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雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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  No mind to think.

I am the vessel.
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I am the Hollow Knight!
No voice to cry suffering.
Born of God and Void.

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比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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« 上次编辑: 2019-01-25, 周五 01:42:31 由 伊尔森 »

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Re: 颅骨与镣铐战役背景(Skull & Shackles Campaign Traits)
« 回帖 #18 于: 2018-11-29, 周四 14:55:24 »

颅骨与镣铐战役背景特质 Skull & Shackles Campaign Traits

     角色背景特质被镇上是半个专长,用于帮助定制玩家的背景并且将其和特定冒险的主题与事件连接起来。每个角色应该在开始游戏时拥有两个背景特质,其中一个可以从以下的颅骨与镣铐冒险之路战役背景中选择。对于普通背景特质,请看《进阶玩家手册》或者角色背景特质网页增强(Character Traits Web Enhancement),一个可以从http://paizo.com/traits上免费下载的PDF(译:P子全新改版,该网页已过期)。此外,大部分玩家伴侣中会提供包含格拉里昂独特的种族、地区、信念背景特质,可以适用于颅骨与镣铐的玩家。
      以下所有背景特性都围绕给角色一个理由来进入亡命港(Port Peril)——镣铐群岛的不羁之都——以及将他们带到臭名昭著码头酒馆“恐怖侍女(Formidably Maid)”中与海盗船苦艾号(Wormwood)的征兵队发生冲突。通过查看这些背景特性,你可以你的角色在冒险之路中可能遇到的敌人和挑战类型获得一个大致的无剧透的认识。知道之后会有的元素包括海盗、航船、古代独眼巨人遗迹以及丛林和水下冒险,应该会帮助你创建一个更能有机融入战役中的角色。
劇透 -  原文:
Character traits are essentially half-feats that help customize a PC’s background and tie her to the themes and events of a particular adventure. Each character should begin play with two traits, one of which may be selected from the Skull & Shackles campaign traits below. For general traits, see the Advanced Player’s Guide or the Character Traits Web Enhancement, a free PDF download available at paizo.com/traits. Additionally, most Pathfinder Player Companion supplements contain racial, regional, and faith traits unique to Golarion and suitable for use by Skull & Shackles PCs.
 Campaign traits are tailored to a specific Adventure Path and give your character a built-in reason to begin the first adventure in a new campaign. Campaign traits assume a lot more about your character’s backstory than do normal traits, and they are meant to help serve as inspiration for a player working to create a detailed and interesting history for her character. You have a certain amount of leeway in adjusting a campaign trait’s expected backstory once you’ve selected the trait that’s right for you; just be sure to get your GM’s approval before you run with a modified history.
 All of the following traits revolve around characters that have a reason to be in Port Peril—the unruly capital of the Shackles—and the circumstances that brought them to the notorious dockside tavern known as the Formidably Maid, where they ran afoul of a press gang from the pirate ship Wormwood. You can take a look at these traits to get a general, spoiler-free idea of the types of foes and challenges your character might encounter over the course of the Adventure Path. Knowing that there are going to be elements of piracy, sailing ships, ancient cyclops ruins, and both jungle and underwater adventuring should help you build a character that fits more organically into the campaign you’re about to join.
考古学家(Ancient Explorer):你是一个格拉里昂古代史的学者,你来到镣铐群岛就是为了探索独眼巨人帝国“苟-干(Ghol-Gan)”那早已崩塌被藤蔓掩埋的遗迹。你在知识(历史)和知识(地方)上获得1点背景加值,并且将其中之一视为本职技能。此外,你获得独眼巨人语(Cyclops)或混通语(Polyglot)作为奖励语言。

江湖百晓生(Barroom Talespinner):你是听着远洋海盗的冒险故事和码头上老水手的船夫曲长大的。你知道海盗上岸时会和船员插屁打诨些什么,也学会了怎么讲故事(或是进行一些其他的海盗娱乐)。你在交涉和一项表演检定上获得+1背景加值,并且将其中之一视为本职技能。此外,每周一次,你可以进行一次DC15的知识(地方)或者智力检定来确认你是否知道一个众所周知的传奇海盗的故事,这会给予你在影响苦艾草号上NPC态度的检定上+1背景加值。

贝斯玛拉的赐福(Besmara’s Blessing):你在黄道吉日降生于一艘航船或者码头上。老水手和老海盗们频频点头,声称海盗女王贝斯玛拉,海盗、海兽和灾祸之女神已经赐予了你更为伟大的命运。你对此一无所知,但是比起陆地,海洋更让你有家的感觉,你敏锐目光能够使你轻易的分辨出遥远海平线上的船帆。你在察觉和专业(水手)上获得+1背景加值。此外,每周一次,你可以重投一次专业(水手)的检定并且取高(你必须在宣布结果之前使用此能力)。

海盗血脉(Buccaneer’s Blood):你的先祖之一正是一名臭名昭著的镣铐群岛的自由船长,他的名字早已在那些正当谋生的海员心中留下了深深的恐惧。你流淌着海盗之血,并且无时无刻不渴望着追寻先祖的足迹在航道上大肆掠劫。你在威吓和专业(水手)上获得+1背景加值。此外,你声音与恶名点数(Disrepute and Infamy scores)上一次性获得+1背景加值(参见《冒险之路#55》“海盗生涯”中关于恶名系统(Infamy system)的详细描述)。

码头打手(Dockside Brawler):你在镣铐群岛众多的港城或者停泊地的一个危险码头上长大,并且很快就学到了拳头通常要比花哨的词语更加有用,尤其是在正确的运用下。你总是做的比说的快。你在黄铜指虎(brass knuckles, APG)和简易武器的伤害骰上获得+1背景加值。

掠夺之眼(Eye for Plunder):你在找到闪闪发光的真金白银时总是眼尖,你已经抢劫了足够多的商人和船只,以至于你总是能够感觉到最有价值的财宝会被藏在哪。你在估价和用于寻找隐藏或秘密物品(包括密门和陷阱)的察觉检定上获得+1背景加值。此外,你在战役开始时选择价值50gp的普通物品,并且你可以在苦艾草号上的第一天找到他们。

伊兹玛格罗提土著(Ilizmagorti Native):你成长于莫迪欧凯提岛(Mediogalti Island)的伊兹玛格罗提城,那个因为不断有恶棍拜访而不断派出可怕红螳螂杀手而臭名昭著的海盗港口。你的一生都在围着海盗打转,所以你早就学会了如何在和别人打交道的时候保持警惕,天知道路边的哪个家伙就是由红螳螂伪装的。你在察言观色上获得+1背景加值,并且将其视为本职技能。此外,你熟知海盗的日常,因此你可以用非受训的知识(本地)检定获知关于海盗或者镣铐群岛周边地区的情报。

假腿(Peg Leg):当你还是个孩童时你一条腿的膝盖以下都被鲨鱼咬走了,取而代之的则是一条木制假腿(参见《玩家伴侣:内海海盗》20页),你早就习惯了你的假肢,因而不受一条假肢通常会有的惩罚。你不得不学会忍受伤痛,你在强韧豁免上获得+1背景加值。自从那次事故以后,你异常痛恨鲨鱼,你在对鲨鱼和其他水生亚种的动物的伤害骰上获得+1背景加值。

“船医”(Ship’s Surgeon):在船上,水手通常会学会多种技能,这个规律也同样适用于你。你的父亲是一根木匠,而你也从父亲身上学会了你的第一门手艺。但是在你的第一次出海时,你很快就发现木匠往往就是船上的医生——毕竟,说到怎么锯掉四肢,还是那些以锯木头为生的家伙比较强吧?当然啦,人要比木头血腥的多,但是你竟然没收到什么投诉——那些享受了你的服务的水手要不然就还在庆幸劫后余生,要不然就已经死了。而那些老水手们也赌咒发誓你给他们按上的假腿要比他们原来的真家伙还好用。你在手艺(木工)和医疗检定上获得+1背景加值,并且治疗是你的本职技能。

海洋之触(Touched by the Sea):你总是能感觉到大海的呼唤,你的血液总是随着潮起潮落而澎湃不已。也许你的父母之一是一个水手或是海盗,又或许你的某个先祖带有一点点水精灵或者水元素裔的血统。无论是什么原因,你在水里和陆地上一样舒适。你在游泳检定上获得+1背景加值,并且游泳是你的本职技能。此外,你在水下的攻击骰的罚值减少1。
劇透 -   :
Ancient Explorer: You are a student of the ancient history of Golarion, and you’ve come to the Shackles to explore the crumbling and vine-choked ruins of the cyclops empire of Ghol-Gan, which have lain abandoned among the isles of the Shackles for thousands of years. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local) checks, and one of these skills is a class skill for you. In addition, you gain Cyclops or Polyglot as a bonus language.
 You went to a tavern called the Formidably Maid in Port Peril last night to meet a contact who supposedly had an old map of lost cyclops ruins to sell, but the drink was stronger than you had expected and you passed out before making the deal.

 Barroom Talespinner: You grew up listening to tales of adventure and piracy on the high seas and the sea chanteys of old salts in dockside dives. You learned all about what it’s like to be a pirate by talking with the sailors on shore leave, and learned how to tell a tale (or perform some other pirate entertainment) yourself. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks and one category of Perform checks, and one of these skills is a class skill for you. In addition, once per week you can make a DC 15 Knowledge (local) or Intelligence check to see if you know a popular legendary pirate tale, the telling of which grants you a +1 trait bonus on checks made to influence NPCs on the Wormwood .
You went to a tavern called the Formidably Maid in Port Peril to earn a few coins with your tales of the sea. The patrons seemed pleased with your performance and bought you a few drinks. You had just remembered a tale of an unfortunate sailor who found himself press-ganged on a pirate ship after his drink was drugged when suddenly everything went black.

Besmara’s Blessing: You were born aboard a ship at sea or down by the docks in a port city on an auspicious day. Old salts and sea dogs nod knowingly and say that Besmara the Pirate Queen, goddess of piracy, sea monsters, and strife, has marked you for a greater destiny. You don’t know anything about that, but you’ve always felt more at home on the sea than on land, and your keen eyes can easily pick out a sail on the distant horizon. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception and Profession (sailor) checks. In addition, once per week you can reroll a Profession(sailor) check and take the higher result (you must announce that you are using this ability before the results of the check are known).
 You came to a tavern in Port Peril called the Formidably Maid in search of your fate. You’re not sure how many drinks you had, but they quickly went to your head and you passed out on the table before you found your destiny—unless it lay in the bottom of a bottle. Then again, maybe you found your destiny after all...

Buccaneer’s Blood: One of your ancestors was an infamous Free Captain of the Shackles, whose very name struck fear in the hearts of those who sailed the seas in search of an honest living. Piracy is in your blood, and you’ve always longed to follow in your forebear’s footsteps and plunder the shipping lanes. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate and Profession (sailor) checks. In addition, you gain a one-time +1 trait bonus to your Disrepute and Infamy scores (see “The Life of a Pirate” in Pathfinder Adventure Path #55 for details on the Infamy system).
 You went to a tavern called the Formidably Maid, a notorious pirate hangout in Port Peril, eager to start your career as a buccaneer. While you were there, however, a dashing and flirtatious corsair caught your eye, and after a whirlwind night of booze and romance, you found yourself beaten senseless and stuffed in a sack, carried off to who knows where.

 Dockside Brawler: You grew up on the dangerous docks of one of the Shackles’ numerous ports or anchorages, and quickly learned that fists often make a better point than fancy words, especially when used the right way. You’ve always preferred action to talk, anyway. You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls with brass knuckles(Advanced Player’s Guide 176) and improvised weapons.
 While drinking at a tavern called the Formidably Maid in Port Peril last night, you got into a brawl with some of the other patrons. You handled yourself well, but a group of rough-looking characters ganged up on you and overwhelmed you, knocking you unconscious. Fortunately, you were able to conceal your brass knuckles when you were press-ganged, and you begin the campaign with them, regardless of your starting circumstances.

Eye for Plunder: You’ve always had a keen eye for the glitter of gold or silver, and you’ve robbed enough rich merchants and raided enough ships to have a feel for where the most valuable plunder is hidden. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Appraise and Perception checks to find concealed or secret objects (including doors and traps). In addition, you begin the campaign with a selection mundane trade goods worth 50 gp that you were able to scrounge together during your first day on the Wormwood.
 You found yourself relatively well off when you got your share of your last voyage’s plunder, and decided to spend a few of your hard-won coins at the Formidably Maid, a popular pirate tavern in Port Peril. Maybe the shine of your new wealth distracted you, however, because you never saw the miscreants who slipped something into your drink, knocking you out cold.

Ilizmagorti Native: You grew up in the city of Ilizmagorti on Mediogalti Island, a pirate port infamous for both the scoundrels who visit it and the feared Red Mantis assassins who run it. You’ve been around pirates all your life, but you’ve learned to be wary in your dealings with people, as there’s no telling who might be a Red Mantis in disguise. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is a class skill for you. In addition, your familiarity with the pirate’s life allows you to make untrained Knowledge (local) checks regarding pirates or the region of the Shackles.
  Looking to make your fortune, you hopped aboard a pirate ship in Ilizmagorti, and decided to celebrate your safe arrival in Port Peril with a few drinks at a tavern called the Formidably Maid. There were some suspiciouslooking characters there, to be sure, and you decided to give them a wide berth, but as you left, feeling a bit woozy from drink, you were set upon by thugs in a dark alley and knocked unconscious.

Peg Leg: One of your legs was bitten off below the knee by a shark when you were just a child, and was replaced with a wooden peg leg (Pathfinder Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea 20). You’ve long since gotten used to your prosthesis, however, and take none of the normal penalties from having a peg leg. You’ve had to learn to deal with the pain of your injury as well, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves. Ever since your accident you’ve hated sharks, and you also gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against sharks and other animals with the aquatic subtype.
Your balance always gets a bit shaky after a few drinks, and last night at the Formidably Maid—a tavern in Port Peril—was no exception. That must be why you fell to the floor as soon as you tried to stand up. What happened next is hazy, but you’re pretty sure you were dragged out of the bar and onto a ship at the docks. At least they didn’t throw you to the sharks...

Ship’s Surgeon: On a ship, a sailor often has to learn multiple skills, and this rule certainly applies to you. Your father was a woodworker, and you learned your first trade from him. But on your first voyage at sea you quickly found out that a carpenter is often a ship’s doctor as well—after all, who knows more about sawing off limbs than someone who saws wood for a living? People are a lot bloodier than wood, that’s for sure, but you haven’t had many complaints—those sailors who have enjoyed your services are either happy to be alive or dead, and there’s old salts who swear the peg legs you for made them are better than the real legs they used to have. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft (carpentry) and Heal checks, and Heal is a class skill for you.
 You were between ships in Port Peril, and after stopping for a drink at a tavern called the Formidably Maid, you happened upon a damsel in distress in the alleyway outside. Thinking you could help, you didn’t notice the thugs hiding nearby, and they caught you unawares. You’ve been on enough ships to know a press gang by the blow of the sap on the back of your neck—you just hope whatever ship you end up on needs a surgeon. Although the majority of your equipment was taken away when you were press-ganged, you managed to hang on to a fully stocked healer’s kit, and you begin the campaign with it, regardless of your starting circumstances.

Touched by the Sea: You’ve always felt the call of the sea and your blood surges with the ebb and flow of the tides. Perhaps one of your parents was a sailor or pirate, or maybe one of your ancestors had a bit of aquatic elf or undine blood in them. Whatever the reason, you’re as comfortable in the water as you are on land. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks and Swim is a class skill for you. In addition, penalties on attack rolls made underwater are lessened by 1.
You came to Port Peril in search of your destiny, and after a few drinks at a tavern called the Formidably Maid, you went down to the docks to take in a view of the sea. The last thing you remember is a blow to the back of your head and the waves rushing up to meet you.


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The Upper Hand译成先手可能更好。然后下文的upwind那段对应的译成:相对另一艘船处于上风向
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