作者 主题: 【第四章】法術詳述(Spells)  (阅读 122202 次)


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« 回帖 #30 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:19:23 »

等級:審判者 6、魔戰士 6、異能者 6、術士/法師/奧能師 6
成分:語言、姿勢、器材 (一塊斷頭台刀刃的碎片)
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)
目標:一個生物 (見下)
豁免:強韌,通過則部分生效 (見下)


劇透 -   :
You can cast this spell only as a response to a confirmed critical hit against the target that would deal slashing damage. If the target fails the saving throw and has a discernible head, the attack deals an extra 4d6 points of damage and the critical multiplier of the critical hit increases by 1. If the critical hit then brings the target to 0 hit points or fewer, the target is instantly decapitated and dies unless it can survive decapitation. Even on a successful saving throw, the critical hit deals an extra 4d6 points of damage.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-16, 周二 15:15:14 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #31 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:19:30 »

等級:練金術師/調查員 4、反聖武士 4、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 5、異能者 6、術士/法師/奧能師 5、喚魂師 4、女巫 5
成分:語言、姿勢、器材 (一根紅蠟筆)
抗力:有 (無害)



劇透 -   :

A thin red line circles the target’s neck. The target’s head becomes detachable so long as she removes it willingly. While the target’s head is detached, she gains DR 2/— and immunity to decapitation effects and other effects that require their target to have a head or a particular facial feature. The target is blind so long as she has no head, but she gains blindsense to a distance of 15 feet. The target hears normally even without its head.

While detached, the target’s head appears to be dead. The target can’t see through its eyes or hear events around the head. The target’s body knows the direction and distance to its head. Without additional protection, the severed head has AC 7, hardness 5, and 10 hit points. Destroying the head while the spell is in effect kills the target of the spell. If the spell’s duration expires normally without the head being reattached, the target dies. If either the target or the head are removed to a different plane, or if the spell is dispelled, the head teleports back to its owner and reattaches without further harm.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-16, 周二 15:33:23 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #32 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:19:36 »

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 3、通靈者 3、催眠師 3、異能者 4、術士/法師/奧能師 4
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一撮黑沙)
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)


每個受術者獲得驚嚇(scared)狀態,而且對任何心遭遇的生物皆採取敵意(hostile)的態度(但不會對那些在施法時已經出現的生物這樣)。敵意的態度不意味者受術者一定會展開攻擊,應用正常的DC,生物可以嘗試交涉檢定來獲得受術者的信任。如果生物因為在末日景色的影響下變成驚懼(frightened)或恐慌(panicked),則該生物受到1d6點感知傷害,儘管施展一次末日景色只會造成一次這種傷害。如果你的戰役有使用理智系統(sanity system),變成驚懼(frightened)或恐慌(panicked)的生物會受到2d6點理智傷害取代感知傷害

劇透 -   :
Your targets see their surroundings as a nightmarish reflection of the world around them. Buildings and furnishings take on a dirty, ruined appearance. Even allies appear foreign and hostile, with friendly speech turning into garbled mockery and threats.

Each target gains the scared condition and has a hostile attitude toward any new creature it encounters (though not toward creatures that were already present at the time of the casting). Being hostile doesn't necessarily mean the target will attack, and creatures can attempt Diplomacy checks to gain a target's trust at the normal DC. If a creature becomes frightened or panicked while under the influence of dreadscape, that creature takes 1d6 points of Wisdom damage, though only once per casting of dreadscape.

If your campaign uses the sanity system (see page 12), creatures that become frightened or panicked take 2d6 sanity damage instead of Wisdom damage.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-16, 周二 15:55:15 由 笨哈 »

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血肉傀儡(Flesh Puppet)
« 回帖 #33 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:19:43 »
【死靈】血肉傀儡(Flesh Puppet)[邪惡]

等級:反聖武士 2、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 3、秘學士 3、薩滿 3、術士/法師/奧能師 4、喚魂師 3、女巫 4
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一顆價值25gp的瑪瑙,還有一條絲線)
持續:永久 (D)

你驅動一具死去不超過48小時的屍體。它復生成一具殭屍(zombie,B1 P.288),被魔法所束縛並服從你的命令。如操縱死屍(animate dead)所寫,你不能控制總合超過4HD/等級的不死生物,而單一次施法所創造的也不能超過2HD/等級




當此法術結束時,該殭屍立即恢復成正常的屍體。如果你在一具新屍體上施展血肉傀儡血肉傀儡群(flesh puppet horde),則此法術自動結束。

劇透 -   :
You animate one corpse that has been dead no more than 48 hours. It rises as a zombie (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 288) that is magically tethered to you and obeys your commands. As noted in animate dead, you can’t control more than 4 HD per caster level worth of undead in total, nor can a single casting create more than 2 HD per caster level.

This spell disguises the zombie’s appearance and allows you to control it. The zombie’s outward appearance, movement, and voice appear the same as if it were still alive. The zombie’s normal staggered condition doesn’t apply (though it can still be staggered by other means). Successfully detecting the flesh puppet as azombie without magic requires an opposed Perception check against your Disguise check, and you add your caster level as a bonus on this Disguise check.

An ephemeral string connects you to the zombie. Through this string, you have a mental link to the zombie and can command it as a swift action. The zombie uses its own actions to complete your commands. The zombie can speak up to 25 words in 1 round, but you must mentally impart what you intend it to say as a swift action. It is incapable of articulating speech on its own. The zombie can be ordered to perform very simple tasks it knew in life but can’t make attacks, cast spells, or perform complex or difficult tasks requiring constant concentration.

The string connecting you and the zombie is nearly invisible. A DC 30 Perception check is required to detect it. It has hardness 0 and 1 hp. The length of string you can create is 100 feet + 10 feet per caster level you have. The string snaps if you and the zombie move farther apart than this length, though the zombie won’t move out of range unless forced to do so or unless you command it to do so. If the string to the zombie is severed, the spell immediately ends. The ephemeral string can pass through physical barriers, but not barriers of magical force, and it can be damaged as though it were a physical object.

When this spell ends, the zombie immediately reverts back to a normal corpse. The spell ends automatically if you cast flesh puppet or flesh puppet horde on a new corpse
« 上次编辑: 2017-07-12, 周三 14:12:17 由 笨哈 »

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血肉傀儡群(Flesh Puppet Horde)
« 回帖 #34 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:19:50 »
【死靈】血肉傀儡群(Flesh Puppet Horde)[邪惡]

等級:反聖武士 3、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 4、秘學士 4、薩滿 4、術士/法師/奧能師 5、喚魂師 4、女巫 5
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (每具屍體一顆價值50gp的瑪瑙,還有一條絲線)

此法術如同血肉傀儡般作用,但可以操控複數具屍體。操縱死屍(animate dead)所寫,你不能控制總合超過4HD/等級的不死生物,而單一次施法所創造的也不能超過2HD/等級。一條單獨的字符串連接你群中每一位殭屍。切斷一個殭屍的字符串會讓該殭屍回復為一具屍體,但不會讓其他殭屍身上的此法術效果中止。因為命令一具血肉傀儡需要一個迅捷動作,所以你每輪只能命令一個殭屍,但你先前命令的殭屍會持續執行你的命令。同樣地,你每輪只能命令一位殭屍說話。


如果你施展血肉傀儡血肉傀儡群(flesh puppet horde)在一具新屍體上,此法術自動結束。

劇透 -   :
This spell functions as flesh puppet, but can animate multiple zombies. As noted in animate dead, you can’t control more than 4 HD per caster level worth of undead in total, nor can a single casting create more than 2 HD per caster level. A separate string attaches to each zombie in your horde. Severing a zombie’s string reverts that zombie to a corpse, but doesn’t end the spell for other zombies. Because commanding a flesh puppet requires a swift action, you can issue commands to only one zombie per round, though zombies you previously commanded continue to follow their orders. Likewise, you can command only one zombie to speak per round.

Unlike with flesh puppet, you can command a zombie to attack. If you do, all your zombies immediately gain the staggered quality and no longer appear to be alive.

This spell ends automatically if you cast flesh puppet or flesh puppet horde on a new corpse.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-16, 周二 17:46:12 由 笨哈 »

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血肉之牆(Flesh Wall)
« 回帖 #35 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:19:57 »
【死靈】血肉之牆(Flesh Wall)[邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 6、薩滿 6、術士/法師/奧能師 6、喚魂者 5、召喚師 5、女巫 6
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (每5呎方格的牆1具屍體)、法器
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)
效果:一到師體之牆,區域至多一個5呎方格/等級 (S)
持續:專注 + 1輪/等級 (D)



這面血肉之牆有兩呎厚。每5呎方格擁有12點生命值以及DR5/揮砍。一段牆的HP被降成0後則被破壞。以一個移動動作,你可以讓一塊5呎方格的血肉之牆收縮、壓縮來填補空洞。此外,以一個標準動作,你可以使一塊5呎方格的墻永久的分離,在你的言語控制之下形成一具人類殭屍(B1 P.288)(這具殭屍並不計算在一般命令不死生物的限制中)。當此法術效果結束時,殭屍回復為正常的屍體。每五呎方格的血肉之牆可以在你的回合,對相鄰的敵人進行單一次揮砍攻擊,如同一具人類殭屍。此方格的墻正常威脅它們鄰近的方格,並可以提供夾擊



劇透 -   :
You animate corpses, forming them into a wall of joined flesh and limbs. The wall inserts itself into any surrounding nonliving material if its area is sufficient to do so. The wall can't be created so that it occupies the same space as a creature or another object. The wall must be vertical, but can be shaped as you see fit.

The wall is considered to be undead. It uses your Will saving throw to resist channel energy.

A flesh wall is 2 feet thick. Each 5-foot square of the wall has 12 hit points and DR 5/slashing. A section of wall whose hit points drop to 0 is breached. As a move action, you can cause the fleshwall to constrict, shrinking it by a 5-foot square to fill the hole. Additionally, as a standard action, you can cause a 5-foot square of the wall to permanently detach, forming a human zombie (Bestiary 288) under your verbal control (this zombie doesn't count against your normal limit of commanded undead). The zombie reverts back into a normal corpse when the spell's effect ends. Each 5-foot square of the wall makes a single slam attack against an adjacent enemy on your turn, as a human zombie. The squares of the wall threaten their adjacent squares and can even provide flanking.

Creatures can force their way slowly through the wall by making a Strength check as a full-round action. The DC to move through the wall is equal to 15 + your caster level. A creature that fails the check is trapped in the wall, takes 3d6 points of crushing damage, and is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against the wall's slam attack. The creature can make an attempt to escape the wall on its next turn.

You can use zombies already under your control as the material components for a flesh wall. However, they and any other corpses in the wall revert back to inanimate corpses when the spell ends.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-16, 周二 18:18:13 由 笨哈 »

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光與暗的境界(Flickering Lights)
« 回帖 #36 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:20:03 »
【塑能】光與暗的境界(Flickering Lights)[黑暗、光亮]

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 2、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 2、審判者 2、魔戰士 2、秘學士 2、薩滿 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2、
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一塊白布和一塊黑布)
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)
區域:由10呎立方體/等級組成的相連接的區域 (S)




即便是黑暗視覺也不能看透超自然黑暗(如同幽深黑暗術deeper darkness)。強光(Bright light)會影響有強光失明(light blindness)或光線敏感(light sensitivity)的生物。在決定用更高環的光亮或黑暗法術取代此法術效果的目的時,當它增加周圍光照等級時,光與暗的境界算作光亮法術;當它降低周圍光照等級時,光與暗的境界算作黑暗法術。

劇透 -   :
You cause the illumination in the area to seem to flicker erratically, fluctuating between absolute darkness and blinding brightness. The level of light in the area changes at the start of each creature’s turn, as determined by rolling a percentile die and consulting the following table.

Even darkvision can’t see through supernatural darkness (as deeper darkness). Bright light affects creatures with light blindness or light sensitivity. For the purpose of superseding its effects with higher-level light or darkness spells, flickering lights counts as a light spell when it increases the ambient light level and a darkness spell when it decreases the ambient light level.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-16, 周二 19:15:49 由 笨哈 »

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掌控屍體(Grasping Corpse)
« 回帖 #37 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:20:10 »
【死靈】掌控屍體(Grasping Corpse)[邪惡]

等級:反聖武士 1、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 1、秘學士 1、薩滿 1、術士/法師/奧能師 1、喚魂師 1、女巫 1
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一撮價值1gp的瑪瑙粉)
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)



劇透 -   :
You can cause one nearby corpse to animate for a brief moment. Choose a creature within 30 feet of the corpse (even if the creature is outside the spell’s range). The corpse shambles toward the creature and then attempts to trip or grapple it (your choice). The corpse does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Attempt a special combat maneuver check against the chosen creature. Your CMB for this combat maneuver is equal to your caster level plus your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, whichever is highest. If you chose to trip the creature, it falls prone if you equal or exceed its CMD. If you chose to grapple, the creature gains the grappled condition until it breaks free from the corpse. Treat your save DC for a spell of this level as the CMD of the grasping corpse. Alternatively, destroying the corpse with damage ends the grapple. The corpse has 12 hit points and DR 5/slashing.
« 上次编辑: 2017-04-10, 周一 21:30:18 由 笨哈 »

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自然之吻(Green Caress)
« 回帖 #38 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:20:17 »
【變化】自然之吻(Green Caress)

等級:德魯伊 6、遊俠/獵人 4、薩滿 6、女巫 6
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一撮苔蘚或葛葉)
持續:7天 (見下)
豁免:強韌,通過則部分生效 (見下)



破除結界(Break enchantment)解除魔法(dispel magic)移除詛咒(remove curse)可以在法術持續時間到期之前結束法術,但法術有傳染性。如果一個嘗試移除自然之吻效果的施法者等級檢定失敗超過5點或更多,那嘗試移除的生物必須嘗試一個強韌豁免檢定,如同他被該法術所瞄準般。如果受術者嘗試靠自己來移除該效果並且失敗的話,他會造成咒語表現的如同植物滋長(plant growth)一樣(如下面所描述的)。

變形萬物(Polymorph any object)會使此法術結束,並且完全恢復目標,不讓施法者承受任何威脅,就算受術者已經被最終轉化了,有限祈願術(limited wish)神蹟術(miracle)以及祈願術(wish)也能救回來(如果是以這種方法使用,將變形萬物的持續時間視為瞬間)。如果受術者位在植物滋長的施法區域內,他必須嘗試一次自然之吻強韌檢定DC,否則身體屬性值立刻受到另一次1d4點的屬性傷害;植物滋長可以多次使用疊加。如果受術者位在植物凋零(diminish plant)的施法區域內,則他忽視下一次自然之吻造成身體屬性值傷害的其中一項(隨機選擇),植物凋零不能多次疊加。

劇透 -   :
You cause the target to transform into a plant over time. You must succeed at a melee touch attack to infect the target. If the target succeeds at its Fortitude saving throw, it takes 1d4 points of ability damage to each physical ability score (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution) and the spell ends. If the target fails its saving throw, it takes 1d4 points of ability damage to each physical ability score immediately and continues to take 1d4 points of ability damage to each of its physical ability scores every day, until the spell expires. It can’t recover this ability damage as long as the spell lasts, even with magic. While the spell continues, the target takes on physical plant characteristics as appropriate to the environment. It begins to diminish in height and its skin turns plantlike. For example, the target’s skin might turn green and its hair is slowly replaced with grass or leaves or the target’s skin might become smooth, pale, and flabby as the creature transforms into a large mushroom in an underground environment.

If the damage to any single ability score equals or exceeds that score, the target fully transforms into a normal small tree or shrub. This final transformation is instantaneous, ending green caress. The target remains alive but is considered the same as a regular tree, shrub, or other vegetation. Any ability damage from other sources, like poison or disease, also applies toward transforming the creature. If the target retains at least 1 point in all of its physical ability scores at the end of 7 days, the final transformation doesn’t occur and the spell ends. Any changes in appearance gradually reverse themselves as the ability damage heals.

Break enchantment, dispel magic, and remove curse can end the spell before the duration expires, but the spell is contagious. If a caster level check attempt to remove green caress fails by 5 or more, the creature who attempted to remove the effect must attempt a Fortitude saving throw as if it had just been targeted with the spell. If the spell’s target attempts to remove the effect from itself and fails, it causes the spell to behave as if affected by plant growth (as described below).

Polymorph any object ends the spell and totally restores the target without any risk to the caster, even after the target has been finally transformed, as do limited wish, miracle, and wish (treat polymorph any object as if it had an instantaneous duration if it is used in this way). If the target is in the area of a plant growth spell as it is cast, it must attempt a Fortitude save at green caress’s

DC or immediately take another 1d4 points of ability damage to each physical ability score; this stacks with multiple castings of plant growth. If the target is in the area of diminish plants as it is cast, it ignores the next ability damage from green caress to one of its three physical ability scores (chosen randomly); this doesn’t stack with multiple castings of diminish plants.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-16, 周二 21:52:37 由 笨哈 »

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護神武具(Hedging Weapons)
« 回帖 #39 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:20:26 »
【防護】護神武具(Hedging Weapons)[力場]

等級:反聖武士 1、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 1、審判者 1、聖武士 1
持續:1分鐘/等級 (D)


劇透 -   :
A weapon made from divine force appears and floats near you. This weapon takes the shape of your deity’s favored weapon (if you have no deity, the weapon appears as a simple weapon with special significance to you). You gain one additional weapon at 6th level and every 4 caster levels thereafter—two at 6th, three at 10th, four at 14th, and a maximum of five weapons at 18th level. The weapon averts and deflects attacks, granting you a +1 deflection bonus to AC for each weapon summoned (maximum +5 at 18th level). As a standard action, you can grasp a weapon and throw it as a ranged attack at any target you can see within 30 feet of you (even if it’s a type of weapon that can’t normally be thrown). On a successful hit, the weapon deals 2d6 points of force damage to the target. This force weapon has the same threat range and critical multiplier as a standard weapon of its type, but no other special abilities. Because it deals force damage, DR doesn’t apply. Each weapon thrown lowers the total deflection bonus to your AC by 1 as it disappears immediately after the attack action. The spell immediately ends once you throw all the weapons.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-20, 周六 22:51:35 由 笨哈 »