky],而资深的神职人员被称为银月姐妹[Sisters of the Silver Moon]。那些幸运到甚至能骑乘过某只独角兽者,将在之后永久地被称之为谷物女士[Ladycorns]。神职人员由大约40%的牧师、10%的十字军、5%的秘术师、以及45%被称之为白银少女[silvermaids]的专属祭司组成,在互相协作或他们的职责方面,彼此少有区别。
Priestesses of Lurue have no formal hierarchy of titles. Junior clergy are known as Sisters of the Moonlit Sky,and senior clergy are known as Sisters of the Silver Moon. Those priestesses lucky enough to have ever ridden a unicorn are forever after known as Ladycorns. The clergy comprises clerics,crusaders,mystics,and specialty priests,known as silvermaids. The breakdown of classes within the clergy is approximately 40%,10%,5%,and 45%,with little differentiation between the types in the respect they accord each other or their responsibilities.

Lurue has many beasts in her clergy as well. Most unicorns could be considered lay priests of Silverymoon,as might quite a few pegasi. Lurue grants any unicorn who worships her the power to cast one beneficial priestly spell of any sphere or level per day.

Dogma:The Unicorn is a symbol of hope,joy,salvation,and protection for the needy,forlorn,and forsaken. Life is to be relished and lived with laughter. Quests are to be taken on a dare and gifts are to be made on a whim. Impossible dreams are to be pursued for the sheer wonder of the possibility of their completion. Everyone,no matter how unique,is to be praised for their strengths and comforted in their weaknesses. Evil melts quickest in the face of a rapier wit and unshackled joy. Search for the unicorn and in the pursuit find happiness.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
  拉芮的女祭司整日为贫苦者提供援助和安慰,以借贷资助梦想家令他们能实现他们的愿望,救援所有需要援助者、而无论是什么在攻击他们。单一的职责很少被能坚持任意长度的时间,虽然他们非常乐于某项特定任务被贯彻到底,而大部分被周期性的流浪癖打断了。许多拉芮的神职人员是冒险者,她们以这个身份在诸国度[the Realms]漫游、寻求将错误纠正,谋求在嬉笑、新经验与自身进步中达成恰当平衡。
Day-to-Day Activities:Priestesses of Lurue spend their days providing aid and comfort to the needy,lending support to dreamers so that they can achieve their aspirations,and rescuing all who need aid from whatever assails them. Few stick to a single duty for any length of time,though they are very good about seeing a single particular task through to the end,and most are periodically struck with wanderlust. Many of Lurue*s clergy are adventurers who travel about the Realms seeking wrongs to right and finding a good balance of merriment,new experiences,and self-improvement in such a profession.

圣日/重要庆典Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
  拉芮的孪生圣日是仲夏夜[Midsummer's eve]和月宴节[the Feast of the Moon]。前一个节日因彻夜的狂欢庆、放荡不羁的滑稽动作以及大喧大闹而驰名。这类活动的标志是狂骑穿越乡野与天空、数不清的喜剧小品、幽默的演讲、恶搞的决斗、每个人都加入的宏伟合唱以及浪漫的宣示。许多独角兽在此夜选择它们的生命伴侣。
Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:Lurue's twin holy days are Midsummer's eve and the Feast of the Moon. The former holiday is celebrated in a night-long festival of revelry,wild antics,and much hullabaloo. Such events are marked by wild rides through the countryside and sky,numerous theatrical skits,humorous oratories,mock duels,grand songs in which everyone joins in,and romantic declarations. Many unicorns take a mate for life on this night.

The Feast of the Moon is a quiet ceremony marking the onset of winter and serving as a time for remembering those who have passed away and now “dance with the unicorns.” Many great works of art and epic song are unveiled during the Feast of the Moon to quiet applause,particularly in the city of Silverymoon,which celebrates its founding on this day.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
  拉芮的崇拜零散分布于整个北地各地,然而她的同名城市银月城充当着她的信仰的精神中心。这座城市在沿着瑞汶河[the River Rauvin]畔一处兼为拉芮与梅丽凯圣地之处建立。根据这传说,这片浅滩是很久之前梅丽凯初遇拉芮的地点。在独角兽女王,这匹塞伦涅新诞下的小驹儿在一束月华的天窗中出现时,丛林女士为她消解了干渴。梅丽凯如朋友般照料着这匹牝独角兽,教导奔跑着穿越了北地的森林追逐月儿,不过这处地点对拉芮而言仍然是神圣的。在那之后,展现为一匹发光独角兽的拉芮在白银浅滩[the Silver Ford]附近被目击过,这被认为是件幸运之事。
Major Centers of Worship:Lurue's worship is scattered throughout the North,but her namesake,the city of Silverymoon,serves as the spiritual heart of her faith. The city is built along the banks of the River Rauvin at a site sacred to both Lurue and Mielikki. According to legend,these shallows were the site where Mielikki first encountered Lurue ages ago. The Unicorn Queen appeared on a shaft of moonlight,the newly foaled child of Selûne,while the Lady of Forests was quenching her thirst. Mielikki befriended the unicorn filly and taught her to run through the forests of the North chasing the moon,but the site remained holy to Lurue. Thereafter Lurue was seen on occasion in the vicinity of the Silver Ford as a glowing unicorn whose appearance was considered lucky.

  这对女神在数世纪后重返此处,伪装为一位女性游侠与她的骏马。她们爱上了建立在这个地方银月酒馆[the Moonsilver Inn]和银月镇[Silverymoon Town],因为这些居民选择不去掠夺森林和造成破坏,而是在这片土地上搭建起了和谐。女神们以她们的力量赐福于酒馆,对所有将善良放在心中的人许以平安。
The pair of goddesses returned centuries later disguised as a female ranger and her steed. They fell in love with the Moonsilver Inn and Silverymoon Town,which had been built on the site,since the inhabitants chose not to plunder the forests and destroy,but rather build in harmony with the land. The goddesses blessed the inn with their power,promising safety to all who kept goodness in their hearts.

Today,Lurue has no specific shrine or glade within the city. Rather every copse in the city is considered sacred to Lurue,and her avatar has been spotted in nearly every coppice,at least according legend. Lurue's priestesses in Silverymoon commonly worship the Unicorn Queen in Mielikki's Glade or the Silverglen,sacred to Silvanus,but they may be found throughout the city ministering to the less fortunate. Almost all of the city's inhabitants venerate the Unicorn Queen as the sacred protector of their city and all they hold dear about it.

  拉芮偶尔会现身于一片只能在夜间被找到的圣林中,它坐落于雷隆[Leilon]东北的丘陵中。它被称作独角兽之地[the Place of the Unicom]。剑湾[the Sword Coast]的法师们相信它位于另一个维度,只能通过一道月门[moongate](一种只能在月光中运转的魔法门)到达。独角兽之地是独角兽女王的圣地,包含一株蓝色叶子的笔直树木和周围的蓝草草甸。在此休憩的人将被治愈所有的疾病、毒素、诅咒和精神疾病;独角兽(也只有独角兽)还将被治愈所有物理伤害。无信仰或信念在动摇中的人经常会看见拉芮本尊在这棵树上,而他们的反应可能会重塑他们的人生。
Lurue occasionally appears in a sacred grove that can only found at night,located in the hills northeast of Leilon. It is known as the Place of the Unicom. Wizards of the Sword Coast believe that it lies in another dimension,reached only by a moongate(a magical gate that operates only in moonlight). The Place is sacred to the Unicorn Queen and consists of a stand of trees whose leaves are brilliant blue,surrounding a bluegrass meadow. Beings who rest therein are healed of all diseases,poisons,curses,and insanity;unicorns(only) are healed of physical damage. Beings who have no faith or are wavering in their beliefs often see Lurue herself in the trees,and their reaction may reshape their lives.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:
  在开始时,独角兽骑士团[the Knights of the Unicorn]是支烂漫而异想天开的组织,由来自博德之门[Baldur's Gate]、出身高贵的冒险者们组成,他们游荡在剑湾北部,无论走到哪里都在寻求刺激和冒险。在骑士团的职业生涯的早期,他们探索了位于月之森[the Moonwood]腹地传说中艾尔'拉汉娜·瑞科尔[El'lahana Raikeil]的精灵城堡。在探险期间,这支队伍以沉着的老练和少许的奇思妙想,面对并克服了一系列的难题。随着他们每次克服难题,一只银色独角兽的景象也跟随着他们的脚步慢慢成型。当他们抵达他们的目标——失落已久欢愉与眼泪之冠[Crown of Joy and Tears]时,骑士团轮流将它戴到了他们额上,发现自己在与精灵和独角兽们沿着一条银色溪流流畔欢跃。当所有人分享了这顶冠冕的快乐后,这支队友将冠冕放回了它的位置,并离开了这座精灵城堡踏上新的冒险探索。
Affiliated Orders:The Knights of the Unicorn began as a romantic,whimsical group of high-born adventurers from Baldur's Gate who roamed across the Sword Coast North seeking excitement and adventure wherever they wandered. Relatively early in their career,the Knights explored the legendary elven castle of El'lahana Raikeil at the heart of the Moonwood. During their explorations,the band confronted and overcame a series of puzzles with aplomb seasoned with a dash of whimsy. As they overcame each riddle,the image of a silver unicorn shadowing their progress slowly solidified. When they reached their goal,the long lost Crown of Joy and Tears,the Knights each in turn placed it on their brows and found themselves cavorting with elves and unicorns along the banks of a silver stream. When all had partaken of the crown's delights,the band returned the crown to its setting and took their leave of the elven castle in search of new adventures.

  当这支队伍大步跨过大门走进月光时,骑士团的首领,卓维拉·罗瑞因霍[Javalar Roaringhom],宣布:“没有人能再次找到欢愉与眼泪之冠,除非他们带着一颗孩子的心灵和树妖的笑声,或是因希望再次得到他们失去的东西而进入。”被骑士团表现出的奇思妙想和浪漫迷倒的拉芮,让一尊伴随着白银兽群的现身于城堡外的这群冒险者面前。在月之森的那个夜晚,独角兽女王和她高贵的随从们成为了骑士们生命的旅程中最带劲的坐骑。在与银月的遭遇后,骑士团选择了他们现在传奇般的名字并发誓为拉芮服务。独角兽女王喜欢他们的笑声,从那以后,她赠予了他们一系列永无止境  、等待完成的冒险,永无止境、等待纠正的不公。
As the company strode through the gates into the moonlight,the leader of the knights,Javalar Roaringhom,declared,“May none again find the Crown of Joy and Tears unless they enter with the heart of a child and the laugh of a dryad or wish to regain that which they have lost.” Enchanted by the sense of whimsy and romance displayed by the Knights,an avatar of Lurue appeared to the adventurers outside the castle accompanied by the Silver Herd. The Unicorn Queen and her noble retinue took the Knights for the most exhilarating ride of their lives the length and breadth of the Moonwood that night. After their encounter with Silverymoon,the Knights chose their now-legendary name and pledged themselves in the service of Lurue. The Unicorn Queen found favor with their laughter and has gifted them ever since with an unending series of adventures to be had and wrongs to be righted.

  在动荡之年[the Time of Troubles]不久后,骑士团得到了一个将一支沿着剑湾活动的强盗团伙揪出来的机会。到了对强盗据点发起最后攻击的时候,骑士团集合了一小伙包括许多游侠和游荡者的佣兵。在突袭获得成功后,骑士团继续与这支佣兵队的许多人(或许有50人)呆在一起,这些人大多崇拜(或至少尊敬)拉芮。在作为佣兵团经营期间,这个团队完成了一些善行,但因旅行癖、追求个人目标的愿望、以及骑士团早期的异想天开天性开始重现,而最终开始瓦解。在一场对席尔明斯特[Shilmista](即阴影森林[Forest of Shadows])的远征期间,骑士团再次目睹拉芮的化身并展开了追逐。独角兽女王带领他们在这个魔法般的夜里欢快地驰骋,直到她飞奔进了一束月光井中消失。气喘嘘嘘的骑士团郑重宣誓将“追上独角兽,直到他们能看见她眼中的月光。”
Shortly after the Time of Troubles,the Knights had the opportunity to ferret out a group of bandits that operated along the Sword Coast. When the time came for the final assault on the bandit stronghold,the Knights gathered a small corps of mercenary infantry,including a number of rangers and rogues. After the successful raid,the Knights kept much of the band together(perhaps 50 people),most of whom worshiped or at least revered Lurue. The group operated as a mercenary company for a while doing good deeds,but eventually began to fragment as wanderlust,the desire to pursue individual goals,and the whimsical nature of the original Knights began to reassert itself. During an expedition into Shilmista,Forest of Shadows,the Knights caught sight of Lurue's avatar once again and gave chase. The Unicorn Queen led them on a merry ride for one enchanted eve until she vanished by racing up a shaft of moonlight. The winded Knights solemnly vowed to “chase the Unicorn until they could see the moonlight in her eyes.”

  紧接着,资深的骑士们将这个组织重组为了一支由附属冒险队组成的集团,它被称为独角兽骑士团[the Order of the Unicorn]。重申了他们对拉芮的效忠,骑士团的每支连队都漫游于诸国度追逐“独角兽”。在一路上,他们纠正任何他们发现的不公,传播关于这场追逐的故事。骑士团的每支连队都由骑士团原始成员或他们的仆从带领,骑士们则根据需要或期望在不同连队间转移。骑士团的连队们已经延伸原始组织的范围,并扩张到了被视为遥远之地的地方,如泰瑟尔[Tethyr]、迷斯·卓诺[Myth Drannor]、以及星幕[Starmantle]城。资深成员包括:卓维拉·罗瑞因霍(混乱善良,人类男性,战士19)、爱菈兰纳芮·月尘[Iallanara Moondust](混乱善良,人类女性,祭司[拉芮]18),“夸夸其谈者”普萝达[Plomdar the Bombastic](混乱善良,人类男性,Encl18),芭兰塔·白盾[Balanta Whiteshield](混乱善良,人类女性,战士16),温塔尔·半人[Ventar Halfhuman](混乱善良,半精灵男性,游侠15),帕妮葛塔·萨逊斯塔[Penegala Sashenstar](中立善良,人类女性,游侠14),以及乔尔博斯·“肥肠”·特瓦拉[Jolboss “Stoutguts” Twylar](混乱善良,人类男性,战士14,外号是因为令人印象深刻的腰围和浮夸的作风。)
Immediately thereafter,the senior knights reorganized the group into a loose collection of affiliated adventuring bands known as the Order of the Unicorn. Reaffirming their dedication to Lurue,each company of Knights wanders the Realms “chasing the Unicorn.” On the way,they right any wrongs they discover and spread the tale of the chase. Each company of Knights is led by one of the original members or their henchmen,and Knights shift from company to company as needed or desired. Companies of Knights have begun to extend the range of the original group and have been seen as far afield as Tethyr,Myth Drannor,and Starmantle. Senior members include Javalar Roaringhorn(CG hm F19),Iallanara Moondust(CG hf P[Lurue]18),Plomdar the Bombastic(CG hm Encl8),Balanta Whiteshield(CG hf F16),Ventar Halfhuman(CG hem R15),Penegala Sashenstar(NG hf B14),and Jolboss “Stoutguts” Twylar(CG hm F14,of impressive girth and pompous manner).

祭司祭服Priestly Vestments:
Priestly Vestments:When priestesses dedicate themselves to Lurue,their irises change color to a deep shade of blue or purple. Priestesses of Lurue garb themselves in simple white robes of cotton,linen,or silk woven with threads of pure silver,often in form of Lurue's symbol. Most wear their hair long and free,dyed silver or bleached white.(Some say this is not artifice,but another manifestation of their holy calling.)

冒险服饰Adventuring Garb:
  拉芮的神职人员穿着相对轻的盔甲,通常是闪亮的银链甲(或(对于那些如此幸运者来说)是精灵链甲)和一面被磨地如镜面一样光滑的盾牌,她们在预计将战斗时,挥舞着一柄枪和一柄长剑。在神话中,银月女骑士[the Lady Knights of the Silver Moon](她们通常被如此称呼),她们面对着银月[Silverymoon]之敌,以她们的军事技能、在那银色的光辉中守护着她。
Adventuring Garb:Lurue's clergy garb themselves in relatively light armor,typically gleaming silver chain mail(or elven chain mail,for those so lucky) and a shield polished mirror-bright,and wield a lance and a long sword when expecting combat. The Lady Knights of the Silver Moon,as they are often called,rival Silverymoon's fabled defenders in martial skill and argent luster.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(白银少女Silvermaids

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:感知[Wisdom] 13,魅力[Charisma] 12
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:感知[Wisdom],魅力[Charisma]
  防具ARMOR:链甲以下所有类型防具、包括链甲和盾牌[All armor types up to and including chain mail and shield]
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通[All],动物[animal],魅惑[charm],预言[divination],医疗[healing],守卫[guardian],太阳[sun],旅者[travelers]
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:战斗[Combat],植物[plant],保护[protection],气候[weather]
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师[Same as clerics]
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:枪(任意类型)[Lance(any type)],长剑[long sword],动物知识[animal lore];唱歌或艺术才能(任选一)[singing or artistic ability(pick one)]
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:草药学[Herbalism],陆地骑乘(马)[land-based riding(horse)],陆地骑乘(独角兽)[land-based riding(unicorn)],空中骑乘(飞马)[airborne riding(pegasi)]

  ·Silvermaids must be female and may be humans,elves(gold [high],moon [gray],or wild [wood]),or half-elves of any of the allowed elven types or haif-drow.

  ·随意使用,白银少女可以使用动物交谈术[speak with animals]
  ·Silvermaids can speak with animals at will.

  ·Silvermaids are immune to all forms of poison and death spells,and they can never be charmed or held by magic.

  ·每年至多1次,白银少女能够施展寻找魔宠[find familiar](如同1级法师法术)。如果通过施展这道法术获得魔宠,魔宠将由于某些魔法转化或遗传特质、而能够以女祭司的天赋语言交谈。
  ·Silvermaids are able to cast find familiar(as the 1st-level wizard spell) at most once per year. If a familiar is acquired through the casting of this spell,it will be able to converse in the priestesses native language due to some magical transformation or inherited trait.

  ·在第3级,每日1次,白银少女能够施展治疗目盲或耳聋[cure blindness or deafness](如同3级祭司法术)。
  ·At 3rd level,silvermaids are able to cast cure blindness or deafness(as the 3rd-evel priest spell) once per day.

  ·在第5级,每日1次,白银少女能够施展治疗疾病[cure disease](如同3级祭司法术)。
  ·At 5th level,silvermaids are able to cast cure disease(as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ·在第7级,每日1次,白银少女能够施展独角兽之舞[dance of the unicorns](如同4级祭司法术)。
  ·At 7th level,silvermaids are able to cast dance of the unicorns(as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ·在第7级,每日1次,白银少女能够施展负能量位面防护[negative plane protection](如同3级祭司法术)。
  ·At 7th level,silvermaids are able to cast negative plane protection(as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ·在第10级,每日1次,通过接触,白银少女能够中和毒性[neutralize poison](如同4级祭司法术)。在第13级,她们能够这样做2次/每日,在第15级3次/每日。
  ·At 10th level,silvermaids are able to neutralize poison(as the 4th-level priest spell) once time per day by touch. They are able to do so twice per day at 13th level and three times per day at 15th level.

  ·At 10th level,a silvermaid of truly pure heart can summon a unicorn to serve as her steed. The unicorn is an exceptionally loyal mount and friend and serves the priestess for life as long as she never falls out of Lurue's favor. If the unicorn is ever killed for any reason or the priestess ever willfully violates Lurue's teachings,Lurue may or may not decide to send the silvermaid another unicorn mount even after she repents or makes amends.

  ·在第20级,每日1次,白银少女能够无误传送术[teleport without error](如同7级法师法术)。
  ·At 20th level,silvermaids are able to teleport without error(as the 7th-level wizard spell) once per day.

拉芮教派法术Luruean Spells

2nd Level
独角之枪Alicorn Lance
  (祭司Pr 2;祈唤/塑能[Invocation/Evocation])

  距离Range:40 码[yards]
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:一个生物[One creature]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:1/2

This spell creates a silver-hued,partially ethereal lance shaped in the form of an alicorn,the proper name for a unicorn horn. The alicom lance hovers above the brow of the spellcaster for a maximum of 1 round per level of the spellcaster. By silent act of will,any time before the spell expires,the spell-caster can choose a target and the alicom lance instantaneously fires at it,striking as a +1 magical lance(if the caster is less than 7th level) or a +2 magical lance(if the caster is of 7th or higher level) for the purpose of the types of creatures it can damage and inflicting 3d6 points of piercing damage. The alicom lance never misses,but the target can partially avoid its effects(taking only half damage) by making a successful saving throw vs. spell.

  在命中后,独角之枪将散入虚空,只在目标身上留下描画出他轮廓的银色妖火术[aerie fire]光辉,并附有那个法术产生的所有战斗惩罚,持续1d4轮。
After striking,an alicom lance dissipates into nothingness,leaving only a silvery faerie fire radiance outlining the target,with all the attendant combat penalties of that spell,for ld4 rounds.

The material components for ths spell are the priestess' holy symbol and a lock of unicorn mane.

3rd Level
雅思格赫芮的眷顾Favor of Yathaghera
  (祭司Pr 3;改变[Alteration])

  持续时间Duration:小时/级 [hour/level]
  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:一匹马类[One equine]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

  这道法术的马类目标(通常是一匹马,但有时是半人马、独角兽或飞马),如果它没有翅膀,将立即萌发出一对类似于飞马身上的翅膀。这匹新诞生的有翼马类可以以48的移动速度飞行,而机动等级为C(如果被骑乘为D)。雅思格赫芮[Yathagher]的眷顾让施法者(但也仅施法者)在该法术持续期间熟练空中骑乘[aerial riding],并让这匹马类坐骑能够像这对翅膀是与生俱来第那样机动和飞行。作为这道魔法咒语的一部分,被安在法术目标身上的任何鞍座、嚼子或缰绳将立即滑脱、坠落在地;这匹有翼马类必须被无鞍骑乘。在这道法术作用期间,一匹马类能够从50英尺或更高的地方俯冲敌人,并用它的蹄攻击;每次这样的攻击骰获得+2加值并造成2倍伤害。
The equine target of this spell(typically a horse,but sometimes a centaur,unicorn,or pegasus) immediately sprouts a pair of wings simitar to those borne by pegasi if it does not already have wings. The newly winged equine can fly with a movement rate of 48 and maneuverability class C(D if mounted). Favor of Yathagher a makes the spellcaster(but only the spellcaster) proficient in aerial riding for the duration of the spell and enables the equine steed to maneuver and fly as if it were born with wings. As part of the magic of the incantation,any saddle,bit,or bridle placed on the target of this spell immediately slips off and falls to the ground;the winged equine must be ridden bareback. While under the influence of this spell,an equine can dive at an opponent from heights of 50 feet or higher and use its hoof attacks;each such attack roll is at a +2 bonus and does double damage.

If this spell is cast upon a pegasus or any other naturally winged equine,its movement rate while flying is doubled and its maneuverability class improves by one(to a maximum of A).

The material components for this spell are a feather from a pegasus(freely granted) and the priestess's holy symbol.

5th Level
独角兽之舞Dance of the Unicorns
  (祭司Pr 5;改变[Alteration])

  持续时间Duration:6 轮[rounds]
  施法时间Casting Time:8
  影响区域Area of Effect:一个有知觉生物[One setient being]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

  这道法术是7级法师法术无误传送术[teleport without error]和3级法师法术闪现术[blink]的祭司版。每轮1次,以无声的意志,受术者能在360码范围内进行无误传送术。法术受术者能够携带的最大重量为250磅加这位施法的女祭司每经验等级150磅,最大10级。
This spell is a priestly variant of the 7th-level wizard spell teleport without error and the 3rd-level wizard spell blink. Once per round,by silent act of will,the recipient can teleport without error with a range of 360 yards. Spell recipients can carry with them a maximum weight of 250 pounds plus 150 pounds for each level of experience of the casting priestess above 10th.

The teleportation effect can occur at the end of the round or at a random time during the round. In the latter case,the spell operates identically to a blink spell,but the range and direction are chosen by the spell recipient.

The material components for this spell are a small vial of clear fresh water from a river or stream stirred by a unicorn with its horn,and the priestess's holy symbol.

6th Level
白银之舌与群星之眼Silver Tongue and Starry Eyes
  (祭司Pr 5;改变[Alteration])

  施法时间Casting Time:1 轮[round]
  影响区域Area of Effect:一只动物智力生物[One creature of animal intelligence]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过即无效Neg.

This spell,whimsically named silver tongue and starry eyes,enables a priestess of Lurue to add another potential worshiper to Lurue's herd. This spell is only effective on creatures of animal intelligence. If the target fails its saving throw vs. spell(which cannot be voluntarily forgone),its intelligence is permanently boosted by 2d6 points and it is permanently granted the capacity of speech intelligible to humans and demihumans,typically acquiring the common tongue of humans immediately through the magic of this spell(or possibly Elvish,if the caster is an elf or half-elf).

There is a 1% chance per level of the spellcaster that the increase in sentience and the acquired capacity for speech will breed true in succeeding generations. This chance is doubled if both parents have been similarly augmented.

  这道法术的材料成分是这位女祭司的圣徽,以及一小瓶来自银月浅滩[Silverymoon Ford]的瑞汶河[the River Rauvin]、过去两周内的水。
The material components for this spell are the priestesses holy symbol and a small vial of water gathered from the River Rauvin at Silverymoon Ford within the past fortnight.
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