作者 主题: 【LOL】奇人列传:阿波罗盖·斯戎二世 Abrogail Thrune II  (阅读 7883 次)


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守序邪恶 女性 人类 术士

    阿波罗盖很早就对阿斯莫迪尔斯献上了忠诚,在充满阴谋邪恶的混乱家庭中这是活着的必要条件,或者像她理解的所有的斯戎那样,她自出生就是被诅咒的。据说,阿斯莫迪尔斯的回应是派了一个有翅魔鬼,勒瑞拉瑟女伯爵(Contessa Lrilatha)(守序邪恶女性欲魔)来指导她。年轻的阿波罗盖很快证明了自己非常聪明,甚至是狡诈,在短短几年内就通过训练她天生的魔法能力成为一名强大的术士。她魅力四射,掌握了为了自己的利益而操纵他人的艺术。阿波罗盖偶尔会陷入一段浪漫关系或与一个新的名人结交,但这种浪漫关系绝不是没有动机的。她所有行为背后的计算,甚至是在青春期,都是以权力的名义。但在斯戎家族,权力是确保生存的唯一手段。

    阿波罗盖最近的胜利是抓住机会屠杀了艾格利安的艾奥梅黛教堂,以煽动性行动的借口。在一项宣布的反对塔-巴丰的团结行动中,阿波罗盖向祭祀们提供了一个善意的标志:心之刃(Heart’s Edge,),艾奥梅黛在升神之前使用的剑,阿波罗盖声称这是从辉煌光复军夺得的战利品。然而在法律上有一个微妙的陷阱,交换条件欺骗了艾奥梅黛的忠实信徒,使他们无意中违反了协议,从而犯下了叛国罪,阿波罗盖获得了自由,可以用他们自己女神的剑杀死他们。女皇同样处决了那些勇敢地大声抗议的教会成员,她把剑作为战利品放在宝座旁,仍然裹着艾奥梅黛侍从们干涸的血迹。
    这并不是雅卡琳唯一一次联系阿波罗盖。女皇最近联系了红螳螂,要求消灭拉哈多姆的的医师卡席·阿齐芮尔(Kassi Aziril)。阿波罗盖被卡席的无神论哲学深深激怒,并担心他们会吸引切利亚斯的追随者,他宣称卡席是对艾奥梅黛和阿斯莫迪尔斯的亵渎。但令阿波罗盖吃惊的是,雅卡琳主动联系并通知女皇,她已经解除了合同。阿波罗盖亲自下令,如果任何时间卡席在切利亚斯内部被发现,她将被公开折磨和羞辱(在某些情况下,会被处决)。
    阿波罗盖还对玛德琳娜·法洛斯(Magdelena)和玛特姆·法洛斯(Martum Fallows)以及他们在铃花会特工还有他们火烙党中的盟友,诸如青玉蝶(Sapphire Butterfly),下达了长期折磨令。这两个组织一直致力于将切利亚斯从奴隶制中解放出来,也一直是阿波罗盖的眼中钉,提醒她自己的权力是有限的,也提醒那些挑战她统治的异见人士。铃花会的总部设在安多兰,在那里得到该国废奴主义公民的支持;安多兰的现任领导安迪拉·莫瑞赛科(Andira Marusek)拒绝引渡任何铃花会的特工或解放的奴隶。作为回应,阿波罗盖女王最近在切利亚斯的东部边境部署了一支魔鬼军队,以回应安多兰的愤怒,声称该军队是为了保护切利亚斯人民免受默语暴君军队的伤害。安迪拉对阿波罗盖公然的恐吓策略的蔑视是显而易见的,而阿波罗盖又对安迪拉报以仇恨,使两国之间距离公开战争比以往任何时候都更加接近。

阿波罗盖女皇选择了她以前的导师勒瑞拉瑟女伯爵和曾服侍过她曾祖母的魔鬼戈托克勒克(gothoklek) (守序邪恶 男性 深渊炼魔)作为她最亲密的顾问。然而,王座旁边的这些强大的魔族并不能控制王座:阿波罗盖自己牢牢地控制着切利亚斯。她不知疲倦地、无情地努力巩固自己的权力,谣言四起,说戈托克勒克必须劝告阿波罗盖阻止她最恶毒的冲动。

劇透 -  原文:
Abrogail Thrune II
The Thrice-Damned House of Thrune brought order to a bleeding and chaotic nation, ending the Chelaxian Civil War in 4640 ar, but its scions could never maintain order among their own. While the nation submitted to a stringent and brutal law enforced by the Hellknights, House Thrune and its allies churned through intrigues and sabotage behind closed doors. Abrogail Thrune II, future queen of Cheliax, was born in 4692 ar, and named by her mother to invoke the power and longevity of her own grandmother, Queen Abrogail I, whose three decades of rule were legendary. However, as each of the five monarchs to wear the Crown of Infernal Majesty, including Abrogail I, met with untimely ends,Abrogail II learned early to trust nothing—nothing except Hell.
Abrogail’s devotion to Asmodeus began early, out of necessity amid the turmoil of a home life marked by scheming diabolism, or perhaps from comprehending that, like all Thrunes, she was already damned. It’s said that Asmodeus himself responded by sending a winged devil, Contessa Lrilatha (LE female erinys), to tutor her. Young Abrogail quickly proved herself to be remarkably smart and even more devious, training with her inborn magical ability to become a powerful sorcerer in a few short years. Charismatic and visually striking, Abrogail mastered the art of manipulating others for her own gain. Abrogail would occasionally appear to be caught up in a romance or taken with a new celebrity, but such fancies were never unmotivated. The calculations behind all of her actions, even in adolescence, were in the name of power. But, in House Thrune, power is the only means to ensure survival.
When yet another tragic death ended the reign of Infrexus Thrune in 4709 ar, Abrogail became the infernal majestrix, absolute ruler of Cheliax, at 17 years of age. Her word carries the full weight of law, although it is far from immutable. In fact, she frequently changes her mind and has her former edicts erased from the books of Chelaxian history; overnight, even the direst decrees become outdated and are no longer enforced. Keenly aware of her reputation as being immature, capricious, and demanding, Abrogail cleverly uses this image to keep those who underestimate her off-balance. Yet she controls the fractious noble houses and byzantine bureaucracy of Cheliax predominantly through fear. Against those who offend her personally, her favorite punishment is petrification—an eternity in stone under her watchful eye in the Imperial Palace. These ornamental traitors further serve to remind every visitor, courtier, slave, and fiend of the majestrix’s supreme authority.Even so, Abrogail’s rule has faced stronger challenges to Cheliax than any since her great-grandmother’s reign. Abrogail I saw the rebellions of the vassal states of Andoran and Galt; Abrogail II has fought against rebellions in Ravounel and Westcrown, with mixed results. While her forces stamped out the so-called Glorious Reclamation in Westcrown, Abrogail was forced to cede independence to Ravounel, and has failed to reclaim the former colony of Vidrian, which she still petulantly calls Sargava. These defeats are a still-festering wound as she ceaselessly contemplates how to extend her influence in the Inner Sea region.

Though Abrogail’s recent defeats have emboldened some of her enemies, those dissidents who operate in and around Cheliax are keenly aware these setbacks have bruised the queen’s ego more than her power. Though forced to accept Ravounel’s independence, Abrogail’s victory in Westcrown was far more significant than many realize. In addition to creating the Inferno Gate, a portal to Hell that has allowed Cheliax to summon legions of devils to serve at the queen’s command, Abrogail’s agents also crushed the powerful warriors of good that fought in the Glorious Reclamation. Terrified citizens whisper of the souls and bodies of dead champions and celestials given over to the lords of Hell, and of more terrifying fates awaiting prisoners taken alive: sale to the shadow-sworn land of Nidal. Worse yet are tales of the queen offering refugees from the Gravelands safety if they agree to sign contracts of indentured servitude, then trading these contracts to Nidal’s priests of Zon-Kuthon in exchange for unknown favors.
Abrogail’s most recent triumph was seizing the opportunity to massacre the church of Iomedae in Egorian for “seditious activity.” In a proclaimed act of solidarity against Tar-Baphon, Abrogail offered the clergy a sign of her good will: Heart’s Edge, the sword that Iomedae wielded before ascending to godhood, which Abrogail had
claimed as spoils of war from the Glorious Reclamation. Yet a subtle trap in the legal conditions for the exchange tricked Iomedae’s faithful into inadvertently breaking the agreement and thereby committing treason, giving Abrogail free reign to slaughter them with the sword of their own goddess. The queen likewise executed those church members brave enough to speak out in protest, and she keeps the sword as a trophy by the side of her throne, still coated in the dried blood of Iomedae’s servants.
While Cheliax’s capital of Egorian is firmly under Abrogail’s thumb, the Order of the Scourge Hellknights, led by Lictor Toulon Vidoc, are a notable exception. During the rapid successions of previous Thrune monarchs, these Hellknights took the opportunity to consolidate a good deal of power throughout the city. Abrogail has often faced opposition from the Order of the Scourge, and now Lictor Vidoc is investigating the recent turmoil in Cheliax. Vidoc earnestly believes that Abrogail contributed to the recent rebellions, and perhaps even staged them for her own political or financial gain. Infuriated by the mere suggestion, and especially enraged by what she sees as Vidoc’s swaggering arrogance, Abrogail has contacted Jakalyn of the Red Mantis assassins. Jakalyn responded by publicly announcing her assassins would eliminate certain targets that remain untouchable through normal political channels.
This isn’t the only time Jakalyn has contacted Abrogail. The queen recently contacted the Red Mantis with a request to eliminate the Rahadoumi healer Kassi Aziril. Deeply offended by Kassi’s godless philosophies and concerned that they will attract adherents in Cheliax, Abrogail declared Kassi blasphemous against Iomedae and Asmodeus. But to Abrogail’s surprise, Jakalyn reached out and informed the queen she had voided the contract. Taking things into her own hands, Abrogail issued a public excruciation order—a process of public torture and humiliation (and in some cases, execution)—against Kassi, should she be found inside Cheliax at any time.
Abrogail also has standing excruciation orders for Magdelena and Martum Fallows and any of their operatives in the Bellflower Network or their allies among the Firebrands, such as the Sapphire Butterfly. The two organizations’ efforts to free Chelaxian halflings from slavery is a constant thorn in Abrogail’s side, reminding her of the limits of her power and of the dissidents who challenge her rule. The Bellflower Network is headquartered in Andoran, where it receives support from that country’s abolitionist citizens; Andira Marusek, Andoran’s current leader, has refused to extradite any Bellflower Network operatives or liberated slaves. In response, Queen Abrogail recently placed an army of devils on the eastern borders of Cheliax, responding to Andoran’s outrage by claiming the army is meant to defend the people of Cheliax from the forces of the Whispering Tyrant. Andira’s contempt for Abrogail’s blatant intimidation tactic is obvious, and Abrogail returns Andira’s hatred, leaving open war between the nations closer than ever.
« 上次编辑: 2022-04-20, 周三 18:03:29 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-04-20, 周三 13:02:57 »
    许多魔鬼与凡人签订了魔法契约,以提供超自然的力量来交换他们的灵魂。阿波罗盖·斯戎二世是少数被阿斯莫迪尔斯本人授权能够与其他人签订这类合同的凡人之一。每一个此类炼狱契约都提供了特定的优点和缺点。几乎不需要谈判就能签署一份斯戎契约;阿波罗盖坚持认为,未来的讨价还价者要么接受她的条件,要么去别的地方(通常是艾格利安的折磨领域)。契约必须由阿波罗盖和其他签署人自愿签署。 该过程包括创建两份合同副本,一份由阿布罗盖尔保留,另一份由另一个签署人保留。

启动:[AA] 命令;频率 每天一次;效果 你背诵了契约中关于地点变更的一项条款。你释放次元门(dimension door)。你离开的空间和你出现的空间都充满了硫磺的味道,对两个空间邻接的生物都造成2d6的邪恶伤害。

启动:[AA] 命令;频率 每天一次;效果 你背诵了一项斯戎契约中关于强制性补救的条款。在六轮中,你的每个回合开始时,回复25点HP,除非你在上一轮中受到了善良伤害。

启动:[AA] 命令;频率 每天一次;效果 你背诵了一项斯戎契约中的无害条款。将你毁灭值降低到0。阿波罗盖·斯戎二世会立即意识到你使用了这个能力。

阿波罗盖·斯戎二世 已经与几个著名人物签定了地狱般的斯戎契约,包括以下这些人。

戈拉斯·塔马斯 Golath Thamus(中立 男性 半身人 术士)一位经理,受雇于维里城(Vyre)秘密的鲜血国王和女王——瑞瓦诺境内的那座罪恶之城的统治者们——戈拉斯在经历了一次可怕的自杀尝试后签订了他的斯戎契约,但作为交换,他将大部分个人意志都交给了斯戎家族。

海德温六世 Hedvend VI(守序邪恶 男性 人类 贵族)附庸国依斯嘉的总管,签署了一份斯戎契约,允许他全权管理依斯嘉。海德温的斯戎契约有太多的漏洞和意外事件,无法为他提供真正的保护;他的服务不过是阿波罗盖的心血来潮罢了。

大师 昆德尔·好看的跑步人  Maestro Quendle Strikrunner(中立 女性 人类 歌姬)瓦里乌斯歌剧院(Warius Opera House)的所有者、作曲大师和首席女演员,该歌剧院是艾格利安最宏伟的娱乐场所之一。她的秘密斯戎契约使昆德尔可以超凡的意识到切利亚斯艺术界千变万化的流向,但是作为代价,她无法唱出反对切利亚斯的歌词。
« 上次编辑: 2022-04-22, 周五 01:10:50 由 璀璨星炬 »

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-04-20, 周三 13:03:26 »

Subsection No Limitations; Right of First Refusal. Nothing set forth in this Agreement (including, without limitation, the receipt of Infernal Services under this Agreement) shall: (a) limit the INFERNAL PARTY’s ability to make any similar arrangements as that set forth in this Agreement to any other mortal or immortal parties, including but not limited to any adversaries of the MORTAL PARTY, or (b) prevent the MORTAL PARTY from entering into any other agreement, whether similar to this Agreement or otherwise, with any other agent or representative of the Juridical Bureaucracy of the Boundless Pit (an “Other Infernal Agreement”); provided, however, that no such Other Infernal Agreement may involve the sale, lease, forfeiture, or other use of the MORTAL PARTY’s immortal soul without first providing the INFERNAL PARTY a right of first refusal to provide similar contractual services upon reasonable and equitable terms; or (c) create obligations binding in any way on the Juridical Bureaucracy of the Boundless Pit the ability to utilize any fiendish entity or fully corrupted mortal soul for any purpose for durations determined entirely by the Juridical Bureaucracy of the Boundless Pit in its sole discretion.

Section Severability. If any provision, or portion thereof, of this Agreement is found to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable to any extent by an infernal court of jurisdiction deemed competent by the Juridical Bureaucracy of the Boundless Pit, such provision of this Agreement will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible by applicable infernal law so as to affect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. The parties will negotiate an enforceable substitute provision for any invalid or unenforceable provision that most nearly achieves the intent and economic effect of such provision; provided, however, that if the parties are unable to agree upon such a provision, a substitute provision advanced by the INFERNAL PARTY shall not be binding on the parties hereunder.

Section Waiver. Any waiver of the provisions of this Agreement or of a party’s rights or remedies under this Agreement must be in writing to be effective, with such writings delivered pursuant to the Notices provision hereof set forth below. Failure, neglect, or delay by the INFERNAL PARTY to enforce the provisions of this Agreement or such party’s rights or remedies at any time will not be construed as a waiver of the INFERNAL PARTY’s rights under this Agreement, and will not in any way affect the validity of the whole or any part of this Agreement or prejudice suchparty’s right to take subsequent action.

Section Successors and Assigns. Neither this Agreement nor any rights under this Agreement may be assigned or otherwise transferred by either party, in whole or in part, whether voluntarily or by operation of law, including by way of sale of assets, merger, consolidation or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however, the INFERNAL PARTY shall have the right to assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the MORTAL PARTY in the event of a transfer of the INFERNAL PARTY’s authority or titles within the Juridical Bureaucracy of the Boundless Pit to any quality or degree. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns. Any assignment in violation of this Section shall be null and void and, further, if made by the MORTAL PARTY, shall forfeit the immortal soul of the MORTAL PARTY to the Juridical Bureaucracy of the Boundless Pit.

Section Notices. Any notice required or permitted under the terms of this Agreement or required by law must be in writing and must be delivered directly to, and received by, the INFERNAL PARTY (for notices provided by the MORTAL PARTY) or delivered to a location on Golarion determined by the INFERNAL PARTY in such party’s sole discretion (for notices provided by the INFERNAL PARTY). Notices will be considered to have been given at the time of delivery pursuant to the provisions hereof.

Section Construction; Interpretation. Notwithstanding any other provision hereunder, including but not limited to Section, this Agreement and any instrument referred to herein or executed and delivered in connection herewith, including but not limited to amendments, exhibits, allonges, or other addenda, will not be construed against the INFERNAL PARTY as the principal drafter hereof or thereof. The section and paragraphheadings used in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and will not affect the meaning orinterpretation of this Agreement, except that any section numbering omitted herein (including but not limited to Section and Section hereof) shall be inserted as provided by the INFERNAL PARTY in such party’s sole discretionand shall be agreed upon and binding upon, sight unseen, by the MORTAL PARTY. Unless otherwise expressly stated to the contrary herein, all remedies are cumulative, and the exercise of any express remedy by the INFERNAL PARTY herein does not by itself waive such party’s right to exercise other rights and remedies available at law or in equity. Regarding interpretation of the provisions hereunder, the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that this Agreement shall be interpreted in such a manner as to remove the word “not” from the final sentence of Section and from the final sentence of Section, and that such interpretations shall be binding upon the parties hereto.
« 上次编辑: 2022-04-20, 周三 17:57:36 由 丞相 »

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Re: 【LOL】奇人列传:阿波罗盖·斯戎二世 Abrogail Thrune II
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-04-21, 周四 09:42:24 »
天令拜命! 钢皇招来!

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Re: 【LOL】奇人列传:阿波罗盖·斯戎二世 Abrogail Thrune II
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-04-21, 周四 14:29:02 »
启动:[AA] 命令;频率 每天一次;效果 你背诵了一项斯戎契约中关于强制性补救的条款。在六轮中,你的每个回合开始时,回复25点HP,除非你在上一轮中受到了善良伤害


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Re: 【LOL】奇人列传:阿波罗盖·斯戎二世 Abrogail Thrune II
« 回帖 #5 于: 2023-10-27, 周五 00:41:46 »
本协议的任何规定(包括但不限于根据本协议接受炼狱服务)不得:(a)限制炼狱方与任何其他凡人方或不朽方签订与本协定类似的协议,或(b)阻止凡人方与无边深渊(Boundless Pit)的司法机构的任何其他代理人或代表签订任何其他协议,无论是否与本协议类似(下称“其他炼狱协议”);但是,任何此类“其他炼狱协议”均不得涉及出售、出租、没收或以其他方式使用凡人方的不灭灵魂,当类似协议出现,必须在合理公平的条件下给予炼狱方优先购买权;或(c)以任何方式对无边深渊的司法机构产生约束义务,不得限制其以任何目的使用使用任何魔族实体或完全腐化的凡人灵魂,使用期限由无边深渊的司法机构自行决定。项。合同中断条款。
尽管有本协议项下的任何其他规定,包括但不限于2.050.100.009项,本协议及及本协议中提及的或与本协议有关的任何文书,包括但不限于修正案、附录、补充协议或其他附录,均不得解释为不利于作为本协议主要起草人的炼狱方。本协议中使用的各项与段落标题仅为方便起见而插入,不影响本协议的解释与释义,但本协议中省略的任何章节编号(包括但不限于本协议8.01.001.003 项和14.50.010.008 项)应由炼狱方自行决定插入,并应得到凡人方的同意后具备约束力。除非本协议中另有明确规定,否则所有补救措施均为累积性的,炼狱方行使本协议中任何明确的补救措施本身并不放弃该方行使法律或衡平法规定的其他权利和补救措施的权利。关于本协议条款的释义,本协议双方承认并同意,本协议的释义应删除3.100.250.010项最后一句和14.50.010.005项最后一句中的“不”字,且此类解释对本协议双方具有约束力。

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Re: 【LOL】奇人列传:阿波罗盖·斯戎二世 Abrogail Thrune II
« 回帖 #6 于: 2023-10-27, 周五 01:33:32 »
劇透 -  签名折叠: