作者 主题: 【AG】探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)  (阅读 51561 次)

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离线 星云迷蒙

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« 回帖 #10 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:40:00 »
探索者协会发掘和设计了多种多样的魔法物品,但没有一款像寻路仪那般具有标志性,这个设计紧凑的罗盘常常被当作遍布各处的探索者协会的官方徽记。寻路仪是协会的发明之一,尽管这件发明的诞生和其根本理论都要归功于少数阿兹兰特神器,这些神器来自于学者们针对装置充能的根本原理进行的逆向工程。在每一个寻路仪中都存在着贵重金属细丝组成的网格,用以充当罗盘魔法能量的导管。许多探索者完全以功利的方式来管控这些能量,例如用于创造光亮或唤起其他更微小的效果。而那些拥有艾恩石(极限宝具(Ultimate Equipment)305页)的人甚至能够利用更为强大的力量:艾恩石共振。



艾恩石共振能力(Ioun Stone Resonant Powers)

透明纺锤(Clear Spindle):每天一次,佩戴者能够对自己施展防护混乱/邪恶/善良/秩序(Protection from chaos/evil/good/law)(施法者等级12)。他能够以直觉动作激活这个能力,但这样做会吸取艾恩石的魔力,将其转变为暗灰色艾恩石(Dull Gray Ioun Stone)。

暗蓝长菱(Dark Blue Rhomboid):佩戴者不再会因为分心和睡觉而在察觉(Perception)检定上承受减值;在睡觉时,佩戴者能够保持睁眼,充分意识到自己周围的环境,不过直到他确实醒来之前,他面对那些未被发现的威胁仍然视为无助。

深红球形(Deep Red Sphere):精通徒手打击(Improved Unarmed Strike)。

暗灰(损坏)(Dull Gray(Burnt Out)):每天一次,持续十分钟的阅读魔法(Read Magic)

灰玫棱柱(Dusty Rose Prism):在战技检定上获得+1洞察加值。

炽蓝球形(Incandescent Blue Sphere):盲斗(Blind-Fight)。

彩虹纺锤(Iridescent Spindle):佩戴者获得永久的忍受环境(Endure Elements)效果,并且因为曝露于真空或水压而承受的伤害减少一半。

淡紫混绿椭圆(Lavender and Green Ellipsoid):如果佩戴者正在持握(Holding)寻路仪,他就能够以直觉动作而不是准备动作来使用艾恩石的吸收能力。

橙色棱柱(Orange Prism):每次穿戴者施展一个法术,他投1d4-2并将结果(以及从这个艾恩石通常的能力中获得的+1施法者等级)加到他的施法者等级上。

淡蓝长菱(Pale Blue Rhomboid):在强韧豁免上获得+1加值。

淡绿棱柱(Pale Green Prism):每天两次,以一个自由动作,佩戴者移除自己身上的疲乏(Fatigued)状态(或将力竭(Exhausted)状态降为疲乏)。

淡紫苏椭圆(Pale Lavender Ellipsoid):如果佩戴者正在持握(Holding)寻路仪,他就能够以直觉动作而不是准备动作来使用艾恩石的吸收能力。

珍珠白纺锤(Pearly White Spindle):在对抗死亡效果和基于负能量的攻击的豁免上获得+2神圣加值。

粉绿球形(Pink and Green Sphere):在意志豁免上获得+1加值。

粉红长菱(Pink Rhomboid):在反射豁免上获得+1加值。

绯红混蓝球形(Scarlet and Blue Sphere):在意志豁免上获得+1加值。

亮紫色棱柱(Vibrant Purple Prism):以一个标准动作,佩戴者能够消耗一个储存的法术来恢复一个相同环级的已施展法术,如同使用法力珍珠(Pearl of Power)。佩戴者每天至多能够使用这个能力恢复3个法术环级。
« 上次编辑: 2018-09-18, 周二 03:19:08 由 星云迷蒙 »

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« 回帖 #11 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:40:20 »
2.21 开工

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Re: 工地
« 回帖 #12 于: 2018-04-03, 周二 21:25:36 »

线上 longman123

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Re: 【AG】探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)
« 回帖 #13 于: 2018-05-08, 周二 09:07:46 »

离线 星云迷蒙

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Re: 【AG】探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)
« 回帖 #14 于: 2018-05-10, 周四 08:57:44 »

离线 杀菌@深坑未填

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Re: 【AG】探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)
« 回帖 #15 于: 2018-05-10, 周四 20:46:32 »

离线 炼金术士卡莉

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Re: 【AG】探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)
« 回帖 #16 于: 2018-06-04, 周一 20:09:02 »


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Re: 【AG】探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)
« 回帖 #17 于: 2018-06-04, 周一 23:59:03 »
啊, 终于要更了

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 炼金术士卡莉

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Re: 【AG】探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)
« 回帖 #18 于: 2018-06-07, 周四 10:10:26 »


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« 回帖 #19 于: 2018-06-07, 周四 10:39:52 »
协会博学者(Pathfinder Savant)

生命骰(Hit Die):d6


本职技能(Class Skills)



职业能力(Class Features)

熟练激活(Adept Activation, Ex):除非他准备盲目启动魔法物品,否则协会博学者总是能在使用魔法装置的检定上取10。协会博学者也不会在使用魔法装置的检定中骰出自然1时自动失败。

秘传魔法(Esoteric Magic, Ex):在1级之后的每个职业等级,协会博学者都可以从任意职业的法术列表中选择一个法术,此后,这个法术被视作存在于他所拥有的最高等级的基础施法职业的法术列表中;如果这个基础施法职业通常不能施展这个法术,那么这个法术的环级视作比原本所在的法术列表中的高一级。如果他的基础施法职业能够施展这个法术,那么法术环级不会增加。这个法术的类型(奥术,神术或异能)和他基础施法职业的法术类型相同,豁免DC也如同该职业的其他法术一般运作。这个能力并不会给予其他施法职业准备和施展秘传法术,以及使用基于秘传法术的触发型和完成型魔法物品的能力(例如一名术士使用协会博学者制作的治疗轻伤卷轴)。

寻找刻文(Glyph-Finding, Ex):2级时,协会博学者能够使用法术辨识去寻找基于书写的魔法陷阱(包括刻文(Glyph),符文(Rune),法印(Sigil)和徽记(Symbol)),如同一名盗贼使用察觉去搜索陷阱。

卷轴大师(Scroll Master, Su):3级时,协会博学者在使用卷轴或其他法术完成型魔法物品时,能够使用他自己的施法者等级代替这些魔法物品的施法者等级。

快速鉴定(Quick Identification, Sp):4级时,协会博学者能够以一个迅捷动作施展鉴定术(Identify)(施法者等级等同于他的职业等级)。他每天能够使用这个能力每2个职业等级一次。

法印大师(Sigil Master, Su):5级时,协会博学者在对抗基于书写的魔法陷阱的豁免检定上获得等同于他职业等级的加值,如果他在豁免检定中成功,那么他不会触发这个陷阱。这个陷阱并没有失效,如果他离开陷阱的作用范围而后又返回的话,这个陷阱就会再次触发。协会博学者也会在对抗其他人触发的这类陷阱的效果的豁免检定上获得这个加值。

解析咒文(Analyze Dweomer, Sp):6级时,协会博学者能够施展解析咒文(Analyze Dweomer),每天能够持续最多等同于职业等级的轮数。他能够以1轮为单位使用这个能力。

静默大师(Silence Master, Su):6级时,协会博学者能够以一个魔法手势取代必需的词语,藉此来无声地激活法术触发型,法术完成型和需要命令词的魔法物品。他无法满足施展法术所需的姿势成分时,他也无法使用这个能力。他必须知晓如何正常地激活这些物品才能够使用这个能力。每天三次,他能够如同使用法术默发超魔权杖一般施展一个六环或更低环级的法术。

解消大师(Dispelling Master, Su):7级时,如果协会博学者能够如同法师一般准备和施展法术,那么他就能够如同一位善良阵营的牧师将准备好的法术转换为治疗法术一般,自发地转换任何三环(或更高环级)的已准备法术来施展解除魔法(Dispel Magic),或是转换任何六环(或更高环级)的已准备法术来施展高等解除魔法(Greater Dispel Magic)。如果他是一位自发施法者,那么他将解除魔法和高等解除魔法添加到他的已知法术列表。每当他运用上述两个法术完成一次目标型解除或是法术反制时,他能够恢复自己的生命值,数值等同于被解除或反制的效果的施法者等级。

徽记大师(Symbol Master, Su):8级时,协会博学者能够自如地掌控魔法徽记法术(例如死亡徽记(Symbol of Death))。每当他施展徽记法术时,对抗这个法术效果的豁免DC,注意到徽记的察觉检定DC,以及移除徽记所需的解除装置检定DC提高2点。每天一次,以一个直觉动作,协会博学者能够在尝试对抗一个徽记的豁免检定中将他来自于法印大师的加值翻倍。他能够在进行豁免投骰后激活这个能力,但必须是在检定结果还没有公布之前才能激活。协会博学者不会在对抗徽记效果的豁免检定中因为骰出自然1而自动失败。

施法大师(Spellcasting Master, Ex):9级时,协会博学者能够每天三次以一个迅捷动作集中精神。一旦他以这种方式保持集中,他在那一轮中余下的时间里施展的法术将不会引发借机攻击。他在这一轮中施展的持续时间为专注的法术,在停止专注后仍然能够持续等同于他智力、感知或魅力调整值的轮数(取其高者)。

奇物大师(Item Master, Su):10级时,协会博学者能够花费一个小时将精神集中于单独一件要求一个动作激活的非充能型魔法物品。在这一小时的最后,这件物品将与协会博学者同调,从此刻开始,这件物品将使用协会博学者的施法者等级取代自身的施法者等级来决定它的效果。协会博学者能够重复进行这个同调仪式来改变与他同调的魔法物品,但他会失去与前一个物品的同调。协会博学者一次只能与一件魔法物品保持同调。

劇透 -  原文:
Pathfinder savants are specialists in the theory and practice of magic, illuminating mysteries of the eldritch fabric that permeates existence. The path of the savant brings expertise in the lore of glyphs and sigils, knowledge of exotic spells, and the power to unlock the full potential of magical devices. This skill also makes savants quite valuable to adventuring parties, both in their mastery over ancient traps that utilize old magic and in their skill at identifying and utilizing magic items found in the field. Of course, with their focus on the intellectual portions of adventuring, Pathfinder savants are often ill-equipped to handle the tougher, more excruciating parts of a typical dungeon delve; melee combat, wrenching open stuck doors, and enduring dangerous and unhealthy environments are not the savant’s forte. As a result, they rarely undertake solo missions, instead allying with well-rounded groups of fellow adventurers in order to interact with history and strange archaic wonders without dealing with the grislier portions of exploration all on their own. To the Pathfinder savant, this is merely a logical extension of their preferred role in exploration, but that doesn’t protect them from periodic sneers and veiled insults from more physically focused companions. Of course, most such associates are quick to beg forgiveness when, inevitably, the savant is needed to decipher the workings of a strange magical device or to call upon their significant magical power to solve problems that cannot be dealt with through brawn alone.

Hit Die: d6
To qualify to become a Pathfinder savant, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Feats: Magical Aptitude, any one item crafting feat.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks, Use Magic Device 5 ranks.
Special: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells.
Class Skills
A Pathfinder savant’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Pathfinder savant prestige class.
Pathfinder Savant
LevelBase AtkFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecialSpells per Day
Adept activation, master scholar
Esoteric magic, glyph-finding+1 level of existing class
Scroll master+1 level of existing class
Quick identification+1 level of existing class
Sigil master+1 level of existing class
Analyze dweomer, silence master+1 level of existing class
Dispelling master+1 level of existing class
Symbol master+1 level of existing class
Spellcasting master+1 level of existing class
Item master+1 level of existing class
Adept Activation (Ex): A Pathfinder savant can always take 10 on Use Magic Device checks, except when activating an item blindly. A Pathfinder savant does not automatically fail a Use Magic Device check if he rolls a natural 1 on the check.

Master Scholar (Ex): A Pathfinder savant adds half his class level (minimum 1) as a bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device checks. He can always take 10 on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks, even if distracted or endangered. 

Esoteric Magic (Ex): At each class level beyond 1st, the Pathfinder savant chooses a spell from any class’s spell list and thereafter treats that spell as if it were on the spell list of the base spellcasting class for which he has the most levels; if this base spellcasting class could not normally cast that spell, it is treated as 1 level higher than it is on the original class’s spell list. If he could cast the spell using his base spellcasting class, the spell’s level does not increase. The spell is cast as if its type (arcane, divine, or psychic) were that of his base spellcasting class, and save DCs function as normal for spells of that class. All other restrictions of his normal spellcasting class apply. This ability does not grant other spellcasters special allowance to prepare, cast, or use spell-trigger or spell-completion items of esoteric spells (such as a sorcerer using a cure light wounds scroll prepared by the Pathfinder savant).

Glyph-Finding (Ex): At 2nd level, a Pathfinder savant can use Spellcraft to find writing-based magical traps (including glyphs, runes, sigils, and symbols) in the same way a rogue can use Perception to search for traps.

Scroll Master (Su): At 3rd level, a Pathfinder savant can use his own caster level instead of the item’s caster level when using a scroll or other spell-completion item.

Quick Identification (Sp): At 4th level, a Pathfinder savant can use identify as a swift action (caster level equals his character level). He can do this once per day per 2 class levels.

Sigil Master (Su): A 5th level, a Pathfinder savant receives a bonus equal to his class level on saving throws against writing-based magical traps, and if he succeeds at the save, he does not trigger the trap. Such a trap is not disabled, and if he leaves the trap’s area and then reenters it, the trap can trigger again. A Pathfinder savant also receives this bonus on saving throws against the effects of such traps triggered by others.

Analyze Dweomer (Sp): At 6th level, a Pathfinder savant can use analyze dweomer for up to 1 round per class level per day. He can use this ability in 1-round increments.

Silence Master (Su): A 6th-level Pathfinder savant can to activate spell-trigger, spell-completion, and command-word items silently, substituting a magical gesture for the necessary words. He cannot use this ability in circumstances where he could not cast a spell with somatic components. He must know how to activate the item normally for this ability to work. Three times per day, he can cast a spell of 6th level or lower as if he were using a silent metamagic rod.

Dispelling Master (Su): At 7th level, if the Pathfinder savant prepares and casts spells like a wizard, he can spontaneously convert any 3rd-level (or higher-level) prepared spell into dispel magic or any 6th-level (or higher-level) prepared spell into greater dispel magic, as a good-aligned cleric converts prepared spells into cure spells. If he casts spells spontaneously, he adds dispel magic and greater dispel magic to his list of spells known. Every time he successfully uses either of these spells to make a targeted dispel or counterspell, he heals a number of hit points equal to the caster level of the effect dispelled or counterspelled.

Symbol Master (Su): At 8th level, a Pathfinder savant gains power over magical symbol spells (such as symbol of death). When he casts any symbol spell, the save DC to resist its effects, the Perception DC to notice the symbol, and the Disable Device DC to remove the symbol increase by 2. Once per day as an immediate action, the Pathfinder savant can double the bonus granted by his sigil master ability when he attempts a saving throw against a symbol. He can activate this ability after he rolls the saving throw, but must do so before the results are revealed. A Pathfinder savant does not automatically fail a saving throw against a symbol effect on a natural 1.

Spellcasting Master (Ex):
At 9th level, a Pathfinder savant can focus his mind three times per day as a swift action. Once he’s focused in this way, any spells he casts for the remainder of that round do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Spells with a duration of concentration that he casts in this round persist for a number of rounds after the Pathfinder savant ceases concentrating equal to his Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is highest).

Item Master (Su): At 10th level, a Pathfinder savant can spend an hour focusing his energies on a single non-charged magic item that requires an action to activate. At the end of this hour, that item becomes attuned to the Pathfinder savant, and from that point on, that specific item can use the Pathfinder savant’s caster level to resolve its effects rather than the item’s caster level. A Pathfinder savant can change which item is attuned to him by repeating the attunement ritual, but he loses attunement to the previous item. A Pathfinder savant can have only one item attuned to him at a time.

Master Scholar (Ex): A Pathfinder savant adds half his class level (minimum 1) as a bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device checks. He can always take 10 on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks, even if distracted or endangered. 

While you live, shine
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life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due