作者 主题: [P.062]乌鲁提欧Ulutiu  (阅读 2493 次)


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« 于: 2017-08-05, 周六 21:57:56 »


  (冰中之主[The Lord in the Ice],永眠者[the Eternal Sleeper],巨人族之父[Father of the Giant's Kin])

  主物质面半神力[Demipower of the Prime Material Plane],

  神职PORTFOLIO:冰河[Glaciers],冰海[frozen seas],极地[polar environments],极地居民[arctic dwellwes]
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:原先:托瑞尔/费伦;目前飘荡在星界中[Formerly Toril/Faerûn;currently adrift in the Astral Plane]
  徽记SYMBOL:由蓝白色冰晶串成的项链[A nerklace of blue and white ice crystals]
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE
【右图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

  乌鲁提欧[Ulutiu](读作Oo-LOO--tee-oo)是位长久静滞的神祇,他自愿在星界[the Astral Plane]永世沉眠、亘古飘荡。不同于这个位面那些困于死亡中的神性存在,乌鲁提欧仍有足够的活力继续授予他散落于北极荒原的微量追随者法术。虽然有些学者推测乌鲁提欧曾是凡人,但大部分贤者还是相信他是位在几千年前的诸国度[the Realms]北部区域、维系了几个世纪化身的次级海神。当他发现了这片广阔而沉寂的大洋(充满了现在被称作大冰川[the Great Glacier]、瓦萨[Vaasa]、达玛拉[Damara]、纳菲尔[Narfell]的区域)时,乌鲁提欧制造了一艘冰驳船,整日在漂浮在海上沉思。
Ulutiu(Oo-LOO--tee-oo) is a long-quiescent deity who has voluntarily spent the last eon in slumber,adrift in the Astral Plane. Unlike many of the other deific inhabitants who linger in death on that plane,Ulutiu is sufficiently alive to continue to grant spells to his few followers scattered across Faerûn's northem arctic wastes. Although some scholars have speculated that Ulutiu was once mortal,most sages believe he was a minor sea god who maintained an avatar for several centuries in the northern reaches of the Realms several thousand years ago. When he discovered a vast and still ocean that filled the regions now known as the Great Glacier,Vaasa,Damara,and Narfell,Ulutiu forged a barge of ice and spent his days adrift upon the sea in silent contemplation.

  据大冰川的居民和蛮荒边境[Savage Frontier]的冰猎人[the Ice Hunters]所说,乌鲁提欧享受着安静思考的生活,避免被卷入凡人或神祇的事务。巨人传说则描绘了一副非常不同的乌鲁提欧形象。这些庞然大物宣称乌鲁提欧是盎恩[Annam]的新娘欧赛雅[Othea]众多情人的其中一位。盎恩是各种真巨人种族之父,而乌鲁提欧则是各种类巨人——隐逸巨人[firbolg]、亚巨人[verbeeg]、弗钦巨人[voadkyn]、以及福尔摩瑞人[formorian]之父。
According to the peoples of the Great Glacier and the Ice Hunters of the Savage Frontier,Ulutiu enjoyed a life of quiet reflection,avoiding involvement in the affairs of mortals or gods. Giant lore paints a much different picture of Ulutiu. Those behemoths claim that Ulutiu was one of the many lovers of Othea,bride of Annam. While Annam fathered the various races of true giants,Ulutiu fathered the various giant-kin—firbolgs,verbeegs,voadkyn,and formorians.

  两帮人都声称乌鲁提欧沉入了大寒洋[the Cold Ocean]深处,他的附魔项链冻结了周围的海域,从形成了大冰川。巨人们相信,盎恩在发现自己被戴绿帽后杀死了乌鲁提欧。而乌鲁提欧的人类崇拜者则没有任何关于这场战斗的传说。他们关于乌鲁提欧的传说表示,为了确保在洋底能安宁地沉眠,他锻造了一条附魔的冰项链(精致的蓝水晶链),然后当周围的海水慢慢结冰时,他自愿随着他的冰驳船沉没。
Both groups claim that Ulutiu sank to the depths of the Cold Ocean,his enchanted necklace freezing the surrounding sea and forming the Great Glacier. The giants believe that Annam killed Ulutiu after discovering he was being cuckolded. Ulutiu’s human worshipers have no tales of any such battle. Their tales about Ulutiu indicate that he forged a necklace of enchanted ice,a delicate chain of glistening blue crystals,to ensure a peaceful slumber on the ocean floor and then voluntarily sank beneath the surface in his ice barge as the surrounding sea slowly froze.

  一如往常,真相就介乎两个传说之间。乌鲁提欧确为欧赛雅的情人,但“万众之父”盎恩[Annam the All-Father]基本上既不关心、也不在意他的配偶。欧赛雅离开了对生儿子比对妻子更有兴趣的盎恩,跟各种神力(如食人魔种族之父瓦普拉克[Vaprak])发生了一系列不甚满意的风流韵事。在乌鲁提欧那里,泛费伦巨人与类巨人之母[the mother of Faerûn's giants and giant-kin]终于找到了幸福和真爱。当盎恩发现他们的韵事时,他威胁将把欧赛雅和乌鲁提欧一起杀掉。最终,乌鲁提欧说服万众之父宽恕欧赛雅,作为回报他将自我流放。于是乌鲁提欧陷入了沉眠、濒临于死亡、被包裹在寒冰的坟墓中。
As is typical,the truth lies somewhere between these two bodies of legend. Ulutiu was Othea's lover,but Annam the All-Father was hardly a caring,attentive spouse. Othea turned away from Annam,who was more interested in fathering sons than caring for his wife,and she pursued a series of unsatisfying affairs with various powers such as Vaprak,father of the ogre race. In Ulutiu,the mother of Faerfln's giants and giant-kin finally found happiness and love. When Annam discovered their affair,he threatened to kill both Othea and Ulutiu. Eventually Ulutiu convinced the All-Father to spare Othea in return for his voluntary exile. Ulutiu descended into a deep slumber,nigh unto death,encased in a tomb of ice.

Ulutiu had his revenge,however,when the ever-expanding ice of his crypt enveloped much of Ostoria,destroying the giant kingdom,and Othea negotiated Annam's exile for an indefinite period. The secret pact of Othea with Ulutiu to reunite after Annam’s departure was foiled when Othea was poisoned by her eldest son Lanaxis,progenitor of the titans,who sought to reverse the ever-expanding tide of the Great Glacier by taking Ulutiu's necklace but was forbidden by Othea from venturing onto the ice.

  今日,乌鲁提欧既非清醒,也未消亡。在永恒的沉眠中,他与欧赛雅一起在星界漂泊着。在欧赛雅逝世后,永恒眠者[the Eternal Sleeper]对诸国度几乎再没有一点的兴趣,但他仍然维持着一点微小的存在来观察欧赛雅陨落之地上发生的事件。如果他发现了能让欧赛雅复苏的方法,他可能将回归诸国度[the Realms](并迅速陷入与欧吕尼[Auril]和安博里[Umberlee]的冲突中),但看上去暂时他满足于在永恒的沉眠中安息,只向在他最喜欢的环境中幸存并尊崇着他的名讳的个别顽强者授予法术和提供保护。
Today Ulutiu is neither awake nor dead. He drifts in eternal slumber alongside Othea in the Astral Plane. The Eternal Sleeper has little interest in the Realms following Othea's demise,but he does maintain a small presence to observe the unfolding events in the fallen lands of Ostoria. If a way could be found to resuscitate Othea,he would likely return to the Realms(and quickly come into conflict with Auril and Umberlee),but for the time being he seems content to rest in eternal sleep,granting spells and protection only to the few hardy people who survive in his favorite environment and venerate his name.
【图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

乌鲁提欧的化身Ulutiu 's Avatar
  (游侠Ranger 24,萨满Shaman 22,巫师Mage 20)

Ulutiu has not manifested an avatar in the Realms in almost 4,000 years and has no intention of doing so in the foreseeable future. However,if the eternal rest of his final avatar entombed at the bottom of the Great Glacier was disturbed,if someone were to discover a method by which Othea could be resurrected,or if Annam was ever to manifest an avatar in the Realms,Ulutiu would promptly manifest an avatar once again. Such an appearance would probably presage the dissolution of the Great Glacier,although that change would take centuries to occur.

Ulutiu appears as a stocky human male of indeterminate ancestry. His arms and legs are short and thick and his fingers resemble plump sausages. He has raven black hair and ice blue skin. His face is round with impossibly deep blue eyes,a flat nose,and tiny ears pressed flat against his head. Ulutiu favors spells from the spheres of divination,elemental(water),thought,and time and the schools of elemental(water) and divination,although he can cast spells from any sphere or school.

  防御等级 -2;移动 15,生命值 206;零级命中值 -3;#攻击 5次/2轮
  伤害 2d6+14(+4鱼叉,+9力量,+2对鱼叉专精)
  魔抗 65%;体型 大型L(12英尺高)
  力量 21,敏捷 19,体质 24,智力 23,感知 20,魅力 19
  法术 祭司P:12/12/11/11/9/6/3,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/2
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 6
  AC -2;MV 15;HP 206;THAC0 -3;#AT 5/2
  Dmg 2d6+14(harpoon +4,+9 Str,+2 spec,bonus in harpoon)
  MR 65%;SZ L(12feet)
  Str 21,Dex 19,Con 24,Int 23,Wis 20,Cha 19
  Spells P:12/12/11/11/9/6/3;W:5/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/2
  Saves PPDM 2,RSW 5,PP 4,BW 4,Sp 6

  特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:乌鲁提欧挥舞着巨大、双手持握的凛海鱼叉[Harpoon of the Cold Sea],这是一柄+4附魔的武器。除了武器的伤害外,乌鲁提欧还能通过猛拽鱼叉上空气般的系绳将任何目标拽倒。这将对目标造成2d4点伤害,并迫使其通过成功的敏捷检定否则将被拽倒。如果乌鲁提欧的攻击目标被拽倒,它必须通过一次成功的对抗喷吐武器豁免检定,否则将被震慑1d4轮。乌鲁提欧能在随后几轮继续猛拉鱼叉的受害者,一直不拔出直到他想要这么做。虽然这样不会造成额外的基础伤害,但鱼叉将继续每轮造成2d4点伤害,并要求敏捷检定以及可能需要的豁免检定(如果乌鲁提欧继续拽它)。随意使用,乌鲁提欧能令鱼叉重回他手中,准备即兴好投掷。(这时候,鱼叉的受害者将停止遭受额外伤害。)
Special Att/Def:Ulutiu wields the massive,two-handedHarpoon of the Cold Sea,a weapon with a +4 enchantment. In addition to the weapon's damage,Ulutiu can yank any target off his feet with a sharp tug on the harpoon's ethereal tether. This deals an additional 2d4 points of damage to a target and forces it to make a successful Dexterity check or be pulled off its feet. If the target of Ulutiu's attack is pulled off its feet,it must make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon or be stunned for ld4 rounds. Ulutiu can continue to yank a victim about with his harpoon in subsequent rounds,as it does not dislodge until Ulutiu wills it to do so. Although it does not cause additional base damage,the harpoon continues to inflict 2d4 points of damage per round,as well as require Dexterity checks and possibly saving throws if Ulutiu continues tugging on it. At will,Ulutiu can cause the harpoon to reappear in his hand,ready to throw at a moment's notice.(Harpooned victims ceased taking additional damage at this point.)

  在冰坟的漫长掩埋中,乌鲁提欧被永久地灌注了极地的寒冷灵气。每轮1次,从任何进入冰中之主[The Lord in the Ice]30英尺内的温血动物身上,将每轮流失等同于4d8点伤害的热量,除非其受到法术(如抵抗寒冷[resist cold])、温暖戒指[ring of warmth]或类似魔法的保护。所有他施展的寒冷和元素水法术将有2倍的正常伤害、2倍的射程和影响范围。
Ulutiu's long entombment in his glacial crypt has permanently imbued him with an aura of arctic cold. Any warm-blooded creature who comes within 30 feet of the Lord in the Ice is drained of heat equal to 4d8 points of damage from its victim,per round unless protected by a spell such as resist cold ,a ring of warmtht or similar magics. All cold and elemental water spells he casts are at double normal damage and up to double normal range and area of effect.

Ulutiu can conjure 2d8 seals,2d8 walruses,ld3 polar bears,2d6 reindeer or one of any other arctic animal to his side instantly up to twice a day. They serve him faithfully in whatever tasks he asks of them,including fighting to the death or performing errands within their appropriate intelligence,for up to a tenday. He can speak with any arctic creature at will.

Ulutiu is immune to damage from cold-based or water-based spells or effects of any sort. He takes no drowning damage when immersed and can breathe water and move underwater as if he were in air.

其它显现Other Monifesbahions

  自陷入沉眠以来,乌鲁提欧极少显现于诸国度。他时不时通过北方地区的冰震来展现对凡人活动的不悦。这类的冰震被归咎于瓦萨人[Vaasan]的法师在欧卡山[Mt. Okk]山脚建造冰城堡造成的破坏。他有时会显现为一道直径约3英尺完美冰环,漂浮于大冰川某片小海域海滨附近。当这类微型冰山分裂和翻转时,乌鲁提欧的祭司们相信,他们能通过对冰中裂隙和凸起的细致冥思来洞悉乌鲁提欧的教诲。
Ulutiu rarely manifests in the Realms since entering into his deep sleep. He has shown his displeasure with the actions of mortals from time to time through icequakes in the northern regions. Such an icequake is blamed for the destruction of the ice castle constructed by Vaasan wizards at the foot of Mt. Okk. He sometimes manifests as a perfect circle of ice about 3 feet in diameter floating near the shore of one of the Great Glacier's small seas. When such miniature icebergs are removed and turned upside down,Ulutiu's priests believe they can discern fragments of Ulutiu's teachings through careful meditation on the pattern of cracks and protrusions in the ice.

  乌鲁提欧被以下存在侍奉着:棕霉菌[brown mold]、[frost]、[haundar]、[kupuk]、[sha'az]、各种各样的极地鱼类、海豹、海象、北极熊、驯鹿、北美驯鹿、驼鹿、北极狐和啮齿动物、以及其他极地生物包括鲸类。
Ulutiu is served by brown molds,frosts,haundars,kupuks,sha'az,various arctic fish,seals,walruses,polar bears,reindeer,caribou,elk,arctic foxes and rodents,and other arctic creatures,including whales.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:萨满[Shamans],专属祭司[specialty priests]
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序善良LG,守序中立LN,守序邪恶LE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:Sha:Yes,if good,SP:No
  呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:Sha:Yes,if neutral or evil,SP:No

All shamans and specialty priests of Ulutiu receive religion(Faerûnian) and religion(giant) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies.

  乌鲁提欧受到大冰川的那库鲁逊人[the Nakulutiuns]和他们的亲族——蛮荒边境的冰猎人的崇敬。在约3000年前发现乌鲁提欧冰河[the Glacier of Ulutiu]后,库鲁逊人从奥尔帕克[Alpuk]氏族(也被称为尢鲁逊人[the Iulutiuns])脱离,目前崇敬着冰中之主。每个村庄都由一位独裁的领袖和三位副官领导,其中,前者被称为优利特[urit],是乌鲁提欧的专属祭司,可能为男性也可能是女性;后者被称为亚锐特[yaaurit],也是专职祭祀。在库鲁逊人中乌鲁提欧的专职祭祀被统称为那库瑞特[nakurits]。
Ulutiu is venerated by the Nakulutiuns of the Great Glacier and their kin,the Ice Hunters of the Savage Frontier. The Nakulutiuns broke off from the clans of Alpuk(known now as the Iulutiuns) after their discovery of the Glacier of Ulutiu nearly 3,000 years ago and now venerate the Lord in the Ice. Each village is led by an autocratic leader,a specialty priest of Ulutiu who may be female or male and is known as the urit,and three lieutenants,who are also specialty priests and are known as yaaurit. Specialty priests of Ulutiu among the Nakulutiuns are known collectively as nakurits.

  至于冰猎人,这些北地的极地人[the Ancient Men of the North]甚至早于在费伦[Faerûn]大陆的西北部定居的北方人[the Northmen],他们在一个千纪前带着他们的乌鲁提欧崇拜,从库鲁逊人的土地,漫游横跨了艾柏尔·托瑞尔[Abeir-Toril]星球的极地冰盖,抵达了北地[the North]以北的世界之脊[the Spine of the World]。自从他们起程的数世纪以来,冰猎人中的乌鲁提欧崇拜发生了一种显著的变化。冰猎人主要崇敬的是侍奉着乌鲁提欧的野兽图腾伟大精魄[beast totem great spirits],包括“灰海豹”克莱弗·欧墨[Clever Oomio the Gray Seal]、祖父海象[Grandfather Walrus]、伟大白熊[Great White Bear]、以及“驯鹿母亲”萍德奥珀-保罗[Pindalpau-pau the Reindeer Mother],而非直接崇拜冰中之主。在许多方面,冰猎人对乌鲁提欧和他们的图腾动物的看法,类似于乌斯伽族[the Uthgardt]野蛮人部落对乌斯伽[Uthgar]和乌斯伽族野兽图腾的看法。冰猎人乌鲁提欧专职祭祀(被称为冰之守卫[iceguardians])和萨满同时侍奉着乌鲁提欧和冰猎人野兽图腾,而两者都起着与库鲁逊人的那库瑞特相似的职能。
The Ice Hunters,the Ancient Men of the North who preceded even the Northmen in settling northwestern Faerûn,are a people who wandered off across Abeir-Toril's polar ice cap to the North above the Spine of the World from the lands of the Nakulutiuns over one millennium ago,bringing with them the veneration of Ulutiu. In the centuries since their departure,the veneration of Ulutiu among the Ice Hunters has changed in one significant way. The Ice Hunters primarily revere beast totem great spirits who serve Ulutiu,including Clever Oomio the Gray Seal,Grandfather Walrus,Great White Bear,and Pindalpau-pau the Reindeer Mother,rather than directly worshiping the Lord in the Ice. In many ways,the Ice Hunters' regard for Ulutiu and their totem animals parallels the regard of the Uthgardt barbarian tribes for Uthgar and the Uthgardt beast totems. Ulutiu and the Ice Hunter beast totems are served by Ice Hunter specialty priests of Ulutiu,known as iceguardians,and shamans,who both serve similar functions as the nakurits of the Nakulutiuns.

Ulutiu has no true temples,at least as defined by those who live in the lands south of his domain. Instead he is venerated in small shrines located in each village,often in the home of the most senior priest. Such shrines vary from community to community,but typically include altars made of solid blocks of unmelting ice that enclose important fetishes.

Dogma:No person is the superior of another,with the exception of Ulutiu's priests,who are his representatives in this world and who are set in positions of leadership to pass on his wisdom to his people. Animals share the same emotions,thoughts,and morals as people. For reasons of his own,Ulutiu compels animals to express these characteristics differently. Because animals are children of Ulutiu,they must be respected. Disrespect of animals risks the wrath of Ulutiu. People and animals have a life essence called pokulu. When they die,their pokulu passes on to Ulutiu and becomes part of him.

  库鲁逊人(而非冰猎人)相信,乌鲁提欧为他的信众——库鲁逊人——订立了规则,而在那种社会秩序中,每个人都知晓自己的位置并欣于那种认知。库鲁逊人应该使自己远离其他人,尤其是大冰川的其他人群,例如尢鲁逊人和安古鲁逊人[the Angulutiuns],因为他们是异教徒,因为他们远离了乌鲁提欧的正途。与他们的长期接触只会导致偏离乌鲁提欧展现给那库瑞特们,进而传达给库鲁逊人的正确轨道。非乌鲁提欧所授的魔法是亵渎神明的,而法师应该被避开或是从库鲁逊村庄中赶走,以防乌鲁提欧因窝藏亵渎者的侮辱,而向这个村庄宣示愤怒。
The Nakulutiuns(but not the Ice Hunters) believe that Ulutiu has set an order for his faithful people,the Nakulutiuns,and within that social order every person knows his or her place and is happy in that knowledge. Nakulutiuns should keep themselves apart from others,especially other peoples of the Great Glacier such as the Iulutiuns and the Angulutiuns,be-cause they are heathen and have left the true ways of Ulutiu. Long contact with them can only lead to straying from the true path as shown to the nakurits by Ulutiu and then passed on to the Nakulutiuns. Magic outside of that granted by Ulutiu is blasphemous,and wizards are to be shunned or driven from Nakulutiun villages to prevent Ulutiu from showing his wrath at the village for the insult of harboring a blasphemer.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Day-to-Day Activities:The nakurits serve as autocratic rulers of the Nakulutiun villages. They govern with harsh,even cruel,edicts,but are rarely motivated by self-interest. Both the nakurits and the residents of each village believe Ulutiu's priests receive guidance from the Lord in the Ice,and,as a result,Nakulutiun society is orderly,if somewhat staid.

Among the Ice Hunters,Ulutiu's clergy serve as community leaders as well,but they govern more by consensus than edict. Ice Hunter society is more open to contact with outsiders(on a passing basis) and less stratified in its social classes than Nakulutiun society. Ulutiu*s clergy are leaders,teachers,keepers of history and wisdom,and defenders of their people. They teach their clans's children,induct youths into adulthood,and pass along both clan traditions and practical survival knowledge. In communities where Luskan's power is palpable,Ulutiu's priests lead campaigns of silent resistance against the unwanted interlopers.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:The Nakulutiuns follow a special set of edicts called kaiurit that vary from village to village and change from year to year. On the first day of spring,the urit calls an assembly of the entire village(called an iurit) and declares the kaiurit for the previous year are no long valid. She or he then announces the coming year's kaiurit,consisting of two or three new rules that the villagers are expected to follow. For a month prior to announcing the year’s new kaiurit,the urit spends each evening in isolation,praying and meditating. The urit receives the kaiurit by experiencing tiny fragments of Ulutiu’s dreams as visions. To outsiders,the kaiurit seems baffling and arbitrary,but to the Nakulutiuns,its dictates are sacred and indisputable. Typical examples include “No fires can be lit outside,” "At sundown,each adult must toss a handful of meat into a crevasse as an offering to Ulutiu,” “All adults must wear a certain painted symbol(a moon,a bird,etc.) on their foreheads at all times,”“A certain species of animal(ice toads,polar bears,etc.) cannot be hunted or killed for any reason,’’ or “All heathens(non-Nakulutiuns) are to be killed on sight.”

In addition to obeying the urit and yaaurit and following the kaiurit,Nakulutiuns must offer a silent prayer to Ulutiu three times a day(usually at dawn,midday,and sunset). Prayer-givers cover their eyes with their hands and turn their heads to the sky,remaining silent for about a minute.

  据观察,冰猎人已经放弃实行卡攸瑞特法,但他们还在持续每日3次向乌鲁提欧进行的无声祈祷。此外,他们还实行着被称为凯透特恩[the kaitotem]、长达一年的仪式。在生产季节开始时,这座村庄最勇敢的猎人将动身去俘获作为该部落主要野兽图腾的物种的幼兽,而不杀死母兽或其它幼崽。这只幼崽将被带回村子生活,由乌鲁提欧的祭司饲养,并给予这只野兽一整年最好的食物配给。在年末,这只幼兽将被该氏族的野兽图腾附体,并消失于荒野。如果该氏族善待了这只野兽并照顾了它的需要,它将确保乌鲁提欧来年的眷顾。如果这只动物被虐待或死亡,乌鲁提欧可能选择在下一年让不幸到访该村。
The Ice Hunters have abandoned the practice of observing kaiurit,but they continue to offer silent prayers to Ulutiu three times per day. In addition,they practice a year-long ritual known as the kaitotem. At the beginning of the birthing season,the bravest hunters of the village set out to capture an infant of the species that serves as the tribe's primary beast totem without slaying its mother or her other offspring. The infant is brought back to the village alive,raised by the priests of Ulutiu,and given the best allotments of available food for an entire year. At the end of the year,the infant is possessed by the clan's beast totem and vanishes into the wilderness. If the clan treated the beast well and cared for its needs,it is assured Ulutiu's favor in the coming year. If the animal is mistreated or dies,Ulutiu may choose to visit the village with misfortune for the next year.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
  乌鲁提欧冰河是一道垂直的冰墙,它沿着位于大冰川西部深处的阿帕克河[the Uppuk River]北岸拔起1000英尺高。数千年前,这道冰川有大约300码长,但时间已经让它付出了代价,现在它只有100英尺仍残留,其余部分断裂到了阿帕克河之中、并被冲走了。冰川中被蚀刻出复杂的符合,覆盖了其整个表面。这些徽记散发出暗红色的光芒。这道冰川散发着魔力,并完全抵抗了所有类型的自然或魔法高温。
Major Centers of Worship:The Glacier of Ulutiu is a sheer wall of ice,rising 1,000 feet in height along the northern shore of the Uppuk River in the depths of the western reaches of the Great Glacier. Thousands of years ago,the glacier was about 300 yards long,but time has taken its toll,and only about 100 yards remain,the rest having broken off into the Uppuk and washed away. Intricate symbols are etched in the glacier,covering the entire surface. The symbols emit a dull red glow. The glacier radiates magic and is completely resistant to all types of natural and magical heat.

  是乌鲁提欧制造了这些徽记和附魔。他用冰川记录了他的思想、地区的历史以及他的魔法研究的详述。任何采用了理解语言[comprehend languages]法术或类似魔法者,能翻译这些徽记,从中学到关于乌鲁提欧的生活、他与欧赛雅的浪漫关系、他与盎恩的斗争、大冰川的起源、以及其他古代传说的片段。
Ulutiu is responsible for the symbols and enchantment. He used the glacier to record his thoughts,the history of the region,and details of his magical research. Anyone employing a comprehend languages spell or similar magics can translate the symbols to learn about the life of Ulutiu,his relationship with Othea,his battles with Annam,the origin of the Great Glacier,and other pieces of ancient lore.

  可惜的是,大部分有趣信息的片段已断裂和冲走了。这些遗失部分,可能仍然漂浮于这条河流和大冰川的海域的某处,或者可能被霜巨人或无尽冰海[the Endless Ice Sea]的其他居民搬走用作建筑材料,而谣传上面含有强大的法术、乌鲁提欧宝藏的位置、以及唤醒永恒眠者的操作指南。
Unfortunately,the most interesting pieces have broken off and washed away. These sections,which may still float somewhere on the rivers and seas of the Great Glacier or may have been carried off by frost giants or used as building materials by the other inhabitants of the Endless Ice Sea,are rumored to contain formulas for powerful spells,the location of Ulutiu's treasure,and instructions for reawakening the Eternal Sleeper.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:
Affiliated Orders:Neither the Nakulutiuns nor the Ice Hunters have any affiliated warrior or knightly orders,and they are not regimented enough in outlook to have any honorary orders. Status within a tribe is determined by rigid social ranking. Community leaders(priests of Ulutiu) have the most standing,followed by married or widowed adults,unmarried adults,children,and ukeu. Ukeut those who are elderly,infirm,abandoned,or otherwise without family,enter into voluntary slavery with any family that will have them. Although treated with dignity and respect,they are not considered equals. Declarations of the kaiurit may rearrange the social status for a year among the Nakulutiuns,but this social order represents their society's default arrangement.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Priestly Vestments:Ulutiu's clergy have no formal ceremonial raiment. Some carry sacred bundles and others small holy symbols,but otherwise they communicate their faith simply through words and actions in their small communities. They use specially chosen ice crystals as their holy symbols,and these never melt while in their possession.
[译注:圣结,A sacred bundle or a medicine bundle is a wrapped collection of sacred items,held by a designated carrier,used in Indigenous American ceremonial cultures.引自维基。]

冒险装束Adventuring Garbs:
Adventuring Garbs:When adventuring,priests of Ulutiu favor thick,heavy clothing that wards against the cold as much as it protects them from physical attack. Both Nakulutiuns and Ice Hunters commonly wear parkas,trousers,mittens,and boots of fox,wolf,bear,and seal skin(often with fur linings) that equal leather or hide armor,depending on the workmanship.

  在投掷战斗中,乌鲁提欧的追随者要不使用短弓,并发射埃卡和秃卡箭,要不使用贡那刻投镖器并投掷骨飞镖。埃卡箭[Ekaa]被用于狩猎北美驯鹿和其他群居动物(3 sp/6,重量 10/1 磅,尺寸 小型S,类型 穿刺P,伤害 1d6/1d8)。其箭头是以北美驯鹿或梅花鹿的鹿角雕刻、然后加到一根骨杆上。箭头和箭杆上都附有弯曲的钩刺。秃卡箭[Trukaa]则是钝头的骨箭,用来杀死小型猎物而不损坏其毛皮(3 sp/12,重量10/1 磅,尺寸 小型S,类型 钝击B,伤害 1d3/ld2)。贡那刻投镖器[Garnok]类似于标枪投掷器,但被用来增加飞镖有效射程(射速ROF 1/1 速率 4,射程 3/6/12;贡那刻投镖器投掷飞镖 3 sp/12,重量 10/1 磅,尺寸 小型S,类型 穿刺P,伤害 1d3/1d2)。
In missile combat,Ulutiu's followers either wield short bows and fire ekaa and trukaa arrows or wield garnoks and hurl bone darts. Ekaa are used to hunt caribou and other herd animals(3 sp/6,Weight 10/1 lb.,Size S,Type P,Damage Id6/ld8).The arrowhead is carved from a caribou or deer antler and is attached to a shaft of bone. Hooked barbs cover both the arrowhead and the shaft. Trukaa are bone arrows with a blunt head used to kill small game without damaging the fur(3 sp/12,Weight 10/1 lb.,Size S,Type B,Damage 1d3/ld2). Garnoks are similar to atlatls but are used with darts to increase their effective range(ROF 1/1 Speed Factor 4,Range 3/6/12;Garnok darts 3 sp/12,Weight 10/1 lb.,Size S,Type P,Damage 1d3/1d2).

  在近战中,乌鲁提欧的追随者使用匕首、飞镖、大鱼钩、鱼叉、伊拉克、小刀、大砍刀、网、瑞提克、矛、以及三叉戟。伊阿克刀[iuak]是一种类似于大砍刀的骨制刃器,约2英尺长、6英寸宽(10gp,重量 10磅,尺寸 中型M,类型 挥砍S,速率 4,伤害 1d4/1d6)。其刃部的末端是平坦的,没有锋尖。瑞提克杆[ritiik]是一种6英尺长的骨杆,在其一头的末端有着一个尖锐和钩刺(10gp,重量 6磅,尺寸 大型L,类型 穿刺P,速率 8,伤害 1d6+1/1d8+1)。它是用来挺刺的,不能用来投掷。
In melee combat,followers of Ulutiu employ daggers,darts,gaffs,harpoons,iuaks,knives,machetes,nets,ritiiks,spears,and tridents. An iuak is a bone blade resembling a machete,about 2 feet long and 6 inches wide(10 gp,Weight 3 lbs.,Size M,Type S,Speed Factor 4,Damage 1d4/ld6). The end of the blade is flat,not pointed. A ritiik is a 6-foot-long bone shaft with a point and hook on one end(10 gp,Weight 6 lbs.,Size L,Type P,Speed Factor 8,Damage 1d6+1/d8+1. It is thrust,not thrown.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(那库瑞特Nakurits

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量[Strength] 12,感知[Wisdom] 14
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量[Strength],感知[Wisdom]
  武器WEAPONS:短弓(以及埃卡箭和秃卡箭)[Short bow(and ekaa and trukaa)],匕首[dagger],大鱼钩[gaff],贡那刻投镖器(以及飞镖)[garnok(and dart)],鱼叉[harpoon],伊阿克刀[iuak],小刀[knife],网[net],瑞提克杆[ritiik],矛[spear],三叉戟[trident]
  防具ARMOR:最高(并包括)皮甲或毛皮甲的全部防具;无盾牌[All armor types up to and including leather or hide armor;no shield]
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通[All],动物[animal],魅惑[charm],元素(水)[elemental(water)],守卫[guardian],守序[law],召唤[summoning],保护[protection],旅者[travelers],结界[wards]
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:预言[Divination],治疗[healing],死灵[necromantic],植物[plant]
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师[Same as clerics]
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:古代历史(那库鲁逊人和乌鲁提欧)[Ancient history(the Ulutiuns and   Ulutiu)],本地历史(世界之脊山脉上方的冰川)[local history(the Great Glacier)],捕鱼[fishing],观测天气[weather sense],生火[fire-building],设置陷阱[set snares]
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:驭车(狗拉雪橇)[Charioteering(dog sled)],忍耐力[Endurance],生存(极地)[survival(arctic)],追踪[tracking]

  ·Nakurits must be human Nakulutiuns.

  ·Nakurits are distrustful of strangers,especially non-Nakulutiuns,to the point of paranoia. They rarely aid such people,with the best reaction such folk can obtain from them usually being to be ignored. Nakurits do not cooperate with non-Nakulutiuns except in extremely odd or rare circumstances,and then not for long periods of time.

  ·Nakurits receive a +1 bonus to their attack rolls against all non-Nakulutiuns.

  ·Nakurits receive double the bonus spells they are entitled to for a high Wisdom ability score.

  ·Nakurits are totally immune to the effects of cold,including cold-based spells and other magically generated cold effects.

  ·那库瑞特能施行按手礼[laying on of hands],除那库瑞特的触碰造成的是伤害而非治疗外与圣武士能力类似,造成的伤害为2点/每那库瑞特等级。成功通过对抗法术豁免检定的受害者只受半数伤害。该能力每日可使用1次。
  ·Nakurits can perform a laying on of hands,similar to the paladin ability,except the nakurit’s touch causes damage instead of healing,inflicting 2 points of damage per the nakurit’s level. Victims who succeed at a saving throw vs. spell suffer only half damage. This ability may be used once per day.

  ·Nakurits can select nonweapon proficiencies from both the priest and warrior groups with no penalty. Though they receive only the normal four nonweapon proficiency slots at 1st level,they must take all of their required nonweapon proficiencies before they can take any discretionary nonweapon proficiencies.

  ·At 3rd level,nakurits receive a +3 bonus to their saving throws vs. spell for any spell cast by a wizard. This does not apply to spells cast by priests of any sort.

  ·At 5th level,nakurits are able to commune(as the 5th-level priest spell)with Ulutiu once per week. In the month prior to the announcement of the new kaiurit,a nakurit who is the urit of a Nakulutiun village can commune once per day. 

  ·At 7th level,nakurits are able to cast command(as the lst-level priest spell)at will,but no more than once every turn. Such commands are considered to be the word of Ulutiu by Nakulutiuns,and hence they always voluntarily fail their saving throws,except in extraordinary circumstances.

  ·At 7th level,nakurits are able to cast prayer (as the 3rd-level priest spell)once per day.

  ·At 10th level,nakurits inflict an additional 2 points of cold damage(in addition to bonuses from Strength or other magic)to non-Nakulutiuns they successfully strike in melee or missile combat. This damage increases by 2 points at 12th and again at 14th to a maximum of 6 points at 14th level(4 points total at 12th and 6 at 14th).

专属祭司Specialty Priests(冰猎人拜兽教萨满Ice Hunter Beast Cult Shamans

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量[Strength] 12,感知[Wisdom] 14
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量[Strength],感知[Wisdom]
  武器WEAPONS:短弓(以及埃卡箭、秃卡箭、以及猎箭)[Short bow(and ekaatrukaa,and flight arrows)],矛[spear],网[net],鱼叉[harpoon],大鱼钩[gaff],大砍刀[machete],贡那刻投镖器(以及飞镖)[gamok(and darts)],三叉戟[trident],小刀[knife],匕首[dagger],伊阿克刀[iuak],瑞提克杆[ritiik]
  防具ARMOR:最高(并包括)皮甲或毛皮甲的全部防具;无盾牌[All armor types up to and including leather or hide armor;no shield]
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通[All],动物[animal],召唤[summoning],保护[protection],旅者[travelers],结界[wards]
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:治疗[healing],植物[plant]
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师[Same as clerics]
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:捕鱼[fishing],观测天气[weather sense],生火[fire-building],驭车(狗拉雪橇)[Charioteering(dog sled)],设置陷阱[set snares]
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:忍耐力[Endurance],生存(极地)[survival(arctic)],追踪[tracking]

  除了上面和本节稍候所述的更改外,冰猎人萨满的能力与限制在《Player’s OptionSpells & Magic》和《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》关于萨满角色职业的讨论中总结。
The abilities and restrictions of Ice Hunter shamans,aside from changes noted above and later in this section,are summarized in the discussion of the shaman character class in Player’s OptionSpells & Magic and in  Faiths & Avatars.

  ·Ice Hunter shamans must be Ice Hunter humans.

  ·Ice Hunter shamans gain a +2 bonus to their Wisdom ability scores.

  ·Ice Hunter shamans have different alignment restrictions and access to slightly different spheres depending on their tribal totem animal. All Ice Hunter shamans have access to the basic shaman spheres given above,plus certain spheres special to their totem animal. Ice Hunter shamans also have different clan taboos that they must abide by or lose all shaman abilities until they atone.

    “灰海豹”克莱弗·欧墨Clever Oomio the Gray Seal:阵营:守序善良LG,守序中立LN,守序邪恶LE;主要领域:魅惑,守序;次要领域:思想,守卫;禁忌:禁止伤害海豹,吃海豹肉或脂肪,穿任何由海豹皮制成的东西。
    Clever Oomio the Gray Seal:Alignment:LG,LN,LE,Major:charm,law,Minor:thought,guardian,Taboo:Cannot harm seals,eat seal meat or fat,or wear anything made from a seal

    祖父海象Grandfather Walrus:阵营:守序善良LG,守序中立LN,守序邪恶LE;主要领域:元素,时间;次要领域:气候;禁忌:禁止伤害海象,吃海象肉或脂肪,穿任何由海象皮制成的东西。
    Grandfather Walrus:Alignment:LG,LN,LE,Major:elemental,time,Minor:weather,Taboo:Cannot harm walruses,eat walrus meat or fat,or wear anything made from a walrus

    伟大白熊Great White Bear:阵营:守序中立LN,守序邪恶LE;主要领域:战斗,战争;次要领域:保护;禁忌:禁止伤害极地熊,吃极地熊肉或脂肪,穿任何由极地熊皮制成的东西。
    Great White Bear:Alignment:LN,LE,Major:combat,war,Minor:protection,Taboo:Cannot harm polar bears,eat polar bear meat or fat,or wear anything made from a polar bear

    “驯鹿母亲”萍德奥珀-保罗Pindalpau'pau the Reindeer Mother:阵营:守序善良LG,守序中立LN;主要领域:预言,保护;次要领域:守卫;禁忌:禁止伤害驯鹿,吃驯鹿肉或脂肪,穿任何由驯鹿皮制成的东西。
    Pindalpau'pau the Reindeer Mother:Alignment:LG,LN,Major:divination,protection,Minor:guardian,Taboo:Cannot harm reindeer,eat reindeer meat or fat,or wear anything made from a reindeer

  ·Ice Hunter shamans can select nonweapon proficiencies from both the priest and warrior groups with no penalty. Though they receive only the normal four nonweapon proficiency slots at 1st level,they must take all of their required nonweapon proficiencies before they can take any discretionary nonweapon proficiencies.

  ·An Ice Hunter shaman may call upon his or her clan totem’s beast power. This power’s effect varies by totem. The power may be personally used by the shaman,or its effects may be granted to another devoted follower of the totem if indicated below.

    “灰海豹”克莱弗·欧墨的野兽之力Clever Oomio the Gray Seal Beast Power:每日1次,持续1回合,灰海豹萨满能唤起海豹精形态[selkie form],或是将这项能力传递给另一位灰海豹的崇拜者。这赋予了他们正常海豹精的外观、移动速度、攻击能力。在海豹精形态持续期间,他们也能如海豹精那样在人类和海豹精形态之间变化。
    Clever Oomio the Gray Seal Beast Power:Gray Seal shamans can call upon selkie formor convey its abilities to another worshiper of the Gray Seal once a day for 1 turn. This allows them the appearance,movement,and attack capabilities of normal selkies. They can also change back and forth from human to selkie form as a selkie can during the duration of the selkie form.

    祖父海象的野兽之力Grandfather Walrus Beast Power:每日1次,持续1回合,祖父海象萨满能唤起力量长牙[tusks of strength],或是将这项能力传递给另一位祖父海象的崇拜者。力量长牙将暂时增加使用者力量6点,并使这位萨满的犬齿长长。使用了此能力的祖父海象萨满通常很快开始变得看上去就像被他们奉为神圣的海象精魄。(长牙的存在并不会赋予这位萨满长牙抵刺攻击,因为人类的构造并非为这种类型的攻击设计的。)
    Grandfather Walrus Beast Power:Grandfather Walrus shamans can call upon tusks of strengthor convey this ability to another worshiper of Grandfather Walrus once a day for 1 turn. Tusks of strengthtemporarily adds 6 points to its user’s Strength and causes the shaman’s canine teeth to grow longer. Grandfather Walrus shamans who use this ability often quickly begin to look like the walrus spirit they hold sacred.(The presence of the tusks does not give the shaman a tusk attack,as the human frame is not made for this type of attack.)

    伟大白熊野兽之力Great White Bear Beast Power:每日1次,持续1回合,伟大白熊萨满能在自己或所接触的另一位伟大白熊崇拜者身上唤起极地狂怒[polar fury]。这一力量的容纳者将长出爪子,并且能如一只极地熊般以爪子和熊抱攻击(两只爪子以1d10/1d10的伤害攻击;若双爪以成功的18或更高攻击骰,将额外造成3d6点擒抱伤害)。
    Great White Bear Beast Power:Great White Bear shamans can call upon polar fury for themselves or another touched Great White Bear worshiper once a day for 1 turn. The recipient of this power grows claws and can claw and bear-hug attack like a polar bear(two claw attacks for 1d10/1d10;a successful attack roll of 18 or better with either claw results in additional hug damage of 3d6).

    “驯鹿母亲”萍德奥珀-保罗Pindalpau-pau the Reindeer Mother Beast Power:每日1次,驯鹿母亲萨满能唤起智慧之角[horns of wisdom]驯鹿之蹄[reindeer hooves]。除了它将持续1回合和将导致萨满的颅骨长出麋鹿角外,智慧之角的效果与施展通神术法术相同。(他们不能将这项能力赠予另一人。)每次使用这项能力都将使这多出的角生长。幸运的是,若萨满的角长到对人类身体结构过长的程度,那么萨满会在一个冬天蜕下它们,在春天长出新的,不过新的一副角颜色将较浅。(鹿角的存在并不会赋予这位萨满鹿角抵刺攻击,因为人类的构造并非为这种类型的攻击设计的。)驯鹿之蹄将赋予这位萨姆或另一位驯鹿母亲的追随者21的移动速度,多达1小时。它也让其能牢牢立足于任何类型的冰上。
    Pindalpau-pau the Reindeer Mother Beast Power:Reindeer Mother shamans can call upon the horns of wisdomor reindeer hoovesonce a day. Homs of wisdomhas the same effect as the casting of a communespell except that it lasts for 1 turn and causes elk antlers to grow from the skull of the shaman.(They cannot gift this ability to another.)Each use causes additional horn growth. Fortunately,if the shaman’s horns begin to grow too long for practical support on the human skeletal frame,the shaman sheds them one winter and begins to grow new horns in the spring,though this new set is lighter in color than the original set.(The presence of the antlers does not give the shaman an antler attack,as the human frame is not made for this type of attack.)Reindeer hoovesbestows the shaman or another touched follower of the Reindeer Mother a Movement Rate of 21 for up to one hour. It also provides secure footing on any type of ice.

  ·At 3rd level,Ice Hunter shamans can summon animals of their clan totem type(seals,walruses,polar bears,or reindeer)to their aid twice a tenday. The animals summoned aid the shaman by any means they possess,staying until a fight is over,a specific mission is finished,the shaman is safe,they are sent away,etc. The creatures appear around or near the shaman within one round after they are summoned and vanish when they are slain,complete their mission,are dismissed,or the shaman dies. Statistics for these summoned animals are:

    海豹(2d8):防御等级 6;移动 3,游泳 24;生命骰 2;零级命中值 19;#攻击 1次;伤害 1d4(啮咬);体型 中型M(4-6英尺);士气 平均(8);智力 动物(1);阵营 绝对中立N;经验值 35。
    Seals(2d8):AC 6;MV 3,Sw 24;HD 2;THAC0 19;#AT 1;Dmg ld4(bite);SZ M(4-6 feet);ML avg(8);Int animal(1);AL N;XP 35.

    海象(2d8):防御等级 5;移动 3,游泳 24;生命骰 2+2;零级命中值 19;#攻击 1次;伤害 2d4(啮咬);体型 大型M(4-6英尺长);士气 平均(10);智力 动物(1);阵营 绝对中立N;经验值 65。
    Walruses(2d8):AC 5;MV 3,Sw 24;HD 2+2;THAC0 19;#AT 1;Dmg 2d4(bite);SZ L(7-9 feet long);ML avg(10);Int animal(1);AL N;XP 65.

    极地熊(1d3):防御等级 6;移动 12,游泳 9;生命骰 8+8;零级命中值 11;#攻击 3次;伤害 1d10/1d10/2d6(爪抓/爪抓/啮咬);特殊攻击 擒抱;特殊防御 在生命值低于0时攻击;体型 超大型M(14+英尺高);士气 平均(8-10);智力 半智能(2-4);阵营 绝对中立N;经验值 1400。
    Polar Bears(ld3):AC 6;MV 12,Sw 9;HD 8+8;THAC0 11;#AT 3;Dmg 1d10/1d10/2d6(claw/claw/bite);SA hug;SD attacks below 0 hp;SZ H(14+ feet tall);ML avg(8-10);Int semi-(2-4);AL N;XP 1,400.

    备注擒抱Hug:当一只爪子以18或更好的攻击骰命中时,还将造成3d6点擒抱伤害。在生命值低于0时攻击Attacks Below 0 hp:极地熊在降到0到-12点生命值后仍将持续战斗1d4+1轮,但之后将立即死亡。
  Notes:Hug:On a claw hit of 18 or better the bear also inflicts 3d6 points of hug damage. Attacks Below 0 hp:Polar bears continue to fight ld4+1 rounds after being brought to 0 to -12 hit points,but beyond that they die instantly.

    驯鹿(2d6):防御等级 7;移动 21;生命骰 4;零级命中值 17;#攻击 2次或1次;伤害 1d4/ld4 或 2d8(蹄踢/蹄踢 或 角抵);体型 大型L(肩高4-6英尺);士气 动摇(5);智力 动物(1);阵营 绝对中立N;经验值 120。
    Reindeer(2d6):AC 7;MV 21;HD 4;THAC0 17;#AT 2 or 1;Dmg 1d4/ld4 or 2d8(hoof/hoof or antlers);SZ L(4-6 feet tall at the shoulder);ML unsteady(5);Int animal(1);AL N;XP 120.

  ·At 5th level,Ice Hunter shamans can shapechange(as the druid ability)into the type of totem beast they worship twice per tenday for 3d6 turns,gaining all the abilities of that creature. Gray Seal shamans can change into seals,Grandfather Walrus shamans into walruses,Great White Bear shamans into polar bears,and Reindeer Mother shamans into reindeer. Statistics for these creatures are summarized under the animal summoning ability,above.

  ·At 7th level,Ice Hunter shamans are immune to all magical or natural cold damage caused by anything less powerful than artifacts,relics,or dragon breath from a wyrm or great wyrm.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(冰之守卫Iceguardians

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量[Strength] 12,感知[Wisdom] 14
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量[Strength],感知[Wisdom]
  武器WEAPONS:短弓(以及埃卡箭、秃卡箭、以及猎箭)[Short bow(and ekaatrukaa,and flight arrows)],鱼叉[harpoon],网[net],大鱼钩[gaff],贡那刻投镖器(以及飞镖)[gamok(and darts)],小刀[knife],匕首[dagger],伊阿克刀[iuak],瑞提克杆[ritiik],三叉戟[trident]  防具ARMOR:最高(并包括)皮甲或毛皮甲的全部防具;无盾牌[All armor types up to and including leather or hide armor;no shield]
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通[All],动物[animal],元素(水)[elemental(water)],召唤[summoning],保护[protection],旅者[travelers],结界[wards]
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:治疗[healing],植物[plant]
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师[Same as clerics]
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:捕鱼[fishing],观测天气[weather sense],驭车(狗拉雪橇)[Charioteering(dog sled)],设置陷阱[set snares],本地历史(世界之脊山脉上方的冰川)[local history(the glaciers above the Spine of the World mountains)],古代历史(那库鲁逊人和乌鲁提欧)[ancient history(the Ice Hunter people and Ulutiu)]
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:忍耐力[Endurance],生存(极地)[survival(arctic)],追踪[tracking]

  除了上面和本节稍候所述的更改外,冰猎人冰之守卫的能力与限制在《Player’s OptionSpells & Magic》和《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》关于萨满角色职业的讨论中总结。
Their abilities and restrictions of Ice Hunter iceguardians,aside from changes noted above and later in this section,are summarized in the discussion of the shaman character class in Player’s Option:Spells & Magic and in Faiths & Avatars.

  ·Iceguardians must be Ice Hunter humans.

  ·Iceguardians gain a +2 to their Wisdom ability scores.

  ·Iceguardians must abide by the taboo that they may never start a fire(though they may enjoy the benefits of fires started by others)or lose all their iceguardian abilities until they atone.

  ·Iceguardians can select nonweapon proficiencies from both the priest and warrior groups with no penalty. Though they receive only the normal four nonweapon proficiency slots at 1st level,they must take all of their required nonweapon proficiencies before they can take any discretionary nonweapon proficiencies.

  ·Iceguardians are immune to all magical or natural cold damage caused by anything less powerful than artifacts,relics,or dragon breath from a wyrm or great wyrm.

  ·Iceguardians may cast wizard spells from the elemental water school and any other wizard spells with nonenergy-draining cold,chill,snow,or ice effects(that are not still secret to a particular mage or religion)in addition to priest spells. These spells are cast as if the iceguardian were a mage of half his or her level(round up). For example,a 5th-level iceguardian casts wizard spells as a 3rd-level mage. Iceguardians pray for their wizard spells instead of studying to memorize them,and chosen wizard spells replace priest spells potentially available for use that day.(In other words,the wizard spell occupies a priest spell slot.)Iceguardians gain access to 8th-level wizard spells at 16th level and 9th-level wizard spells at 18th level. An iceguardian must have a Wisdom of 18 or higher and an Intelligence of 16 to gain access to the 8th level spells,and a Wisdom of 18 or higher and an Intelligence of 18 to gain access to the 9th-level spells. If an iceguardian is able to gain high-level wizard spells,every 8th-level spell prayed for occupies a 6th-level priest spell slot and every 9th-level spell prayed for occupies a 7th-level priest spell slot. Iceguardians are always able to read elemental water spells on scrolls or in wizard spell books as if they knew read magic(but studying spells from a spell book is useless to them). No more than three-quarters of an iceguardian’s total number of spells available(round down)can be taken as wizard spells.

  ·At 5th level,an iceguardian may call upon his or her clan totem’s beast power. This power’s effect varies by totem. The power may only be used by the iceguardian.

    “灰海豹”克莱弗·欧墨的野兽之力Clever Oomio the Gray Seal Beast Power:每日1次,持续1回合,灰海豹冰之守卫能唤起海豹精形态[selkie form]。这赋予了他们正常海豹精的外观、移动速度、攻击能力。在海豹精形态持续期间,他们也能如海豹精那样在人类和海豹精形态之间变化。
    Clever Oomio the Gray Seal Beast Power:Gray Seal iceguardians can call upon selkie form once a day for 1 turn. This allows them the appearance,movement,and attack capabilities of normal selkies. They can also change back and forth from human to selkie form as a selkie can during the duration of the selkie form.

    祖父海象的野兽之力Grandfather Walrus Beast Power:每日1次,持续1回合,祖父海象冰之守卫能唤起力量长牙[tusks of strength]。力量长牙将暂时增加使用者力量6点,并使这位萨满的犬齿长长。使用了此能力的祖父海象冰之守卫通常很快开始变得看上去就像被他们奉为神圣的海象精魄。(长牙的存在并不会赋予这位萨满长牙抵刺攻击,因为人类的构造并非为这种类型的攻击设计的。)    Grandfather Walrus Beast Power:Grandfather Walrus iceguardians can call upon tusks of strength once a day for 1 turn. Tusks of strength temporarily adds 6 points to its user’s Strength and causes the shaman’s canine teeth to grow longer. Grandfather Walrus iceguardians who use this ability often quickly begin to look like the walrus spirit they hold sacred.(The presence of the tusks does not give the shaman a tusk attack,as the human frame is not made for this type of attack.)

    伟大白熊野兽之力Great White Bear Beast Power:每日1次,持续1回合,伟大白熊冰之守卫能在自己身上唤起极地狂怒[polar fury]。这一力量的容纳者将长出爪子,并且能如一只极地熊般以爪子和熊抱攻击(两只爪子以1d10/1d10的伤害攻击;若双爪以成功的18或更高攻击骰,将额外造成3d6点擒抱伤害)。
    Great White Bear Beast Power:Great White Bear iceguardians can call upon polar fury once a day for 1 turn. The recipient of this power grows claws and can claw and bear-hug attack like a polar bear(two claw attacks for 1d10/1d10;a successful attack roll of 18 or better with either claw results in additional hug damage of 3d6).

    “驯鹿母亲”萍德奥珀-保罗Pindalpau-pau the Reindeer Mother Beast Power:每日1次,驯鹿母亲萨满能唤起智慧之角[horns of wisdom]驯鹿之蹄[reindeer hooves]。除了它将持续1回合和将导致萨满的颅骨长出麋鹿角外,智慧之角的效果与施展通神术法术相同。每次使用这项能力都将使这多出的角生长。幸运的是,若萨满的角长到对人类身体结构过长的程度,那么萨满会在一个冬天蜕下它们,在春天长出新的,不过新的一副角颜色将较浅。(鹿角的存在并不会赋予这位萨满鹿角抵刺攻击,因为人类的构造并非为这种类型的攻击设计的。)驯鹿之蹄将赋予这位冰之守卫21的移动速度,多达1小时。它也让其能牢牢立足于任何类型的冰上。
    Pindalpau-pau the Reindeer Mother Beast Power:Reindeer Mother iceguardians can call upon the horns of wisdomor reindeer hoovesup to once a day. Homs of wisdom has the same effect as the casting of a communespell except that it lasts for 1 turn and causes elk antlers to grow from the skull of the shaman. Each use causes additional horn growth. Fortunately,if the iceguardian’s horns begin to grow too long for practical support on the human skeletal frame,the iceguardian sheds them one winter and begins to grow new horns in the spring,though this new set is lighter in color than the original set.(The presence of the antlers does not give the shaman an antler attack,as the human frame is not made for this type of attack.)Reindeer hoovesbestows the iceguardian or another touched follower of the Reindeer Mother a Movement Rate of 21 for up to one hour. It also provides secure footing on any type of ice.

  ·在第7级,每日1次,以他们的真实等级(不减半),冰之守卫能施展冰风暴或冰墙术[wall of ice](如同4级法师法术)。
  ·At 7th level,iceguardians can cast ice stormor wall of ice(as the 4th-level wizard spells)once a day at their actual level(not halved).

  ·At 10th level,iceguardians can shapechange(as the druid ability)into the type of totem beast they worship twice per tenday for 3d6 turns,gaining all the abilities of that creature. Gray Seal iceguardians can change into seals,Grandfather Walrus iceguardians into walruses,Great White Bear iceguardians into polar bears,and Reindeer Mother shamans into reindeer. Statistics for these creatures are summarized under the animal summoning ability of Ice Hunter shamans,above.

  ·在第13级,每日1次,以他们的真实等级(不减半),冰之守卫能施展冰锥术[cone of cold](如同5级法师法术)。
  ·At 13 th level,iceguardians can cast cone of cold(as the 5th-level wizard spell)once a day at their actual level(not halved).

  ·在第15级,每日1次,以他们的真实等级(不减半),冰之守卫能施展欧提路克冰封法球[Otiluke's freezing sphere](如同6级法师法术)。
  ·At 15th level,iceguardians can cast Otiluke's freezing sphere(as the 6th-level wizard spell)once a day at their actual level(not halved).

乌鲁提欧教徒法术Ulutian Spells

1 st Level
魔法系绳Magical Tether
  (祭司Pr 1;祈唤/塑能[Invocation/Evocation])

  距离Range:5 码/级[yards/level]
  持续时间Duration:3 轮 + 1轮/级[3 rounds+1 round/level]
  施法时间Casting Time:4
  影响区域Area of Effect:一件无生命物品或活物[One nonliving object or living being]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

This spell may be cast upon any nonliving object or living being within range. Upon casting,the spell creates an unbreakable magical tether graspable only by the spellcaster that stretches from the target object or being to the caster’s hand(or hands). Living targets must voluntarily submit to the effects of this spell or the incantation has no effect. By means of the ethereal tether,the priest can pull on the target of the spell as if it were attached to a long,incredibly strong rope. The magical tether can be dropped if the caster wants to drop it,but otherwise it does not fall from the caster's grip. The magical tether cannot be positioned so as to cause damage to a living being,such as to strangle it.

Typically this spell is cast upon harpoons or other hurled weapons prior to hurling them in combat. If the weapon lodges in its target,the priest may be able to drag the target closer,and if it misses,the priest can easily retrieve it. If the weapon is not firmly imbedded,however,it is likely to break free. The most typical use of this spell upon living targets is on people who have fallen into the water and need to be pulled to safety.

冰行术Ice Walk
  (祭司Pr 1;改变[Alteration])

  组件Components:言语V,姿势S,材料M  持续时间Duration:1 回合 + 1 回合/级[1 turn+1 tum/level]
  施法时间Casting Time:4
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊[Special]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

By means of this spell,the caster is able to empower one or more creatures to tread upon any snow or ice as if it were firm ground. This does not include free flowing water,but does include even the thinnest frozen surface or very powdery snow. The recipient's feet do not touch the surface of the ice or snow,and no trace is left by their passage. The recipient's rate of movement remains normal. For every level of the caster above 1st,she or he can affect another creature. If ice walkis cast under water or while buried in snow,this spell has no effect until the recipient gets on top of some ice or snow,although the spell duration is expended normally.

The material components for this spell are a piece of ice or some snow and the priest's holy symbol.

3rd Level
防护寒冷Protection From Cold
  (祭司Pr 3;祈唤/塑能[Invocation/Evocation])

  组件Components:言语V,姿势S,材料M  持续时间Duration:特殊[Special]
  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:一个生物[One creature]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

The effect of a protection from coldspell differs according to whether the recipient of the magic is the caster or some other creature. In either case,the spell lasts no longer than one turn per caster level.

  若这道法术被施展在施法者自己身上,它将赋予对以下的完全免疫:冻结的温度(浸没在冰水中、冰冷的风中等等);置身于魔法的霜冻比如冰冷的龙息中;法术譬如冰霜指[frost fingers]冻寒金属[chill metal]灼热金属[heat metal]的逆向版本)、史尼洛雪球术[Snilloc's snowball]史尼洛雪球群[Snilloc's snowball swarm]冰风暴冰墙术[wall of ice]冰锥术[cone of cold]欧提路克冰封法球[Otiluke's freezing sphere]、冬狼的吐息、冰蟾[ice toad]和棕霉菌[brown mold]的寒冷灵光,诸如此类。这种抗力将持续直至这道法术吸收了12点/每施法者等级的高温或火焰伤害。
If the spell is cast upon the caster,it confers complete immunity to:freezing temperatures(immersion in icy water,icy blasts of wind,etc.);exposure to magical frosts such as freezing dragon breath;spells such as frost fingerschill metal(reverse of heat metal),Snilloc's snowballSnilloc's snowball swarmice stormwall of icecone of coldOtiluke's freezing sphere,winter wolf breath,ice toad and brown mold cold radiations,etc. The invulnerability lasts until the spell has absorbed 12 points of heat or fire damage per level of the caster,at which time the spell is negated.

If the spell is cast upon another creature,it gives invulnerability to normal freezing temperatures,gives a bonus of +4 to saving throws vs. cold attacks,and reduces damage sustained from magical cold attacks by 50%.

The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a small sliver of ice.
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