作者 主题: 【DT】口袋中的世界 THE WORLD IN YOUR POCKET P8-25  (阅读 14672 次)

副标题: 译者:失语、妖猫

离线 妖猫

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« 于: 2018-07-20, 周五 12:47:46 »

劇透 -   :
Andy Murano, draped in the kimono-clad samurai Matrix persona of his dad’s Sensei, stood frozen in awe at the virtual world spread out before him.
He was normally limited to PubGrid access on his Meta Link, but dad had bought a new Sensei and had the one-month trial activated. He’d come out of his first trip raving about the corporate grid and starting to work out how he could adjust the budget to get permanent access.
Andy had only been on two grids in his twelve years of life. He always had the PubGrid and got to visit Seattle’s Emerald City grid on a school field trip last year. He’d come home much like his father had, with a desire to get access to a better grid, but his dad crushed the idea with an iron fist. “Money’s tight, and you’ll just waste your time virtuexploring. The Public grid is good enough for you,” he’d said. Andy made a short retort before his dad’s cyberhand cocked back to his shoulder, backhand ready to meet backtalk.

劇透 -   :
But now was his opportunity to see something greater. Dad had crashed after an eighteen-hour stint of virtuexploring and would be out for hours. Andy had spent an hour trying to get his crappy trodes to link up with the fancy Sensei and eventually took the risk of pulling dad’s trodes off his head. He didn’t stir at all while Andy pulled the leads through his father’s matted nest of dirty hair.
His body was in his closet with his favorite Seattle Screamers cap pushing down the ill-fitting leads into place on his head. His mind was in paradise.
Sprawling in every direction was a collage of strange sights that had Andy’s virtual head darting back and forth in an effort to see everything all at once. He was holding his virtual breath, which could go on forever, but Andy felt another rush of heady exhilaration as he took in the exotic scents of Renraku’s virtual realm. He couldn’t even identify most of what he was seeing, but all of it was wonderful. A breeze brought a slight chill to his virtual skin. Walking the streets of Purity would have made him pull his coat in tighter, but here it was perfectly pleasant, as if a moment before he were just a touch too warm and the stir of air was just what he needed. When the breeze stopped, he felt like the temperature was perfect.

劇透 -   :
He stood and took in the sensations for what seemed like forever before he realized he was wasting time, though no time spent here seemed like a waste to him. He just had so much to see. The whole world stretched out around him, one amazing sight after another.
He spotted a neat-looking little village full of small brick buildings and thought himself in that direction. Movement was amazing, a single jump over all intermediate places. He spotted other personas all over the virtual landscape and marveled at the variety.
An instant before his feet touched the ground the virtual world was suddenly stripped from him and replaced with sharp pain like a knife in his skull and a dull aching emptiness. He felt his physical self being pulled up, becoming weightless, and then bouncing off something soft, into something hard, and settling thankfully back onto the softness. He could hear sound that might have been words but they were sliced to ribbons by the knife in his head. He felt another wicked crack of pain, this one on the outside of his head, that helped him realize he was back in the real world and on the receiving end of a metal hand upside the head.

劇透 -   :
The blow cleared his ears enough to pick up the verbal snippets, “ever touch it again” and “eating paste forever,” adding more clues to his situation. It seemed to take forever to finally fully grasp that he was back in his room, his father had woken and found him in the closet, and that the glory of Okoku was gone, a void in his life left in its place.
Andy glared through tears at the hazy light streaming in from the other room. Dad was probably back on Okoku, living a life the man didn’t deserve in Andy’s mind.
Thoughts and plans Andy had never considered began to grow in the back of his mind. Today, tomorrow, or, dare he be away so long, a week from now, he would get back to Okoku. He might have to trade his dad’s life for the keys to the kingdom. It would be worth it.
« 上次编辑: 2019-06-28, 周五 09:39:07 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-09-23, 周日 18:37:37 »

> 我们花了一些时间来适应这个新的矩阵结构,所以我认为现在是时候从那些一直在与新代码搏斗和那些生活在“真实世界”中的人那里得到一些真知灼见了。
> Bull

劇透 -   :
> We’ve had a little bit of time to get used to this new Matrix structure, so I think it’s high time we get some insight from both those who’ve been wrestling with the new code and those living in the real world.
We’ll start with a little point-counterpoint, followed up with some solid opinion pieces, then a piece of corporate propaganda I found, trailed by a blurb on the methods we use to access the Matrix, and finishing up with a little informative grid guide for those without the means to take a look in advance.
Comments are on, but keep in mind these are real people with real thoughts, not runners corrupted by the truth. These people are out in the world and using the Matrix for “normal” things. Not to sound like a hypocrite (though I have indeed been one quite often—such is the cost of raising a child), but it’s not all about hacking. I feel the need to make sure even those visiting with just a ‘link understand the virtual world around them.
> Bull


一个更先进、更安全的世界A NEWER, SAFER WORLD
引自:丹妮尔·德·拉马尔 BY DANIELLE DE LA MAR
自从在波哥大市和苏黎世轨道平台的最早试验以来,新的矩阵协议一次又一次地证明,它创造出了一个更牢固、更安全、更可靠、连接更好、访问更容易的矩阵。在公司法庭的成员公司、世界各国元首和不胜枚举的杰出个人的合作和努力之下, 他们开创了矩阵的新时代,其安全性在ASIST技术诞生以来首屈一指。新的架构师吸收了每一代矩阵技术的优点,通过大范围测试将其融为一体,召集首屈一指的专家测试系统的完整性,最终带来了所谓“奥利哈钢时代”的矩阵生活。
劇透 -   :
Since the earliest tests in the city of Bogotá and on the Zurich-Orbital platform, the new Matrix protocols have proven themselves time and time again to create a safer, more secure, more reliable, better-connected, easier- to-access Matrix. The efforts and cooperation shown by the member corporations of the Corporate Court, heads of nations around the world, and individuals too numerous to name have ushered in a new era of Matrix safety unseen since the invention of ASIST technology. The new architects have taken the best aspects of each previous generation of Matrix technology, integrated them through extensive testing, called in hand-picked experts to test the integrity of the systems, and brought about the “Orichalcum Age” of life with the Matrix.
劇透 -   :
After years of abuse by hackers and grotesque manipulations by technomancers, emergent species, and AIs, our Matrix had been corrupted to an unimaginable extent. This twisted environment was a playground for social malcontents with little to no regard for the safety of the billions of legitimate users around the world. Hackers not only aggressively used but also freely distributed their programs, allowing anyone in the world with the desire to damage the very source code of the Matrix, often unwittingly, free rein in the virtual environment. Now, through a combination of incorruptible base-coding secured in the datavaults of Z-O, constant monitoring by the Grid Overwatch Division (GOD), and upgraded access tracking, the new Matrix protects authorized users from the abuses of virtual terrorists. Our new Matrix provides users with the safest place to do business, relax, connect with friends, and play all the Miracle Shooter™ they want.
劇透 -   :
When we look at the fears of the average citizen when asked about the Matrix, security is their chief concern nine times out of ten. The old system left everyone feeling vulnerable to hackers at every turn. The sudden shift to a wireless world was an economic boon, but the short-term money left the megacorporations focused on short-term gain, while they neglected to adequately preserve security. The rise of the commlink, an inconspicuous yet powerful processing system, allowed hackers to abuse the device and bend it to their nefarious ends. That is no longer the case. The new structure limits command acceptance from commlinks, keeping everyone protected from their abuse by hackers. This limitation is the smallest of the security features the new Matrix offers. At the other end, and truly one of the greatest features of our new Matrix, is the constant and precise monitoring of every corner of the grids by GOD and their duly authorized representatives. The grids are a great placid sea where the agents of GOD monitor every ripple created by unauthorized activity. A poetic expression, but the best way to describe the current environment without delving into several terabytes of technical data.
如果系统在你需要的时候不能给你回应,那世上所有的安保都毫无意义。多亏相关企业的通力合作,新矩阵是迄今为止最可靠的全球网络。上一代无线矩阵是由每个人手臂上的小盒子加上全世界公司和政府办公室里的大盒子共同构建而成的。最聪明的一着在于,建立起的矩阵并非基于一台或一千台机器,而是基于数十亿台之上。以这样简洁形式存在着的矩阵,迈出了进化的关键一步,使我们终于从尼安德特人变为了智人。就算西雅图的所有设备都突然停止运转,翡翠城网域*将仍然为世界各地的公民提供服务。只要看看波士顿就是了。尽管因为突发的病毒性脑炎**,这个城市仍处在隔离中,通讯仍然受限,但波士顿中心(Boston Hub)***仍在为其他人的业务和通讯而运作着。
***译注:Hub Grid是波士顿的本地网域

劇透 -   :
All the safety and security in the world means nothing if the system isn’t available to you when you need it. Thanks to the cooperative efforts of the corporations involved, the new Matrix is the most reliable worldwide network to date. The last generation of wireless Matrix was built within a combination of the little boxes on the arms of everyone and the big boxes housed within the offices of the world’s corporations and countries. It was a brilliant move to create a Matrix that was not based on a single or even a thousand machines, but instead on billions. Our Matrix takes that evolutionary baby step and moves us from homo neanderthalensis to homo sapiens with a Matrix that simply exists. If every device in the city of Seattle were to suddenly cease functioning, the Emerald City Grid would still be there for citizens around the world. Just look to Boston. Though the city is still under quarantine from the viral encephalitis outbreak and communication is still restricted, the Boston Hub is still up and running for others to do business on and connect through.
*译注:奥罗拉贫民窟Aurora Warrens,位于丹佛
劇透 -   :
Remember the days of long-distance telecomm calls? Neither do 88 percent of other users on the Matrix. That relic of a wired era has long been gone, but for decades we’ve connected to LTGs and RTGs to get where we needed to be. The new Matrix doesn’t care if you’re in Cairo, Kansas, or Kandahar—the public grids are everywhere. Staying connected is easier than ever before with this free-to-use, globe-spanning marvel of modern ingenuity and coding acumen. If the basic Pub- Grid is too mundane or your work requires a little more style and panache, all the major metroplexes and most nations have created Regional grids accessible from their physical space, and each of the Big Ten megacorporations has its own globe-spanning grid above the public grid. Whether you’re scraping by on the edge of the Aurora Warrens, exploring the deepest jungles of Amazonia, or working from a posh corner office in the Aztechnology Pyramid, some grid—probably more than one—is there for you.

劇透 -   :
Even better, the grids are not just available, they are easy to access and use. Over the last decade, the virtual world has become as much a part of the physical world as the ground we stand on. Advertising, street signs, virtual visitors, virtual offices, and VirtuArt all fill our world beyond its normal physical capacity. With public grid overlays and universal access, we can reimagine a world without the graffiti of the anarchistic youth; we can cover the scars created by criminal shadowrunners and their errant gunfire; and we can maintain connections to PANICBUTTON, DocWagon, and local law enforcement no matter where we are.
Our place in Matrix history will certainly be viewed as a renaissance of good judgment and level-headed, security- conscious decision-making. Citizens of the world will be safer and more comfortable in the new Matrix thanks to the efforts of the CC and all its members.


引自:麦尔斯·科特 BY MILES COURT

劇透 -   :
Now that I have everyone’s attention, I’d like to get to the point. Our new Matrix, billed as the safest design since the advent of ASIST, is piling up a body count in the past year that surpasses the murder rate of Tenochtitlan. I’ve read the reports that play it down and use graphs and pie charts to make it look like everything has to do with how they categorize deaths, but the straight numbers don’t lie. Current year-to-date total of murder victims in Tenochtitlan, as of 04/31/2076: 221. Year-todate total of deaths of individuals suffering lethal biofeedback while utilizing ASIST immersive technology as of 04/31/2076: 372. How can that be called safe?
I’m no hacker; let’s just get that straight from the getgo. This is not some, “Woe is me! I shouldn’t get my neurons melted while I’m breaking the law because I’m not hurting anyone with my victimless crime” bulldrek. Break the law, suffer the consequences. There’s a price for everything, omae, and if you’re out performing illegal activities on the Matrix you can’t hide behind the virtuakeyboard and cry foul.

劇透 -   :
It shouldn’t be. But that’s how it’s described by the megacorporation-controlled mass murderers that they ironically refer to as GOD. This new design is killer, and it’s designed that way for one reason and one reason only: because the powers-that-be can’t let anything get out of control. Anything! Follow the rules, don’t buck the system, and you’ll be fine. Step out of line and they’ll melt your brain and leave you a drooling simpleton.
Why do they come down on hackers, or any other anomaly for that matter, like a sledgehammer on a macadamia? Because they need to exert control over the creature they’ve created. All this access, all this global connection, wasn’t part of their plan. Yeah, they wanted a Matrix they could control and they’re doing that, but they didn’t want a Matrix that was everywhere. How do you keep the workers in Africa uneducated and digging up diamonds for a pittance when a cheap commlink in the wrong hands could create a revolt like we haven’t seen since the Awakening? They’ve got a creation that they don’t truly know how to control. Consider the unimaginable horrors that must be inside the Boston quarantine— just how bad did it get for them to block it off from the rest of the Matrix?
劇透 -   :
Wake up, people! Look beyond the shiny new grid layout and the “safety” provided by GOD. It’s a Matrix that is the first step back toward total social control by the megacorps. They’ve laid this tool out for us and sold everyone on its amazing features, but once they get us all in, you’ll start to see the changes. More restrictions, less access, “harmful” data redacted or destroyed mid-sending, and artificial barriers created around “dangerous” places will be just a beginning before the megas are back in control of all the information flowing around the world.

> 在原本的帖子之外,这位愤怒的先生还发了一些有趣的数据。一并的还有他一长串的怒吼,但我会把原始数据给你,只留一段来表达他的观点。注意数据比较的时间——左边是10年,而右边是2年。
> Bull

劇透 -   :
> Separate from this original post, this same angry gentleman posted some interesting data compilations. He had a string of rants with them, but I’ll give it to you raw and let his single rant stand for his views. Note the timeline for comparisons—ten years in the left column, two years in the right.
> Bull

报告来源         2064-2073         2074-2075
阿瑞斯(包括游侠)         978      1,894     
孤星      1,182      1,696     
新网      941      1,376     
AA级超企      561      998     
医疗马车      750      997     
急救推车      436      672     
三津滨      521      504     
赛达尔-克虏伯      422      384     
幸福      361      308     
天演      298      306     
联络      214      234     
五行      168      203     
阿兹特科技      152      190     
地平线      154      142     
总计:      8,354      12,299     
劇透 -   :
Reported by (2064-2073) (2074-2075)
Federal governments 1,216 2,395
Ares (includes KE) 978 1,894
Lone Star 1,182 1,696
NeoNET 941 1,376
AA-rated Megacorps 561 998
DocWagon 750 997
CrashCart 436 672
Mitsuhama 521 504
Saeder-Krupp 422 384
Shiawase 361 308
Evo 298 306
Renraku 214 234
Wuxing 168 203
Aztechnology 152 190
Horizon 154 142
Total: 8,354 12,299
« 上次编辑: 2019-08-05, 周一 15:17:40 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-12-22, 周六 12:05:42 »
> 我在应该问的人和应该拿到数据的地方多花了些心思,好做一个不错的纲要,而且我还暗地里做了点工作,留意那些强有力(而且有充足证明的)的观点。许多人都提到过这与前无线时代系统的相似之处。全世界的论坛上都充塞着前脚本小子们的抱怨,他们不能就让程序自己干完骇入的活了。我强烈地感觉到乖乖羊对于如今有GOD罩着他们相当开心。我听到最新一代的骇客和程序员夸耀着矩阵比起旧的那个要有多优越。这些人嘴里的“他们的矩阵”可真把我惹火了。我想说的是,一个观点不能涵盖整个矩阵。为了避免接入点我们这帮骇客老一套的胡说八道,我从一些站点上挑选了一些我最喜欢的矩阵哲学家,塞了根信用棒到他们鼻子底下,让他们谈谈自己对新矩阵的看法。
> Bull

劇透 -   :
> I put some thought into who I should ask and where I should pull data from to give us a good rundown, and I did a little skulking with an eye open for strong (and well-supported) opinions. A lot of folks have mentioned similarities to the old, pre-wireless system. I saw complaints from former script-kiddies who can’t let their programs do all the hacking for them spamming forums around the world. I got a solid feeling that the sheeple are quite happy to know that GOD is looking out for them. I heard the newest generation of hackers and coders talking about how superior their Matrix was to the old one. It was the phrase “their Matrix” that really pissed me off. My point here is that one view isn’t going to cover the Matrix. In order to avoid the same old drivel from the JackPoint hacking crew, I picked my favorite Matrix philosophers from several sites and waved a credstick under their noses to give me their views on the new Matrix.
Here’s the paid advertisements and opinions of a few folks out there. I made sure to tell them the money was for the honest truth, not what they thought I wanted to hear. Some are motivated by a desire to get posting status on JP, but they best understand that isn’t done by kissing my hoop. I want sharks in the JackPoint tank, not guppies. I pulled together a little compilation from my four main categories of Matrix gripers; Geezers, Generation Wi-fi, Grid-Iron Gang, and Sheeple.
> Bull


劇透 -   :
I got about the same opinion about this “new” Matrix as you, Bull. There’s a reason they called it wire “less” when they screwed it up the first time. Now they bring back the “cyberdeck” and think they’ve made a step in the right direction. If I was able to go pull the old CTY- 300 out of the closet and snap a clip on a wire and get access the real way, I’d be happy. Yes, the airwaves aren’t full of kids, creepers, and agents on a mission like they were, but that doesn’t make this new incarnation better. Just a little less annoying.
I’ll give them some cred for slipping the grids back into reality, or at least validity. They managed to bring a little order to the chaos. Whoopty-do. Problem is, anyone, anywhere, can still press the power button and slide into the virtual realm from anywhere in the physical. No connection between meatspace and the virtual just means the virtual terrorists need to do their work from farther away. Just wait until the next wave of Matrix miscreants rolls in from the no man’s land of the NAN, the cesspool of the Barrens, or the mess of metahumanity that is the ACHE. All they need to do is scam a little better service and keep an eye on their wake. Make too many waves and they’ll need to duck and run, but even if they do get slammed, they just need some meat haulers around to move them before the GOD-squad shows up.
New sense of false security, same waiting game until it goes sideways.
Angry old guy rant over now. And don’t you dare edit that out.


劇透 -   :
As for how I see this new Matrix, it works and it pulls at some nostalgic heartstrings. The separation by grid is a throwback to earlier times, but anyone with an ounce of free spirit can see the back-step it made. Maybe that was good. Maybe opening the floodgates of the Matrix with the first wireless initiative was a mistake, but it was a mistake made by megacorporations who had enough control over their citizenry that when the world walked up to the brink of destruction, the corporate wageslaves still went to work. The wild places still went crazy, but that was fine with the megas as long as it didn’t hit their bottom line. It’s this kind of thinking that is really the only weakness that we will ever be able to use to bring them down. Their hubris had them believing they had control, and they let the Matrix free from its wired cage. The next decade taught them the error of their ways, and now they’re backtracking. I just hope everyone out there realizes this is probably just the first step. The Matrix grew too wild for too long, and now the megas are going to prune it back to a nice manageable neighborhood lawn. The grids and new host designs are just the start. I’m an old dog, and it’s way too late for me to start learning new ’trix, so I’ll leave it to the young pups to conquer this new beast.
Just remember, as it was, it will always be; it’s all about control with the illusion of freedom.

*译注:原文为法语nom de la rue,也就是name of the street,但这个不是“在街头用的名字”而是“街道的名字”。大概是写手并不懂法语。

劇透 -   :
I’ll introduce myself first. My nom de la rue is Tsk. Pronounce it however you want until you meet me and know me. I’m a child of the wireless Matrix, and by that not only do I mean I grew up and spent my formative years learning on that gloriously free system, but I’m also a technomancer. Ooo, scary, run away now; ignore her words, she’s trying to trick you; beware the code, it will corrupt you; yada-yada-yada. I understood the old system, and much to the chagrin of many I understand the new one too. In fact, I might understand this one even better, but I’ll stick to the topic at hand and save that speech for another place.
I’ll start by saying that we must have been doing something right. We had a world wide web of ’links creating our Matrix. We were connected. We were free. And now—well, now we’re all separated again. Not only separated but catalogued as well. While our last Matrix was made by our collective processing power, the ’links, terms, devices, nexi, RFID tags, and everything else, this new one is not. It just is. Wipe out most every piece of electronics in a fifty-klick radius and guess what happens to the “de la Mar” ’trix? Nothing. Still there, with all your data intact. Everything is backed up everywhere. Sure, there are still dead spots—wireless signals don’t send themselves, so if something isn’t doing that work, you’re not online—but the redundancy is unparalleled. Or, as the case may be, superbly paralleled.

劇透 -   :
Back to the point, though. What does this all mean to us? It means that this Matrix is a new frontier. A new place to explore. A new way to encounter dangers that we aren’t expecting. Yes, GOD watches over all of us on this new Matrix, but why? I admit hackers are sometimes disruptive to the norm of life, but they are a minuscule fraction of the world’s population. They don’t do that much, no matter what line of drek the corps have been feeding the world. As for technos, they’re a minuscule fraction of that fraction and to tell the truth, GOD doesn’t really pay much attention to us. For all the fear and scariness that the press puts out there, I’ve done plenty of my Matrix mojo without scrubbing my trail and GOD hasn’t bothered to kick me, or even look into my lack of Matrix tact.
AIs are a different story, though. Their kind, well, they seem to get extra-special attention from GOD. Maybe it’s because of this whole CFD scare and some of the rumors about what it really is, but most of the AIs I know spend a whole lot of time on the run. Whether they’re ducking GOD, a demiGOD, or just a corporate snatch team, they’re public grid enemy number one!
劇透 -   :
Got off task again, but that’s good info to know and hopefully helps shift some opinions on who the bad guys are. The new Matrix for those who grew up with the last one is and isn’t much different, depending on what you used it for. Everyday users find the new Matrix similar to the old as long as they have a decent grid subscription. They connect a little differently and now have a grid access they use regularly, but it looks much the same to them in terms of sculpting. It’s similar enough that occasionally the old terms get applied to the new structure, but what can you expect? A node was a node for a decade, and now we need to split the term and don’t even use the original. Confusion occurs at times, but most people know what you’re talking about from the context. One big difference for everyday users are those who can’t afford local, national, or corporate grid access and have to settle for the Public grid. They access the Matrix from what basically looks like the basement, with every other grid sitting above them. That serves as an unsubtle reminder of their place in the social pecking order of the new Matrix. From the other side, if you have your subscription from a megacorp, you look down on everyone else, including the other megas, because that’s just how megas are—each one thinks they’re the best and makes sure their citizens understand that as well.
那样的日子已经过去了,而且永远过去了。75年后的矩阵都是变化的代码,或者大家把它叫做培养代码(code cultivation)。我是超链者,所以我不知道这意味着什么或者它是什么原理,但基础的概念是,代码会不断改变它和其他代码交互的方式。看上去这和大家会想要的计算机代码完全相反,但它在新矩阵里有用,而且把代码小子们甩在了过去。

劇透 -   :
The big change for those of us raised on the wireless Matrix is the change to coding. My generation was the generation of the script-kiddie. If you could write code or get your hands on some pre-written code, you (or an agent program) could function as a hacker. A great hacker, no, but good enough to get yourself in trouble or out of it in a pinch. It wasn’t about skills on the fly, it was about having solid code ready to fling out at a moment’s notice.
Those days are gone, and they might be gone for good. The post-’75 Matrix is all about variable code, or what folks call code cultivation. I’m a techno, so I don’t know exactly what that means or how it works, but the basic idea is that the code is always changing how it reacts to other code. Seems like the opposite of what anyone would want from computing code, but it works and this new Matrix has left the script-kiddie coders in the past.
**译注:Stepford Wives,一部2004年的电影,主角搬到斯戴佛,发现这里的富人太太都是完美的复制机器人。
劇透 -   :
That concept certainly pissed off the script-kids, but it made the Matrix a place for professionals again. The sculpting isn’t much different, but the need for a deck and some serious on-the-fly coding skills changed the game. Then there’s GOD looking over your shoulder. I know I said I don’t worry about it with my techno skills, but I know how it works. At least I know that the more illegal actions a hacker performs, things that violate the basic rules of the Matrix, the more disruptions they create. A few here and there, no biggie, but they keep adding up. If they hit the disruption threshold set up by GOD, well, then it’s game over. And GOD, mainly through the Big 10 that run the show on the orbital, has done a great job of keeping the new cyberdecks rare and in the right hands. The fact that they tend to fry the hardware along with the wetware when they come adds to this scarcity.
Damn, I get distracted easy. Okay, Matrix for the modern day from those who grew up with the last one. I see it as safer, but safer in that Stepford Wives, creepsville kind of way. They’ve sorted the system out, kept the number of rabble down and in line, and made sure everyone has access. For those of us already used to that, our Matrix was always wireless, worldwide, and free. it’s the small changes that have made the biggest difference: the role of the grids, nodes now being hosts and devices, and the sheer vastness of its operations. They say the Matrix doesn’t have distance like the real world, but it does, it’s just different—and for us, that’s a big difference.
« 上次编辑: 2019-05-10, 周五 10:00:03 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2019-04-24, 周三 16:13:40 »
劇透 -   :
Hey Bull, I hope you can follow this. I might have gotten a little side-tracked here and there, but I tried to just let the thoughts flow. Hope your circle gets what they need from this. Thanks for the ¥, I’ll use it wisely.

劇透 -   :
This Matrix is smooth, vast, easy, creepy, cliquish, fast, sleek, and a zillion other words I’d need to use gizoogle to look up. I can’t read code and I can’t write programs, and I’m definitely not a techno. All I am is a smart kid with a little more money than others and a great desire to explore the strange new world without having to go much further than my back porch or hit up the darker side of town without worrying about some ganger flat-lining me or making me his slitch. It would be better to actually get to hop on a plane and head over to Africa, but I’m happy to zip over, with a quick stop in the empties, and visit new people and places.
Man, I love the empties. The vast nothingness of the PubGrid in the boondocks. Riding on the empty airwaves. It’s a great place to just sit and think or to hook up with some pals and chat or to just get away from the spam and slam of the local grids. No one drops their advertising in the middle of farm country.
劇透 -   :
Back to Africa. So lively, so different. And Asia— man I love Neo-Tokyo. And HONG KONG!!! Never been in real life and I can’t do much more than chat and see the sights while I’m there, but just to have a globe of exploration with this much depth, variety, and dare I say, safety, is a kid’s dream. When I need to research a paper, I don’t head over to the library, I head for the source. Need to know what the latest political upheaval is in the NAN? I don’t look it up, I go exploring. I take a jaunt to their area of the PubGrid, but mostly I look for others like me. Others who spend their time just chilling on the PubGrid, simslumming as some call it. But really just looking for a place to get away, a chance to make a break for the wide open. We feel safe behind the anonymity of our avatars and protected knowing that GOD is watching out for us. Maybe not specifically for me, but I know they’re out there. I’ve seen them— hell, almost everyone I know has seen them. They aren’t hiding, and when they rain down some virtu-holy retribution, they don’t keep it quiet. They’re loud, blatant, and want everyone around to know when they’re on the case. I think it’s part of their plan. Be seen, don’t be bashful about doing your job, and make examples of the people who get caught in your crosshairs.
我们这一代是注定要适应的。我的人生中见过三种不同的矩阵。是,我可能只看过矩阵崩溃之前的几集《毛绒熊(Snuggly Bears)》,但它曾经存在。我随着广阔的无线世界一同长大,看着它越来越狂野,越来越无法控制。每次我在矩阵转折点遭受的恐惧都会为我留下一层尖刺,因为有些AI/超链/电子幽灵/疯子骇客/未知的崩溃残余都会用垃圾信息填满当地的无线信号,把看到的一切都烧坏。自由很好,但没有规则,就只是混乱。在德·拉马尔的严苛矩阵和无线无政府主义的“自由”之间,我会选择前者。

劇透 -   :
GOD even watches out for me in the Barrens. They may all be stuck on the PG, but the stories I get from locals, the experiences I can have from just a virtual viewpoint are great, and it’s good to know there are eyes watching the scene. Gang fights where all you see are ducking and diving avatars with the occasional deck-jockey popping on to scrub ’links are awesome, and the worst I’m gonna get is a little headache if the deck-jockey goes too wide on the code-slashing. Maybe I’ll need to buy a new ’link, but I’ll keep my wetware intact. And on the other side, I love seeing the trenchcoats drop in, whip up the old tommyguns, and shred some ganger deckjockey. Is that a little sadistic? Maybe, but it keeps my virtual streets safe and applies some classic true Darwinian philosophy: It’s not the strong who survive, it’s those who adapt the best.
We are a generation built for adaptation. I’ve had three Matrix variations in my life. Yeah, I might have only watched some Snuggly Bears episodes on the pre-Crash ’trix, but it was there. I grew up with the wide wireless world growing wilder and wilder. Fear at every turn that my time in the Matrix was going to leave me a gibbering husk because some AI/techno/e-ghost/wackhacker/unknown Crash remnant whatever was out spamming and slamming local airwaves and frying everything in sight. Freedom is great, but it’s chaos without rules. I’ll take the stricter de la Mar Matrix over the anarchy of wireless “freedom” any day.

劇透 -   :
There are few things in my day more satisfying than seeing the demiGODs in action. I love to see those Red Ninja pop in, lay waste to some criminal hacker (who a moment before was hiding) and then clean up the scene and be off on their way. Not everyone gets to witness this, but I spend my virtual time within the friendly scenes of Okoku, the Renraku grid, keeping an eye on the GridGuide host. It’s a frequent target by deviants trying to scam a ride, cover their trails, make a quick getaway, or just stop the system to slow the response of local law enforcement, and therefore a frequent place to see our Renraku demiGODs pop in for a little cleanup work. We have plenty of our own security—our IC is top-notch— but a Track and Dump, knowing that it’s our personnel who are going to have to go deal with the criminals who are probably hiding on someone else’s property, just isn’t as satisfying. We could lose good Renraku citizens—or worse, they could end up convalescing for months and never be the same again. Better that the hands of GOD come down and bring justice across the grids.
劇透 -   :
Speaking of the grids, what a great idea. Everyone in their own space, not cluttering up the entire Matrix with Aneki-knows-what. I know that when I’m within the Renraku grid, I’m among family. I can let down my guard and just enjoy my virtual entertainment and social life. Work as well, but we can all admit we relish the time we can spend as our alter egos on Red Samurai Run, RenRak’n the Night, and In My Sights. I’ve played a little Miracle Shooter, but who wants to go spend time on the other grids where you have to worry about not only your opponents but whatever other deviants are hanging around.
Especially the PubGrid! National and city grids aren’t too bad, but GOD has a lot of space to watch over on the PubGrid and anyone, absolutely anyone, can get access. Criminals, predators, hackers, runners, any nation’s citizens, and Aneki-knows-who could be hiding behind that bland persona. I know most hackers hide or are easy to tell from their super-sculpted avatars, but what about those lazy slumming Ares kids with daddy’s money and no sense of discipline? Or that NeoNET rabble with their Transys-Avalon gear and complete lack of common sense or decency? Whole place gives me the creeps. At least I can visit a few of our Japanese cousins and feel safe. Yeah, they’re not perfect, but at least they understand the concept of honor.
劇透 -   :
Though I should mention Horizon. I like their grid, and I have a secondary subscription for it. Great entertainment locations and relatively peaceful, thanks to their corporate philosophy. Good to know not all American corps are just out to blow up their neighbors or pillage their own people. Though General Saito did bring some proper order to CalFree for a bit, leaving behind a fine influence.
The Aztechnology grid has merits. It’s great for vacationing, with plenty of hosts sculpted like sunny vacation spots with premium virtu-hol (which I think might have a little BTL coding in it, but who’s complaining). Their sensory input feeds are second to none.
劇透 -   :
Since I’m giving grid opinions at this point, I might as well mention Saeder-Krupp. S-K’s grid feels safe—almost too safe. Reminds me a little too much of a time in their national past where our countries were allies, if you get my drift. Draconian is appropriate and kind of expected, but overall it feels a little cold to me most of the time. I can’t offer much firsthand experience about the Evo grid, since I’ve never been there. “Weird” is the description I’ve heard. People say it’s very unnatural; “alter- natural” was the term they used. Expected with their reputation, but I haven’t been yet so I’ll hold judgment until I visit it for myself.
Overall, I think Danielle de la Mar led the charge in the right direction. I’d never want to go back to a wired Matrix, but I’d take that over the wireless chaos that the de la Mar ’trix has repaired. We live in a fine time to experience the new Matrix and all the wonders it has for us to access.
« 上次编辑: 2019-04-25, 周四 02:44:52 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2019-04-25, 周四 15:19:26 »
> 这只是四种观点。下面是我找来的阿瑞斯教学材料的一小部分。它不算太好,就只是另外一点点以公众观点展现出的,我们正在对抗的东西。
> Bull

劇透 -   :
> And that’s just four of the views out there. Next up is a little clip from an Ares Instructional piece that I lifted. It’s nothing fancy, just another little bit of what we are up against in the way of public opinion.
> Bull



劇透 -   :
Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome to the Introduction to Global Matrix Architecture discussion. I understand you have all been interacting with the Matrix for years now, and most of you probably feel as if you understand it far better than I, but this discussion is intended to introduce you to the greater aspects of the Matrix, outside of the Ares Global Grid. Please enter any questions you might have as we go along into the question queue, and I will get to them as they best fit.
Let us begin.
The Ares Global Grid is not the Matrix. In fact, despite all its vastness, it is only a small part of the Matrix. It is the safe place where you, the young citizens of Ares, can work, play, and learn in safety. Most of you remember the chaos of the post-Crash wireless Matrix and the dangers that arose from this vast network of uncontrolled computing. The Emergence of electrokinetics, the massive spike in artificial intelligence population, and most recently, the horrors of cognitive fragmentation disorder caused by the massive code corruption created by EKs, AIs, and soulless hackers.

*译注:原文就是ground and sky,虽然从核心和其他地方来看这里应该只有天空。
**译注:Wireless Matrix Initiative无线矩阵倡议
劇透 -   :
From the chaos, the great Danielle de la Mar, along with the top technical minds here at Ares with assistance from the other member corporations of the Corporate Court, reshaped the wireless Matrix. Together, we reined in the wildness of the Wireless Matrix Initiative and began bringing order to the electronic maelstrom.
The Ares Global Grid is one of eleven authorized global grids. There is one for each of the ten member corporations of the Corporate Court, including us, and one public grid that is administered by the Corporate Court itself. These eleven grids form the ground and sky of the modern Matrix.
The public grid, or PubGrid, is the ground. Some think of it as the universal connector for everything, but it is no larger than our grid. It is simply laid out on a different plane on the Matrix, not sharing its virtual space with others. The PubGrid is free to access for anyone with a wireless capable device. I see the question has been asked about the difference between this and the WMI Matrix, and I can understand the confusion. The PubGrid is almost as wild and dangerous as the old WMI system, but the difference is its separation from the rest of the grids and even from its own hosts, along with the presence and monitoring by the Corporate Court’s Grid Overwatch Division, or GOD.

劇透 -   :
The global grids for the ten members of the Corporate Court share the sky of the Matrix. From every point in any global grid, a user can see all of the other grids and request access. From the PubGrid, the corporate grids are above. From the corporate grids, the PubGrid is the base of the horizon and all the other corporate grids are spread evenly just above the horizon line.
Local and national grids are only accessible from within their own virtual vicinity of the Matrix. While the Matrix isn’t tied to a specific physical location, it reflects the concept of distance in relation to devices within the physical world. This then determines the general location of a local or national grid. From a grid-to-grid viewpoint, local and national grids are always at the far left of, and slightly below, the corporate global grids when they are available. This available selection of grids varies and is administered and modified by your host grid (the one you are currently accessing), your ’link (based on the settings built in by its manufacturer), and any changes you make to your own preferences within manufacturer limits.
劇透 -   :
Here on the Ares Global Grid, you have been protected and watched over by the demiGODs of Ares. Each global grid has its own demiGODs who all answer to the CC’s GOD. On the PubGrid, only GOD comes to your aid, and the vastness of the PubGrid and the lack of character of many of its users keep them busy. Their response to unauthorized code manipulations is prompt and unforgiving. Use of the public grid by those with Ares Global Grid access is not recommended and should be avoided unless no other communication avenues are available.
Local and national grids are acceptable alternatives and are where you will find many hosts unique to their parent cities or countries. Ares authorizes access to the global grids of our fellow corporations on many occasions but warns that protection for Ares citizens is only guaranteed on the Ares Global Grid. Accessing any host from a global grid other than the Ares Global Grid invalidates your corporate citizenship protections and leaves you within the jurisdiction of the grid provider. Exploration of the various grids is expected from the inquisitive and inspired minds of the youth of Ares. Though this is expected, we also expect those same minds to remember the law. Just as we respect the laws put in place by our own executives, we must respect the laws put in place by those with authority over the other grids and hosts of the Matrix.

劇透 -   :
Once you are out in the virtual world, you’ll see things in much the same way you do here in Detroit, with the exception of the available hosts. Hosts pay to be accessible from all grids, though some pay even more to be exclusive and limit access from certain grids, especially the PubGrid.
Thank you for listening, and make sure to keep the personal safety and security features on your commlink active at all times. Things in the Matrix work at the speed of thought, and that means danger comes faster than a blink. Be vigilant and be ready.

如何使用矩阵  HOW DO WE USE IT
劇透 -   :
There are a lot of different ways to access and use the Matrix, some far superior to others. Opinions vary, so I’ll go with the overall consensus and give you a rundown in no particular order, though I will offer some color commentary along the way. A ten-nuyen Soybucks card awaits the person who can ID my setup. PM me at BIBLIOMATRIXQUEEN.

劇透 -   :
Matrix 101 is using the standard everyday commlink. Whether you’re scraping along with your Meta Link or impressing the executives with the latest custom-shelled Caliban, this is the basic doorway to the Matrix for the bulk of the planet. Your commlink acts as a status symbol among the corporate masses and as a warning in the shadows. Among the corps, the better the commlink, the more likely the individual is someone of power, as the high-end machines are not cheap, and the latest doesn’t stay the latest for long. On the shadowy side of the streets, the better the commlink, the more paranoid the runner—and usually the more successful. Rookies often keep their trusted Emperor or Sensei, or stick to the Meta Link because they know it or it’s all they can afford. When you see a runner with an Elite, Ikon, Avalon, or Caliban, you know they’re not wearing it to show off their wealth. They’ve got it running whatever they can to prevent hackers from turning their lives upside down. They’ve also lived in the shadows long enough to afford it and know that surviving in the shadows is a privilege, not a right. They’ve earned their Matrix safety.

> 致所有想出天才计划,把大众链的组件塞进废弃石中链外壳的天才街头暴徒们——别想了。没人会信的,代码实在太明显了。反过来也一样。也别费心去把石中链装成阿瓦隆。
> Kane
> 别这么嘲讽,你个坏脾气老头。只是要记得伪装的上限在于代码。如果你想要把自己用的是哪种通讯链藏起来,让你的骇客给你定制调整一下化身来满足你的需求。通讯链上的标准选项相当普遍,而且它们都能反映出通讯链的运算力。
> /dev/grrl

劇透 -   :
> For all you genius street toughs out there who come up with the ingenious plan of stuffing your Meta Link components into a discarded Caliban shell—don’t bother. No one falls for it, the coding is just too obvious. Same goes vice-versa. Don’t bother to try and slum it with a disguised Avalon.
> Kane
> Don’t be so discouraging, you grump. Just remember that the cover is only as good as the code. If you want to hide what kind of ’link you’re rocking, make sure your hacker custom-tweaks the persona to fit your needs. The standard options on the ’links are pretty universal, and they all reflect the processing power of the ‘link.
> /dev/grrl
劇透 -   :
Though rare, there are still people who use an old-fashioned desktop terminal to access the Matrix. Whether they’re anachronistic or nostalgic, or too stubborn to move into the current decade, they get their latest screamsheets from the comfort of their own home or a local library that has a few for public use. The biggest difference—and I’ll say disadvantage—between a dataterm and a commlink is its lack of mobility, but people who use these aren’t concerned about being mobile for their Matrix needs. Another point to consider is that the dataterm determines your persona when you go full VR, and they’re usually pretty basic. Expect them to carry some kind of tag from the location you’re borrowing them from if they’re public. Personal dataterms have a wide variety of icon selections just like commlinks. The last point to consider is their access. Because they aren’t mobile, they have limitations in the places they get a solid connection to and will always be registered to a global, local, or national grid.
> 有些人觉得这些东西很适合匿名访问,但考虑到摄像头数量和周围其他的监视设备,他们不需要花多少功夫收集情报就能追踪到你的位置。
> Bull

劇透 -   :
> Quite a few folks think these things are great for a little anonymous access, but with the number of cameras and other surveillance devices around, they can track you back to a location with a very small amount of legwork.
> Bull

译注:原文dead man decking来自于dead man walking,狱警俚语,指死囚犯临刑前从牢房到行刑地点走的那段路。
劇透 -   :
Now what about those Matrix cowboys? The ones that use their cyberdecks in order to access the Matrix everyday? They’re dead. If you’re confused, look at it this way: No one but GODs, demiGODs, and a select few are supposed to own cyberdecks. These are not mass-produced, cookie-cutter devices you go and pick up on your way home. They are highly restricted Matrix machetes designed for one thing and one thing only: breaking the rules that were so carefully put into place by the corporate masters. Anyone using a cyberdeck who doesn’t belong to one of those narrow groups is a dead man decking. At some point someone is going to catch up to them and fry them for fragging up the system. There are only a small range of cyberdeck producers, all tightly controlled by the Corporate Court and its member megas. Decks create avatars that look just like their commlink-created counterparts, though several custom programs allow cyberdeck avatars to change appearance rapidly.
« 上次编辑: 2019-05-10, 周五 10:50:53 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2019-05-10, 周五 12:38:41 »
劇透 -   :
The devices we use to provide us access to the Matrix are only part of the process. How we perceive the Matrix is equally as important, and the devices we use make all the difference. While the value of access devices can be argued from several angles, there is a definite ranking system for the devices we use to perceive the virtual world. Worst to best, here you go.


> 上个月有个叫Deetz的骇客用小窝里的一套定制数据终端狂奔Z-O*,用的是平面屏幕。他突破了不少,而且本来会被GOD甩出去好几次,但他在终端上运行了冗余备份。他以为他成了,直到门被一脚踹开。安全并不意味着永远安全。
> Glitch
劇透 -   :
The bottom of the line, most basic method of input and perception is the old-fashioned keyboard and a flatscreen monitor or trideo set. While the trideo at least offers a 3-D view, a flatscreen leaves Matrix movers with a narrow input of the reality of the Matrix. It’s slow and not exactly easy to use, but it’s completely safe. There’s zero risk of anything harmful coming from the Matrix but also zero chance of doing anything other than ordering your next pair of Zoé shades. Trideo at least gives you access to some of the Matrix games, but trying to play with a keyboard is pretty lame. To get beyond the most basic Matrix games, you need the next step up.
> Last month a hacker by the name of Deetz made a run on Z-O from a custom set of dataterminals in his doss running with a flatscreen. He made some serious breakthroughs and would have been dumped by GOD several times over, but he ran a redundancy trick on the terms. He thought he had it made until his door got kicked in. Safe isn’t always safe.
> Glitch



劇透 -   :
To experience the true potential of the Matrix, users need to embrace its mobility and freedom, which means they need some primary sensory input to help them get started. This is where augmented reality (AR) really starts to make a difference, and where the first taste of virtual reality (VR) begins.
Matrix beginners need three things (as referenced in my header): gloves, glass, and headphones. In order to interact with AR on the move, users need something better than a keyboard and touchscreen. AR gloves are step number one, as they let a user “touch” the virtual world around them. They come in every style imaginable, and users often own several pairs, especially in places where weather and work might call for a change on a daily basis. Winter gloves, disposable latex medical gloves, leather work gloves, diving gloves, dress gloves—the list goes on and on. Even specialized gloves like shock gloves can have an AR access feature added. The gloves allow selections and typing to occur in AR as long as the user has the next piece of the puzzle. Well, they actually can still select things in AR without the next piece, but they’ll be relying on blind luck to make what they want to happen, happen, since they can’t see what they’re pointing at.
劇透 -   :
Part two is glass. Although modern surgery and gene manipulation have made corrective lenses (both glasses and contacts) largeley unnecessary, these items are more common today than at any point in metahuman history. They aren’t correcting vision now, they’re enhancing it. Glasses, contacts, goggles, helmet visors, facemasks, monocles, cybereyes, and a myriad other, even more interesting devices serve as windows to the Matrix. AROs, devices, messages, advertisements, and anything else you can imagine being seen by the eye (and even some stuff you can’t) fill the virtual world around the denizens of the Sixth World. These pieces of glass (or whatever) reveal these wonders.

劇透 -   :
While the eyes perceive the Matrix through the glass, headphones let the ears hear the virtual world. Advertisements, music, messages, warnings, news, and tons of other virtual vibes can add a second sense of connection to the virtual world. Headphones aren’t just limited to those big bulky retro models. Earbuds, cyberears, helmets, hats, and headbands get audio accessories all the time.
This trio of devices gives the user a more immersive experience and lets them see, hear, and interact with the Matrix in a more fluid and natural way. Casual Matrix users and the average corporate wageslave are usually quite happy just getting this level of contact with the Matrix. But the virtual world has so much more to offer.



劇透 -   :
Seeing and hearing over a distance have been around since the earliest vidphones, but the modern world offers the next step. Electrode and ultrasound nets (trode nets, or just trodes for short) are the doorway to the virtual world. While they can function and offer some similar options to other virtual sensory devices, their true value comes when you open the virtual doorway and let them take you full VR. Trodes are the beginner’s key to truly feeling the power of the alternate world of the Matrix.
Worn on the head, trodes send signals straight to the brain that can augment or overwrite the normal messages the brain gets from the real world. The majority of people use trodes to deliver the primary sensory information about the Matrix to their brain when they decide to open the door to VR. This means the trodes translate the Matrix to visual, auditory, and tactile signals, overwriting what the brain would get from the user’s eyes, ears, and tactile nerves. With a sim module on the user’s commlink, cyberdeck, or dataterminal, they can also smell and taste the virtual world. Simply put, trodes make you feel like your Matrix persona.
劇透 -   :
AR is a little different. Trodes can act as a DNI (direct neural interface) connection running from your mind straight to your devices, including the glasses and headphones you’re using to interact. You think it, it happens. No typing out messages, just think them and send. Want to hear a different song? Think it. The trodes take the place of the gloves or keyboards for input and access while playing in AR. If there’s a sim module involved, the user can also feel, smell, and taste the Matrix in AR. These senses blend with the real world for interesting results. The sensitivity settings can be set between the access device and the trodes to determine how much of each sense (touch, smell, and taste) comes from virtual vs. physical reality. Users in high-pollution areas often overwrite the smell of the air with something more pleasant; dieters will flavor their low-cal soypaste into something more exotic; and even a chilly and rainy day can be made to feel like a warm day on the beach. Most trodes have safety measures to prevent users from freezing to death but place few other limitations on what virtual sensations are allowed. Similar safety features are also in place for visual or auditory information while in AR in order to avoid a user “walking” around in the Matrix instead of the real world.
> 超载安全功能,让使用者变瞎变聋并非难事,所以这是用来搞贴片用户的最佳功能。加上一些关于嗅觉和味觉反馈的创意,就能让使用者心悸呕吐,或者恶心到跑到卫生间。
> Netcat
> 这是真的。我对’Cat的妊娠性鼻炎*有过太多评价,她就改了我DNI的嗅觉反馈,告诉我那是什么感觉。真糟。
> Slamm-0!

劇透 -   :
> It doesn’t take much to override the safety features and make a user blind or deaf, so this is one of the best features to use to mess with trode users. Some creativity with the smell and taste feeds can have the user vomiting in a heartbeat or just nauseated enough to make a run for the bathroom.
> Netcat
> It’s true. I made a few too many comments about pregonose to ’Cat, and she tweaked the smell feed on my DNI to show me what it was like. Nasty.
> Slamm-0!


劇透 -   :
A datajack is like a wedding ring for the Matrix. This shows you’re serious about your relationship with the Matrix and you don’t want anyone to come between you and your latest V-feeds. It’s got all the same DNI connectivity of trodes but is a whole lot harder to take away. Datajack users also have the option of plugging straight into devices for some direct control and access via a little cord they spool into the ’jack. In the corporate world, datajacks are almost as common as eyeballs—that’s to say, everyone has them. Most corps offer an incentive program for workers to get a datajack to increase productivity. That’s if the parental incentive to get your child wired with a datajack to help in their education and safety didn’t already get them jacked up.
« 上次编辑: 2019-05-10, 周五 14:16:26 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2019-05-13, 周一 12:33:59 »
> 最后,我们有些关于主要网域的材料。这家伙相当含糊,所以请随便补充你的看法。
> Bull

劇透 -   :
> And finally, we’ve got a little splatter piece on the major grids. This guy is pretty vague, so add your thoughts freely.
> Bull

劇透 -   :
We can’t talk about the Matrix and not discuss the grids. Each grid could be written about endlessly, and some (if not all) are still in a state of change, trying to adjust to the new Matrix and grab the most market share. A few basics for each as they stand now should be enough to get even the saddest nature lover plugged in and looking for some virtual real estate to explore.


> 别忘了大炮和弩车。
> Sticks

> 阿瑞斯在网域上放了一些小型“要塞”,以供用户来一场矩阵中的战斗。用户走进去,从中世纪武器架上拿一把虚拟武器,来一场认认真真的战斗。这不是真正的矩阵战斗,但这能让阿瑞斯挑选出精神最为敏锐的潜力股。
> Stone
> 这是个为次GOD和游侠碟客举行公开试镜的好办法。阿瑞斯,我为你鼓个掌。
> Kane

劇透 -   :
As one of the earliest supporters of the new Matrix, Ares got a prime name pick, selecting the name Ares Global Grid. Matrix users see this grid as a medieval castle with the Ares logo proudly waving on flags above the walls.
> Don’t forget the cannons and ballistas.
> Sticks
Their grid themes everything with medieval overtones. The ground is a plain of green fields, unpaved roads with wagon ruts, forests in the distance, and most hosts near the ground have a stone foundation rendered beneath them.
> Ares has small “forts” spread around the grid where users can pop in for a little Matrix combat. Users step in, grab a virtual weapon from the medieval weapons rack, and go to town against each other. It’s not real Matrix combat, but it allows Ares to check out prospects who have solid mental agility.
> Stone
> Way to host open auditions for your demiGODs and KE deckers. Ares, I applaud you.
> Kane

> 在那要小心。骇客帮派把这个网域用作某种鲜血竞技的训练场。有这些年轻能手相伴,AZT让他们的公司骇客闲逛,在麻烦身上练习他们的脏活技巧。
> Picador
> 而且他们对麻烦的定义很宽泛。
> Butch

劇透 -   :
There is no mistaking the hulking virtual ziggurat that is the AzGrid. The green behemoth sports virtual carvings of Aztec idols on each side, built within the stepped structure of the Aztec icon. Stepping onto the grid transports users to a pseudo- history of Aztechnology’s creation. Aztec accents highlight everything in this virtual realm. The ground looks like the ancient Aztec cities in their prime with hosts adding ziggurats to the landscape. The edges of the cities look like rainforests and mountains but cannot be reached, simply holding their place in the distance no matter how Matrix users move toward them.
> Be careful here. Hacker gangs have taken to using this grid as a bloodsport training ground of sorts. Along with the young hotshots, AZT lets their corporate deckers tool around and practice their dirty work on troublemakers.
> Picador
> And their definition of troublemakers is loose.
> Butch


> 或是跳进小木屋来场虚拟性爱、BTL,或者是在这个矩阵上最大的拟感色情生产商的网域上找些其他放荡的乐子。
> KidCode
> 有时候让新人进来真的很烦人,但有时候他们又会带来金子般的信息。这次是后者。地平线比其他任何公司都有更好的公关名声,为更多名人打掩护。这些有名的家伙在自媒体收藏里做了太多错误决定,而地平线会很开心地通过传播不那么错误的信息来掩盖那些最为致命的错误,换取关注度和持续稳定的黑色资助。
> Pistons

劇透 -   :
To access the Horizon grid, one must simply reach for the setting sun. In the sky of the public grid, the seven- pointed half-sunburst has a 3D cast to its jutting points that make it almost look like a weapon. From all the other grids, where the icons shift to the horizon, it looks very much like a setting sun.
Crossing onto the Eternal Horizon is like stepping into a perpetual vacation. The folks at Horizon have designed their grid to take on the cast of the California coast at sunset. A single long stretch of coastline goes on forever, with beachfront shops on one side and the waters of the Pacific lapping up onto the beach on the other. Out in the water are boats of varying design. Yachts, catamarans, sailboats, speedboats, and even rafts float on the water before the eternally setting sun. The shops and ships are the hosts of the grid as one might guess, but a lot of people spend their time just sitting on the beach enjoying the sunset.
> Or hopping in a hut for some simsex, BTL-code, or any of the other debauchery one would expect on a grid from the biggest source of simporn on the Matrix.
> KidCode
> Sometimes letting in new people is really annoying, but sometimes they drop nuggets of amazing value. This is the latter. Horizon has a great PR rep and fronts for more famous people than any other corp. Those famous folks make lots and lots of poor decisions in regards to their self-media collection, and Horizon happily protects them from the worst of their choices by spreading the rest for free publicity and a steady stream of black funds.
> Pistons

> 矩阵上的传言说,特定的肢体和特点的组合可以让人访问他们网域上的特殊地点。
> Snopes

> 有些主机拥有者会多给天演付钱,来让自己呆在更适合他们生意的区域。
> Glitch

劇透 -   :
Along with NeoNET, Evo had significant pull in the management and manufacture of the new Matrix. Their unique perspective on life shaded not only their choice of grid icons, but also the internal layout of their grid. EvoGrid does not have a single symbol on the virtual plane. Instead their icon is a revolving Vitruvian Man with limbs that change with each rotation to show the many variations of metahumanity.
> Matrix rumor says that certain combinations of limbs and features allow possible access to special sections of their grid.
> Snopes
On the grid the theme of evolution and variation continues. Evo’s grid has one of the most finite appearances of the globals once you get on, but the appearance is deceiving. EvoGrid consists of twelve distinct surfaces arranged like the inside planes of a dodecahedron, each with their own theme that changes daily. The spatial deception comes when users try to walk from one plane to another and never reach an edge. The hosts on the grid gain accents to reflect the plane on which they are currently located. This changes, just like the identity of the planes.
> Some host owners are paying extra to Evo to be on a specific themed plane that better accents their business.
> Glitch

> 他们是第一个让网域完全全球化的,因此赢得了许多用户。如果能找出他们是怎么做到这点的,也许是非常有用的值钱数据。
> Slamm-0!

> 虽然“最高级别”听上去像是挣钱的办法,但让主机位于佛塔上的权利是基于你在日本帝国的名声的,而不是给三津滨付钱就行。
> Glitch

劇透 -   :
The MCT cube is not the most remarkable icon in the virtual realm of the Matrix. The letters M, C, and T are blocked and angled on a revolving cube. Mitsuhama obviously doesn’t feel they need more than that, and they’re probably right as they usually have the highest grid population count of any of the megas at a given moment. They’re focused on being global, not glitzy.
> They were the first to make their grid fully global and earned a lot of users for that. Finding out just what they had to do to accomplish that feat might make for some useful paydata.
> Slamm-0!
Once on MCT GlobeNet, users are greeted with a pleasant and serene Japanese mountain village. Homes and shops with traditional rice-paper walls line the streets, with each door leading to a different host. The focal point of the entire village is a traditional-style pagoda towering over the smaller structures. The pagoda is the location for all the premier-level hosts as well as most of MCT’s own hosts.
> While the “premier” concept may sound like a moneymaking ploy, the right to have your host accessed at the pagoda is based on your reputation with the Japanese Imperial State, not on paying Mitsuhama.
> Glitch
« 上次编辑: 2019-05-20, 周一 20:07:06 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2019-05-20, 周一 20:06:27 »
> 其他网络上也有这样的幼稚比赛,新网网域的标志会更小一点,虽然非常轻微,但不知怎的就是能发现这点。有些情况甚至会被和使用者一同移动的塑模挡住,让用户看不到它。
> Icarus

> “新”是个管闲事的混蛋。他会在一些非常不合时宜的时候跳出来,要小心。
> /dev/grrl
> 这是他编程的一部分。如果网域发现了脏活的痕迹,“新”就会跳出来,提醒你守规矩——同时也作为新网次GOD的某种瞄准系统。
> Netcat
> 酷。不亏是矩阵先驱,有这些额外的安保技巧。
> /dev/grrl

劇透 -   :
No one doubts that NeoNET is the strongest force behind the new Matrix. Their grid appears as their iconic star in the Matrix. Due to their influence in so many areas of the new Matrix, the star is usually larger than every other grid’s icon.
> It’s a pissing contest on other networks, too, where the NeoNET grid logo will be smaller, only slightly but somehow perceptible, or even blocked by sculpted features that move with the user and keep it mostly out of sight.
> Icarus
Once on the NeoNETwork, users get a sprawling cityscape with connected hosts filling the city’s skyscrapers. It’s often overwhelming to those who are unfamiliar, but regular users quickly adjust thanks to Neo, the informative agent that all NeoNET subscribers get access to.
> Neo is a nosy little fragger. He pops in at some very inopportune moments, so be careful.
> /dev/grrl
> That’s part of his programming. If the grid detects any sleazy activity, Neo pops around as an early reminder to behave yourself—and as a sort of targeting system for NeoNET’s demiGODs.
> Netcat
> Slick. Leave it to the progenitors to have some extra security tricks already.
> /dev/grrl

> 用一次性试用期进去是个好主意。侦察、间谍甚至就是体验生活或者虚拟外遇,都尽在联络的免费试用期。
> Glitch

> 通过一些模糊的热模情绪代码,甚至会一直感觉有点像家。
> Netcat
> 整个网域上?这用的计算力可不少。
> /dev/grrl
> 联络唤醒过无疑是史上最大的AI。他们可不缺代码力。
> Netcat

劇透 -   :
While MCT has a pagoda inside their grid, Renraku’s red pagoda is the doorway to their global grid. Revolving in the sky or on the horizon, the doorway to the realms of Renraku is always welcoming. As part of the Renraku rebranding and as a great way to increase their market share of global grid subscribers, the Okoku grants “Explorer Visas” to anyone who wants to visit their grid. The Explorer Visa allows visitors access to the grid but does not allow access to any of the hosts on their grid. Okoku is also available for a free one-month full trial to anyone who purchases a Renraku-brand commlink.
> Great way to get on with a throwaway. Recon, spying, or even just slumming or virtua-cheating are popular with the Renraku free trial.
> Glitch
Renraku has themed their grid to reflect their new brand philosophy. Seeking to be the brand of “Home and Heart,” Renraku has sculpted Okoku to resemble idealized versions of villages around the world. The grass huts of Polynesia flow seamlessly into the perfect slice of small town Americana, which glides into the Provençal countryside, and on and on through villages from all corners of the Earth. Hosts are obviously the shops, homes, and attractions, with a smooth blend of the local flavor thanks to the owners’ desires to keep the theme.
> Even feels kind of homey all the time with a little borderline hot-sim emoticode.
> Netcat
> Over the whole grid? That’s a lot of computing power.
> /dev/grrl
> Renraku awoke arguably the largest AI ever. They aren’t short on codejuice.
> Netcat

> 老一辈能认出那只龙。虽然有些特点变得柔和了一些,塑造更仁慈的形象,但那就是黑牙。
> The Smiling Bandit

> 有些矩阵帮派揭露了些更老的德国形象。SK管理严格,消灭发现的一切,但帮派的进度却没有减慢。不知道是谁想用这个惹恼龙,但他们干的不错。
> Snopes

劇透 -   :
Going inside the ÜberWelt is like getting shrunk down and landing on that Earth. The sky holds a ghostly visage of the dragon peering down over a world much like our own. The theme is Berlin, circa 1990, complete with fresh scars of a torn-down wall. The hosts sit inside the buildings lining the streets. The only non-historical piece is the S-K headquarters building that always sits in the distance representing the main S-K host as well as several hundred other corporate-sponsored hosts.
> Quite a few Matrix gangs are pulling on some even older German imagery. S-K runs a tight ship and stamps out anything they find but the gangs aren’t slowing. Not sure who’s trying to rile the dragon with this, but they’re doing a good job.
> Snopes
The SK grid is accessed through one of the most interesting icons on the Matrix. The megacorporation originally went with the traditional logo, but as others made their grid access points a statement, S-K followed suit. From the public grid Matrix, users look up to see a massive silver dragon flying over an Earth the diameter of its torso. The dragon’s claws sweep over the planet as it spins and its eyes scan the surface as if watching over the whole world. The icon changes slightly when viewed from the other grids as the dragon lands and its wings furl up over the globe resting in front of the majestic-looking creature. It’s interesting to note that the dragon is not Lofwyr.
> The older generation can recognize the dragon. Though some features are softened to add a more benevolent look, the dragon is Dunkelzahn.
> The Smiling Bandit


> 幸福所有的能源控制主机都运行在他们的网域上,所以这里有许多副活。这可不好破解,放聪明点。上线,干完活,下线。别留在这些主机里,它们的扫描可是按纳秒算的。
> Slamm-0!

劇透 -   :
It has been three-quarters of a century since the Shiawase Decision, which made Shiawase the first megacorporation, and they remain a household name. They’re not known for the latest tech, the biggest guns, or the hottest formulae. Instead, they have built their megacorporate empire on something everyone needs: power. Shiawase is the second-largest producer of energy in the solar system, behind only the sun itself (and they harvest so much solar energy that some managers have joked that the sun is one of their best employees). While their name is known by all, it is their logo they let represent their grid on the Matrix.
Once on Shiawase Central, users are treated to an inside look at where their energy comes from through idealized imagery. Perfect windmills line a vast beachfront with wave turbines rolling perfectly with the incoming waves. Nuclear cooling towers rise over a field of shining solar panels with steaming geothermal generators and hydroelectric dams in the distance. Hosts on the Shiawase grid glow bright with the abundant energy provided by all of Shiawase’s power sources.
> Shiawase runs all their power control hosts from their grid so a lot of side ops lead here. It’s a tough nut to crack, so stay smart. Get on, get it done, get off. Don’t linger on those hosts; they scan by the nanosecond.
> Slamm-0!

> 安宁对五行来说非常宝贵。公司的碟客在网域上巡逻,消灭那些为五行有序世界带来混乱的人。
> /dev/grrl
> 小心五行五姐妹的化身。它们数量很多而且经常被五行碟客使用,但也可能是想要引起注意的模仿者,或者是那些小家伙自己。
> Pistons
> 好吧,其中的四个也许……
> Clockwork

劇透 -   :
The five-petaled lotus has symbolized many different things through the ages, but today the first thought is al- ways Wuxing, Inc. While the corporate logo is a stylized side view of the famous flower, the Wuxing Worldwide grid is accessed through the spinning metallic lotus. Inside the grid of the AAA shipping magnate one would expect a theme of the sea, but instead the masters of Wuxing have sought a calm and mystical place to lay over the world. Draped in the mystic elements of feng shui, wujen, Daoism, qigong, and dozens of smaller, less-well-known traditions, the entire grid looks to be laid out across a Chinese countryside with small parks, temples, and gardens dotting the never-ending landscape. Hosts blend beautifully into the serene countryside and allow all Wuxing Worldwide subscribers a chance to visit the peaceful plane.
> The peace is precious to Wuxing. Company deckers patrol their grid, stamping down those who bring chaos to the orderly world of Wuxing.
> /dev/grrl
> Beware the Wuxing quintuplet personas. They’re abundant and frequently used by the Wuxing deckers, posers looking to get attention, or the little ones themselves.
> Pistons
> Well, four of them maybe ...
> Clockwork

离线 妖猫

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« 回帖 #8 于: 2019-06-26, 周三 14:26:55 »

阿罗哈网(夏威夷) ALOHANET (HAWAI’I)

> 小心靠近尼霍(Nihoa)海山。它位于“水”的中央,但这是海龙(the Sea Dragon)*的家,她在这片区域有些技术资产。通常是船,但也有些能从这片区域访问的主机
> Frosty

*译注:海龙(the Sea Dragon)是列维坦(Leviathan,又称海龙sea dragon)一族中已知的唯一一只巨龙。
> 非常好的虚拟会面场所。一个相对来说不贵的网域,却有如此大的虚拟空间。
> Kia

劇透 -   :
Access icon: A smoking volcanic mountain with a lei around it
As the nation is spread over a chain of volcanic islands, their national grid reflects this in its design. Since AlohaNET is a national grid located in the vast emptiness of the Pacific on the PubGrib, many users jump to it as a stopover or point of reference when PubGrid wandering. The island chain of the grid is similar to the actual nation, but the spans of water between are filled with a mix of virtual wildlife and advertising as denizens of the island nation try to lure visitors to the physical islands instead of just tripping by virtually.
> Watch out for the hosts or personas near Nihoa Seamount. It’s in the middle of “water,” but it’s the home of the Sea Dragon and she’s got some technical assets in the area. Usually ships, but a few hosts are accessible in the area.
> Frosty
> Great virtual meet spot. On a relatively inexpensive grid but with plenty of virtual open space.
> Kia

AMC国家网(阿尔冈琴-神灵理事会) AMC NATIONET (AMC)

> 虽然是国家网域,境内有很多无法访问AMC国家网的地方。据我所知,这不是由于限制,这些地方的空白是由于缺乏硬件和带宽。
> Glitch
> 那这些地方的公网是什么样?
> /dev/grrl
> 能连上且劣质,就像其他地方一样。
> Slamm-0!

劇透 -   :
Access icon: A polar bear that walks in place and occasionally rears up and roars
One would think the people of the Algonquin Manitou Council would want their virtual reality to be an escape from their physical reality, but their national grid is not the case. Snowy fields as far as the eye can see greet users who hop over to the AMC NatioNet. Native structures and touches accent the virtual world here and provide bits of culture and history for users through imbedded informational AROs all over the grid.
> Though a national grid, AMC NatioNet has a lot of noaccess zones around the country. It’s not a restriction issue as far as I can tell, but a lack of hardware and bandwidth that keeps it blank.
> Glitch
> What about the PubGrid in those areas?
> /dev/grrl
> As available and shoddy as it is everywhere else.
> Slamm-0!

自由加州网络(加利福尼亚自由邦) CALFREENETWORK (CFS)

> 自由加州在矩阵网域问题的每个方面都有许多工作要做。国家和当地政客、公司甚至是国际势力都在自由邦问题上相互拉扯,想要领先对手从而控制这个网域。
> Mika
> 有流言说Hestaby在这件事上插了一爪,但这应该是她被限制之前布置的事情的余波。
> Frosty
> 在她被狠狠扇了一巴掌之前,当地和国家网域的问题都还不成问题。如果那里的活里头有Hestaby的味道,那肯定是新留下的。
> Kidcode
> 她只是在公众知道网域问题之前失去了她的地位。而且她是一头巨龙。她的远见也是5.0的。
> Frosty

劇透 -   :
Access icon: The CFS national flag
When stepping onto the grid of the California Free State, one would expect to be wowed by the many wonders of the Bear Republic. Sadly, the CFS has yet to really flesh out the plan for their grid, thanks to way too many internal political issues. Right now, the best you get is a sunny sky as far as the eye can see.
> There’s a lot of work in the CalFree on every angle on the Matrix grid issue. National and local politicians, corps, and even international forces are pushing and pulling all over the state trying to gain leverage on opponents so that they can get control of the grid.
> Mika
> Rumors have Hestaby with a claw in this issue, but that could just be the residual waves from a plot she put in motion before she got kicked to the curb.
> Frosty
> She got bitch-slapped before the big local and national grid issues were even a thing. If there’s a stink of Hestaby in the jobs here, it’s fresh.
> KidCode
> She lost her place before the public knew about the grid issue. And she’s a great dragon. Foresight’s pretty much 20/20, too.
> Frosty


> 口音那档子事是真的烦,而且有点吓人。我可不太喜欢让自己的精神声音被覆写——或者更准确一点,不喜欢这么做的代码。
> Bull
> 我不喜欢那口音是因为它让我想起自己小时候遇到的泛种族歧视。
> Mr. Bonds
> 也许正是为了这点。
> Kane
> 所以我们说的是人类至上主义俱乐部在网域规划上的影响,还是HN*?
> Pistons
> 表面上是人类至上,但我们都知道是谁在后面资助。
> Clockwork
> HN?
> KidCode
> 私我。如果他们的人在定期搜索谁提到了他们的名字,我可不想把他们引来。
> Clockwork

*译注:应当是Human Nation人类之国,这个阴谋论一样暗中行动的组织极具财富和影响力,策划和资助了一系列针对泛人类的试图消灭泛人类的事件。
劇透 -   :
Access icon: The nation with the CAS flag overlaid
Despite claims to the contrary made by politicians and famous southern figureheads over the past 100+ years, the theme architecture of the CASnet shows that the old CSA was never far from the hearts of those in the CAS. Users walk through the streets, fields, and roads of America in the mid-1800s. The grid’s sculpting even adds local accents to users by state. When accessing CASnet in Georgia your persona will suddenly talk with a soft Georgian drawl, while in the mountains of Tennessee you get a solid mountain twang. The designers have just enough sensitivity to make sure no slaves ever appear.
> The accent thing is annoying and a little creepy. I’m not a big fan of having my mental voice overwritten—or more accurately, the coding needed to do that.
> Bull
> I don’t like the accent because it reminds me of all the metaracist trash I dealt with growing up.
> Mr. Bonds
> Maybe that’s the point.
> Kane
> So are we talking Humanis influence in the grid plan, or HN?
> Pistons
> Humanis on paper, but we can be pretty sure where the funding comes from.
> Clockwork
> HN?
> KidCode
> Hit me private. I’d rather not draw them over if they have agents regularly searching for mentions of their name.
> Bull


> 设计很无聊。太奢华的东西会非常显眼,吸引注意。
> Plan 9

劇透 -   :
Access icon: A pair of crossed tomahawks, one classic, one modern
The best way to describe the DakotaNet is simply nondescript. Its theme is non-existent, and the sculpting is about on par with that of the PubGrid. Vast and open with hosts and personas left to their owners’ design choices, it makes for an eclectic mix on a plain background.
> Boring by design. Anything too extravagant sticks out and draws attention.
> Plan 9



> 我觉得萨利希在谋划什么。没人会花这么大力气塑模还什么也不为。从虚拟隐喻的角度来说,他们是环绕着翡翠城的广大森林。这森林究竟是漆黑吓人还是满是电子鹿和虚拟兔,都完全取决于网域的控制者,而且他们会定期更换。
> Mika
> 国家不能如实向人民呈现世界,希望能让他们更愿意去保护现实世界吗?
> OrkCE0
> 不行。
> Sticks
> 不行!!!!
> Clockwork
> 这个世纪不行。而且其他世纪也不行。
> Frosty
> 不行,不过你这么想很可爱。
> Sounder
> 我留了四个,其他的都删了。
> Glitch

劇透 -   :
Access icon: A rotating trio of redwoods
When it comes to tribes of the NAN with a reputation on the Matrix, the Salish are not the first group to come to mind. This reputation may be changing soon, as they’ve jumped into the new grid with both feet. Speaking of both feet, when accessing their national grid users are entreated to walk within the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest. The sculpting is extensive and quite distracting to those unaccustomed to their grid, but natives find it to be a beautiful escape to nature even when accessing it from the heart of a city.
> I think the Salish are up to something. No one goes to this kind of sculpting efforts for nothing. From a virtual metaphor stance, they are the massive forest surrounding the Emerald City. Whether that forest is dark and scary or full of e-deer and virtua-rabbits is up to the grid’s controllers, and they change that up on a regular basis.
> Mika
> Can’t a nation actually want to treat people to the world the way it should be to hopefully promote them to want to preserve that world in real space?
> OrkCE0
> No.
> Sticks
> No!!!!
> Clockwork
> Not in this century. Or any other for that matter.
> Frosty
> No. But it’s cute you think that way.
> Sounder
> I left four. The others I deleted.
> Glitch

普韦布洛网(普韦布洛公司理事会) PUEBNET (PCC)

> 这里的风格可以帮你快速认出你会被哪个本地矩阵帮派骚扰。他们满普韦布洛网都是,而且我们这些知情者中的大部分都有感觉,他们得到的资助比理应要多。
> Mika
> 新矩阵里面,公司资助骇客帮派来检验产品(同时再对竞争对手造成点损害)的现象变得越来越常见。考虑到对赛博碟板的严格法律限制,GOD有多经常烧坏它们,一队帮派成员在网域上大搞破坏就应该非常明显。可新闻只在侦测范围内才是新闻。
> Snopes

劇透 -   :
Access icon: A dreamcatcher with idols from all the tribes of the PCC
The Pueblo Corporate Council is considered one of the most forward-thinking of the Native American Nations. This status led everyone to expect their Matrix to be the most extensive and elaborate, but the PCC decided instead to make their most universally accessible technological aspect a throwback to the early days of the tribes of the PCC. The grid varies slightly by region, with touches designed to fit the historical inhabitants of each region. Areas where many tribes settled are a mix, with accents from each tribe sometimes touching the same place.
> The accents are quick identifiers as to which local Matrix gang you’re going to get assaulted by. They’re all over the PuebNet, and most of us in the know have hunches they are a bit better funded than they should be.
> Mika
> Hacker gangs being subsidized by corps to test out products (while doing some damage to rivals) are becoming more and more common in the new Matrix. With the strict laws about cyberdecks and how frequently GOD fries them, it should be obvious when a group of gangers are blasting away all over the grids. But news is only news in detection range.
> Snopes

太阳网(阿兹特兰) SOLNET (AZTLAN)

> 同样的化身实际上是用来掩盖两个网域用着相同的碟客。别以为翻越网域就能减慢政府性质的追踪者。
> Glitch
> 就好像翻越防御真能挡住为阿兹特科技干活的人似的。
> Slamm-0!

劇透 -   :
Access icon: A spinning Aztec calendar stone
Aztlan’s national grid functions much like their national government: as a puppet for Aztechnology. It’s like a mini AZT grid, and they even share the same demi- GOD personas. An important point to know about Sol- Net is that only Aztlan citizens have full access. Guests on the grid have limited access to the hosts on the Azzie home grid.
> That whole same personas thing is a great cover to use the same deckers on both grids. Don’t expect a grid hop here to slow pursuers of the government nature.
> Glitch
> As if a grid hop would stop anyone who works for Aztechnology.
> Slamm-0!


> 特里斯翠安最近在在公司法庭面前花了不少时间。无论他们是在处理未经授权的特里斯翠安碟客使用的伤害性生物反馈的报告,还是在求空间站上的一个席位,都是个值得猜测的问题。
> Thorn
> 我觉得都是。我猜TI在更多地用碟客行为作为接触公司法庭的办法。那样的报告还能有什么其他办法离开他们自己控制的网域?
> Bull

劇透 -   :
Access icon: The rotating flag of Tír Tairngire
The Tír national grid might as well be the corporate grid for Telestrian Industries. The elven megacorp isn’t an AAA (yet), but they’re starting to get a little practice with running their own grid by providing the nation of Tír Tairngire a national grid at no cost to the government. While the Emerald City grid of Seattle to their north has green overtones, TírTelenet uses a rich purple and sculpts everything with rounded edges for a curvy and smooth-looking visual experience.
> Telestrian has been getting a lot of time in front of the CC lately. Whether they’re addressing reports of harmful biofeedback use by unauthorized Telestrian deckers or bargaining for a seat on the orbital is a matter of much speculation.
> Thorn
> I’d assume both. My guess is that TI is using the decker actions as a way to get in front of the CC more often. How else do reports like that make it out of a grid they control?
> Bull


> 这些装点都未过时。到处都有黑牙总统的装饰。实际上,有人用“小黑(Dunkie)角落”这个称呼来传播那个昵称。“其心不死”的涂鸦涌现而出。
> Sticks
> 旧日复现,未来可期。
> Man-of-Many-Names
> 这是什么意思?如果你不能在这里说就私信我吧。
> KidCode
> 多谢你给这孩子的想象力提供养料,Many-Names。
> Bull

劇透 -   :
Access icon: The UCAS flag in the shape of the UCAS waving on a flagpole
When accessing UCAS Online, users walk within the ideal small town of a Norman Rockwell–inspired America. The entire grid carries strong pro-UCAS overtones with flags flying on houses, businesses, and flagpoles. The grid gains minor thematic additions with decorations increased between July 1 and 4 and on October 15. Depending on what state you are accessing the grid from, there are also some other bits of local flair, such as state flags and famous buildings with virtual tags providing a little history for the curious.
> All the touches aren’t old time. President Dunkelzahn gets some decorations here and there. Actually, the Dunkie spots have been being used by someone to spread the word. Graffiti stating “The Heart Lives” has been popping up.
> Sticks
> The past comes seeking growth in the future.
> Man-of-Many-Names
> What does that mean? Hit me private if you can’t reveal it here.
> KidCode
> Thanks for fueling the kids’ imaginations, Many-Names.
> Bull
« 上次编辑: 2019-06-26, 周三 17:25:36 由 妖猫 »

离线 妖猫

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« 回帖 #9 于: 2019-06-28, 周五 09:35:36 »


> 芝加哥的暗影正全面大热。抢土地、土地争端、爆破工作、湿活、探查情报、窃取数据——你叫得出来的狂奔,这里都有。
> Kia
> 芝加哥现在的问题在于选边站。这里的势力很多,而当地人肯定各有所爱。如果你决定接一些MCT的活并且支持他们控制矩阵,你那些想要让阿瑞斯回来或是想要引进无家可归的新网的人脉里就会有一半不再和你来往。
> Hard Exit
> 这不是问题,这是利润!让公司再多往里扔点钱。
> KidCode
> 直到他们发现盈利即将受损,于是完全抽身转移,给那些比他们更差的势力留下一片空白。
> Red Anya

劇透 -   :
Access icon: The Sears Tower at the center of the city’s skyline from Lake Michigan
With the massive corporate and governmental efforts going into reclaiming/rebuilding Chicago, it was not a huge surprise to see a local grid suddenly become an opportunity on the horizon. ChiTown is currently operated through a jury-rigged network of out-of-date hardware. The infrastructure contract, along with every other aspect of the new Matrix in Chicago, is up for grabs, and every corp around is trying to snag that lucrative piece of control in their game of Chicago- rebuilding chess. The current theme is a cross between the gangster era of the roaring ’20s and the height of the southside Core.
> Shadows in Chicago are hot across the board. Land grabs, territorial disputes, demo work, wetwork, intel ops, data steals—you name the run, they’ve got an op for you.
> Kia
> Problem with Chicago right now is picking sides. There are a lot of players, and locals definitely have their favorites. If you decide to pull a few jobs and back MCT for the Matrix, you may lose half your contacts who are really hoping to see Ares back in town, or who want to pull in a homeless NeoNET.
> Hard Exit
> That’s not the problem. That’s the benefit! Let the corps keep pouring in the money.
> KidCode
> Until they decide the bottom line is in jeopardy and they pull out completely, leaving a vacuum for forces worse than them.
> Red Anya


> 西雅图实际上是塑模最少的城市之一。的确有风格和一些样式,但并不夸张。这可能很快就会有所变化。完善网域的新潮流是通过重构身份来把骇客限制在家里,让他们闲逛到离家太远的时候必须小心翼翼。
> Bull
> 西雅图有很多短命的骇客,超企力量之间也有巧妙的平衡,所以完善网域并不是最优先事项,这需要花费太多工夫了。
> Hannibelle
> 就快了,信我。
> Bull
> “信我”,自从语言诞生之初就是世界上最不值得信任的人的宣传词。
> Clockwork

劇透 -   :
Access icon: The Space Needle surrounded by a translucent globe with the word “Seattle” spinning at the equator
Long known as the Emerald City for its greenery and history, Seattle’s grid plays on this history. A sky of green and crystalline green accents to everything make sure users know where they are at all times.
> Seattle is actually one of the least-sculpted of cities. Accents and some shapes, but nothing crazy. That may change in the near future. The new trend is all about defining grids through restructuring their identity to limit hackers to their home cities and keep them on their toes when they wander too far from home.
> Bull
> Seattle has many transient hackers and a decent balance of megacorporate powers, so the redefining of the grid isn’t a top priority, because it would take a ton of effort.
> Hannibelle
> It’s coming. Trust me.
> Bull
> “Trust me,” tagline of the world’s least trustworthy individuals since the invention of language.
> Clockwork

枢纽城网域(波士顿) HUB GRID (BOSTON)

> 离远一点。有些地方的干扰更弱或是遇到一点谐波失调变弱了。来者相当不善。
> Snopes
> 嘿Snopes,你在那发生了啥不想让我们其他人看到?电子幽灵的故事可就能吓吓脚本小屁孩。
> KidCode
> 我警告过你了。
> Snopes

劇透 -   :
Access icon: An 18th-century schooner flying the flag of Boston
A walk along the cobblestone streets of 18th-century Boston was a pleasant trip back in time before the quarantine. The streets are still there, but now they are eerily empty, a shadow of the local grid that is now blocked off from its own residents. Others sometimes visit to see for themselves, but rumors have begun of e-ghosts and worse stalking the streets.
> Stay away. There are points where the jamming thins or hits a little harmonic dissonance and weakens. What comes to visit is quite unpleasant.
> Snopes
> Hey Snopes, what you got going down over there you don’t want the rest of us to stumble on? E-ghost stories are for scared little script-kiddies.
> KidCode
> You’ve been warned.
> Snopes


> 这地方是骇客的地狱。每个人都以为新的覆盖层会让追踪和骇入更容易,但一旦他们发现它会让现实融入到矩阵之中,让大脑难以区分两者。
> Hannibelle
> 我不是喜欢看其他人受苦,但我的确更愿意看到安保研发的一些钱花在矩阵上,而不是买更多的机枪指着我。
> Ma’Fan

劇透 -   :
Access icon: The Manhattan skyline at night
The Manhattan Development Consortium saw the new grids as a great way to define their city as the pinnacle of technological advancement by sculpting a grid that matches the city nearly identically. The virtual accents of the Matrix blend seamlessly with their physical surroundings, often creating a virtual vertigo as users can’t tell what is real and what is not.
> This place is hacking hell. Everyone thought the new layover was going to make tracking and hacking great until they realized that it blends the physical into the Matrix and wreaks havoc on the brain trying to separate the two.
> Hannibelle
> Not that I like seeing others suffer, but I do rather enjoy seeing some security R&D money go to the Matrix and not to more machine guns pointing at me.
> Ma’Fan