作者 主题: 【PotW】《废土子民》(People of the Wastes)【BGM注意】  (阅读 70424 次)

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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #10 于: 2017-11-16, 周四 10:28:30 »

只要时间够长,即使是最为诗情画意的土地也会被深渊的侵蚀转变成万物凋零的荒土。当想到深渊废土时,内海居民的脑海中会立即浮现出世界之伤的景象,但不幸的是,旧萨柯里斯(old Sarkoris)并非格拉里昂上唯一遭受此等厄运之处。比如,在世界的另一端,天夏里的阿斯莫国度——天京(Tianjing)也正面临着在神子之森(Kaimuko Wood)中不断增长的威胁,古老的深渊裂隙让林地不断枯萎,而古魔(qlippoth)在此谋求着他们在格拉里昂失落已久的立足之地。
劇透 -  原文:
Over time, Abyssal incursions can transform even the most idyllic lands into blighted wastes. While residents of the Inner Sea region immediately conjure up images of the Worldwound when thinking of Abyssal wastelands, the sad fate of old Sarkoris is unfortunately not unique on Golarion’s face. On the other side of the world, for example, Tian Xia’s aasimar nation of Tianjing faces a growing threat in its Kaimuko Wood, as ancient Abyssal rifts breed blighted woodlands where qlippoth seek to regain their long-lost foothold on Golarion.


就像植木使( Phytokineticists,《探索者RPG 极限荒野》第58页)从第一世界汲取力量那样,极乐使从极乐境(Elysium)位面的欢欣荒野中获取能力。许多极乐使都立誓与闯入主物质位面的邪恶异界存在抗争到底,尤其是世界之伤。

极乐之魂(Elysium’s Soul): 极乐使必须属于混乱善良阵营,他具有混乱和善良的阵营灵光,如同他是HD等同于极乐使等级的混乱善良异界生物一般。极乐使必须选择木(wood,《探索者RPG 极限荒野》第60页)作为其首要元素以及曦破(positive blast,《探索者RPG 极限荒野》第60页)作为其首个简易念袭。7级时,极乐使获得藤花乱舞(《探索者RPG 极限荒野》第61页)、木袭(《探索者RPG 极限荒野》第61页),以及某一由他选择不超过3级的原力。15级时,他可以再选择一个7级的原力。极乐使将医疗以及知识(宗教)加入本职技能列表,但他的本职技能列表中移除驯养动物以及知识(自然)。


基础极乐念力(Basic Elysiokinesis,Sp):极乐使能运用极乐境的力量去援助他人并激起后者的活力,他能通过一个标准动作以类法术能力施放提升抗力,稳定伤势或者恩赐。这替代了木元素赋予的基础植木原力。

极乐注能(Elysian Infusion,Su):极乐使能将极乐境的力量注入到曦破中以对抗邪恶。被注能的念袭能伤害到邪恶异界生物,如同它们是不死生物一般,其念袭攻击同时视作混乱与善良攻击。该注能属于1级性质注能,其可以与曦破一同使用,同时会让极乐使承受1点超载。这替代了1级时获得的注能。

极乐灵光(Elysian Aura,Su):2级时,极乐使体内充盈着神圣的灵光,保护他免于邪恶的攻击。在面对来自邪恶生物的攻击时,他在AC上获得+1偏斜加值,在豁免上获得+1抗力加值。极乐使能通过承受1点超载使上述两个加值额外增加1。在5级和之后每3个等级,他能额外再承受1点超载以进一步让这两个加值增加1(最高在17级时增加到+7)。只要极乐使在运用植木原力过程中承受超载,其带来的能量将会让极乐灵光提供的上述加值能对所有类型的攻击生效,持续1轮,在此期间,极乐使将免疫任何邪恶的心灵或占据效果,如防护邪恶般作用。极乐使能通过一个直觉动作解消或恢复这种效果。这替代了木元素赋予的木身护身原力。

迦勒耀光(Ghaelelight Blast,Su):15级时,极乐使获得迦勒耀光复合念袭,其将造成2点超载。迦勒耀光是能量念袭,其伤害等同于简易能量念袭而非复合念袭,同时其伤害性质视作混乱与善良。迦勒耀光与曦破所关联的注能相同。
劇透 -  原文:

Similar to how phytokineticists (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness 58) draw their power from the First World, elysiokineticists trace their abilities to the riotous wilderness of the plane known as Elysium. Many such kineticists vow to fight against evil planar intrusions into the Material Plane, particularly the Worldwound.

Elysium’s Soul: An elysiokineticist must be chaotic good, and she has alignment auras of chaotic and good as if she were a chaotic good outsider with a number of Hit Dice equal to her kineticist level. She must choose wood (Ultimate Wilderness 58) as her primary element and positive blast (Ultimate Wilderness 60) as her first simple blast. At 7th level, she gains verdant blast (Ultimate Wilderness 61) and wood blast (Ultimate Wilderness 61), as well as a 3rd-level or lower wild talent of her choice. At 15th level, she gains a 7th-level wild talent of her choice. She gains Heal and Knowledge (religion) as class skills but does not gain Handle Animal and Knowledge (nature) as class skills. This alters elemental focus and the class skills granted by the wood element, and it replaces expanded element.

Basic Elysiokinesis (Sp): An elysiokineticist can use the power of Elysium to assist others and bolster their vigor, allowing her to cast resistance, stabilize, or virtue as a spell-like ability at will as a standard action. This replaces the basic phytokinesis utility wild talent granted by the wood element.

Elysian Infusion (Su): An elysiokineticist can infuse her positive blast with the power of Elysium to battle evil. The infused blast damages evil outsiders as if they were undead and counts as both chaotic and good. This is a 1st-level substance infusion that costs 1 point of burn and can be used with positive blast. This replaces the infusion gained at 1st level.

Elysian Aura (Su): At 2nd level, an elysiokineticist infuses herself with a holy aura, granting her protection against evil attacks. She gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC and a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws; both apply only against attacks from evil creatures. By accepting 1 point of burn, she can increase both bonuses by 1. At 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter, she can accept 1 additional point of burn to further increase both bonuses by 1 (to a maximum of +7 at 17th level). Whenever she accepts burn while using a wood wild talent, the energy causes her elysian aura bonuses to apply against all attacks for 1 round, and during that time she is protected from evil mental and possession effects, as per protection from evil. She can dismiss or restore this effect as an immediate action. This replaces the flesh of wood defense wild talent granted by the wood element.

Ghaelelight Blast (Su): At 15th level, an elysiokineticist gains the ghaelelight composite blast, which costs 2 points of burn. A ghaelelight blast is an energy blast that deals damage as a simple energy blast instead of a composite energy blast and deals chaotic and good damage. It is associated with the same infusions as positive blast.

虔信流浪者(Faithful Wanderer)【圣武士】


流浪学识(Wanderer’s Lore): 虔信流浪者很快了解到这片废土上的一切都邪恶至极,并为此习得了必须的生存技能。虔信流浪者将知识(自然)、知识(位面)、察觉、隐匿和生存加入到本职技能列表当中,但从他们的本职技能列表当中移除交涉、驯养动物、知识(贵族)以及骑术。虔信流浪者每等级获得4+智力调整值而非2+智力调整值的技能点数。这调整了圣武士的本职技能,同时替换了侦测邪恶。

内敛灵光(Hidden Aura,Su):虔信流浪者不会像其他圣武士那般获得善良灵光,如是深渊废土上敌意满满的原住民就发现不了他。虔信流浪者的其他灵光也同样不会揭露他的存在。虔信流浪者的勇气灵光、虔诚灵光、坚信灵光和公正灵光都只能影响他自己。3级时,在面对侦测阵营的效果时,他的阵营灵光都会模仿其当下所处位置的位面阵营特性(《探索者RPG GM指南》第187页),比如在世界之伤或者无底深渊就是混乱邪恶,但这不会真正改变他的阵营。8级时,虔信流浪者不会因为轻微混乱阵营以及轻微邪恶阵营位面特性而承受罚值,并在面对所有强烈位面相反阵营特性时视其为轻微程度。在11级时,虔信流浪者即使处于具有强烈混乱以及邪恶位面阵营特性的区域里也不会承受对应罚值。在14级时,虔信流浪者在具备混乱和邪恶位面阵营特性的区域里不会留下踪迹并且无法被追踪,同时他能在该地形内使用隐匿进行潜行,即使该地形没有提供掩蔽或隐蔽。17级时,当处于具备上述位面阵营特性的区域是,虔信流浪者即使正在被观察也能使用隐匿进行潜行。


追猎邪恶(Stalk Evil,Su):虔信流浪者对用尽有限制裁邪恶能力后背水一战的刹那光荣毫无兴趣。相反,他习得了一套在必要时可以随时规避、追猎和惩戒邪恶的技术。虔信流浪者在针对邪恶异界生物的知识、察觉、察言观色、隐匿和生存检定上获得+2加值,同时他在针对其的武器攻击和伤害骰上也获得+2加值。该加值不会与宿敌加值叠加。在5级和之后的每5个等级,上述加值额外增加2(最高在20级的时候达到+10)。在7级时,虔信流浪者在对抗不死生物上也获得上述价值。在13级时,他在对抗邪恶龙类上也能获得上述加值。这替代了制裁邪恶。

代行之契(Champion’s Bond,Su):5级时,虔信流浪者必须以选择武器来进行神契。20级时,无论其神契是否激活,虔信流浪者都能获得以下好处:他的DR提升到5/-。此外,若其在针对邪恶异界生物的攻击骰上得到自然20,并且确认重击的话,目标异界生物将会遭到放逐术的影响,并以虔信流浪者的圣武士等级作为施法者等级,他的武器和圣徽自动视作为目标憎恨的物品。最后,当虔信流浪者对自己使用圣疗时,他恢复等同于圣疗最大值的生命点数。这调整了神契,并替代了神圣代行者。
劇透 -  原文:

While most paladins stride brazenly forth to battle evil in gleaming armor, faithful wanderers understand that to accomplish real change in Abyssal environments, a paladin must learn to be self-sufficient and unobtrusive and that she must pick her battles carefully, lest her mission end abruptly in a blaze of glory.

Wanderer’s Lore: A faithful wanderer quickly learns that everything in the wastes is evil, and she develops the skills she needs to survive. She gains Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (planes), Perception, Stealth, and Survival as class skills but doesn’t gain Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Knowledge (nobility), or Ride as class skills. A faithful wanderer gains a number of skill ranks equal to 4 + her Intelligence modifier at each level (instead of gaining a number of skill ranks equal to 2 + her Intelligence modifier). This alters the paladin’s class skills and replaces detect evil.

Hidden Aura (Su): A faithful wanderer doesn’t have an aura of good like other paladins do, as this would give her presence away to hostile denizens of the Abyssal wastelands. Her other auras likewise don’t reveal her presence. The benefits of her aura of courage, aura of resolve, aura of faith, and aura of righteousness affect only her. At 3rd level, her alignment aura emulates the alignment planar traits (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 187) of her current location (chaotic evil in the Worldwound or the Abyss) for the purposes of alignment-detection effects, though this doesn’t change her actual alignment. At 8th level, she takes no penalties from the mildly chaos-aligned and mildly evil-aligned planar traits and treats all opposed strongly aligned planar traits as if they were only mildly aligned. At 11th level, she takes no penalties even in areas with strongly chaos- and evil-aligned planar traits. At 14th level, she leaves no trail in areas with chaos- and evil-aligned planar traits, can’t be tracked in such terrain, and can use Stealth to hide in such terrain, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment. At 17th level, she can use Stealth to hide in areas with these planar traits even while being observed. This replaces aura of good and aura of justice, and it alters aura of courage, aura of resolve, aura of faith, and aura of righteousness.

Stalk Evil (Su): A faithful wanderer isn’t interested in going out in a blaze of glory after exhausting a limited ability to smite evil. Instead, she has developed techniques to evade, stalk, and punish evil whenever necessary. She gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, and Survival checks against evil outsiders, as well as a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. These bonuses don’t stack with favored enemy bonuses. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 2 (to a maximum of +10 at 20th level). At 7th level, the faithful wanderer also gains these bonuses against undead, and at 13th level, she also gains these bonuses against evil dragons. This replaces smite evil.

Champion’s Bond (Su): At 5th level, a faithful wanderer must choose the weapon option of her divine bond class feature. At 20th level, whenever her divine bond is active, she gains several additional benefits, as follows: Her DR improves to 5/—. Additionally, if she rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll against an evil outsider and confirms the critical hit, the outsider is also subject to banishment, using the faithful wanderer’s paladin level as the caster level (her weapon and holy symbol automatically count as objects that the subject hates). Finally, whenever she uses lay on hands to heal herself, she heals the maximum possible amount of hit points. This alters divine bond and replaces holy champion.



正义誓言(Righteous Oath): 宣诏英烈不能是邪恶阵营,也不能信仰邪恶神祇。宣诏英烈的自发施法必须选择治疗法术。这调整了战斗祭司的施法。

肃清邪孽(Cleanser of Evil,Su):2级时,宣诏英烈能以一个迅捷动作高举武器并呼喊其神之名,通过消耗1次热诚来对5尺内的所有邪恶异界生物造成1d6点伤害。在5级和之后每3个等级,该伤害额外增加1d6。该伤害视作具备与宣诏英烈所信仰的神祇同等的阵营(比如,拉贾瑟尔的信徒在使用该能力时造成的伤害视作善良与守序)。7级时,该能力的效果范围增加到宣诏英烈周围10尺,并在之后每6个等级再增加5尺。宣诏英烈无法使用热诚去伤害不死生物或是进行治疗。这调整了热诚,并替代了神圣装甲。

圣临之域(Zone of Sanctification,Su):4级时,当宣诏英烈通过肃清邪孽能力使用热诚伤害邪恶异界生物时,他能以一个移动动作额外花费1次热诚在相同区域创造一个维持1轮的圣临之域。该区域内的所有邪恶异界生物在该能力发动时必须通过一个DC=10+1/2宣诏英烈等级+其感知修正的意志豁免,否则将会被扫退至区域之外。而在区域内结束回合的邪恶异界生物则会如同被肃清邪孽所影响那般受到伤害。这替代了引导能量。

劇透 -  原文:

A proclaimer is the polar opposite of a faithful wanderer (see above), rushing into Abyss-twisted wastes with nothing but his weapon in his hand and his faith in his heart, shouting his deity’s name to the skies. Most proclaimers don’t survive their first day in a hostile environment, but those who do become the stuff of legend, bolstering the spirits of crusaders near and far.

Righteous Oath:  A  proclaimer cannot be evil or worship an evil deity, and he must choose cure spells for his spontaneous casting. This alters the warpriest’s spellcasting.

Cleanser of Evil (Su): At 2nd level, a proclaimer can hold his weapon aloft and shout his deity’s name as a swift action, spending one use of fervor to deal 1d6 points of damage to all evil outsiders within 5 feet. At 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter, this damage increases by an additional 1d6. This damage has the same alignment as the proclaimer’s deity (for example, it counts as good and lawful for a worshiper of Ragathiel who uses this ability). At 7th level, the effect expands to include an area within 10 feet of the proclaimer, and it expands by 5 feet every 6 levels thereafter. A proclaimer can’t use fervor to damage undead or to heal. This alters fervor and replaces sacred armor.

Zone of Sanctification (Su): At 4th level, when a proclaimer uses fervor to damage evil outsiders with his cleanser of evil ability, he can spend one additional use of fervor as a move action to create a zone of sanctification in the same area for 1 round. All evil outsiders in the zone when it becomes active must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 10 + half the proclaimer’s level + his Wisdom modifier) or be pushed back until they are out of the area. Evil outsiders that end their turns in the area take damage as if affected by cleanser of evil. This replaces channel energy.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #11 于: 2017-11-16, 周四 10:28:59 »


劇透 -  原文:
Despite the necessity of water to sustain most forms of life, regions inundated with incessant rain struggle to support conventional agriculture, architecture, transportation, and waste disposal, frequently rendering them as uninhabitable as desolate wastelands—at least for those creatures who require such things. Those who do dwell in these areas must learn to harvest the wild plants that flourish in the deluge; navigate pathways overflowing with water using rafts, rope bridges, and other specialized equipment; and either avoid or prey upon the beasts that thrive in adverse weather as they compete for limited shelter and resources. Canny survivalists can find hiding places, useful flora, and other assets in these otherwise inhospitable lands, even harnessing the terrain to support entire communities.

Explorers in the southern frontiers of Sargava, for example, honed these techniques gradually as they pressed into the storm-wracked jungle, while the people who inhabit the waterlogged coastline now known as the Sodden Lands learned them swiftly to avoid complete annihilation at the hands of the burgeoning Eye of Abendego. In the lawless region of Shenmen in central Tian Xia, bandits experienced with their state’s strange climate have turned the perpetual rainfall into a cover for their violent raids. Even the people of Tian Xia’s Wanshou, who were devastated by an unexpected and powerful typhoon, manage to eke out a fragile, humble existence in their flooded province, although their survival is further pressured by the demands of their elder kraken overlord. These people all share a tenacity and a resourcefulness that allow them to find food, shelter, and even treasure within or beneath the churning waters of their sunken territories, where the ill prepared might struggle to find even potable water among the pestilent muck.

滔浪将(Flood flourishers)【猎人】


双生猎手(Twin Hunters,Ex): 每当滔浪将得到来自该变体的好处时,其动物伙伴亦将获得同样的好处。这替代了猎人战术。

老练伏击者(Skilled Ambusher,Ex):3级时,滔浪将获得运动健将(Athletic)或是隐秘(Stealthy)作为奖励专长。这替代了3级时获得的团队专长。

游弋自如(Watery Stride,Ex):5级时,滔浪将和其动物伙伴获得等同于基础陆地速度的游泳速度(最多30尺)。已经具备游泳速度的滔浪将或动物伙伴则代之以在避免因通过游泳离开受威胁的方格而招致借机攻击的特技检定上获得+10加值。这替代了穿林步。

水战家(Water Striker,Ex):6级时,滔浪将获得移动射击或跳跃攻击的好处,即使其并未满足上述任一专长的先决条件也是如此。他仅在使用其游泳速度时才能获得上述专长的好处。这替代了6级时获得的团队专长。

无踪深潜(Submerged Stealth,Ex):8级时,滔浪将学会了如何在泥沼之下伏击目标,让自己成为无声无息的威胁。当处于深泥沼(deep bog)时,滔浪将能利用水面带来的掩蔽进行隐匿检定,且不会受到来自自然环境的罚值。在深泥沼中,只要滔浪将一轮内移动不超过5尺,则他获得对30尺范围内进入同一水体任何东西的颤动感知。当位于深泥沼水下时,他在溺水前能闭气等同于6倍体质值的分钟数。这替代了快速追踪。

如鱼入水(Aquatic Action,Ex):9级时,滔浪将获得如鱼入水侠客天赋的好处(见下)。这替代了9级时获得的团队专长。

闪击突袭(Sudden Strike,Ex):12级时,滔浪将能更好地将利用奇袭占得上风。他能在突袭轮内进行需要整轮完成的动作,而不是只能进行单个标准或移动动作。这替代了12级获得的团队专长。

无痕游龙(Fast Submerged Stealth,Ex):15级时,滔浪将在深泥沼使用隐匿时能以游泳速度进行全速移动而无须承受对应罚值,同时他在移动中也能保持自无踪深潜中获得的震颤感知。这替代了15级获得的团队专长。

游泳好手(Fast Swimmer,Ex):18级时,滔浪将的游泳速度增加20尺。这替代了18级时获得的团队专长。
劇透 -  原文:

Well adapted to their drenched surroundings, flood flourishers coordinate deadly ambushes with their loyal animal companions by capitalizing on their mastery of the soggy terrain.

Twin Hunters (Ex): Each time a flood flourisher gains a benefit from this archetype, she also grants the benefit to her animal companion. This replaces hunter tactics.

Skilled Ambusher (Ex): At 3rd level, a flood flourisher gains either Athletic or Stealthy as a bonus feat. This replaces the teamwork feat gained at 3rd level.

Watery Stride (Ex): At 5th level, a flood flourisher and her animal companion gain a swim speed equal to their base land speed (maximum 30 feet). A flood flourisher or animal companion that already has a swim speed instead gains a +10 bonus on Acrobatics checks to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity from swimming out of a threatened square. This replaces woodland stride.

Water Striker (Ex): At 6th level, a flood flourisher gains the benefits of either Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, even if she does not meet either of the feats’ prerequisites. She gains the benefits of this feat only while using her swim speed. This replaces the teamwork feat gained at 6th level.

Submerged Stealth (Ex): At 8th level, a flood flourisher learns how to ambush targets from beneath the muck, becoming a silent threat. While in a deep bog, the flood flourisher can use cover from the water to attempt Stealth checks with no penalties from the natural environment. While in a deep bog, as long as she moves no more than 5 feet in a round, she has tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet against anything that moves within the same body of water. While underwater in a deep bog, she can hold her breath for a number of minutes equal to 6 times her Constitution score before she risks drowning. This replaces swift tracker.

Aquatic Action (Ex): At 9th level, a flood flourisher gains the benefits of the aquatic action vigilante talent (see below). This replaces the teamwork feat gained at 9th level.

Sudden Strike (Ex): At 12th level, a flood flourisher can better take advantage of the element of surprise. She can take a full round’s worth of actions during the surprise round, rather than a single standard action or move action. This replaces the teamwork feat gained at 12th level.

Fast Submerged Stealth (Ex): At 15th level, a flood flourisher can move up to her full swim speed with no penalty while using Stealth in a deep bog, and she can maintain her tremorsense from her submerged stealth while doing so. This replaces the teamwork feat gained at 15th level.

Fast Swimmer (Ex): At 18th level, a flood flourisher increases her swim speed by 20 feet. This replaces the teamwork feat gained at 18th level.


劇透 -  原文:
Certain vigilantes learn to operate with lethal efficiency in flooded areas.

如鱼入水(Aquatic Action,Ex):当侠客在水下环境使用武器、天生武器或者徒手攻击,以及当侠客在岸上对水中的敌人发动近战攻击时,其视为处于行动自如的效果下。侠客无视远程攻击(包括投掷武器)在水下前15英尺的限制和减值(详情请看《探索者RPG核心规则书》432页的水下战斗章节)。侠客必须达到8级才能选择此天赋。

鳄鱼翻滚(Gator Wrangle,Ex):侠客在对抗来自于攫抓的擒抱战技检定的CMD上获得+8加值,并且他只会受到一半的紧勒伤害。当攻击擒抱他的生物时,一个选择了复仇骑士之道的侠客可以额外造成等同于1/2侠客等级的伤害。

沼泽调和(Swamp Concoctions,Ex):每天2次,侠客可以通过整轮动作使用因地制宜侠客天赋(environment weapon,《极限诡道》第14页)来临时制作一份不超过每侠客等级15金币的炼金武器。这份临时武器无法贩卖并且必须要在3回合内使用,否则就会失去活性。侠客在使用这些临时武器时可以获得随手投掷专长的好处。这个能力不能制作出带有特殊材质的临时武器,除非同时提供这些材料。侠客必须拥有因地制宜侠客天赋,并且选择丛林、沼泽或水域才能选择此天赋。

漩涡飞溅(Vortex Splash,Ex):当下雨时或者处于及腰深的水中,侠客可以用整轮动作做出一次旋转溅射,这允许他进行1次阴招战技检定或者虚招来对抗每个邻接的敌人。侠客可以针对各个敌人分别选择阴招或是虚招。
劇透 -  原文:
Aquatic Action (Ex): The vigilante uses weapons, natural weapons, and unarmed strikes in aquatic environments as though under the effect of freedom of movement, including when making melee attacks against targets in the water while the vigilante is on land. The vigilante ignores limitations and penalties on ranged attacks, including thrown weapons, imposed by being underwater for the first 15 feet. (See Underwater Combat on page 432 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook for more information.) A vigilante must be at least 8th level to select this talent.

Gator Wrangle (Ex): The vigilante gains a +8 bonus to his CMD against grapple combat maneuvers when using the grab ability, and he halves all damage from constrict attacks. When attacking a creature that is grappling him, an avenger vigilante deals an additional amount of damage equal to half his vigilante level.

Swamp Concoctions (Ex): Twice per day as a full-round action, the vigilante can use the environment weapon vigilante talent (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 14) to improvise an alchemical weapon worth no more than 15 gp per vigilante level. This improvised weapon cannot be sold and must be used within 3 rounds before it becomes inert. The vigilante gains the benefits of the Throw Anything feat for the purpose of these improvised weapons. This ability cannot create improvised weapons that incorporate special materials unless those materials are also present. To select this talent, the vigilante must have the environment weapon vigilante feat, and he must have selected jungle, swamp, or water for that talent.

Vortex Splash (Ex): When in rain or waist deep in water, the vigilante can make a whirling splash as a full-round action, allowing him to attempt a single dirty trick APG combat maneuver or feint against each adjacent foe. The vigilante can make a separate choice for each target.


劇透 -  原文:
The following witch hexes support witches who dwell in waterlogged regions



污水(Pollute Water,Su):女巫能以邪秽能量污染水体。该能力如同凋零巫术(《探索者RPG 进阶玩家手册》66页)一般,除了其只会对静水区域或者具有水栖(aquatic)或是水系(water)亚种的生物有影响。而饮用污染区域水源的任何生物必须通过一个强韧豁免,否则反胃1d3轮,同时承受如同凋零巫术所带来的凋零苦难。而成功通过强韧豁免的生物则会在24小时内免疫该区域里受污染水源所带来的效果。被污染的水并不能解渴。

浊视(Polluting Glance,Su):女巫仅需一瞥就能腐化非魔法液体(比如炼金药剂)。女巫能选择30尺内可看到的某个液体,并如同污水巫术(见上文)一般将其转换成污水。而女巫能同时激活该巫术的次数上限等同于其智力修正(至少为1)。女巫必须具备污水巫术才能选择该巫术。

沉没(Sink,Su):女巫能让某一生物在水中难以行动,使其在游泳检定上受到-4罚值,同时让其游泳速度(如果有)在1分钟内减少10尺,除非该生物能通过一个强韧豁免将该效果的持续时间减少到1轮。该巫术的持续时间能通过尖笑巫术(《探索者RPG 进阶玩家手册》66页)加以延长。该巫术不会与自身叠加。
劇透 -  原文:
Congeal (Su): The witch can make the water in a 10-foot radius around her sludgy and viscous for 1 minute, causing it to function as difficult terrain for all swimming creatures except herself. This also provides partial cover against physical effects that pass through the affected area.

Murksight (Su): The witch can see through natural fog, mist, and rain without penalty, ignoring any concealment bonuses gained from such effects. If the effect is created by magic, the witch can see up to 15 feet without penalty, with normal penalties and effects applying beyond that distance. This ability functions underwater as well, allowing the witch to see in murky water as though it were clear. This does not allow the witch to see anything she could not see otherwise, such as an invisible creature.

Pollute Water (Su): The witch can corrupt bodies of water with foul energies. This functions as the blight hex (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 66), except it affects only either an area of standing water or a creature with the aquatic or water subtype. A creature of any type that drinks water from a polluted  area  must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or become nauseated for 1d3 rounds and afflicted as if blighted with the blight hex curse. A creature that succeeds at this saving throw is immune to the effects of polluted water from this area for 24 hours. Polluted water does not quench thirst.

Polluting Glance (Su): The witch can corrupt nonmagical liquid items (such as alchemical remedies) with a look. The witch can choose one liquid item she can see within 30 feet and change its contents into polluted water as per her pollute water hex (see above). The number of polluting glance hexes the witch can have active at one time is equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1). The witch must have the pollute water hex to select this hex.

Sink (Su): The witch can cause a creature in water to struggle, imposing a –4 penalty on its Swim checks and reducing its swim speed (if any) by 10 feet for 1 minute unless it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw; on a successful save, the effect’s duration is reduced to 1 round. The duration of this hex can be extended with the cackle hex (Advanced Player’s Guide 66). This hex does not stack with itself.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #12 于: 2017-11-16, 周四 10:30:24 »


劇透 -  原文:
Those who travel through desolate wastelands are often perplexed to find the areas populated with life, while those who dwell in such areas must learn to survive and adapt to the life-threatening obstacles presented by a wasteland’s climate, dangerous wildlife, and environmental hazards. Wastelands often experience drastic, fast-paced changes in the landscape, but the locals refuse to give up their claim to the territory. Some stay to maintain the continuity of their culture and heritage. Others stay because they can’t afford the cost of leaving. Still others stay for the freedom (or isolation) a wasteland affords. In most such places, people are beholden to no one and can live according to their own values.


劇透 -  原文:
Though a surprising variety of creatures can eke out a living in wastelands, there are those whose long exposure to harsh environments has made them especially suited for life in the wastes. Each of the races below includes a trait; its type and any requirements are listed in parentheses. See page 326 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide for more information on traits.

灰烬巨人(Ash Giant)


劇透 -  原文:
Ash giants
The genesis of these deformed giants is commonly tied to calamities both magical and, in rarer cases, technological. Ash giants’ deformities do not hinder their ability to live in wastelands, however; rather, these mutations help them thrive in hostile regions. Ash giants are immune to disease and are able to find meals in a variety of places where other races can scarcely survive. Besides the fresh meat they acquire by hunting and raiding, ash giants gladly devour carrion or any rotten food they come across while roaming their wasteland territories. Given their close association with vermin, ash giants tend to follow the mindless creatures’ senses and survival instincts, trusting them to find sources of food (however disgusting that food might be).

Ash giants have a dark sense of humor, and their jokes nearly always center on food. If one of their kind is accidentally killed, even as a result of a misguided prank turned deadly, the fallen comrade is praised for being a good sport before being quickly devoured as a fresh meal. Ash giants have no compunction about eating their own kind or the vermin that they keep as guardians and mounts.

Ash Bane (Regional, Wastelands): You have built up a resistance to the diseases that ash giants and their vermin guardians carry. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws to resist the disease abilities of ash giants and creatures with the vermin type. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on melee attack rolls against vermin.





劇透 -  原文:
Dwarves can be found in many wastelands serving as caravan guards, trading their wares, or migrating in search of new lands to settle. The solitude of the wastelands often attracts them, as does the prospect of untapped natural resources in these areas. Dwarves do not see the difficulty of living in wastelands as a burden but instead regard the hard life and strenuous work as virtuous. Dwarves’ tendency to accept the world as it is helps them to thrive in environments that other races deem inhospitable.

The dwarven aphorism “stone endures” is taken seriously by dwarves living in wastelands, where they bring fortitude and a stubborn resolve to a life filled with daily hardships. Most dwarves living in the wastes follow the tenets of Torag, dutifully planning and preparing for any eventuality. This serves them well in dangerous lands where carelessness or even a single miscalculation can mean the difference between life and death—or a worse fate.

Despite the harsh conditions, dwarven communities in wastelands tend to engage in trade with their neighbors, no matter the distance. Typically, they trade dwarven armor, mead, and weapons for agricultural products and textiles. Dwarven traditionalism can be found in most of their wasteland societies, and in some cases, they follow those traditions even more strictly as a way to maintain a connection with their distant kin. With priests leading most of these wasteland settlements, it is not uncommon for arcane magic to be viewed with suspicion (or even hatred). Many dwarves living in the Mana Wastes see only the negative effects of arcane energy, such as unpredictable weather in primal magic zones or the pain caused by spells cast upon them. As a result, these dwarves have a particular dislike for practitioners of the arcane arts.

Spellcaster’s Anathema (Race, Dwarf): You see arcane magic as untrustworthy and its use as a calamity waiting to happen. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against arcane spellcasters.




劇透 -  原文:
Girtablilus are large, part-humanoid, part-scorpion creatures that make their nests in scorching wastelands, particularly where harsh winds blow and water is scarce. Most creatures cannot survive for long in such inhospitable environments, but girtablilus seem to thrive. This is partly because they are opportunistic predators; their diet consists mainly of insects, but they consume nearly any creature they can manage to slay. Some evil tribes of girtablilus even enjoy hunting and consuming intelligent humanoids.

Girtablilus also have a number of specialized adaptations that help them survive in wastelands. One such adaptation is their ability to hydrate themselves by efficiently extracting moisture not only from their prey’s flesh and organs but also from their victims’ bones and carapaces. Girtablilus also have the ability to slow their metabolism when food is scarce. While doing so, their movements and speech patterns are slow and exaggerated. If prey becomes available, they can spring back into action in the blink of an eye. Additionally, girtablilus have a tough exoskeleton with a waxy surface that limits the moisture they lose through evaporation.

Finally, girtablilus have stingers that can deliver potent, fast-acting venom, which they can use to outright kill prey or to paralyze it for later consumption, though they usually prefer to kill quarry with brute force, saving their venom for defensive purposes. Creatures that live near girtablilus are keenly aware of the danger that the creatures’ tails present, and girtablilus take advantage of this fear to intimidate and induce fear in other species and races.

Venom Resistance (Combat): You have spent considerable time in arid wastelands where girtablilus and other venomous creatures are common, and you have built up a resistance to poison. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison, and once per day when attempting a saving throw to resist girtablilu poison, you can roll twice and take the higher result.




劇透 -  原文:
Gnolls are commonly found in the hot desert wastelands of Casmaron and Osirion, and though there was once a large population of these hyenic creatures in what is now the Mana Wastes, the transformation of that blighted area drove out all but the most mutated gnolls. These remaining tribes consider these lands their god-given and promised lands, and typically hunt any and all who dare to tread upon these sacred regions. Gnolls’ animalistic scavenging cleans wastelands of rancid carrion and tends to keep such areas free of endemic disease. This also allows gnolls to thrive in food-scarce regions, where they can scare lesser predators away from their kills to acquire food.

Gnolls’ success in these environments is directly related to their opportunistic nature, including ingesting things other wasteland creatures might not find edible, such as bones, hides, or decaying matter. Additionally, gnolls hunt in small packs and use tactics designed to split herds apart, isolating weaker members for easy capture. However vicious they are against their prey, though, gnolls support one another and continue to increase their numbers in these regions.

Gnolls make good use of their exceptional senses to keep themselves fed, finding both live prey and carrion by sight, hearing, and smell. They also track other scavengers to find more distant meals of carrion. However, stolen or scrounged carrion is only a small portion of the wasteland gnolls’ diet. They prefer eating fresh kills of birds, lizards, and snakes, as well as other humanoids. Gnolls typically kill and then immediately devour small prey, but with larger quarry, they often begin to eat while the creature is still alive.

Pack Savvy (Social): You have learned how to gain the respect of gnolls in your region, and you know something of their social structure. You gain a +3 trait bonus on Charisma- based skill checks when dealing with gnolls.



劇透 -  原文:
Humans are Golarion’s predominant race and can be found even in the most desolate wastelands. One of humans’ strongest assets is the coherence of their social groups. This socialization increases the sharing of knowledge and ensures that survival skills are passed along through societies and to future generations. Because of this, humans are able to adjust to new situations, environments, and crises. Being quick to adapt on a societal level is often for the best, allowing advances in agriculture, architecture, social justice, and technology. Humans’ ability to adapt not only allows them to survive the inhospitable climates of wastelands but also helps them to colonize new regions. Humans can be found in virtually every environment, from searing deserts, frigid tundras, and tainted swamps to steamy jungles, volcanic plains, and Abyssal wastelands.

Another advantage humans have over many other creatures, even those of reasonable intelligence, is that they are constantly innovating and redesigning their environment to make it more hospitable, improving both the productivity of individuals and the security and well- being of communities. Cultural and technological changes stand out as humans’ most complex adaptations to the vagaries of the natural world.

Wasteland Vagrant (Social): You have spent most of your life learning how to survive in wastelands, and a lack of normal survival resources apparent in the environment is not a problem for you. When you gain this trait, pick one type of wasteland from the following list: blighted, Abyssal, desert, or waterlogged. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Survival checks in that type of wasteland terrain. (The GM determines whether terrain falls into the chosen type of wasteland.) Once you choose a type of wasteland terrain to gain this benefit in, you cannot change it later.



劇透 -  原文:
Following the edicts of the eldest matrons of their people, lamias seek out and live in arid and lifeless wastelands. While the lion-bodied monstrous humanoids are the least powerful of the lamyros, they are the most widely known. These wicked creatures survive in remote areas and wastelands by making use of their natural weapons, hunting skills, and curse-given magical abilities, taking shelter in ancient ruins and temples.

Lamias are entirely carnivorous and typically stock a pen of humanoids that serve as both slaves and an emergency food supply. Lamias typically prefer to eat sentient races over lesser animals and vermin but do not pass up the lesser beings if food is scarce. Mainly ambush hunters, lamias are both quick and powerful. They tend to move about in a slow and methodical manner in an attempt to give prey a false sense of security, often using their magic charms or illusions to coax prey nearer, and then spring into action at the last moment. After a successful hunt, lamias attempt to restrain their prey, consume its blood, and then feast upon its flesh. Other lamias resort to stalking their prey over great distances before finally moving in when the target grows exhausted from the chase.

Lamia’s Bane (Magic): You have been exposed to the magical energies of lamias in your past, or you have heard innumerable stories about your family’s dealings with lamias, and you have built up a resistance to their charms. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against enchantment effects and a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against the spells and spell-like abilities of lamias.




劇透 -  原文:
Ogres can be found throughout most of Golarion and in many of its wastelands. Bloodthirsty and aggressive, they thrive in such areas for a variety of reasons, including their societal structure. Ogres in wastelands depend on one another for survival. Being clumsy hunters and stalkers and lacking an understanding of water collection, ogres form raiding parties that instead depend on brute force to collect enough food and water to sustain themselves. Their main objective is to live off of other species, even other groups of ogres. Occasionally, they garner food and water as payment from smaller humanoids, such as goblins, in trade for protection and, in some cases, leadership.

Ogre tribes value two attributes above all else: strength and fertility. With the former, they beat their environment into submission, and with the latter they keep their tribes’ numbers up. Ogre females are almost constantly pregnant, and the resultant bolstering of the population helps offset the high mortality rate caused by wasteland living.

Ogres try to avoid direct and prolonged exposure to sunlight, especially during the summer months. This helps them avoid water loss, and thereby death—heat exposure claims the lives of more wasteland-dwelling ogres than any other danger. Many ogre tribes in desert environments therefore limit their hunting, stalking, and scavenging to the cooler seasons and nighttime hours.

Ogre Avoidance (Combat): You have practiced defensive maneuvers to avoid being caught by ogres, whose grasps you know are tight and unforgiving. You gain a +2 trait bonus to CMD against bull rush and grapple combat maneuvers. 



劇透 -  原文:
Ratfolk have a remarkable ability to adapt to nearly any kind of wasteland region, contributing to their ubiquity in such places. In desert wastelands, ratfolk often dwell in burrows, having evolved slightly shorter legs and larger, protruding teeth that they can use for digging. Ratfolk in arid regions extract water primarily from seeds they graze on throughout the day. In such climates, they shed excess heat through their elongated tails to cool down rather than sweating or panting. This, combined with their oily coats, prevents them from losing too much water to evaporation. Desert ratfolk in particular have fur in a wide range of earth tones that helps them blend in with the sand and soil, camouflaging them from many of the predatory creatures that prowl wastelands.

Beyond their physical adaptations, ratfolk are avid negotiators and pride themselves as merchants in the wastelands. Ratfolk caravans in wastelands trade, sell, and barter for goods and services, often using the desperation of less adapted clientele to their advantage. Despite a ratfolk’s tendency to walk away from deals with the upper hand, other humanoids typically see their presence in an otherwise inhospitable area as a good sign.

Scamper (Race, Ratfolk): In desperate times, your adrenaline kicks in to help you avoid danger. During the first round of combat in which you can act, you ignore difficult terrain and gain an additional 5 feet of movement. This benefit does not apply when you are carrying a medium or heavier load.




劇透 -  原文:
Large concentrations of tieflings can be found in Abyssal wastelands such as the Worldwound. The destructive Abyssal creatures that permeate these regions sometimes infect mortal bloodlines, creating a continuous but erratic supply of tiefling offspring. These progeny, known as pitborn, are frequently greeted with hostility by their families and communities. Further, many tieflings with non-Abyssal heritages are also persecuted in their communities, and so they set off into the wastelands in search of isolation and peace. Despite much of their existence being defined by rejection and pain, tieflings have a fierce desire to survive.

Their dark heritage grants tieflings a certain resistance to many of the harshest environments, and they often find themselves able to live comfortably in regions that prove too extreme for other races. Their heritage also gives their bodies the potential to tap into and develop Abyssal traits. Some tieflings have thick, scaly skin that protects them and deflects attacks. Most food and water found naturally within these Abyssal wastelands is corrupted with vile poison, but tieflings’ fiendish nature sometimes allows them to ingest these contaminants safely.

Tieflings sustain themselves in wastelands through a number of means. Tieflings can be of any alignment, though most who make the Worldwound their home are evil, often keeping large numbers of slaves meant for food, labor, and sacrifices, and raiding borderlands for equipment, food, water, and weapons. In the Worldwound, the corruption is so extensive that it has transformed the natural flora and fauna into fiendish monsters that prey upon those who try to make a meal of them, but tieflings’ intelligence and curiosity helps them persevere in the face of both Abyssal and humanoid threats.

Neutralizing Gut (Race, Tiefling): Your fiendish heritage has made you more resilient to the many poisonous threats in wastelands. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against contact and inhaled poisons, and a +3 trait bonus on saving throws against ingested poisons.

废土纪行客(Wasteland Chronicler)【吟游诗人】


废土学识(Wasteland Knowledge, Ex):废土纪行客在进行知识(地理)、知识(地方)、知识(自然)、知识(位面)以及生存检定时将其一半的职业等级(至少为1)加到检定结果中。这替代了逸闻知识。

废土专家(Wasteland Specialist, Ex):在3级及之后每5个等级,废土纪行客获得游侠偏好地形职业特性的好处,但废土纪行客只能在游侠的偏好地形列表中选择寒地、沙漠、山脉或沼泽。此外,废土纪行客在进行影响废土居民的态度的交涉检定时将其一半的职业等级(至少为1)加到检定结果中。


劇透 -  原文:
Some explore the farthest reaches of desolate wastelands, seeking to unlock the mysteries found there and meet the inhabitants of such regions, and chronicle their findings. The wasteland chronicler has discovered a connection to the wastelands and can use his performance to guide himself and others through these regions safely.

Wasteland Knowledge (Ex): A wasteland chronicler adds half his level (minimum 1) as a bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (planes), and Survival checks. This replaces bardic knowledge.

Wasteland Specialist (Ex): At 3rd level and every 5 levels thereafter, the wasteland chronicler gains the benefits of the favored terrain ranger class feature, but the wasteland chronicler can choose only cold, desert, mountain, or swamp from the ranger’s favored terrain list. In addition, the wasteland chronicler adds half his level (minimum 1) as a bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence the attitude of wasteland dwellers.

If the wasteland chronicler has the favored terrain ability from any other classes, the levels from these different sources stack for the purposes of improving the bonuses of selected favored terrains and choosing new favored terrains.

This replaces inspire competence.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #13 于: 2017-11-16, 周四 10:30:43 »


发条与发明之女神布莱(Brigh)在这类信仰中占有主要地位,各种各样的实验者、发明家以及技师工匠都会去崇敬青铜低语(the Whisper in the Bronze)。她的信众要么久居于法力废土上各个城市的实验室中,要么就会在废土上四处游历,以寻求古代科技所带来的启发。布莱的信仰在阿肯斯塔尤为突出,女神的圣所在此地同时充当着城市中各类发明家和工程师的工房。事实上,布莱在内海地区中最大的神殿正是位于阿肯斯塔,而这座城市中的各个势力及工会则通常利用其带来的神启制作出稀有而独特的奇迹之作。

而在乌斯特拉迪河彼端的矮人之城顿加堡,这里的矮人崇拜烈火、传统与战争的矮人神祇安哥拉徳(Angradd)。他们相信火器乃是战争中最为先进的武器,而锻造之火(the Forge-Fire)则会鼓励顿加堡的矮人们去创造更加强大的火器,藉此展示他们的虔诚与力量。

而上述两座城市则一直在和火药与毒性金属之邪魔先锋席希轮(Cixyron)的信众作斗争。一些震怒雷霆(Furious Thunder)的崇拜者一直在其奴役下寻找着可用的新式火器。他们会为了火器搜遍法力废土,并且偶尔会袭击阿肯斯塔以及顿加堡的发明家以索取所需的武器。而当子弹不起作用时,这些信徒则会使用致命的猛毒,并将其视作是对掌管着毒性金属主子的敬意。
劇透 -  原文:
gods of InnovatIon
Technology has played an enormous role helping many of the sparse civilizations of the Mana Wastes persevere, particularly given the erratic nature of magic and the looming dangers of the wastes. New weapons, armors, and equipment have historically helped survivors blaze a trail toward survival and success, especially in places such as Alkenstar, Dongun Hold, and Martel. In these places, many thank divine inspiration for the technology that helps them survive, and dedication to a number of gods with ties to the technological is common.

Brigh, the goddess of clockwork and invention, is dominant among these faiths. All manner of experimenters, inventors, and tinkerers devote themselves to the Whisper in the Bronze. Her followers dwell within labs throughout cities in the Mana Wastes or travel the wastes in search of inspiration or ancient technology. Brigh’s worship is particularly notable in Alkenstar, where shrines to the goddess serve as workshops to the various inventors and engineers of the city. Indeed, one of the largest temples to Brigh in the Inner Sea region is located in Alkenstar, and the city’s factions and guilds often use their divine inspiration to craft rare and unique marvels.

Across the Ustradi River lies the dwarven city of Dongun Hold. These dwarves venerate Angradd, the dwarven god of fire, tradition, and war. They believe that firearms serve as the latest weapons of war, and that the Forge-Fire encourages the dwarves of the Hold to create increasingly potent firearms to show their piety and strength.

The two cities contend with the followers of Cixyron, daemonic harbinger of gunpowder and poisonous metals. Pockets of worshipers of the Furious Thunder constantly search for new firearms to use in servitude to their daemon lord. They scour the Mana Wastes for firearms, occasionally attacking the inventors of Alkenstar and Dongun Hold to acquire the weapons they desire. When bullets won’t do, these followers use deadly poison, viewing it as an homage to the harbinger’s domain over poisonous metals.

神圣造物专长(Divine Crafting Feats)
劇透 -  原文:
Worshipers of Angradd and Brigh are skilled crafters, infusing their creations with divine energies. The following feats allow characters to imbue crafted items with magical energy to grant new abilities and effects.

抵异作成(Aligned Crafting)
先决条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor)或制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)

制造强化火器(Create Enhanced Firearm)
先决条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor);1级工艺(武器)或者枪匠(Gunsmithing)专长

强固作成(Reinforce Crafting)
先决条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),拥有释放修复术或者完全修复术的能力。
劇透 -  原文:
aligned crafting
Your magical creations reject those you oppose.
Prerequisite: Craft Magic Arms and Armor or Craft Wondrous Item.
Benefit: When you craft a magic weapon, magic armor, a magic shield, or a wondrous item, you can infuse it with a bit of your convictions. Creatures that are more than one alignment step away from you are sickened while using or wearing this item. An item that has been infused with your alignment can never have an opposing special ability added to it later (for example, a longsword infused with your lawful good alignment cannot later gain the anarchic weapon special ability). Infusing the item with your alignment in this way increases the items total construction cost by 10%.

create enhanced firearm
You can craft superior firearms.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Craft (weapons) 1 rank or Gunsmithing UC .
Benefit: When you craft a firearm or magical firearm, you can use reinforced components to make the weapon more reliable. This increases the item’s total construction cost by 10%. The misfire chance of the weapon is reduced by 1. This can never reduce a firearm’s misfire chance by more than 1.

reinforce crafting
Your magical creations are hardier than most.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ability to cast make whole or mending.
Benefit: When you craft a magic weapon, magic armor, or magic shield, you can add a fortifying element to the item. This increases the item’s total construction cost by 10%. If it’s a weapon, when it becomes broken, the penalty to attack and damage rolls is reduced to –1 (this can never reduce a broken weapon’s penalty to attack and damage to 0 or a positive number). If it’s a suit of armor or a shield, when it becomes broken, the bonus it grants to AC is reduced by one-quarter, rounding down. Other drawbacks of the broken condition to weapons, armor, and shields still apply as normal. Normal: A broken weapon imposes a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls. The bonus a broken suit of armor or a broken shield grants to AC is halved.

构装守卫(Keeper of constructs)【审判者】


穿透打击(Penetrating Blows, Ex):构装守卫的攻击在神力的指引下穿透构装体的防御。在攻击构装体时,在考虑克服伤害减免时构装守卫将其武器视作为精金。8级时,他在攻击构装体时能忽视前5点DR或硬度。16级时,他在攻击构装体时忽视前10点DR或硬度。


威慑构装(Construct Influence, Ex):构装守卫对构装体内部运作的学识使其能在对付它们时占得上风。他能使用威吓技能来对构装体进行挫败士气。而在他这样做时,构装守卫会在该检定上获得等同于其等级一半的加值(最少为1)。这替代了严苛凝视。

构装学识(Construct Lore, Ex):原当尝试知识检定识别构装体的能力和弱点时,构装守卫将其两倍的感知调整值额外加到智力调整值上作为加值。这替代了怪物学识。

夺取主控(Wrest Control, Sp):14级时,每天三次,构装守卫能通过一个标准动作来对某一构装体下达命令。这如同一个可解消的暗示术法术,且能影响通常对影响心灵效果免疫的构装体。其施法者等级等同于构装守卫的职业等级。构装体能通过一个DC=10+构装守卫职业等级一半+构装守卫感知修正的意志豁免来拒绝执行该命令。成功通过豁免的构装体在接下来的24小时内免疫这项能力。处于该能力影响下的构装体若遭受攻击,则该效果马上终止。


劇透 -  原文:
Some of Brigh’s inquisitors, and occasionally those who follow Torag, track down malicious construct crafters and fight renegade constructs with unrivaled expertise.

Penetrating Blows (Ex): A keeper of constructs’ attacks are divinely guided to pierce the defenses of constructs. The keeper of constructs treats her weapons as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction when attacking constructs. At 8th level, she ignores the first 5 points of DR or hardness when attacking constructs. At 16th level, she ignores the first 10 points of DR or hardness when attacking constructs.

This replaces the inquisitor’s domain.

Construct Influence (Ex): A keeper of constructs’ knowledge of constructs’ inner workings allows her to gain an upper hand over constructs. She can use the Intimidate skill to demoralize constructs, and when she attempts to do so, she gains a bonus on the check equal to half her inquisitor level (minimum 1).

This replaces stern gaze.

Construct Lore (Ex): A keeper of constructs adds twice her Wisdom modifier plus her Intelligence modifier as a bonus when attempting Knowledge checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of constructs.

This replaces monster lore.

Wrest Control (Sp): At 14th level, three times per day, the keeper of constructs can issue a command to a construct as a standard action. This functions as a suggestion spell that is dismissible, affects the construct despite its normal immunity to mind-affecting effects, and has a caster level equal to the keeper of constructs’ inquisitor level. The construct can resist the command with a successful Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half the keeper of constructs’ inquisitor level + her Wisdom modifier). A construct that successfully saves is immune to this ability for the following 24 hours. This effect immediately ends if the construct is attacked while under its influence.

If an affected construct was being controlled by a creature, that individual can regain control of the construct with a successful Charisma check (attempting this check requires a standard action) opposed by the inquisitor’s Charisma check. On a success, the original creature regains full control of the construct and this effect ends. This replaces exploit weakness.

剧毒狙击手(Toxic sniper)【杀手】


武器和防具擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):剧毒狙击手擅长所有简单武器以及火器。他擅长轻型盔甲。这调整了剧毒狙击手的武器和防具擅长。

好战之枪(Scrapper’s Gun):剧毒狙击手获得枪匠(Gunsmithing)专长,并获得等同于铳士在1级时拿到的磨损枪械,以及如同其是铳士般修复磨损枪械的能力。这替代了追踪。

神射狙杀(Sharpshooter’s Study, Ex):剧毒狙击手的专注让其在使用远程武器时极端致命。他只有在以远程武器攻击时才能在针对自己杀戮目标的攻击及伤害骰上获得加值。这调整了杀戮目标。

毒性勇毅(Toxic Grit, Ex):2级时,剧毒狙击手获得业余铳士(Amateur Gunslinger)奖励专长。这替代了2级获得的杀手天赋。

涂毒弹药(Toxic Shots, Ex):4级时,剧毒狙击手能为非带坑弹头(《探索者RPG极限战斗》第141页)上毒。其接受过以这种方法使用毒药的训练,因此给弹药上毒时不会因意外而中毒。剧毒狙击手每天能制作数量等同于其杀手等级一半+感知修正的涂毒弹药。而涂毒弹药的穿透性会让任何通过这种方法上毒的毒素的DC增加2。剧毒狙击手无法将涂毒弹药作为炼金定装弹的一部分来进行制作。这替代了4级获得的杀手天赋。

神枪手(Marksman, Ex):6级时,剧毒狙击手在狙击时的潜行检定减值降低5点。该减值在剧毒狙击手12级以及18级时会继续降低5点。在8级时,他能对杀戮目标造成远程偷袭的距离额外增加10尺。该距离在剧毒狙击手14级以及20级时会继续增加10尺。这替代了6级,8级,12级,14级,16级,18级以及20级的杀手天赋。

精准注毒(Precise Toxin, Ex):10级时,剧毒狙击手能将涂毒弹药射向尤为脆弱的部位。当剧毒狙击手以涂毒弹药击中对手并造成偷袭伤害时,他能放弃所有额外伤害来增加涂毒弹药的毒素DC。他用这种方法每放弃2d6偷袭伤害,毒素DC对应增加1。这替代了10级获得的杀手天赋。
劇透 -  原文:
Followers of the daemonic harbinger Cixyron hide throughout the Mana Wastes, scavenging for guns. With significant firepower in hand, the Furious Thunder’s snipers bring poisonous death to the wastes.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A toxic sniper is proficient with all simple weapons and firearms. He is proficient with light armor. This alters the toxic sniper’s weapon and armor proficiency.

Scrapper’s Gun: A toxic sniper gains the Gunsmithing UC feat, a battered gun identical to that gained by a 1st-level gunslinger, and the ability to restore his battered gun as if he were a gunslinger. This replaces track.

Sharpshooter’s Study (Ex): A toxic sniper’s focus makes him extremely deadly with ranged weapons. He gains a bonus on attack and damage rolls against his studied target only when attacking with a ranged weapon. This alters studied target.

Toxic Grit (Ex): At 2nd level, the toxic sniper gains the Amateur Gunslinger UC feat as a bonus feat. This replaces the slayer talent gained at 2nd level.

Toxic Shots (Ex): At 4th level, a toxic sniper can coat his ammunition in poison without requiring a pitted bullet (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 141). He is trained in applying poison in this way and cannot accidentally poison himself when applying poison to his ammunition. The toxic sniper can create a number of toxic shots per day equal to half his slayer level plus his Wisdom modifier. The penetrating nature of a toxic shot increases the DC of any poisons applied in this way by 2. A toxic sniper cannot create a toxic shot that is part of an alchemical cartridge. This replaces the slayer talent gained at 4th level.

Marksman (Ex): At 6th level, a toxic sniper reduces the penalty on Stealth checks while sniping by 5. He reduces the penalty by 5 again at 12th level and at 18th level. At 8th level, he increases the distance from which he can deliver a ranged sneak attack against his studied target by 10 feet. This increases by 10 feet again at 14th level and at 20th level. This replaces slayer talents gained at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th levels.

Precise Toxin (Ex): At 10th level, a toxic sniper can deliver a toxic shot to especially vulnerable areas. When he hits an opponent with a toxic shot and deals sneak attack damage, he can forgo all his bonus damage to increase the DC of the his toxic shot’s poison. The DC increases by 1 for every 2d6 points of sneak attack damage he forgoes in this way. This replaces the slayer talent gained at 10th level.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #14 于: 2017-11-16, 周四 10:32:39 »




如今,两国间的冲突已经正式处于缓和状态。大部分的直接冲突都已经在AR576年终结,其时大法师遁入自己的异次元圣所——奈克斯庇护所(Refuge of Nex),而因此受挫的盖布进行了仪式性的自杀,化身为幽灵重回自己的领土,直到确认自己的宿敌被彻底击败后方得安息。而现在,新的势力接掌了两国之间的魔法冲突,但日复一日的平凡日子表明两国之间愈发和平,这大概是两位法师都不会乐于见到的。
劇透 -  原文:
More than 5,000 years ago, the expansionist archwizard Nex and his nation came into conflict with Geb and that necromancer’s own kingdom, and the two powerful mages became bitter, hateful rivals.

The nations’ intense magical warfare rent the very land. Geb used foul magic to raise all of his subjects who perished in the war as undead automatons. Meanwhile, Nex pushed his own arcane knowledge to dangerous heights, wielding potent wish magic against Geb, building himself a personal demiplane and achieving immortality. This constant barrage of magic eventually twisted the region between the two nations and created the chaotic wasteland now known as the Mana Wastes.

Today, the nations’ conflict is officially in a state of detente. Most of the direct conflict ended in 576 ar, when the archmage fled into the his extradimensional sanctum, the Refuge of Nex, and a frustrated Geb committed ritual suicide, only to return to his lands as a ghost who cannot rest until he becomes certain that his rival is defeated. Now, new factions take the reins of the magical conflict, though day-to-day life sees the two nations interacting much more peacefully than either progenitor wizard would approve of.

劇透 -   :
The Arclords of Nex and the Blood Lords of Geb continue to craft new spells to aid in the cold war between the two nations, as well as to deal with new threats that rise from the Mana Wastes. Use of this magic has spread beyond the region and into the repertoires of casters of all types.




范围:近距(25尺+每2CL 5英尺)





该法术功能如同“亡灵无视术(HIDE FROM UNDEAD)”一般,但该法术在受术者尝试引导正能量、触碰、驱散或命令不死生物,或攻击任意生物时不会马上结束。但是,若受术者采取上述任一举动,则智能不死生物能额外进行一次意志豁免以忽略该法术的效果。


该法术能创造出一片充盈着由你身上散发的稳定性魔法能量所充盈的区域。任何处于该区域的生物在没能通过野魔法区(《探索者RPG 游戏主持指南》第188页)施法的专注检定时,其能骰两次以决定野魔法的效果,并且可以任选其一。

范围:近距(25英尺+每2CL 5尺)



范围:中距(100英尺+每CL 10尺)

该法术的功能如同不洁邪击(UNHALLOWED BLOWS),不过增强加值是每4CL +1(最高+5)。作为替代,你也可以让某一生物的所有天生武器都获得+1增强加值(无论你的施法者等级为何)。


范围:近距(25英尺+每2CL 5尺)



范围:中距(100英尺+每CL 10尺)

该法术的功能除了上述外均如同爆裂哑火(VIOLENT MISFIR)

劇透 -  原文:
School abjuration;
Level alchemist 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a jagged scrap of metal)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area 40-ft.-radius sphere; see text (S)
Duration 1 hour/level or until discharged
Saving Throw none (harmless);
Spell Resistanceno (harmless)
You ward all creatures and objects in the Area from ranged weapons. The spell’s area of effect is often a sphere, although you can shape it to be smaller than the maximum area or to exclude certain adjacent areas or objects (for example, if you are warding a specific structure, or if you are roughly warding the front lines of a battlefield). This spell’s area is also up to 40 feet in height, so flying creatures benefit as long as they are in this area of effect.

Creatures and objects in the warded area gain damage reduction 20/magic against ranged weapons. Once the spell has prevented a total of 20 points of damage per caster level (maximum 200 points) to creatures and objects in the area, it is discharged.

School necromancy;
Level sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one construct
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving ThrowWill negates;
Spell Resistanceno You weaken a
Target construct, temporarily sapping its animating force and limiting its normal functionality. If the construct fails its saving throw, for the
Duration of this spell, it loses any damage reduction and fast healing it had and its base speed is reduced by half. Additionally, the construct takes a –4 penalty to Strength while this spell is in effect. This penalty increases by 2 for every 3 caster levels beyond 3rd (maximum –14). If the construct is normally immune to magic, this spell’s sapping effect is less penetrating and the construct receives a +4 bonus on its saving throw.

School transmutation;
Level cleric 3, inquisitor 3, magus 3, occultist 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a small piece of radioactive clay)
Range touch
Target living creature touched
Duration 1 round/level
Saving ThrowFortitude negates;
Spell Resistanceyes The body of the target creature twists and distorts, reshaping into a grotesque figure. Because of the disfigurement, the creature takes a –4 penalty to Constitution and Charisma. The creature also receives one of the following deformities (your choice) from the list in the mutant acquired template (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 180): blind, deaf, fragile, fractured mind, lame, poor ability (applied to your choice of Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, or Wisdom), spasms, and useless arm. The deformity is subject to all limitations described in the mutant template (for example, this spell cannot impose the lame deformity on a creature with a base speed slower than 20 feet).

School abjuration;
Level cleric 3, inquisitor 3
This spell functions as hide from undead, except the spell does not immediately end if a warded creature attempts to turn or command undead, channels positive energy, touches an undead creature, or attacks any creature. Instead, when the warded creature takes one of these actions, an intelligent undead creature can attempt another Will saving throw to negate the effects of the spell.

School abjuration;
Level bard 2, cleric 2, druid 2, medium 2, mesmerist 2,
Ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Target you Effect 20-foot-radius burst of stabilizing magic centered on you
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Thrownone (harmless);
Spell Resistanceno (harmless)
This spell creates an area of stabilizing magical energy that emanates from you. Any creature within this area that fails a concentration check to cast a spell normally in an area of wild magic (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 188) rolls twice to determine the wild magic effect and choose its preferred result.

School transmutation [evil];
Level antipaladin 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a pinch of dust from a destroyed undead creature)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one undead creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless);
Spell Resistanceyes (harmless)
This spell empowers the natural attacks or unarmed strikes of undead creatures, granting a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls made by the target with its unarmed strikes or attacks with one natural attack. This spell can cause an undead creature’s unarmed strike to deal lethal damage, but in this case, the attack does not gain an enhancement bonus.

Unhallowed blows can be made permanent with a permanency spell. In this case, the caster must be at least 9th level and must expend 2,500 gp worth of diamond dust as a material component.

School transmutation [evil];
Level antipaladin 3, cleric 3, inquisitor 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one undead creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart, or one undead creature; see text
Duration 1 hour/level
This spell functions as unhallowed blows, except the enhancement bonus is +1 per 4 caster levels (maximum +5). Alternatively, you can imbue all of a creature’s natural weapons with a +1 enhancement bonus (regardless of your caster level).

Greater unhallowed blows can be made permanent with a permanency spell. In this case, the caster must be at least 11th level and must expend 7,500 gp worth of diamond dust as a material component.

School evocation;
Level sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a small piece of flint)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one early or advanced firearm
Duration 1 round/level
Saving ThrowWill negates (object);
Spell Resistanceyes (object)
This spell creates a chaotic charge within the black powder loaded in a target firearm. The next time the target weapon fires during this spell’s duration, it automatically misfires. If this misfire causes the firearm to explode, the radius of the explosion is doubled and it deals maximum damage to all creatures in the radius. The firearm’s wielder also takes 1d6 additional points of fire damage per 2 caster levels (maximum 10d6) you have.

If the target is an advanced firearm, and the firearm misfires a second time in a row while this spell is in effect, it does not explode but still deals the additional damage to the wielder as described.

School evocation;
Level sorcerer/wizard 6
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one early or advanced firearm/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

This spell functions as violent misfire except as noted above.

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
  • 翻譯組
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 3338
  • 苹果币: 11
« 回帖 #15 于: 2017-11-16, 周四 10:33:28 »




劇透 -  原文:
In Golarion’s wastelands, magic can be both a blessing and a curse to those reliant on its power for survival.

In areas such as the Mana Wastes, where primal magic abounds, chaotic and random effects can manifest when a magic item is activated, adding an element of dread every time a wielder utters a command word. Intelligent creatures are quite cautious and frugal when they use magic items in these spaces, as they know that every activation intended to save a life might instead cause harm to innocents.

In other wastelands, where the magical energy of spells isn’t so chaotic, the land’s inhabitants can become overly dependent on magic in their efforts to survive. Foraying into a deadly ruin to scavenge might be well and good when one knows that healing charges from a wand are abundant, but when death comes calling and that magic is depleted, the wastelands are unforgiving.

Individuals living in ruined settings, whether by choice or circumstance, share common traits: a certain tenacity that allows them to survive in areas that actively attempt to quell life, and a deep knowledge of how reliance on magic items might help or hinder their efforts to survive. Below are some magic items that the inhabitants of wastelands might use to even the odds.

价格:12500 gp
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)、喷吐虫群(vomit swarm)
制造成本:6250 gp

这双结实厚底靴上分布的数个小洞中偶尔会有蚂蚁爬进爬出。此靴的穿戴者会在对抗集群扰乱心神(distraction)能力的豁免上获得+4表现加值。此外,每天一次,穿戴者可以通过标准动作唤来一个行军蚁集群(《探索者RPG怪物图鉴1》第16页),此功能如同喷吐虫群(vomit swarm)一般,除了集群是从靴子之中爬出来而非呕吐出来。该集群在消散前会持续13轮。

价格:18900 gp
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)、高等魔牙术(greater magic fang)
制造成本:9450 gp


价格:30000 gp
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)、解除魔法(dispel magic)
制造成本:15000 gp

七条秘银带环缠在这对钢铁护腕之上,其上萦绕着些许能稳定魔法的力量。当穿戴者因启用魔法物品、释放法术或使用类法术能力引发原能魔法事件(primal magic event,《探索者战役设定:内海魔法》第13页)时,其结果可以骰(或以其他方式决定)两次,并由施法者决定哪种事件发生。该护腕也能让穿戴者在使用惊奇权杖(rod of wonder)时骰两次以决定效果。

价格:3000 gp
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)、法师之手(mage hand)
制造成本:1500 gp


价格:32000 gp
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)、次元锚(dimensional anchor)
制造成本:16000 gp


价格:25000 gp
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)、血液解读(blood transcription)
制造成本:12500 gp


价格:1800 gp
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)、侦测魔法(detect magic)
制造成本:900 gp


价格:10080 gp
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)、自然变身(Wild Shape)职业特性、虫类形态 I(vermin shape I)
制造成本:5040 gp

这种风格别致的木制面具被雕刻为某种废土常见虫类的外形,比如说巨蚁、蝎子或者蜘蛛。当穿戴者使用自然变身(wild shape)或是通过虫类形态(vermin shape)法术变身为符合面具造型的虫类外形时,他会获得以下好处:首先,穿戴者能正常说法,无视该形态下的生理限制;其次,穿戴者的自然变身能力(若有)额外延长3个小时,若穿戴者处于虫类形态的效果下,该法术持续时间额外延长7分钟。

价格:18500 gp
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)、解除魔法(dispel magic)
制造成本:9250 gp

这根上漆的光滑木管是为保护运输中的魔杖而设计。当以副手握持时,持用者可以安全地通过魔杖施放法术而不会面临引发原能魔法事件(primal magic event,《探索者战役设定:内海魔法》第13页)的风险。魔杖护管只能和施放法术的时间为标准动作或更短的魔杖一同使用。一旦魔杖护管避免了10起原能魔法事件,就会崩解为尘土。

价格:1800 gp
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item)、侦测魔法(detect magic)
制造成本:900 gp

劇透 -  原文:
PRICE 12,500 GP
SLOT feet CL 13th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA moderate conjuration
Ants occasionally crawl in and out of the numerous tiny holes dotting these sturdy, thick-soled boots. The boots’ wearer receives a +4 competence bonus on Fortitude saving throws against swarms’ distraction ability. Additionally, once per day, the wearer can call forth a swarm of army ants (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 16) as a standard action. This functions as the spell vomit swarm APG , except the swarm crawls out from the boots instead of being vomited forth. The swarm lasts for 13 rounds before dissipating.
COST 6,250 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, vomit swarm

PRICE 18,900 GP
SLOT neck CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint transmutation
Carved to resemble a predatory animal, this small charm hangs from a leather cord. While assuming the form of an animal (such as when using the wild shape class feature or when under the effects of a beast shape spell), its wearer can expend one prepared spell or spell slot of up to 4th level as a standard action (0-level spells cannot be expended in this way). When the wielder does so, she gains an enhancement bonus on all of her natural weapons equal to twice the level of the spell or spell slot expended. This enhancement bonus applies to attack and damage rolls made with the natural weapons and lasts for 5 minutes. The bonus does not allow the wielder’s natural weapons to bypass damage reduction, except for DR/magic.
COST 9,450 GP Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang

PRICE 30,000 GP
SLOT wrists CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint abjuration
Seven mithral strips weave their way around these steel bracers, which thrum ever so faintly with the force of stabilizing magic. When the wearer activates a magic item, casts a spell, or uses a spell-like ability that triggers a primal magic event (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic 13), the resulting event is rolled (or otherwise determined) twice, and the caster can choose which of the two events occur. The bracers also allow the wearer to roll twice and choose the result when using a rod of wonder.
COST 15,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, dispel magic

PRICE 3,000 GP
SLOT shoulders CL 3rd WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint transmutation
The long, threadbare tatters of this well-worn cloak coalesce into the rough form of a claw with opposable appendages, aiding the wearer with a helpful additional appendage when he might need it most. As a swift action, the wearer can use the cloak to retrieve any one small, stowed item carried on his person or any such unattended item within 5 feet. The wearer can hold one such item in the cloak, but he can’t use the cloak to manipulate it (other than to put it in his hand) and can’t wield a weapon or shield with the cloak. Additionally, once per day, the wearer can brace himself with the cloak’s claw as a standard action, gaining a +4 competence bonus to CMD for 1 round. While the cloak is providing this bonus, it can’t be used to hold or retrieve a stowed or unattended item
COST 1,500 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, mage hand

PRICE 32,000 GP
SLOT neck CL 7th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate abjuration
Meant to be worn around the neck, this medallion made of braided, blue-tinged white gold hangs from a silver chain. When a creature with the demon subtype uses its summoning ability with 100 feet of the medallion’s wearer, it must attempt a concentration check with a DC equal to 15 + double the level of its summon ability. If the summoner fails this concentration check, none of the summoned creatures appear, and the use of the demon’s summon ability is wasted. On a successful concentration check, the number of creatures that the demon summons (if any) is reduced to 1.
COST 16,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor

PRICE 25,000 GP
SLOT special; see below CL 7th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate necromancy
Inscribed along its length with wicked-looking runes, this 3-inch-long nail is made of black metal and gives off a faint, eerie blue glow. Powered by strange necromantic magic, the nail allows a spellcaster to cast spells within a magic dead zone by drawing on the caster’s life force to power her magic. To be effective, the nail must be placed alongside the flesh in an empty magic item slot (excluding eyes, head, and headband). In a process that takes 1 round, the nail melts painlessly into the wielder’s flesh before taking effect (removing the nail is also painless and takes 1 round). Once the nail is in place, its wielder can cast within a magic dead zone up to one spell of each spell level she knows or has prepared and could normally cast. If she wishes to cast additional spells in the magic dead zone, she can do so up to her normal limit, but each additional spell she thus casts causes her to become fatigued and requires a successful concentration check (DC = 15 + the spell’s level) or the spell fizzles. If the nail of blood would cause the wielder to be fatigued when she already has the fatigued condition, she becomes exhausted. She can’t use the nail of blood to cast additional spells while she is exhausted, no matter what effect caused her exhausted condition.
COST 12,500 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, blood transcription

PRICE 1,800 GP
SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint divination
This triangular-shaped rod is made from metal tubes and is small enough to fit into a pocket or a pouch. One tube on the item is inlaid with a line of small emeralds, and the other is inlaid with a line of small sapphires. A primal dowser can be activated as a standard action to detect and identify the presence of variant magic within 60 feet for up to 10 minutes per day. In or near an area of primal or wild magic, the emeralds glow, and in or near magic dead zones, the sapphires glow. This item’s duration need not be used all at once, but it must be used in 1-minute intervals.
Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic

PRICE 10,080 GP
SLOT head CL 7th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate transmutation
These stylized wooden masks are carved to resemble a common type of wasteland vermin, such as a giant ant, scorpion, or spider. While using wild shape or a vermin shape spell to assume the form of a vermin that corresponds with the mask’s design, the wearer gains the following benefits. First, the wearer can speak normally despite the limitations of the form’s anatomy. Furthermore, the effect of the wearer’s wild shape ability (if any) lasts for 3 additional hours, and when the wearer is under the effects of a vermin shape spell, the spell lasts for 7 additional minutes.
COST 5,040 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, wild shape class feature, vermin shape I

PRICE 18,500 GP SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT —
AURA faint abjuration
This lacquered wooden tube is designed to protect a wand during transportation. When held in an off hand, the wielder can safely cast spells from her wand without chance of incurring a primal magic event (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic 13). A wand protector can be used only in conjunction with wands casting spells that require a standard action or shorter. Once the wand protector has prevented 10 primal magic events, it crumbles into dust.
COST 9,250 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, dispel magic

PRICE 1,800 GP SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint divination
This 4-inch wooden wheel is small enough to fit into a pocket or a pouch. By rolling the wheel on the ground (this requires a standard action to activate the item), the wheel begins rolling toward the nearest body of clean, potable water with enough liquid for the wielder to quench her thirst. Alternatively, the wheel rolls toward the nearest normal magic area if the wielder is in an area of primal magic, a magic dead zone, or another variant type of magic. (If necessary, the wielder must specify whether the wheel should seek water or normal magic when she activates the item.) The wheel can roll for up to 10 minutes per day until it leaves the region of variant magic, it reaches the body of water, or the wielder instructs it to stop (a free action). This item’s duration need not be used all at once, but it must be used in 1-minute intervals. As part of its movement, the wheel can ascend or jump up to 30 feet. A wheel of survival is unaffected by variant magic regions.
Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic

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Re: 【People of the Wastes】廢土居民
« 回帖 #16 于: 2017-11-16, 周四 14:02:30 »
War,war never change.


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Re: 【People of the Wastes】废土居民
« 回帖 #17 于: 2017-11-16, 周四 14:43:15 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【People of the Wastes】废土子民【施工中】
« 回帖 #18 于: 2017-11-16, 周四 17:27:37 »

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Re: 【PotW】废土子民(People of the Wastes)【施工中】
« 回帖 #19 于: 2017-12-08, 周五 15:39:44 »
想了想毕竟这是个值得探讨的地方,单独发层楼吧 :em013





炼金枪弹(Alchemical Ordnance,Su):炼金铳士精于利用将不稳定化合物及自身魔力灌注于弹药的知识。在装填火器时,炼金铳士能通过一个自由动作灌注弹药。而混合后的弹药相当不稳定,若其没能在等同于炼金铳士智力修正的轮数内(至少持续到炼金铳士下一回合结束前)开火射出,则炼金枪弹会钝化而失去其额外效果,但炼金铳士仍能如常射击。炼金铳士每天能灌注弹药的次数等同于其职业等级+智力修正,他每轮射击炼金枪弹的次数不能超过一次。





定装专家(Cartridge Savant,Ex):2级时,炼金铳士能高效且最大化地利用炼金定装弹,比如说闪光弹(flare cartridges,UC)等。在炼金铳士发射这类可以藉由通过豁免检定忽视或削弱其效果的炼金定装弹时,其豁免DC增加1(DC的上限为22)。而该DC的增加值在炼金铳士达到5级及之后的每3级额外增加1(在20级的时候达到最大7点)。当炼金铳士发射其伤害类型替代火器正常伤害的炼金定装弹(比如龙息定装弹,dragon’s breath cartridge,UC)时,他能在伤害上获得等同于其智力修正的加值。该能力替代毒性抗力。