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【AG】探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)
« 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:24:26 »
探索者协会(Pathfinder Society)

目标:通过探索重要地区,修复遗迹,记录和公布其中的发现来了解格拉利昂的历史(Golarion’s Past)并展示其中的奥妙。
敌人:盾徽财团(Aspis Consortium),摩尔苏恩(Molthune),拉兹密安(Razmiran),红螳螂(Red Mantis),科技联盟(Technic League)

探索者协会的出身并不高贵,它是从一个由志同道合的冒险家们组成的小团体有组织地发展而来的,这些冒险家大多对发掘新知识和讲述传奇故事抱有浓厚的兴趣。即使在组织正式成立之后,协会也只是如同许多其他的冒险行业一般运作,但规模要更为巨大。在出版了第一本探索者编年史(The Pathfinder Chronicles),一部记载着探索者们最近的发现和研究的印刷书籍之后,协会才在艾巴萨罗姆建立了被称为探索者本部(Grand Lodge)的永久性组织基地。四个世纪以来,协会的威望,权力和学术性与日俱增,并且向整个世界——有时甚至是世界之外——派遣勇敢的探索者去追寻那些历史性的发现。
从各行各业招募来的冒险家和外勤探员(Field Agent)述说着协会的传奇故事。大多数的预备探员都必须在探索者本部进行为期三年的训练,并接受三位富有经验的学院长的审查:卷宗大师(The Master of Scrolls),法术大师(The Master of Spells)和剑术大师(The Master of Swords),每一位都是掌握着研究失落遗迹并从中幸存的必要技能的专家。新进探员只有在通过一次任务证明他们的能力,公开发表一篇学术论文,又或者是完成一次由他们的导师设计的挑战后,才能成为协会的正式成员。更为少见的则是那些为自己赢得一次外勤任务机会的探索者(Pathfinder),这种正式的荣誉头衔只会授予向协会的领导者递交一份令人惊奇的报告,或是为在外活动的探员提供了一次值得注意的援助的在职探险家。无论属于何种类型,协会的成员都会在探险时坚持共同的准则,那就是回报他们的发现并与他人保持合作。
负责管理整个协会的是十人议会(The Decemvirate),一个由十名神秘领导者组成的团体,其成员在数个世纪中始终使用魔法隐藏着身份。当十人会(The Ten)的成员认为是时候直接插手协会成员的事务时,他们往往行事果断而务实,这让他们赢得尊敬,却也令人敬而远之。这种不加干涉的领导风格使得协会内部产生了许多派系,每一个都尽力让协会的资源和注意力向特定的区域和行动倾斜。尽管曾经有过一段激烈竞争的时期,不过现如今这些势力已经开始相互合作,以期实现那些彼此间有所共识的目标。

奎通·杉恩(Krighton Shaine)(混乱善良 男性精灵 预言师 7级/博学士 3级)
极少有探索者会像卷宗大师,精灵失落者(The Forlorn Elf)奎通·衫恩那般精明。他将毕生的时间都献给了知识,时时鼓励他的学徒们追求任何他们感兴趣的研究课题。许多人认为奎通是一位富有才华的导师,因为在他远胜过诸多帝国的漫长生命中,他已经阅读过无数的卷册,知晓近乎每一个领域里秘藏的真相。不仅如此,他还因为他那漫不经心的怪癖而广负盛名;绝大多数探索者都听说过那些关于卷宗大师的趣闻:他曾衣衫不整的举行演讲,在草地上进行未经允许的魔法实验,甚至是在一场单方面的哲学讨论中招来一群不知所措的动物。
马可斯·法拉贝鲁斯(Marcos Farabellus)(混乱善良 男性人类 战士 6级/盗贼 4级)
索莉娜·维斯泰尔(Sorrina Westyr)(中立 女性土元素裔B2 内希斯牧师 10级)
既是北伽伦德(Northern Garund)最棒的魔法学院训练出来的学者,同时也身为法术大师的索莉娜·维斯泰尔早已证明自己是个极度专注于研究艾恩石和寻路仪(Wayfinder)的优秀探索者。她在十多年前的一次冒险期间失踪,直至不久前,探索者们才得以从幽暗地域(Darklands)的最深处将她救出,此时她已经因为曝露在怪异却强大的元素能量之下而从一名人类转变为了具有石质皮肤的土元素裔——她认为这是种无比迷人的现象。自从她回到协会以来,她再度担任原本的领导职位,填补她过去的继任者和如今的前辈,阿拉玛·泽一(Aram Zey)留下的空缺。

劇透 -  原文:
Adventuring Scholars of Historical Lore
Scope global
Alignment N
Headquarters Absalom
Values camaraderie, cooperation, proper documentation of important findings, self-promotion though publication, world travel
Goals understand Golarion’s past and present wonders by exploring important sites, recovering relics, chronicling what’s found, and publishing findings
Allies few steadfast allies; countless minor alliances maintained by a region’s venture-captains and agents, such as those with the governments of Magnimar, Mendev, Nirmathas, Osirion, and Sargava; Cyphermages; Magaambya
Enemies Aspis Consortium, Molthune, Razmiran, Red Mantis, Technic League
Rivals Aspis Consortium

The Pathfinder Society has humble roots, having grown organically from a network of like-minded adventurers who were as interested in telling a good tale as they were in uncovering new lore. Even after its formal creation, the Society resembled many other adventuring operations, albeit on a larger scale. It was only after publishing the first of the Pathfinder Chronicles, a printed folio of recent discoveries and studies by the Pathfinders, that the Society established a permanent base of operations known as the Grand Lodge in Absalom. The organization has grown in prestige, power, and academic relevance in the four centuries since, sending explorers across the world—and sometimes beyond—in daring pursuit of historical discoveries.

The story of the Society is told by its field agents, adventurers recruited from all walks of life. Most would-be agents undergo about 3 years of training at the Grand Lodge, overseen by three experienced deans: the Master of Scrolls, the Master of Spells, and the Master of Swords, each an expert in essential skills for studying and surviving abandoned ruins. Initiates become full members only after demonstrating their abilities through a mission, publishing an academic treatise, or completing a personal challenge devised by their mentors. Much rarer are the Pathfinders who earn a field commission, an honorary yet full membership granted to established explorers who amaze the Society’s leaders with a submitted report or perform some noteworthy service for agents abroad. Operatives of all types adhere to the same commitment to explore, report their findings, and cooperate with one another.

The Pathfinder Society’s headquarters, the Grand Lodge, serves more as a symbolic home than as a command post. Most agents direct their own studies, visiting the Grand Lodge rarely to file reports, recruit help, or request supplies. The Society does not supply field operatives wages, and its leaders rarely compel members to perform tasks. Instead, the organization serves more as a network for directing capable agents toward research projects that suit their skills and goals, allowing operatives to keep any spoils they recover in the course of their travels. Local leaders known as venture-captains oversee expeditions across large regions, maintaining specialized libraries and lodges. Operatives in good standing can stay at these lodges free of charge, in return helping the venture-captain explore new sites and document the area.

Presiding over the organization is the Decemvirate, a group of 10 enigmatic leaders who have maintained magical anonymity for centuries. When members of “The Ten” see fit to intervene directly in operatives’ affairs, they act with stern pragmatism and decisiveness that earns them respect but little love. This hands-off style of leadership has allowed numerous factions to arise within the Society, each endeavoring to direct the Society’s attention and resources to particular regions or initiatives. Despite periods of intense competition in the past, these factions have begun cooperating with one another while pushing agendas that are not mutually exclusive.

Kreighton Shaine (CG male elf diviner 7/loremaster 3): Few Pathfinders are so astute as the Master of Scrolls, the Forlorn elf Kreighton Shaine. He has dedicated his life to scholarship, encouraging his protégés to pursue whatever courses of study interest them most. Many find Kreighton an energetic mentor, for he has outlived empires, read countless texts, and absorbed esoteric facts about virtually every topic. Even so, he has a reputation for absentminded eccentricity; most Pathfinders have some anecdote about the Master of Scrolls leading a lecture while half-dressed, performing unscheduled magical experiments on a lawn, or engaging bewildered animals in one-sided philosophical debates.

Marcos Farabellus (CG male human fighter 6/rogue 4): Pathfinders are scholars first, but Master of Swords Marcos Farabellus knows that countless dangers await agents in the field. He trains his charges in combat techniques as well as a broader array of survival skills, such as breaking and entering, endurance training, and underhanded tricks for ending fights quickly. Many of these strategies he learned while hiring himself out as a mercenary commander in numerous conflicts— most notably in the border skirmishes between Nirmathas and Molthune. Thanks to his booming laugh and outwardly easygoing nature, Farabellus is popular among novices and experienced Pathfinders alike.

Sorrina Westyr (N female oreadB2 cleric of Nethys 10): As a scholar trained in northern Garund’s finest academies of magic, Sorrina Westyr proved to be an exceptional Pathfinder who dedicated herself to the study of ioun stones and wayfinders (see pages 148–149) as the Master of Spells. She disappeared more than a decade ago during an experiment, and Pathfinder agents have only recently rescued her from the deepest reaches of the Darklands, where her exposure to strange and potent elemental energies transformed her from a human into a stony-skinned oread—a phenomenon she finds endlessly fascinating. She has resumed her leadership role since returning, filling the vacancy left by her successor and predecessor, Aram Zey.

« 上次编辑: 2018-09-18, 周二 03:20:43 由 星云迷蒙 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:27:21 »
协会探究者(Pathfinder Delver)

生命骰(Hit Die):d8


本职技能(Class Skills)



职业能力(Class Features)

逸闻知识(Bardic Knowledge, Ex):这个能力与吟游诗人的同名能力完全相同。计算该能力的效果时,将该职业的职业等级与其他任何获得逸闻知识或类似能力的职业叠加计算。

大师级探险家(Master Explorer, Ex):协会探究者将他职业等级的一半(至少为1)作为加值加在所有解除装置和察觉检定上。协会探究者能够花费正常时间的一半(至少1轮)来解除一个错综复杂的陷阱,并且可以用一个标准动作而不是整轮动作打开一把锁。他总是能够在解除装置和隐匿检定中取10,即使处在分心或危险的情况下也可以,他还能够用解除装置技能去解除魔法陷阱。

脚踏实地(Surefooted, Ex):2级时,协会探究者能够以正常速度通过困难地形。受到魔法效果影响而变得阻碍行动的地面仍然会如常影响他。

陷阱感知(Trap Sense, Ex):这个能力如同盗贼的同名职业能力般运作(并与之叠加),此外,协会探究者获得的加值在2级和之后每3个等级时提升。

惊险脱逃(Thrilling Escape, Ex):3级时,协会探究者能够在触发一个陷阱之后尝试推迟它的启动。为了使用这个能力,他需要以直觉动作尝试一次解除装置检定对抗陷阱的解除装置DC;如果他在检定中成功,这个陷阱会推迟到他的下一轮结束时才触发。即使这个陷阱是因为一次失败的解除装置检定而触发的,协会探究者也可以尝试使用这个能力。协会探究者能够使用这个能力的次数为3级时每天1次,7级时每天2次,9级时每天3次。

守卫摧毁者(Guardbreaker, Ex):3级时,协会探究者对那些被设置在古墓中的稀奇古怪的守卫们的充足认识令他能够更有效地攻击他们。他将自己在陷阱感知能力中获得的加值视作对抗构装体(Constructs),泥怪(Oozes)和不死生物(Undead)的宿敌加值;这些加值与任何从游侠等级或类似的职业特性中获得的宿敌加值叠加。

巧妙拆除(Resourceful Disabler, Ex):协会探究者能够非常熟练地使用随手找到的工具。4级时,协会探究者不会因为没有工具而在使用解除装置技能时承受罚值。

警觉斗士(Vigilant Combatant, Ex):4级时,协会探索者将他职业等级的一半加到先攻检定上。

远离死亡(Left for Dead, Su):5级时,协会探究者每天能够欺骗死亡一次。如果他将会被一次近战攻击,范围攻击或者要求进行一次豁免检定的效果杀死,他能够代之以将生命值降低到-1并失去意识,但他会自动稳定伤势。他会呈现出已经死亡的模样1分钟(通过一次DC25的医疗检定,或是使用类似观命术(Deathwatch)的能力的角色能够发现他实际上并未死亡),在此之后,他会恢复1点HP并恢复意识(除非他在此之前已经得到了治疗)。

幸运之魂(Fortunate Soul, Su):6级时每天一次,协会探究者能够重骰任何他刚刚进行的豁免投骰。他必须在知晓结果前使用这个能力,并且必须接受第二次的结果,哪怕这次结果更糟。他能够在10级时每天使用两次这个能力。

真知术(Ture Seeing, SP):9级时每天一次,协会探究者能够使用真知术(True Seeing)(CL=他的职业等级)。

千钧一发(Nick of Time, Ex):10级时每天一次,协会探究者能够以直觉动作执行一个通常要求标准动作才能够执行的行动。

边栏:历史探索者(Pathfinder Chronicler)
虽然本书展示了与探索者协会有所关联的三种不同的进阶职业,不过还有第四种进阶职业同样值得一提。那就是Pathfinder RPG核心规则书388-391页提到的历史探索者。

劇透 -  原文:
Not all Pathfinders are concerned with cataloging their exploits. Some are most at home treading ground untouched in years or even centuries, in search of the next challenge, the next dungeon, or the next ancient treasure. Pathfinder delvers prefer to leave the journaling to others and set off on a new grand adventure before the ink dries on the chronicles of their last. Often they’re accompanied by a cohort or other companion who might not have the bravery (or foolhardiness) to go it alone on a grand adventure, but is more than willing to chronicle the exploits and adventures of another. For many in the Pathfinder Society, the delvers represent a frustrating combination—on the one hand, their eagerness to explore helps the Society reach areas and learn secrets that may otherwise go undiscovered. On the other hand, their tendency toward poor documentation worries many Society members, who fear that the bulk of what a delver might discover will go unreported.

Pathfinder delvers run the gamut from dedicated archaeologists to thrill-seeking adventurers to unprincipled tomb robbers. Their choice of companionship is similarly varied; some travel with other Pathfinders, some take up with any who will join their quests, and some go it alone. Nearly all share a love of knowledge and history, though, and would go to great lengths to preserve a historic find that is at risk of being destroyed or lost forever.

Hit Die: d8
To qualify to become a Pathfinder delver, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Skills: Acrobatics 5 ranks, Disable Device 4 ranks, Knowledge (history) 4 ranks, Perception 5 ranks.
Special: Must have recovered an object of historical significance from an ancient ruin or similar historic location. The nature of this object can vary, but it must be presented to a Pathfinder Lodge and be verified by an agent there. The object need not be handed over to the Society— in most cases, these objects are ancient magical items discovered in the course of adventuring and remain in the possession of the Pathfinder delver. Ioun stones are some of the more commonly presented items for this purpose.
Class Skills
A Pathfinder delver’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Pathfinder delver prestige class.
Pathfinder Delver
LevelBase AtkFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
Bardic knowledge, master explorer
Surefooted, trap sense +1
Thrilling escape 1/day, guardbreaker
Resourceful disabler, vigilant combatant
Left for dead, trap sense +2
Fortunate soul 1/day
Thrilling escape 2/day
Trap sense +3
Thrilling escape 3/day, true seeing 1/day
Fortunate soul 2/day, nick of time
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): This ability is identical to the bard class feature of the same name. Levels in this class stack with levels in any other class that grants bardic knowledge or a similar ability.

Master Explorer (Ex): A Pathfinder delver adds half his class level (minimum 1) as a bonus on all Disable Device and Perception checks. A Pathfinder delver can disable intricate and complex traps in half the normal amount of time (minimum 1 round) and open a lock as a standard action instead of a full-round action. He can always take 10 on Disable Device and Stealth checks, even if distracted or endangered, and he can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.

Surefooted (Ex): At 2nd level, a Pathfinder delver can move through difficult terrain at his normal speed. Ground that has been magically manipulated to impede motion still affects him normally.

Trap Sense (Ex): This ability functions as (and stacks with) the rogue class feature of the same name, save that a Pathfinder delver gains the bonuses at 2nd level and they increase every 3 levels thereafter.

Thrilling Escape (Ex): At 3rd level, a Pathfinder delver can attempt to delay a trap immediately after triggering it. To use this ability, he attempts a Disable Device check as an immediate action against the trap’s Disable Device DC; if he’s successful, the trap’s activation is delayed until the end of his next turn. The Pathfinder delver can attempt this check even if the trap was triggered by a failed Disable Device check. The Pathfinder delver can do this once per day at 3rd level, twice per day at 7th level, and three times per day at 9th level.

Guardbreaker (Ex): At 3rd level, a Pathfinder delver’s familiarity with the strange guardians often left in tombs allows him to attack them more effectively. He can treat his trap sense bonus as if it were a favored enemy bonus against constructs, oozes, and undead; this bonus stacks with any favored enemy bonuses gained from ranger levels or similar class features.

Resourceful Disabler (Ex): Pathfinder delvers are adept at making use of what’s at hand. At 4th level, a Pathfinder delver can use the Disable Device skill without tools at no penalty.

Vigilant Combatant (Ex): At 4th level, a Pathfinder delver adds half his class level on initiative checks.

Left for Dead (Su): At 5th-level, a Pathfinder delver can cheat death once per day. If he would be killed by a melee attack, ranged attack, or effect that requires a saving throw, he is instead reduced to –1 hit points and knocked unconscious, but is stable. He appears dead (though a character who succeeds at a DC 25 Heal check or who uses an ability such as deathwatch can tell he is not) for 1 minute, after which he regains 1 hp and becomes conscious (unless healed sooner).

Fortunate Soul (Su): Once per day at 6th level, the Pathfinder delver can reroll any saving throw he has just attempted. He must choose to use this ability before the results are revealed and must take the second result even if it’s worse. He can use this ability twice per day at 10th level.

True Seeing (Sp): At 9th level, a Pathfinder delver can use true seeing once per day (CL = his class level).

Nick of Time (Ex): Once per day at 10th level, a Pathfinder delver can use an immediate action to perform an action that normally requires a standard action to perform.

Pathfinder Chronicler
While this book presents three different prestige classes associated with the Pathfinder Society, a fourth prestige class is available. This class is the Pathfinder chronicler, detailed on pages 388–391 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.
If you use the affiliation rules in this book, consider limiting the Pathfinder chronicler as a class option for only those characters who are affiliated with the Pathfinder Society. In this group, the chroniclers serve to keep records of Pathfinder expeditions, be they lone explorations into remote locations, classic excursions into the unknown made by a party of brave adventurers, or even major undertakings involving entire teams of explorers, archeologists, and field researchers. While anyone skilled at penning engaging nonfiction can do the job chronicling such events, the Society typically turns to Pathfinder chroniclers for such services. More-than-capable adventurers, the Pathfinder chroniclers exist to ensure that all missions undertaken by the Pathfinder Society are recorded, be they miserable failures or complete successes.
The Pathfinder chroniclers are generally well liked or even adored by other members of the Society, particularly by adventurers who don’t have the time for (or interest in) tracking their own escapades. After all, it doesn’t really matter what you manage to accomplish on an adventure if all anyone ever remembers of it is what your chronicler wrote! Woe be the unfortunate adventurer who arouses the anger or vengeful pen of a spurned Pathfinder chronicler!

« 上次编辑: 2018-06-07, 周四 01:25:21 由 星云迷蒙 »

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:28:02 »
协会博学者(Pathfinder Savant)

生命骰(Hit Die):d6


本职技能(Class Skills)



职业能力(Class Features)

熟练激活(Adept Activation, Ex):除非他准备盲目启动魔法物品,否则协会博学者总是能在使用魔法装置的检定上取10。协会博学者也不会在使用魔法装置的检定中骰出自然1时自动失败。

大师级学者(Master Scholar, Ex):协会博学者将他职业等级的一半(至少为1)作为加值加到知识(奥秘),法术辨识和使用魔法装置检定上。即使处于分心或危险的状态,他也总是能够在知识(奥秘)和法术辨识检定上取10。

秘传魔法(Esoteric Magic, Ex):在1级之后的每个职业等级,协会博学者都可以从任意职业的法术列表中选择一个法术,此后,这个法术被视作存在于他所拥有的最高等级的基础施法职业的法术列表中;如果这个基础施法职业通常不能施展这个法术,那么这个法术的环级视作比原本所在的法术列表中的高一级。如果他的基础施法职业能够施展这个法术,那么法术环级不会增加。这个法术的类型(奥术,神术或异能)和他基础施法职业的法术类型相同,豁免DC也如同该职业的其他法术一般运作。这个能力并不会给予其他施法职业准备和施展秘传法术,以及使用基于秘传法术的触发型和完成型魔法物品的能力(例如一名术士使用协会博学者制作的治疗轻伤卷轴)。

寻找刻文(Glyph-Finding, Ex):2级时,协会博学者能够使用法术辨识去寻找基于书写的魔法陷阱(包括刻文(Glyph),符文(Rune),法印(Sigil)和徽记(Symbol)),如同一名盗贼使用察觉去搜索陷阱。

卷轴大师(Scroll Master, Su):3级时,协会博学者在使用卷轴或其他法术完成型魔法物品时,能够使用他自己的施法者等级代替这些魔法物品的施法者等级。

快速鉴定(Quick Identification, Sp):4级时,协会博学者能够以一个迅捷动作施展鉴定术(Identify)(施法者等级等同于他的职业等级)。他每天能够使用这个能力每2个职业等级一次。

法印大师(Sigil Master, Su):5级时,协会博学者在对抗基于书写的魔法陷阱的豁免检定上获得等同于他职业等级的加值,如果他在豁免检定中成功,那么他不会触发这个陷阱。这个陷阱并没有失效,如果他离开陷阱的作用范围而后又返回的话,这个陷阱就会再次触发。协会博学者也会在对抗其他人触发的这类陷阱的效果的豁免检定上获得这个加值。

解析咒文(Analyze Dweomer, Sp):6级时,协会博学者能够施展解析咒文(Analyze Dweomer),每天能够持续最多等同于职业等级的轮数。他能够以1轮为单位使用这个能力。

静默大师(Silence Master, Su):6级时,协会博学者能够以一个魔法手势取代必需的词语,藉此来无声地激活法术触发型,法术完成型和需要命令词的魔法物品。他无法满足施展法术所需的姿势成分时,他也无法使用这个能力。他必须知晓如何正常地激活这些物品才能够使用这个能力。每天三次,他能够如同使用法术默发超魔权杖一般施展一个六环或更低环级的法术。

解消大师(Dispelling Master, Su):7级时,如果协会博学者能够如同法师一般准备和施展法术,那么他就能够如同一位善良阵营的牧师将准备好的法术转换为治疗法术一般,自发地转换任何三环(或更高环级)的已准备法术来施展解除魔法(Dispel Magic),或是转换任何六环(或更高环级)的已准备法术来施展高等解除魔法(Greater Dispel Magic)。如果他是一位自发施法者,那么他将解除魔法和高等解除魔法添加到他的已知法术列表。每当他运用上述两个法术完成一次目标型解除或是法术反制时,他能够恢复自己的生命值,数值等同于被解除或反制的效果的施法者等级。

徽记大师(Symbol Master, Su):8级时,协会博学者能够自如地掌控魔法徽记法术(例如死亡徽记(Symbol of Death))。每当他施展徽记法术时,对抗这个法术效果的豁免DC,注意到徽记的察觉检定DC,以及移除徽记所需的解除装置检定DC提高2点。每天一次,以一个直觉动作,协会博学者能够在尝试对抗一个徽记的豁免检定中将他来自于法印大师的加值翻倍。他能够在进行豁免投骰后激活这个能力,但必须是在检定结果还没有公布之前才能激活。协会博学者不会在对抗徽记效果的豁免检定中因为骰出自然1而自动失败。

施法大师(Spellcasting Master, Ex):9级时,协会博学者能够每天三次以一个迅捷动作集中精神。一旦他以这种方式保持集中,他在那一轮中余下的时间里施展的法术将不会引发借机攻击。他在这一轮中施展的持续时间为专注的法术,在停止专注后仍然能够持续等同于他智力、感知或魅力调整值的轮数(取其高者)。

奇物大师(Item Master, Su):10级时,协会博学者能够花费一个小时将精神集中于单独一件要求一个动作激活的非充能型魔法物品。在这一小时的最后,这件物品将与协会博学者同调,从此刻开始,这件物品将使用协会博学者的施法者等级取代自身的施法者等级来决定它的效果。协会博学者能够重复进行这个同调仪式来改变与他同调的魔法物品,但他会失去与前一个物品的同调。协会博学者一次只能与一件魔法物品保持同调。

劇透 -  原文:
Pathfinder savants are specialists in the theory and practice of magic, illuminating mysteries of the eldritch fabric that permeates existence. The path of the savant brings expertise in the lore of glyphs and sigils, knowledge of exotic spells, and the power to unlock the full potential of magical devices. This skill also makes savants quite valuable to adventuring parties, both in their mastery over ancient traps that utilize old magic and in their skill at identifying and utilizing magic items found in the field. Of course, with their focus on the intellectual portions of adventuring, Pathfinder savants are often ill-equipped to handle the tougher, more excruciating parts of a typical dungeon delve; melee combat, wrenching open stuck doors, and enduring dangerous and unhealthy environments are not the savant’s forte. As a result, they rarely undertake solo missions, instead allying with well-rounded groups of fellow adventurers in order to interact with history and strange archaic wonders without dealing with the grislier portions of exploration all on their own. To the Pathfinder savant, this is merely a logical extension of their preferred role in exploration, but that doesn’t protect them from periodic sneers and veiled insults from more physically focused companions. Of course, most such associates are quick to beg forgiveness when, inevitably, the savant is needed to decipher the workings of a strange magical device or to call upon their significant magical power to solve problems that cannot be dealt with through brawn alone.

Hit Die: d6
To qualify to become a Pathfinder savant, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Feats: Magical Aptitude, any one item crafting feat.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks, Use Magic Device 5 ranks.
Special: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells.
Class Skills
A Pathfinder savant’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Pathfinder savant prestige class.
Pathfinder Savant
LevelBase AtkFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecialSpells per Day
Adept activation, master scholar
Esoteric magic, glyph-finding+1 level of existing class
Scroll master+1 level of existing class
Quick identification+1 level of existing class
Sigil master+1 level of existing class
Analyze dweomer, silence master+1 level of existing class
Dispelling master+1 level of existing class
Symbol master+1 level of existing class
Spellcasting master+1 level of existing class
Item master+1 level of existing class
Adept Activation (Ex): A Pathfinder savant can always take 10 on Use Magic Device checks, except when activating an item blindly. A Pathfinder savant does not automatically fail a Use Magic Device check if he rolls a natural 1 on the check.

Master Scholar (Ex): A Pathfinder savant adds half his class level (minimum 1) as a bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device checks. He can always take 10 on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks, even if distracted or endangered. 

Esoteric Magic (Ex): At each class level beyond 1st, the Pathfinder savant chooses a spell from any class’s spell list and thereafter treats that spell as if it were on the spell list of the base spellcasting class for which he has the most levels; if this base spellcasting class could not normally cast that spell, it is treated as 1 level higher than it is on the original class’s spell list. If he could cast the spell using his base spellcasting class, the spell’s level does not increase. The spell is cast as if its type (arcane, divine, or psychic) were that of his base spellcasting class, and save DCs function as normal for spells of that class. All other restrictions of his normal spellcasting class apply. This ability does not grant other spellcasters special allowance to prepare, cast, or use spell-trigger or spell-completion items of esoteric spells (such as a sorcerer using a cure light wounds scroll prepared by the Pathfinder savant).

Glyph-Finding (Ex): At 2nd level, a Pathfinder savant can use Spellcraft to find writing-based magical traps (including glyphs, runes, sigils, and symbols) in the same way a rogue can use Perception to search for traps.

Scroll Master (Su): At 3rd level, a Pathfinder savant can use his own caster level instead of the item’s caster level when using a scroll or other spell-completion item.

Quick Identification (Sp): At 4th level, a Pathfinder savant can use identify as a swift action (caster level equals his character level). He can do this once per day per 2 class levels.

Sigil Master (Su): A 5th level, a Pathfinder savant receives a bonus equal to his class level on saving throws against writing-based magical traps, and if he succeeds at the save, he does not trigger the trap. Such a trap is not disabled, and if he leaves the trap’s area and then reenters it, the trap can trigger again. A Pathfinder savant also receives this bonus on saving throws against the effects of such traps triggered by others.

Analyze Dweomer (Sp): At 6th level, a Pathfinder savant can use analyze dweomer for up to 1 round per class level per day. He can use this ability in 1-round increments.

Silence Master (Su): A 6th-level Pathfinder savant can to activate spell-trigger, spell-completion, and command-word items silently, substituting a magical gesture for the necessary words. He cannot use this ability in circumstances where he could not cast a spell with somatic components. He must know how to activate the item normally for this ability to work. Three times per day, he can cast a spell of 6th level or lower as if he were using a silent metamagic rod.

Dispelling Master (Su): At 7th level, if the Pathfinder savant prepares and casts spells like a wizard, he can spontaneously convert any 3rd-level (or higher-level) prepared spell into dispel magic or any 6th-level (or higher-level) prepared spell into greater dispel magic, as a good-aligned cleric converts prepared spells into cure spells. If he casts spells spontaneously, he adds dispel magic and greater dispel magic to his list of spells known. Every time he successfully uses either of these spells to make a targeted dispel or counterspell, he heals a number of hit points equal to the caster level of the effect dispelled or counterspelled.

Symbol Master (Su): At 8th level, a Pathfinder savant gains power over magical symbol spells (such as symbol of death). When he casts any symbol spell, the save DC to resist its effects, the Perception DC to notice the symbol, and the Disable Device DC to remove the symbol increase by 2. Once per day as an immediate action, the Pathfinder savant can double the bonus granted by his sigil master ability when he attempts a saving throw against a symbol. He can activate this ability after he rolls the saving throw, but must do so before the results are revealed. A Pathfinder savant does not automatically fail a saving throw against a symbol effect on a natural 1.

Spellcasting Master (Ex):
At 9th level, a Pathfinder savant can focus his mind three times per day as a swift action. Once he’s focused in this way, any spells he casts for the remainder of that round do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Spells with a duration of concentration that he casts in this round persist for a number of rounds after the Pathfinder savant ceases concentrating equal to his Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is highest).

Item Master (Su): At 10th level, a Pathfinder savant can spend an hour focusing his energies on a single non-charged magic item that requires an action to activate. At the end of this hour, that item becomes attuned to the Pathfinder savant, and from that point on, that specific item can use the Pathfinder savant’s caster level to resolve its effects rather than the item’s caster level. A Pathfinder savant can change which item is attuned to him by repeating the attunement ritual, but he loses attunement to the previous item. A Pathfinder savant can have only one item attuned to him at a time.

« 上次编辑: 2018-06-07, 周四 13:30:53 由 星云迷蒙 »

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:28:24 »
战争学徒(Student of War)

生命骰(Hit Die):d10


本职技能(Class Skills)



职业能力(Class Features)

逸闻知识(Bardic Knowledge, Ex):这个能力与吟游诗人的同名能力完全相同。计算该能力的效果时,将该职业的职业等级与其他任何获得逸闻知识或类似能力的职业叠加计算。

额外技能(Additional Skill):在1级以及之后每两个等级,战争学徒根据她的选择获得一个新的本职技能。

知晓汝敌(Know Your Enemy, Ex):以一个移动动作,战争学徒能够研究一个她能看到的敌人并尝试进行一次适当的知识检定来辨识这个生物的类型(DC=10+目标的HD)。成功的检定会给予她+1的洞察加值来对抗他的敌人,这个加值能够通过下述的架式(在尝试进行检定时选择)来使用在特定的数据和投骰上。
防卫架式(Defensive Stance):这个加值适用于对抗该生物的AC和豁免检定。6级时,战争学徒在引发被研究敌人的借机攻击时视作拥有灵活移动专长。如果她已经拥有灵活移动专长,那么她从专长中获得的AC加值提升至+6。
战争架式(Martial Stance):这个加值适用于对抗该生物的攻击骰和伤害骰。4级时,战争学徒在对被研究敌人进行攻击时视作拥有重击专攻专长。如果她已经拥有重击专长,那么她从专长中获得的加值在进行重击确认时提升至+6。
策略架式(Tactical Stance):这个加值适用于对被研究敌人进行的战技检定以及对抗它施展的战技的CMD,能够适用加值的战技包括冲撞,卸武,擒抱,闯越和摔绊。8级时,战争学徒对被研究敌人进行的这些战技不再会引发来自该敌人的借机攻击;这个能力并不影响被研究敌人以外的生物进行的借机攻击。

战斗专长(Combat Feat):2级,5级以及8级时,战争学徒获得一个奖励战斗专长。

智御金铁(Mind Over Metal, Ex):2级时,在战争学徒使用盔甲或盾牌时,她能够用她的智力调整值代替敏捷调整值来决定她的AC。盔甲的最大敏捷加值仍然适用(限制了她能将多少智力加值加到她的AC上)。

料敌机先(Anticipate, Ex):3级时,每天一次以一个直觉动作,战争学徒能够忽略她豁免成功的法术或能力带来的伤害和效果,例如闪光尘法术的持续效果或造成重伤法术的减半伤害。这个能力对那些不允许豁免的效果无效(例如黑暗术,困难地形,等等)。这个能力在3级后每3个职业等级会获得一次额外的每日使用次数。

有效打击(Telling Blow, Ex):6级时,战争学徒能够瞄准被研究敌人最为薄弱的部位发动攻击,从而忽略前5点伤害减免(DR)。这个能力对那些没有类型的伤害减免无效(例如DR 10/-)。这个能力不能用于对抗免疫重击或缺乏可辨认弱点的生物。这个能力与穿透打击专长叠加。

报应(Nemesis, Su):9级时,每天一次以一个迅捷动作,战争学徒能够专注于他所持有的武器,令其诅咒被研究的敌人。这把武器获得对抗该生物的破敌特殊附魔,持续时间为1分钟或直到战争学徒使用她的知晓汝敌能力对抗一名不同的敌人。

致死打击(Deadly Blow, Su):10级时,战争学徒能够发觉原本不应存在的弱点。在战争学徒使用她的知晓汝敌能力,并且知识检定的结果超过DC10点或更多时,她能够忽略目标的天生伤害减免,以及免疫重击和偷袭的能力。这个能力对那些法术、环境效果或装备赋予的免疫无效。

探索者编年史(Pathfinder Chronicles)

卷一:最初一卷探索者编年史是在400年前发行的,着重记录了德文•盖斯特(Durvin Gest)在阿兹兰特废墟的探索经历,详细记述了塞尔米斯•福斯特(Selmius Foster)与水火巨灵的竞赛以及格雷格罗•沃斯(Gregaro Voth)在芒吉莽原的冒险。



卷十四:这一卷编年史详述了针对外层位面的探险,着重记录了吉尔雷•詹迪文(Gilray Jandivan)的无底深渊23层之旅,一份关于传说中的黄铜城的地图,以及由旅居精类第一世界十年的拉里克•戴尔(Rarick Dell)收集和转述的70首淫秽诗歌。


卷四十四:大约十年前出版的这一卷因详述了科里亚•阿斯莫伦(Koriah Azmeren)前往幽暗地域的探险而引起注意,对多数人来说,这是当时首部能够一窥地底世界的出版物。

劇透 -  原文:
To hear most warriors talk, battles are won by sharp iron and mighty thews. Yet the student of war knows that the key to victory is the mind behind the mettle, the training that guides the blade, and the discernment of when and where to strike.

Any dedicated martial scholar can join this prestige class, but the Pathfinder Society draws the lion’s share. The Society’s libraries are a treasure trove to the aspiring student of war, home to obscure combat manuals, moldy bestiaries, and detailed histories of battle. Armed with these texts and hardened by constant drilling, the student of war fills her repertoire with tricks and techniques designed to exploit every weakness and negate every advantage of her foes.

The path of the student of war is particularly enticing to martially minded characters who seek to enhance and expand their mastery of skills. Students of war often pride themselves in studying topics that combat-focused types might not normally find value in, and their ability to draw upon unexpected lore and information has become something of a legend among their kind. This might be demonstrated by a heavily armored fighter’s training in Acrobatics allowing her to outmaneuver an overly confident swashbuckler, a rugged barbarian masterfully manipulating a magic wand via Use Magic Device, or similar unexpected techniques.

Hit Die: d10
To qualify to become a student of war, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Skill Focus (any one Knowledge skill).
Proficiency: Must be proficient with two martial weapons.
Skills: Knowledge (any two) 4 ranks in each.
Special: Must have succeeded at Knowledge checks against five distinct creatures prior to defeating them.
Class Skills
A student of war’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the student of war prestige class.
Student of War
LevelBase AtkFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
Additional skill, know your enemy +1 (move)
Combat feat, mind over metal
Additional skill, anticipate 1/day
Know your enemy +2
Additional skill, combat feat
Anticipate 2/day, telling blow
Additional skill, know your enemy +3 (swift)
Combat feat
Additional skill, anticipate 3/day, nemesis
Deadly blow
Additional Skill: At 1st level and every 2 levels thereafter, a student of war gains a new class skill of her choice.

Know Your Enemy (Ex): As a move action, a student of war can study a foe she can see and attempt a Knowledge check appropriate to the creature’s type (DC = 10 + the target’s HD). Success grants her a +1 insight bonus against her enemy, which can be applied via one of the following stances (chosen when the check is attempted) to the indicated statistics and rolls.

Defensive Stance: The bonus applies to Armor Class and on saving throws against the target’s attacks. At 6th level, the student of war is treated as having the Mobility feat when provoking attacks of opportunity from the studied foe. If she already has Mobility, the bonus she gains to her AC in this case increases to +6.
Martial Stance: The bonus applies on attack and damage rolls against the target. At 4th level, the student of war is treated as having the Critical Focus feat for the purpose of attacks against the studied foe. If she already has Critical Focus, the bonus she gains when confirming her critical hits in this case is +6 instead.
Tactical Stance: The bonus applies on combat maneuver checks and to CMD when initiating or defending against bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip combat maneuvers. At 8th level, the student of war no longer provokes attacks of opportunity from a studied foe when attempting to bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, or trip that target; this does not affect attacks of opportunity made by any creature other than the studied foe.
A student of war can change her stance as a move action. The bonus lasts for 1 minute per class level or until the character uses this ability on another target. The bonus increases to +2 at 4th level and +3 at 7th level. At 7th level, the student can use this ability as a swift action rather than a move action.

Combat Feat: At 2nd, 5th, and 8th levels, a student of war gains a bonus combat feat.

Mind Over Metal (Ex): At 2nd level, when a student of war is using armor or a shield, she can use her Intelligence modifier in place of her Dexterity modifier for determining her Armor Class. The armor’s normal maximum Dexterity bonus still applies (limiting how much of the character’s Intelligence bonus she can apply to her AC).

Anticipate (Ex): At 3rd level, once per day as an immediate action, a student of war can ignore any damage and effects of a spell or ability she successfully saved against, such as the outlining effect of a glitterdust spell or the half damage from an inflict serious wounds spell. This ability has no effect against effects that do not allow saving throws (such as darkness, difficult terrain, etc.). This ability is usable one additional time per day for every 3 class levels beyond 3rd.

Telling Blow (Ex): At 6th level, a student of war can aim her blows at the weakest point in a studied foe’s defense, ignoring up to 5 points of damage reduction. This does not apply to damage reduction without a type (such as DR 10/—). This ability cannot be used against creatures that are immune to critical hits or otherwise lack discernible weak points. This ability stacks with the Penetrating Strike feat.

Nemesis (Su): At 9th level, once per day as a swift action, a student of war can focus on a weapon she holds and render it anathema to her studied foe. The weapon gains the bane special ability against the creature for 1 minute or until the student of war uses know your enemy against a different foe.

Deadly Blow (Su): At 10th level, a student of war can find weak spots where none should exist. A student of war who uses her know your enemy ability and exceeds the Knowledge check DC by 10 or more can ignore the target’s natural damage reduction and immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks. This does not apply to immunities granted by spells, environmental effects, or equipment.

Pathfinder Chronicles
All Pathfinders, be they of martial or magical bent, seek to make names for themselves in the Pathfinder Chronicles. Game statistics for how these tomes can aid adventurers appear on page 147, but some of the most notable volumes among the several dozen to have been published to date are briefly summarized below.

Volume 1: The premier Pathfinder Chronicles volume was first published 400 years ago, and features an account of Durvin Gest’s exploration of the ruins of Azlant, details of Selmius Foster’s race against a marid and an efreeti, and Gregaro Voth’s adventures in the Mwangi Expanse.

Volume 5: The most mysterious volume of the series is notable not for its contents but its mystery, for Volume 5 of the Pathfinder Chronicles is the only installment to have been recalled by the Decemvirate. Supposedly chronicling the last of Durvin Gest’s adventures, this volume’s contents are unknown today.

Volume 11: This volume is notorious for being filled with misinformation on dragons. The errors were largely corrected in reprintings, but some unaltered copies still exist and command high prices from collectors.

Volume 14: This chronicle detailing expeditions to the outer planes features a record of Gilray Jandivan’s journey to 23 Abyssal realms, a map of the fabled City of Brass, and 70 ribald songs gathered and transcribed over Rarick Dell’s decade long stay in the First World of the fey.

Volume 27: This volume published never-before-seen accounts from long-missing (and presumed dead) original Pathfinder Durvin Gest, including a surprisingly complete chapter of his journey north to the Crown of the World.

Volume 44: Published about 10 years ago, this volume is notable as a detailed account of Koriah Azmeren’s exploration of the Darklands, and at the time of its publication was the first glimpse into the realms below for many.

« 上次编辑: 2018-06-07, 周四 01:25:53 由 星云迷蒙 »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:31:40 »

学识守卫(战士职业变体)出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)144页
Lore Warden(Fighter Archetype)


技胜于力(Skill Over Strength,Ex):在2级时,学识守卫能够如同她拥有寓守于攻(the Combat Expertise)专长一般满足其他专长和能力的先决条件。在6级时,她获得寓守于攻作为奖励专长,即使她并不满足先决条件。如果她已经拥有了寓守于攻,作为代替她能够获得任何一个以寓守于攻为先决条件的战斗专长(她必须满足其他的先决条件)。在10级时,她能够在计算寓守于攻的效果时,将自己的基本攻击加值视作比原本高2。
这个能力取代(replaces)了英勇(bravery)和2级时获得的战士奖励专长(The fighter bonus feat)。

剑之秘技(Swords Secret,Ex):学识守卫知晓那些能够帮助她分析并击败敌人的特殊技艺。在3级时,学识守卫获得一项剑之秘技,在3级之后每有4个战士等级,她额外获得一项剑之秘技。除非另有说明,学识守卫不能重复选择同一个剑之秘技。
引述: 剑之秘技
趁虚而入(Exploit Weakness,Ex):学识守卫将她1/3的职业等级加到确认重击的攻击骰上。在11级时,无论何时学识守卫确认了一次重击,她的武器攻击都能够忽略目标所具有的5点伤害减免或者硬度,直到她下一回合结束。在19级时,每轮一次,学识守卫能够在一次她造成的重击威胁中自动确认重击。

毫厘之差(Hair’s Breadth,Ex):每天一次,当学识守卫遭受重击时,她能够以一个直觉动作尝试一次特技(Acrobatics)检定来减少伤害。如果这次特技检定的结果比对手的确认骰要高,那么她不视作被重击;这次攻击仍然视作命中并造成普通的伤害。学识守卫必须至少11级才能够选择这项剑之秘技。在15级时,她每天能够额外使用一次这项秘技。

知晓汝敌(Know Thy Enemy,Ex):当学识守卫成功地通过一次知识(Knowledge)检定分辨出生物的能力和弱点时,她能够使用一个标准动作授予自身对抗那个敌人的攻击和武器伤害骰+2的洞察加值。这个加值持续她1/2职业等级的轮数(至少为2轮),或持续到学识守卫使用这个能力对抗一名不同的生物。在11级时,她在使用这个能力时同样在她对抗这名生物的AC上获得+2的洞察加值。在19级时,这个洞察加值提升到+3。

招式训练(Maneuver Training,Ex):学识守卫获得拳师的招式训练职业能力,将她的战士等级视作拳师等级来计算能力的效果。
劇透 -  招式训练:
招式训练(Maneuver Training,Ex):在3级时,拳师可以选择一项战技能力以进行额外的练习,她将在使用这项战技攻击的CMB和对抗这项战技的CMD上获得+1加值。

快速评估(Swift Assessment,Ex):学识守卫现在能够以一个移动动作来使用她的知晓汝敌(Know Thy Enemy)剑之秘技。在15级时,她能够以迅捷动作使用这个能力。在选择这项剑之秘技之前,她必须已经拥有知晓汝敌剑之秘技。
这个能力取代(replaces)了护甲训练(Armor training)和盔甲宗师(Armor mastery)。

劇透 -  原文:
Quick wits and deceptive techniques can often succeed where brute force might not. A lore warden is the consummate warrior-scholar of the Pathfinder Society, outsmarting her competition even when locking blades with powerful foes. Outside of combat, a lore warden’s extensive education also helps her document the past and survive great danger.
Scholastic (Ex): A lore warden gains 2 additional skill ranks each level. These ranks must be spent on Intelligencebased skills. All Craft and Knowledge skills are class skills for lore wardens, as are Linguistics and Spellcraft.

This ability replaces the fighter’s proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields.

Skill Over Strength (Ex): At 2nd level, a lore warden qualifies for feats and other abilities as though she had the Combat Expertise feat. At 6th level, she gains Combat Expertise as a bonus feat, even if she would not normally qualify for the feat. If she already has Combat Expertise, she instead gains any one combat feat that includes Combat Expertise as a prerequisite (and for which she otherwise qualifies). At 10th level, she can treat her base attack bonus as though it were 2 higher for the purpose of calculating the effects of Combat Expertise.

This ability replaces bravery and the fighter bonus feat gained at 2nd level.

Swords Secret (Ex):
A lore warden learns specialized techniques that help her to quickly analyze and defeat her foes. At 3rd level, a lore warden gains one swords secret, and she gains an additional swords secret for every 4 fighter levels gained after 3rd. Except where noted, a lore warden cannot select the same swords secret more than once.

Exploit Weakness (Ex): The lore warden adds one-third her class level on attack rolls to confirm critical hits. At 11th level, whenever she confirms a critical hit, her weapon attacks ignore the first 5 points of damage reduction or hardness the target has until the end of her next turn. At 19th level, the lore warden can automatically confirm a critical hit once per round when she threatens a critical hit.
Hair’s Breadth (Ex): Once per day when subject to a critical hit, the lore warden can attempt an Acrobatics check to reduce the damage as an immediate action. If the result of this Acrobatics check is greater than the opponent’s confirmation roll, she negates the critical hit; the attack still hits and deals normal damage. The lore warden must be at least 11th level to select this swords secret. At 15th level she can use this secret one additional time per day.
Know Thy Enemy (Ex): When the lore warden succeeds at a Knowledge check to identify a creature’s abilities and weaknesses, she can also use a standard action to grant herself a +2 insight bonus on all attack and weapon damage rolls made against that enemy. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to half her class level (minimum 2 rounds), or until the lore warden uses this ability against a different creature. At 11th level, she also gains a +2 bonus to her AC against the creature when using this ability. At 19th level, the insight bonus increases to +3.
Maneuver Training (Ex): The lore warden gains a brawler’s maneuver training class feature, treating her fighter level as her brawler level.
Swift Assessment (Ex): The lore warden can now use her know thy enemy swords secret as a move action. At 15th level, she can use this ability as a swift action. She must have the know thy enemy swords secret before choosing this swords secret.

This replaces armor training and armor mastery.
« 上次编辑: 2018-05-17, 周四 10:29:39 由 SCP-████-██ »

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:35:11 »
Name-Keeper(Shaman Archetype)


本职技能(Class Skills):守名者失去知识(自然),知识(位面)和生存,转而获得知识(工程),知识(历史)和语言学作为本职技能。

传承寻路仪(Inherited Wayfinder, Su):守名者与一件继承自其他探索者的受损寻路仪形成了联结。这件寻路仪现在只为她而运作。这个能力如同法师的联结物品一般运作,除了这件物品只能用来施展萨满法术(取代原本的法师法术)。
这个能力取代了魂兽(Spirit Animal)。

守魂魔法(Keeper Spirit Magic):守名者将下述法术添加到她所能施展的可用魂术中:石盾术(Stone Shield)ARG(一环),读取物体(Object Reading)OA(二环),死者交谈(Speak with Dead)(三环),石墙术(Wall of Stone)(四环),生命之息(Breath of Life)(五环),石言术(Stone Tell)(六环),灵视(Vision)(七环),回返真言(Word of Recall)(八环),完全复生术(True Resurrection)(九环)。
这个能力取代了从萨满魂域中获得的魂术(Spirit Magic)。

昔日探索者(Pathfinders Past, Su):4级时,守名者能够与英名墙上铭刻的已故探索者建立一种临时性的联结。守名者必须在她每日准备法术时做出选择。这个能力生效时,她获得一项或更多的好处,来自于这些探索者生前在协会中所专注的派系:卷宗(Scroll),秘法(Spell),利剑(Sword)。每一种都给予她一个或更多的选项(例如一种武器擅长或萨满魂域),她能够在每次建立这种联结时选择不同的选项。
这个能力取代缥缈魂域(Wandering Spirit)。

万用巫术(Versatile Hex, Su):6级时,在守名者准备法术时,她能够临时获得一个萨满巫术或者魂域赋予的巫术,持续至她下一次准备法术为止。14级时,她每天能够选择两个上述巫术。
这个能力取代缥缈巫术(Wandering Hex)。

劇透 -  原文:
Pathfinders who perish in the pursuit of greater knowledge are commemorated on the Wall of Names, a curving monument of black glass at the Grand Lodge. Originally started as a humble memorial, the Wall of Names is now a moving testament to all those who have given their lives to further the cause of the Pathfinder Society, and for many agents, an expedition to Absalom is as much a chance to visit the Wall of Names and seek out a vanished loved one, relation, or departed friend as it is an opportunity to visit the place where it all began.

A decade ago, a small cadre of agents began studying the fallen names, correlating these adventurers with the quests they were on when they perished or went missing, and then took it upon themselves to finish these incomplete missions— but in so doing these agents made an unexpected discovery. In delving into the storied histories etched into the Wall of Names, these agents have discovered how to commune with the departed spirits of those whose names are memorialized on the monument. These mystical agents soon became known as name-keepers, and they pride themselves on helping their predecessors find peace while preventing other Pathfinders’ names from being added to the wall.

Class Skills: A name-keeper gains Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (history), and Linguistics as class skills, instead of Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (planes), and Survival.
This alters the shaman’s class skills.

Inherited Wayfinder (Su): A name-keeper forms a powerful bond with a damaged wayfinder (see pages 148–149) inherited from another Pathfinder. It functions for her alone. This functions as a wizard’s bonded object except it can be used to cast shaman spells (instead of wizard spells).
This ability replaces spirit animal.

Keeper Spirit Magic: The name-keeper adds the following spells to the list of spells she can cast using spirit magic: stone shieldARG (1st), object readingOA (2nd), speak with dead (3rd), wall of stone (4th), breath of life (5th), stone tell (6th), vision (7th), word of recall (8th), and true resurrection (9th).
This ability replaces the spirit magic spells gained from the shaman’s spirit.

Pathfinders Past (Su): At 4th level, a name-keeper can form a temporary bond with a deceased Pathfinder who is commemorated on the Wall of Names. The name-keeper must make this selection each day when preparing her spells. While this feature is active, she gains one or more benefits tied to the Pathfinder’s former focus in the Society: Scrolls, Spells, or Swords. Each allows her to select one or more options (such as a weapon or shaman spirit), and she can choose different options each time she forms this bond.
Scrolls: The name-keeper selects an oracleAPG mystery. She can use any of the mystery’s associated skills untrained, and she treats them as class skills. For any of those skills that were already class skills, she instead gains a +2 sacred bonus on those checks. At 12th level, she gains Skill Focus for one of the associated skills as a bonus feat. At 20th level, she gains Skill Focus a second time as a bonus feat, and she always counts as having at least 10 ranks in those skills for calculating these temporary feats’ benefits.
Spells: The name-keeper selects a second shaman spirit and adds the spells granted by that spirit to her list of spells that she can cast using spirit magic. She gains one additional spirit magic spell slot of her highest spell level. At 12th level, she selects two shaman spirits and adds both their granted spells to the list of spells she can cast using spirit magic. At 20th level, her number of spirit magic spell slots at each spell level increases to two.
Swords: The name-keeper gains proficiency in all martial weapons and one exotic weapon of her choice. At 12th level, whenever she makes a full attack, she gains one additional attack at her highest base attack bonus; this ability stacks with the extra attack from haste, but it doesn’t stack with other abilities that grant extra attacks. At 20th level, she gains two combat feats for which she qualifies.
This ability replaces wandering spirit.

Versatile Hex (Su): At 6th level, a namekeeper can temporarily gain a shaman hex or one of the hexes that her spirit has when she prepares her spells, lasting until the next time she prepares spells. At 14th level, she can select two such hexes each day.
This ability replaces wandering hex.

« 上次编辑: 2018-06-07, 周四 01:26:13 由 星云迷蒙 »

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:36:27 »
与探索者协会结盟(Pathfinder Society Affiliation)

劇透 -  原文:
The Pathfinder Society is constantly on the lookout for new allies and agents beyond those who directly serve the organization as official members. While the Society is expansive, its members are spread far and thin, so gaining support and allegiance from other groups is important. Adventuring parties are among the most valuable of such allies, for even when they are not composed of Society members, their discoveries and accomplishments can often prove of value to the Pathfinders.

Example Affiliation Encounter: Most seek affiliation with the Pathfinders via submission of a field report. Such a report must be detailed and concise, and it must also feature information of interest to the Pathfinders. Any adventure in which a character gains an unusual magic item, learns of an ancient secret, or explores an unmapped or deadly region is of interest to the Pathfinders. The field report must be well written, and the character submitting the report must succeed at a DC 20 Craft (writing), Knowledge (any), Linguistics, or Profession (scribe) check to succeed at presenting the report in a way that catches the Society’s attention enough to earn affiliation. At the GM’s discretion, a particularly unusual discovery or the donation of an item of interest (such as information on a missing or dead Pathfinder, or the donation of an ioun stone) can supersede the need for a successful skill check.
« 上次编辑: 2018-09-18, 周二 03:16:39 由 星云迷蒙 »

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:37:38 »
调查员天赋(Investigator Talents)

记录者的洞察(Chronicler’s Insight):调查员能够以一个标准动作仔细阅读一本《探索者编年史(Pathfinder Chronicle)》,从而如同已经完整地研究了1d4轮一般获得它的增益。一旦他研读了一本《探索者编年史》,调查员就能够花费一次灵感的使用次数,在等同于他智力调整值的小时内获得该册编年史的增益,在此期间,他还会根据该册编年史关联的知识(Knowledge)技能类型而获得一个额外的增益。调查员同一时间只能拥有一个这种类型的持续性增益,获得新的增益会使得前一个增益结束。

引述: 知识关联增益
奥秘,自然,位面或宗教(Arcana, Nature, Planes, or Religion):当进行一次策士之击(Studied Strike)时,调查员的攻击视作一把具有下列与知识检定相关联的性质的武器一般克服伤害减免:精金(Adamantine)(奥秘),混乱(Chaotic)(位面),寒铁(Cold Iron)(自然),邪恶(Evil)(位面),善良(Good)(位面),秩序(Lawful)(位面),银(Silver)(宗教)。他也会在对抗能够通过相关联的知识检定辨识的生物时,于豁免检定上获得+1的洞察加值。(例如,能够通过知识(位面)来辨识异界生物)。
地城(Dungeoneering):调查员的策士之击(Studied Strike)能够对免疫偷袭攻击的生物造成一半的伤害。
工程(Engineering): 无论何时,只要他在进行开锁的解除装置(Disable Device)检定或寻找密门的察觉(Perception)检定上使用灵感能力,调查员就能够在检定上获得等同于他1/3职业等级的环境加值。
历史(History):调查员能够在24小时内,通过一个整轮动作使用战斗策略(Studied Combat)第二次研究一个敌人而不消耗灵感点。在这之后使用的战斗策略仍如常消耗灵感点。
地方(Local): 无论何时,只要在他进行虚招的唬骗(Bluff)检定,收集信息的交涉(Diplomacy)检定或改善一个生物态度的威吓(Intimidate)检定上使用灵感能力,调查员就能够在检定上获得等同于他1/3职业等级的环境加值。
贵族(Nobility):无论何时,只要他在说谎的唬骗(Bluff)检定,提出要求(request favor)的交涉(Diplomacy)检定或挫败士气的威吓(Intimidate)检定上使用灵感能力,调查员就能够在检定上获得等同于他1/3职业等级的环境加值。

指引一击(Didactic Strike)
:当调查员激活他的策士之击(Studied Strike)时,他能够结束他的战斗策略(Studied Combat)并选择不造成他的策士之击伤害。作为代替,他能够向30尺内任何能够看见他的盟友展现目标的一个弱点。直到调查员下一回合开始为止,每个受到影响的盟友命中这个目标的第一次攻击额外造成等同于1/3调查员等级的伤害。他能够以一个直觉动作结束这个效果,改为让受到影响的盟友第一次成功的攻击造成调查员的策士之击伤害。这个额外伤害是精准伤害,并且无法影响那些免疫偷袭攻击的生物。

劇透 -  原文:
The following investigator talents are secrets of the Pathfinder Society, each closely integrated into the Pathfinders’ training or their iconic tools of the trade.

Chronicler’s Insight: The investigator can peruse a Pathfinder Chronicle as a standard action, applying its benefits as though he had studied it for the full 1d4 rounds. Upon studying a Pathfinder Chronicle, the investigator can expend one use of inspiration to apply the volume’s benefits for a number of hours equal to his Intelligence modifier and gain an additional benefit based on the volume’s associated Knowledge skill during that time. The investigator can have only one such ongoing benefit at a time, and activating a new benefit ends the first one.

Arcana, Nature, Planes, or Religion: When performing a studied strike, the investigator’s attack overcomes damage reduction as if it were a weapon with the following property based on the associated Knowledge check: adamantine (arcana), chaotic (planes), cold iron (nature), evil (planes), good (planes), lawful (planes), silver (religion). He also gains a +1 insight bonus on saving throws against creatures identifiable by the associated Knowledge check (for example, outsiders for Knowledge [planes]).
Dungeoneering: The investigator can deal half his studied strike damage to creatures immune to sneak attacks.
Engineering: Whenever he uses his inspiration on Disable Device checks to open locks or on Perception checks to find hidden compartments, the investigator gains a circumstance bonus on the check equal to one-third his level.
Geography: The investigator increases any bonuses to AC and on Reflex saving throws he gains from partial cover, total cover, and improved cover by 1.
History: The investigator can study a foe using studied combat a second time in 24 hours as a full-round action without expending inspiration. Subsequent uses of studied combat require inspiration as normal.
Local: Whenever he uses his inspiration on Bluff checks to feint, Diplomacy checks to gather information, or Intimidate checks to improve a creature’s attitude, the investigator gains a circumstance bonus on the check equal to one-third his level.
Nobility: Whenever he uses his inspiration on Bluff checks to lie, Diplomacy checks to request favors, or Intimidate checks to demoralize, the investigator gains a circumstance bonus on the check equal to one-third his level.

Didactic Strike: When the investigator activates his studied strike, he can end his studied combat and choose not to deal his studied strike damage. He is instead able to show any allies within 30 feet who can see him a weak spot on the target. Until the beginning of the investigator’s next turn, each affected ally’s first attack that hits the target deals additional damage equal to one-third the investigator’s level. He can end this effect as an immediate action to instead cause an affected ally’s first successful attack to deal the investigator’s studied strike damage. This additional damage is precision damage and does not affect creatures that are immune to sneak attacks.

« 上次编辑: 2018-09-18, 周二 03:17:07 由 星云迷蒙 »

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« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:38:37 »

怀旧油膏(Nostalgia Oil)
探索者们会为彼此之间的友谊而自豪,而对他们来说最严重的威胁之一就是迫使探员们互相争斗的魔法效果。怀旧油膏是一种瓶装浓缩香料,能够激起探员们对探索者本部的美好回忆,以及他们在探索者训练时曾经克服的种种考验。以一个标准动作将这份油膏涂抹在面部,颈部或手臂上,一名探索者能够在对抗具有情绪UM描述符的效果的豁免检定,以及对抗支配人类(Dominate Person)或类似地强迫她去伤害同伴或背叛任务的胁迫效果的第二次豁免检定上获得+2的炼金加值。以这种方式使用的一瓶怀旧油膏在被清水和肥皂洗净之前能够维持8小时的效果。怀旧油膏也可以作为一种溅射武器使用,让被它直接命中的探索者获得其好处1个小时。另外,角色也可以将怀旧油膏与一品脱灯油或一块熏香混合,从而在1小时内给予提灯或香炉周围20尺内的探索者提供怀旧油膏原本一半的效果;任何强风(每小时风速21英里以上)都可以驱散熏香效果1分钟。


探索者编年史(Pathfinder Chronicle)
劇透 -   :
Members of the Pathfinder Society make use of the following equipment, some of which has dispersed naturally to unaffiliated adventuring groups.

Pathfinders pride themselves on their camaraderie, and among the worst threats are those that can magically compel agents to fight among themselves. Nostalgia oil is a vial of concentrated aromatics that evoke positive memories of the Grand Lodge and common trials overcome during a Pathfinder’s training. By dabbing this oil on her face, neck, or arms as a standard action, a Pathfinder gains a +2 alchemical bonus on saving throws against effects with the emotionUM descriptor and on secondary saving throws made to resist dominate person and similar compulsion effects that would force her to harm her allies or betray her mission. Applied in this way, a vial of nostalgia oil remains potent for 8 hours or until washed off with soap and water. Nostalgia oil can also be thrown as a splash weapon, extending its benefits for 1 hour to any Pathfinder struck with a direct hit. Alternatively, a creature can mix it with a pint of lantern oil or piece of incense, which grants half the nostalgia oil’s benefits to all Pathfinders within 20 feet of the lantern or censor for 1 hour; any strong wind (21+ mph) dissipates the aroma for 1 minute.

Crafting a vial of nostalgia oil requires a successful DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check. Although most nostalgia oil is mixed to benefit only Pathfinder agents, other mixtures might be created to benefit only members of another clan, neighborhood, or organization.

WEIGHT 1 lb.

Numerous volumes and editions of the Pathfinder Chronicles exist. When used as a reference (an action that takes 1d4 full rounds of searching the text), a Pathfinder Chronicle grants a +2 circumstance bonus on a specific Knowledge check. Each Pathfinder Chronicle grants this bonus to a different type of Knowledge. Regardless of which type that particular chronicle is focused on, the cost of the book remains the same.

« 上次编辑: 2018-09-21, 周五 08:46:28 由 星云迷蒙 »

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« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-02-22, 周四 08:39:28 »
魔法物品(Magic Items)

不破情谊系带(Bands of Unbreakable Camaraderie)
制造要求:制造奇物,心有灵犀(Battlemind Link)UM

急救手套(First Aid Gloves)
这副手套的每一根指套上都装饰着一颗蓝宝石,一共安放了10颗。穿戴急救手套的角色可以通过一个标准动作施展下列法术(施法者等级9级),并永久性地消耗数量等同于法术环位的蓝宝石(每个法术消耗的数量标注在其后的括号中):生命之息(Breath of Life)(5),治疗致命伤(Cure Critical Wounds)(4),治疗轻伤(Cure Light Wounds)(1),治疗中伤(Cure Moderate Wounds)(2),治疗重伤(Cure Serious Wounds)(3),群体治疗轻伤(Mass Cure Light Wounds)(5)。从手套中施展法术时,穿戴者不能从不同的手上花费蓝宝石;这意味着一只手套只有在安放着所有宝石时才能够用于施展生命之息或群体治疗轻伤。即便如此,两只手套也必须被正确的穿戴才能发挥作用。一旦所有的蓝宝石都被消耗了,急救手套就会变为非魔法物品。


黑檀寻路仪(Wayfinder, Ebon)
这个寻路仪的表面由有着黑檀木装饰的乌木镶板构成,对那些探索黑暗和危险场所的探索者极为有用。滑开表面的镶板,内部足以容纳一到两个艾恩石的白金网格就会显露出来。黑檀寻路仪会给予持有者60尺黑暗视觉,以及每天一次,通过一个命令词以寻路仪为中心创造出黑暗术(Darkness)(如同该法术)的能力。 当一枚艾恩石嵌入装置中时,它给予的黑暗视觉能力就会失效。当第二枚艾恩石置入其中时,施展黑暗术的能力也会失效。

闪光寻路仪(Wayfinder, Shining)
闪光寻路仪就像一个经过抛光的银制罗盘。除了寻路仪的正常功能(包括创造光亮术(Light)的能力)之外,闪光寻路仪还能用于施展侦测邪恶(Detect Evil)——启动这个功能时,它的指针针尖不会指向北方,而是指向60尺范围内的最近的邪恶来源。每天一次,闪光寻路仪能够用于对寻路仪的持有者施展防护邪恶(Protection from Evil)闪光寻路仪只有在善良阵营的生物手中才会生效。当它被邪恶生物持有时,闪光寻路仪的指针只会疯狂地转动。当它被既非邪恶也非善良的生物持有时,它的指针不会指向任何特定方向(甚至不会指向北方)。

隐没寻路仪(Wayfinder, Vanishing)

隐藏之力寻路仪(Wayfinder of Hidden Strength)
这个由过热处理的青铜制成的寻路仪略有弯曲,在光芒的照射下微微闪烁。它包含一个能够容纳艾恩石(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 305页)的单槽,而这个寻路仪自身的构造允许它的持有者每天一次超载艾恩石的魔法性能,藉此来创造一个基于艾恩石形状的特殊而短暂的共振效果。这个过程会在24小时内抑制艾恩石本身给予的任何共振效果。这段时间里,艾恩石会变得十分脆弱,如果在24小时的周期结束之前将其从隐藏之力寻路仪里取出的话,这枚艾恩石就会彻底粉碎。
制造要求:制造奇物,英勇启言(Gallant Inspiration)APG光亮术(Light)

劇透 -  原文:
The following items are often used by agents and affiliates of the Pathfinder Society.

PRICE 5,000 GP
SLOT wrists CL 11th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate divination
While worn, this pair of plain steel armbands limits the ability of the wearer to strike out against his comrades with weapon attacks, in the event he is unable to control his own actions (such as if confused or dominated) or unable to distinguish friends from foes (such as if blinded). The armbands grow heavier and hinder the wearer’s momentum under these circumstances, causing him to take a –4 penalty on attack rolls against creatures he would otherwise consider allies.
Alternatively, two creatures can each wear one of the armbands, occupying the wrists slot for both. Under these conditions, the bands apply only half the normal penalty on attack rolls against allies. However, the two wearers ignore each other for any effects that would cause them to attack the closest creature, unless one wearer purposefully attacks the other. Even if the wearers do attack one another, their attacks take the full –4 penalty, always fail to confirm critical hits, and deal nonlethal damage only.
Craft Wondrous Item, battlemind linkUM
COST 2,500 GP

PRICE 4,500 GP
SLOT hands CL 9th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate conjuration
These gloves have a sapphire decorating each finger, bearing 10 in all. While wearing a pair of first aid gloves, as a standard action the wearer can cast any of the following spells (caster level 9th), permanently expending a number of sapphires equal to the spell’s level (as denoted in parentheses after each spell): breath of life (5), cure critical wounds (4), cure light wounds (1), cure moderate wounds (2), cure serious wounds (3), and mass cure light wounds (5). When casting a spell from the gloves, the wearer can’t expend sapphires on different hands; thus only a full hand’s worth of gems can be used to cast breath of life or mass cure light wounds. Regardless, both gloves must be worn to function. Once all of the sapphires are expended, a pair of first aid gloves becomes nonmagical.
Craft Wondrous Item, breath of life, cure critical wounds, cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, mass cure light wounds
COST 2,250 GP

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint evocation
A small magical device patterned on the design of ancient Azlanti relics, a wayfinder is a compact compass typically made from silver and bearing gold accents. While it serves as a badge of office for agents of the Pathfinder Society, a wayfinder is as much a handy tool as a status symbol. With a command word, the bearer can cause a wayfinder to shine (as per light). A wayfinder also acts as a nonmagical (magnetic) compass, granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. All wayfinders feature a small indentation designed to hold a single ioun stone. An ioun stone slotted in this manner grants the bearer its normal benefits as if it was orbiting her head, and resonates its powers with the wayfinder, replacing its ability to shine with a different power—see Wayfinders and Resonance on page 149.
Craft Wondrous Item, light

PRICE 18,000 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint evocation and transmutation
Favored by Pathfinders exploring dark and dangerous locales, the exterior of this wayfinder is constructed of panels of darkwood with ebony inlays. The panels slide apart to reveal platinum meshwork capable of holding one or two ioun stones. An ebon wayfinder grants the bearer darkvision with a range of 60 feet, and with a command word it can create darkness (as per the spell) once per day, centered on itself. When one ioun stone is slotted into the device, its darkness ability no longer functions. When a second stone is placed in it, the darkvision ability no longer functions.
Craft Wondrous Item, darkness, darkvision
COST 9,000 GP

PRICE 2,000 GP
SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint divination
A shining wayfinder appears as a polished silver compass. In addition to the usual functions of a wayfinder (including the ability to create light) a shining wayfinder can be used to cast detect evil—when so used, its needle points not to the north but rather to the nearest source of evil within 60 feet. Once per day, a shining wayfinder can be used to cast protection from evil upon the wayfinder’s bearer. A shining wayfinder functions only for a creature that is good-aligned. When held by an evil creature, the shining wayfinder’s needle spins in a frantic circle. When held by any creature that is both nonevil and nongood, the needle does not point to anything in particular (not even to the north).
Craft Wondrous Item, detect evil, light, protection from evil
COST 1,000 GP

PRICE 8,000 GP SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint illusion
Vanishing wayfinders are crafted of ivory chased with gold and silver. In addition to the usual functions of a wayfinder (including the ability to create light), the bearer of a vanishing wayfinder can press a hidden catch as a standard action to become invisible (as the spell invisibility) for as long as she concentrates, up to a maximum duration of 5 minutes per day. These minutes need not be consecutive, but each activation uses 1 minute of duration, even if the user becomes visible by making an attack or by some other means before that minute is up.
Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility, light
COST 4,000 GP

PRICE 5,000 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint evocation and transmutation
This wayfinder is made of heat-treated bronze that seems to warp and shimmer in the light. It contains a single slot to store an ioun stone (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 305), and the wayfinder’s construction allows the bearer to overtax the ioun stone’s magical properties once per day to create a special, short-term resonance effect based on the stone’s shape. This process suppresses any other resonance effects the ioun stone might grant for 24 hours. The ioun stone is especially fragile during this time, crumbling to pieces if removed from the wayfinder of hidden strength before the 24-hour period has ended.

Ellipsoid: As an immediate action, the bearer can roll 1d6 after failing a saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability and add the result to the saving throw retroactively; if the bonus is high enough to turn the failure into a success, the save is successful. The bearer instead rolls 1d8+1 if the slotted ioun stone costs between 10,000 and 30,000 gp, or 1d10+2 if the ioun stone costs more than 30,000 gp.
Prism: As a free action before attempting any d20 roll, the bearer can roll two dice and choose which result to use.
Rhomboid: As a swift action, the bearer gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the slotted ioun stone’s market price divided by 1,000 (maximum 25 temporary hit points). These temporary hit points last 1 hour.
Sphere: As an immediate action, the bearer can roll 2d4 after failing a skill check and add the result to the check retroactively; if the bonus is high enough to turn the failure into a success, the check is successful. The bearer instead rolls 3d4 if the slotted ioun stone costs between 10,000 gp and 30,000 gp, or 4d4 if the ioun stone costs more than 30,000 gp.
Spindle: As a full-round action, the bearer can restore 1d4 points of ability damage to one of her ability scores. If the slotted ioun stone costs more than 15,000 gp, she instead restores 1d6 points of ability damage.
Craft Wondrous Item, gallant inspirationAPG, light
COST 2500

The Pathfinders have discovered and devised many varieties of magic items, yet none are so iconic as the wayfinder, a compact compass commonly used as a badge of office for the far-flung Pathfinders. The wayfinder is a Society invention, though it owes its existence and underlying theory to a handful of Azlanti artifacts from which scholars reverse-engineered the underlying principles that power the devices. Within each wayfinder lies a fine wire lattice of precious metals that serves as a conduit for the compass’s magical energies. Many Pathfinders direct these energies in strictly utilitarian ways, such as to create light or invoke other minor effects. Those who own an ioun stone (Ultimate Equipment 305) can harness an even greater power: ioun resonance.

« 上次编辑: 2020-10-19, 周一 20:26:24 由 沉淪 »