作者 主题: 【R&G】爆破与载具规则RULES FOR EXPLOSIVES AND VEHICLES,P185~190  (阅读 7235 次)

副标题: 施工完毕

离线 失语

  • Hero
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 971
  • 苹果币: 2

劇透 -   :
Just as shadowrunners have reasons to blow up buildings, they also have reasons for blowing up vehicles. Car bombs can be used to inflict damage to property, create distractions or diversions, or serve as improvised road blocks to bar passage down narrow roadways. Explosives are also frequently planted in vehicles as a means of assassination.


劇透 -   :
Car bombs meant to kill indiscriminately are used mainly by extremist policlubs and militants looking to send a message. Although these jobs are available, most runners find them distasteful and too risky to be worth taking. Instead, runners most often use car bombs to inflict property damage.

劇透 -   :
Vehicle-borne explosives are not the preferred choice of weapon to blow up buildings. Due to decades of violent encounters with neo-anarchists and other militant groups, buildings have been designed to prevent someone from driving a vehicle too close to a building or into a building to destroy it. Perimeter fences and concrete barricades discourage the use of vehicle bombs against buildings. Most secure buildings will keep vehicles away by at least ten meters if not more, which means a device producing a circular blast suffers an immediate 20P reduction to its Damage Value even before the shockwave hits the building. Improvements in structural designs can also absorb some of the shockwave produced by an explosion, reducing the damage value of the explosive by another 20P. Even if the vehicle makes it into the building and detonates, the force of the blast is unevenly distributed, and the damage done to the building itself can be unpredictable. This is the primary reason most runners use a car bomb simply as a distraction for a job, drawing attention to one side of the building while they break in on the opposite side, where they hope security personnel will be less numerous and more confused.

劇透 -   :
For a car bomb to be effective, it needs to be able to destroy the body of the vehicle in which it is hidden (typically the trunk, on/near the engine block, or planted on the undercarriage) and still have enough power to cause damage to the surrounding area. Review the Vehicle Damage Threshold table for the type of vehicle being used. The Damage Value given is the average DV necessary to destroy a standard vehicle using an explosive device. Remember, the vehicle resists the explosion using its Body + Armor Rating, minus half of its Armor Rating. Riggers planning to use a vehicle in a car bombing will sometimes weaken the chassis (reduce the Armor Rating of the vehicle) to allow more explosive force to escape the vehicle and do more damage to the surrounding area. A rigger needs to make an Automotive Mechanic + Logic [Mental] Test, with each hit reducing the Armor Rating of the vehicle by 1. A vehicle’s Armor Rating may only be reduced to 1 in this manner (the chassis itself still acts as 1 point of armor). Most standard vehicles do not have much armor where this procedure would make a big difference, as the explosion based in the car will have an Armor Penetration Rating of half the Armor rating anyway. However, for vehicles that have been customized with heavier armor, this step of reducing a vehicle’s Armor rating is essential for the explosive device to have any effect on the outside environment. Once a vehicle is prepared, the demolitions expert chooses the weight of explosives that will be used in the explosion and crafts the device. If the Armor Rating of the vehicle is reduced, decrease the threshold for destroying the vehicle by the number of Armor Rating points reduced in this manner.

车辆爆炸装置通常被认为是一整个装置。而不是一系列独立 ,所以这类炸药通常被计算为一个装药。如果角色使用了10公斤的15级塑胶炸药,请参考“基础效果等级表”(第176页),以获得该当量炸药的伤害值。这是该设备的基本伤害值。
劇透 -   :
A vehicle explosive device is always considered one device instead of a series of individual charges, so this kind of explosive is always calculated as a single charge. If the character is using 10 kilos of Rating 15 plastic explosives, consult the Base Effectiveness Ratings table (p. 176) for the Damage Value given for that amount of explosives. This is the base Damage Value for this device.

当汽车炸弹爆炸时,GM会投掷车辆的机体+护甲等级,查看成功确认车辆从爆炸中吸收多少伤害。减去车辆的机体,它当前的护甲等级,以及车辆从爆炸的基础值中获得的成功数。如果车辆使用的是燃油发动机而不是电动发动机,并且车辆被成功摧毁,则爆炸的伤害值增加20P,因为这会引爆车内的燃料,从而增加爆炸的威力。该最终值将是任何车辆外事物受到破坏的起始DV。因为爆炸被认为是圆形爆风,所以爆风每米减少2 DV。当一个角色抵抗爆炸伤害时,不要将伤害从物理转换为晕眩,即使它没有超过调整后的护甲等级。爆炸装置造成的一切伤害都是物理性质。
劇透 -   :
When a vehicle explosion goes off, the gamemaster rolls the vehicle’s Body + Armor Rating to see how many hits the vehicle gets to absorb damage from the explosion. Subtract the vehicle’s Body, its current Armor Rating, and the number of hits the vehicle got from the base value of the explosion. If the vehicle has a fuel-based engine rather than an electric engine and the vehicle is successfully destroyed, add 20P to the Damage Value of the explosion, as it sets off the fuel within the car and thus increases the explosion’s power. This final value will be the starting DV for anything taking damage from outside the vehicle. Because the explosion is considered a circular blast, the blast is reduced by 2 DV per meter. When a character resists damage from an explosion, do not switch the damage from Physical to Stun, even if it does not exceed the modified Armor Rating. All damage caused by an explosive device is Physical in nature.


劇透 -   :
Smasher’s team needs to infiltrate a high-security Renraku facility. Due to the nature of security measures in place, Smasher’s team needs a distraction to draw a significant number of corp security out of position so they can sneak into the facility from the opposite side and abscond with the new cyberware design specs their Johnson wants. The team decides to set off a car bomb so that it destroys a part of the perimeter fence at the research facility. Smasher’s team acquires a Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit for this distraction. Their rigger reduces the Armor on the vehicle from 4 to 1 by creating weak points in the chassis frame, weakening hinges, and so on. The rigger also paints neo-anarchist slogans all over the vehicle’s exterior to make investigators believe it was a neo-anarchist attack. The rigger also installs a rigger interface so she can remotely pilot the vehicle into position.

劇透 -   :
For the car bomb, Smasher has 10 kilos of Rating 10 plastic explosives. The base damage of the car bomb would be 32P. Recon intelligence on the Renraku facility informs Smasher that the perimeter fence is an electrified wrought-iron fence that is three meters tall. Wrought iron is considered reinforced material (Structure 8, Armor 12). To blow a 3-meter hole in the 3-meter tall fence and hopefully disrupt the electrical current running through it, Smasher knows he needs to be able to deliver at least 24 boxes of damage to the barrier (see Destroying Barriers, p. 197, SR5) to create a 3-meter hole in the fence. Smasher decides to work with the explosives to increase their effective rating. Making a Demolitions + Logic [Mental] Test, Smasher gets four hits, which increases the effective rating to 14. The device’s Damage Value becomes 45P. He then makes an Extended Test to determine how long it takes him to make the bomb. The gamemaster rules that it is a bomb of average complexity, so Smasher has a threshold of 12 for his tests. Smasher gets 12 hits on three rolls, so he makes his bomb in 3 hours. The bomb is set up using a radio detonator. Smasher places the bomb in the trunk of the vehicle.

劇透 -   :
The rigger drives the vehicle to the target, jumps the curb, and parks it right next to the fence. Smasher then detonates the 10-kilo bomb. The gamemaster rolls the Body and Armor of the Jackrabbit (which only has 1 point of Armor now) to determine how many hits the vehicle knocks off the explosion (there is no question 45P destroys the car) and gets 4 hits on 9 dice.

爆风能量减少车辆机体和当前护甲等级(8 + 1 = 9)以及GM在汽车的伤害抵抗检定中获得的成功数(4)。这个特别的杰克兔模型有一个燃料引擎,所以GM会在爆炸伤害值上添加额外的20P。爆炸爆风的伤害变成52P(45 - 13 + 20),这是车辆周围所有东西需要抵抗伤害的基础值。汽车炸弹认为是圆形爆风,爆风每米-2。因为车就停在锻铁栅栏旁,所以锻铁栅栏要承受52P的伤害。GM投掷栅栏的结构和护甲等级(AP -2)得到5成功。根据这个结果,爆炸实际上在栅栏上炸出了一个5米的洞,并切断了从中穿行的电流(47P的伤害超过了制造5米孔的40P要求)。狂奔者们等着安保人员做出反应,然后翻过栅栏,从建筑物的另一边溜进去。
劇透 -   :
The power of the blast is reduced by the Body and current Armor rating of the vehicle (8 + 1 = 9) and the number of hits the gamemaster got on the vehicle’s Damage Resistance Test (4). This particular Jackrabbit model has a fuel-based engine, so the gamemaster adds an additional 20P to the Damage Value of the explosion. The explosive blast damage becomes 52P (45 – 13 + 20), which is the base value for everything around the vehicle that needs to resist damage. The vehicle bomb is considered a circular blast, with a blast reduction of –2 per meter. Since the vehicle is parked next to the wrought-iron fence, the fence takes all 52P damage. The gamemaster rolls the fence’s Structure and Armor Rating (with a –2 AP) and gets 5 hits. Based on that result, the explosion actually blows a 5-meter hole in the fence and disables the electrical current running through it (47 boxes of damage surpasses the 40-box requirement for a 5-meter hole). The runners then wait for security to react before scaling the fence and sneaking in on the other side of the building.

劇透 -   :
In addition to the fence, there are two nearby cars: one parked 3 meters away, one 4 meters away. If the gamemaster so desired, he could have those vehicles resist 46P and 44P damage as well, with both likely also ending up destroyed. This would make the scene much more cinematic and give the Renraku security three burning cars to deal with instead of just one.
« 上次编辑: 2019-10-15, 周二 10:45:24 由 失语 »

离线 失语

  • Hero
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 971
  • 苹果币: 2

劇透 -   :
If you have ever seen an action adventure or organized crime movie, you know car bombs are a favorite way of doing away with snitches, witnesses, and other targets. In the Sixth World, using car bombs to kill targets remains a popular way of getting a wetwork job done.

劇透 -   :
In Shadowrun, there are a couple of different ways to plant car bombs to kill the passengers inside. There are the “dumb bombs” and the “smart bombs.” Dumb bombs are designed to respond to a specific trigger, not necessarily a specific target. A common dumb bomb wires an explosive device into the vehicle’s ignition via an electrical detonator. This type of car bomb remains inert until the person starts the car and allows the electric current from the car’s ignition system to detonate the explosives, killing the unfortunate metahuman(s) caught in the blast. Another type of dumb bomb is connected to a pressure-sensitive detonator and placed under the seat the target is expected to use; the bomb triggers when a certain amount of weight sits on the seat. This type of bomb can be placed under the driver’s seat, the front passenger seat, or the rear bench seat. The problem with dumb explosives is there’s a very good chance they won’t hit the target. Many vehicles in 2075 have a rigger interface, so a rigger can start the car remotely, triggering the dumb ignition bomb and destroying an empty car. If a car lacks a rigger interface, a bodyguard or valet can collect the car—again, the bomb hits the wrong target. Also, all but the cheapest models of cars allow the driver to start from several meters away by using a commlink. The problem gets compounded if the target uses multiple cars or has family members who might swap cars with the target at an inopportune time, which means so ignition trigger can easily catch the wrong person—or no person.

劇透 -   :
Other runners might choose to use a radio detonator; once the team has visual confirmation the target is in the appropriate seat, the bomb can be remotely detonated, assuring the success of the job. However, this costs runners time. Also, using a radio detonator requires runners to worry about noise interfering with the detonator signal. This is why experienced shadowrunners invest in smart car bombs that do the work for them.

劇透 -   :
A smart car bomb always uses an optical detonator and is always considered to be a complex explosive device. An optical detonator can be connected to sensors either wirelessly or via fiber-optic cable. Once the sensors confirm the target is in the vehicle, the bomb will detonate. An optical detonator has a processor as sophisticated as a standard commlink. Some runners will hide a micro-camera inside the passenger compartment (in the dashboard, in the dome light, etc.), which is wirelessly connected to the optical detonator. The detonator has been preloaded with a facial recognition program and images of the target. Once the program confirms the target, it triggers the explosion. Since some high-level targets use body doubles, and with the quality of cosmetic modifications available in 2075, a number of runners are uncomfortable relying on facial recognition to get a confirmed kill. A variant of this smart bomb uses biometric scanners to confirm the presence of the target’s DNA or other biometric information before detonating. These scanners normally collect airborne particulates to confirm the target’s identity, or they can be configured to scan for fingerprints on the vehicle’s most commonly touched surfaces such as the seat belt, steering wheel, and glove compartment. Spray-on nanoprint scanners for these surfaces are becoming common for this type of work, with the nanoprint scanners feeding data to the optical detonator. Of course, this method requires a sample of the target’s DNA for biometric comparison by the smart bomb. Smart bombs can also be programmed to send a text message to the runner team prior to detonation, which informs the team that the target has been acquired and the detonation sequence has started. If set up with a camera, the smart bomb can send footage of the target prior to the explosion, which can be used as proof of death for the Johnson (though remember that the more wireless devices used in an explosive, the more opportunities there are to be discovered). This allows a runner team to be nowhere near the bomb when it goes off, ensuring a clean getaway.

为了设置一枚只会杀死乘客的汽车炸弹,炸弹需要放在客舱里,比如座位下。不然,爆炸装置的威力必须足以突破车辆的结构和护甲等级。爆炸装置必须被设计成能产生定向爆风,迫使爆炸的正面朝向受害者。当装置起爆时,爆炸被认为是一种可以穿透它和目标之间任何屏障的穿透武器,比如座椅,而屏障本身会吸收一格伤害。其余的伤害施加到目标和任何坐在爆风60度范围内的人身上。那些在60度弧外的人将爆炸视为圆形爆风,爆风伤害每米下降2。在这种情况下,首先对车内人员施加伤害。无论乘客的护甲等级如何,爆炸装置造成的所有伤害都被认为是物理伤害。一旦乘客受到了伤害,车辆就会抵抗剩余的伤害:减去车内乘客为抵抗伤害投掷每个成功的伤害值。因为主要目标是乘客而不是车辆本身,所以只对车辆的护甲等级应用-2 AP。如果车辆受到至少一格的伤害但没有完全被爆炸摧毁,则被认为是着火了。车辆着火的每一战斗轮都会受到1格自动伤害。如果基于燃料引擎的车辆被伤害填满,则车辆就会爆炸。任何在最初爆炸中幸存下来的人都必须抵抗汽车油箱爆炸产生的20P的爆风。
劇透 -   :
To set up a vehicle bomb meant to kill only the passengers, the explosive needs to be placed inside the passenger compartment, such as under a seat. Otherwise, the explosive device will have to be powerful enough to breach the Structure and Armor ratings of the vehicle. The explosive device has to be shaped to create a directional blast that forces the brunt of the explosion toward the victim. When the device detonates, the explosion is considered a penetrating weapon for any barriers between it and the target, such as the seat, and the barrier itself absorbs one box of damage. The rest of the damage transfers to the target and anyone sitting within a 60-degree arc of the blast. Those outside the 60-degree arc treat the explosion as a circular blast, with the blast’s damage dropping by 2 per meter. In this case, deal the damage to the individuals inside the vehicle first. All damage from the explosive device is considered Physical, no matter what the passengers’ Armor Ratings are. Once the passengers have taken damage, the vehicle resists the remaining damage: subtract from the Damage Value each hit the characters inside the vehicle rolled for resisting damage. Because the primary targets were the passengers and not the vehicle itself, only apply –2 AP to the vehicle’s Armor Rating. If the vehicle took at least one box of damage but is not entirely destroyed by the explosion, it is considered to be on fire. For every Combat Turn the vehicle is on fire, it takes 1 automatic box of damage. If this fills up the damage track for a vehicle with a fuel-based engine, the vehicle explodes. Anyone still in the vehicle who survived the original blast would have to resist another 20P blast from the car’s exploding fuel tank.

劇透 -   :
When planting an explosive inside a vehicle’s passenger compartment, some players may choose to remove the door paneling and stick a tamped explosive inside. When the explosive device goes off, multiply the Damage Value of the explosion by 4 instead of just doubling it. This extreme version of a car bomb is usually reserved for hard-to-kill targets, such as heavily armored and extensively augmented trolls



曼哈顿黑手党约翰逊雇佣了杀手“寒心”(Cold Heart),要他在即将到来的审判中消灭一名证人。UCAS联邦证券交易委员会计划将告密者转移到西雅图,直到审判日。“寒心”对证人进行了研究,得知他独自生活,并以工程师的身份为联邦波音公司工作。他还知道对方每天开车去上班。证人没有特殊保护,只有一个新的身份来保障他的安全。对证人来说不幸的是,UCAS的一名执行官很乐意放弃自己的身份和位置,换取一些冷酷无情的新円。寒心发现目标不与任何人拼车,是一个有点孤独的人。通过研究证人驾驶的汽车模型,寒心了解到它只能用手动点火,而且没有安装机师界面。对于寒心而言,这是安置无声汽车炸弹的完美处境。
劇透 -   :
Cold Heart was hired by a Manhattan Mafia Johnson to eliminate a witness in an upcoming trial. The UCAS Federal WitSec program relocated the snitch to Seattle until the trial date. Cold Heart does his research on the witness and learns he lives alone and works for Federated Boeing as an engineer. He also learns that he drives himself to work each day. The witness has no special protection, only a new identity meant to keep him safe. Unfortunately for the witness, a UCAS Marshal was happy to give up his identity and location for some cold, hard nuyen. Cold Heart found the target doesn’t carpool with anyone else and is a bit of a loner. Studying the car model the witness drives, Cold Heart learns that it’s limited to manual ignition and lacks a rigger interface. For Cold Heart, this is a perfect situation for a dumb car bomb. 

劇透 -   :
One night, while the witness is asleep at home, Cold Heart breaks into his garage and tampers with his Ford Americar. Rolling an Automotive Mechanic + Logic [Mental] (3) Test, Cold Heart gets 4 hits. He uses an electrical detonator and connects the ignition to 1 kilo of Rating 14 plastic explosive. He places the explosive device underneath the steering column. Cold Heart also makes a Demolitions + Logic [Mental] Test to shape the charge and gets 2 hits. The device now effectively produces 16P damage.

劇透 -   :
The next morning, the witness turns on his car for work and it explodes inside his garage. The way it was planted, the shaped explosive device is considered directional. Since the distance between the explosive blast and the witness is less than 1 meter, he gets the full blast (16P). The witness rolls 4 hits on his Damage Resistance Test, but takes 12 boxes of Physical damage. The target is still alive but is 2 boxes into physical overflow (Body of 4).

福特美利车现在必须抵抗12P的爆炸伤害(16P - 4). GM投掷车辆的机体和护甲等级,- 2 AP(15骰),并获得5成功。这辆车在爆炸中受到7P伤害,并着火了。除非证人恢复意识并在4个战斗轮内离开车辆,否则车辆爆炸时他将受到20P伤害。更不要说,目标在汽车爆炸前就死亡。
劇透 -   :
The Ford Americar now has to resist 12P damage from the explosion (16P – 4). The gamemaster rolls the vehicle’s Body and Armor Rating, –2 AP (15 dice), and gets 5 hits. The vehicle takes 7P from the explosion and has caught on fire. Unless the witness regains consciousness and gets out of the vehicle within 4 Combat Turns, the vehicle will explode and he will take another 20P damage. Needlessly to say, the target dies just prior to the car exploding.


劇透 -   :
Warhawk has taken a job to eliminate one of Mr. Johnson’s megacorporate rivals. He intends to plant a smart bomb inside the target’s armored limousine and has acquired 1 kilo of Rating 20 plastic explosive. Warhawk connects the detonator to a micro-camera that will be planted inside the dome light of the limousine. He loads images of the target into the optical detonator’s facial recognition program. Warhawk researches the make and model of the limo in question and gets the precise dimensions for the rear bench seat, which will allow him to construct the bomb to fit underneath. Because the bomb uses an optical detonator, the device is considered a complex device. For the Extended Test, Warhawk will need to get 18 hits with an interval of 1 day. Warhawk has a dice pool of 13, and a Mental Limit of 6; he takes 6 days to assemble the device.

劇透 -   :
Warhawk then waits for an opportunity to plant the bomb. He learns from his legwork that the target’s security will be taking the limo into an auto-detailing shop for some work. He bribes the owner of the shop to allow him access to the limousine, and he plants the bomb underneath the rear passenger bench seat.

劇透 -   :
The limousine is picked up from the shop a day later, and the human target, a troll bodyguard, and a human driver take it for a drive downtown later that day. Once the smart bomb confirms the identity of the target via facial recognition, it detonates. The target is sitting right on top the explosive device. The seat absorbs 1 box of the initial blast, so the target resists 19P, with an AP of –2. The human target only gets three hits on his Damage Resistance Test, so the target is killed instantly in the explosion.

劇透 -   :
The troll bodyguard is also caught within the directional explosive’s 60-degree arc and is sitting less than 1 meter away from the blast; he also has to contend with 19P damage. The bodyguard is wearing full body armor (Rating 15) and has titanium bone lacing. After resisting damage, the bodyguard suffers 10 boxes of damage and survives.

劇透 -   :
The driver of the limousine sat approximately 1.75 meters from the victim, which is rounded up to 2 meters for determining damage. At this distance, the explosive blast is considered circular, not directional. By the time the blast gets to the driver, he must resist 15P damage. The driver only gets one hit on his Damage Resistance Test, so he dies also.

劇透 -   :
The gamemaster subtracts the hits the characters rolled resisting damage from the 19P blast, which is 14 hits. The limousine easily absorbs the 5P. The limo may be fragged up on the inside, but it is not in danger of exploding.
« 上次编辑: 2023-12-01, 周五 19:30:35 由 阿飘 »

离线 失语

  • Hero
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  • 帖子数: 971
  • 苹果币: 2

玩家可以选择使用炸弹装药瘫痪载具。安置在目标车辆车轴上的炸弹装药可以使瘫痪车辆,这对于允许狂奔者小队在通勤期间非自愿撤离目标非常有用。在车辆的变速驱动桥(前轴和变速器的组合)附近安置炸药是立即使车辆失去动力的另一种有效方法。只使用车轴或变速箱外壳的材料等级,代替使用车辆的机体+护甲等级来抵抗爆炸伤害。大多数标准车辆部件被认为是重型材料(结构6,护甲8),除非目标车辆是重型装甲安保车辆,在这种情况下,部件被认为是由加固材料(结构8,护甲12)。遵循第191页“破门装药”规则。如果用爆炸装置瞄准车轴,使用轴的直径作为切割所需的厚度阈值。如果一个部件受到的伤害等于它的结构等级,那么它要么被切割成两半,要么被摧毁。如果爆炸产生的能量超过了使车辆瘫痪的需要,车辆可能会翻车,甚至翻个底朝天。如果爆炸产生的伤害超过了摧毁部件所需要的5P,汽车的轮子就会离开地面,并且汽车就会侧翻到一边。如果爆炸造成的伤害超过了摧毁部件所需要的10P,汽车就会翻底朝天。每超过 10P,汽车就会多翻滚一次,有可能导致车内人员死亡。
劇透 -   :
Players may choose instead to disable a vehicle using an explosive charge. Explosive charges planted on a target vehicle’s axles can disable the vehicle, which is useful for allowing a runner team to extract a target during a commute. Planting a charge near the vehicle’s transaxle (the front axle and transmission assembly) is another effective way to immediately disable a vehicle. Instead of using the vehicle’s full Body + Armor Ratings to resist the damage from the explosion, only use the material Rating of the axle or transmission housing instead. Most standard vehicle components are considered heavy material (Structure 6, Armor 8), unless the target vehicle is a heavily armored security vehicle, in which case the components are considered to be made of reinforced material (Structure 8, Armor 12). Follow the rules for Breaching Charges, p. 191. If targeting an axle with an explosive device, use the diameter of the axle as the thickness threshold required to cut through. If the component takes as much damage as its Structure Rating, it is considered either cut in half or destroyed. Should the explosion generate more energy than necessary to disable the vehicle, the vehicle could end up flipping onto its side or even rolling onto its roof. If the explosion produces 5P damage more than what is necessary to destroy the component, the car’s wheels lift off the ground and the vehicle flips onto its side. If the explosion causes 10P damage more than what was necessary to destroy the component, the car rolls onto its roof. With each box above 10P, the car will roll an additional time, potentially killing everyone in the vehicle.

劇透 -   :
When planting the explosive charge, the character must make a Demolitions + Logic [Mental] (3) Test. A glitch on this test results in the explosion hitting the vehicle’s gas tank (provided the vehicle has one), which increases the DV of the explosion by 20P.
« 上次编辑: 2023-12-01, 周五 19:31:17 由 阿飘 »

离线 失语

  • Hero
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 971
  • 苹果币: 2

劇透 -   :
Most demolitions specialists who wish to keep a low profile from law enforcement choose to mimic the signatures of other bomb makers and have their work blamed on someone else. To accomplish this, the character needs a copy of a classified forensics reports detailing the traits of another bomb maker’s signature. Once she acquires such a report, she will need to make a Forgery + Logic [Mental] Test while crafting her charges. Double the threshold for her Extended Tests for making the devices, as she is intentionally taking extra time to make her work look like someone else’s.

离线 失语

  • Hero
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 971
  • 苹果币: 2

劇透 -   :
Demolitions-focused characters may also use drones in their work. Drones can be used to locate non-traditional entry points through which they can smuggle explosive charges into a building, such as open windows, a loading bay, or a roof door left ajar. Unfortunately, most drones lack the dexterity to physically plant charges themselves. Should a player use a drone to plant charges, the drone receives a –3 dice pool penalty for the attempt. The exceptions to this rule are drones with articulated arms that have a full range of motion and match the dexterity of a metahuman’s hands and arms.

劇透 -   :
Some demolitions experts plant an explosive device inside the drone itself and then set off the charge once the drone reaches its target. Microdrones and minidrones cannot be equipped with explosive devices due to their bodies being too small. Small- and medium-sized drones may be planted with an explosive device of the same weight in kilos as the drone’s Body rating divided by 2. For example, an Aztechnology crawler—a small drone—may be planted with up to 2 kilos of explosives (Body 3 divided by 2 = 1.5, rounded up to 2). A large drone may be implanted with an explosive device up to the same weight in kilos as the drone’s Body rating. For example, a Steel Lynx (Body 6) may have up to 6 kilos explosives strapped within its chassis. A rigger or someone with the proper Mechanic skill would need to plant the explosives, as sometimes the internal workings of the drone must be modified to make them fit inside. For blowing up a drone, apply the same rules for blowing up a car (as outlined in this section).


劇透 -   :
Pyro and his team have been hired to extract a Shiawase scientist in Neo-Tokyo. After digging up info about their target, they realize it would be difficult to extract him unless he is in transit, as the target lives and works in a Shiawase arcology. The runner team believes the arcology’s security would be insurmountable should things go wrong while inside the structure. Instead they have their hacker grab the target’s schedule to see if the scientist will ever be outside the arcology, where they can more easily grab him. They are in luck: He will be going on a seven-day cruise and will be en route to the cruise ship via car, with only one security detail. Pyro’s team decides to plant an explosive on the axle of the vehicle used to transport the scientist. They will set off the explosive charge at a given time and location, allowing them to pick an ideal spot along the route for an ambush.

纵火狂对目标车辆进行了研究,认识到它是一辆安保车辆,其部件是由加固材料制成的。纵火狂将会安装一个装置来切断车轴。该型号的车轴直径是10厘米。考虑到材料是加固材料,纵火狂计算出轴的结构等级是1 (8 x 0.1,向上取整),护甲等级是1 (12 x 0.1,AP减少一半,向上取整)。纵火狂希望能精准切割车轴,所以他决定构造一个至少能造成3P伤害的爆炸。
劇透 -   :
Pyro studies the target vehicle and realizes it’s a security vehicle with components made of reinforced material. Pyro is going to plant a device that will cut through the axle. For this model, the axle has a diameter of 10 centimeters. Given that the material is reinforced, Pyro calculates that the axle’s Structure Rating is 1 (8 x 0.1, round up) and the Armor Rating is 1 (12 x 0.1, AP reduces it by half, round up). Pyro wants to make sure he will take care of that axle, so he decides on an explosion that can generate a minimum 3P worth of damage.

劇透 -   :
Pyro decides to use a single device consisting of 1 kilo of Rating 2 commercial explosive (which was reduced from 5 to 2 using a Demolitions Test). After his team learns which car will be used to transport the scientist for this vacation, the team sneaks into the motor pool. Pyro shapes the charge around the rear axle and puts the charge on a remote detonator. Pyro makes his Demolitions + Logic [Mental] Test and scores three hits. The charge is placed in a way that will not hit the gas tank.

当科学家前去度假时,纵火狂的团队便跟着这辆车。在他们到达伏击点时,纵火狂引爆了装药。因为炸弹安置在车轴本身身上,装药对车轴造成4P的伤害(DV x 2)。GM投掷车轴的结构护甲来抵抗伤害(1 + 1),并且没有一个成功。没有吸收伤害,因此车轴被破坏,车辆被成功地瘫痪。
劇透 -   :
When the time comes for the scientist to go on his vacation, Pyro’s team follows the vehicle. Just as they reach the ambush point, Pyro detonates the charge. Because it is planted on the axle itself, the charge does 4P worth of damage (DV x 2) to the axle. The gamemaster rolls the Structure plus Armor of the axle to resist it (1 + 1) and gets no hits. No damage is absorbed, so the axle is broken and the vehicle is successfully disabled.