作者 主题: 【整合型】变形者变体+4个专长  (阅读 39602 次)

副标题: 勘误马上就要来了,求加强

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« 于: 2018-01-08, 周一 14:27:14 »
元素变形者 Elementalist shifter (变形者变体)

不从野兽拟态获得力量,元素变形者从内半球(Inner Sphere)中引导能量,以强大的元素形态来代替传统变形者的多样性。尽管元素变形者的力量看起来更古怪和超自然,但他们同样专注于德鲁伊传统;他们的注意力仅仅集中在了跨位面区域发现的自然表现:气元素(Air),土元素(Earth),火元素(Fire)和水元素(Water)位面。

语言(Languages):元素变形者可获得的奖励语言增加水族语 (Aquan),风族语 (Auran),火族语 (Ignan)和土族语 (Terran)。

元素拟态(Elemental Aspect ,Su):1级时,元素变形者选择一个元素拟态替代一个变形者拟态(shifter aspect)。这个能力的其他方面与变形者拟态相同。

元素之语(Elemental Speech ,Su):当处于元素拟态时,元素变形者获得法术[巧言术(tongues)]的好处,可以与元素拟态类型相匹配的元素生物沟通。
此能力替代了野性认同(Wild Empathy)。

元素打击(Elemental Strike ,Su):1级时,以一个迅捷动作,元素变形者可以使近战攻击充满元素能量。元素变形者只能为攻击充能他所选择元素拟态的一个元素。一旦充能,直到下一轮开始,每一次近战攻击将造成额外1d6点所选择元素种类的能量伤害。
此能力替代了变形者利爪(shifter claws)。

元素形态(Elemental Form ,Su):4级时,当元素变形者使用自然变身(wild shape)时,替代如同法术[元素形态I(elemental body I )],但是只能获得元素拟态列表上的好处。当处于元素形态时,元素变形者只能说出已经知道并且与形态关联的元素语言。
此能力调整了自然变身(wild shape)。

综合元素(Omnielementalist ,Su):9级时,元素变形者可以融合两种元素形态,获得不同拟态的混合力量并像强力的自然天气现象那样显现它们。当元素变形者呈现两种元素拟态的每个次级形态(minor form)时,在持续时间内获得额外能力。元素组合的能力效果如下详细说明。

灰烬风暴(Ash Storm ,Su):结合气元素与火元素,元素变形者被灰烬涡流围绕着,在对抗远程攻击时获得20%失手率。

暴雨(Downpour ,Su):通过结合气元素与水元素的力量,在元素变形者所在方格和临近方格形成猛烈的暴雨。雨水将自动熄灭所在方格与临近方格的非法术火焰(包括着火生物身上的火焰)。雨水也有机会熄灭在范围内或者进入范围的持续型法术火焰(但是无法熄灭像是法术[火球术(fireball)]那样的瞬间型法术火焰效果),如同施放了法术[解除魔法 (dispel magic)],使用变形者等级作为施法者等级。

泥石流(Mudslide ,Su):结合土元素与水元素,元素变形者生成了泥灵光(aura of mud)。这些泥遍及元素变形者周围的方格并视为困难地形。它会跟随元素变形者移动,并在元素拟态结束时消失。

沙暴(Sandstorm ,Su):结合气之狂风与土之沙粒,创造出遍及元素变形者周围半径20尺的沙暴。这个地区的全部光亮等级降低一级,并且被这个效果困住的生物会在沙暴中每轮受到1d6点非致命伤害。

蒸汽云(Steam Cloud ,Su):当同时进入火与水的次级拟态时,火的高温与水的潮湿在元素变形者周围20尺半径区域内爆发出蒸汽,如同法术[隐雾术(obscuring mist)]。这些迷雾不会随着元素变形者移动,并直到元素拟态结束前停留在这个地方。

火山步(Volcanic Stride,Su):结合土元素与火元素,元素变形者可以损毁周围的地面。以一个标准动作,元素变形者可以将所在方格内的自然区域或人造岩石转变为成困难地形,当有生物通过时,造成等同于元素打击伤害的无豁免火焰伤害。

劇透 -   :

Rather than drawing power from bestial aspects, elementalist shifters channel power from the Inner Sphere and can take on powerful elemental forms at the cost of the greater diversity available to traditional shifters. Although the elementalist shifter’s powers seem more outlandish and supernatural than those of others of their kind, they remain equally immersed in the druidic traditions; their focus is simply rooted in expressions of nature found in extraplanar regions: the planes of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.

Languages: An elementalist shifter adds Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran to her list of available bonus languages.
This alters the shifter’s languages.

Elemental Aspect (Su): At 1st level, an elementalist shifter chooses one elemental aspect (see page 79) rather than a shifter aspect. This ability otherwise functions as shifter aspect. As the elementalist shifter gains levels, she gains more elemental aspects: a second aspect at 5th level, a third at 10th, and a fourth at 15th.
This alters shifter aspect.

Elemental Speech (Su): When in her elemental aspect, an elementalist shifter gains the benefit of tongues with creatures of the elemental subtype that matches her elemental aspect. This replaces wild empathy.

Elemental Strike (Su): At 1st level, as a swift action, an elementalist shifter can charge her melee attacks with elemental energy. The elementalist shifter can charge her attacks only with an element she has chosen with elemental aspect. Once charged, each melee attack the elementalist shifter makes until the start of her next turn deals an additional 1d6 points of energy damage based on the element she chooses when taking this action (see Elemental Aspects on page 79). This additional damage increases by 1d6 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 6d6 points of energy damage at 20th level. An elementalist shifter can’t use elemental strike while under a polymorph effect.
This replaces shifter claws.

Elemental Form (Su): At 4th level, when an elementalist shifter uses wild shape, she is instead affected as if by elemental body I, but she gains only the benefits listed in her elemental aspect. While in an elemental form, the elementalist shifter can speak only the elemental language associated with that form, and she can do so only if she knows it. This alters wild shape.

Omnielementalist (Su): At 9th level, an elementalist shifter can fuse two elemental forms together, gaining combined powers of the different aspects and manifesting them in ways that bring to mind powerful natural weather phenomena. When the elementalist shifter takes on one minor form each from two of her elemental aspects, she gains an additional ability as long as she maintains the form. The effects of the abilities depend on the elemental combination, as detailed below.

Ash Storm (Su): By combining air and fire, the elementalist shifter surrounds herself with a storm of swirling ash, granting her a 20% miss chance against ranged attacks.

Downpour (Su): The elementalist shifter combines the powers of air and water to generate a torrential downpour in her square and squares adjacent to her. This rain automatically extinguishes all nonmagical fires in her square and squares adjacent to her (including flames on creatures that have caught on fire). It also has a chance to extinguish ongoing magical fire (but not instantaneous magical fire effects such as fireball) within or that enters the area, as if the elementalist shifter had cast dispel magic, using her elementalist shifter level as her caster level for the effect.

Mudslide (Su): Combining the elements of earth and water causes the elementalist shifter to generate an aura of mud. This mud extends out to all squares adjacent to her and counts as difficult terrain; it moves with her and vanishes when she ends her elemental aspect.

Sandstorm (Su): Combining the high winds of air and fine particulates of earth produces a sandstorm that extends out to a radius of 20 feet from the elementalist shifter. All light levels in the area diminish by one step, and creatures caught in the effect take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage each round they remain within the sandstorm.

Steam Cloud (Su): When the elementalist shifter enters a minor form of fire and water at the same time, the heat of fire and moisture of water generate an explosive area of steam around her out to a radius of 20 feet as per obscuring mist. The mist remains in place until she ends her elemental aspect; it doesn’t move with her.

Volcanic Stride (Su): By combining earth and fire, the elementalist shifter can damage the ground around herself. As a standard action, she can deform a region of natural or artificial rock in her space, turning it into difficult terrain and causing creatures that pass through it to take an amount of fire damage equal to that dealt by her elemental strike with no save. Affected terrain remains transformed until the shifter ends her elemental aspect.

This replaces chimeric aspect and greater chimeric aspect.


元素拟态(Elemental Aspects)





旋风 (Whirlwind, Su):以一个标准动作,你能将自己变成旋风形态,持续持续1轮/每2个变形者等级。其余功效如同通用怪物能力「旋风」。













劇透 -   :
Elemental Aspects
(Elementalist Shifter Aspects)
Elementalist shifters do not infuse their bodies with bestial qualities taken from animal aspects. Rather, they take into themselves raw elemental power from the planes of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. The following aspects are used by the elementalist shifter archetype; they cannot be selected as aspects by other shifters.

You take on the power of an air elemental, gaining the ability to fly and to control powerful gusts of wind. You
take inspiration from the patterns of clouds in the sky, the tumultuous fury of the storm, and the gentle caress of
a cooling breeze. Flying creatures, such as bats and birds, are your favorites. Spring is your favored season—a time when storms bring freshness to the world but that lacks the brutality of winter’s devastation.
Minor Form: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity score. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and to +6 at 15th level.
Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a Medium air elemental (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 120). While you are in this form, you gain a fly speed of 60 feet (average maneuverability) and airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against you. At 8th level, your fly speed increases to 100 feet (perfect) and you gain the whirlwind special ability (see below). At 15th level, you gain Improved Natural Attack with your slam.
Whirlwind (Su): You can transform yourself into a whirlwind as a standard action for 1 round per 2 shifter levels you have. This otherwise functions as per the whirlwind universal monster rule.

You take on the power of an earth elemental, gaining the ability to burrow through the earth and deliver powerful blows. You take comfort in caverns, mountainous regions, and areas rent by canyons and chasms, and you feel a deep kinship to burrowing animals of all types. Be it the soothing feel of fresh topsoil or the devastating fury of an earthquake, you understand the raw power of earth. Your favored season is fall—the traditional time of the harvest, when bounty from the earth is offered.
Minor Form: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Constitution score. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level
and to +6 at 15th level.
Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a Medium earth elemental (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 122). While you are in this form, your base speed is reduced to 20 feet, but you gain a burrow speed of 10 feet, and you gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both you and your target are touching the ground. If the target is airborne or waterborne, you take a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls against it. These modifiers also apply to bull rush and overrun combat maneuvers, whether you are initiating or resisting these kinds of attacks. At 8th level, your burrow speed increases to 20 feet and you gain earth glide as per the universal monster rule. At 15th level, you gain Improved Natural Attack with your slam.

You take on the power of a fire elemental, becoming a being of living flame that can burn enemies and move with great speed. You enjoy regions where precipitation rarely intrudes, such as desert landscapes and dry savannas, but the slopes of volcanoes hold the greatest majesty to you. You enjoy the companionship of swiftly moving creatures and those who enjoy basking in the sun, for you empathize with their appreciation of the daytime’s warmth. Forest fires are things of beauty to you, yet you respect fire and would never think to wantonly inflict it upon the natural world. Summer is your favorite season, for this is a time of heat waves and blistering sunny days.
Minor Form: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity score. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and to +6 at 15th level.
Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a Medium fire elemental (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 124). While you are in this form, your base speed changes to 50 feet and you gain immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold, and the burn special attack as per the universal monster rule, dealing damage equal to your slam attack whenever a creature fails its Reflex save against that ability. At 8th level, you gain Improved Natural Attack with your slam. At 15th level, you deal fire damage equal to double your slam damage against opponents that fail their saves against your burn ability.

You take on the power of a water elemental, gaining the ability to move swiftly in water, rain down crashing blows on your enemies, and transform into a swirling vortex. You identify with aquatic animals of all types, be they water-breathing creatures such as fish, amphibians such as newts or frogs, or air-breathing mammals such as whales or walruses. The unrelenting churn of waves on the shoreline, the soothing babble of a gentle stream, and the pounding kiss of a deluge of rain all bring joy to your heart. Your favored season is winter, for it is at this time that the most powerful of storms bring water to all the world.
Minor Form: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Strength score. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and to +6 at 15th level.
Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a Medium water elemental (Pathfider RPG Bestiary 126). While you are in this form, your base speed is reduced to 20 feet but you gain a swim speed of 60 feet, and if both you and your target are touching water, you also gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls. If the target is touching the ground, you take a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls against it. These modifiers apply to bull rush and overrun combat maneuvers, whether you are initiating or resisting these kinds of attacks.At 8th level, your swim speed increases to 90 feet, your touch automatically extinguishes nonmagical flames of size Large or smaller, and you can dispel magical fires as per dispel magic using your shifter level as your effective caster level. At 15th level, you gain Improved Natural Attack with your slam and the vortex special ability, which functions identically to the air aspect’s whirlwind ability (see page 79) but can form only underwater and cannot leave the water.

魔躯变形者 Fiendflesh shifter (变形者变体) 



地狱利爪(Infernal Claws,Ex):魔躯变形者的爪子被灌输着邪恶位面的亵渎力量。
1级时,魔躯变形者的变形者利爪(shifter’s claws)在克服伤害减免时视为邪恶武器。

恶魔拟态(Fiendish Aspect ,Su):1级时,魔躯变形者可以以一个迅捷动作暂时将身体转变成一种超自然邪恶生物的混合体。当处于这种形态时,魔躯变形者获得60尺黑暗视觉(如果已经拥有黑暗视觉则范围加倍),1d6点伤害的抵撞(gore)天生武器(小型体型为1d4),和DR1/善良。魔躯变形者每天可以维持这个形态[3+变形者等级]分钟,持续时间不必连续,但必须以1分钟为单位来使用。
10级时,处于恶魔拟态时,DR增加为5/善良,并使恶魔强韧(Fiendish Resilience)能力提供的火焰与电击抗力加倍(见下文)。
此能力替代自然变身(wild shape),变形者拟态(shifter aspect)以及变形者拟态的全部增强。

恶魔强韧(Fiendish Resilience ,Su):2级时,当魔躯变形者未穿甲或者穿戴轻或中型非金属护甲,并且无过度负重(unencumbered)时, AC获得+1天生护甲加值,并获得5点电击和火焰抗力。
此能力替代了防御本能(defensive instinct)。

嵌合恶魔(Chimeric Fiend ,Su):9级时,当魔躯变形者使用恶魔拟态能力时,从下方列表中获得一个额外能力,魔躯变形者可以在每次使用恶魔拟态时改变这个选择。
此能力替代了奇美拉拟态(chimeric aspect)。

高等嵌合恶魔(Greater Chimeric Fiend ,Su):14级时,嵌合恶魔能力获得如下额外奖励。
魔鬼(Devil):敏捷获得+4增强加值,获得通用怪物能力[看破黑暗(see in darkness)]。
此能力替代了高等奇美拉拟态(greater chimeric aspect)。

劇透 -   :
By forging dark pacts with extraplanar forces, fiendflesh shifters invoke sinister powers to assume the strengths of daemons, demons, or devils. Fiendflesh shifters care nothing for the natural world and are instead consumed by an ever-growing lust for power at any price. To other shifters, the fiendflesh shifter is often viewed as a monster herself—an intrusion into the natural order of things and a foe who must be sought out and destroyed. Very few druids will ever willingly ally with fiendflesh shifters; this leaves these outcasts to live bitter, lonely lives or to seek out fiendish cults or other abhorrent faiths for support and companionship.

Alignment: A fiendflesh shifter must be evil in alignment. If the fiendflesh shifter becomes nonevil, she loses all powers granted by this archetype. This alters the shifter’s alignment.

Infernal Claws (Ex): A fiendflesh shifter’s claws are infused with the unholy power of the evil Outer Planes. At 1st level, a fiendflesh shifter’s claws are treated as evil weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. This ability otherwise functions as the shifter claws class feature. This alters shifter claws.

Fiendish Aspect (Su): At 1st level, a fiendflesh shifter can temporarily transform her body into an amalgam of otherworldly evil creatures as a swift action. While in this form, the fiendflesh shifter gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet (or doubles the range of her darkvision if she already has it), a gore natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 points of damage if the shifter is Small), and DR 1/good.A fiendflesh shifter can maintain this form for a number of minutes per day equal to 3 + her shifter level. The duration does not need to be consecutive but must be spent in 1-minute increments.
At 5th level, the fiendflesh shifter’s DR increases to 2/ good and she also grows a pair of batlike wings when in her fiendish aspect, granting her a fly speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability.
At 10th level, the fiendflesh shifter’s DR increases to 5/good, and the electricity and fire resistance provided by her fiendish resilience ability (see below) doubles while she’s in her fiendish aspect.
At 15th level, the fiendflesh shifter’s DR increases to 7/good and her fly speed increases to 60 feet.
At 20th level, the fiendflesh shifter’s DR increases to 10/good. She also gains immunity to electricity and fire and spell resistance equal to 15 + her shifter level.
This replaces wild shape, shifter aspect, and all improvements to shifter aspect.

Fiendish Resilience (Su): At 2nd level, a fiendflesh shifter gains a +1 natural armor bonus to her AC and resistance 5 to electricity and fire, but only while unencumbered and either wearing no armor or wearing light or medium nonmetal armor. At 4th level, 12th level, and 20th level, this natural armor bonus increases by 1. At 8th level and 16th level, the fiendflesh shifter’s resistance to electricity and fire increases by 5.
This replaces defensive instinct.

Chimeric Fiend (Su): At 9th level, when a fiendflesh shifter uses her fiendish aspect ability, she can gain an additional ability from the list below. The fiendflesh shifter can change which ability she gains each time she uses fiendish aspect.
Daemon: Acid resistance 10 and a +4 profane bonus on saves against disease.
Demon: The shifter’s electricity resistance doubles.
Devil: The shifter’s fire resistance doubles.
This replaces chimeric aspect.

Greater Chimeric Fiend (Su): At 14th level, a fiendflesh shifter’s chimeric fiend ability grants her additional bonuses as noted below.
Daemon: The shifter gains a +4 enhancement bonus to her Constitution score and immunity to disease.
Demon: The shifter gains a +4 enhancement bonus to her Strength score and increases the damage die of all natural attacks by one step.
Devil: The shifter gains a +4 enhancement bonus to her Dexterity score and see in darkness as per the universal monster rule.
This replaces greater chimeric aspect.

泥怪行者 Oozemorph (变形者变体)

尽管大多数的变形者接受了德鲁伊的传统训练,让他们可以发掘动物的力量,但其他变形者却在寻找最简单的生命形式来获得灵感。这些被称为“泥怪变形者(oozemorphs)”的变形者把注意力集中在泥怪(ooze)身上——危险又简单的生命形式。尽管一些变形者认为泥怪变形者令人不安、甚至十分邪恶,但这些变形者只是拥抱了一种更陌生的生命形式而已。他们并不是天生邪恶,但他们经常被德鲁伊之环(druidic circles)和变形者英雄所误解。

武器和防具擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):泥怪变形者擅长全部的简易武器和轻甲。

压缩(Compression, Ex):泥怪变形者获得通用怪物能力[压缩(compression)]。泥怪变形者可以在任何当前形态下使用此能力。

流质身躯(Fluidic Body ,Su):泥怪变形者的基础形态(base form)不再是原本种族,而是一团等体积质量的原生质。泥怪变形者被作为效果的目标时,同时视为泥怪和基础生物类型(base creature type),例如毒药武器(bane weapons)和游侠的宿敌(favored enemy)。在这个形态下,泥怪变形者免疫重击,精准伤害和夹击。然而,泥怪变形者没有魔法物品栏位;不能从防具获得好处;不能施法;不能持握物品;不能说话;不能使用所持有或穿戴需要激活的魔法物品。
泥怪变形者会在昏迷(unconscious)或处于反魔法(antimagic)的区域内时,变回这种不定型(formless)的状态。这视为一种变形效果(polymorph effect)。
每天[一半等级(最少为1)]次,以一个移动动作,泥怪变形者可以呈现出类人形态。这种转变与法术[变身术 (Alter Self)]相同,但持续小时数等同于人物等级。每超过一个小时后,泥怪变形者必须成功通过DC15的强韧豁免检定,否则就会变回流质身躯直到休息至少8个小时。每额外保持这个形态1小时,豁免DC就会增加1点。
8级时,泥怪变形者可以将这个能力如同法术[野兽形态 I (Beast Shape I)]。
15级时,泥怪变形者可以将这个能力如同法术[野兽形态 II (Beast Shape II)]或[巨人形态 I (Giant Form I)]。
此能力替代了奇美拉拟态(chimeric aspect),高等奇美拉拟态(greater chimeric aspect),自然变身(wild shape),变形者拟态(shifter aspect)以及变形者拟态的全部增强。

变形武器(Morphic Weaponry ,Ex):不管处于什么形态,泥怪变形者可以用身体的任何部分创造出若干天生武器。1级时,以一个移动动作,泥怪变形者可以形成2个造成1d6点钝击,穿刺或挥砍伤害的主要天生武器,类型在形成它们时选择。以一个迅捷动作,泥怪变形者可以改变任意天生武器的伤害类型。
任何时候,泥怪变形者的天生武器总数包含当前形态获得的。举例来说,8级泥怪变形者通过法术[野兽形态 I]变成拥有啮咬 (Bite)攻击的狼,并通过变形武器创造2个额外天生武器,此时总共3个天生武器。如果泥怪变形者之后变回没有天生武器的类人形态,作为替代可以创造3个变形武器。
此能力替代了变形者利爪(shifter claws)。

泥怪认同(Ooze Empathy ,Ex):泥怪获得变形者的野性认同(Wild Empathy)职业能力,但只影响智力不高于2的泥怪的态度。泥怪变形者可以将此能力作用于无心智泥怪,并给予泥怪少量智力以便可以响应命令。

伤害减免(Damage Reduction (Ex):2级时,泥怪变形者未穿甲或者穿戴轻型非金属护甲,并且无过度负重(unencumbered)时,获得DR4/ 挥砍。4级和之后每4个等级,伤害减免增加2点,直到20级时最大DR14/挥砍。
此能力替代了防御本能(defensive Instinct)。

粘性泥怪(Clinging Ooze ,Ex):4级时,当泥怪变形者处于天生形态(natural form)时,获得10尺攀爬速度。
此能力替代了穿林步(Woodland Stride)。

劇透 -   :
While most shifters are trained in druidic traditions that allow them to tap into animalistic powers, others look instead to the simplest forms of life for inspiration. Known as oozemorphs, these shifters focus on the ooze—a form of life as simple in construction as it is dangerous in combat. While some shifters consider the oozemorph to be unsettling or even vile, these shifters merely embrace a stranger form of life than most. They are not inherently evil, yet they are often misunderstood by druidic circles and these circles’ shifter champions.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An oozemorph is proficient with all simple weapons and light armor. This replaces a shifter’s normal weapon and armor proficiencies.

Compression (Ex): An oozemorph gains compression as per the universal monster rule.This ability can be used regardless of the current form the oozemorph has taken.

Fluidic Body (Su): An oozemorph’s base form is not that of her race but rather that of a protoplasmic blob that has the same volume and weight. An oozemorph treats her creature type as both ooze and her base creature type from her race for the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as bane weapons and a ranger’s favored enemy). In this form, the oozemorph is immune to critical hits and precision damage and can’t be flanked. However, she has no magic item slots and she cannot benefit from armor; cast spells; hold objects; speak; or use any magic item that requires activation, is held, or is worn on the body.
An oozemorph reverts to this formless state whenever she is unconscious or in an area of antimagic. This is treated as a polymorph effect.
A number of times per day equal to half her level (minimum 1), an oozemorph can assume a humanoid form as a move action. This transformation is identical to alter self, except the oozemorph can maintain the form for a number of hours equal to her level. Each hour after this duration, the oozemorph must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or revert back to her fluidic body until she rests for at least 8 hours. This save DC increases by 1 for each additional hour spent maintaining the form.
At 8th level, the oozemorph can treat this ability as beast shape I, and at 15th level, she can treat this ability as beast shape II or giant shape I.
Ending this transformation at any time reverts the oozemorph back to her ooze form and renders her fatigued for a number of minutes equal to the number of hours she maintained the form.
This replaces chimeric form, greater chimeric form, wild shape, shifter aspect, and all improvements of shifter aspect.

Morphic Weaponry (Ex): An oozemorph can create a number of natural weapons to fight with from any portion of her body, regardless of her current form. At 1st level, as a move action, an oozemorph can form two primary natural attacks that each deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, chosen by the oozemorph when she forms them. An oozemorph can change the damage type of any number of her natural weapons as a swift action. An oozemorph gains one additional primary natural attack at 6th level and another at 15th level.
The total number of natural attacks an oozemorph has at any given time includes those gained via her current form. For example, an 8th-level oozemorph who has taken the form of a wolf with beast shape I has a bite attack as part of that form; she can create only two additional natural attacks via morphic weaponry, for a total of three attacks available to her at that level. If the oozemorph later reverts to a humanoid form with no natural weapons, she can instead create three morphic weapons.
This replaces shifter claws.

Ooze Empathy (Ex): An oozemorph gains the shifter’s wild empathy class feature, but she can use it only to influence the attitude of oozes with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower. An oozemorph can use this ability on mindless oozes; when she does so, she imparts a modicum of intellect to the ooze to allow it to respond to her commands.
This alters wild empathy.

Damage Reduction (Ex): At 2nd level, an oozemorph gains DR 4/slashing while unencumbered and either wearing no armor or wearing light nonmetal armor. This damage reduction increases by 2 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of DR 14/slashing at 20th level.
This replaces defensive instinct.

Clinging Ooze (Ex): At 4th level, when in her natural form, an oozemorph gains a climb speed of 10 feet. This replaces woodland stride.

狂怒塑造者 Rageshaper (变形者变体)



毁灭形态(Devastating Form ,Su):狂怒塑造者可以进入一个极度愤怒的状态,变成一个活生生的毁灭引擎。这个能力视为野蛮人的狂暴(Rage)职业能力。进入这个愤怒的状态需要一个会引起借机攻击的整轮动作,并有如下额外效果。在下一轮开始的时候,狂怒塑造者不仅获得狂暴的好处,同时体型也增大一个等级 (尽管身上的装备和持有的物品尺寸没有增加)。
10级时,狂怒塑造者的毁灭形态将会使体型增大二个等级,并视为大狂暴(greater Rage)。
20级时,狂怒塑造者的毁灭形态将会使体型增大三个等级,并视为强力狂暴(Mighty Rage)。
此能力替代了自然变身(wild shape),变形者拟态(shifter aspect)以及变形者拟态的全部增强。

猛烈挥击(Terrible Slam ,Su):狂怒塑造者可以通过打击(deliver blows)毁掉敌人。这将视为变形者利爪(shifter claws)职业能力,除了天生武器被视为挥击(slam)攻击。此外,猛力挥击不能无视不同种类的伤害减免,但可以无视一些物体的硬度。
此能力调整了变形者利爪(shifter claws)。

无懈可击(Invulnerable Defenses ,Ex):2级时,狂怒塑造者在处于毁灭形态时难以受到伤害。当狂怒塑造者处于毁灭形态,未穿甲或者穿戴轻或中型非金属护甲,并且无过度负重(unencumbered)时,AC上获得+2天生护甲加值,并获得DR2/-。
此能力替代了防御本能(defensive instinct),奇美拉拟态(chimeric aspect)和高等奇美拉拟态(greater chimeric aspect)。

自然步(Unrestrained Stride ,Ex):3级时,当狂怒塑造者进入毁灭形态时,将无视困难地形的移动惩罚,并免疫纠缠(Entangled)状态。
此能力替代了穿林步(Woodland Stride)。

猛烈飞跃(Terrible Leap ,Ex):5级时,当狂怒塑造者进入毁灭形态时,可以以一个移动动作来进行不需要特技(Acrobatics)检定的猛烈飞跃,跳起等同于移动速度的距离(向上移动视作两倍,就好像在飞行一样)。每天可使用[变形者等级]次。
从能力替代了无踪步(Trackless Step)。

劇透 -   :
Not all shifters represent the balance of nature. The rageshaper is a destructive force of nature brought to bear—a wild and uncontrollable engine of annihilation fueled by wrath. Rageshapers fly into bloodletting frenzies and rain down devastation like unstoppable natural disasters.

Alignment: A rageshaper can be any non lawful alignment. A rageshaper who
becomes lawful cannot take any further levels in rageshaper, but he does not lose access to any rageshaper abilities he has already gained.
This alters the shifter’s alignment.

Devastating Form (Su): A rageshaper can enter a state of intense fury, transforming into a living engine of destruction. This ability functions as the barbarian’s rage class feature, except entering this state of fury requires a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity and has additional effects as noted below. At the start of the rageshaper’s next turn, he not only gains the benefit of rage but also grows one size category larger (though worn equipment and held items do not increase in size).
Armor or clothing the rageshaper wears that doesn’t accommodate his changing size immediately gains the broken condition. If insufficient room is available to accommodate this change, the rageshaper attains the maximum possible size for the available space and can attempt a Strength check (using his increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If the check fails, he is constrained but not harmed by the materials enclosing him.
A rageshaper can remain in his devastating form for a number of rounds per day equal to his shifter level. He can dismiss devastating form only with a successful Will save (DC = 10 + his shifter level) made as a free action. On a failed save, the attempted remains in devastating form for an additional round.
If the rageshaper does not successfully end his devastating form before he runs out of daily rounds, the next time he fails his Will save to revert, he flies into an uncontrollable frenzy as if affected by confusion, but he treats a roll of 26–50 as “attacks nearest creature.”Each round the rageshaper spends in an uncontrollable frenzy, the Will save DC to exit devastating form decreases by 2.
When a rageshaper ends his devastating form ability, he is fatigued for a number of rounds equal to twice the number of rounds he spent in devastating form. A rageshaper cannot enter devastating form again while fatigued or exhausted. If a rageshaper falls unconscious, his devastating form ends immediately.
At 10th level, the rageshaper can grow up to a maximum of  two size categories larger with devastating form and his rage is now treated as greater rage.
At 20th level, the rageshaper can grow up to a maximum of three size categories larger with devastating form and his rage is treated as mighty rage.
This replaces wild shape, shifter  aspect, and all improvements to shifter aspect.

Terrible Slam (Su): A rageshaper can deliver blows that demolish his foes. This functions as the shifter claws class ability, except his natural weapons are treated as slam attacks. Additionally, rather than granting the ability to bypass different kinds of damage reduction, the rageshaper’s terrible slam ignores some of an object’s hardness.
At 1st level, terrible slam ignores 5 points of an object’s hardness. This increases to 10 poi
nts at 5th level, 15 points at 10th level, and 20 points at 15th level.
This alters shifter claws.

Invulnerable Defenses (Ex): At 2nd level, a rageshaper becomes difficult to harm in his devastating form. Whenever the rageshaper takes on his devastating form and is unencumbered and either wearing no armor or wearing light or medium nonmetal armor, he gains a +2 natural armor bonus to his AC and DR 2/—.
This replaces defensive instinct, chimeric aspect, and greater chimeric aspect.

Unrestrained Stride (Ex): At 3rd level, whenever the rageshaper is in devastating form, he ignores movement penalties from difficult terrain and is immune to the entangled condition. This replaces woodland stride.

Terrible Leap (Ex): At 5th level, when a rageshaper is in his devastating form, he can perform a terrible leap as a move action without attempting an Acrobatics check, jumping any distance up to his move speed (upward movement counts as double, as when flying). He can leap in this way once per day per shifter level.
This replaces trackless step.

青翠变形者 Verdant shifter (变形者变体)


植物交谈(Speak with Plants ,Sp):1级时,青翠变形者获得以类法术能力施展法术[植物交谈(speak with plants)]的能力,每天可施展[3+魅力修正]次。
此能力替代了野性认同(wild empathy)。

青翠身躯(Verdant Body ,Su):1级时,青翠变形者呈现出植物特征,像是藤蔓蔓延身体,花朵绽放在头发上,皮肤长出树皮。青翠变形者被作为魔法或效果的目标时,同时视为正常的生物类型(normal creature type)和植物生物(plant creature),例如毒药武器(bane weapons)和游侠的宿敌(favored enemy)。青翠身躯也提供给青翠变形者25%的概率来免疫重击和精准伤害,例如偷袭(sneak attack)。
此能力替代变形者拟态(shifter aspect)以及变形者拟态的全部增强。

荒野护甲(Wild Armor ,Ex):2级时,当青翠变形者未穿甲或者穿戴轻或中型非金属护甲,并且无过度负重(unencumbered)时,AC上获得+2天生护甲加值。这个加值在4级和之后每4个等级增加1点,直到20级时,AC上获得最大+7天生护甲加值。
此能力替代了防御本能(defensive Instinct)。

植物形态(Plant Shape ,Su):6级时,青翠变形者自然变身(wild shape)能力替代如同法术[植物形态I(plant shape I)]。这个形态每天可持续的轮数为[变形者等级]。
12级时,这个能力替代如同法术[植物形态II(plant shape II)]。
18级时,这个能力替代如同法术[植物形态III(plant shape III)]。
此能力调整了自然变身并替代了奇美拉拟态(Chimeric Aspect)和高等奇美拉拟态(Greater Chimeric Aspect)。

劇透 -   :
Verdant shifters have an affinity for plants rather than animals and gain a plantlike form that grows in power as they do. Verdant shifters are the enemies of creatures that would despoil the natural world, and they seek to maintain balance with civilization and industry to ensure the sanctity of wild spaces.

Speak with Plants (Sp): At 1st level, a verdant shifter gains the ability to cast speak with plants as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 plus her Charisma modifier.
This replaces wild empathy.

Verdant Body (Su): At 1st level, a verdant shifter takes on plant qualities as vines grow over her body, flowers bloom in her hair, and bark grows from her skin. The verdant shifter is treated as both her normal creature type and a plant creature for purposes of spells or effects that target a creature by type (such as bane weapons and a ranger’s favored enemy). Verdant body also grants the verdant shifter a 25% immunity to critical hits and precision damage (such as sneak attack).
At 5th level, the verdant shifter gains a +2 enhancement bonus to her Constitution score.
At 8th level, the enhancement bonus to her Constitution score increases to +4 and her immunity to critical hits increases to 50%.
At 15th level, the enhancement bonus her Constitution score increases to +6.
This replaces shifter aspect and all improvements of shifter aspect.

Wild Armor (Ex): At 2nd level, a verdant shifter gains a +2 natural armor bonus to her AC while unencumbered and either wearing no armor or wearing light or medium nonmetal armor. This bonus increases by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of a +7 natural armor bonus to AC at 20th level.
This replaces defensive instinct.

Plant Shape (Su): At 6th level, a verdant shifter’s wild shape ability instead functions as plant shape I. The verdant shifter can maintain this form for a number of rounds per day equal to her shifter level.
At 12th level, this ability instead functions as plant shape II, and at 18th level, it functions as plant shape III.
This ability otherwise functions as the standard wild shape shifter class feature.
This alters wild shape and replaces chimeric form and greater chimeric form.

化兽者 Weretouched (变形者变体)


兽化人拟态(Lycanthrope Aspect ,Su):1级时,化兽者获得变形者拟态(Shifter aspect)能力,但化兽者只能获得一种所选择的动物拟态。按照其他相关职业特性中的详细描述,这会调整其它职业特性。这个能力在其他方面与变形者拟态相同。

兽性认同(Lycanthropic Empathy ,Ex):1级时,化兽者获得野性认同(Wild Empathy),并在野性认同检定上获得+4加值,但只作用于所选择兽化人拟态同种类的动物。

兽化变身(Lycanthropic Wild Shape ,Su):4级时,当化兽者使用自然变身(wild shape)时,只可以呈现兽化人拟态同种类的动物形态。然而,替代呈现的专攻形态(major form),化兽者可以呈现混合了天生形态(natural form)与拟态专攻形态特性的混种形态。
当处于混种形态时,力量获得+2体型加值,AC获得+2天生护甲,获得专攻形态的全部天生武器和能力。化兽者在决定是否可以长出变形者利爪(Shifter Claws)时,视为天生形态。

劇透 -   :
Weretouched shifters are scions of lycanthropic forces, whether hereditary or supernaturally imposed. They can assume both animal and hybrid forms, as a  lycanthrope does.

Lycanthrope Aspect (Su): At 1st level, a weretouched gains the shifter aspect ability, except the animal aspect chosen is the only animal aspect the weretouched can gain. This alters her other class features, as detailed in each relevant class feature. Otherwise, this ability functions identically to shifter aspect.
At 5th level, a weretouched gains DR/silver equal to half her shifter level, to a maximum of DR 10/silver at 20th level. Additionally, a weretouched shifter becomes immune to a lycanthrope’s curse of lycanthropy.
This alters shifter aspect and all of its improvements.

Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex): At 1st level, a weretouched gains wild empathy and a +4 bonus on wild empathy checks, but this ability works only on the type of animal she chose for her lycanthrope aspect.
This alters wild empathy.

Lycanthropic Wild Shape (Su): At 4th level, when a weretouched uses wild shape, she can assume only the form of an animal of the same type as her lycanthrope aspect. However, instead of assuming a major form, she can assume a hybrid form that mixes the traits of her natural form and the major form of her aspect. While in a hybrid form, she gain a +2 size bonus to her Strength score, a +2 natural armor bonus to her AC, and all of the natural attacks and abilities listed by her major form. A weretouched also counts as being in her natural form for the purpose of determining whether she can extend her shifter claws. A weretouched’s hybrid form is roughly the same size and shape as her natural form, albeit with bestial qualities such as digitigrade legs or shaggy fur, so her equipment does not merge into her new form when she shifts between her natural form and hybrid form. In addition, the size of a weretouched’s hybrid form is the same as the size of her natural form. This otherwise counts as assuming a major form using wild shape.
This alters wild shape.


凶猛变身Frightful Shape
你自然变身(wild shape)的攻击令你的对手恐惧。。

劇透 -   :
Frightful Shape
Your wild shape form strikes fear into your opponents.
Prerequisites: Wis 19, base attack bonus +9, wild shape class feature.
Benefit: When you use wild shape, it is supernaturally ferocious and disquieting in appearance, such that when you attack a creature, you can use this ferocity to frighten observers. Opponents within 30 feet of you when you attack must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + half your character level + your Charisma modifier) to resist being affected by your frightful shape. On a failed save, creatures with fewer Hit Dice than you become shaken, or panicked if they have 4 Hit Dice or fewer; in either case, the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your character level. An opponent that succeeds at its saving throw is immune to your frightful shape for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
突变变身Mutated Shape
你的自然变身(wild shape)获得额外的肢体用于攻击敌人。
专长效果:当你使用自然变身时,会额外长出一个肢体以造成下列攻击之一:啮咬 (Bite),爪抓 (Claw),抵撞 (Gore),挥击 (Slam),钉刺 (Sting)或爪击 (Talons)。可以作为全力攻击的一部分,并使用最高基础攻击加值。这个肢体在自然变身期间会一直存在。

劇透 -   :
Mutated Shape
Your wild shape form gains an additional appendage you can use to attack your foes.
Prerequisites: Wis 19, base attack bonus +6, wild shape class feature.
Benefit: When you use wild shape, you grow an additional appendage of your choice that can be used to make one of the following attacks: bite, claw, gore, slam, sting, or talons. The appendage can be used as part of a full attack using your highest base attack bonus, and it deals damage as described in Table 3–2: Mutated Shape Appendage Attacks. This appendage lasts for as long as you stay in the same form with this use of wild shape.
变形者锋刃Shifter’s Edge
先决条件:敏捷13,武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse),变形者利爪(shifter claws)职业特性

劇透 -   :
Shifter’s Edge
You use your shapechanging powers to make your natural attacks especially lethal. Prerequisites: Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, shifter claws* class feature.
Benefit: Whenever you use Weapon Finesse to make a melee attack with your claws or a natural attack augmented by your claws, you also add your shifter level to the damage.
变形者冲刺Shifter’s Rush
你可以在向敌人移动时,使用自然变身(wild shape)能力。
先决条件:自然变身(wild shape)职业能力,变形者4级

劇透 -   :
Shifter’s Rush
You can use you wild shape ability as you are moving toward your enemy.
Prerequisites: Wild shape class feature, shifter* level 4th
Benefit: When you use a move action to move 10 feet or more or when you charge, you can use wild shape as a free action during that movement.


« 上次编辑: 2020-10-22, 周四 11:40:02 由 沉淪 »


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Re: 【UW】化兽者(变形者变体)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-01-08, 周一 19:27:19 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【UW】化兽者(变形者变体)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-01-11, 周四 09:05:53 »
[21:54] <玛多卡> .r d20+13 出1我就掀桌
[21:54] <DnDBot> 玛多卡 投擲 出1我就掀桌: 1d20+13=(1)+13=14

线上 NicoNicoNi~

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Re: 【UW】化兽者(变形者变体)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-01-11, 周四 19:17:55 »
 :em032 :em032选择恐爪龙那个拟态,4级开始有5下主要天武(恐爪龙3下+变形者利爪2下)还有猛扑,好像好暴力的感觉! :em032 :em032

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Re: 【UW】化兽者(变形者变体)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-01-11, 周四 19:51:36 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

线上 NicoNicoNi~

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Re: 【UW】化兽者(变形者变体)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-01-11, 周四 21:09:06 »

只是不知道利爪会顶掉talon还是foreclaw :em032 :em032

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Re: 【UW】化兽者(变形者变体)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-01-11, 周四 21:22:08 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

离线 白貓

  • 兇八八的金吉拉
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Re: 【UW】化兽者(变形者变体)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-01-11, 周四 21:31:06 »
這個化獸者的混種型態說裝備不會融進新形態中,那像Animal Mask這種要啟動的裝備可以啟動? 可以的話那就多了抵撞。

雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

线上 NicoNicoNi~

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Re: 【UW】化兽者(变形者变体)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-01-11, 周四 21:35:34 »
這個化獸者的混種型態說裝備不會融進新形態中,那像Animal Mask這種要啟動的裝備可以啟動? 可以的話那就多了抵撞。


离线 炽炎烈龙

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Re: 【UW】青翠变形者+化兽者(变形者变体)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-01-12, 周五 21:20:56 »
兽化人拟态(Lycanthrope Aspect ,Su):1级时,化兽者获得变形者拟态(Shifter aspect)能力,但化兽者只能获得一种所选择的动物拟态。这会调整其它每个相关的职业特性。这个能力在其他方面与变形者拟态相同。



« 上次编辑: 2018-01-12, 周五 21:26:37 由 炽炎烈龙 »