作者 主题: 《晋升:暗影之道》翻译施工地  (阅读 7779 次)

副标题: 《Ascension - Path of Shadows》

离线 靛蓝的鸢尾草

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« 于: 2022-02-04, 周五 00:35:58 »
劇透 -   :

« 上次编辑: 2022-02-04, 周五 00:40:52 由 靛蓝的鸢尾草 »

离线 靛蓝的鸢尾草

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Re: 《晋升:暗影之道》翻译施工地
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-02-04, 周五 00:36:41 »

离线 靛蓝的鸢尾草

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Re: 《晋升:暗影之道》翻译施工地
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-02-04, 周五 00:36:49 »

离线 靛蓝的鸢尾草

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Re: 《晋升:暗影之道》翻译施工地
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-02-04, 周五 00:37:00 »

驱逐光明(Banish Light)
A field of pure darkness emanates from you and follows you, removing all light within the area. The lighting within the spell’s area becomes supernatural darkness, as a deeper darkness spell, regardless of existing lighting conditions. All non-magical light sources in the area are snuffed out. Supernatural abilities that create light or fire and spells with the light or fire descriptor are suppressed within the area of the spell, as an antimagic field. Positive energy effects in the area deal only half their normal damage to undead creatures and heal half their normal hit points to living creatures.
一股纯粹的黑暗力量从你身上弥漫而出,并跟随着你移动,其可以移除法术区域内所有的光芒。法术区域内的照明等级会变成超自然的黑暗,如同深幽黑暗术(deeper darkness),不管现有的照明等级如何。法术区域内所有的非魔法光源都会被熄灭。会产生光线或火焰的超自然能力以及带有光亮或火描述符的法术会在驱逐光明法术的区域内被抑制,如同反魔场(antimagic field)。法术区域内的正能量效果对不死生物造成的伤害只有正常伤害的一半,而对活着的生物的治疗量也只有正常值的一半。
Banish light can be used to counter or dispel a spell with the fire or light descriptor of any level, even those with a higher level than banish light.

驱逐暗影(Banish Shadows)
A field of brilliant light emanates from you and follows you, removing all darkness within the area. The lighting within the spell’s area becomes bright light, as a daylight spell, regardless of existing lighting conditions. Supernatural abilities that create darkness, spells with the darkness or shadow descriptor, and spells of the shadow subschool are suppressed within the area of the spell, as an antimagic field. Creatures within the area of the spell do not cast a shadow. If an object or creature is hidden away within a creature’s shadow, such as a nightblade’s shadow bond ability or an object hidden by a shadow courier spell, the hidden object or creature cannot be accessed or utilized while in the area of this spell. Negative energy effects in the area deal only half their normal damage to living creatures and heal half their normal hit points to undead creatures.
一个璀璨的光明力场从你身上弥漫而出,并跟随着你移动,其可以移除法术区域内所有的黑暗。法术区域内的照明等级会变成明亮,如同昼明术(daylight),不管现有的照明等级如何。会产生黑暗的超自然能力,带有黑暗或阴影描述符的法术,属于幽影幻觉子学派的法术会在驱逐暗影法术的区域内被抑制,如同反魔场(antimagic field)。法术区域内的生物不会投射出影子。如果一个物体或生物隐藏在某人的影子之中,例如夜刃的暗影连接(shadow bond)能力或一个被影藏术(shadow courier)隐藏的物体,该物体或生物在此法术的法术区域内不能被存取或使用。负能量效果对不死生物造成的治疗量只有正常值的一半,而对活着的生物的伤害值也只有正常值的一半。
Banish shadows can be used to counter or dispel a spell of the shadow subschool or a spell with the shadow or darkness descriptor of any level, even those with a higher level than banish shadows.

操控光线(Control Light)
As you cast this spell, the gem that you hold in each hand dissolves away, the pearl staining one hand with a silvery glow, the obsidian blackening your other hand with darkness. Upon casting this spell, you designate the light level that you wish to maintain (bright light, normal light, dim light, or darkness). The lighting within 60 feet of you is changed to that light level, regardless of existing conditions. By concentrating on the spell (a standard action) you can change the lightning level this spell creates by one step in either direction.
Nonmagical sources of light or shadows do not have any effect within the area of this spell. Any magical source of light or darkness that would alter the lighting to a different light level than you have designated has a chance of being suppressed. You must make an opposed caster level check against the caster of the other source of light or darkness. Success means the other source of light or darkness has no effect inside the area of this spell for the remaining duration of this spell, even if the area of light or darkness is brought outside the area of this spell and later brought back in. Failure means the other spell’s effects supersede the lighting or darkness created by control light for the duration of the spell.
Control light counters or dispels any light or darkness spell of the same level or lower, such as daylight or snuff.

无光诅咒(Curse Of The Lightless)
With a touch you curse your foe to a life of exile and darkness. Upon failing its saving throw, the creature’s shadow immediately and permanently vanishes. Any spells that utilize its shadow, such as shadow courier or shadow wound, are dispelled and cannot be used on the target as long as the curse persists. Creatures with the shadow surge class feature lose any shadow surges they currently have and cannot gain shadow surges as long as they are cursed. Any object or creature hidden in the creature’s shadow, such as from a nightblade’s shadow bond ability, is expelled and appears in an adjacent space to the creature. Exposing the target to bright light staggers it so long as it remains in the light. The creature is also treated as an undead creature for determining the damage of spells that deal additional damage to undead, such as wall of fire or sunburst. This does not grant the creature the ability to be healed by negative energy, nor is it harmed by positive energy (unless it already was beforehand).
轻轻一碰,你就能诅咒你的敌人只能过着放逐和黑暗的生活。若豁免失败,该生物的影子将立即永久消失。任何利用其影子的法术在诅咒持续期间不能对目标使用,如影藏术(shadow courier)或影子致创(shadow wound)。拥有阴影涌动(shadow surge)职业特性的生物将失去当前拥有的任何阴影涌动,而且只要他们还被诅咒,就不能获得任何阴影涌动。任何隐藏在该生物的影子中的物体或生物,例如来自夜刃的暗影连接(shadow bond)能力,将被驱逐并出现在目标生物的附近空间。将目标暴露在明亮的光照下,只要它还在光线下,就会一直处于恍惚状态。该生物也被视为不死生物,以决定对不死生物造成额外伤害的法术的伤害,如火墙术(wall of fire)或阳炎爆(sunburst)。这并不赋予该生物被负能量治愈的能力,也不会被正能量伤害(除非它在被诅咒之前就已经这样)。
Twenty-four hours after the curse is bestowed, the creature’s weakness to bright light becomes lethal. From then on, exposing the creature to direct sunlight staggers it on the first round of exposure and destroys it utterly on the second consecutive round of exposure if it does not escape, similar to a vampire. This is in addition to the previously described penalties the curse brings.
A creature that makes its Will save is staggered for 1 round if it is in bright light, but suffers no further effects. The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell.
受术者如果在明亮的光照下,而且意志豁免成功,则会恍惚1轮,但不再受进一步的影响。该法术所施的诅咒不能被解除,但可以通过破除结界(break enchantment)、有限祈愿术(limited wish)、神迹术(miracle)、移除诅咒(remove curse)或祈愿术(wish)解除。
While a creature can learn to live with the curse, in lands where vampires are a threat or feared, the curse can make the creature the subject of superstition or outright hostility from others.

黑暗囚牢(Dark Confinement)
Each creature targeted by this spell finds itself unable to enter well-lit areas. As long as dark confinement persists, affected creatures must remain within areas of dim light, darkness, or supernatural darkness and cannot willingly enter into areas of normal light or bright light; attempts to do so feel as if struggling against a solid wall. This spell has no effect on creatures that are not in an area of dim light, darkness, or supernatural darkness at the time of casting. If an affected creature is forcefully moved into an area of normal or bright light (such as by a bull rush maneuver), or if the space containing the creature is brought to normal light or brighter, the spell is suppressed for that creature until it moves back into an area of dim light or darker, at which point the effects of dark confinement resume (assuming the spell has duration remaining). A creature is not compelled to move back into darker areas if moved in such a manner.

黑暗复原(Dark Recovery)
With a hushed whisper, you gather the power of shadows around you, granting yourself a shadow surge. You must be able to use shadow surges to cast this spell and must be below your maximum number of shadow surges at the time of casting.
用一声轻轻的低语,你能将幽影之力聚集在你的周围,赋予自己一个阴影涌动(shadow surge)。你必须能够使用阴影涌动来施放此法术,并且在施法时阴影涌动的数量必须低于你的数量上限。

The creature you touch sprouts wings made of shadows and negative energy. This grants the creature a fly speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability, as a fly spell. The wings can be used to attack. The two wings are secondary natural attacks, dealing ld4 points of damage (for a medium creature) plus half the creature’s Strength bonus. The wings also inflict negative energy damage equal to ld6 + 1 per two caster levels (maximum +10) on a successful hit.
At any point during the spell’s duration, the recipient of the spell can release the negative energy in the wings in a single burst. This functions as a cleric channeling negative energy, using your caster level as cleric levels to determine the damage the channeled energy deals (or the amount it heals undead, should the creature use it in that manner). The DC of the Will save to take half damage is equal to the DC of deathwings. Upon using the deathwings to channel negative energy, the spell ends; if the creature is in the air when this occurs, it falls to the ground slowly, as a fly spell does.

熵之风暴(Entropic Storm)
You create a gateway to the destructive void between the Plane of Shadows and the Plane of Negative Energy, exposing those within to entropic oblivion.
Creatures in the area age a single age category (no save). The creature immediately takes the age penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for its new age category, but does not gain the bonuses for that category. Each round the creature remains in the area, it ages yet another age category, going from middle age to old, and old to venerable. The penalties from aging are cumulative, just as with normal aging. A creature that ages to venerable age (or is already venerable) that is exposed to the entropic storm must make a Fortitude save or age so far that it simply stops existing, slaying it and reducing its entire being to dust. This is a death effect. It must make this save each round it is exposed to the storm. A creature reduced to dust in this manner can only be revived via miracle, wish, or true resurrection. After leaving the area of the entropic storm, a living creature goes back down age categories at a rate of one age category per hour until it is restored to its original age.
区域内的生物都会衰老一个年龄层(无豁免)。该生物将立即获得其新年龄层所赋予的力量、敏捷和体质减值,但不会获得该年龄层的加值。每一轮当生物停留在该区域,它就会再次衰老一个年龄层,从中年到老年,从老年到暮年,以此类推。和正常衰老一样,这种魔法引发的衰老带来的减值是可以叠加的。一个生物如果被老化到暮年(或本来就已经是暮年),当其暴露在熵之风暴中时必须作出强韧豁免,否则会衰老到突破极限,从而灰飞烟灭,只留下些许尘埃。这是一种死亡效果。该生物必须在暴露于熵之风暴的每一轮中进行一次豁免。以这种方式被变成尘土的生物只有通过神迹术(miracle)、祈愿术(wish)或完全复生术(true resurrection)才能复活。在离开熵之风暴的区域后,一个生物以每小时一个年龄层的速度恢复到原来的正常年龄。
Unattended objects, constructs, or undead creatures in the area age and decay rapidly, taking 5d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +20) each round they remain in the area (no save). A magic item destroyed loses its magical functions as normal and falls into a state of significant disrepair, but is otherwise intact and can be repaired by a make whole spell. Mundane objects that lose all of their hit points are reduced to dust and cannot be restored.
该区域内无人看管的物品、构装体或不死生物会迅速老化和腐烂,只要它们留在该区域内,每轮就会受到5d6点+每施法者等级1点(最多+20点)的伤害, 这种伤害无法豁免。被这样摧毁的魔法物品将失去其通常的魔法力量并陷入严重失修状态,但在其他方面依然完好,可以通过完全修复术(make whole)进行修复。失去所有生命值的普通物品会变成灰尘,无法恢复。
A creature whose age is unknown starts by aging to middle age, from which it can continue to age if continuously exposed to the entropic storm. Ageless or immortal creatures are immune to this spell. Nightshades, being made of pure entropy, are also immune to this spell’s effects. This spell cannot destroy artifacts, though it can damage them.
As part of concentrating on the spell, you can move the area of the entropic storm 10 feet in any direction.

黄昏之眼(Eyes Of Eventide)
This spell enhances the vision of a creature, granting it low-light vision for the duration of the spell. The creature also gains a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against effects that would cause it to be dazzled or blinded. Creatures that already have low-light vision do not have their vision enhanced further, but still receive the bonus on saving throws.

共通黄昏之眼(Eyes Of Eventide, Communal)
This spell functions like eyes of eventide, except you may divide the duration in 1-hour intervals among the creatures touched.
这个法术的作用类似黄昏之眼(eyes of eventide),只不过你可以将法术持续时间以1小时的最小单位分配给你接触的多个生物。

黑暗爪(Grasp Of Darkness)
You reach out with a hand of chilling shadows, dealing 1d6 cold damage per caster level (maximum 5d6) on a successful melee touch attack. A creature struck must make a Fortitude save or have its vision clouded with shadows, making it treat all other creatures if they had concealment (20% miss chance) for 1 round. A creature that does not use vision to see or has the see in darkness ability is not subjected to the concealment effect.
你伸出一只覆盖着阴冷幽影的手,在一次成功的近战接触攻击中,造成每施法者等级1d6点的寒冷伤害(最大5d6)。被击中的生物必须做出强韧豁免,否则其视野会被阴影笼罩,使所有生物都对其拥有隐蔽(20%的失手几率),持续1轮。不使用视觉或具有看破黑暗(see in darkness)能力的生物不受该隐蔽效果影响。

隐藏照明(Hidden Illumination)
You create a field of special energy to a radius of 30 feet around the touched creature or object that enhances low-light vision and darkvision of creatures in the area. Creatures with low-light vision can see double the distance they normally can in dim light (letting them see four times as far as a human can in dim light). Creatures with darkvision in the area are able to perceive color and detail of things in the area, rather than seeing them in black and white. This spell does not create a visible light source, nor does it alter the lighting level in the area in any way.
Hidden illumination counters or dispels any light or darkness spell of the same level or lower, such as flare burst or snuff.
此法术能够反制或解除任何相同环级或更低级的光亮或黑暗法术,如闪光爆(flare burst)或熄光术(snuff)。

虚幻之锋(Illusory Edge)
You use shadow magic to create an illusory enchantment on a weapon. This functions as the spell greater magic weapon, except the enhancement is only partially real and you can grant different properties. In place of the enhancement bonuses, you can grant any of the following weapon special properties (as appropriate for the weapon): designating, exhausting, greater designating, frost, icy burst, impact, keen, ghost touch, seeking, wounding. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a + 1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added.
你能用幽影魔法在一把武器上创造出一种虚幻的附魔效果。这种效果类似于高等魔化武器(greater magic weapon)法术,但附魔只有部分是真实的,而且你可以赋予不同的属性。在代替增强加值时,你可以赋予以下任何的武器特殊属性(但必须适用于该武器):标记、力竭、高等标记、冻寒、冰爆、冲击、锐锋、幽冥、寻踪、血光。添加这些特殊能力所消耗的加值等于该特殊能力的基础价格调整值。这些特殊能力可以被添加到任何已经拥有某些特殊能力的武器上,但重复的特殊能力不会叠加。如果武器本身不是魔法武器,在添加任何其他特殊能力之前,必须至少添加+1的增强加值。
A creature struck by a weapon enhanced by illusory edge is entitled to a Will save to disbelieve the enhancements. A successful save makes any special properties granted by illusory edge (such as frost or keen) not function on that creature. Regular enhancement bonuses continue to work as normal against that creature, as do any special properties that were already on the weapon.

虚幻打击(Illusory Strike)
With a quick incantation you blend your illusions with shadowstuff from the Plane of Shadow, making an illusion reality for a short time. When you cast the spell, you designate a single illusion (figment) spell you can see and currently control or are maintaining concentration on. That illusion becomes real for a short time, allowing it to harm other creatures.
Depending on the form of the illusion, the illusion can make different kinds of attacks. The possible attacks are shown on Table: Illusory Strike. You may choose a single attack form from the table that is appropriate for the illusion to use (along with a damage type for that attack form), subject to GM discretion. For example, an illusory dragon might use the Area Energy Attack option to simulate the dragon’s breath attack, or use the Melee Attack option to simulate the dragon clawing and biting its opponent. If the effect calls for a saving throw, it uses the DC of this spell to determine the saving throw; If the illusion attacks a creature that has spell resistance, you must make a caster level check as normal to bypass it; failure means that creature is unaffected by this spell. If a creature has already disbelieved the illusion that illusory strike targets, that creature gains a +2 bonus to AC and to saves against this spell’s effects.
If you cast this spell and target a figment that you must maintain concentration on (such as silent imagH), you do not have to concentrate to maintain the spell this round.
如果你施放此法术的目标是一个你必须保持专注的虚假幻觉,例如无声幻影(silent image),你在这轮中不需要专注来维持该法术。
攻击形式   效果
近战攻击   幻象会对自身5英尺内的生物进行近战攻击。它的攻击次数为每3个施法者等级1次(最多5次),使用你的施法者等级+你的施法属性调整值作为攻击加值。每一击造成2d6+6的钝击、穿刺或挥砍伤害,具体类型取决于幻象。这些攻击的重击威胁范围为19-20,并在重击时造成双倍伤害。
远程攻击   幻象会对距离自己50英尺以内的生物进行远程攻击。它的攻击次数为每3个施法者等级1次(最多5次),使用你的施法者等级+你的施法属性调整值为攻击加值。每一击造成1d6+6的钝击、穿刺或挥砍伤害,具体类型取决于幻象。这些攻击的重击威胁范围为20,重击时造成3倍伤害。
能量攻击   幻象会对50英尺内的单个生物发动强大的能量攻击。这个攻击需要一次远程接触攻击,使用你自己的攻击加值来进行接触攻击。在一次命中时,幻象对目标造成每施法者等级1d6点的伤害(最多10d6),由你选择伤害为强酸、寒冷、电击还是火焰伤害。
范围能量攻击   幻象能创造一场能量爆发来伤害生物。这可以是一个30英尺锥形,60英尺线形,或15英尺的半径爆发,以幻象为中心。被困在该区域的生物将受到你所选择的强酸、寒冷、电击或火焰伤害,每施法者等级1d6点(最多10d6点)。反射豁免可以减半伤害。
范围伤害   幻象会创造一个能造成物理伤害的区域。这可以是一个30英尺的锥形,60英尺的线形,或15英尺的半径爆发,以幻象为中心。被困在该区域的生物受到每施法者等级1d8点的伤害(最多10d8),由你选择是钝击、穿刺还是挥砍伤害。反射豁免可以减半伤害。

幻象防具(Illusory Vestment)
You use shadow magic to create an illusory enchantment on a suit of armor or a shield. This functions as the spell magic vestment, except the enhancement is only partially real and you can grant different properties. In place of the enhancement bonuses, you can grant any of the following armor special properties: deathless, defiant, fortification (any), ghost touch, invulnerability, spell resistance (any). Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the equipment already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the armor or shield is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added.
你使用幽影魔法来一套护甲或盾牌上创造一种虚幻的附魔。这个法术类似于魔化防具(magic vestment),除了增强只是部分真实的,并且你可以赋予不同的属性。你可以赋予以下护甲特殊附魔效果:拒亡、挑战、护命(任何)、幽冥、坚韧、抗法(任何)。添加这些特殊附魔所消耗的等价加值等于该特殊附魔的基础加值价格调整值。这些属性会添加到装备上任何已经拥有的属性上,但是副本不会叠加。如果护甲或盾牌并不具有魔法,必须至少添加+1增强加值才能添加其他特殊附魔。
When a creature attacks a creature that is using the equipment enhanced by illusory vestment in any way (such as with an attack, spell, or combat maneuver), that creature is entitled to a Will save to disbelieve the enhancements. This save is done before the attack roll (if any) is made. A successful save makes any special properties granted by illusory vestment (such as fortification or spell resistance) not function against attacks made by that creature. Regular enhancement bonuses continue to work as normal against that creature, as do any special properties that were already on the armor or shield.

月之预言(Lunar Prophecy)
成分:言语,姿势,材料/法器(一个直径至少1英尺的平静水池,加上价值50 gp的熏香和草药)
With this spell, you seek guidance from the moon to best prepare your allies for what lies ahead. All creatures that wish to partake in the spell must remain within 10 feet of you while you are casting the spell. The spell must be cast at night in the open, so that you can see the reflection of the moon within the pool of water. If weather conditions prevent you from seeing the moon, you may still cast the spell, but the casting time increases to 1 hour as the spell forces the sky to clear. This only clears enough of the sky for you to receive the prophecy and has no long-term effect on the weather.
Upon finishing the spell, the image of the moon that shines upon the pool of water changes to any of its eight phases. The phase of the actual moon does not change. The phase of the moon that the reflection shows determines the ability that is granted to the participants of the spell. Roll 1d8 to determine what phase of the moon is shown, and what ability it grants, as shown on Table: Lunar Prophecy. The ability can be used once by each target within the 24 hour duration of the spell.
Rather than roll randomly, you can attempt to force a specific prophecy. To do so, you must make a Will save against your own spell. Should you succeed, you can choose which result on Table: Lunar Prophecy is shown to you and grant the chosen effect on the targets of the spell. If you fail the saving throw; the reflection in the water appears clouded over, and the spell fails. A creature that took part of a failed lunar prophecy cannot be the recipient the spell for 24 hours from any source.
A creature can only benefit from a single lunar prophecy at a time. Should another lunar prophecy be cast on that creature before the previous duration has ended, the spell fails.
d8   月相   效果
1   新月   你必须迎接未来的挑战。每一个生物,作为一个迅捷动作,可以给予自己持续1分钟的强大希望(good hope)效果。
2   娥眉月   你必须在逆境面前继续成长。当被诅咒、疾病或毒素影响时,每个生物可以用一个直觉动作来尝试清除该效果,如同移除诅咒(remove curse)、移除疾病(remove disease)或中和毒素(neutralize poison),当尝试移除效果时,使用其生命骰作为施法者等级。
3   上弦月   你会发现自己处于一个必须采取行动的危机中。每个生物,作为一个迅捷动作,可以给予自己持续1分钟的行动自如(freedom of movement)效果。
4   盈凸月   你必须意识到自己的进步,并发现更好的做事方式。每个生物,作为一个迅捷动作,可以赋予自己持续1分钟的狐之狡黠(fox’s cunning)效果。在此期间,该生物在所有技能检定上也获得+4洞察加值。
5   满月   你必须能够看到无形之物。每一个生物,作为一个迅捷动作,可以赋予自己持续1分钟的30英尺盲感。
6   亏凸月   你必须与他人分享你的智慧。每一个生物,作为一个迅捷动作,可以赋予自己持续1分钟的枭之智慧(owl’s wisdom)。在此期间,该生物对魅惑和胁迫效果免疫。
7   下弦月   你必须以一种不同寻常的方式思考,并为新的方向做好准备。每一个生物,作为一个迅捷动作,可以赋予自己持续1分钟的单一专长的好处,但他们必须符合专长的条件。
8   残月   你必须明白生与死都是循环的一部分,死亡有时会向你逼近。每一个生物,作为一个迅捷动作,可以赋予自己持续1分钟的防死结界(death ward)效果。

暗夜波涛之噬(Maw Of The Nightwave)
Upon finishing this spell, the front half of a shadowy, shark-like creature appears where you specify in range, its maw a gnashing void of death. The form belongs to none other than the nightwave, the strongest known form of the undead monstrosities known as nightshades.
The maw has a space of 20 feet and a reach of 20 feet. The maw can be conjured in another creature’s space. Upon casting the spell and each round afterwards on your turn for the duration, the maw can make a single attack on a creature within its space or within its reach. The maw uses your caster level in place of its base attack bonus, with a +19 Strength bonus (it has 49 Strength) and a -4 size penalty for being gargantuan. On a successful bite, the victim takes 5d10+19 piercing damage, 4d6 cold damage, and gains a negative level. Twenty-four hours after gaining any negative levels, the subject must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC = maw of the nightwave’s spell’s save DC) for each negative level. If the save succeeds, that negative level is removed. If it fails, that negative level becomes permanent.
The maw has the grab and swallow whole universal monster abilities, allowing it to grapple a creature that it bites as a free action and eventually swallow it. It is able to grab a creature of any size up to colossal, but cannot swallow whole a colossal creature. The maw gets a +4 bonus on grapple checks (from having the grab ability), a +4 size bonus, and has a Dexterity of 16. A creature swallowed whole by the maw takes 5d10+28 bludgeoning damage each round and gains a negative level, as described above. A creature can cut its way out of the maw; the maw’s insides has an AC of 25 and 40 hit points. If a creature manages to cut its way out of the maw, the spell ends.

光暗反转(Negative Image)
You touch an object when you cast this spell, causing it to emit an aura that reverses lighting conditions in a 60-foot radius around itself. Areas that were originally dim light become normal light, while areas that were normal light become dim light. Areas of darkness or supernatural darkness become bright light, and areas of bright light become darkness. A source of light or darkness (magical or non-magical) brought into the area have their effects similarly reversed. This spell has no effect on spells with the light or darkness descriptor that are instantaneous, such as sunburst or flare.
当你施放这个法术时,你要接触到一个物体,使它发出一种灵光,能反转其周围60英尺半径范围内的照明等级。原本昏暗的区域会变成正常照明,而正常照明的区域会变成昏暗照明。黑暗或超自然的黑暗区域会变成明亮,明亮的区域会变成黑暗。一个被带入法术区域的光线或黑暗来源(魔法或非魔法),其效果也会发生相似的逆转。这个法术对带有光亮或黑暗描述符的立即法术没有效果,例如阳炎爆(sunburst)或闪光爆(flare burst)。
Negative image counters or dispels any light or darkness spell of the same level or lower, such as daylight or snuff.

夜之甲(Night Armor)
Your shadow flows up and surrounds you, defending you from incoming attacks. The night armor reduces incoming damage, granting you DR 5/silver for the duration of the spell, as well as the benefits of a night shield spell. In addition to these benefits, the shadow can deflect a single ranged touch attack each round. This functions similarly to the Ray ShieldAPG feat, though you do not need to be wearing a shield to deflect the attack (the night armor does it for you). This deflected ranged touch attack is in addition to the one ranged touch attack you can deflect each round with the Ray ShieldAPG feat, if you have it normally.
你的影子会向上流动并围绕着你,保护你免受攻击。夜之甲会减少伤害,在法术持续时间内给你5/银的伤害减免,以及夜之盾(night shield)法术的好处。除了这些好处,夜之甲还可以每轮偏转一次远程接触攻击。这功能类似于盾牌反射(Ray Shield)专长,尽管你不需要拿着盾牌来偏转攻击(夜之甲会为你做到这一点)。这一种偏转远程接触攻击的效果可以与盾牌反射专长每轮偏转一个远程接触攻击的效果叠加,如果你正常拥有此专长的话。
Once the night armor has prevented 10 points of damage per caster level (maximum 150), the spell is discharged. This includes both the damage prevented by the damage reduction and the damage that would have been dealt by ray attacks deflected by the night armor., but does not include deflected ranged weapon attacks with the Missile ShieldAPG ability nor any magic missile spells blocked by the night armor.
一旦夜之甲已经阻挡了每施法者等级10点的伤害(最多150),法术就会消散。这既包括伤害减免所避免的伤害,也包括被夜之甲偏转的射线攻击本会造成的伤害,但不包括使用盾牌反射能力偏转的远程武器攻击,也不包括任何被夜之甲阻挡的魔法飞弹(magic missile)法术。

夜之盾(Night Shield)
Your shadow flows up as a swirling barrier, moving to intercept long-range attacks. The night shield protects you from magic missile spells, as a shield spell. In addition, the shadow deflects a single ranged weapon attack each round. This functions similarly to the Missile ShieldAPG feat, though you do not need to be wearing a shield to deflect the attack (the night shield does it for you). This deflected attack is in addition to the one ranged attack you can deflect each round with the Missile ShieldAPG feat, if you have it normally. The same limitations of Missile ShieldAPG, such as being unable to deflect siege weapons or natural attacks, applies to the night shield.
你的影子向上流动,形成一堵不断搅动的屏障,能自行移动去拦截远程攻击。夜之盾会像盾牌一样保护你不受魔法飞弹(magic missile)法术的伤害,如同护盾术(shield)。此外,夜之盾每轮能偏转一次远程武器攻击。这个功能类似于盾牌辟矢(Missile Shield)专长,尽管你不需要拿着盾牌来偏转攻击(夜之盾会为你做到这一点)。这种攻击偏转效果可以和你每轮用盾牌辟矢专长偏转一次远程攻击的效果叠加,如果你在正常情况下拥有此专长的话。此法术有着与盾牌辟矢专长相同的限制,例如不能偏转攻城武器或天生攻击。

深夜之惧(Night Terror)
With a single word you evoke the primal fear of darkness in your foes. You do not need line of sight to creatures you affect with this spell, but must have line of effect to each creature. Each creature you target within range must make a Will save or become terrified of darkness for the duration of the spell. An affected creature is shaken as long as it remains in dim light, or frightened so long as it remains within darkness or supernatural darkness. A creature that leaves from darker lighting conditions and reenters becomes shaken or frightened as appropriate so long as the spell still has duration remaining.
Creatures with darkvision or the see in darkness ability are still subjected to this spell’s effects, but gain a +2 bonus on the saving throw.

魅影仇敌(Phantasmal Foe)
You create an illusory foe in your opponent’s mind that hounds them in combat. On a failed save, the target sees an enemy that threatens it in melee combat, always moving with your allies to surround it. The target is always treated as being flanked by any creature that threatens it for the duration of the spell. The phantasmal foe cannot actually harm the creature or affect it in any way aside from allowing real creatures to flank easily. The target recognizes the phantasmal foe as an enemy, but it does not take the form of an enemy that could incite a particularly strong emotional response, such as appearing as a creature the target is specifically afraid of.

魅影变形术(Phantasmal Polymorph)
With an invocation of jumbled words, you make a creature feel as though it has taken on a different form, while in reality the creature has not changed. If the target fails its Will save, it believes that it has been polymorphed into a different creature or an object, as the spell polymorph any object. You choose what creature or object the target believes it has turned into when you cast the spell. The target believes this entirely, acting and reacting to stimuli as if it were the chosen creature. If it is turned into an object, the creature lies still and is considered helpless.
通过一句类似胡言乱语的的咒语,你能使一个生物感觉自己好像被变成了其他形态,但实际上这个生物并没有发生变形。如果目标意志豁免失败,它会相信自己已经被变形成了另一个不同的生物或物体,如同受到变形万物(polymorph any object)法术的效果。当你施放该法术时,你可以选择让目标相信自己变成什么生物或物体。目标会完全相信这一点,对外界刺激做出的行动和反应都就像它就是被你选择的生物一样。如果目标被变成一个物体,这个生物就会陷入静止不动,被认为是无助状态。
The creature perceives itself and events as if it were the creature, including any sounds or motions it makes or its own tactile qualities; for example, a human that believes it has been turned into a goblin will see its own reflection as a goblin and feel its own shape as if it were a goblin, even though to outside viewers the target has not changed physically in any way. It does not gain any extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural abilities of the new form and cannot use its own special abilities unless it could reasonably believe it could do so (such as a natural weapon shared by both forms), though it retains any special qualities the creature originally had that required no action on its part to use, such as fast healing, damage reduction, or a protective aura.
Each time an outside force causes something that is contradictory to the target’s belief in its new form, the target can make an additional saving throw to end the effect. This contradiction must be significant. For example, a huge creature may be made to believe it has been transformed into a small creature; this itself is not significant enough, but if the creature attempts to flee through a normal-sized doorway and finds that it cannot fit (due to its actual body still being huge) it gets an additional saving throw; A living creature that believes it has been turned into an object is always considered to be a significant enough contradiction to allow this saving throw. A creature cannot make additional saves more than once per round, regardless of the number of stimuli it experiences.

幻影医护(Phantom Caretaker)
As you finish casting the spell, the doctor’s mask floats away from your grasp. A faint image of a person in doctor’s attire appears next to you, donning the mask before fully materializing into a person.
Originally created by overstressed clerics during times of war, this spell summons a quasi-real doctor that can heal and attend to patients. The caretaker appears in an open space adjacent to you. Its physical shape and size is no different than a typical member of your race, though its entire form is covered in doctor’s clothing, including the mask used as the focus for this spell.
The caretaker has a Heal skill bonus equal to your own Heal skill bonus or your caster level + your casting modifier (Wisdom for clerics and inquisitors, Charisma for oracles and paladins), whichever is higher. It can perform any task that can be accomplished by a Heal check, including long-term care, treating poisons and diseases, and so forth. The caretaker is not summoned with a healer’s kit, so should you ask it to treat deadly wounds it will take penalties to the check unless you provide a kit for the caretaker to use. It can understand, speak, and write any languages that you know. The caretaker works tirelessly for the 24 hours the spell lasts and suffers no penalties for lack of sleep.
这个医护者的医疗技能加值等于你自己的医疗技能加值或你的施法者等级+你的施法属性调整值(对于牧师和审判者是感知,先知和圣武士是魅力),两者取更高者。它可以执行任何可以通过医疗检定完成的任务,包括长期护理、治疗中毒和疾病,等等。医护者在被召唤过来时不会配备有医疗包(healer’s kit),所以如果你要求医护者治疗致命的伤口,它将会受到减值,除非你能为医护者提供一套工具。医护者能理解、说、写任何你知道的语言。医护者会在法术持续的24小时内不知疲倦地工作,不会因为睡眠不足而受到惩罚。
The caretaker has a movement speed of 30 feet and moves as you ask it to; if brought onto the battlefield, it will attempt to stay out of harm’s way until it is asked to tend to an injured creature, at which point it will move in the safest way possible to that creature. The caretaker has a Strength score of 12 in order to help lift or drag a willing, injured creature; it is incapable of taking any hostile actions or attacking. It has an AC of 15 and 20 hit points. If reduced to 0 hit points, the spell ends.

感官抑制(Sensory Deprivation)
This spell suppresses a creature’s extraordinary senses. For the duration of the spell, the creature loses the following abilities (if it has them): all-around vision, blindsense, blindsight, darkvision, low-light vision, scent, and tremorsense. If these abilities are granted by a spell or magical effect, the effect is suppressed for the duration of sensory deprivation (this duration counts against the suppressed spell’s duration). This does not affect a creature’s basic senses; the creature can still see, hear, smell, and so on, assuming it has the proper sensory organs (a creature that relies on blindsight and has no eyes, for example, is effectively blinded).
这个法术会抑制生物的特异感官。在法术持续时间内,该生物将失去以下能力(如果有的话):全域视野(all-around vision)、盲感(blindsense)、盲视(blindsight)、黑暗视觉(darkvision)、昏暗视觉(low-light vision)、灵敏嗅觉(scent)和颤动感知(tremorsense)。如果这些能力是由法术或魔法效果赋予的,该效果将在感官抑制法术持续时间内被抑制(此持续时间与被抑制的法术持续时间相抵消)。这不会影响生物的基本感官,该生物仍然可以看、听、闻等等,只要它有需要的感觉器官(例如,一种依赖盲视而没有眼睛的生物实际上会变得目盲)。

高等感官抑制(Sensory Deprivation, Greater)
This spell functions as sensory deprivation, but also suppresses a creature’s supernatural and magical senses. This includes the following abilities: darksense, greensight, lifesense, see in darkness, spiritsense, divination spells, or any magic item or ability that replicates a spell of the divination school. Creature abilities that replicate divination effects are only suppressed if they are listed as “senses” in the creature’s stat block; for example, an archon’s detect evil would be negated, but not its truespeech.
这个法术的作用类似于感官抑制(sensory deprivation),但还会抑制生物的超自然感官和魔法感官。这包括以下能力:黑暗感知(darksense)、翡翠视域(greensight)、生命感知(lifesense)、看破黑暗(see in darkness)、灵魂感知(spiritsense)、预言学派的法术或任何能复制预言法术的魔法物品或能力。能复制预言法术效果的生物能力只有在这种能力被列在“感官”属性一栏中时才会被视为会被抑制的感官。例如,神使(archon)的侦测邪恶(detect evil)能力会被抑制,但他的巧言(truespeech)能力不会被抑制。

幽影弹药(Shadow Ammunition)
Drawing upon the Plane of Shadow, you create a stock of 50 pieces of shadowy masterwork ammunition for a ranged weapon you are proficient with. This can create regular ammunition for the weapon you use, such as a crossbow bolt, shuriken, firearm bullet, or arrow, but not any special form of ammunition such as a smoke arrow or an alchemical cartridge. You may use this ammunition to make attacks as if it were real ammunition, dealing normal damage for its type (based on the weapon it is used for). The first time you hit a creature with the weapon, it may make a Will save to disbelieve; failure means the ammunition deals damage normally, success means it only takes 1 point of damage from attacks made with that ammunition (including any further attacks you make with the ammunition). The ammunition only deals 1 point of damage to objects.
通过抽取影界位面的能量,你可以为自己擅长的一把远程武器创造出50枚由幽影物质构成的精制品弹药。这可以为你使用的武器创造常规弹药,如弩箭,飞镖,火器子弹或箭矢,但不包括任何特殊形式的弹药,如雾箭(smoke arrow)或炼金定装弹(alchemical cartridge)。你可以使用这些魔法创造出的弹药进行攻击,就像它们是真正的弹药一样,并造成这种弹药通常会造成的伤害(基于它使用的武器)。当你第一次用该武器击中一个生物,该生物可以做出一个意志豁免来不相信幻象;失败意味着弹药会造成正常的伤害,成功意味着使用该弹药进行的攻击只会造成1点伤害(包括你使用该弹药进行的任何后续攻击)。弹药对物体只造成1点伤害。
If an attacked creature has spell resistance, you make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against that spell resistance the first time the shadow ammunition strikes it. If the ammunition is successfully resisted, the spell is dispelled. If not, the target may save to disbelieve as normal.
At 5th level, the ammunition gains a +1 enhancement bonus. At 10th-level, you may increase the enhancement bonus to +2 or add the frost or seeking weapon property. The frost and seeking properties have no effect if the target makes its disbelief save.
Any ammunition that leaves your possession by any means other than firing them from a weapon you are using is destroyed. Ammunition that is fired is destroyed after the attack resolves. Once all ammunition is used, the spell ends.

暗影球(Shadow Ball)
A shifting ball of darkness flies in whichever direction you point and deals cold damage to those it strikes. It has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability. If it enters a space that contains a creature, the ball stops moving for the round and deals 3d6 points of cold damage to that creature, though a successful Reflex save negates the damage. The area within 5 feet of the shadow ball has the light level lowered by one step (from bright light to normal light, and from normal light to dim light), though this cannot lower the lighting conditions below dim light.
The ball moves as long as you actively direct it (a move action for you); otherwise, it merely stays at rest. The ball has no physical substance and cannot exert any force on corporeal creatures or objects. It disperses if it exceeds the spell’s range.

高等暗影球(Shadow Ball, Greater)
This spell functions as shadow ball, except it deals 6d6 points of cold damage to any creature it strikes. Any creature that fails its save against the ball is coated in shadows, making it treat all other creatures as if they had total concealment (50% miss chance) for 1d4 rounds. A creature that does not use vision to see or has the see in darkness ability is not affected by the concealment effect.
这个法术的效果类似于暗影球(shadow ball),但它对所击中的生物造成6d6点寒冷伤害。任何未能通过豁免的生物将被笼罩在阴影中,使所有其他生物在1d4轮中都拥有对该生物的全隐蔽(50%的失手率)。不使用视觉来看东西或拥有看破黑暗(see in darkness)能力的生物不受隐蔽效果影响。

幽影缠绕(Shadow Binding)
You cause a creature’s shadow to animate and restrict the creature, the shadow becoming a semi-real aggressor. A creature that fails its Will save has its shadow stretch along its body like a sheet to bind the creature, making it entangled (though it is not anchored and can still move at half speed). In addition to the normal penalties imparted by being entangled, the shadow restricts the creature’s attacks even further. Any time the creature attempts to attack, the creature must make another Will save or have the attack automatically miss, its movement hindered too much by the shadow to strike at its target. The shadow can only stop one attack each round, regardless of how many attacks the creature can make.
A creature in bright light gains a +2 bonus on its saving throw against this spells effects, including the Will saves made to make attacks unhindered. A creature cannot be targeted this spell if it does not cast a shadow, such as by being a vampire or being under a curse of the lightless spell.
在明亮光照中的生物对该法术效果的豁免检定获得+2加值,包括使攻击不受阻碍的意志豁免也会获得加值。一个生物如果没有投射出影子,例如本身是吸血鬼(vampire)或处于无光诅咒(curse of the lightless)法术的效果之下,就不能成为该法术的目标。

群体幽影缠绕(Shadow Binding, Mass)
This spell functions as shadow binding., except as noted above. In addition, the shadow is capable of stopping any number of attacks each round, rather than just one attack per round. Creatures must make a saving throw for each attack.
这个法术的作用类似于幽影缠绕(shadow binding),但有部分不同,影子每轮能够阻止任意次数的攻击,而不是每轮只能阻止一次攻击。受束缚的生物每次攻击都必须进行豁免。

暗影冲击波(Shadow Blast)
This spell creates a destructive blast of shadows, lightning, and ice from your outstretched hand, drawing upon the Plane of Shadow to create a twisted replica of a fearsome thunderstorm. Any creature caught in the area of the shadow blast must make a Reflex save or take 1d6 damage per caster level (max 20d6). Half this damage is cold damage, the other half is electricity damage. Creatures that fail their Reflex saves are blinded for 1 round by the shadowy energies.

次等幽影咒法术(Shadow Conjuration, Lesser)
This spell functions like shadow conjuration, except that it duplicates any sorcerer or wizard conjuration (summoning) or conjuration (creation) spell of 1st level or lower. The illusory conjurations created deal one- fifth (20%) damage to nonbelievers, and non-damaging effects are 20% likely to work against nonbelievers.
这个法术类似于幽影咒法术(shadow conjuration),除了它能复制1级或更低级的法师或术士法术,此法术需要为咒法系(召唤)或咒法系(创造)。此法术创造的效果对不相信幻术的人只会造成1/5(20%)的伤害,非破坏性效果对不相信者只有20%的几率正常生效。

影藏术(Shadow Courier)
This spell was originally created by clever smugglers to better conceal their illegal wares, stashing the objects within their own shadows. Upon casting the spell, you touch both the object to be stored and a willing recipient of the spell. Spell resistance applies to the object (if it has it) and the object gets a saving throw if it is attended by an unwilling owner or is magical. If successful, the object is transformed into shadowstuff which melds with the shadow of the recipient of the spell, storing the object within a pocket of the Plane of Shadow; As the object has been placed into a pocket dimension within the Plane of Shadow, it does not radiate any magical aura (if it has one) while it is melded into the recipient’s shadow, nor can magical means of locating the object find it unless the spell can function across dimensions. The target’s shadow does not look any different than normal, although detect magic still detects the spell.
这个法术最初是由聪明的走私者发明的,用来更好地隐藏他们的非法货物,通过把物品藏在他们自己的影子里。在施放法术时,你既要触碰要储存的物品,也要触碰愿意接受法术的人。法术抗力适用于物体(如果它有的话),如果物体是由一个非自愿的人拥有或拥有魔法性质,那么该物体将获得豁免检定。如果成功,该物体将被转化成幽影物质,并与受术者的影子融合在一起,从而将该物体储存在影界位面的一个口袋空间中;当被放入受术者的影子中时,物品不会散发任何魔法灵光(如果它有的话),魔法定位也不能找到物体,除非该魔法可以跨位面。目标的影子看起来和普通的影子没有任何不同,尽管侦测魔法(detect magic)仍然可以侦测到法术痕迹。
At any point during the spell’s duration, either the caster of the spell or the recipient can dismiss the effect (a standard action), at which point the object returns to the plane the recipient is currently on in an adjacent square. If the effect is dispelled or the duration ends, the item appears adjacent to the recipient (similar to if the spell was dismissed). A creature can only be targeted by one shadow courier spell at a time. Should another shadow courier spell be cast on the target, the previous spell’s duration immediately ends. This spell cannot affect artifacts or other sorts of similarly unique objects.

次等幽影塑能术(Shadow Evocation, Lesser)
This spell functions like shadow evocation, except that it enables you to create partially real, illusory versions of sorcerer or wizard evocation spells of 2nd level or lower. If recognized as a lesser shadow evocation, a damaging spell deals only one-fifth (20%) damage.
此法术类似于与幽影塑能术(shadow evocation),除了它让你能创造半真实的幻象塑能魔法,其模拟的法术必须是2级或更低级的术士或法师的塑能学派法术。如果被不相信,伤害法术只能造成1/5(20%)的伤害。

黑暗魔场(Shadow Field )
This spell creates a destructive area of shadowstuff and negative energy, sapping the strength of creatures within. The lighting within the entire area plummets to darkness, as a deeper darkness spell. A living creature within the shadow field takes 1d4 points of Strength damage each round on your turn while in the field. A creature reduced to 0 Strength by this effect is slain instantly. This is a negative energy effect. Creatures that are immune to negative energy or are healed by it do not lose Strength while in the shadow field, though it is still considered dark to them as deeper darkness.
这个法术能创造出一片充满幽影物质和负能量的破坏性区域,能耗竭里面生物的力量。整个法术区域内的光照就像受到深幽黑暗术(deeper darkness)影响一样,直接降低到黑暗等级。法术区域内的生物在区域里的每轮都会在你的回合里受到1d4点力量伤害。力量属性被此效果降低到0点的生物将立即被杀死。这是一种负能量效应。对负能量免疫或能被负能量治疗的生物在法术区域不会失去力量属性,尽管法术区域对他们来说仍然是黑暗的。

阴影形态(Shadow Form)
The subject of this spell turns into a natural shadow. This functions as the spell gaseousform, though the subject does not gain a fly speed; instead, it can move at a speed of 30 feet along any surface, including walls and ceilings. The target must remain adjacent to a surface for the duration. Unlike with gaseous form, the creature is not subject to wind effects and can enter water or other liquids, though it cannot enter into areas of supernatural darkness. While in this form, the creature gains a competence bonus on Stealth checks while in dim light or darkness equal to your caster level (maximum +10). The creature can also turn itself back and forth from shadow form to its normal material form as a full-round action. Each time it returns to its normal form, the duration of the spell is decreased by 2 minutes. The creature cannot take any items with it when it turns into a shadow that it did not have in its possession when the spell was cast.

幽影之门(Shadow Gate)
Your shadow grows to an immense size, stretching into a 60 foot cone shape along a surface. The shadow can go in any direction you choose (not just the way it normally falls due to lighting), and can go along any surface (including walls) so long as the total distance measured across all surfaces does not exceed 60 feet.
The area within your shadow acts as a temporary blending between the Material Plane and the Plane of Shadow, distorting the location and distances between creatures. You can affect one creature per two caster levels that are in the spell area, including yourself (maximum 10). The creatures must be on the surface the shadow is cast on or within 10 feet above the surface. Each creature affected must make a Will save or be teleported to another location within the spell’s area that you designate. You can make each creature affected go to a different location, including a space that another creature was teleported from with this spell. The teleportation cannot end in a space that is by nature hazardous to the creature you are teleporting, such as teleporting a creature that cannot fly to a space 20 feet up a wall.
A creature cannot cast this spell if it does not cast a shadow, such as by being a vampire or being under a curse of the lightless spell.
一个生物如果没有投射出影子就不能施放此法术,例如当该生物是吸血鬼(vampire)或处于无光诅咒(curse of the lightless)的影响下时。

幽影死灵术(Shadow Necromancy)
You use material from the Plane of Shadow to shape quasi-real illusions of one or more necromantic spells. Shadow necromancy can mimic any sorcerer or wizard necromancy spell of 3rd level or lower. Shadow necromancies are only one-fifth (20%) as strong as the real things, though creatures who believe the shadow necromancies to be real are affected by them at full strength. Any creature that interacts with the spell can make a Will save to recognize its true nature.
Spells that deal damage have normal effects unless the affected creature succeeds on a Will save. Each disbelieving creature takes only one-fifth (20%) damage from the attack. If the disbelieved attack has a special effect other than damage, that effect is only 20% likely to occur. Regardless of the result of the save to disbelieve, an affected creature is also allowed any save that the spell being simulated allows, but the save DC is set according to shadow necromancy’s level (4th) rather than the spell’s normal level. In addition, any effect created by shadow necromancy allows Spell Resistance, even if the spell it is simulating does not. Shadow objects or substances have normal effects except against those who disbelieve them. Against disbelievers, they are 20% likely to work.
Spells that create permanent effects (such as sculpt corpseSVG, contagion, or blindness/deafness) only last for 1 hour per caster level, as opposed to being permanent. In the case of spells that impart diseases, the disease is removed automatically at the end of this time, including any disease that may have been spread to creatures that were not the original target of the spell. You cannot create undead with this spell. Objects automatically succeed on their Will saves against this spell.
创造永久效果的法术,例如尸体重塑(sculpt corpse)、疫病术(contagion)或目盲术/耳聋术(blindness/deafness)会持续每施法者等级1小时,而不是永久。对于造成疾病的法术,在此时间结束时,该疾病将自动移除,包括任何可能已经传播给非原法术目标生物的疾病。你不能用这个法术制造不死生物。物体对该法术的意志豁免会自动成功。

高等幽影死灵术(Shadow Necromancy, Greater)
This spell functions like shadow necromancy, except that it duplicates any sorcerer or wizard necromancy spell of 6th level or lower. The illusory damaging effects deal three-fifths (60%) damage to nonbelievers, and non-damaging effects are 60% likely to work against nonbelievers. You cannot create undead with this spell.
这个法术的作用类似于幽影死灵术(shadow necromancy),除了它复制任何6级或更低级的术士或法师的死灵法术。幻觉伤害效果对不相信它的人只能造成五分之三(60%)的伤害,而非伤害效果对不相信它的人有60%的几率生效。你不能用这个法术制造不死生物。

次等幽影死灵术(Shadow Necromancy, Lesser)
This spell functions like shadow necromancy, except that it duplicates any sorcerer or wizard necromancy spell of 1st level or lower. The illusory damaging effects deal one- fifth (20%) damage to nonbelievers, and non-damaging effects are 20% likely to work against nonbelievers. You cannot create undead with this spell.
这个法术的作用类似于幽影死灵术(shadow necromancy),除了它复制任何1级或更低级的术士或法师的死灵法术。幻觉伤害效果对不相信它的人只能造成五分之一(20%)的伤害,而非伤害效果对不相信它的人有20%的几率生效。你不能用这个法术制造不死生物。

幽影空间(Shadow Space)
You cause an area to be overlaid by the Plane of Shadow, its mutable shape and space distorting the movement and positioning of creatures and objects in the area. The area of the spell is centered on you when you cast the spell and stays in that location thereafter, even if you move. Each round on your turn, starting with the round you cast the spell, the space is distorted in a different way, affecting everything within. Roll a d100 to determine what effects occur on that round, as shown on Table: Shadow Space.
Each effect lasts until the start of your next turn, at which point you roll for a new effect, except for the effects of falling prone and being teleported a random direction, which happen once when you roll the effect. A creature with the planar adaptation^0 spell cast on it is immune the effects of this spell, both beneficial and harmful. This spell does not function in the area of a dimensional lock spell or similar effects that block planar travel or teleportation.
每个效果都将持续到你的下一个回合开始,此时你将投掷一个新的效果,除了倒地俯卧和被传送到一个随机方向的效果,这些在你投掷效果时只会发生一次。身上具有位面适应(planar adaptation)法术效果的生物将免疫该法术的有益和有害效果。此法术不会在次元锁(dimensional lock)法术或类似防止空间穿梭效果的区域内起作用。
d100   效果
01-05   这个空间是倒转的,导致生物和物体向上坠落,如同反重力(reverse gravity)法术。如果一个物体或生物到达幽影空间的顶部而没有击中任何东西,它就会停留在那里,轻微地摆动,直到这个效果结束。
06-19   空间发生严重扭曲。该区域内的生物必须进行强韧豁免否则会倒地为俯卧。
20-39   地点之间的距离变得比正常情况下更长,让该区域所有生物的移动速度减半。这并不算困难地形,但与任何先前存在的困难地形的减值叠加。
40-59   地点之间的距离比正常情况下要短,该区域所有生物的各移动形式的速度增加20英尺。
60-79   该区域中的生物会在空间中随机移动。每个生物都被传送到15英尺的随机方向,使用溅射武器规则来确定方向。一个生物不能被传送到一个建筑或其他生物的内部,也不能被传送到幽影空间以外的区域。如果一个生物被传送到上述这类空间中的一个,它会出现在法术区域内最近的开放空间中。
80-94   生物的移动不再受到表面限制。该区域内的所有生物都可以忽略困难地形,并能像受到蛛行术(spider climb)一样在任何表面上攀爬。
95-100   液体和固体结构变得不再完全稳定。该区域内的生物可以获得30英尺的游泳速度(如果它没有游泳速度),并可以在石头和泥土中移动,就像它有20英尺的掘地速度与潜地通用怪物能力(如果它没有掘地速度)。如果一个生物钻入一个表面,并且这个效果在下一轮不再被成功掷骰出来,它就会被困在表面里面。这个效果不会赋予生物在水下或在石头中呼吸的能力。

阴影奔流(Shadow Stream)
A twisting stream of inky darkness sprays from your outstretched hand. Any creature caught in the area of the shadows takes 1d4 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). A Reflex save halves the damage.

塑影化形(Shadow Structure)
You can create quasi-real structures out of shadowstuff. The structures can physically impede or support creatures as a real structure would. You can create one of the following structures, chosen when you cast the spell:
• Wall — You can create a simple wall. The wall can be as short as 1 foot and as high as 10 feet, is 6 inches thick, and can be up to 5 feet long per caster level (maximum 100 feet). The wall must be vertical and anchored to the floor. If you desire, you may place a single door, large enough for a large sized creature or smaller, at one point in the wall. The door is not locked and cannot be magically locked, but can be locked or barred by mundane means.
• 墙(Wall):你可以创造一面简单的墙。墙最短为 1英尺,高10英尺,厚6英寸,最长为每施法者等级5英尺(最大100英尺)。墙必须是的垂直,并固定在地板上。如果你愿意,你可以在墙上放置一扇门,大到足以容纳大型生物或更小的生物通过。门没有上锁,也不能用魔法锁上,但可以用世俗的手段锁上或闩上。
•   Bridge — You create a long bridge to cross a space. The bridge is 6 inches thick, 5 feet wide, and up to 20 feet per caster level long (maximum 400 feet). The bridge must be anchored on both sides and must be horizontal or nearly horizontal (no more than a 10° incline).
• 桥(Bridge):你创造一道跨越空间的长桥。桥的厚度是6英寸,5英尺宽,最长每施法者等级20英尺(最大400英尺)。桥架两侧必须被固定,且必须水平或接近水平(倾斜度不超过10°)。
•   Stairs — You create a set of stairs or a ramp for creatures to travel on. The stairs or ramp must be straight and must be anchored on at least one end.
• 楼梯(Stairs):你创造出一组楼梯或坡道,生物可以在上面行走。楼梯或坡道必须是直的,并且必须在至少一端固定。
The ramp or steps cannot exceed a 45° incline. The stairs can be up to 10 feet wide. The structure can rise up to 5 feet per two caster levels (maximum 50 feet) and can stretch horizontally this same distance.
The structure must be continuous and unbroken when formed. If its surface is broken by any object or creature when it is cast, the spell fails. The structure must begin within the range of the spell, but can extend outside of the spell’s range. The structures can support up to 500 lbs. per caster level. Any creature or object that causes the total weight to exceed this amount simply passes through the structure as if it didn’t exist. Any solid structure you make has 5 hardness and 10 hit points for every 5 foot cube of the structure. A creature that disbelieves the spell ignores the hardness of the structure with any attacks it uses and deals full damage with energy attacks (instead of the normal half damage objects take). The creature also becomes unimpeded by any structures you make, allowing it to move through the structure as if it wasn’t there, though the structure still blocks line of sight. A creature that disbelieves the structure may opt to use the structure as if it was real should it be beneficial, such as walking along a bridge or up a flight of stairs, but when it does it must treat the structure as completely real, including blocking the creature’s movement. A creature that made its saving throw can choose whether to treat the structure as real or fake at any point on its turn as a free action, though it cannot do so when inside of the shadow structure.

幽影幻境(Shadow Terrain)
This spell functions as mirage arcana, but the illusory structures you make are quasi-real. Any structures you create are made out of shadowstuff; this functions similarly to a shadow structure spell, though you can make any structure shape you desire. Created structures have 10 hardness and 20 hit points for every 5-ft.-cube of the structure. A creature that disbelieves the spell is unimpeded by any structures you make with the shadow terrain, though it can choose to use the structures if it desires, such as walking up a flight of stairs or across a bridge (as when disbelieving a shadow structure spell). A creature that disbelieves the spell also ignores the hardness of any structures you created and deals full damage with energy attacks (instead of the normal half damage objects take).
这个法术的作用类似于海市蜃楼(mirage arcana),但是你所制造的虚幻结构都是半真实的。你创造的任何结构都是由幽影物质构成的,这个效果类似于塑影化形(shadow structure spell)法术,尽管你可以将幽影物质塑造成你想要的任何构造。构造拥有10点硬度,每5英尺立方有20点生命值。一个不相信幻象的生物不会被你在幽影幻域中创造的任何构造所阻碍,但如果它愿意,它可以选择使用这些构造,比如爬楼梯或过桥,就像当它不相信一个塑影化形(shadow structure spell)法术时一样。不相信幻象的生物也会忽略你所创造的任何构造的硬度,并且其能量攻击造成全部伤害(而不是通常对物体的一半伤害)。

阴影之触(Shadow Touch)
Your touch is infused with corrupting negative energy. Once per round, you may deliver a touch attack that inflicts 1d4+1 points of Strength damage. A creature reduced to 0 Strength by this spell is slain instantly. Creatures that are immune to negative energy damage or are healed by it are immune to this spell’s effects.

阴影漩涡(Shadow Vortex)
This spell creates a stormy whirlwind of shadows, lightning, and ice around yourself, drawing upon the Plane of Shadow to create a twisted replica of a fearsome thunderstorm. Any creature caught in the area of the shadow vortex must make a Reflex save or take 1d6 damage per caster level (max 10d6). Half of this damage is cold damage, the other half is electricity damage. Creatures that fail their saving throws are dazzled for 1d4 rounds by the shadowy energies.

影子致创(Shadow Wound)
You form a bond between the creature’s shadow and its physical being, causing injuries inflicted upon its shadow to harm the creature itself.
When you cast the spell, the target receives a Will save to negate the effect. Otherwise, the creature’s shadow stretches in a line in a direction you specify out from the creature. The length of the shadow depends on the size of the creature affected, as shown on Table: Shadow Wound.
生物体型   影子长度
微型或更小   10英尺
小型或中型   15英尺
大型   20英尺
超大型   30英尺
巨型   40英尺
超巨型   60英尺
For the duration of the spell, any attacks made against the creature’s shadow deal full damage to the creature itself. The shadow’s AC is equal to the creature’s touch AC. Damage reduction and energy resistance apply normally to the damage dealt. If a damaging area attack would include both the creature and its shadow in the area of effect, the damage is only applied once. Only damaging effects (including ability damage, penalties, drain, or nonlethal damage) can be dealt through the shadow; other effects that may accompany the damage do not apply. Precision damage and critical hit damage do not work through the shadow; If the targeted creature has a creature or object hidden in its shadow, such as a nightblade’s shadow bond class feature or from a shadow courier spell, that object or creature takes full damage from any attacks made against the target’s shadow.
只有伤害性效果(包括属性伤害、减值、吸取或非致命伤害)可以通过影子造成;其他可能伴随伤害的效果则不适用。精准伤害和重击伤害不能通过影子传递;如果目标生物的影子中藏有生物或物体,例如夜刃的暗影连接(shadow bond)能力或影藏术(shadow courier),该目标或物体将在对其影子的任何攻击中受到全部伤害。
A creature cannot be targeted by this spell if it does not cast a shadow, such as by being a vampire or being under a curse of the lightless spell. Once the spell ends, the creature’s shadow returns to normal and it cannot be subjected to the effects of this spell for 24 hours (regardless of its source).
如果一个生物没有投射出影子,例如是吸血鬼(vampire)或处于无光诅咒(curse of the lightless)的效果下,就不能成为该法术的目标。一旦该法术结束,该生物的影子将恢复正常,并且24小时内不能受到该法术的影响(无论其来源)。

塑影术(Shape Shadows)
You alter the shape and size of a creature’s shadow or an object’s shadow. You can make the shadow up to twice as wide or tall, or half as wide or tall (or any combination of those). For every five caster levels you have, the maximum multiplier or divisor of the shadow’s dimensions increases by two, being four times as large or one-quarter the size at 5th level, six times as large or one-sixth the size at 10th level, and so on. While this has no direct impact on the creature or object, it may grant circumstantial bonuses on certain skill checks, such as making the creature’s shadow grow as part of an Intimidate check or shrink to better conceal one’s self for a Stealth check, subject to GM discretion. This spell cannot target a creautre that does not cast a shadow.

This spell extinguishes a single non-magical light source within range, such as a torch, lantern, or sunrod. While an alchemical-based light source such as a sunrod cannot be reused, torches, lanterns, and small fires can be relit assuming they still have fuel. This spell is not strong enough to put out a fire larger than a normal campfire.

This spell functions like shadow necromancy, except that it duplicates any necromancy spell of 8th level or lower. The illusory damaging effects deal four-fifths (80%) damage to nonbelievers, and non-damaging effects are 80% likely to work against nonbelievers. You cannot create undead with this spell.
这个法术类似于幽影死灵术(shadow necromancy),除了它能复制8级或更低级的法师或术士的死灵系法术。此法术创造的效果对不相信幻术的人只会造成1/4(80%)的伤害,非破坏性效果对不相信者只有80%的几率正常生效。你不能用此法术创造不死生物。

召唤惊骇I(Summon Horror I)
This spell summons a terrifying creature (typically an aberration, outsider, or undead). It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. The spell conjures one of the creatures from the 1st Level list on Table: Summon Horror. You choose which kind of creature to summon, and you can choose a different one each time you cast the spell.
A summoned creature cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature or create spawn, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them. Creatures summoned using this spell cannot use spells or spell-like abilities that duplicate spells with expensive foci or material components (such as wish).

召唤惊骇II(Summon Horror II)
This spell functions like summon horror I, except that you can summon one creature from the 2nd-level list or 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 1st-level list.
此法术类似于召唤惊骇I(summon horror I),除了是从2级表中召唤1个生物或从1级表中召唤1d3个同类生物。

召唤惊骇III(Summon Horror III)
This spell functions like summon horror I, except that you can summon one creature from the 3rd-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 2nd-level list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from the 1st-level list.
此法术类似于召唤惊骇I(summon horror I),除了是从3级表中召唤1个生物,或从2级表中召唤1d3个同类生物,或从1级表中召唤1d4+1个同类生物。

召唤惊骇IV(Summon Horror IV)
This spell functions like summon horror I, except that you can summon one creature from the 4th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 3rd-level list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from the 2nd-level list.
此法术类似于召唤惊骇I(summon horror I),除了是从4级表中召唤1个生物,或从3级表中召唤1d3个同类生物,或从2级表中召唤1d4+1个同类生物。

召唤惊骇V(Summon Horror V)
This spell functions like summon horror I, except that you can summon one creature from the 5th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 4th-level list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from the 3rd-level list.
此法术类似于召唤惊骇I(summon horror I),除了是从5级表中召唤1个生物,或从4级表中召唤1d3个同类生物,或从3级表中召唤1d4+1个同类生物。

召唤惊骇VI(Summon Horror VI)
This spell functions like summon horror I, except that you can summon one creature from the 6th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 5th-level list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from the 4th-level list.
此法术类似于召唤惊骇I(summon horror I),除了是从6级表中召唤1个生物,或从5级表中召唤1d3个同类生物,或从4级表中召唤1d4+1个同类生物。

召唤惊骇VII(Summon Horror VII)
This spell functions like summon horror I, except that you can summon one creature from the 7th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 6th-level list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from the 5th-level list.
此法术类似于召唤惊骇I(summon horror I),除了是从7级表中召唤1个生物,或从6级表中召唤1d3个同类生物,或从5级表中召唤1d4+1个同类生物。

召唤惊骇VIII(Summon Horror VIII)
This spell functions like summon horror I, except that you can summon one creature from the 8th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 7th-level list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from the 6th-level list.
此法术类似于召唤惊骇I(summon horror I),除了是从8级表中召唤1个生物,或从7级表中召唤1d3个同类生物,或从6级表中召唤1d4+1个同类生物。

召唤惊骇IX(Summon Horror IX)
This spell functions like summon horror I, except that you can summon one creature from the 9th-level list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 8th-level list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from the 7th-level list.
此法术类似于召唤惊骇I(summon horror I),除了是从9级表中召唤1个生物,或从8级表中召唤1d3个同类生物,或从7级表中召唤1d4+1个同类生物。

1级   来源   4th Level   来源   7级   来源
Beheaded, Flaming Screaming   B4   Devil, Accuser   B2   Daemon, Piscodaemon   B2
Bloody Skeleton, Human   B1   Ettercap   B1   Fleshwarp, Ghonhatine   B4
Crawling Hand   B2   Fleshwarp, Grothlut   B4   Gholdako   B4
Grindylow   B2   Gloomwing   B2   Gug   B2
Isitoq   B4   Grick   B2   Kyton, Sacristan   B4
Sagari   B3   Urdefhan   B2   Qlippoth, Nyogoth   B2
Zombie, Human   B1   Wight   B1   Spawn of Yog-Sothoth   B4
2级   来源   5级   来源   8级   来源
Akata   B2   Crawling Hand, Giant   B2   Daemon, Meladaemon   B2
Devil, Lemure   B1   Deathweb   B3   Dorvae   B4
Dossenus   B4   Elder Thing   B4   Kyton, Interlocutor   B3
Festrog   B3   Gibbering Mouther   B1   Moon-Beast   B3
Fleshdreg   B4   Kyton, Evangelist   B1   Nightmare, Cauchemar   B4
Ghoul   B1   Nightmare   B1   Pale Stranger   B3
Reefclaw   B2   Shriezyx   B4   Witchfire   B2
3级   来源   6级   来源   9级   来源
Choker   B1   Chaos Beast   B2   Daemon, Thanadaemon   B3
Daemon, Cacodaemon   B2   Cloaker   B1   Demodand, Tarry   B4
Draugr   B2   Dullahan   B2   Gashadokuro   B3
Huecuva   B3   Guecubu   B3   Ghorazagh   B2
Kyton, Augur   B3   Hound of Tindalos   B2   Nightshade, Nightwing   B2
Qlippoth, Cythnigot   B2   Qlippoth, Shoggti   B2   Qlippoth, Augnagar   B2
Sinspawn   B2   Shadow Demon   B1   Vemerak   B2

致盲徽记(Symbol Of Blinding)
This spell functions as symbol of death, except all creatures within 60 feet of a symbol of binding are permanently blinded (as bindness/deafness). Unlike symbol of death, symbol of binding has no hit point limit; once it is triggered, a symbol of blinding remains active for 1 minute per caster level.
这个法术的作用类似于死亡徽记(symbol of death),但是该徽记的60英尺内的所有生物将永久目盲,如同目盲术/耳聋术(bindness/deafness)的效果。与死亡徽记(symbol of death)不同,致盲徽记没有生命值限制;一旦被触发,致盲徽记将保持每施法者等级1分钟的有效期。
Symbol of blinding can be made permanent with a permanency spell by a caster of 11th level or higher for the cost of 10,000 gp.
致盲徽记可以由11级或更高级的施法者用魔法恒定术(permanency)永久化,费用为10000 gp。

黑暗徽记(Symbol Of Darkness)
This spell functions as symbol of death, except upon activation the light level within 60 feet of the symbol immediately drops to darkness, regardless of existing lighting conditions. All creatures within 60 feet of a symbol of darkness must make a Fortitude save or become fatigued. This effect cannot make a creature already fatigued become exhausted. Unlike symbol of death, symbol of darkness has no hit point limit; once it is triggered, a symbol of darkness remains active for 1 minute per caster level.
这个法术类似于死亡徽记(symbol of death),但效果是在激活时让60英尺半径范围内的光照等级立即下降到黑暗程度,不管现有的照明条件如何。黑暗徽记60英尺半径范围内的所有生物必须进行强韧豁免,否则将变得疲乏。这个效果不会使已经疲乏的生物变得力竭。与死亡徽记(symbol of death)不同,黑暗徽记没有生命值限制;黑暗徽记一旦被触发,会保持每施法者等级1分钟。
Symbol of darkness can be made permanent with a permanency spell by a caster of 10th level or higher for the cost of 5,000 gp.
黑暗徽记可以由10级或更强的施法者用魔法恒定术(permanency)永久化,费用为5000 gp。

幽黯仆从(Umbral Assistant)
As you finish the spell, you open the bottle of invisible ink, a fine mist coming from its opening as the ink is consumed and evaporated. Darkness coalesces about a nearby space and takes on a solid form of roughly human shape, ready to serve you unquestioningly.
当你念完咒语,打开一瓶隐形墨水(invisible ink),墨水会被消耗和蒸发,一层薄雾从瓶口冒出来。黑暗突然聚集在一旁的某处,呈现出一种近似人形的形态,准备毫无疑问地为你服务。
Umbral assistant is but one of many spells created by nightblades to better utilize the powers of their shadow magic. The umbral assistant appears as a medium-sized humanoid composed entirely out of shadows (though it is still corporeal and takes up a space); its appearance is up to you, though it cannot be made to look like a specific person and always has a shadowy form, so it is never mistaken for an actual creature. The umbral assistant functions as an unseen servant spell, and can accomplish any task that an unseen servant can. It has AC 15, 15 hit points, a Strength score of 6 (meaning it can lift up to 60 pounds and drag up to 300 pounds), and a speed of 30 feet. It uses your saving throws for its own. If reduced to 0 hit points, the spell ends. Unlike unseen servant, it is visible when in bright or normal light. It gains a +10 bonus on Stealth checks to remain unseen when in dim light; in darkness or supernatural darkness, it is effectively invisible.
幽黯仆从只是夜刃为了更好地利用暗影魔法而创造的众多法术之一。幽黯仆从是一个中型的人形生物,完全由阴影构成(尽管它仍然是实体,会占据一个方格);它的外观由你决定,尽管它不能看起来像一个特定的人,总是有一种阴影的模糊质感,所以它永远不会被误认为一个真实的生物。幽黯仆从的功能就像一个隐形仆役(unseen servant)法术,可以完成任何前者能完成的任务。它的生命值是15点,拥有15点的AC,力量属性是6(这意味着它可以举起60磅的物体,拖拽最多300磅的物体),速度是30英尺。幽黯仆从会用你的豁免。如果生命值减少到0,法术就会结束。与隐形仆役(unseen servant)不同,幽黯仆从在明亮或正常光照下是可见的。幽黯仆从在昏暗环境中的隐匿检定上会获得+10加值;在黑暗或超自然的黑暗中,幽黯仆从实际上是隐形的。
Once during the spell’s duration, you can command the assistant to charge at a creature within 30 feet of itself (a standard action for you) and attempt to cloy it with shadows. The umbral assistant disperses the darkness creating its being over the target’s body; the target must make a Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. If you target a creature that has spell resistance, you must overcome the target’s spell resistance in order to blind it; failure to do so ends the spell. Whether or not the save was successful, this spell ends.

幽黯狂战士(Umbral Berserker)
As you finish the spell, you open the bottle of invisible ink, a fine mist coming from its opening as the ink is consumed and evaporated. Darkness coalesces about a nearby space and takes on a solid form of roughly human shape that holds a massive weapon, its pure- white eyes blazing with a silent fury.
当你念完咒语,打开一瓶隐形墨水(invisible ink),墨水会被消耗和蒸发,一层薄雾从瓶口冒出来。黑暗突然聚集在一旁的某处,形成了一个拿着巨大武器的人形实体,其纯白的眼睛里闪烁着无声的愤怒。
Created by nightblades to help when outnumbered by foes, the umbral berserker is a warrior that attacks with a weapon of shadowstuff and draining negative energy. The umbral berserker appears as a medium-sized humanoid composed entirely out of shadows (though it is still corporeal and takes up a space), clad in armor and wielding a two-handed melee weapon appropriate for its size; its appearance (including the form of the weapon) is up to you, though it cannot be made to look like a specific person and always has a shadowy form, so it is never mistaken for an actual creature. It has an AC equal to 10 + 1/2 your caster level + your Charisma bonus, an attack bonus equal to your caster level + your Charisma bonus, 3 hit points per caster level, and a movement speed of 30 feet. It uses your saving throws for its own. If reduced to 0 hit points, the spell ends. Upon creating the umbral berserker, you designate a creature within range for it to target, which it attacks on each of its turns if able. You can change its target at any time as a free action. The berserker cannot move outside of the spell’s range, regardless of its target.
The berserker takes its turn directly after yours, can attack only once on each of its turns, and has a reach of 5 feet. It cannot make attacks of opportunity. When the berserker first attacks a creature, you must overcome that creature’s spell resistance or have the berserker be rendered unable to harm it. The berserker never again attacks such creatures. Each hit deals 2d6 + your Charisma bonus of either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, as appropriate for the weapon it wields, critically threats on a 20, and deals double damage on a critical hit. Every time it successfully hits a target, the target must also make a Fortitude save or take 1 point of Strength damage. The berserker’s weapon is considered magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction; at 7th caster level, it is considered silver, and at 14th caster level, it is considered cold iron. As with an umbral servant, it gains a +10 bonus on Stealth checks to remain unseen when in dim light; in darkness or supernatural darkness, it is effectively invisible.
幽黯狂战士的回合会紧随着你的回合,并且每个回合只能攻击一次,触及距离为5英尺。它不能进行借机攻击。当幽黯狂战士第一次攻击一个生物时,你必须穿透该生物的法术抗力,否则幽黯狂战士无法伤害该生物。幽黯狂战士再也不能攻击这些法穿失败的生物。幽黯狂战士的每一次击中会造成2d6点+你的魅力加值的钝击、穿刺或挥砍伤害(与所持武器相匹配),重击范围为20,重击会造成双倍伤害。每次成功击中目标时,目标也必须进行一次强韧豁免,否则会受到1点力量属性伤害。幽黯狂战士的武器在穿透伤害减免时被认为是魔法武器;在7级时,其被认为是银质武器,14级为寒铁。与幽黯仆从(umbral servant)一样,幽黯狂战士在昏暗条件下的隐匿检定上获得+10加值;在黑暗或超自然的黑暗中,它等效于隐形。
Once during the spell’s duration, you can command the berserker to charge at a creature within 30 feet of itself (a standard action for you) and swing its weapon in a spinning strike. It makes an attack roll against each creature within 10 feet of itself, dealing damage as normal to each creature it hits. After resolving the attack, this spell ends.

幽黯守护者(Umbral Defender)
As you finish the spell, you open the bottle of invisible ink, a fine mist coming from its opening as the ink is consumed and evaporated. Darkness coalesces about a nearby space and takes on a solid form of roughly human shape. Appearing to be armored and brandishing a weapon and shield, it takes on a defensive posture, ready to protect its charge no matter the cost.
当你念完咒语,打开一瓶隐形墨水(invisible ink),墨水会被消耗和蒸发,一层薄雾从瓶口冒出来。黑暗突然聚集在一旁的某处,形成了一个大体呈现人形的实体,它全副武装,挥舞着武器和盾牌,摆出一副防御姿态,准备不惜一切代价守护自己的职责。
Created by nightblades to protect oneself while casting or performing other tasks, the umbral defender is a warrior that defends you and prevents opponents from reaching you. The umbral defender appears as a medium¬sized humanoid composed entirely out of shadows (though it is still corporeal and takes up a space), clad in armor and wielding a one-handed melee weapon and a shield appropriate for its size; its appearance (including the form of the weapon) is up to you, though it cannot be made to look like a specific person and always has a shadowy form, so it is never mistaken for an actual creature. It has an AC equal to 10 + 1/2 your caster level + your Charisma bonus, an attack bonus equal to your caster level + your Charisma bonus, 5 hit points per caster level, and a movement speed of 30 feet. It uses your saving throws for its own. If reduced to 0 hit points, the spell ends. Upon creating the umbral defender, you designate a space for it to defend, which it moves to on its turn. You can designate a new space for it to move to at any time as a free action. The defender cannot move outside of the spell’s range.
The defender takes its turn directly after yours, though it only uses its turn to move if you have directed it to do so. The defender does not attack on its turn; instead, the defender can make a number of attacks of opportunity each round equal to your Charisma bonus. It has a reach of 5 feet. Creatures only provoke attacks of opportunity from the defender by moving, not by other actions such as casting a spell. When the defender first attacks a creature, you must overcome that creature’s spell resistance or have the defender be rendered unable to harm it. The defender never again attacks such creatures. Each hit deals 3d6 + your Charisma bonus of either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, as appropriate for the weapon it wields, critically threats on a 20, and deals double damage on a critical hit. Every time it hits a target, the defender makes a combat maneuver check against that creature. The defender’s combat maneuver bonus is equal to its attack bonus. If successful, the target cannot move for the rest of its turn, as if the defender had the Stand Still feat. The defender’s weapon is considered magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction; at 7th caster level, it is considered silver, and at 14th caster level, it is considered cold iron. As with an umbral servant, it gains a +10 bonus on Stealth checks to remain unseen when in dim light; in darkness or supernatural darkness, it is effectively invisible.
幽黯守护者的回合紧跟着你的回合之后,尽管只有当你指示它这么做时,幽黯守护者才会使用自己的回合进行移动。幽黯守护者不会在轮到自己的回合时进攻;相反,幽黯守护者可以在每轮中进行次数等于你的魅力加值的借机攻击。幽黯守护者有5英尺的触及。生物只能通过移动来触发幽黯守护者的借机攻击,而不能通过施法等其他动作。当幽黯守护者第一次攻击一个生物时,你必须穿透该生物的法术抗力,否则幽黯守护者将无法伤害该生物,幽黯守护者永远不能攻击这些法穿失败的生物。每一次击中会造成3d6点+你的魅力加值的钝击、穿刺或挥砍伤害(与所持武器相匹配),重击威胁为20,重击会造成双倍伤害。每次命中目标时,幽黯守护者会对该生物进行一次战技检定。幽黯守护者的战技加值等于其攻击加值。如果成功,目标在该回合剩下的时间里不能移动,就像幽黯守护者拥有禁止通行(Stand Still)专长。幽黯守护者的武器在穿透伤害减免时被认为是魔法武器;在7级时,武器被认为是银质武器,在14级被认为是寒铁武器。与幽黯仆从(umbral servant)一样,幽黯守护者在昏暗照明条件下的隐匿检定上获得+10加值;在黑暗或超自然的黑暗中,它等效于隐形。
Once during the spell’s duration, you can command the defender to intercept damage from you (an immediate action for you). Until the start of your next turn, half of any damage you would take is redirected to the defender, as if it had cast shield other on you. Once it either reaches 0 hit points from the redirected damage or when it is the start of your next turn, this spell ends.
在法术持续时间内,你可以命令幽黯守护者拦截对你的伤害(这是你的一个直觉动作)。直到你的下一个回合开始,你所受伤害的一半会被重定向到幽黯守护者身上,就好像幽黯守护者对你施放了护卫他人(shield other)法术。一旦幽黯守护者的生命值因为重定向的伤害而降低到0点,或者当你的下一轮开始时,这个法术就会结束。

幽黯斥候(Umbral Informant)
As you finish the spell, you open the bottle of invisible ink, a fine mist coming from its opening as the ink is consumed and evaporated. Darkness coalesces about a nearby space and takes on a solid form of roughly human shape. Its glowing eyes shift about as if on the lookout for foes while it quietly waits for instruction.
当你念完咒语,打开一瓶隐形墨水(invisible ink),墨水会被消耗和蒸发,一层薄雾从瓶口冒出来。黑暗突然聚集在一旁的某处,形成了一个大体呈现人形的实体。当人形安静地等待指令时,它发光的眼睛会四处转动,仿佛在寻找敌人。
Created by nightblades to survey areas and spy on targets, the umbral informant is a scout that can relay information to its creator. The umbral informant appears as a medium-sized humanoid composed entirely out of shadows (though it is still corporeal and takes up a space); its appearance is up to you, though it cannot be made to look like a specific person and always has a shadowy form, so it is never mistaken for an actual creature. It has AC 10, 10 hit points, and a Strength score of 6 (meaning it can lift up to 60 pounds and drag up to 300 pounds). The informant cannot attack; it is never allowed an attack roll. It can move at a speed of 30 feet along any surface, including walls, ceilings, and even across or through liquids, though it cannot fly. It uses your saving throws for its own. If reduced to 0 hit points, the spell ends. While the informant must be originally created within the range of the spell, it can thereafter move freely outside of the area to wherever you send it.
You can communicate telepathically with the umbral informant. It tells you any information that you wish to know that it can perceive. It has the see in darkness ability, so it can see to any distance in darkness, even magical darkness. It can read and speak any language you can. It has a Stealth check and a Perception check equal to your caster level. As with an umbral servant, it gains a + 10 bonus on Stealth checks to remain unseen when in dim light; in darkness or supernatural darkness, it is effectively invisible. The informant itself can turn into a flat shadow at will to hide, as a shadow form spell. It cannot take any items with it when it uses this ability.
你可以用心灵感应与幽黯斥候交流。它会告诉你任何你想知道的,而且它能感知的信息。它拥有看破黑暗(see in darkness)的能力,所以它可以在黑暗中看到任何距离远,即使是魔法黑暗。它能读与说任何一种你会的语言。它有等同于你的施法者等级的隐匿检定和察觉检定。与幽黯仆从(umbral servant)一样,幽黯斥候在昏暗照明条件下的隐匿检定上获得+10加值;在黑暗或超自然的黑暗中,它等效于隐形。幽黯斥候可以随意变成一片扁平的影子来进行躲藏,如同阴影形态(shadow form)法术。当幽黯斥候使用此能力时,不能携带任何物品。
Once during the spell’s duration, you can command the informant to become a magical sensor (a standard action for you). The umbral informant becomes a scrying sensor, functioning as if you had cast dairaudience/ clairvoyance at the informant’s location. The effect allows you to both hear and see that location for 1 minute (as opposed to one or the other). Because of the informant’s see in darkness ability, you can see in any darkness, even supernatural darkness, around the location. This effect can only be triggered if the informant is within the normal range of a dairaudience/dairvoyance spell from you (400 ft. + 40 ft. per caster level). Once the clairaudience/ clairvoyance effects end, this spell ends.

幽黯魔术师(Umbral Magician)
As you finish the spell, you open the bottle of invisible ink, a fine mist coming from its opening as the ink is consumed and evaporated. Darkness coalesces about a nearby space and takes on a solid form of roughly human shape. The being wears ornate robes of swirling darkness, one hand holding a shadowy staff, the other crackling with magical power.
当你念完咒语,打开一瓶隐形墨水(invisible ink),墨水会被消耗和蒸发,一层薄雾从瓶口冒出来。黑暗突然聚集在一旁的某处,形成了一个大体呈现人形的实体。这个生物穿着飘舞的华丽黑色长袍,一只手拿着一根晦暗的法杖,另一只手噼啪作响地散发着魔力。
Created by nightblades to assist in magic casting, the umbral magician imparts metamagic feats upon nearby arcane spells. The umbral magician appears as a medium¬sized humanoid composed entirely out of shadows (though it is still corporeal and takes up a space), wearing robes and holding a staff appropriate for its size; its appearance (including the shape of the staff) is up to you, though it cannot be made to look like a specific person and always has a shadowy form, so it is never mistaken for an actual creature. It has an AC equal to 10 + 1/2 your caster level + your Charisma bonus, 3 hit points per caster level, and a movement speed of 30 feet. The magician cannot attack; it is never allowed an attack roll. It uses your saving throws for its own. If reduced to 0 hit points, the spell ends. Upon creating the umbral magician, you designate a space for it to stand, which it moves to on its turn. You can designate a new space for it to move to at any time as a free action. The magician cannot move outside of the spell’s range.
The magician takes its turn directly after yours, but the only actions it takes is to move as you direct or to change what metamagic effect it imparts. Any arcane spells cast within 10 feet of the magician can be cast as if one of the following metamagic feats was applied to it (without increasing the spell level or casting time): Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Piercing Spell™, Selective SpellAPG, Silent Spell, or Still Spell. You choose the metamagic feat that is applied when you cast umbral magician, and can will the magician to change to a different metamagic feat (a full- round action for the magician). As with an umbral servant, it gains a +10 bonus on Stealth checks to remain unseen when in dim light; in darkness or supernatural darkness, it is effectively invisible.
幽黯魔术师的回合紧跟着你的回合,但它所采取的唯一行动就是按照你的指示移动或改变它所赋予的超魔效果。在距离幽黯魔术师10英尺范围内施放的任何奥术,都可以像使用了以下超魔专长一样施放(不增加法术环级或施法时间):法术增远(Enlarge Spell)、法术延时(Extend Spell)、法术穿刺(Piercing Spell)、甄选法术(Selective Spell)、法术默发(Silent Spell)、法术定发(Still Spell)。你可以在施放此法术时选择幽黯魔术师会赋予的超魔专长,并且可以将其转换成不同的超魔专长(这对幽黯魔术师来说是一个整轮动作)。与与幽黯仆从(umbral servant)一样,幽黯魔术师在昏暗照明条件下的隐匿检定上获得+10加值;在黑暗或超自然的黑暗中,它等效于隐形。
Once during the spell’s duration, you can command the magician to create a powerful evocation (a move action for you). It casts one of the following effects, chosen when you give the command: fireball, lightning bolt, pain strikeASG, or shadow blast*. The spell is modified by whatever metamagic feat the magician is currently enhancing spells with. It uses your caster level for the effect, your concentration check (if needed), and your spell DC for the created effect. After it finishes casting, this spell ends.
在法术持续时间内,你可以命令幽黯魔术师创造出一次强大的塑能魔法(对你来说是一个移动动作)。当你发出命令时,你可以选择让它释放下列效果之一:火球术(fireball)、闪电束(lightning bolt)、痛苦打击(pain strike)或暗影冲击波(shadow blast)。该法术会被幽黯魔术师当前使用的超魔专长所强化。幽黯魔术师使用你的施法者等级,专注检定 (如果需要的话),以及法术DC来决定法术效果。这一次施法结束后,幽黯魔术师就会消失,法术结束。

幽黯夜刃(Umbral Nightblade)
As you finish the spell, you open the bottle of invisible ink, a fine mist coming from its opening as the ink is consumed and evaporated. Darkness coalesces about a nearby space and takes on a solid form of roughly human shape. The being appears fully armed and armored and poises to strike, ready to take on any challenge.
当你念完咒语,打开一瓶隐形墨水(invisible ink),墨水会被消耗和蒸发,一层薄雾从瓶口冒出来。黑暗突然聚集在一旁的某处,形成了一个大体呈现人形的实体。这个生物全副武装,摆好架势,随时准备迎接任何挑战。
One of the most powerful shadow spells available to a nightblade, umbral nightblade creates a shadowy humanoid that had many of the skills possessed by real nightblades. The umbral nightblade appears as a medium¬sized humanoid composed entirely out of shadows (though it is still corporeal and takes up a space), clad in armor and wielding melee weapons appropriate for its size; its appearance (including the form of the weapon) is up to you, though it cannot be made to look like a specific person and always has a shadowy form, so it is never mistaken for an actual creature. It has an AC equal to 10 + 1/2 your caster level + your Charisma bonus, an attack bonus equal to your caster level + your Charisma bonus, 6 hit points per caster level, and a movement speed of 30 feet. It uses your saving throws for its own. If reduced to 0 hit points, the spell ends. Upon creating the umbral nightblade, you designate a creature within range for it to target, which it attacks on each of its turns if able. You can redirect its target at any time as a free action. The nightblade cannot move outside of the spell’s range, regardless of its target.
The nightblade takes its turn directly after yours and has a reach of 5 feet. It can make a number of attacks of opportunity each round equal to your Charisma bonus. When making a full attack, it makes one attack per six caster levels at its full attack bonus. When the nightblade first attacks a creature, you must overcome that creature’s spell resistance or have the nightblade be rendered unable to harm it. The nightblade never again attacks such creatures. Each hit deals 3d6 + your Charisma bonus of either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, as appropriate for the weapon it wields, critically threats on a 19 or 20, and deals double damage on a critical hit. Every time it successfully hits a target, the target must also make a Fortitude save or take 1d3 points of Strength damage. The nightblade’s weapon is considered magic, silver, and cold iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The nightblade uses your skill bonuses in order to make any skill checks you ask it to, though it cannot make Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, Profession, or Spellcraft checks.
What makes the umbral nightblade especially deadly is that it has access to nightblade arts, as an actual nightblade. It gains one art per six caster levels, chosen from the following list: beckoning shadows, dusk strike, fall of night, mystic shade, shadow motion, shadow run, shadow transference, shifting focus, warp strike, or any art that you have, assuming it can benefit from the art. It uses these arts as you direct it to (a free action for you). To use the arts, it is created with its own reserve of shadow surges equal to 1 shadow surge per four caster levels (max 5), though it cannot create any on its own. It can also shadow shift as a nightblade, and can shift a total of 10 feet per caster level. As with an umbral servant, it gains a +10 bonus on Stealth checks to remain unseen when in dim light; in darkness or supernatural darkness, it is effectively invisible.
幽黯夜刃的致命之处在于它拥有一位真正的夜刃才能拥有的夜刃技艺。你每拥有6个施法者等级,幽黯夜刃就会获得一个技艺,可以从以下列表中选择:召唤阴影(beckoning shadows)、黄昏打击(dusk strike)、夜幕降临(fall of night)、神秘阴影(mystic shade)、阴影运动(shadow motion)、阴影奔跑(shadow run)、阴影转移(shadow transference)、转移焦点(shifting focus)、扭曲打击(warp strike)或者任何你拥有的夜刃技艺,前提是它可以从该技艺中获益。幽黯夜刃会在受到你指引的情况下使用这些技艺(对你来说是一个自由动作)。为了使用这些技艺,它在被创造出来时会自带阴影涌动(shadow surges)的储备,相当于每4个施法者等级1点(最多5点),尽管它不能自己创造阴影涌动。它也可以像一个夜刃一样进行阴影传送(shadow shift),能总共移动每施法者等级10英尺。与幽黯仆从(umbral servant)一样,幽黯夜刃在昏暗照明条件下的隐匿检定上获得+10加值;在黑暗或超自然的黑暗中,它等效于隐形。
Once during the spell’s duration, you can command the nightblade to create a shadow effect for you (a standard action for you). It casts one of the following effects, chosen when you give the command: shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, or shadow necromancy*. It uses your caster level for the effect, your concentration check (if needed), and uses your spell DC for the created effect. After it finishes casting, this spell ends.
在法术持续时间内,你有一次机会,你可以命令夜刃为你创造一个幽影效果(对你来说是一个标准动作)。它会施放下列法术效果中的一个,在你发出命令时进行选择:幽影咒法术(shadow conjuration),幽影塑能术(shadow evocation),幽影死灵术(shadow necromancy)。它会使用你的施法者等级来产生效果,你的专注检定(如果需要的话),并且使用你的法术DC来产生效果。在它完成施法后,这个法术就会结束。

虚空之场(Void Field)
This spell creates an area devoid of all sensory input. The lighting in the area of the spell immediately drops to supernatural darkness, regardless of existing conditions. No sound permeates the space, as if under the effects of a silence spell. Creatures within the area are considered both blind and deaf. Scents and tastes are completely erased in the area, preventing creatures from using the scent ability and nullifying the effects of spells that rely on smell or taste, such as stinking cloud. Creatures cannot properly feel things by touch; this negates the effects of spells with the pain descriptor and prevents creatures from using extraordinary abilities that rely on touch or vibrations, such as tremorsense. Creatures are unaware of any injury they receive while in the area of the void field (as they cannot feel pain), but they still take full damage. As they cannot properly perceive things with their senses, creatures take a -10 penalty on all Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks and automatically fail all Perception checks while in the area.
这个法术能创造出一个没有感官信号的区域。法术所在区域的光照等级会立即下降到超自然的黑暗,不管现有的光照等级如何。这片空间里没有任何声音,就像被施了沉默术(silence)法术一样。该区域的生物被视为目盲与耳聋。该区域内的气味和味道都会被完全抹去,阻止生物使用灵敏嗅觉能力,并抵消依赖气味或味道生效的法术的影响,如臭云术(stinking cloud)。生物不能通过触摸来正确地感知事物;这将抵消带有痛苦描述符的法术效果,并阻止生物使用依赖触觉或颤动的特殊能力,如颤动感知。生物在法术区域内不会意识到任何伤害(因为他们感觉不到疼痛),但他们仍然会受到全部伤害。由于生物不能正确地用他们的感官感知事物,所有基于力量和敏捷的技能检定将受到-10的减值,并且在该区域内的所有察觉检定会自动失败。

黑暗之墙(Wall Of Darkness)
You create a wall of black shadows that cannot be seen through and saps the strength of those that pass through it. The lighting within the area of the wall is lowered to darkness (regardless of existing lighting conditions) and the light level within 10 feet of the wall is lowered by 1 step. Creatures on opposite sides of the wall have total concealment (50% miss chance) from each other unless they possess darkvision. If a creature attempts to pass through the wall, they must make a Fortitude save or be fatigued. This effect cannot make a creature that is already fatigued become exhausted.
The wall must be vertical and rectangular. It need not touch the ground. The wall must be continuous and unbroken when formed. If its surface is broken by any object or creature when it is cast, the spell fails.

高等黑暗之墙(Wall Of Darkness, Greater)
This spell functions as wall of darkness, except as noted above. In addition, the area within the wall is treated as supernatural darkness (as the spell deeper darkness). Creatures on opposite sides of the wall have total concealment (50% miss chance) from each other unless they possess the see in darkness ability or some other method of seeing through supernatural darkness. A creature passing through the wall must make a Fortitude save or become exhausted.
这个法术的作用类似于黑暗之墙(wall of darkness),除了上面提到的。此外,墙内的区域被视为超自然的黑暗,如同法术深幽黑暗术(deeper darkness)。墙两边的生物对彼此有全隐蔽(50%的失手几率),除非他们拥有看破黑暗能力或其他看穿超自然黑暗的方法。穿过墙体的生物必须进行一次强韧豁免,否则将会力竭。

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