作者 主题: 乱七八糟团务区  (阅读 23485 次)

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  • 米妮瓦之手,Mythica系列电影死忠粉
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« 于: 2015-11-08, 周日 12:31:04 »
16/7/14  整合希娅古神系机制,昔日的旧神现作为邪术师庇护主的形式加入,并额外增添旧神米妮瓦,阿欧罗和格帕奇。
16/7/27  调整并完善凋零机制,凋零族裔瓦萨里人已作为玩家可选扮演角色加入,并额外增添旧神蒂卓拉奇,精灵族群新可选亚种雪精灵。
« 上次编辑: 2019-04-21, 周日 05:27:34 由 A球 »
It’s not a great look for a company that wants to represent humanity “in all its beautiful diversity.” Continuing to sell these products–and bear in mind, the original Oriental Adventures is a “mithral best seller” which means it’s continuing to sell–takes a lot of wind out of WotC’s Inclusivity and Diversity sails. They have to do better than this if they want their promise to be more than empty words. Not to say we should pretend these books never existed, but WotC is still actively profiting off of this material.

离线 A球

  • 米妮瓦之手,Mythica系列电影死忠粉
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Re: 姆达战报
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-12-05, 周二 09:54:04 »
长图戳大;不懂压缩 :em003
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-08, 周三 04:13:30 由 A球 »
It’s not a great look for a company that wants to represent humanity “in all its beautiful diversity.” Continuing to sell these products–and bear in mind, the original Oriental Adventures is a “mithral best seller” which means it’s continuing to sell–takes a lot of wind out of WotC’s Inclusivity and Diversity sails. They have to do better than this if they want their promise to be more than empty words. Not to say we should pretend these books never existed, but WotC is still actively profiting off of this material.

离线 A球

  • 米妮瓦之手,Mythica系列电影死忠粉
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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-09-28, 周五 02:08:40 »
也许今后会改成模组 :em009






« 上次编辑: 2018-10-02, 周二 01:54:44 由 A球 »
It’s not a great look for a company that wants to represent humanity “in all its beautiful diversity.” Continuing to sell these products–and bear in mind, the original Oriental Adventures is a “mithral best seller” which means it’s continuing to sell–takes a lot of wind out of WotC’s Inclusivity and Diversity sails. They have to do better than this if they want their promise to be more than empty words. Not to say we should pretend these books never existed, but WotC is still actively profiting off of this material.

离线 A球

  • 米妮瓦之手,Mythica系列电影死忠粉
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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-10-02, 周二 01:46:40 »




残血队友上去采果子,鉴定没过 死了

(最后SL大法过了,1级支线任务果子采集要DC20,一天的资源 一半拿来打蜘蛛集群一半拿来采果子 全消耗光了


这巴掌 看着就疼。
未命中 !
何曾受过这等屈辱,这位专门针对弓箭手法师位的敌后排捅串侠慢不得 手中借势又出一剑
“桀桀桀 未断奶的小女娃也敢向老夫挑战,今日老朽木(虽然看起来是熊)心生邪念,便是要你们全都在这神殿陪葬呀!”
老朽木(虽然看起来是熊)当下一砸,轰声隆隆 无甲的拉皮剑圣借无耻快步做莲花步势 待身型稳定 却也已是口吐鲜血残红不保
拉皮剑圣定睛一瞧 骇人伤势遍体 当下大惊 “纳尼 这不应该啊!”
队中20魅半兽人审判官自知当下临大敌,须臾之间便有性命之忧患,不敢怠慢。摸出魔杖唤来异界生物小马驹,手势无歇 又召出3匹恶狼,连点6发魔法飞弹向前
好,中了 主角骰伤害 伤害减免,0点伤害
伤害减免,0点 0点 0点
“法术燃烧之手!!!” 减免 0点  0点 0点
至此 大局已定,四个大肉饼俩个半截人 血染神殿废墟~~

(全员2级。后来查攻略 发觉这怪是steam上被吐槽最多的怪,没有之一。高AC带减免血又厚 不禁让人怀疑人生

« 上次编辑: 2018-10-06, 周六 13:40:14 由 A球 »
It’s not a great look for a company that wants to represent humanity “in all its beautiful diversity.” Continuing to sell these products–and bear in mind, the original Oriental Adventures is a “mithral best seller” which means it’s continuing to sell–takes a lot of wind out of WotC’s Inclusivity and Diversity sails. They have to do better than this if they want their promise to be more than empty words. Not to say we should pretend these books never existed, but WotC is still actively profiting off of this material.

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  • 米妮瓦之手,Mythica系列电影死忠粉
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how far can you see on a hex map?关于六边格的比例问题
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-10-06, 周六 13:36:38 »
How far is the horizon?
It turns out that the main obstacle to seeing faraway landforms - besides atmospheric interference like fog or rain - is the curvature of the earth.  A consequence of this is that the viewer's altitude is a key factor in how far they can see. (If you go high up enough that you're in space, for instance, you could see nearly half the planet!)

Wikipedia has a wonderful page on the horizon that gives us all the info we need.  The few equations we need aren't that complicated:

Distance to Horizon (miles) = 1.22 x sqrt( observer's height in feet )
Distance to Horizon (km) = 3.57 x sqrt ( viewer's height in meters )

For a hypothetical, 6' tall viewer, this puts the horizon around 3 miles.  (As Steamtunnel pointed out, this is one argument in favor of using 6-mile hexes: an adventurer in the middle of a hex could see right to its edges.)

A 6' tall adventurer standing on top of a 30' town wall, however, could see further, about 7 miles.  An adventurer at the edge of a plateau, 200' above the plains below, could see 17.5 miles - quite a bit further.

Seeing Faraway Tall Things
Most of the time our adventurers are not looking at flat, featureless plains. The more interesting question is stuff like: how far away can I see that tower?  Can I see the mountains?

It turns out the answer is unexpectedly simple: all you need to do is know the horizon distance for the viewer's altitude, the horizon distance for the target's altitude, and then add them together.

So if I'm on the town wall, and I want to know how far away I could see a 100' tall wizard's tower, the answer is:

1.22 x [ sqrt( 6' ) + sqrt( 100' ) ] = 15.2 miles

Now, this is the distance at which we could just barely see the very tip of the tower - we probably wouldn't be able to pick it out of the grass.  Let's say we need to be able to see at least half the tower to recognize it, that gives us:

1.22 x [ sqrt( 6' ) + sqrt( 50' ) ] = 11.6 miles

On a hex map of six miles, we'd be able to make out the tower a full 2 hexes away.

The Meaning of Altitude
A key point I've glossed over so far is how to work out 'altitude'. This isn't elevation above sea level, but the height above the prevailing terrain.  If you're on a plateau 2000' above sea level, that doesn't help you see further along the plateau.

Only add the plateau to your height if you're looking down off it. If you're looking along the plateau, it doesn't count (because it will be the earth-curved plateau itself that eventually prevents you seeing further).

A Linear Approximation
Now of course, taking square roots at the table while juggling all the other GM duties is too much to ask, but I have a simplification that works well enough for the distances we care about:

6 miles + 1 mile / 50' of height

So if you're on a 200' cliff, looking down across a plain to see a distant tower or mature forest (50' to its halfway point), you can see it 11 miles away.

From flat plains, foothills (say, 1000' tall, resolvable when you can see the top half - so 400') could be seen 14 miles away (8+6).

From that same vantage point, large mountains (6000' above the plains, 3000' to the midpoint) could be seen 66 miles away.

Flying on a griffin at migratory altitude (e.g. 5000'), you could see those same mountains from 166 miles away.  (At this point, most likely the limits of atmospheric clarity would be involved, even in very clear air.)

If you climb the tallest tree in the forest, putting you 10' above the canopy, you could see the top 50' of the strange rock spire formation (that protrudes 100' above the trees) from 8 miles away.  (The top of the trees, here, is the altitude baseline.)

A Simple Legend
To help during play, I might work out a simple legend for various terrain types on my hex map. This just takes the height divided by 50', then by my hex width to work out a "visible-distance contribution".

Here's a simple legend for a 12-mile hex map with five types of terrain:

Mountain Peaks (5000-6000'): 8 hexes
Mountain Slopes (2500'): 4 hexes
Foothills (1000'): 2 hexes
Treetops (100'): 0 hexes
Rolling Lowlands (15'): 0 hexes

To use this, work out the height of the viewer and the target over the prevailing terrain, add those together, and add a free half-hex.

In the foothills, looking across more foothills toward distant mountain slopes?  4.5 hexes  (8-4 + 0 + 1/2)

In the treetops, looking to see where the foothills start?  2.5 hexes (2 + 0 + 1/2)

If you're on a mountainous slope (4) looking out across a vast, rolling flood plain (0) to a massive mountain range on the far side, you could make out the peaks (8) from 12.5 hexes away.

Easy peasy!
« 上次编辑: 2019-04-22, 周一 20:25:05 由 A球 »
It’s not a great look for a company that wants to represent humanity “in all its beautiful diversity.” Continuing to sell these products–and bear in mind, the original Oriental Adventures is a “mithral best seller” which means it’s continuing to sell–takes a lot of wind out of WotC’s Inclusivity and Diversity sails. They have to do better than this if they want their promise to be more than empty words. Not to say we should pretend these books never existed, but WotC is still actively profiting off of this material.

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-10-18, 周四 11:01:25 »





« 上次编辑: 2019-11-06, 周三 11:25:25 由 A球 »
It’s not a great look for a company that wants to represent humanity “in all its beautiful diversity.” Continuing to sell these products–and bear in mind, the original Oriental Adventures is a “mithral best seller” which means it’s continuing to sell–takes a lot of wind out of WotC’s Inclusivity and Diversity sails. They have to do better than this if they want their promise to be more than empty words. Not to say we should pretend these books never existed, but WotC is still actively profiting off of this material.

离线 A球

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Re: 团务区
« 回帖 #6 于: 2019-01-31, 周四 20:30:50 »
 Arrowstorm又带来新的剧集The Outpost啦,哇,我真是太爱太爱他们了 :wub: :wub: :wub:

希望这群有才华的人能取得更多的影响力 :lol:他们值得

劇透 -   :
最让我惊喜的是Jake Stormoen小哥,观影过程中这位Mythica里的半精灵贼丝毫没有让我出戏
« 上次编辑: 2019-01-31, 周四 20:38:31 由 A球 »
It’s not a great look for a company that wants to represent humanity “in all its beautiful diversity.” Continuing to sell these products–and bear in mind, the original Oriental Adventures is a “mithral best seller” which means it’s continuing to sell–takes a lot of wind out of WotC’s Inclusivity and Diversity sails. They have to do better than this if they want their promise to be more than empty words. Not to say we should pretend these books never existed, but WotC is still actively profiting off of this material.

离线 A球

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Re: 团务区
« 回帖 #7 于: 2019-04-07, 周日 05:15:57 »
无心翻译,快乐沉迷Lamentations of the Flame Princess :em032
It’s not a great look for a company that wants to represent humanity “in all its beautiful diversity.” Continuing to sell these products–and bear in mind, the original Oriental Adventures is a “mithral best seller” which means it’s continuing to sell–takes a lot of wind out of WotC’s Inclusivity and Diversity sails. They have to do better than this if they want their promise to be more than empty words. Not to say we should pretend these books never existed, but WotC is still actively profiting off of this material.

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好文搬運Six Siders & Space Hamsters
« 回帖 #8 于: 2019-04-22, 周一 20:16:34 »
This article was originally published in Issue 2 of the Familiar.

The original Baldur's Gate companions have risen to iconic status among classic CRPG fans over the last nineteen years. The inspiration for many of these beloved companions, including Minsc, Edwin, and Xan, came from a pen-and-paper campaign that began around 1993. James Ohlen of BioWare was the DM, and the roster of players includes current giants in the RPG industry.

“I was looking to start a Forgotten Realms campaign and expand the number of players in my group,” Ohlen recalls, “so I advertised at the public library and local gaming stores. The response I got was much bigger than I expected.”

“I was playing a lot of Civilization at the time and I played the Russians, and so Minsc was named after the city,” Cameron Tofer, Beamdog co-founder, explains. “He was based off some horrible rolls - his Intelligence, I just fumbled that. And because I joined late I was a couple of levels behind everyone.”

It was this level disparity that inspired one of the most adored animal companions of all time. “[Minsc] was knocked out in the first round of pretty much every fight,” Tofer says. “When I finally levelled up enough to get a companion, that's how I got Boo.”

Ross Gardner played Jon Icarus, the character who later inspired Baldur's Gate II villain Joneleth Irenicus. “I changed [the name] because of its connection with Greek mythology,” says Ohlen. Jeff Veitenheimer played a ranger named Sarevok, who not only became the villain of Baldur's Gate, but was also Minsc's big brother.

“[Sarevok] had a vorpal sword and was really badass. Everything was 'Sarevok this' and 'Sarevok that',” says Tofer.

Sean Carriere played Edwin, a wizard, and Dean Anderson played Bodi, Jon Icarus's sister. Ben Smedstad played Xan. “Ben was literally Xan,” Tofer recalls.

“A lot of lifelong friends came from the people I met in the Forgotten Realms campaign,” Ohlen says. “Some of those friends have gone on to found their own video game companies or take on senior roles at some of the biggest video game companies in the world.”

Though the characters would later go on to fill the ranks of Baldur's Gate companions, the game Ohlen ran didn't inspire the storyline for the game. Ohlen had ample experience crafting and DMing adventures. “I ran [a Forgotten Realms campaign] in my teenage years and at one point I was Dungeon Mastering three separate groups at the public library in Grande Prairie,” he says. “The campaign spanned many years, thousands of hours of Dungeon Mastering, and more than 30 different players.” The campaign that saw the rise of Minsc lasted for many years, until around 1999.

In that time, there were some constants in the adventures the party faced. “Every campaign we started, we'd be naked in a jail cell,” says Tofer. “[Ohlen would say], 'Ok, you wake up. Naked. In a jail cell.' 'OH NO, NOT AGAIN! EVERY TIME!'”

“Cam is over exaggerating a little,” adds Ohlen. “I did use the prisoner trope quite a bit, but not all the time. The reason I used it so often probably stems from the fact that the D&D published adventure Scourge of the Slave Lords is one of my favorites of all time.”

Shades of the Baldur's Gate II opening scene, with the player character locked in Irenicus's dungeon? “[The trope] did probably influence Baldur's Gate II,” Ohlen says.

“Oh yeah,” adds Tofer. “It's a classic.”

Minsc developed over the course of the game, though his history in the pen-and-paper campaign is not the same as the character's in the video game. “Eventually when we started leveling up, Minsc was pretty badass,” Tofer recalls. And on the character sheet, Minsc is listed as having a sister. “Yeah, but she came in late, she didn't really play a role,” says Tofer. “It was just Minsc lying unconscious and Boo running around doing everything.”

Minsc and Boo had “some kind of mental link” says Tofer, which made it easier to play the hamster. Perhaps Boo is the one influencing Minsc in Baldur's Gate.

Luckily for us, Tofer saved many of the character sheets from the original campaign.


« 上次编辑: 2019-04-22, 周一 20:56:24 由 A球 »
It’s not a great look for a company that wants to represent humanity “in all its beautiful diversity.” Continuing to sell these products–and bear in mind, the original Oriental Adventures is a “mithral best seller” which means it’s continuing to sell–takes a lot of wind out of WotC’s Inclusivity and Diversity sails. They have to do better than this if they want their promise to be more than empty words. Not to say we should pretend these books never existed, but WotC is still actively profiting off of this material.

离线 A球

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Re: 乱七八糟团务区
« 回帖 #9 于: 2019-05-02, 周四 08:23:57 »
Dragon Fist, "The Roleplaying Game of Martial Arts Action," was published by Wizards of the Coast in 1999. It won't be found in their catalog, though; this 128-page book is only available online as a series of Adobe PDF documents. The original book, and its one supplement (Dragon and Phoenix, an adventure), can still be downloaded at http://www.wizards.com/dnd/DF_Welcome.asp
Premise: Dragon Fist is inspired by Hong Kong martial arts movies, like A Chinese Ghost Story. (Though not released at the time, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a somewhat more familar movie in the wuxia style espoused by this game.) The rules, loosely based upon Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, are somewhat tilted towards a cinematic style of play. "If you want a precise simulation of martial arts, look elsewhere. If you want to have a blast playing an action hero, read on."

The Game World: These are dark times indeed in the land of Tianguo. Emperor Jianmin, obsessed with immortality, unwittingly made a deal with the devil (literally). Now, only by feeding souls to this dark master can he keep his life and his considerable power.

Obviously, the people aren't terribly fond of being slaughtered, but most of them can't do anything about it. The player characters are, naturally, a different story. Nine secret societies, known collectively as the World of Martial Arts, are beginning to work together to try to bring down the Emperor and his cackling eunuch sorcerers. "Your kung fu may be strong, but is it strong enough to save the world?"

Rules: For the most part, the rules are standard AD&D 2nd Edition. Proficiencies are gone; most skills are handled as attribute checks. Character kits are mandatory, and conveniently provided (each kit represents membership in one of the nine secret societies). Armor Classes go up, like in D&D 3rd Edition.

Dragon Fist adds the "stunt die" mechanic, which essentially lets players add 1-5 points to all their actions of a certain type in a round, including random cool shit related to the type of stunt. An "Acrobatics" stunt, keyed to your character's Dexterity attribute, allows you both to temporarily improve your AC and to improve your chance of successfully bounding over a tall building. A "Fortitude" stunt will make it easier to do that cool "walking on hot coals" trick. And so on.

In addition to standard weapons proficiencies, every character gets several nifty martial arts abilities. Every character gets Wuxia, allowing vertical leaps of 20 feet or more. Many of the other abilities are inspired by the old Oriental Adventures book - special stunning attacks, various defensive stances, nerve strikes, channeling your ki energy into a fireball like Liu Kang.

The game encourages off-the-cuff bonuses for playing in the spirit of the setting. "A player who 'attacks with his sword' is going to look pretty foolish when the villain counters by backflipping out of the way, kicking up a table, and sending it whirling at the player character."

For Veteran D&D Players: You will only need to skim most of the book, as large chunks of material are simply recycled (like 25 pages of spells, almost all of which are direct copies of existing D&D spells).

For not-so-veteran gamers: This book is in fact a complete system, containing everything you'll need to play. None of this d20 "you have to own seventeen other books to play" garbage; rules, monsters (hopping vampires, anyone?), and a world setting rich in potential (but not in detail). And you certainly can't beat the price.

Bottom Line: It's free. Take a look. It won't hurt. Only the most ardent fans of Hong Kong movies would want to make a whole campaign out of it, but it would be a great one-nighter.
It’s not a great look for a company that wants to represent humanity “in all its beautiful diversity.” Continuing to sell these products–and bear in mind, the original Oriental Adventures is a “mithral best seller” which means it’s continuing to sell–takes a lot of wind out of WotC’s Inclusivity and Diversity sails. They have to do better than this if they want their promise to be more than empty words. Not to say we should pretend these books never existed, but WotC is still actively profiting off of this material.