作者 主题: 精灵高等魔法和魔网  (阅读 4374 次)

副标题: 感受到了反工业污染的气息

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« 于: 2019-01-06, 周日 01:16:13 »

因此,疑问被留了下来-在创造可供他们生活的完美家园之时,是否我们的先祖真的需要这种撤离?在将魔网集中于那些遥远的海滨之时,是否剥夺了他们自身及后裔与费伦其他地方魔网的天生联系?我认为,当我们寻求为我们热爱的永聚岛竖立起新防线之时,必须深思这些疑问,然后考虑可能要付出的代价。   — ELB

劇透 -   :
Corellon touched a finger to the elf’s forehead. Instantly she saw in her mind’s eye a spinning world, upon which she recognized the torn and scattered remnants of what had been Faerûn, the one land. Glowing like an emerald in the sea was a small island, separated from land masses on either side by vast expanses of water. And even as she watched, the tattered Weave began to repair itself—dimmer over much of the world, true, but bright and fair upon the island.
劇透 -   :
“Not so,” Corellon cautioned her. “Guard it and protect it, yes. But the Tree of Souls has another purpose. A time may come when elves wish to return to the mainland, or perhaps, they may have no choice but to return. Within this tree lies the power of High Magic, a power that even now is fading from the land. In time, only on Evermeet will such magic be cast. The souls within this tree, and those of the elves yet unborn who will yet chose to enter it rather than return to Arvandor, will grant the People a second chance upon Faerûn. Once this tree is planted it will never be moved again. The power within will enable the elves to cast High Magic within the shadow of the tree, which will grow in size and power with each year that passes.

“Remember what I have told you, and pass on my words to he who takes the guardianship of the tree from your hands,” Corellon told her sternly. “The Tree of Souls must not be taken lightly, or planted on a whim.”

劇透 -   :
在托瑞尔世界中的某些地区,由于魔网的扭曲变形,魔法无法正常运作。这个现象可能是由于某些巨大的魔法灾难,比如DR1358 动荡之年期间发生的许多事件,或是因为某些强大的魔法效果扭曲了当地的魔网,比如强大的迷锁结界(见后文精灵高等魔法部分)。大部分于动荡之年期间出现的狂乱魔法区已经消失,不过有部分狂乱魔法区域仍然存在,尤其是在幽暗地域与蛮荒地区


劇透 -   :
在长期辛苦的研究之后,费伦的施法者们发现了几个可以处理狂乱魔法区域的方法。对狂乱魔法区施展解除魔法可以使该解除法术所覆盖区域内的魔法能量正常运作1d4 分钟。如果施展高等解除魔法则可以使时效延长为1d4*10 分钟。对狂乱魔法区域施展许愿术或是奇迹术可以永久修复半径在30 尺以下的扭曲魔网(如果该区域大于此范围,则可修复半径30 尺的区域)。不过,如果该狂乱魔法区域是由滥用魔网的迷锁结界所造成,则上述的方法通通无效。

劇透 -   :
So that's what Ed had to say. This sort of answers jerrod, too. Most of the High Magic he was hoping to see either takes too long for the situation at hand, or is apt to do more harm than good with the Weave unstable and so much energy (the wards of Candlekeep) loose and "on the move." It would be like juggling explosives next to a raging forest fire, in a high wind . . .


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Re: 精灵高等魔法和魔网
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-01-06, 周日 01:34:06 »