作者 主题: Dragon#286 《沙拉娜传奇》中的德鲁伊长者(Elder Druid)  (阅读 8839 次)

副标题: 一个续命的职业

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新人第一次做翻译。。基本是机翻的。。感觉没校对完。。请各位DALAO见谅 :em016
希望不会被婊 :em032
P.S(我知道叫大德鲁伊要好些……但是这7级能力太暴力了 :em004

《沙拉娜传奇》中的(和小德没什么关系的)德鲁伊长者(Elder Druid)

   by Brian Murphy, Dragon #286(3e注意)
   尽管共享一个名字,德鲁伊长者和典型的D&D德鲁伊几乎没有什么共同点。 德鲁伊长者中最常见的是法师或术士,虽然战士和吟游诗人偶尔也会走上这条道路。 圣骑士能够做卓越的德鲁伊长者,但十分罕见。 牧师很少遵循德鲁伊长者的道路,因为没有德鲁伊长者能够遵循一个特定的神的教义。


    特殊:必须由另一位德鲁伊长者钦点和训练,并且必须放弃对任何政治权力,国家或神的所有忠诚。 放弃他们的神的牧师会失去所有的法术和职业能力,并且不能获得牧师等级。




    沟通(SP):在第1级,德鲁伊长者可以如同同名法术一样随意使用通晓语言和和巧言术 ,这是一个类法术能力。


    感应魔法(SP):在第3级,德鲁伊长者可以如同同名法术一般随意使用侦测魔法和阅读魔法, 这是一个类法术能力。

    德鲁伊长者抗力(EX):在第4级,德鲁伊长者的身体变得对毒和疾病具有抗性。 这使德鲁伊长者对毒性和疾病的豁免获得+4抗力加值。 这是一个特异能力。

    直觉闪避(EX):1级开始,德鲁伊长者获得此特异能力,可以在尚未意识到危险前,即做出相关反应。此后, 德鲁伊长者即使措手不及或被不可见的攻击者攻击,也不会丧失 AC 的敏捷加值。(但如果他无法动弹,仍会丧失此敏捷加值。)《——【不知为啥原文没这句话】
5级开始,德鲁伊长者不会被夹击,他可以轻易对付相反方向的敌人, 如同面对单一攻击者。所以游荡者无法以夹击进行偷袭,除非攻击者的游荡者等级比德鲁伊长者高过4 级以上,才能进行夹击偷袭。

    德鲁伊之眠:在7级,德鲁伊长者被教授如何进入德鲁伊之眠,一种神奇的冬眠,允许他续过他的自然寿命。一年中必须至少用28天来冬眠(假设你的一年是365天左右;将这段时间调整为战役设定中一年的1/12)。 只要冬眠的比例保持不变,德鲁伊长者每冬眠一天,则最大寿命续一年。 如果德鲁伊长者不保持这个比例,德鲁伊长者睡眠的日子不会提供任何好处。(但是从边栏看来貌似是能连续睡的。。不过得是28的倍数)德鲁伊睡眠可以用来续命,但这种能力的过度使用会带来额外的副作用(见边栏)。只要德鲁伊长者继续定期冬眠,他将不再受到老化的惩罚,也不会出现老化的体征。加值仍然累积。

    德鲁伊长者之刃(SU):在8级,德鲁伊长者学会如何用魔法能量暂时地注入武器。 这能以一个自由动作完成,只要武器握在手里。作为交换,武器被视为具有仅用于突破伤害减免的 被牺牲的法术的法术等级的增强加值,注入0级法术的武器在增强的持续时间内被视为炼银武器。 这种临时增强持续每职业等级1轮。 这是一个超自然能力

    超凡记忆(EX):在9级,德鲁伊长者获得惊人的准确回忆任何记忆的能力。 这给了德鲁伊长者在所有知识检定上的+5表现加值。 这种能力在战斗中也是有用的,因为它给予德鲁伊长者+2表现加值在攻击加值上以对抗在之前遭遇过的任何对手。 这是一个特异能力。

    献祭之躯(SU):在10级时,德鲁伊长者可以以他的健康作为代价来提高自己的能力。德鲁伊长者可以超过他每天的德鲁伊之焰使用次数,每超过一次受到1点临时体质伤害。 这也可以用于法术。 施放额外的法术会造成1点的体质伤害加每法术等级一点。 施放额外的5-8级的法术从会使德鲁伊长者衰老1d4年。 施放额外的9级法术会使德鲁伊长者衰老2d4 + 2年并受到体质伤害。 这种伤害会在施法后立即生效。这是一个超自然能力。

    沙拉娜的德鲁伊长者   生命骰:d4
职业等级   基本攻击加值   强韧   反射   意志   特殊能力   每日法术
1st   +0   +0   +0   +2   沟通, 直觉闪避    +1 已有职业等级
2nd   +1   +0   +0   +3   德鲁伊之焰 1次每日   +1 已有职业等级
3rd   +1   +1   +1   +3   感应魔法   +1 已有职业等级
4th   +2   +1   +1   +4   德鲁伊长者抗性, 德鲁伊之焰 2次每日   +1 已有职业等级
5th   +2   +1   +1   +4   精通直觉闪避   +1 已有职业等级
6th   +3   +2   +2   +5   德鲁伊之焰 3   +1 已有职业等级
7th   +3   +2   +2   +5   德鲁伊之眠   +1 已有职业等级
8th   +4   +2   +2   +6   德鲁伊长者之刃, 德鲁伊之焰 4次每日   +1 已有职业等级
9th   +4   +3   +3   +6   超凡记忆   +1 已有职业等级
10th   +5   +3   +3   +7   献祭之躯, 德鲁伊之焰 5次每日   +1 已有职业等级

德鲁伊之眠是最后的德鲁伊长者用来扩展他们保护四方大陆的能力的强大工具; 然而,使用德鲁伊之眠会使德鲁依长者依赖它。 这样的人可以在他们的精力耗尽之前用很短的时间走遍世界(?读不懂这句),然后他们必须再次睡觉至少二十八天。 如果使用太频繁,德鲁伊之眠会抢夺他们的人性,逐渐将他变成一个灵魂世界(the spirit world)的生物。 比如发生在反叛的德鲁伊长者布朗身上的事情。
在第一个四周之后,每28天用在德鲁伊之眠之中,他必须做一个成功的意志检定(DC15)或者变成一个像巫王(warlock lord)一样的幽灵(请参阅第44页的“Shannara的英雄” Dragon#286)。每一个28天的睡眠持续下去,必须进行另一个豁免,并且豁免难度会加1(84天后DC 16,112天后DC 17,依此类推),直到豁免失败。

劇透 -   :
Despite sharing a name, Elder Druids and typical D&D druids have almost nothing in common. Elder Druids are most often wizards or sorcerers, although fighters and bards occasionally take up the path. Paladins make excellent Elder Druids, but they are rare. Clerics seldom follow the path of the Elder Druid, as no Elder Druid can follow the doctrine of a particular god.
NPC Elder Druids are often wanderers, and most Elder Druids travel for long periods of time without the company of their brethren, seeking to learn more about the world at large. Almost all groups of Elder Druids obey a hierarchy, and their leaders spend most of their time focusing on avoiding major catastrophes. Elder Druids seek to maintain balance across the globe and prevent war, but they are not above fighting on the battlefield should the need arise.
To qualify to become an Elder Druid, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Alignment: Any non-evil
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks, Knowledge (history) 5 ranks
Feats: Skill Focus - Knowledge (history).
Spellcasting: Must be able to cast spells.
Special: Must be nominated and trained by another Elder Druid and must forsake all loyalties to any political power, nation or deity. Clerics who forsake their deity lose all spells and class features and cannot gain levels as clerics.

Class Skills
The elder druid's class skills are Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (any), Profession, Search, Sense Motive, and Spellcraft.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Being an Elder Druid grants proficiency with all simple weapons, but not armor or shields.

    Spells per Day: An Elder Druid continues training in magic. Thus, when a new Elder Druid level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of Elder Druid to the level of some other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly.
If the character had more than one spellcasting class before he became an Elder Druid, he must decide to which class he adds an Elder Druid level for purposes of determining spells per day when he adds each new level.
    Communication: At 1st level, the Elder Druid can invoke tongues and comprehend languages on himself as the spells of the same name, at will. This is a spell-like ability.
    Druid Fire: Once per day per two Elder Druid class levels, as a standard action, the Elder Druid can summon forth a plane of white hot flames similar to a burning hands spell. This attack takes the form of a 40-foot-long semicircular burst of fire that deals damage equal to 1d6 per Elder Druid class level plus the Elder Druid's Wisdom modifier. Creatures in the area of effect can make a Reflex save (DC 20 + the Elder Druid's Wisdom modifier) to take half damage. The fire can affect incorporeal and ethereal creatures, and spell resistance does not apply. This is a supernatural ability.

    Sense Magic: At 3rd level, the Elder Druid can detect magic and read magic as the spells of the same name, at will. This is a spell-like ability.
    Elder Druid Resistance: At 4th level, the Elder Druid's body becomes resistant to poison and disease. This results in a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws against poison and disease. This is an extraordinary ability.

    Uncanny Dodge: At 1st level the Elder Druid gains the extraordinary ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. At 1st level and above, the Elder Druid retains his Dexterity bonus to AC regardless of being caught flat-footed or being struck by an invisible attacker.
At 5th level, the Elder Druid can no longer be flanked. He can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single opponent. The exception to this defense is that a rogue who is 4 levels higher than the character can flank him (and thus sneak attack him).
    Druid Sleep: At 7th level, the Elder Druid is taught how to enter Druid sleep, a form of magical hibernation that allows him to exceed his natural lifespan. A total of twenty-eight days out of the year must be spent in hibernation (assuming your year is around 365 days; adjust this duration to about 1/12 the length of the year in your campaign). Provided this ratio is maintained, the Elder Druid adds one year to his maximum lifespan for each day spent in hibernation. If the Elder Druid does not maintain the ratio, the days spent in Elder Druid sleep provide no benefit. Druid sleep can be used to prolong one's life beyond that point, but such excessive use brings on additional side effects (see the sidebar). Provided the Elder Druid continues hibernating on a regular basis, he will no longer suffer the penalties of aging, nor will he show physical signs of aging. Bonuses still accrue.

    Elder Druid Blade: At 8th level, the Elder Druid learns how to temporarily infuse a weapon with magical energy. This can be done as a free action, provided the weapon is already held in hand. The Elder Druid must sacrifice a memorized spell or the use of a spell slot for the remainder of the day. In exchange, the weapon is considered to have an enhancement bonus equal to the level of the spell sacrificed for the purpose of surpassing damage reduction only. A weapon infused with a 0-level spell performs as a silver weapon for the duration of the enhancement. This temporary enhancement lasts for 1 round per class level. This is a supernatural ability.

    Incredible Memory: At 9th level, the Elder Druid gains the ability to recall any memory with surprising accuracy. This gives the Elder Druid a +5 competence bonus on all Knowledge checks. This ability is also useful in combat, as it gives the Elder Druid a +2 competence bonus to attack rolls against any opponent he has fought during a prior encounter. This is an extraordinary ability.

Immolate Body: At 10th level, the Elder Druid can increase his abilities at the cost of his health. The Elder Druid can exceed his daily uses of the druid fire, suffering 1 point of temporary Constitution damage with each use. This can also be done for spells. Casting an extra spell causes 1 point of Constitution damage plus 1 per level of the spell. Casting an extra spell from level 5-8 also ages the Elder Druid by 1d4 years. Casting an extra 9th level spell ages the Elder Druid by 2d4+2 years and deals Constitution damage. This damage is suffered immediately after a spell is cast. This is a supernatural ability.

Elder Druid of Shannara   Hit Die: d4
CL   BAB   Fort   Ref   Will   Special   Spells per Day
1st   +0   +0   +0   +2   Communications, Uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC)   +1 level of existing class
2nd   +1   +0   +0   +3   Druid fire 1/day   +1 level of existing class
3rd   +1   +1   +1   +3   Sense magic   +1 level of existing class
4th   +2   +1   +1   +4   Elder Druid resistance, Druid fire 2/day   +1 level of existing class
5th   +2   +1   +1   +4   Uncanny dodge (can't be flanked)   +1 level of existing class
6th   +3   +2   +2   +5   Druid fire 3/day   +1 level of existing class
7th   +3   +2   +2   +5   Druid sleep   +1 level of existing class
8th   +4   +2   +2   +6   Elder druid blade, Druid fire 4/day   +1 level of existing class
9th   +4   +3   +3   +6   Incredible memory   +1 level of existing class
10th   +5   +3   +3   +7   Immolate body, Druid fire 5/day   +1 level of existing class

   Druid Sleep
The druid sleep is a powerful tool the last Elder Druids use to extend their ability to protect the Four Lands; however, using the sleep makes the Elder Druid dependent on it. Such individuals can walk the world for only short times before their energies are exhausted and they must sleep again for a minimum of twenty-eight days. If used too often, the druid sleep robs its user of his humanity, gradually turning him into a creature of the spirit world. Such is what happened to the rebel Elder Druid Brona.
Every twenty-eight days past the first four weeks that someone spends in druid sleep, he must make a successful Will save (DC 15) or be turned into a ghost like the Warlock Lord (see the "Heroes of Shannara" on page 44, Dragon #286). For every twenty-eight days the sleep continues, another Will save must be made, increasing in difficulty by one (DC 16 after 84 days, 17 after 112, and so on) until the saving throw fails.

感谢守仁姐的校对 :em003

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Re: Dragon#286 《沙拉娜传奇》中的德鲁伊长者(Elder Druid)
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