作者 主题: 【DkT】游戏信息:使用NULL(p129-131)  (阅读 8295 次)

副标题: 空即是色,色即是空(大雾)

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« 于: 2020-03-27, 周五 16:09:01 »
游戏信息:使用NULL    Game Information:Using The Null Sect

谁是NULL?    Who are the NULL Sect?

劇透 -   :
The Null Sect are a type of sentient Matrix entity that have risen from the machine code interface of the Matrix. Though they are not “born” out of an already existing program or programmed by metahumans they are mechanically similar to AI, Agents, or IC programs in that they are essentially a type of computer program running in the Matrix. The Null are thematically more like Xenosapient AI than anything else. Because the Null are a part of the machine-code of the Matrix they were not created with the ability to interact with basic metahuman Matrix users. They are unable to communicate using any form of language other than computer languages, which means they cannot communicate outside of the Matrix. Inside the Matrix, though, they can make their language understandable to anyone using VR or AR, with instant translation into any known language. They use words carefully, but they can speak and communicate when they find it appropriate and useful.


劇透 -   :
While their passive and seemingly servile nature may make them seem benign, the Null are quietly carrying out their own agenda. They view non-emerged humans as the intended users of the Matrix and themselves as the inheritors of the long legacy of the Matrix. To the Null Sect, anything outside of this paradigm is an aberration that must be removed at all costs. This means that all AI and technomancers are marked for elimination by the Null Sect, a task they carry out with glee.


劇透 -   :
The reasoning for their hatred of Artificial Intelligence and the Emerged stems from two separate ideas: AI do not belong because they are a lingering malfunction caused by anomalies in metahuman user interfaces, and the Emerged do not belong because they are an inherently alien element within the Matrix. To the Null, AI are simply tools that were never meant to possess sapience and thus they should not be allowed to keep it. The Emerged, on the other hand, are foreign interlopers whose barbaric code has brought nothing but chaos into the Matrix since their arrival. Both groups have been responsible for crashing the Matrix in the past, and the Null believe it is their intended purpose to permanently rid the Matrix of these destabilizing elements.

社会结构    Social Structure

劇透 -   :
As beings created to function within the machine-code of the Matrix, the Null are completely alien in their social structures, and any attempt to compare it to a metahuman analogue is doomed to fail. They possess no understanding of the world beyond the Matrix, including physical and astral planes. Their society could best be described as a hive mind, though their complete lack of physiological needs ensures that this comparison will only take you so far. What is known about the Null is that they have a very strict hierarchy that consists of two major parts: Overseers and IC.

大部分情况下,NULLIC和标准IC在方式和功能上完全相同。(SR5 P247)这包括了盲目服从指令,它们的DP和对个人思想和情感的完全无能。因为他们在NULL社会内看起来有帮助(如果不是可拓展的)的角色,他们的社会等级是完全未知的。

劇透 -   :
For the most part, Null IC are nearly identical in form and function to standard IC (p. 247, SR5). This includes blindly following orders, their dice pools, and being completely incapable of individual thought or emotion. Because of their seemingly subservient (if not expendable) role within Null society, their social status is completely unknown.

监察者    Overseers
监察者是NULL神秘而具有智慧的领导人。监察者机械上和超智能AI(DT P145)相同,但有几个例外。第一,监察者是一个代理的一部分并且不需要拟构动作来在没有设备的情况下进行矩阵动作。这种等级带有代理的整合允许一个监察者在矩阵内的任何地方使用它的宿主机执行所有节点动作。(DT P113)(虽然可能会受到任何在主机外部的节点操作的负面调整)。作为拟构的替代,监察者可以使用他们的深度特质在一个战斗轮内来执行下述复杂动作中的一个:

劇透 -   :
Overseers are the intelligent and enigmatic leaders of the Null Sect. Overseers are mechanically identical to xenosapient AI (More than a Mook, p.145, Data Trails) with a few exceptions. First, Overseers are part of a host and do not need the Emulate action (p. 152, Data Trails) to perform Matrix actions without a device. This level of integration with a host allows an Overseer to perform all of the Node actions (Nodes and Node Actions, p.113, Data Trails) for its home host from anywhere in the Matrix (though suffer any negative modifiers that may apply to attempting node actions outside of the host). Instead of Emulation,Overseers can use their Depth attribute once per Combat Turn to perform one of the following Complex Actions:

增强   Fortify
劇透 -   :
Fortify: The Overseer can reduce Matrix damage taken by one deployed IC program for the rest of the Combat Turn. The damage reduction is equal to (Depth / 2, rounded up)DV.
恒久MARK   Lingering Mark
劇透 -   :
Lingering Mark: The Overseer can attempt to make their marks persist after a device (or Living Persona) has been rebooted by making an Electronic Warfare + Logic [Depth] v. Willpower + Firewall Opposed Test. Marks placed by the Overseer will remain on the device for (net hits) hours regardless of whether the device is rebooted. Lingering marks can still be detected with Matrix Perception and removed with the Erase Mark actions as normal.
目标锁定    Target Lock
劇透 -   :
Target Lock: The Overseer inflicts their (Depth / 2, rounded up) as a negative dice pool modifier to all Matrix Defense tests made by a single target for the rest of the Combat Turn
召集   Rally
劇透 -   :
Rally: Increase the initiative score of all deployed IC by an amount equal to the Overseer’s Depth attribute. Usable only once per Combat Turn.
增援   Reinforce
劇透 -   :
Reinforce: The Overseer is able to load two IC programs in a single Combat Turn. After this ability is used, another IC program cannot be loaded for (10 – Depth, minimum 2) Combat Turns. If the Overseer has a Depth attribute of 6 or more, they are able to load three IC programs instead of two.

B   A   R   S   W   L   I   C   ESS   EDG   D
-   -   -   -   4   5   3   3   6   2   6

劇透 -   :
— — — — 4 5 3 3 6 2 6
Initiative:8 + 1D6
Astral Initiative:8 + 3D6
Core Condition Monitor:11
Limits:Physical —, Mental 6, Social 6
Matrix Initiative (no device):6 + 4D6
Matrix Initiative (w/ device):3 + Data Processing + 4D6
Skills:Computer 4, Con 4, Cybercombat 6, Electronic
Warfare 5, Hacking 6, Intimidation 4, Software 4
Qualities:Bad Rep, Inherent Program (Exploit), Low Profile, Real World NaivetéPrograms Authority, Biofeedback, Cat’s Paw, Exploit (Inherent), Fnord, Hammer, Nyetworking, Psychotropic Biofeedback, Sneak

使用NULL    Using The NULL Sect

劇透 -   :
The Null Sect are not a direct threat to most Matrix users (yet), so the number of characters they are likely to target is in any campaign is fairly small. For groups with AI or Technomancer characters, the Null can make a terrifying enemy capable of stalking them in both the Matrix and meatspace. Gamemasters are encouraged to slowly ramp up feelings of being watched before any sort of attack occurs. Surprise encounters with the Null are most likely to occur within a Null-infected host, but users may unwittingly find themselves confronted by a Null on any grid up to several days after escaping an infected host.

NULL能力    NULL Sect Abilities

劇透 -   :
The Null have several unique abilities that they use to carry out their agenda. The abilities include the following:

主机感染    Host Infection

劇透 -   :
The Null can infect a host with their own control override software. This software, once installed in the Master Control node of a foundation, gives the Null complete control over all standard functions of the host and the ability to deploy unique types of IC. Installing this software requires a number of weeks equal to the rating of the host. The Null require this software to be loaded before they can leave the foundation, and it binds them to the host. The host that a Null comes from is its home host. The types of Null IC that a host can deploy are listed below; these IC are mechanically identical to standard IC and share all the same benefits and restrictions.

维持主机    Sustaining Hosts

劇透 -   :
Null Overseers and IC are capable of leaving their hosts to carry out operations or pursue fleeing intruders. Overseers are able to go anywhere in the Matrix for an unlimited amount of time. They use their own attributes and skill ratings for determining dice pools but they always use the Matrix attributes of their home host. Null IC can leave a host for a number of minutes equal to the rating of the home host plus the Depth rating of their Overseer.

信息链接    Information Link

劇透 -   :
All Null from the same host automatically share all information that would be the machine equivalent of thoughts and sensory information in the host network. Null may always communicate freely with each other, and Overseers can give any number of commands to deployed IC with a single Free Action. This link also allows the Overseers to use their unique Depth actions.

化身扫描    Persona Scanning

劇透 -   :
The Null can detect when a persona is not being directly generated by a Matrix device. This ability does not allow them to detect Resonance signatures directly, but it does allow them to detect AI and Resonance beings by noticing irregularities in their device metadata. If the Null can get at least 3 net hits on an Opposed Matrix Perception Test (p. 241, SR5), they can detect an AI (even if the AI is running on a device) or a Resonance being. They can also determine which type of entity they are observing and the Resonance or Depth rating of their target if they succeed. The target rolls their Logic + Sleaze to resist detection.

[00 000 000]”潜行者 IC”    “Stalker IC”
V. 直觉+防火墙
劇透 -   :
Attack: n/a, or Host Rating x 2 [Sleaze]
v. Intuition + Firewall
STALKER IC is similar to Patrol and Probe IC except that is always Running Silent (p. 235, SR5). Every Null infected host runs a STALKER alongside the standard Patrol IC with the two programs providing wider surveillance coverage or making Teamwork Tests on Matrix Perception Tests. Null infected hosts will have STALKERs attempt to place at least one mark on their targets before deploying more IC. STALKERs are also deployed outside of hosts to track down targets and mark them in anticipation of an ambush. Stalkers may also make use of the Snoop Action (p. 242, SR5) to provide surveillance for their overseer.

[0000 0000 0000]”谋杀者 IC”    “Murderer IC”
V. 直觉+防火墙
劇透 -   :
Attack: Host Rating x 2 [Attack]
v. Intuition + Firewall
A nasty combination reminiscent of Blaster and Black IC, MAURADER IC randomly crashes a program as it inflicts (Attack) DV Matrix damage, +1 DV per net hit and +2 DV per mark on the target, along with an equal amount of biofeedback damage. MAURADER IC does not link-lock targets.

[00000000000000]”工程兵 IC”    “Sapper IC”
V. 意志+设备等级(或者深度等级,对于没有设备的AI)
劇透 -   :
Attack: Host Rating x 2 [Attack]
v. Willpower + Device Rating (or Depth Rating for AI without devices)
This vicious blend of exploitative code lowers all Matrix Attributes by 1 if it gets 1 or more net hits on its attack. The reduction is cumulative and lasts until the device (or Living Persona) is rebooted.
« 上次编辑: 2020-10-31, 周六 18:06:49 由 WayneZst »

离线 厄火与葬礼女神

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Re: 【DkT】游戏信息:使用NULL(p129-131)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-10-29, 周四 14:02:53 »
The Overseer can reduce Matrix damage taken by one deployed IC program for the rest of the Combat Turn.
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-01, 周日 10:39:30 由 厄火与葬礼女神 »