作者 主题: 【第十一章:进阶】探索者编年史家(Pathfinder Chronicler)  (阅读 31210 次)


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探索者编年史家(Pathfinder Chronicler)

Brave explorers and scavengers of lost or forgotten knowledge, Pathfinder chroniclers are quintessential adventurers, exploring the world for esoteric truths, magical and mundane relics and artifacts, and new and mysterious vistas, be they wonderful or terrible. For some, this journey is purely about the wealth, for others the glory of discovery, and still more are stirred by the irresistible drive to uncover the bones of the ages and legends of forgotten epochs in an effort to chronicle the deeds of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

The Pathfinder chronicler class attracts any who see the world as a great mystery to be unraveled, and thus has a diverse and varied following, from fighters and bards to wizards and clerics, and everything in between. However, due to their role as historians and preservers of posterity, hopefuls must be literate and scholarly—for Pathfinder chroniclers are more than mere treasure hunters.



技能:语言3级, 表演(演讲)5级,专业(抄录)5级

本职技能(Class Skills):

级别   BAB   Fort   Ref   Will   特殊
1st   +0   +0   +1   +1   诗人学识,万能袋, 抄录大师
2nd   +1   +1   +1   +1   传说的生还者,寻路
3rd   +2   +1   +2   +2   诗人音乐, 精通援助
4th   +3   +1   +2   +2   史诗
5th   +3   +2   +3   +3   呢喃之战
6th   +4   +2   +3   +3   激发行动(移动)
7th   +5   +2   +4   +4   呼唤传说
8th   +6   +3   +4   +4   高等史诗
9th   +6   +3   +5   +5   激发行动(标准)
10th   +7   +3   +5   +5   英灵的援助

职业能力(Class Features):

Bardic Knowledge (Ex): This ability is identical to the bard class feature of the same name, and levels in this class stack with levels in any other class that grants a similar ability.

逸闻知识(Bardic Knowledge,Ex):此能力与吟游诗人的同名职业特性完全相同,且此职业等级跟其他任何给予类似能力的职业等级叠加。

Deep Pockets (Ex): A Pathfinder chronicler ㄐs items as well as lore, picking up small amounts of this or that throughout her travels. As a result, she may carry unspecified equipment worth up to 100 gp per class level. This can be any kind of gear that can reasonably fit into a backpack, including potions and scrolls (but not any other sort of magic item). As a full-round action, the chronicler may dig through her pockets to retrieve an item she specifies at that time, deducting its value from the allocated amount of cost. This item cannot weigh more than 10 pounds. When the total remaining cost reaches 0, the chronicler can retrieve no more items until she refills her deep pockets by spending a few hours and an amount of gold to bring her total up to 100 gp per class level.

百宝袋(Deep Pocket,Ex):探索者编年史家纪录知识,也收集物品,在旅途当中捎上了各式各样的小玩意。因此,她可以携带每职业等级最多100 gp的不特定装备。这可以是任何能合理放进背包里的道具,包括药水、卷轴(但不能是其他任何类型的魔法物品)。编年史家可以用整轮动作把行囊里翻个底朝天,在此时指定一件物品并将其取出,并将其价值从所分配到的金额中减去。此物品重量不得超过10磅。当总剩馀金额到0的时候,除非编年史家先花上几个小时,用一定量的金钱补充总值至最多每职业等级100 gp,以此将百宝袋填满之后,才能再从中取出物品。

In addition, if she takes 1 hour to pack her gear each day, she gains a +4 bonus to Strength to determine her light encumbrance. This does not affect her maximum carrying capacity. The efficient distribution of weight simply encumbers her less than the same amount of weight normally should. Finally, the Pathfinder chronicler gains a +4 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal small objects on her person.

此外,如果她每天花1小时打包自己的道具,那么她在决定轻度负重的上限时,于力量检定上获得+4加值。这并不影响她的最大负重能力(carrying capacity)。单纯只是妥善分配重量能让她在同样的重量底下负担更小。最后,探索者编年史学在将轻小物品隐藏在身上时的巧手检定获得+4加值。

Master Scribe (Ex): A Pathfinder chronicler adds her class level as a bonus on all Linguistics and Profession (scribe) checks, as well as Use Magic Device checks involving scrolls or other written magical items. A Pathfinder chronicler can make Linguistics checks to decipher text as a full-round action and can always take 10 on Linguistics and Profession (scribe) checks, even if distracted or endangered.

善于誊写(Master Scribe,Ex):探索者编年史家将她的职业等级加到任何语言学与专业(誊写员)检定,以及与卷轴或其他书写(written)的魔法物品有关的使用魔法装置检定上。探索者编年史家可以用整轮动作来解读文书,并且在语言学与专业(誊写员)检定上总是可以取10,即使无法专心或身处危险时也可以。

Live to Tell the Tale (Ex): At 2nd level, once per day per two class levels, a Pathfinder chronicler can attempt a new saving throw against any ongoing condition against which she failed a saving throw in a previous round, even if the effect is normally permanent. This ability has no effect on conditions that do not allow saving throws or against instantaneous effects.

大难不死(Live to Tell the Tale,Ex):2级时,每天每两个职业等级一次,探索者编年史家可以针对自己前一轮在持续状态中失败的豁免掷骰,进行一次新的豁免掷骰,即使该效果正常来说为永久效果。此能力对于其他不允许豁免掷骰或立即性的效果无效。

Pathfinding (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a Pathfinder chronicler develops an excellent sense of direction and skill at leading others through difficult terrain or by following ancient maps. A Pathfinder chronicler gains a +5 bonus on Survival checks made to avoid becoming lost and to Intelligence checks to escape a maze spell. In addition, she always uses the “road or trail” overland movement modifier even when in trackless terrain, whether on foot or mounted. With a DC 15 Survival check, the Pathfinder chronicler can extend this benefit to one companion per class level.

寻路(Pathfinding,Ex):从2级开始,探索者编年史家发展出绝佳的方向感,能够带领其他人穿越困难地形,或者跟随古代地图的指引。探索者编年史家在避免迷路时进行的生存检定与逃脱法术迷宫术的智力检定上获得+5加值。此外,无论是步行或者骑乘,她的大陆移动速度调整值一概使用“道路或小径”(road or trail),就算在没有道路的地形(trackless terrian)上移动也是如此。探索者编年史家可以进行DC 15的生存检定,将此效果拓展到每等级一名同伴(companion)身上。

Bardic Performance (Su): At 3rd level, a Pathfinder chronicler gains this ability, which functions like the bard class feature of the same name, except that the chronicler's effective bard level is 2 lower than her class level. Levels in this class stack with levels in any other class that grants a similar ability to determine her effective bard level.

吟游表演(Bardic Performance,Su):3级时,探索者编年史家获得此能力,效果如同吟游诗人的的同名职业能力,不过编年史家的有效吟游诗人等级为其职业等级-2。此职业的等级与其他任何给予类似能力的职业叠加,以此决定她的有效吟游诗人等级。

Improved Aid (Ex): Pathfinder chroniclers frequently serve as the companions of great heroes, standing by their sides and recording their deeds, but often lending a crucial helping hand. Starting at 3rd level, a Pathfinder chronicler using the aid another action grants a +4 bonus, rather than the normal +2.

精通援助(Improved Aid,Ex):探索者编年史家往往是伟大英雄们的同伴,跟随在他们的身边、纪录其言行举止,但偶尔也会提供至关重要的协助。从3级开始,探索者编年史家使用援助他人动作时给予+4加值,而非正常的+2。

Epic Tales (Su): A 4th-level Pathfinder chronicler can inscribe a tale so evocative and so moving that it conveys the effects of bardic music through the written word. To create an epic tale requires the pathfinder chronicler to expend a number of rounds of her bardic performance ability equal to twice the duration of the epic tale (maximum duration of 10 rounds), and any relevant Performance skill check is made with Profession (scribe) instead. An epic tale affects only the reader, but it grants all the benefits that would normally apply for hearing a performance. A Pathfinder chronicler may apply the effects of any feats that affect bardic music to her epic tales. An epic tale retains its supernatural potency for 1 day per class level. It requires 1 hour to inscribe, a full-round action to activate, and has a duration equal to 1/2 the number of bardic performance rounds expended during its creation. Once activated, an epic tale's magic is consumed.

传奇史诗(Epic Tales,Su):4级的探索者编年史家能够写下让人回味无穷、荡气回肠的故事,透过写下的文字传递吟游诗人音乐的效果。若要创作一篇传奇史诗,探索者编年史家要从吟游表演能力中消耗传奇史诗持续时间两倍的轮数(最大持续10轮),并且任何相关的表演技能检定都为使用专业(誊写员)。传奇史诗只影响阅读者,但它提供任何正常聆听该表演时赋予的效果。探索者编年史家可以将任何影响吟游表演的专长效果应用至传奇史诗上。传奇史诗的超自然力量会存在每职业等级1天。它需要花费1小时来誊写,需要一个整轮动作激活,持续时间为它创造时消耗的吟游表演轮数的一半。一经激活,传奇史诗的魔力即耗尽。

Whispering Campaign (Ex): Pathfinder chroniclers influence the world through their control of information and ability to shape public perception. At 5th level, as a special use of bardic music, the Pathfinder chronicler can create the effect of a doom spell as cast by a sorcerer of her class level by denouncing a creature in person. This is a language-dependent effect.

Alternatively, the chronicler can denounce a particular target (an individual or a definable group of creatures) to others. This form of bardic music creates the effect of the enthrall spell, but at the end of the performance all creatures who failed to save shift their attitude toward the target of the oration by one step (in the direction of the Pathfinder chronicler's choice) for 1 day per class level.

流言蜚语(Whispering Campaign,Ex):探索者编年史家能够藉由控制信息与把握公众认知的能力来影响这个世界。5级时,作为吟游表演的一种特殊用法,探索者编年史家可以藉由当面贬斥一个生物来创造出法术丧志术的效果,效果如同由一名等级与她职业等级相同的术士所施展。

Inspire Action (Su): As a special use of bardic music, a 6th-level Pathfinder chronicler can exhort any one ally within hearing to a sudden surge of action, allowing her ally to immediately take an extra move action. This does not count against the ally's number of actions on his own turn.

At 9th level, she can enable an ally to immediately take a standard action instead.

激发行动(Inspire Action,Su):作为吟游表演的一种特殊用法,探索者编年史家能够劝告一名听的见她的盟友,令其猛然行动起来,让盟友立刻进行一个额外的移动动作。此能力不算入该盟友在自身回合中能够进行的行动数量。

Call Down the Legends (Su): At 7th level, once per week as a full-round action, a Pathfinder chronicler can summon 2d4 4th-level human barbarians, as if she used a bronze horn of Valhalla; these summoned barbarians serve her with complete loyalty. The barbarians are constructs, not actual people (although they seem to be). They arrive with the normal starting equipment for barbarians and attack anyone the chronicler designates.

传说降临(Call Down the Legends,Su):7级时,每周一次,以一个整轮动作,探索者编年史家可以召唤2d4名4级人类野蛮人,如同使用了英灵铜号角(bronze horn of Valhalla);这些受召唤的野蛮人完全忠诚于她。它们都是构装体,并非真人(虽然看上去如此)。它们现身时穿着野蛮人的正常起始装备,会对任何编年史家指定的对象发动攻击。

Greater Epic Tales (Su): At 8th level, the Pathfinder chronicler's written word gains power. This ability functions like the chronicler's epic tales ability, except that if read aloud, the bardic music takes effect as if the author had used the ability, but the effects are targeted by the reader and use the reader's Charisma score where applicable.

高等传奇史诗(Greater Epic Tales,Su):8级时,探索者编年史家笔下的文字有了力量。此能力效果如同编年史家的传奇史诗能力,不过如果大声读出的话,吟游表演会如同作者使用了此能力一般生效,但其效果由阅读者来决定(the effects are targeted by the reader),适用魅力的地方以阅读者的魅力决定。

Lay of the Exalted Dead (Su): Once per week as a full-round action, a 10th-level Pathfinder chronicler can summon 1d4+1 5th-level human barbarians, as if she used an iron horn of Valhalla. The summoned barbarians serve her with complete and unquestioning loyalty. They are constructs, with the incorporeal subtype (they take 50% of the damage from corporeal sources, and no damage from nonmagical sources). They arrive wearing +2 studded leather and wielding +1 ghost touch greataxes (allowing them to deal full damage to corporeal creatures) and attack anyone the chronicler designates. To the chronicler and their allies, these exalted dead appear like a noble troop of spectral warriors. Her enemies, however, behold the terrible wrath of the ancient heroes and must succeed at Will saves or become shaken for 1 round per summoned barbarian (DC 15 + the Pathfinder chronicler's Charisma modifier).

英灵叙事诗(Lay of the Exalted Dead,Su):每周一次,以一个整轮动作,10级的探索者编年史家可以召唤1d4+1个5级人类野蛮人,如同使用了英灵铁号角(iron horn of Valhalla);这些受召唤的野蛮人无庸置疑地完全忠诚于她。它们都是构装体,具有虚体亚种(只受到实体来源伤害的50%,不受非魔法来源的伤害)。它们现身时穿戴+2镶嵌皮甲,持用+1幽冥巨斧(这使它们能够对实体生物造成完整伤害),并且会对任何编年史家指定的对象发动攻击。对编年史家与其盟友而言,这些英灵看起来就像是高贵的幽灵战士部队。不过,她的敌人则需要见证古代英雄炽烈的怒火,并且必须成功通过意志豁免,否则战栗每个被召唤的野蛮人1轮(DC为15+探索者编年史家的魅力调整值)。

劇透 -   :
诗人学识(Bardic Knowledge,Ex):与诗人的同名能力相同,并且与任何提供相同能力的职业等级叠加。

百宝袋(Deep Pockets,Ex):历史探索者像收集知识那样收集物件, 在整个旅程中收获这样或那样的东西。因此,他可以携带总价值不超过每历史探索者等级100gp的未指定物品。这包括任何可以放入背包的物品,包括药剂和卷轴(但不能是其他类型的魔法物品).以一个整轮动作,历史探索者可以在背包里翻出一项当场指定的、不超过10磅的物品, 将它的价值从上限中扣除。当上限降为0时,历史探索者将不能继续使用本能力,直至花费数小时时间和一些金币将这个口袋补满。

抄录大师(Master Scribe,Ex):历史探索者将自己的职业等级加在语言、专业(抄录)和对卷轴或其他书写型魔法物品的使用魔法物品检定上。历史探索者可以以一个整轮动作用语言技能解读文书;即使是在分心或者压力之下,也能在语言和专业(抄录)检定上取10。

传说的生还者(Live to Tell the Tale,Ex):2级开始,每日每两个职业等级一次,历史探索者可以重骰一次上一轮失败的检定,即使这个效果是永久的。这个能力对不可豁免或者即刻生效的能力无效。


诗人音乐(Bardic Performance,Su):历史探索者在3级获得这个能力,此能力和吟游诗人的同名能力相同, 除了她的有效诗人等级为职业等级-2,这与任何提供相同能力的职业等级叠加。

精通援助(Improved Aid,Ex):历史探索者常常作为伟大英雄们的盟友而旅行,在一旁记录着他们的事迹的同时,亦常常伸出援助之手。从3级开始,历史探索者提供的援助效果变为+4。

史诗 (Epic Tales,Su):4级以上的历史探索者可以将传说讲述得如此生动感人,能通过文字传达诗人音乐般的效果。书写一篇史诗需要耗费两次吟游诗人音乐,并用专业(抄录)代替表演(演讲)进行检定。史诗只影响读者,但应用诗人音乐的一切效果。她可以将任何可以用于诗人音乐的专长用在史诗上。史诗的超自然能力可以保存1天每等级。它需要1小时来书写,1个整轮动作来激活,持续一分钟。一旦激活,它就被消耗了。

呢喃之战(Whispering Campaign,Ex):历史探索者——通过对信息的控制——得以影响世界本身、改变世人的感受。5级开始,作为诗人音乐的一种用法,他可以创造丧志术的效果,就像和他职业等级相同的术士所施放的。这是一个依赖于语言的效果。

激发行动(Inspire Action,Su):作为诗人音乐的一种用法,6级的历史探索者可以使一个听得见的盟友立即获得一个额外的移动动作,这不计入该人物的正常行动。9级时提升为标准动作。

呼唤传说(Call Down the Legends,Su):7级开始每周一次,以一个整轮动作,历史探索者可以召唤2d4个4级人类野蛮人,就像使用了铜英灵号角那样。召唤出的野蛮人以完全的忠诚为她服务。他们是构装体而非真人(尽管看起来类似)。他们出现时装备着野蛮人的标准起始装备,并攻击历史探索者指定的一切。

高等史诗(Greater Epic Tales,Su):8级开始,历史探索者写下的文字也获得了力量。这个能力和史诗同样运作,但可以由其他人朗读。效果的目标由朗读者指定,并采用朗读者的魅力修正。

英灵之援助(Lay of the Exalted Dead,Su):每周一次,以一个整轮动作,十级的历史探索者可以召唤1d4+1个5级人类野蛮人,就像使用了铁英灵号角那样。召唤出的野蛮人以完全的忠诚为她服务。他们是非物质的构装体;承受一半物理伤害,免疫非魔法伤害。他们出现时装备着+2镶嵌皮甲和+1幽冥巨斧(允许他们攻击实体生物),并攻击历史探索者指定的一切。 对于历史探索者和他的盟友,英灵盟友们是高贵的幽灵军势。然而古代英雄们的幽魂却给敌人们带去了恐惧。他们必须通过一个DC=15+历史探索者的魅力修正的意志检定,否则战栗(每个召唤出的英灵一轮)。 [/spoi
« 上次编辑: 2023-04-28, 周五 18:34:39 由 蕾貝卡【沉淪】 »

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[Pathfinder][核心]历史探索者Pathfinder Chronicler
« 回帖 #1 于: 2009-12-27, 周日 19:02:24 »

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[Pathfinder][核心]历史探索者Pathfinder Chronicler
« 回帖 #2 于: 2009-12-27, 周日 19:02:42 »

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[Pathfinder][核心]历史探索者Pathfinder Chronicler
« 回帖 #3 于: 2009-12-27, 周日 20:39:40 »

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[Pathfinder][核心]历史探索者Pathfinder Chronicler
« 回帖 #4 于: 2009-12-27, 周日 22:23:42 »

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[Pathfinder][核心]历史探索者Pathfinder Chronicler
« 回帖 #5 于: 2009-12-27, 周日 23:49:48 »
09:51:24 <九妃> 菊长就俩法术,瞧给折腾的- -b
09:51:44 <莉塔> 选了
09:51:49 <莉塔> 就是重雾
09:51:52 <真田尤利安> 结果是啥?
09:51:53 <莉塔> 还有触手
09:51:56 <真田尤利安> ……
09:52:07 <九妃> 。。。。
09:52:14 <真田尤利安> 就算不要DD也要触手……
09:53:48 * 莉塔 对真田尤利安说:DD是什么?
09:53:48 <真田尤利安> 不过也很有趣
09:54:02 <真田尤利安> Dimension Door
09:54:13 <真田尤利安> 保命用的
09:54:20 <真田尤利安> 不要命,要触手?
09:54:40 <莉塔> 好吧
09:55:09 <莉塔> 那就不要重雾了?
09:55:13 <真田尤利安> ……
09:55:13 <九妃> 。。。。

离线 武士与笑魔

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[Pathfinder][核心]历史探索者Pathfinder Chronicler
« 回帖 #6 于: 2009-12-28, 周一 00:24:33 »



感觉就像主角......(至少也得是**王位爵位的继承人 :em020 )
« 上次编辑: 2009-12-28, 周一 00:49:46 由 武士与笑魔 »
Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them and Kill them all

离线 星踪幻影

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[Pathfinder][核心]历史探索者Pathfinder Chronicler
« 回帖 #7 于: 2009-12-28, 周一 01:57:11 »

离线 sleepinglord

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[Pathfinder][核心]历史探索者Pathfinder Chronicler
« 回帖 #8 于: 2010-01-24, 周日 17:17:13 »


离线 Kuranes

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[Pathfinder][核心]历史探索者Pathfinder Chronicler
« 回帖 #9 于: 2010-01-24, 周日 21:30:22 »