作者 主题: 【第八章】危害(Hazards)  (阅读 5837 次)


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范例危害(Sample Hazards)

咒池(Accursed Pool)【CR 3】
古代诅咒残留下来的效果,或是从被淹没的诅咒魔法物品上渗漏出来的有害能量,这些都能够将一池清水转化为危险的魔法危害。咒池会用无声幻影(意志豁免DC 16不相信)在其底部制造出金光灿烂的宝藏堆来引诱过路人进入水深之处。任何碰到宝藏的人都会触发诅咒。池内的生物必须进行DC 16的意志豁免,否则受到诅咒影响。诅咒会扭曲它对于池子本身的感知。水体似乎变得黏稠,成了一团黏呼呼的胶水,而池子本身则似乎遭到扭曲,变得足足有40尺身。作为以上效果的影响,在池内的游泳检定将承受–10减值,并且只能以半速游泳,以及在池内施法需要通过DC为15+所施展法术的环级的专注检定。咒池放射出强大的魔法,会被解除魔法移除诅咒给摧毁(施法者等级检定DC 15)。

恶气(Bad Air)【CR 1或4】
隐形的危害,一块充满低氧气体的区域,为矿工、洞穴探险家与探索洞穴的冒险者们带来危险。不可燃气体(如二氧化碳或氮气)为CR 1,需要DC 25的生存检定才能发觉。呼吸这种空气的生物,每小时都必须进行强韧检定(DC 15+先前的检定次数),否则就会陷入疲乏状态。当生物变得疲乏之后,就该轮到缓慢窒息(《探索者RPG:核心规则书》第445页)。摒住呼吸的生物能够避免以上效果。
可燃气体(如煤气)则危险得多(CR 4)。这些器体会取代肺脏内適合呼吸的气体,如前段所述般导致疲乏。此外,任何明火或火花都会引发爆炸,对所有身在洞窟或在出口5尺范围内的生物造成6d6点伤害(反射豁免DC 15减半)。火焰会烧尽空气中的氧气,使其在接下来2d4分钟内变得无法呼吸。在爆炸过后,可燃气体通常要花上好几天时间才会重新回到足以造成危险的水平。

解咒场(Dweomersink)【CR 6】
解咒场是干扰法术的魔法熵区,通常产自强大魔法决斗的地点、强大遗器的毁灭或反魔场边缘的怪异能量形成的涡流。它们的大小各有不同,从小到只有几英尺宽的泡泡,到大到有一个城镇大小的区域都有。成功通过DC 20的法术辨识检定可以察觉空气中的嗡鸣,代表附近有解咒场存在。激活中的法术若被带入解咒场则有可能被解除(dispelled),任何在解咒场内施展的法术立即受到反制(两者都如同施法者等级8级的解除魔法)。因此释放出来的魔法能量会以进入该区域的法术携带者(bearer)或新法术的施法者为中心,对5尺爆发范围内造成每个法术环级1d6伤害(反射DC 15减半)。若多个部分重叠的爆发击中同一目标,那么只有最高伤害的那个适用。一旦法术效果从解除的尝试下幸存,除非该效果离开并再次进入解咒场的区域内,否则不会再次受到影响。更强大的解咒场甚至更具破坏性。CR每+1,解除(dispel)检定的施法者等级就+2,爆发伤害的豁免DC就+1。

觅耳虫(Ear Seekers)【CR 5】
觅耳虫是一种体型极小、颜色苍白的蠕虫,栖息在腐烂的木材或其他有机废料当中。可以透过DC 15的察觉检定来发现它们。否则的话,惊扰其巢穴的生物会在不经意间带上一或更多只的觅耳虫。觅耳虫接下来会在该生物身上寻找温暖的地方,它们尤其喜爱耳道。一旦它们到了地点,就会产下2d8颗卵,然后死去。卵会在4d6小时后孵化,接着幼虫会开始吞噬周围的血肉。在宿主死亡之后,新的觅耳虫会会从他身上爬出来,去寻找新的宿主。移除疾病会杀死任何宿主体表或体内任何的觅耳虫或其未孵化的卵。某些觅耳虫喜欢生活在完整的木料内,一般会藏身于地城的门内。这种变种觅耳虫留下的蛀孔特别难以发现(察觉DC 20)。

类型 感染(infestation);豁免 强韧DC 15
发作 4d6小时;频率 1次/小时
效果 1d6体质伤害

磁矿(Magnetized Ore)【CR 2】
地底世界的怪异能量可以让岩石与矿脉产生强大的磁场,从而产生出危害,给那些携带或穿着含铁金属的生物带来危险。任何被带到矿体20尺范围内的铁或钢都会被拉向它。携带30或更多磅含铁金属的中型生物会被拉向框体,如同受到拉拽(pull)特殊能力(《探索者RPG:怪物图鉴》第303页)影响。矿体的等效CMB为+7,CMD为17。小型生物身上如果有15磅的金属就会被拉拽,大型生物则是60磅。对于其他体型的生物,请根据承载能力(carrying capacity,《探索者RPG:核心规则书》第170页)调整所需的重量。穿着金属护甲的生物在抵抗此拉拽的CMD上承受减值(中甲–2,重甲–4)。受到影响的生物会被拉拽20尺并且撞在岩壁上,受到2d6点伤害,并且获得擒抱状态。未携带大量金属但手中持握金属物品的生物会受到缴械战技的影响,物品被磁力扯得脱手而出。让被卡住的物品脱离需要通过成功的擒抱检定,对抗矿体的CMD。

记忆水晶(Mnemonic Crystals)【CR 3】
记忆水晶是大型(2–4尺高)的紫色石英晶簇,放射出强大咒法系灵氲。可以透过DC 25的知识(神秘)检定辨别出它们。记忆水晶与法术的独特能量波长一致,可以获取魔法能量用于生长与自卫。水晶会从30尺内的施法者身上吸取已准备的法术,后者身处所在区域时每轮都要进行DC 22的意志豁免。失败会导致失去一道已准备法术,随机选择。术士这类的自发施法者不受影响。
伤害或打遂水晶会导致它们将先前吸收的法术以精神力量爆发的方式释放出来,对10尺半径内所有生物造成1d6感知伤害。记忆水晶极为脆弱(硬度0,1 HP)。在水晶密布的区域内,穿行其中的生物必须进行DC 10的特技检定,才能避免踩到或擦撞到水晶而破坏它们。

毒漆树(Poison Oak)【CR 1或3】
与毒漆树接触(CR 1)会引发恼人的皮疹,随之而来的搔痒感会让倒楣的受害者陷入恶心(Sickened)状态,直到伤害被治愈为止。全身接触或吸入毒漆树燃烧产生的烟雾尤其危险,甚至可能致命(CR 3)。DC 15的知识(自然)检定可以透露这种看似无害的植物真正的本质。这种危害也可以用于类似的有毒植物,例如毒葛(posion ivy)、毒漆藤(poison sumac),以及燃烧时不会制造出危害的刺荨麻(stinging nettle)。


类型 毒素,接触;豁免 强韧DC 13
发作 1小时
效果 1d4敏捷伤害,直到伤害被治愈前,生物陷入恶心状态;治愈 1次豁免

类型 毒素,接触或吸入;豁免 强韧DC 16
发作 1小时;频率 1次/小时
效果 2d4敏捷伤害与1d4体质伤害,直到伤害被治愈前,生物陷入恶心状态;次要效果 1体质伤害;治愈 1次豁免

腐蛆(Rot Grubs)【CR 4】
腐蛆是种令人作呕的寄生虫,以血肉为食,用尸体做巢。通常来说,一具尸体同时间内只会有少量的腐蛆寄生其中,DC 15的察觉检定便足以发现与避开这些蛆虫。否则的话,1d6只腐蛆会从尸骸中暴冲出来,钻入生物体内。该生物可以尝试DC 15反射豁免闪过这些蛆虫(但只有当该生物发现这些蛆虫的存在时才能)。任何数额的伤害减免都足以让生物免疫感染。
当腐蛆感染了活体之后,它们会一路钻向宿主的心脏、大脑与其他重要内部器官,最终导致死亡。在感染的第一轮,在蛆虫进入身体的地方使用火焰可以杀死这些蛆虫并救下宿主,但这会对受害者造成1d6点火焰伤害。直接切除蛆虫也可以,但蛆虫在宿主体内待的越久,这种方式造成的伤害就越大。将腐蛆切除需要挥砍武器与DC 20的医疗检定,并且宿主每被感染一轮就受到1d6点伤害。若医疗检定成功,则移除一只腐蛆。移除疾病会杀死任何宿主体表或体内的腐蛆。

类型 感染;豁免 强韧DC 17
发作 立即;频率 1次/轮
效果 每只腐蛆1d2体质伤害

劇透 -  原翻译:
诅咒池 Accursed Pool(CR 3)
远古诅咒的挥之不去的影响或从被淹没的诅咒魔法物品中渗出的有害能量可以将一个简单的水池变成一个危险的魔法危害。一个诅咒池在其10英尺深的底部有一片闪闪发光的宝藏的无声幻影(silent image)(DC 16,通过则不相信),吸引路人进入其深处。任何到达宝藏的生物都会触发诅咒。池中的生物必须做出DC 16的意志豁免,否则会受到诅咒的影响,这会扭曲其对池的感知:水似乎变稠成粘稠的黏液,而水池似乎扭曲到40英尺深。游泳池中的游泳检定将受到-10的减值,并且由于这些效果,游泳速度为正常速度的一半,而游泳池中的施法需要进行专注检定,DC为15+法术等级。诅咒池散发出强大的魔法,可以解除魔法或移除诅咒(施法者等级检定DC 15)摧毁。
不良空气 Bad Air (CR 1 or 4)
这是种隐形的危害,低氧气体对矿工、洞穴探险家构成了危险。二氧化碳或氮气等不可燃气体CR 1,需要进行DC 25生存检定才能发现。呼吸空气的生物必须每小时进行一次强韧豁免(DC 15,后续每次检定再+1),否则会变得疲乏。生物疲乏后,会开始缓慢窒息 (Slow Suffocation,见CRB环境规则)。生物屏住呼吸可以避免这些影响。
煤气等易燃气体更加危险(CR 4)。 气体置换肺中可呼吸的空气,导致如上所述的疲乏。 此外,任何明火或火花都会对洞穴内或入口 5 英尺内的所有人造成 6d6 点伤害(反射豁免 DC 15 减半)。 大火烧掉空气中的氧气,使其在 2d4 分钟内无法呼吸。 爆炸后,易燃气体通常需要几天时间才能再次达到危险水平。
破法区 Dweomersink (CR 6)
可以扰乱法术的魔法混乱地带,破法区偶尔会出现在伟大的魔法决斗地点,通过摧毁强大的神器,或通过在反魔法区边缘的诡异能量漩涡形成。 它们的大小从只有几英尺宽的小气泡到城镇大小的大区域不等。 一次成功的 DC 20 法术辨识检定会检测到空气中的刺痛感,这预示着附近有一个 破法区存在。 带入破法区的激活法术可能会被驱散,并且任何在破法区内施放的法术都会立即受到反制法术(两者都作为解除魔法,施法者等级 8)。 由此产生的魔法能量释放会在5英尺内爆发,以进入该区域的法术维持者或新法术施法者为中心,造成每法术等级1d6点的伤害(反射豁免 DC 15,伤害减半)。 如果多个重叠的爆发击中同一个目标,则仅适用于最具破坏性的。 一旦法术效果在一次驱散尝试中幸存下来,它就不会再次受到影响,除非它离开并重新进入破法区。 更强大的破法区更具破坏性。 CR每增加1点,解除魔法的施法者等级检定就增加2点,伤害爆发的豁免DC增加1点。
寻耳虫Ear Seekers (CR 5)
寻耳虫是一种微小、浅色的蠕虫,栖息在腐烂的木头或其他有机废料中。通过一个DC 15察觉检定可以发现它们。否则,一个活物在它们的巢穴周围游荡时,会无意中将一个或多个寻耳虫携带到它的身体上。然后寻耳虫会在这个生物身上寻找一个温暖的地方,尤其是耳道。一旦到达那里,它们在死前产下2d8个卵。卵在4d6小时后孵化,幼虫会吃掉周围的肉。当宿主死后,新的寻耳虫爬出去寻找新的宿主。移除疾病(Remove disease)会杀死宿主体内或体表的任何寻耳虫或未孵化的卵。一些寻耳虫喜欢生活在完整的木材中,通常躲藏在地城的门内。这类品种留下的小孔特别难以发现(察觉 DC 20)。

类型 感染;豁免 强韧DC 15
潜伏期 4d6小时;频率 1/小时
效果 1d6 体质伤害
磁化矿石 Magnetized Ore (CR 2)
地下世界的奇异能量可以给岩石和矿脉注入强大的磁场,给携带或穿戴黑色金属的人带来危险。任何带到矿石20英尺范围内的钢铁都会被拉向矿石。携带30磅或更多黑色金属的中型生物被拉向矿石,就像被拉拽(pull)特殊能力(见怪物通用规则 )拉向矿石一样。该矿石的有效CMB为+7,CMD为17。小型生物如果带有15磅的金属就会被拉动,大型生物如果带有至少60磅的金属就会被拉动。对于其他大小的生物,根据负载能力规则(见核心规则书)修改所需的重量。身穿金属盔甲的生物抵抗该拉力的CMD会受到减值(中甲为-2,重甲为-4)。受影响的生物被拉动最多20尺,并撞向岩石,造成2d6点伤害,并获得擒抱状态。没有携带大量金属但手中握有金属物品的生物会受到卸武战技的影响,导致物品脱手。释放被吸住的物品需要对矿石的 CMD 进行成功的擒抱检定。
记忆水晶 Mnemonic Crystals (CR 3)
记忆水晶是大型(2-4 英尺高)紫色石英晶体簇,散发出强烈的防护系灵光。 他们可以通过 DC 25 知识(奥术)检定来识别。 与法术的独特能量相协调,记忆水晶收获魔法能量用于成长和防御。 水晶会从 30 英尺内的施法者身上吸取准备好的法术,在水晶区域内,他们每轮必须 DC 22 的意志豁免。 失败会导致随机失去一个准备好的法术。 术士等自发施法者不受影响。
伤害或毁坏水晶会使它们以精神能量的形式释放吸收的法术,对半径 10 尺内的所有生物造成 1d6 点感知伤害。 记忆水晶极其脆弱(硬度 0,生命值 1)。 在水晶密布的区域,经过的生物必须进行 DC 10 的特技检定以避免踩到或擦过水晶并打破水晶。
毒橡树 Poison Oak (CR 1 or 3)
与毒橡树(CR 1)接触会引起疼痛的皮疹,由此产生的瘙痒会让倒霉的受害者恶心(Sickened),直到伤口愈合。全身接触或吸入燃烧的毒橡木产生的烟雾特别危险,可能致命(CR 3)。DC 15的知识(自然)检定会揭示这种看似无害的植物的本质。这种危险也可用于类似的有毒植物,如毒常春藤、毒漆树和刺荨麻,后者在燃烧时不会产生危险。

类型 毒素,接触;豁免 强韧 DC 13
潜伏期 1小时
效果1d4敏捷伤害,生物恶心直到伤害被治愈;痊愈 1豁免

类型 毒素,接触或吸入;豁免 强韧 DC 16
潜伏期 1小时;频率 每小时1次
初始效果 2d4敏捷伤害和1d4体质伤害,生物恶心直到伤害被治疗; 后续效果 1伤害; 痊愈 1豁免
腐蛆 Rot Grubs (CR 4)
腐蛆是种令人作呕的寄生虫,以肉为食并在尸体中筑巢。 一般情况下,一具尸体只会同时寄生少量腐蛆,DC 15 的察觉检定足以发现并避开蛆虫。 否则,1d6 只腐蛆会迅速从尸体中冲出并钻入该生物,他可以尝试进行 DC 15 的反射豁免来避开腐蛆(但前提是该生物意识到腐蛆的存在)。 任意数值的伤害减免都足以免疫该感染。
一旦腐蛆感染了活体,它们就会钻入宿主的心脏、大脑和其他关键内脏器官,最终导致死亡。 在感染的第一轮,在感染入口处施加火焰可以杀死腐蛆并拯救宿主,但这会对受害者造成 1d6 点火焰伤害。 直接切除腐蛆也有效,但腐蛆在宿主体内停留的时间越长,这种方法造成的损害就越大。 将它们切除需要一把挥砍武器和 DC 20 的医疗技能检定,切除会造成每感染轮数 1d6 点伤害。 如果医疗检定成功,则移除一个腐蛆。 移除疾病会杀死宿主体内或体表的任何腐蛆。

类型 感染;豁免 强韧DC 17
发作 立刻;频率 1/轮
效果 每个腐蛆造成1d2 体质伤害

劇透 -  原文:
The adventuring world is filled with dangers beyond dragons and ravening fiends. Hazards are location-based threats that have much in common with traps, but are usually intrinsic to their area rather than constructed.

Hazards fall into three main categories: environmental, living, and magical. Environmental hazards include subterranean threats like cave-ins and wilderness dangers like forest fires. Living hazards are creatures that are generally too passive to be considered monsters, but are still a threat to unwary adventurers, such as dangerous molds, slimes, and fungi. Magical hazards are the most unpredictable, and can be the legacy of arcane experimentation, strange underground radiations, or ancient enchantments gone awry.

Hazards have challenge ratings like traps or monsters. A typical hazard triggers if a creature ventures near or into it, causing hit point damage, ability damage or drain, or some other harmful effect. Most can be detected by wary and knowledgeable PCs. Every hazard should have a means of escape or a way to eliminate the hazard, if not both.

Sample Hazards
Presented here are a variety of unusual hazards.

Accursed Pool (CR 3)
The lingering effects of ancient curses or harmful energy leaching from a submerged cursed magical item can turn a simple pool of water into a dangerous magical hazard. An accursed pool lures passersby into its depths with a silent image (DC 16 Will save to disbelieve) of glittering treasure at the bottom of its 10-foot depth. Any creature that reaches the treasure triggers the curse. A creature within the pool must make a DC 16 Will save or be affected by the curse, which warps its perception of the pool. The water seems to thicken into viscous goo, while the pool appears to distort to a depth of 40 feet. Swim checks in the pool suffer a –10 penalty and are at half normal speed as a result of these effects, and spellcasting within the pool requires a concentration check with a DC of 15 + the level of the spell being cast. An accursed pool radiates strong magic, and is destroyed by dispel magic or remove curse (caster level check DC 15).

Bad Air (CR 1 or 4)
An invisible hazard, pockets of low-oxygen gas present a danger to miners and spelunkers as well as cavern-delving adventurers. Nonflammable gases such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen are CR 1 and require a DC 25 Survival check to notice. Creatures breathing the air must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + 1 per previous check) each hour or become fatigued. After a creature becomes fatigued, slow suffocation sets in (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 445). Creatures holding their breath can avoid these effects.

Flammable vapors such as coal gas are much more dangerous (CR 4). The gases displace breathable air in the lungs, causing fatigue as described above. In addition, any open flame or spark causes an explosion for 6d6 points of damage (Reflex save DC 15 for half) to all in the cavern or within 5 feet of an entrance. The fire burns away the oxygen in the air, leaving it unbreathable for 2d4 minutes. After an explosion, flammable gas usually takes several days to build up to dangerous levels again.

Dweomersink (CR 6)
Zones of magical entropy that disrupt spells, dweomersinks are occasionally formed at the sites of great magical duels, by the destruction of powerful artifacts, or by vortices of eldritch energy at the fringes of antimagic zones. They vary in size from small bubbles only a few feet across to large areas the size of a town. A successful DC 20 Spellcraft check detects a tingling in the air that heralds the presence of a nearby dweomersink. An active spell brought into a dweomersink may be dispelled, and any spell cast inside a dweomersink is subject to an immediate counterspell (both as dispel magic, caster level 8th). The resulting release of magical energy inflicts 1d6 points of damage per spell level in a 5-foot burst centered on the bearer of the spell entering the area or the caster of a new spell (Reflex save DC 15 for half damage). If multiple overlapping bursts hit the same target, only the most damaging applies. Once a spell effect has survived a dispel attempt, it is not affected again unless it leaves and reenters the dweomersink. More powerful dweomersinks are even more disruptive. Each +1 increase in CR increases the caster level of the dispel check by 2 and the save DC for the damaging burst by 1.

Ear Seekers (CR 5)
Ear seekers are tiny, pale-colored worms that dwell in rotting wood or other organic detritus. They can be noticed with a DC 15 Perception check. Otherwise, a living creature poking about their lair inadvertently transfers one or more ear seekers to its body. The seekers then search out a warm location on the creature, especially favoring the ear canal. Once there, they lay 2d8 eggs before dying. The eggs hatch 4d6 hours later and the larvae devour the surrounding flesh. Upon the death of their host, the new ear seekers crawl out and seek a new host. Remove disease kills any ear seekers or unhatched eggs in or on a host. Some ear seekers favor living in intact wood, often hiding in dungeon doors. The small pinholes left by this variety are particularly hard to spot (Perception DC 20).


Type infestation; Save Fortitude DC 15

Onset 4d6 hours; Frequency 1/hour

Effect 1d6 Con damage

Magnetized Ore (CR 2)
The strange energies of the subterranean world can charge rocks and veins of ore with powerful magnetic fields, creating a hazard for anyone carrying or wearing ferrous metals. Any steel or iron brought within 20 feet of the ore is drawn toward it. Medium-sized creatures carrying 30 or more pounds of ferrous metal are pulled toward the ore as if by the pull special ability (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 303). The ore has an effective CMB of +7 and CMD 17. Small creatures are pulled if they have 15 pounds of metal, Large if they have at least 60 pounds. For creatures of other sizes, modify the weight required as per the rules for carrying capacity (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 170). Creatures wearing metallic armor suffer a penalty to their CMD to resist the pull (–2 for medium armor, –4 for heavy armor). Affected creatures are pulled up to 20 feet and slammed against the rock for 2d6 points of damage and gain the grappled condition. Creatures not carrying large amounts of metal but holding metal items in their hands are affected by a disarm maneuver as the items are ripped free. Freeing a stuck item requires a successful grapple check against the ore's CMD.

Mnemonic Crystals (CR 3)
Mnemonic crystals are large (2–4 feet tall) clusters of violet quartz crystals that radiate a strong abjuration aura. They can be identified with a DC 25 Knowledge (arcana) check. Attuned to the unique energies of spellcraft, mnemonic crystals harvest magical energy for growth and defense. The crystals drain prepared spells from spellcasters within 30 feet, who must make DC 22 Will saves each round while in the crystals' area. Failure results in the loss of one prepared spell, chosen randomly. Spontaneous spellcasters such as sorcerers are unaffected.

Damaging or breaking the crystals causes them to release their absorbed spells in a burst of mental energy that does 1d6 points of Wisdom damage to all creatures in a 10-foot radius. Mnemonic crystals are exceedingly fragile (hardness 0, 1 hit point). In areas thick with the crystals, creatures passing through must make DC 10 Acrobatics checks to avoid stepping on or brushing against the crystals and breaking them.

Poison Oak (CR 1 or 3)
Contact with poison oak (CR 1) causes a painful rash, and the resulting itch leaves the hapless victim sickened until the damage is healed. Full body contact or inhaling the smoke from burning poison oak is particularly dangerous, and can be fatal (CR 3). A DC 15 Knowledge (nature) check reveals this seemingly innocuous plant for what it is. This hazard can also be used for similar noxious plants such as poison ivy, poison sumac, and stinging nettles, the latter not being hazardous when burned.


Type poison, contact; Save Fortitude DC 13

Onset 1 hour

Effect 1d4 Dex damage, creature sickened until damage is healed; Cure 1 save


Type poison, contact or inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 16

Onset 1 hour; Frequency 1/hour

Initial Effect 2d4 Dex damage and 1d4 Con damage, creature sickened until damage is healed; Secondary Effect 1 Con damage; Cure 1 save

Rot Grubs (CR 4)
Parasites such as ear seekers or rot grubs cause infestations, a type of affliction similar to diseases. Infestations can only be cured through specific means; no matter how many saving throws are made, the infestation continues to afflict the target. While a remove disease spell (or similar effect) instantly halts an infestation, immunity to disease offers no protection, as the infestation itself is caused by parasites.
Rot grubs are nauseating parasites that feed on flesh and nest in corpses. Generally, a handful of the grubs infest a single corpse at a time, and a DC 15 Perception check is enough to notice and avoid the grubs. Otherwise, 1d6 grubs swiftly burst from the carcass to burrow into the creature, which can attempt a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid the grubs (but only if the creature is aware of the grubs' presence). Any amount of damage reduction is enough to provide immunity to infestation.

Once rot grubs have infested a living body, they burrow toward the host's heart, brain, and other key internal organs, eventually causing death. On the first round of infestation, applying flame to the point of entry can kill the grubs and save the host, but this inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage to the victim. Cutting the grubs out also works, but the longer the grubs remain in a host, the more damage this method does. Cutting them out requires a slashing weapon and a DC 20 Heal check, and inflicts 1d6 points of damage per round that the host has been infested. If the Heal check is successful, one grub is removed. Remove disease kills any rot grubs in or on a host.


Type infestation; Save Fortitude DC 17

Onset immediate; Frequency 1/round

Effect 1d2 Con damage per grub
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