譯文資料區 > 质量效应D20



Chapter 1 : Introduction

劇透 -   : In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars.
The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time. They called it the greatest discovery in human history.
The civilizations of the galaxy call it...
Mass Effect
介绍/作者的话 Introduction/ Notes From Author


劇透 -   : Welcome to the adaptation of Mass Effect into a Pen and Paper (PnP) Role Playing Game (RPG.) For starters, I’d like to thank you for taking your time to take a look at this adaptation. I have been working hard to ensure this adaptation has the same “feel” as the great Mass Effect game so that all players are able not only able to relive the game itself but are also capable of creating new stories and adventures within the universe of Mass Effect.
Being a lover of great PnP RPGs, such as Dungeons & Dragons and World of Darkness, as well as of computer RPGs, such as Baldur’s Gate, Dragon Age and, of course, Mass Effect, I decided to look up for an adaptation of the greatest Sci-Fi RPG I have ever played. I wanted to create campaigns and new stories within that universe and join with friends to play them. But I was surprised to find that there was nothing more than a few topics of discussion in internet forums about a similar adaptation, with only a handful of ideas on possible game mechanics.
This didn’t make me quit the idea of sitting around a table with friends playing within the Mass Effect universe, in fact it made me even more determined. So I set myself to create an adaptation of the game with an RPG system that is easy and world-widely spread: the d20 system. With the help of a few other friends – also RPG lovers – we created what you now see within this manual.
Getting Started

Not familiar with Mass Effect?

质量效应是BioWare开发的用于Xbox360的一个科幻动作RPG,然后由Demiurge工作室移植到Microsoft Windows。Xbox360版本于2007年11月由微软游戏工作室在全球发布。Windows版本于2008年5月28日发布,由Electronic Arts出版。
劇透 -   : Mass Effect is a Science-Fiction action RPG developed by BioWare for the Xbox 360 and then ported to Microsoft Windows by Demiurge Studios. The Xbox 360 version was released worldwide in November 2007 published by Microsoft Game Studios. The Windows version was released on May 28, 2008, published by Electronic Arts.游戏开始于不久的将来。经历过如此多的战争,世界终于在星系联盟,一个负责维护世界和平、捍卫人类资产和利益的军事和政治组织的指导下实现了统一。有了这个新建立的和平,人类可以向前迈出重要的第一步,迈向群星。



劇透 -   : The game takes place in a near future. After so many wars, the world has finally unified itself under the guidance of the Alliance, a military and political organization responsible for maintaining world peace and defending humanity’s assets and interests. With this new founded peace, humanity could take its major first steps forward and into the stars.
As it began exploring and settling in different planets of the solar system, humanity discovered, by 2148 CE (Common Era, which matches the A.D. chronology)., the ruins of an ancient alien ruins buried in Mars, of a spacefaring civilization, called Prothean, that existed during the time humanity was still living in caves. Those ruins contained information and resources that allowed humanity to reach the technological level so advanced they could alter the very fabric of space through the use of a unique element called Element Zero (commonly known as eezo). When subjected to an electrical current, it releases dark energy which can be manipulated into a mass effect field, raising or lowering the mass of all objects within that field. A positive current increases mass, a negative current decreases it. This mass effect is used in countless ways, from generating artificial gravity to manufacturing high-strength construction materials. It is most prominently used to enable faster-than-light (FTL) space travel without causing time dilation. When humans discovered the Prothean ruins on Mars, they also discovered refined element zero that the Protheans had left behind. It enabled research into FTL ship drives.
But this technology wasn’t the only thing humanity found. Thanks to the information cache on Mars, by 2149 CE., humanity discovered that Pluto’s moon, Charon, was not a moon at all but a gargantuan piece of technology used by the Protheans, known as a mass relay station. Mass Relays, as humanity later discovered, are the network of a galaxy by creating mass-free corridors between them (which allows for nearly instantaneous travel over distances of hundreds or even thousands of light years). By activating that relay, dubbed the Charon Relay, humans were able to travel to even further star systems and expand their domain, activating other relays in the process. Although there were questions about what they could possibly find on the other side of a relay, questions that caused fear among many, humanity didn’t stop.
Humanity’s free reign and fast-careless expansion, however, was short-lived when they made first contact with an alien race: the Turians. This first contact with an alien species was far from peaceful, becoming known as the First Contact War, and occurred because humanity was breaking (even if unknowingly) one of the most important laws of galactic society: to activate a relay without knowing what is on the other side. The war led to the human colony of Shanxi being captured by the turians, a historical event in itself that fueled some anti-alien campaigns for years to come. But the aliens underestimated humanity and were driven from the planet short after. Being militaristic by nature, the turians began mobilizing for a full-scale war against the humans that would have undoubtedly resulted in the complete victory of the aliens, but then the Citadel Council, the central government that ensure stability and peace in the galaxy intervened and welcomed humanity into their society. 2157 CE,. therefore, became a historical year for humanity, the year when they learned they truly weren’t alone, that there were other races out there. And that some were far more powerful.
The following years led to humanity’s quick expansion into the galactic society, adapting faster than any other race. Though their economy was smaller than others, and their military force still pales in comparison to the turian’s, or even the salarian’s, humanity was regarded with great interest and seen as a race of great potential, even if tension and racism still existed both towards humans and from humans towards other races.游戏开始于公元2183年。人类已经把自己确立为神堡空间中最突出和最重要的种族之一,这一发展需要其他种族几十年而不是几百年才能实现。这种快速的政治,经济,军事,甚至社会层面上的扩张造成了很多紧张,因为其他更古老的种族,认为人类过于咄咄逼人。但是,尽管其他种族在恐惧和抵抗,人类仍继续前进,最终达到一个时代,他们希望在银河系的政治上有更多的发言权。尽管其他种族不太愿意让他们在神堡议会中占有一席之地,但他们给了人类一个机会:让一个人进入委员会的“右手”,一个只对它负责,在必要时可以凌驾于法律之上运作的组织,:幽灵。


劇透 -   : The game starts at 2183 CE. Humanity has established itself as one of the most prominent and important races of Citadel Space, an advent that took other races dozens when not hundreds of years to achieve. This quick political, economical, military, and even social expansion created a lot of tension as other, much older races, saw humanity as too aggressive. But despite the fear and resistance of the other races, humanity kept moving forward, eventually reaching a time when they wanted more saying in the galaxy’s politics. Although the other races were not so willing to let them take a seat in the Citadel Council, they granted humanity an opportunity: to have a human enter the ‘right-hand’ of the council, an organization that answered only to it and could operate above the law if necessary: the Spectres.
The game Mass Effect makes the player assume the role of an elite human commander named Shepard, the candidate for the Spectres. His assignment: to perform as best as he can while under evaluation from a turian Spectre, to be accepted into their ranks and thus provide more strength to humanity’s voice in the galactic society. But during his first mission as a potential candidate, Shepard quickly comes to realize that he must fight for much more than humanity’s voice. He must fight to save galactic civilization from an ancient impending doom: the Reapers. Setting out in the SSV Normandy, a top-of-the-line warship, Commander Shepard must travel throughout the galaxy to find what he can about this ancient danger, to gather allies and disrupting the plans of those that work to see humanity, and all other races, eradicated just like the previous race, the Protheans, were.
The game Mass Effect also focuses on the social and political struggles that a galaxy filled with different forms of life and cultures inevitably possesses, introducing several points of view, some of which are quite similar to the normal problems humans face among themselves.《质量效应》系列之后又发布了两款游戏(《质量效应2》和《质量效应3》),以及一些额外的可下载内容包,所有这些都扩展了薛帕德指挥官从收割者手中拯救银河系的旅程,同时继续与充满不同种族和文化的银河系的所有政治和社会问题作斗争。特系列的第三部是薛帕德历史的最后一章,但BioWare用其自身创造的拥有丰富元素的质量效应宇宙,暗示了未来的作品和系列的延续。
劇透 -   : Mass Effect was followed by two additional games (Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3), and several additional downloadable content packs, all of which expanded Commander Shepard’s journey to save the galaxy from the Reapers, while continuing to struggle with all the political and social issues of a galaxy filled with different races and cultures. The third installment of the franchise was the last chapter in Shepard’s history but the rich universe BioWare has created displays potential for future works and the continuation of the franchise, hinted as a possibility by BioWare itself.
Mass Effect, and the sequels that followed, received several awards and were very well accepted by the critics and gamers. It was considered by many as one of the best RPGs made.
Although it is not truly necessary to play the electronic games of the Mass Effect trilogy in order to play the adaptation presented in this book, it is highly advised to do so. Playing the game on the computer or console will give you an entirely different insight on the universe and will let you live it even more intensively. Not to mention that when playing the games you also have access to the universe’s story and description in the form of images and sounds, not merely words. That alone can make all the difference (after all, as the saying goes, “one image equals a thousand words”).
Not familiar with PnP RPGs?

纸上角色扮演游戏(PnP RPG)或桌面角色扮演游戏是角色扮演游戏(RPG)的一种形式,参与者通过语言描述角色的动作。参与者根据角色的特征来决定角色的行为,并根据一套规则和准则来决定角色行为的成败。在规则范围内,玩家即兴发挥的自由,他们的选择决定了游戏的方向和结果。

与其他类型的角色扮演不同,PnP RPG通常像广播剧一样进行:只表演角色的口语部分。这种表演并不总是文字化的,玩家也不总是只代替角色说话。取而代之的是,玩家通过决定并描述他们的角色在游戏规则中的行为来扮演他们的角色。在大多数游戏中,一个被称为游戏大师(GM)的特别指定的玩家创建了一个场景,其中每个玩家扮演一个角色。GM描述游戏世界和它的居民,其他玩家描述他们角色的预期行为。


PnP RPG是一种利用你的想象力的游戏,你可以扮演英雄的角色,参与惊险的冒险和危险的任务——你从想象中创造的角色可以是任何东西,可以是电影中的英雄,也可以是阴谋征服银河系的邪恶恶棍,这些角色必须按照规则创建。在游戏过程中,每个玩家指导他或她的角色的动作,以及与游戏中其他角色的互动。与其他游戏不同,PnP RPG可能根本没有目标,这取决于玩家和GM的决定。游戏的最终目标是为所有参与者提供一个有趣的社交体验。游戏的形式是玩家之间的会面,通常称为会话,角色被设定成一系列的挑战,充满奇迹和史诗般的动作,构成冒险。由一条故事线连接的多个冒险活动构成了一场战役。


劇透 -   : A pen-and-paper roleplaying game or tabletop RPG is a form of roleplaying game (RPG) in which the participants describe their characters’ actions through speech. Participants determine the actions of their characters based on their characterization, and the actions succeed or fail according to a system of rules and guidelines. Within the rules, players have the freedom to improvise; their choices shape the direction and outcome of the game.
Unlike other types of RPG, PnP RPGs are often conducted like radio drama: only the spoken component of a role is acted. This acting is not always literal, and players do not always speak exclusively in-character. Instead, players act out their role by deciding and describing what actions their characters will take within the rules of the game. In most games, a specially designated player called the Game Master (GM) creates a setting in which each player plays the role of a single character. The GM describes the game world and its inhabitants; the other players describe the intended actions of their characters.
The terms pen-and-paper and tabletop are generally only used to distinguish this format of RPG from other formats, since neither pen and paper nor a table are strictly necessary.
PnP RPGs are games of your imagination in which you participate in thrilling adventures and dangerous quests by taking on the role of a hero – a character you create from imagination that can be anything, from a hero from the likes of movies or a evil villain plotting to conquer the galaxy, that must be built according to the rules. During the course of play, each player directs the actions of his or her character and its interactions with the other characters in the game. Unlike other games, PnP RPGs might have no objective at all, depending on what the players and the GM decide to make it. The ultimate goal of the game is to provide an entertaining social experience for all those involved.
A game takes the form of meetings between players, usually known as sessions, where the characters are set into a series of challenges, filled with wonder and epic action which constitute the adventure. Multiple adventures connected by one storyline make a campaign.
Typically, each player controls only a single character, which represents an individual in a fictional setting. As a group, these player characters (PCs) are often described as a party of adventurers, with each member often having his or her own areas of specialty and their own personality. Each player decides the actions his or her character, according to the situation presented, either by narrating their actions and thoughts or by speaking as the character.
The results of the party’s choices and the overall storyline for the game are determined by the GM according to the rules of the game and the GM’s interpretation of those rules. The GM selects and describes the various Non-Player Characters (NPCs) the party encounters, the settings in which these interactions occur and the outcomes of those encounters based on the players’ choices and actions. These encounters can be diplomatic, puzzles, challenges and even battles. The game’s extensive rules – which cover diverse subjects such as social interactions, combat, and the effect of the environment on PCs – help the GM to make these decisions.
You don’t have to memorize this book to play the game. Once you understand the basics, start playing! Use rule book as a reference tool during play, in order to check for things you don’t know.游戏材料  Game Materials


• 一本手册。只需要一本,但玩家们可能希望每个人都有一本。

• 每个玩家的角色表。

• 战斗网格。

• 代表每个角色和挑战他们的敌人的微型模型。

• 每位玩家一套骰子。一组骰子包括至少一个四面骰子(d4)、四个六面骰子(d6)、一个八面骰子(d8)、两个十面骰子(d10)、一个十二面骰子(d12)和一个二十面骰子(d20)。

• 用来记笔记的铅笔和纸,绘制角色将要探索的位置。
劇透 -   : While it is true that this game is limited by imagination, there are material requirements to play it. In order to play this game your group needs these items:
• This manual. Only one copy is needed but players might want to have a copy for each.
• A copy of the character sheet for each player.
• A battle grid.
• Miniatures to represent each character and the enemies that challenge them.
• A set of dice for each player. A set of dice includes at least one four-sided die (d4), four six-sided dice (d6), one eight-sided die (d8), two ten-sided dice (d10), one twelve-sided die (d12), and one twenty-sided die (d20).
• Pencils and paper to keep notes and to map the locations your characters will explore.游戏机制  Game Mechanics


• 掷D20。

• 添加任何相关调整值。

• 将结果与目标数字进行比较。如果结果等于或超过目标数字(由GM设定或规则中给出),则角色成功。如果结果低于目标值,则失败。

劇透 -   : Mass Effect d20 is based on the simple d20 core mechanism that keeps the game-play fast and intuitive.Whenever you attempt an action that has some chance of failure, you roll a twenty-sided die (d20). To determine if your character succeeds at a task, you do this:
• Roll a d20.
• Add any relevant modifiers.
• Compare the result to a target number. If the result equals or exceeds the target number (set by the GM or given in the rules), your character succeeds. If the result is lower than the target number, you fail.
We describe dice rolls with expressions such as ”3d4+3,” which means “roll three four-sided dice and add 3” (resulting in a number between 6 and 15). The first number tells you how many dice to roll (adding the results together). The number immediately after the “d” tells you the type of dice to use. Any number after that indicates a quantity that is added or subtracted from the result. Exception goes for the following expression “d%”, which means “roll a percentile dice by rolling two ten-side dice, choosing which represents the set of tens and the set of units”.角色能做什么  What Characters can do


劇透 -   : A character can try to do anything you can imagine, just as long as it fits the scene the GM describes. Depending on the situation, your character might want to listen at a door, search an area, bargain with a shopkeeper, talk to an ally, jump over containers, move, use an item, attack an opponent, etc.
Characters accomplish tasks by making skill checks, ability checks, or attack rolls, using the core mechanic. See each appropriate section of this book to learn more about possibilities such as skills, ability checks, attack and damage rolls, biotic powers, tech powers and so on.
Playing the Game



劇透 -   : Most people become apprehensive when they first see the size of this manual. This feeling worsens when they give a general look at all rules and options here presented. Most first-time players get confused and ask themselves “do I have to know all these rules? There are just too many”. The answer is simple: no, you don’t need to know all the rules presented here. In fact, you are not required to read every page on this book. You only need to know the rules that affect your character and the abilities that character can perform. Only real dedicated players, or those with much game experience, know almost all rules. And even them sometimes get confused with some or ask for help with others. That is perfectly normal.
So, when playing for the first time, don’t try to know everything, otherwise you will get extremely confused and the game loses its fun. Instead, think merely on your character, create it by following the steps presented in Creating a Character (see below) and by asking for a general explanation on each option presented (such as race, class, feats, etc). As the game develops, and you gain more experience on how the game runs, you will eventually feel the need to perform other actions, seek other solutions and develop other skills. When that happens, read about what you seek here, and ask for help to your GM or other experienced players.
By following this advice you can ensure that you learn everything in its due time and the game never loses its fun. After a few gaming sessions, and before you notice it, you have already gained much insight on the rules and how they work, that much is guaranteed.
常用术语 Common Terms


属性值 Ability Score(Stat):每个生物有六个属性:力量、敏捷、体质、智力、意识和魅力。这些数值代表了生物最基本的属性。值越高,你的角色拥有的原始潜力和天赋就越多。

行动 Action:行动是一轮战斗中时间的离散度量。使用技能和发动攻击都需要行动来完成。动作有三种:正常动作、自由动作和全轮动作。

借机攻击 Attack of Opportunity (AoO):有时近战中的战士会放松警惕。在这种情况下,她身边的战斗人员可以利用她的防卫失误,免费攻击她。这些免费攻击被称为借机攻击。

基础攻击加值 Base Attack Bonus (BAB):每个生物都有一个基础攻击加值,它代表了它在战斗中的技能。当角色获得等级或命中骰时,他的基础攻击加值提高。

生物异能 Biotics Powers:这些是一些角色和生物能够使用的特殊能力。他们允许一个人做不寻常的事情,甚至对更无知的生物来说相当于魔法。生物异能规定了它们可以瞄准什么,它们的效果是什么,以及它们如何被抵抗或否定。

加成 Bonus:加成是加在检定和基础数值上的值。大多数加成都有一种类型,一般来说,同一类型的加成是不可累积的(不可叠加)——只有那些数额较大的允许。没有类型堆栈的奖励(译注:???)。

职业 Class:职业代表人物和其他生物选择的职业。职业给予大量的加成,并允许角色采取行动,否则他们不能使用这些行动,比如一拳把敌人大飞或把他冻结在原地。当一个生物在给定的职业中获得等级时,它会获得新的,更强大的能力。

检定 Check:检定是一次D20掷骰,它可能被另一个值修改。最常见的类型是攻击检定、技能检定和豁免检定。

生物 Creature:生物是故事或世界的积极参与者,包括PC,NPC和怪物。

伤害减值 Damage Reduction (DR):护甲和其他一些特殊能力有能力减少武器和其他形式的攻击造成的伤害。有些减值可能只针对特定形式的损害,但大多数适用于所有。伤害减值的数字表示从特定伤害源造成的伤害点中减少多少伤害点。

防御 Defense:游戏中的所有生物都有防御。这表示在战斗中击中一个生物有多难。和其他数值一样,数字越高越好。

难度等级 Difficulty Class (DC):每当一个生物试图执行一个不能保证成功的动作时,他必须进行某种检定(通常是技能检定或豁免检定)。该检定的结果必须达到或超过该生物试图执行的动作的难度等级,才能使该动作成功。

经验值 Experience Points (XP):当一个角色克服挑战,打败怪物并完成任务时,他会获得经验值。这些数字会随着时间累积,当它们达到或超过某个特定值时,角色将获得一个新等级。

专长 Feat:专长是生物所掌握的能力。专长通常允许生物绕过规则或限制。生物会根据他们的生命骰获得一些专长,但有些特征会给予额外专长。


生命骰 Hit Dice (HD):生命骰代表一个生物的一般力量和技能水平。当生物获得等级时,它获得额外的生命骰。另一方面,怪物获得种族生命骰,这代表了怪物的一般能力和能力。生命骰由生物拥有的数字和一种类型的骰子表示,如“3d8”。这个值用来决定一个生物的总生命值。在这个例子中,生物有3个命中骰子。当掷骰获得该生物的生命值时,你将掷一个d8三次,并将结果与其他调整值一起加在一起。

生命值 Hit Points (HP):生命值是一个抽象概念,表示生物在当前时刻的健康程度。为了确定一个生物的生命值,掷它的生命骰指定的骰子。生物在其第一个生命骰中获得最大生命值。伤害减少生命值,而治疗恢复生命值。某些技能可以给予在特定时间后消失的暂时生命值。当一个生物的生命值降到0以下时,它就会失去知觉。当一个生物的生命值达到等于其体质值的负数时,它就会死亡。

主动性 Initiative:每当战斗开始时,所有参与战斗的生物都必须进行主动性检定,以确定生物在战斗中的行动顺序。检定结果越高,生物行动的时间越早。

等级 Level:一个角色的等级代表他的整体能力和力量。有三种级别。职业等级是角色拥有的特定等级的等级数。角色等级是一个角色拥有的所有等级的总和。

怪物 Monster:怪物是依靠种族生命骰而不是职业等级来获得力量和能力的生物(尽管有些怪物也拥有职业等级)。PC通常不是怪物。

倍乘 Multiplying:当您被要求对一个掷骰应用多个倍乘时,倍乘不会彼此相乘。相反,您可以将它们合并到一个乘数中,每个额外的倍数比第一个倍数的值少加1。例如,如果要求您两次应用×2乘法器,结果将是×3,而不是×4。


惩罚 Penalty:惩罚是从检定或基础数值中减去的数字。惩罚通常没有类型,而且大多数惩罚是相互叠加的。


轮 Round:战斗是以轮来衡量的。在个人回合中,所有生物都有机会按主动顺序轮流行动。一轮代表游戏世界中的6秒。每一个战士每轮至少可以做一个动作。

舍入 Rounding:有时规则会要求您对结果或值进行舍入。除非另有说明,否则总是四舍五入。

豁免检定 Saving Throw (Save):当一个生物受到一个危险技能的攻击时,它通常会得到一个豁免检定来减轻伤害或结果。豁免检定是被动的,这意味着角色不需要采取动作来进行豁免检定——它们是自动进行的。有三种类型的豁免检定:坚韧(用于抵抗毒药、疾病和其他身体疾病)、反射(用于避免针对某个区域的效果)和意志(用于抵抗精神攻击)。

技能 Skill:技能代表生物执行普通任务的能力,例如爬墙、潜入走廊或发现入侵者。一个生物在给定技能中所拥有的等级数代表它在该技能中的熟练程度。当一个生物获得生命骰时,它也获得额外的技能点数,可以用来购买技能等级。

叠加 Stacking:叠加是指将适用于某一特定检定或数值的加成或惩罚相加的行为。一般来说,同一类型的加成大多不叠加。相反,只有最大加值适用。大多数惩罚叠加在一起,意味着它们的值相加。惩罚和加成通常相互叠加,这意味着惩罚可能会抵消或超过部分或全部加成,反之亦然。

科技能力 Tech Powers:类似于生物异能,但基于电子技术或生物知识,科技能力允许一个人控制合成体,禁用护盾,甚至眩晕或冻结有机体。只有某些类允许访问这些能力。科技能力和生物异能一样庞大,每一个科技能力都指定了他们可以瞄准什么,他们的影响是什么,以及如何抵抗或否定。

回合 Turn:在一轮中,一个生物获得一个回合,在此期间它可以执行各种各样的动作。在一个回合中,一个角色可以执行两个动作和任意数量的自由动作,也可以执行一个整轮动作(消耗该回合所有正常动作)和任意数量的自由动作。
劇透 -   : Ability Score (Stat): Each creature has six ability scores: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. These scores represent a creature’s most basic attributes. The higher the score, the more raw potential and talent your character possesses.
Action: An action is a discrete measurement of time during a round of combat. Using abilities and making attacks all require actions to perform. There are three types of action: normal, free action and full-round action.
Attack of Opportunity (AoO): Sometimes a combatant in a melee lets her guard down. In this case, combatants near her can take advantage of her lapse in defense to attack her for free. These free attacks are called attacks of opportunity.
Base Attack Bonus (BAB): Each creature has a base attack bonus and it represents its skill in combat. As a character gains levels or Hit Dice, his base attack bonus improves.
Biotics Powers: These are special abilities that some characters and creatures are able to use. They allow one to do extraordinary things and may even seem like magic to more ignorant creatures. Biotic powers specify what they can target, what their effects are and how they can be resisted or negated.
Bonus: Bonuses are numerical values that are added to checks and statistical scores. Most bonuses have a type, and as a general rule, bonuses of the same type are not cumulative (do not “stack”) – only the greater bonus granted applies. Bonuses without type stack.
Class: Classes represent chosen professions taken by characters and some other creatures. Classes give a host of bonuses and allow characters to take actions that they otherwise could not, such as sending an enemy flying with one punch or freezing him in place. As a creature gains levels in a given class, it gains new, more powerful abilities.
Check: A check is a d20 roll which may or may not be modified by another value. The most common types are attack rolls, skill checks and saving throws.
Creature: A creature is an active participant in the story or world. This includes PCs, NPCs and monsters.
Damage Reduction (DR): Armor and some other special abilities have the ability to reduce damage taken from weapons and other forms of attack. Some DR might only be against specific forms of damage but most apply to all. The number presented in the Damage Reduction indicates how many points of damage are reduced from the damage points dealt by a specific damage source.
Defense: All creatures in the game have a Defense. This represents how hard it is to hit a creature in combat. As with other scores, higher is better.
Difficulty Class (DC): Whenever a creature attempts to perform an action whose success is not guaranteed, he must make some sort of check (usually a skill check or saving throw). The result of that check must meet or exceed the Difficulty Class of the action that the creature is attempting to perform in order for the action to be successful.
Experience Points (XP): As a character overcomes challenges, defeats monsters and completes quests, he gains experience points. These points accumulate over time and when they reach or surpass a specific value the character gains a level.
Feat: A feat is an ability a creature has mastered. Feats often allow creatures to circumvent rules or restrictions. Creatures receive a number of feats based off their Hit Dice, but some features grant bonus feats.
Game Master (GM): A GMis the person who adjudicates the rules and controls all of the elements of the story and world that the players explore. His duty is to provide a fair and fun game.
Hit Dice (HD): Hit Dice represent a creature’s general level of power and skill. As a creature gains levels, it gains additional Hit Dice. Monsters, on the other hand, gain racial Hit Dice, which represent the monster’s general prowess and ability. Hit Dice are represented by the number the creature possesses followed by a type of die, such as “3d8”. This value is used to determine a creature’s total hit points. In this example, the creature has 3 Hit Dice. When rolling for this creature’s hit points, you would roll a d8 three times and add the results together, along with other modifiers.
Hit Points (HP): Hit points are an abstraction signifying how robust and healthy a creature is at the current moment. To determine a creature’s hit points, roll the dice indicated by its Hit Dice. A creature gains maximum hit points in its first Hit Dice. Wounds subtract hit points, while healing restores hit points. Some abilities may grant temporary HP that disappear after a specific duration. When a creature’s hit points drop below 0, it becomes unconscious. When a creature’s hit points reach a negative total equal to its Constitution score, it dies.
Initiative: Whenever combat begins, all creatures involved in the battle must make an initiative check to determine the order in which creatures act during combat. The higher the result of the check, the earlier a creature gets to act.
Level: A character’s level represents his overall ability and power. There are three types of levels. Class level is the number of levels of a specific class possessed by a character. Character level is the sum of all class levels possessed by a character.
Monster: Monsters are creatures that rely on racial Hit Dice instead of class levels for their powers and abilities (although some possess class levels as well). PCs are usually not monsters.
Multiplying: When you are asked to apply more than one multiplier to a roll, the multipliers are not multiplied by one another. Instead, you combine them into a single multiplier, with each extra multiple adding 1 less than its value to the first multiple. For example, if you are asked to apply a ×2 multiplier twice, the result would be ×3, not ×4.
Nonplayer Character (NPC): These are characters controlled by the GM.
Penalty: Penalties are numerical values that are subtracted from a check or statistical score. Penalties usually do not have a type and most of them stack with one another.
Player Character (Character, PC): These are the characters portrayed by the players.
Round (Rd, plural Rds): Combat is measured in rounds. During an individual round, all creatures have a chance to take a turn to act, in order of initiative. A round represents 6 seconds in the game world. Every combatant may make at least one action every round.
Rounding: Occasionally the rules ask you to round a result or value. Unless otherwise stated, always round down.
Saving Throw (Save): When a creature is subject of a dangerous ability, it often receives a saving throw to mitigate the damage or result. Saving throws are passive, meaning that a character does not need to take an action to make a saving throw – they are made automatically. There are three types of saving throws: Fortitude (used to resist poisons, diseases and other bodily ailments), Reflex (used to avoid effects that target an area) and Will (used to resist mental attacks).
Skill: A skill represents a creature’s ability to perform an ordinary task, such as climb a wall, sneak down a hallway or spot an intruder. The number of ranks possessed by a creature in a give skill represents its proficiency in that skill. As a creature gains Hit Dice, it also gains additional skill points that can be used to buy skill ranks.
Stacking: Stacking refers to the act of adding together bonuses or penalties that apply to one particular check or statistic. Generally speaking, most bonuses of the same type do not stack. Instead, only the highest bonus applies. Most penalties stack, meaning that their values are added together. Penalties and bonuses generally stack with one another, meaning that penalties might negate or exceed part or all of the bonuses, and vice versa.
Tech Powers: Similar to biotics but based either on electronic technology or biological knowledge, tech powers allow one to control synthetics, disable Shields and even stun or freeze organics. Only some classes allow access to these powers. Tech powers are as vast as biotics, each tech power specify what they can target, what their effects are and how they can be resisted or negated.
Turn: In a round, a creature receives one turn, during which it can perform a wide variety of actions. In the course of one turn, a character can perform two actions and any number of free action, or it can perform one single full-round action (which consumes all the normal actions of that turn) as well as any number of free action.


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