作者 主题: 【ISTav】調酒師(Mixologist)【炼金术士变体】  (阅读 18919 次)

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Re: 【ISTav】调酒师(Mixologist)[炼金术师变体]
« 回帖 #10 于: 2018-08-16, 周四 01:27:17 »
以下內容摘譯自Inner Sea Taverns pg. 54-55,英文水平不佳,還請不吝指正。

酒醉等級 Levels of Inebriation
  諸如次級復原術(lesser restoration)和中和毒性(neutralize poison)等類似效果的法術可以自動移除噁心狀態(即使法術需要經過施法者等級檢定)以使角色清醒。如前所述,簡單的等待也可以使角色恢復到較低的酒醉等級。

1. 清醒(Sober):你目前並未被酒精影響。如果你在一小時內飲用了等同你體質調整值一半(至少1)份量的酒精飲料,或你在你體質調整值一半(至少1)個小時內,持續每小時飲用超過一份酒精飲料,你將變為微醺(tipsy)。

2. 微醺(Tipsy):你開始感受到酒精的威力。依據你的性情,你的自制力可能會稍微降低,或者你開始變得下流。你在所有基於敏捷或力量的技能檢定和意志檢定獲得-1減值。若你又額外飲用了等同你體質調整值一半(至少1)份量的酒精飲料,你將變為醉酒(drunk)。

3. 醉酒(Drunk):你完全醉了。你可能會誇大你清醒時的個性或完全逆轉。你在屬性檢定、攻擊檢定、豁免檢定和技能檢定獲得-2減值,但你在對抗非致命傷害時獲得DR1/-。若你在一小時內又額外飲用了等同你體質調整值一半(至少1)份量的酒精飲料,或你在你體質調整值一半(至少1)個小時內,持續每小時飲用超過一份酒精飲料,你將變為酩酊大醉(soused)。

4. 酩酊大醉(Soused):你喝太多了。你講話含糊不清並且你的判斷力也受到影響。你在屬性檢定、攻擊檢定、豁免檢定和技能檢定獲得-4減值,但你在對抗非致命傷害時獲得DR2/-,並且你在對抗痛苦效果時的豁免檢定可以雙骰取高。此時你每次飲用酒精飲料,你必須通過強韌檢定(DC=15,每經過一次檢定+1)或失去意識(pass out)。

5. 失去意識(Passed Out):你完全屈服在酒精的影響。你會昏迷(unconscious)並在2d4小時內自然恢復清醒(雖然你可能會陷入宿醉,見下)。你必須通過DC20的強韌檢定或忘記過去1d6小時的記憶(或從你開始飲酒時,視何者較短),如同修改記憶(modify memory)。

宿醉和成癮 Hangovers and Addiction
  如果角色失去意識(passed out)或在醉酒(drunk)及酩酊大醉(soused)期間入睡,這個角色很有可能會在宿醉中醒來。當角色醒來時,他必須通過強韌檢定(DC=15+你飲用的酒精飲料數量)或變為噁心直到他獲得另外8小時的休息。次級復原術或類似的魔法可以治療噁心狀態。此外,該狀態會在受影響的角色再次陷入微醺(tipsy)時移除。
  依據GM的判斷,角色在接下來四週內,每週陷入醉酒(drunk)或更糟的狀態三次以上,可能會獲得中度成癮(moderate addiction,見GMG p.236),豁免DC取決於酒精強度(大部分酒精都在DC16左右)。角色若持續濫用酒精,每多連續一週該DC+2。沉迷於酒精的角色若是沒有進入醉酒(drunk)或更糟的狀態中,會受到有關成癮(addiction)規則的懲罰。

濃烈飲料 Strong Drink
  這個系統假定角色飲用的是標準酒精飲料,例如一杯麥酒、一杯葡萄酒或少量烈酒,但有些飲料(例如,經過三重蒸餾的私釀酒(triple-distilled moonshine))具有更高的酒精含量。依據GM的判斷,濃烈飲料(strong drink)可能在達到下一個酒醉等級的進程中被視為雙份酒精飲料,或在避免失去意識(passing out)的豁免檢定造成累積的-2減值。對某些令人難以置信的濃烈飲料,這些懲罰可能會更高,儘管這些飲料通常不適合一般凡人過度使用。

Levels of Inebriation
  The existing rules for drinking offer a binary state: once a character has consumed a number of beverages equal to 1 plus double her Constitution modifier, she is sickened for a number of hours equal to the number of drinks above her maximum. The following system expands that into different levels, and characters progress depending on how quickly they consume alcoholic beverages.
  Spells such as lesser restoration and neutralize poison and other similar effects that remove the sickened condition work automatically (even if the spell requires a caster level check) to render a character sober. Simply waiting can also return a character to a lower level of inebriation, as noted.

1. Sober: You are currently unimpaired by alcohol. If you consume a number of alcoholic drinks equal to half your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) within an hour or if you consume more than one alcoholic drink per hour for a number of hours equal to half your Constitution modifier (minimum 1), you become tipsy.

2. Tipsy: You are starting to feel the effects of alcohol. Depending on your temperament, your inhibitions might be slightly lowered or you might start to get mean. You take a -1 penalty on all Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks and on Will saving throws. If you consume an additional number of alcoholic drinks equal to half your Constitution modifier (minimum 1), you become drunk.
  Each hour in which you don't consume any alcohol, you can attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + the number of alcoholic drinks you consumed since you were last sober). You receive a +1 bonus on this save for every additional hour that passes without you consuming alcohol. If you succeed, you become sober.

3. Drunk: You are fully intoxicated. You might exhibit an exaggeration of your sober personality or a complete reversal thereof. You take a -2 penalty on ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, but you gain DR 1/- against nonlethal damage. If you consume an additional number of alcoholic drinks equal to half your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) within an hour, or if you consume more than one alcoholic drink per hour for a number of hours equal to half your Constitution modifier (minimum 1), you become soused.
  Every 2 hours in which you don't consume any alcohol, you can attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + the number of alcoholic drinks you consumed since you were last sober). You receive a +1 bonus on this save for every additional 2 hours that pass without you consuming alcohol. If you succeed, you become tipsy.

4. Soused: You have had far too much to drink. Your speech is slurred and your judgment is impaired. You take a -4 penalty on ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, but you gain DR 2/- against nonlethal damage and you can roll twice and take the better result on saving throws against pain effects. For every alcoholic drink you consume at this point, you must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 15 + 1 per previous check) or pass out.
  Every 2 hours in which you don't consume any alcohol, you can attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + the number of alcoholic drinks you consumed since you were last sober). You receive a +1 bonus on this save for every additional 2 hours that pass without you consuming alcohol. If you succeed, you become drunk.

5. Passed Out: You have fully succumbed to alcohol's effects. You are unconscious and will wake up naturally in 2d4 hours sober (though you might have a hangover; see below). You must also succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or forget the previous 1d6 hours (or until you started drinking, whichever is shorter), as per modify memory.
Hangovers and Addiction
  If a character passes out or goes to sleep while dunk or soused, there is a good chance that character wakes up with a hangover. When the character awakes, he must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 15 + the number of alcoholic drinks you consumed) or become sickened until he gets another 8 hours of rest. Lesser restoration and similar magic can cure this sickened condition. In addition, the condition is removed if the affected character gets at least tipsy again.
  At the GM's discretion, a character who gets drunk (or worse) more than three times every week for at least 4 consecutive weeks risks developing a moderate addiction (Game Mastery Guide 236) with a DC dependent on the strength of the alcohol (DC 16 for most alcohols). This DC increases by 2 for every additional consecutive week the character abuses alcohol. A character addicted to alcohol takes the penalties associated with the addiction whenever he isn't drunk (or worse).

Strong Drink
  This system assumes a character is drinking a standard alcoholic drink, such as a tankard of ale, a glass of wine, or a small amount of spirits, but some beverages (a triple-distilled moonshine, for instance) have a higher alcohol content. At the GM's discretion, a strong drink might count as two alcoholic beverages for the purpose of progressing to the next level of inebriation or impose a cumulative -2 penalty on the saving throw to avoid passing out. These penalties could be higher for incredibly strong drinks, though such drinks are often unfit for mortal consumption by typical mortals.
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-16, 周四 04:36:26 由 swda266626 »

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Re: 【ISTav】调酒师(Mixologist)[炼金术师变体]
« 回帖 #11 于: 2018-08-17, 周五 14:17:36 »
以下內容摘譯自Inner Sea Taverns pg. 54-55,英文水平不佳,還請不吝指正。
