作者 主题: 【代发】【M:tA-DM】巫妖化法术  (阅读 45375 次)

副标题: 先自刎,得永生,第109-112页

离线 肥肥腌臜

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« 于: 2021-10-16, 周六 00:49:49 »
该书全称为《失落魔法(Dead Magic)(WW4045)》。

离线 肥肥腌臜

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Re: 【代发】【M:tA-DM】巫妖化法术
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-10-16, 周六 00:50:19 »







劇透 -   :
Beyond Death

 Orpheus traveled Hades to recover his bride; Achilles shrugged off mortal weapons; Hercules cheated death to become a god. These heroes were simply a few in the long line of men and women who defied their own mortality. Stories date as far back as the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Egyptian rites of mummification.

 Egypt's obsession with death led to magic designed to deal directly with the Underworld. Fascinated by the prospects of the afterlife and rebirth, the Egyptians created a Spell of Life to bring life to mortals after their time, a spell that caused them to be forever alive but dying.

 Greece and Rome's interaction with Egypt - through Carthage, Mark Antony and later the Crusades - meant that Egypt's magics inevitably seeped into Greck culture. The influence was slight – only the rare necromancer or demented Infernalist bartered directly with the powers of death; Greek mystics focused more on transcendental matters. However, this philosophical training gave the Greeks the ability to comprehend new directions for Egyptian magic, and to describe them in efficient terms.

 The result? Though Egypt birthed many rites dealing with the dead, the Greeks and the Romans preserved them. Modern mages still call the Egyptian gods by their Greek names. Egyptian symbolism filtered through the Roman Cult of Mercury before arriving in the Order of Hermes. The Spell of Life was transformed into a means to cheat death.

 The original Egyptian Spell of Life created mummies, beings who died but returned to the sunlit lands in their own bodies. By the time fragmentary records from the Greek Secret Writings of Cabirus filtered into the Roman Cult of Mercury, though, the cult's priorities had changed. The mages who became the Order of Hermes wanted to avoid death, not to experience it again and again. With the incredible precision they developed through their studies of language, the Roman mages altered the formula. This altered form inverted the Spell of Life; instead of dying and returning, the mage hovered forever on the cusp of death. Buried after the fall of Rome, the spell only resurfaced later in the Middle Ages, when wizards of the Order of Hermes sought alternate means to prolong their lives so that they had time to master the intricacies of their magics.

 Only fragmentary information about the original spell survived. Hermetic researchers had to piece together the necessary components and improvise their own finishing touches. Each version of the spell was unique, a means for the individual mage to preserve his Pattern.

 Naturally, the means to cheat death are not easy. The frightful requirements of the rite put off most students, even in an academic capacity. But there are always a crazed few for whom the lure of immortality is too tempting.

离线 肥肥腌臜

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Re: 【代发】【M:tA-DM】巫妖化法术
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-10-16, 周六 00:50:51 »



















劇透 -   :
(Entropy 4, Life 4, Matter 4, Spirit 4, Prime 3, Mind 1)

 Nature ensures that living patterns eventually degrade and die. Age consumes the body, rot overtakes the flesh and the soul moves on or fades away. And perhaps humanity's greatest curse is the knowledge of its own mortality. Among mages, who have some inkling of the spiritual fates that wait beyond life, such terrors can become obsessions. Those determined to hang around after their mortal days seek cryptic formulae designed to skirt nature, restore youth, halt decrepitude and cheat death itself. Some mages end up inviting death, but on their own terms; they use the rite of lichedom.

 While the Order of Hermes commonly used potions and rituals to prolong life (and other Traditions created similar Effects within their own paradigms), only within the Order did the dread of mortality and the drive to master magic become so great that a mage risked life and soul for a spell to ward off the reaper. The formula for lichedom, though buried by time and suppressed as heresy, promised a way out. Still, the offer of perpetual existence remains a tantalizing shadow to those mages whose fear of death, desire to finish some great deed, or drive to Master their Art pushes them beyond rational measures.

 Ironically, the formula for lichedom is marginally easier to cast than most comparable immortality spells. Indeed, a mage need not even be a Master to use this magic. The temptations of the dark road, perhaps.

 While some mages cheat mortality with age-defying spells, lichedom relies on a means to welcome it. The mage surrounds himself with the trappings of his magic and ego. Through the strength of his dedication, he severs his Avatar from the changing, living world about him. At the end of the rite, he kills himself and invokes the final step, which causes his Pattern to linger perpetually on the cusp of life and death. No longer truly alive, yet not wholly dead, the mage lives the half-existence of a liche. Already straddling the threshold of death, the liche need no longer fear its ultimate demise.

 The Order's records of lichedom are far from complete, and many Hermetics consider lichedom an abominable state. Thus, the rite is rarely copied or archived; some mages even destroy any records that they find regarding lichedom. Chroniclers and theorists of the Order might keep fragmentary ruminations on the process, but it is certain that no whole and complete copy exists except, perhaps, among the tomes of a liche who still exists today.

 Because Order records are so fragmentary, the rite of lichedom is poorly understood, and the steps are often personalized by the few mages who pursue it. The mage starts by building a special edged or piercing weapon (or weapons) with which he kills himself. This weapon is made first because it accompanies the mage through the remainder of the rite. The traditional Hermetic paradigm prescribes that the item be made of silver, though other materials might also function.

 Once the weapon is complete, the mage must reclaim every piece of his Avatar and sever all external ties to it. This means that the mage must capture and destroy every Talisman he has empowered and every sympathetic link that he has tied to his soul. He must even murder his own familiar, if he has one. A mage with a fragmentary Avatar must track down and reclaim the lost pieces; one with a phylactery must somehow manage to keep it on his person for the duration of the rite. Brands and damaged pieces of an Avatar do not hinder this portion of the rite, but if some piece of the whole Avatar has somehow been split from the mage, it must be recovered.

 Once the mage has severed ties to his magical self, he must purge his Pattern of any external magic. Only his own willpower can keep him alive beyond the shadow of death. The mage must isolate himself, with no magic but his own nearby - no magical items, no spells placed by others, no intruding supernatural forces. Surrounded by his magic, he allows it to suffuse his Pattern. Some mages supplement this step by ingesting potions, often laced with their own flesh and blood, thereby internalizing and concentrating the magical energies that they carry. Other mages focus on meditation, sensory deprivation or other mental techniques to hone their personal energies. For a year and a day the mage must wait in solitude, with no other magical spells or beings disturbing his concentration, as he steeps himself solely in his own magical will. Most mages at this step are so obsessed with their magical development that they spend the time to further refine their techniques.

 Cloistered away and empowered by his own spirit, the mage finally takes the last plummet down the precipice of mortality  — he must quaff a specialized potion, which requires components harvested from Bygones and materials renowned for their longevity and power (dragon's blood, demonic ichor, mercury, grave dust and other foul, rare and poisonous materials). With the weapons previously created, the mage kills himself and removes the seat of his life - this may mean severing his arteries, piercing his chakra points, or even stabbing his own heart. The fluid of the potion sustains him and halts the death of his body. At this point, if the mage's rite is successful, he becomes an undead corpse and hovers on the boundary between life and death. The rite cements his Avatar and soul to his corpselike frame, while his Pattern becomes mutated into something between Life and Matter. If he fails...

 Clearly, the rite of lichedom is so dangerous that it suits only the rare mage who's desperate enough to try it. Worse still, there is no concrete way for the mage to know whether his formula is successful or correct except to kill himself in the attempt. No two liches have ever used the same formula. It's possible that some steps might be omitted, while it's almost certain that most liches have undertaken unnecessarily terrible steps simply because there is no way to know what the formula requires. For someone willing to undertake this hideous transformation, nearly any abominable sacrifice seems reasonable. Mages who lack the skill to use some of the required magics might well seek out alternate steps to make the rite easier. It's said that crazed wizards hoping to become liches have slaughtered their entire families, undertaken personal mutilations and sucked out the very souls of other mages in order to fuel their transformations.

 Once a mage has paid the terrible price and taken the steps that cannot be undone, he becomes one of the undead. His body no longer heals or grows, and indeed may suffer the ravages of time, but it never dies unless slain by magic. If the rite is not performed properly, the mage simply dies; if it is only partially successful, the mage may survive a short time, but decompose and die within a few days or weeks. A successful liche can, barring excessive Paradox or magical injury, expect to "live" forever.

离线 肥肥腌臜

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Re: 【代发】【M:tA-DM】巫妖化法术
« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-10-16, 周六 00:51:28 »














 ● 一旦变成巫妖,身体变得苍白、憔悴且略蓝,好似想象中的尸体。所有外貌相关的难度+2。

 ● 无法自愈,只能用魔法疗伤。1点魔素/个健康等级,所以本质也是噬魔者(译注:指需消耗大量魔素的事物)。

 ● 不会因致命伤害死去,只有恶性伤害——伤害式样——才能永久摧毁他。



 ● 身体可能会继续腐烂。许多巫妖使用一些熵魔法来维持它们,但时间一长,就会忽略这些琐事。没有特别的保养法术,它就会以自愈速度腐烂:1天后,失去擦伤健康等级;3天后,受伤等级烂掉,以此类推。此类腐败还肉眼可见,导致失去外貌(1级/个健康等级),直到腐败被治愈。

 ● 巫妖当然是不育的,无论何种魔法都无法修复此问题。他可能会像吸血鬼那样模拟交媾,但终究是半死事物,有其他方式消遣不死生命。他仍能吃喝,身体也能代谢食物,但不再需要营养。

 ● 因为仅靠自身魔法来维持,所以此法术切断了任何外部的魔法联系。他不能持有真实信仰、妖精之血(译注:人物有换生灵传承,可获得其部分属性)或类似优点。任何这类现存联系都被摧毁。他也不能变成血仆、吸血鬼或其它超自然生物。

 ● 完成法术后,得到1点静、熵态共鸣。此外,此共鸣不仅让凡人不安,超自然存在也是。吸血鬼、换生灵、甚至精魂等都会把巫妖辨别为某种不自然的可憎存在。聪明的会逃跑。甚至其他法师也被影响,并倾向于追捕摧毁他们。

 ● 作为静态存在,永远无法提升魔峰——永远。虽仍可提升领域,但其智慧和身体、灵魂一同被冻结了。在追求魔法力量时,升华也已被换作不朽。他能遭受化身秘仪——许多在被永久杀死的不久前都遭受了。但巫妖仍有永恒生命来学习、精进和拓展领域知识,而且也很难被杀死。

 ● 不能有使魔(还记得吗?杀掉它是法术一部分)。即使他以前都没有,也适用。不死式样无法束缚使魔。

 ● 此法术不能用简单的魔法反制来解除,大多数巫妖也会加上其它保护来避免。一旦解除,就会走完死亡之路,变成尸体。因此,逆转法术也需要一些方法来复活死者——祝好。

 ● 能把化身放进护符匣(请看《第3版规则书》第300页的护符匣缺点)。如果没有足够的精魂魔法在施法中维持化身和灵魂,那这就是必要的。束缚护符匣仅需精魂3。

 ● 有变疯的趋向。没有法师能走完整个流程而不得到至少1项精神疾病。时间一长,绝大多数巫妖都会愈发怪异,直到发现自己完全无法和“普通”世界联系。

 ● 法术对式样的改变是如此大,以至会扭曲真名。老真名不再有用,法术扭曲了它。一些熟悉老真名和此法术的人也许能弄清被腐化的真名(智力+神秘学,难度9)。“巫妖”都有一个真名,但也有一个私人的,可以此对其真名束缚、放逐等。

 ● 巫妖当然很矛盾,法术也会造成永久矛盾。具体数量由说书人决定。但在一个低奇幻游戏中,巫妖显然会遭受巨量矛盾。 

劇透 -   :
 System: Despite its terrible costs, lichedom is fairly straightforward. The mage in question needs to do some heavy research - many rolls of Intelligence + Occult or Investigation, many visits to libraries and mentors, and so on. Such research is best roleplayed. A mage who openly looks into such materials risks the censure of his peers and the possibility of seized records, madness-inducing tomes and righteous hunters who hope to stamp out even the study of such abominations.

 The research process is part of the rite. The mage makes his Arete rolls based upon his research and execution of the proper steps. If the mage has done only sketchy research (one or two successes), he may only get to roll one or two dice. Similarly, if he executes the steps shoddily or imperfectly, he may suffer a difficulty penalty, while extreme attention to detail may give a bonus as described under Abilities Affecting Magic (Mage Revised, p. 155).

 The final casting of the rite occurs as the mage prepares the potion for the infusion of lichedom. Successes accumulate to generate the duration and degree of success. To finish the rite, the mage must invest one point of Quintessence for each health level that he has and must score enough successes to perform a phenomenal Effect (10 or more successes). The rite is naturally vulgar, so the base difficulty is 9. A permanent duration is, of course, desirable, but if the mage doesn't score enough successes, the spell may not let him exist long as one of the undead. The mage generates successes as he makes the elixir, drinks it and kills himself. Naturally, wound penalties apply to the task of finishing off the potion while the mage stabs or slashes himself to death, so the mage is advised to also use a rite to resist pain.

 The final task can be done as an extended ritual, to the usual limits of casting time based on the mage's Arete and Willpower. Note that the mage can only cast the rite himself. This rite cannot be performed for someone else. Since the mage must surround himself with only the trappings of his own magic, the rite also cannot be cast with the aid of any Talismans. The mage must finish the spell using his own knowledge.

 With the mage's inward concentration of personal magic and awareness, and the use of Mind and Spirit magic, he manages to shackle his Avatar, soul and consciousness to his body so that they remain even as he dies. The Life, Matter and Entropy Spheres halt his body along the path to death and transform his Pattern into something on the cusp between.

 Various omissions or mistakes are possible, and they can have many detrimental effects on the process. Without Mind magic, the mage's consciousness departs as he dies; his body becomes a shell without volition. Without Spirit, his Avatar flees and he becomes a self-willed but powerless walking corpse, with no magical capabilities (and no ability to learn other supernatural powers, since he is not truly a vampire or one of the Risen). Without sufficient Entropy, the body's death processes do not come under control in the transformation to Matter, and the mage becomes hideously decrepit (losing one point from each Physical Attribute, his Bruised health level and all Appearance).

 If a mage fails to complete the rite successfully, he simply dies, and the potion has no effect except perhaps to make the corpse twitch, choke and burn spasmodically. If the mage botches the ritual, he manages to kill himself, shred his Avatar (permanently destroying it, perhaps) and generate sufficient Paradox to level his laboratory and bestow an Entropic Resonance on the area. The remnants of the mage's corpse may well become Quintessence-laden chunks of Tass (though a mage would have to eat the pieces to gain the Quintessence) or become inhabited by something else out there.

 Once a mage becomes a liche, his body stops being a pure Life Pattern and becomes something else. Sustained by his formidable will and magical prowess, the mage puts off death by keeping it in a sort of holding pattern between Life and Matter. This has several consequences:

 ● Once dead, the mage's body becomes cadaverous, gaunt and slightly bluish, like one would expect of a corpse. This raises all Appearance-related difficulties by 2.

 ● The liche's body may continue to decay. Many liches use some Entropy magic to sustain them, but over time they become unconcerned with such trivialities.  Without special preservative magic, the liche's body rots at the speed of natural healing: After a day the liche loses his Bruised health level; 3 days later the Hurt level rots away and so on. This rotting is visible and causes the mage to lose Appearance (one dot per health level) as he decays, until the rotting is healed.

 ● Liches are sterile, of course. No amount of magic can fix that problem. A liche might simulate sexuality, like a vampire, but ultimately is a half-dead thing with other ways to spend eternity. A liche can eat and drink, and its body metabolizes food, but it no longer requires sustenance.

 ● The liche does not heal naturally. Only magic can heal his wounds. Each health level healed requires the expenditure of a point of Quintessence, so the liche is essentially a thaumivore.

 ● A liche cannot die from lethal damage, only aggravated wounds - Pattern damage - can destroy him permanently. Since the liche's body is dead, he takes only half damage (rounded down after soak) from bashing attacks, and gets a full soak roll (difficulty 6) against lethal damage. Lethal or bashing damage may incapacitate a liche and cause his body to become nonfunctional for a time, but eventually the liche overcomes the hindrance. Remember, wound penalties do not affect magical casting difficulties, so the liche can easily use Mind or Spirit magic to send his astral form to gather Quintessence and return to heal the body.

 ● Since a liche is dependent solely upon his own magic to sustain him, the rite burns out connections with any external magical processes. The liche cannot have True Faith, Fae Blood or similar Merits. Any such existing ties are destroyed. A liche can't become a ghoul, vampire or other supernatural creature.

 ● Upon completing the rite, a liche gains one dot of both Static and Entropic Resonance. Furthermore, the liche's Resonance is disconcerting not merely to mortals, but also to supernatural creatures. Vampires, changelings, even spirits and the like all recognize the liche as some sort of unnatural abomination. The smart ones flee. Even other mages are affected, and have a tendency to hunt down and destroy liches.

 ● As a static creature, the liche can never gain additional Arete - ever. He can continue to improve his Spheres but his enlightenment is frozen along with his body and soul. Ascension has been traded for the chance to exist beyond mortal limits in the quest for magical power. A liche can suffer Gilgul; many do, shortly before they are permanently slain. Still, the liche has eternity in which to study, improve and expand his knowledge of the Spheres, and he's damnably hard to kill, too.

 ● Liches cannot have familiars. (You killed yours as part of the rite, remember?) This is true even if the liche never had one in life. The liche's unliving Pattern cannot properly bind familiars.

 ● The liche rite cannot be undone with simple countermagic. Most liches also add other protections to prevent unweaving. Should the rite be undone, the liche finishes the process of dying and becomes a corpse. Thus, reversing the rite also requires some way to raise the dead - good luck with that one.

 ● A liche can place its Avatar in a phylactery (see the Phylactery Flaw in Mage Revised, p. 300). This is a necessity if the liche does not have sufficient Spirit to hold on to his Avatar and soul during the rite itself; the liche can bind the phylactery with Spirit 3.

 ● Liches have a tendency toward insanity. Nobody goes through the rite without gaining at least one Derangement.  Over time, most liches become increasingly eccentric, until they find themselves completely unable to relate to the "normal" world.

 ● The process of lichedom so greatly changes the individual's Pattern that his True Name is distorted. The subject's old True Name no longer applies. The rite warps its name; someone familiar with the old name and the liche formula might be able to puzzle out the corrupted name (Intelligence + Occult, difficulty 9). There is a True Name for "liche" but each liche also has an individual True Name that is necessary to affect the individual with True Name bindings, banishments and so on.

 ● Liches are, of course, Paradoxical, and the rite gives the caster permanent Paradox. The exact amount is up to the Storyteller. Certainly in a low-fantasy game, a liche suffers from a great deal of Paradox.

离线 肥肥腌臜

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Re: 【代发】【M:tA-DM】巫妖化法术
« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-10-16, 周六 00:52:00 »











劇透 -   :
Liche Characters

 A liche is not the sort of character to run around with a group of players' mages. The dedication required to finish the rite is immense, and the requirements of destruction and solitude are so severe that they disrupt just about any group. Most every cabal has someone with a moral objection to the rite of lichedom. And that's discounting the fact that a mage crazed enough to attempt the rite is probably so maladjusted that he can't handle the company of other mages (or Sleepers) anyhow. Besides, if a mage was so hell bent on immortality that he became a liche, what else might he consider “reasonable” in pursuit of his own goals?

 This is not to say that liches don't belong in Mage chronicles. They make excellent antagonists – most mages don't have as much torque as they do, plus the typical Disciple doesn't know how to fight one. That means legwork to dig up facts and find people knowledgeable on the subject. Since liches could be considered a political hot topic among the Traditions, one liche could have an entire cabal of Disciples running around ducking their heads to avoid censure while trying to get the information necessary to take out an undead enemy — especially if that enemy is so well hidden that the rest of the Traditions can't be bothered to deal with it.

 The liche formula is a neat aside for players' mages to get their hands on as well. If a mage stumbles across a bit of the formula, what does he do? Destroy it? Hoard it? Share it with his (horrified) friends and companions? Use it? Players' mages are a fractious lot; there's gotta be someone crazy enough to pay for or use such information. For that matter, just knowing the rite earns the character some enemies - holier-than-thou Traditionalists, paranoid liches who don't want the formula known (and possibly undone), vampires who consider liches competition....

 A liche might also be a patron to a cabal-one that doesn't know or care about the liche's state. The liche's magical resources are immense, and given time it can probably become a true Master (at least). A would-be liche could send mages out to destroy the Talismans that it created and lost earlier in life. A repentant liche might send people to find the magical knowledge to restore its mortality (good luck). With long-term planning, a liche could develop the extreme views common to elder vampires, Archmasters and the like; Disciples and lesser mages become pawns in such games.

 Liches are by no means common. It's probable that there are no more than three or four in the modern Tellurian, with only a single one even bothering to remain on Earth. Like any potent creature, a liche is best used as a plot device. Even the hint of a liche or its formula can be enough to drive a story.

 And, of course, this is the World of Darkness. Those who cheat death with the curse of undeath rarely meet pleasant ends.

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Re: 【代发】【M:tA-DM】巫妖化法术
« 回帖 #5 于: 2021-10-16, 周六 00:52:32 »

离线 無濤長夜

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Re: 【代发】【M:tA-DM】巫妖化法术
« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-10-16, 周六 18:40:22 »

离线 不朽之尘

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Re: 【代发】【M:tA-DM】巫妖化法术
« 回帖 #7 于: 2021-10-17, 周日 06:53:37 »

离线 無濤長夜

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Re: 【代发】【M:tA-DM】巫妖化法术
« 回帖 #8 于: 2021-10-17, 周日 15:04:25 »

离线 不朽之尘

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Re: 【代发】【M:tA-DM】巫妖化法术
« 回帖 #9 于: 2021-10-17, 周日 17:49:02 »