作者 主题: 第三章:玩家选项-背景及职业  (阅读 33204 次)


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Re: 第三章:玩家选项-背景及职业
« 回帖 #10 于: 2021-04-14, 周三 16:58:12 »

劇透 -   :
The best thing about blood money is that it spends just as readily as any other kind of money.

劇透 -   :
Some fight to slake bloodlust. Others fight for the thrill of besting an enemy. Some fight for a code, a faith, or an ideal. But a true pragmatist fights only for coin, understanding that battle is a means to an end and not an end in itself. A fighter in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign often fights for money above all else, whether focusing on a primary role as a combat specialist or providing martial backup for the franchise as needs be.


劇透 -   :
Whether your intention is to end a target's threat or simply deliver a message (violently or otherwise), those around you can take comfort in knowing that when you take on a job, the job gets done. When your franchise loses its direction or collective nerve, you stand tall with the power of your convictions and an even more powerful assortment of weapons to keep things on track. If that sometimes inspires a need to crack some rival skulls, that's just the way of war. And if those skulls sometimes turn out to belong to people on your own side of the ledger, well, that's just business.
You are anything but reckless, however, recognizing the effort that goes into doing a job right. Berserkers flailing about the battlefield and challenging all comers have a certain amount of flamboyance, sure. But you can't spend the coin you've been promised for a job if the job leaves you dead.


劇透 -   :
No combat tactic is too down-and-dirty when your life and the welfare of your franchise are on the line. Smart fighters use any means necessary to gain the edge in battle, whether those tricks were learned from a long-gone drill instructor, first used by an opponent against you, or an original tactic perfected by long hours of training.


1 你是一位假摔大师,通过假装已经因为伤势丧失作战能力挑逗敌人来补刀,你不但可以保护队友,还可以让敌人见识你其实还剩下多少战斗力。
2 你腰包里随身会装一小袋盐或沙子,只要能让你的对手目盲,哪怕一瞬间,你也基本就要赢了。
3 你在战斗开始时会先用副手攻击,诱骗你的对手将攻击和防御都放在那边,然后瞅准时机迅速换成主手,让你的敌人猝不及防。
4 诅咒、谩骂、侮辱,你是一样不落,你喷向对手的那堆下流脏话,即使让食人魔蛮子都觉得尴尬。
5 你在战斗中一直和对面没完没了的唠叨,尽你所能的去分散他们的注意力或给他们洗脑,你猜有多少人在战斗中搞不清自己的鞋带开没开。
6 你有一个特制的腰包,专门用来在战斗最激烈时释放滚珠或铁蒺藜,迫使你的敌人同时躲避你的攻击和这些东西。
劇透 -   :
1 You are an expert at pretending you've been injured to the point where you can't possibly go on. By goading foes to finish you off, you keep your allies safe as you reveal how much fight you still have in you.
2 You always keep a small pouch of salt or sand at your belt. If you can blind an opponent, even momentarily, you can usually end a fight quickly.
3 You fight with your off hand at the start of a battle, so that your opponent sets their defenses and attacks to one side. Then you quickly switch hands at the most opportune moment, making your foe wonder what other tricks you might play.
4 Swearing, name-calling, political satire-you do it all. You make use of a range of down-and-dirty fighting epithets that would make an ogre barbarian blush.
5 You constantly converse with your opponents during the battle, doing whatever you can to distract them or get into their heads. It's surprising how many combatants enter a fight not knowing whether their boots have come untied.
6 You have a belt pouch specially made to release ball bearings or caltrops in the thick of the fight, forcing your enemies to avoid those hazards while fending off your blows.


劇透 -   :
It might seem ridiculous to say that your weapon, armor, or shield is your best friend and most stalwart companion- but you'll take that risk. lf you had to choose between entering a battle without your favorite combat gear or without the party's bard, Singy McLuteface can sit this one out. You and your equipment have got this.
Your piece of signature equipment is more than a tool that has never let you down. It lets others know who you are on the battlefield. Even when your features are obscured by the blood of the fallen, the dust of a welltrodden arena, or the fog of war, allies and enemies alike take notice when you stalk the battlefield.


1 手工打造的箭,箭头上刻有闪电的符号并会在射击时发出独特的哨声。
2 一面用巨龟壳打造的盾牌。
3 一对短剑和匕首,分别装饰的像食肉恐龙的上下牙。
4 一把头部造型类似矮人勇士飘逸长发的战斧。
5 一套由巨型节肢动物蜕下的几丁质外壳打造的护甲。
6 一双模仿大型猫科动物爪子造型的靴子。
7 一把将配重球做成手形状的剑,当你挥剑的时候看起来就像在和它握手。
8 一把看起来一头像巨人之拳、另一头像巨龙之颅的锤子。
9 一顶造型类似野兔脑袋的头盔,眼睛部位还镶有小钻石。
10 一张刻有月相图案的弓。
11 一把骨质刀柄的匕首,上面刻有磨损到无法辨认的神秘符号。
12 一个用臭鼬皮毛制成的背包。
劇透 -   :
1 Handcrafted arrows whose heads bear the mark of a lightning bolt, and which give a distinctive whistle when fired
2 A shield made from the shell of a giant turtle
3 A matching shortsword and dagger, decorated to look like the upper and lower jaws of a carnivorous dinosaur
4 A battleaxe with its head shaped like the flowing hair of a dwarf warrior
5 A suit of armor made from the discarded chitin of giant arthropods
6 A pair of boots fashioned to look like the paws of a large feline
7 A sword whose pommel is shaped in the form of a hand, so that you shake the hand when you wield it
8 A hammer forged to resemble a giant's fist on one side and a dragon's head on the other
9 A helmet shaped like the head of a hare, with tiny diamonds for eyes
10 A bow carved with images of the phases of the moon
11 Adagger with a handle made of bone, etched with worn and unreadable runes
12 A backpack made from the leather and fur of a skunk


劇透 -   :
When the battle is done, enemies and allies alike stare in awe at the sight of your personal ritual of celebration.


1 一支精心准备、用心编排的舞蹈。
2 啤酒!以及更多的啤酒!
3 从战败的敌人手里抢夺战利品。
4 创作一首颂扬你英勇的战斗技巧的诗。
5 在你的战绩毛毯上新增一格纪念图案。
6 在你最喜欢的武器或护甲上增添一个装饰图案。
7 付钱让镇上的公告员宣布你的胜利。
8 委托绘制一副纪念战斗场面的画作。
9 不带恶意的夸赞幸存的敌人做的不错。
10 没时间庆祝,你的战争是永恒的!
劇透 -   :
1 A finely honed, well-choreographed dance
2 Ale! And then more ale!
3 Seizing a trophy from a vanquished foe
4 Composing a poem extolling your valiant combat prowess
5 Adding a commemorative square to your battle quilt
6 Adding a decorative stencil to your favorite weapon or armor
7 Paying the town crier to proclaim your victory
8 Commissioning a painting of the battle
9 Praising surviving enemies for a job well done, no hard feelings
10 There is no time to celebrate, for your war is eternal!


劇透 -   :
To the uninitiated, fighters are the simpletons of the adventuring world, Railing away with their weapons while taking repeated blows to the head. But those folk know precious little about the specialties and subtleties of this class. Many flavors of fighter exist in the world. and all can fit into an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise in their own way.

离线 wmyth22

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Re: 第三章:玩家选项-背景及职业
« 回帖 #11 于: 2021-04-14, 周三 16:59:41 »

劇透 -   :
Some call the unseen energy flowing through all things "ki." I call it the invisible hand of the marketplace. Now let's negotiate your surrender.

劇透 -   :
Ki is a magical energy that fills the space between all things in the multiverse. Monks tap into that energy through spiritual and martial training, meditation. and contemplation. And punching and kicking. And more punching and kicking. And maybe a head-butt for good measure.
Monks in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign find a way to integrate a typical ascetic life with the grandeur, majesty, and over-the-top business focus of their franchise. History (real and fantasy) has shown that monasteries don't always shy away from engaging in profitable enterprises. As such, your Acquisitions Incorporated monk likely brings their old monastery's entrepreneurial spirit with them- along with new ideas to energize that spirit even more.


劇透 -   :
Part of your martial training as a monk sees you adopting a variety of stances during combat. These stances help focus your mind, confuse your enemies, and relieve that strain on your lower back.


1 失禁老人式:站直,双膝并拢。(极为适宜在排长队时保命)
2 腐臭蝰蛇式:平躺在地上。(试图躲藏时堪称完美)
3 沉重补丁式:摊成烂泥。(当你想假装喝多了时很有用)
4 受惊侏儒式:蜷缩成胎儿的样子。(非常适合用于遭到巨大伤害之前)
5 积极学生式:高举一只手站立。(当你想被人看到时好用)
6 吵闹酒仙式:伸直一只手做出敬酒的动作。(对于防止被掌掴特别实用)
7 强壮鸟妖式:边唱歌边疯狂扇动双臂。(鼓励人们远离你,同时也可以在夏天用来降温)
8 断裂桥面式:脸和膝盖贴地并撅起臀部。(降低正面的敌人能见度,并为盟友提供一个实用的滑梯)
劇透 -   :
1 Incontinent Elder- Standing straight, knees together (excellent for surviving those long queues)
2 Addled Adder- Lying flat on the ground (perfect when attempting to hide)
3 Ponderous Pudding- Collapsed in a heap (useful when trying to disguise yourself as a drunken fool)
4 Frightened Gnome- Curled in the fetal position (excellent when about to take a lot of damage)
5 Ambitious Student- Standing with one armed raised (useful when trying to be seen)
6 Boisterous Brewmaster-Hand raised as if making a toast (excellent at preventing being slapped)
7 Hardy Harpy-Arms flapping wildly while singing (inspires people to leave you alone, and good for cooling off on hot days)
8 Broken Bridge-Face down on the ground with knees bent and posterior up (reduces visibility to foes in front, and makes a useful ramp for allies to jump off)


劇透 -   :
The writings of famous monks of the past sometimes become holy texts that come to define entire monastic traditions. The monks of your monastery have dedicated their training and their lives to the insight gleaned from an ancient monastic tome.


1 《与神对赌》
2 《铸剑为犁》
3 《呋噜流诗集》
4 《妖怪也是人》
5 《未来预言》
6 《爱交际的隐士》
7 《公开发表的机密》
8 《无尽空白的摘要》
9 《有机日月食谱》
10 《生活是无尽的灾难,你打算怎么办?》
劇透 -   :
1 Gambling with the Gods
2 Plowshares into Swords
3 The Poetry of Flumphism
4 Monsters are People Too
5 Oracles of the Future
6 The Sociable Hermit
7 The Enigma of Air
8 The Compendium of Limitless Space
9 The Organic Sun and Moon Cookbook
10 Life is Endless Calamities, What Are You Going to Do About it?


劇透 -   :
Plenty of monasteries turn out business-minded monks. After all. it's not money that's the root of all evil: it's the love of money. So if you just like money- you know. as a friend- then it's all good! Many Acq Inc franchises actively try to recruit monks into entrepreneurship. knowing of their reputation for versatility both in and out of combat. lf you hail from a particularly profitable monastery, you won't need to be convinced of the benefits of a well-run business- you'll already be on board.


1 永恒之灵修道院(在蒸馏酒界久负盛名)
2 垂直拱门之家(制造上乘鞋类)
3 奇翎穹顶(羊皮纸、墨水、以及羽毛笔的制造商)
4 水晶堡垒(水晶杯和水晶饰品的制造商)
5 精算修道院(销售价格合理的保单的保险人)
6 热气之家(美味烧烤外卖)
7 圣人静修(定制研究服务)
8 任性葡萄修道院(葡萄酒酿造商)
9 蜘蛛之家静修(由黑暗精灵训练巨蜘蛛作为坐骑和伙伴)
10 神秘大厅(可以雇佣调查员)
劇透 -   :
1 Monastery of the Eternal Spirits (legendary distillers)
2 House of the Upright Arches (creators of quality footwear)
3 Dome of the Curious Quill (makers of parchment, ink, and writing quills)
4 Crystal Bastion (makers of crystal goblets and ornaments)
5 Monastery Actuary (underwriters of reasonably priced insurance policies)
6 House of Hot Ki (delicious barbecue take-out)
7 Sage's Retreat (custom research services)
8 Monastery of the Wayward Grape (vintners of fine wines)
9 Spider's House Retreat (drow trainers of giant spiders as mounts and companions)
10 Hall of Mysteries (investigators for hire)


劇透 -   :
The diversity of monk traditions makes those traditions different from each other in abilities as well as in attitude. And since an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise runs mostly on attitude, it's important for the philosophy of a monk's monastic tradition to mesh with the philosophy of the franchise.

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Re: 第三章:玩家选项-背景及职业
« 回帖 #12 于: 2021-04-14, 周三 17:01:07 »

劇透 -   :
My companions did what!? The screams could be heard from how far away!?

劇透 -   :
When many hear "paladin," they can't help but envision a knight in shining armor, helping innocent people in distress and living a life of utmost virtue and chastity. Yawn. In the world of Acquisitions Incorporated, at least some small part of a paladin's dedication is focused on the code of business. Morals and ethics are all good. But an Acq Inc paladin knows that nothing puts food on the plates of the poor and roofs over the heads of the dispossessed better than cold. hard cash.
And virtue and chastity are more guidelines than rules anyway. Right?


劇透 -   :
All life is sacred. Well, some lives are sacred. Okay, fine. The people you protect are sacred. On certain days, everyone else is negotiable. As an Acquisitions Incorporated paladin, you are dedicated to the protection of your fellow franchisees out of loyalty and duty- and because you can't earn all that sweet coin on your own.
In your role as the party's bodyguard, your unmatched training and sense of honor drive you to take untold risks as you put others' lives before your own. Your heavy armor is as fearsome as your heavy morals, and your healing ability, bonuses to saving throws, and lack of fear create a trifecta of comfort. Your natural leadership role also comes into play, as the squishier members of your party come to rely on your presence and protection.


劇透 -   :
Every character has a few private matters they'd rather not share, but the truth-and-honesty stakes usually aren't as high for others as they are for a paladin. If there's any extra drama in your life, chances are it stems from a terrible secret in your background that you need to constantly struggle to keep. What'll happen if your friends and allies learn of your dark past? How might a sadistic DM put pressure on you throughout the unfolding story to keep your secret at all costs?


1 在你立下神圣誓言之前,你无意中公然羞辱了一位好朋友,尽管他再也不愿意理你,你也依然发誓要想办法补偿他。
2 你年轻时曾使用别人的身份逃避法律的制裁,但很快就意识到这个身份比你本人要酷的多,如果任何人发现了你的真实身份,你将身败名裂。
3 你是一位因从领主手里偷了一大笔钱而被判有罪的贵族的孩子,如果你的身份被发现一定会被捕,但如果没有被发现则你将会继承一大笔遗产。
4 你曾加入一个因名称看起来像叛乱团伙而被查禁的组织,如果有人发现这件事,你就可能被误认为王国的公敌。
5 你曾与炼狱中的生物进行过一笔交易来避免麻烦或挽救另一位角色的性命,虽然关于你的欠债有关的资料暂时丢失了,但炼狱方面的代理人时不时会来告知你他们依然在积极处理当中。
6 你欠了一位健忘又迷糊的人一大笔钱,到目前为止他都没有要求你还钱,你也没想好自己到底该怎么办。
劇透 -   :
1 Before taking your paladin oath, you accidentally publicly humiliated a good friend. You have sworn to make it up to them, despite them wanting nothing to do with you.
2 You took another person's identity to escape the law in your younger days-and quickly came to realize that this person was far cooler than the real you. If anyone finds out your true identity, your reputation will suffer.
3 You were the child of nobles who were found guilty of stealing vast sums from their subjects. If your identity is discovered, you might be hunted down. But you might also be in line for a massive inheritance.
4 You once belonged to an organization that was eventually banned because a typo in its name made it appear seditious. If anyone discovers this, you run the risk of being mistaken for an enemy of the realm.
5 You made a deal with a fiendish creature to escape trouble or save another character's life. Emissaries of this fiend appear occasionally to tell you that the paperwork regarding the debt you owe is temporarily lost, but they're working on it.
6 You owe an enormous amount of money to a forgetful and amoral person. So far, that person has made no sign of wanting you to repay the debt, and you have no idea what to do about that.


劇透 -   :
When problems arise as a result of your franchise's operations- and clearly through no fault of your own- you fix those problems as only you can. You excel at remaining calm and attacking each challenge logically and deliberately. Especially comforting to your teammates is your insistence on using a witty catchphrase to raise their spirits in the midst of the greatest danger. Your companions take great pride in your catchphrase, even if they're too shy to admit it.


1 看来就这样了,让我们从头再来一遍。
2 想摆脱这群小菜我们只需要打破几个罐子就成!
3 看来麻烦快解决完了,我们先想想之后去哪度个假吧。
4 不过就是一场猫和老鼠的游戏罢了,我们把奶酪吃了去。
5 我们只需要打这点敌人?!
6 黎明前总是黑暗的,除非有满月,所以让我们来当这个满月吧!
7 我们可能打败,但我们不会打败!因为我说的第一个打败不是被动式!
8 “投降”是我的中间名,但那只是个小名而我则从来没使用过它!
劇透 -   :
1 Looks like this is the end. So let's go back to the beginning.
2 There's only one way out of this pickle, and that's by breaking a few jars!
3 Looks like trouble has some vacation time coming up. So let's book it a nice inn.
4 We've got a real game of cat and mouse here ... so it's time to eat some cheese.
5 Is that all I've got?!
6 It's always darkest before the dawn, except when the moon is full. So let's moon!
7 We might be beaten, but we're not beaten! Because "beaten" means different things in both those contexts!
8 "Surrender" is my middle name, but it was a family thing and I never use it!


劇透 -   :
The oath that you take (or break) as a paladin defines your character as a center of moral authority in the world. And that works just fine in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign, albeit with a few minor adjustments.
« 上次编辑: 2022-01-23, 周日 21:01:21 由 wmyth22 »

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Re: 第三章:玩家选项-背景及职业
« 回帖 #13 于: 2021-04-14, 周三 17:02:31 »

劇透 -   :
All that is gold does not glitter. But frankly, if you've got the choice, take the glittering gold every time. That nonshiny stuff loses a ton of resale value.

劇透 -   :
Loving nature, exploring the wilderness, companioning with animals: most people wouldn't view these things as obvious assets for the rough-and-tumble business of running an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. But most people are wrong about everything. Few Acq Inc franchises set their roots or undertake all their business in urban areas. As such. countless adventures will call a franchise into the wilds. where a qualified ranger makes the difference between forlorn failure and fabulous success. Even when a franchise engages in commerce in the cities and towns of the realm, a ranger's keen senses, sharp blades. and flesh-seeking arrows will never find lack of use.


劇透 -   :
The notion of being a defender is core to your identity as a ranger. As a member of Acquisitions Incorporated, you channel your natural proclivity for protectiveness into a razor-sharp focus on the franchise. Pure profit is never an end in and of itself, but whatever deep-seated personal goals you only ever talk about in the dead of night over a dying fire, those goals need financing.
Your role as a defender and a controller of problems makes you a natural leader for sure. Your sense of selflessness and integrity can help shape and guide the more unscrupulous business plans of your allies. Likewise, the other members of your franchise might panic when that crate of figurines of wondrous power you acquired turns out to all be self-activating obsidian steeds. But you bave the steady nerves and earnest resolve to revert and revise any pear-shaped plans.


劇透 -   :
The balance of nature is no less strong within civilization than it is in the wilds, and the streets and sewers of towns and cities are their own thriving ecosystem. As a ranger who spends part of your time in urban settings, you quickly learn to seek out the companionship of some of the many beasts that inhabit those settings.


1 老鼠。
2 鸽子。
3 臭鼬。
4 乌鸦。
5 浣熊。
6 负鼠。
7 蛇。
8 蟾蜍。
9 巨甲虫。
10 蜥蜴。
劇透 -   :
1 Rat
2 Pigeon
3 Skunk
4 Crow
5 Raccoon
6 Possum
7 Snake
8 Toad
9 Giant beetle
10 Lizard


劇透 -   :
Your instinctive ability to blend into the natural background has applications even outside the wilderness. During business meetings with rivals or attempts to play nice with the nobility, being forbidden from carrying weapons doesn't slow you down. Whether you channel your enemies' impending destruction through mundane equipment, thoughtful gifts, or a packed lunch. you and your improvised weapons are always ready for action.


1 一个烤巨鸟腿。(巨棒,如有断骨则为长剑)
2 一长条放干的面包。(硬头锤)
3 一件只剩一根弦的乐器。(短弓)
4 一只流行运动中用到的球拍。(手斧或战斧)
5 一根金属尖的拐杖。(巨剑或矛)
6  一大瓶葡萄酒。(硬头锤,如被敲碎则为短剑)
劇透 -   :
Object (Improvised Weapon)
1 The roasted drumstick of a huge bird (greatclub; longsword if a shard of bone is broken off)
2 A long loaf of stale bread (mace)
3 A musical instrument missing all but one string (shortbow)
4 A racket used in a popular sport (handaxe, battleaxe)
5 A metal-tipped crutch (greatsword, spear)
6 A large bottle of wine (mace, shortsword if shattered)


劇透 -   :
As you do those rangery things you do. you've had the opportunity to travel to many exotic and exciting locales. But there's one place you just keep coming back to.


1 小镇以北几小时路程的一个秘密海湾,你知道那是海盗们的聚集地。
2 警卫室下面的下水道系统。
3 你的家乡,一个古朴的定居点,你把冒险获得的东西大部分都送回了那里。
4 一只由商人和雇佣兵组成的不断沿固定路线在大陆中穿行的大篷车队。
5 一座曾为黑暗神而建造,现在却已长期荒废的神庙。
6 你的游侠导师的长眠之处。
7 一家名为“戈特·乔克尔的痛苦服饰”的黑市,毫不避讳的出售你能想到的最不合法的商品。
8 一座无名的山丘,山里有一座会在午夜出现而又在黎明消失的坍塌的塔。
劇透 -   :
Point of Interest
1 A secret cove a few hours' north of town that is a known meeting spot for pirates.
2 A sewer system underneath the local guardhouse.
3 The quaint settlement where you grew up, and where you send most of what you earn adventuring.
4 A caravan of merchants and sellswords that follows a regular route across the land.
5 A temple built to honor a dark god, long abandoned.
6 The final resting place of the ranger who trained you.
7 The shady market known as Gort Jorkle's Afflicted Finery. openly and proudly selling the most illegal things imaginable.
8 An unnamed hill where a ruined tower appears at midnight, then vanishes again at dawn.


劇透 -   :
No matter whether a ranger ranges in the crowded city streets, the trackless wilderness, or the most desolate and confounding planes, all ranger archetypes can find a place in an Acquisitions Incorporated campaign.
« 上次编辑: 2022-01-23, 周日 21:04:49 由 wmyth22 »

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Re: 第三章:玩家选项-背景及职业
« 回帖 #14 于: 2021-04-14, 周三 17:03:38 »

劇透 -   :
I know you went through all those documents pretty quickly. And now you're probably asking yourself. "Wait ... did I sign six addenda or only five?" So you've got to ask yourself one question. "Do I feel properly contractually represented?" Well? Do you. punk?

劇透 -   :
A rogue is often the backbone of any successful adventuring party, providing an ample amount of martial prowess, a diverse skill set. and a pat on the back for a job well done (with or without a dagger in it). In an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise, a rogue's talents are even more in demand. Not only is the rogue the first one into the dragon's lair and the last one out (after securing away the choicest bits of treasure first), but their keen eye for details and their practiced social skills make them equally invaluable in the boardrooms, the tap rooms, and the back alleys where business gets done.


劇透 -   :
In the world of Acquisitions Incorporated, dangers are as likely to be contractual as physical. Avoiding a trap's pressure plate in a dungeon is good. Avoiding an awkward social situation might be even more important. Explosive runes warding a treasure chest go off once, maybe no one spotted them. big deal. But a rogue who notices a carefully worded legal trap in a contract can save their franchise from lasting harm- and a rogue who can insert such details into someone else's contract is worth their weight in performance bonuses.


劇透 -   :
Every rogue has a story about that one big score. With enough ales and a bit of prompting, you can easily be convinced to tell the tale, highlighting all the drama and derring-do. But the tale is so much better for the telling if you can highlight it with visual aids.
You carry a trophy from that big score, which you pull out when the occasion demands or when you need a reminder of your own skill and luck. Sure. if anyone found the item on you, there's a good chance you could be arrested and convicted of the crime that procured it. But that's part of the excitement. right?


1 一条贵族情妇的手帕,上面绣有两人的姓名及约会的时间地点,完美的敲诈素材。
2 你从富裕地区的城堡厨房中偷来的一只银质高脚杯,上面依然散发着你偷它时盛放的葡萄酒的香味。
3 从皇家法师胸前口袋中偷出的一支金色钢笔。
4 当你从市长的庄园中偷窃完贵重物品准备撤离时被迫剪下的一块编织复杂的窗帘。
5 一只白爪灰猫,它曾经是富商家孩子的宠物并差点破坏了你的伪装,现在它已经学会了在需要的时候保持安静,并且非常善于捕鼠。
6 从城中大理石喷泉上掉下来的一尊芭蕾舞演员雕像,你因为这件事被永久禁止进入那座城市。
7 一枚钻石装饰的蛇形翻领别针,是你精心潜入一场游园会之后从一位贵族的胸前悄悄摘走的。
8 从一名拒绝为你修理宝剑的粗鲁铁匠手里偷来的纯金圣锤。
9 欧格玛神庙中偷出的满满一瓶魔药,上面还写着“紧急情况饮用”,到目前为止你还没遇上过这么紧急的时候。
10 秘术师之塔中的一面破碎的镜子,有时它的碎片中会显示出来自另一个地方的光芒。
劇透 -   :
1 The handkerchief of a noble's paramour, with their in itials sewn into it as well as the date and the place the gift was given. Perfect blackmail fodder.
2 A silver goblet from the kitchens of a castle in a wealthy land. It still smells of the wonderful burgundy that was in it when you stole it.
3 A gold-tipped fountain pen stolen from the breast pocket of a royal wizard.
4 A piece of intricately woven curtain you had to cut to escape a mayor's manor after stealing their valuables.
5 A gray cat with white feet, once the pet of a rich merchant's spoiled child. She almost blew your cover. Now she knows when to keep quiet, and she's great at catching mice.
6 A small statue of a ballerina, broken off from a marble fountain in a city from which you're now banned.
7 A serpentine lapel pin set with tiny diamonds, which you slipped off the chest of a noble whose fete you finessed your way into.
8 The solid-gold hammer holy symbol of that one rude blacksmith who refused to fix your sword.
9 A full potion bottle from the temple of Oghma, marked "Drink in case of emergency." So far, no one has dared you to drink it.
10 A cracked mirror from a mystic's tower, which sometimes shows you a glint of another realm in one of its shards.


劇透 -   :
Many rogues learn their initial skill set through the school of necessity, forced to steal or kill to survive. More advanced talents, however, are generally taught through one of the many criminal guilds that crop up in towns and cities throughout the land. As an Acquisitions Incorporated rogue, you definitely left your guild in order to join a franchise, for no rogue can serve two masters. At least not officially.


1 翻滚饺子:全部由半身人组成的行会,掩护身份是杂技演员。
2 焦黑的鹰:公开的经营范围是一家知名的清洁服务公司。
3 奉承屠夫:以出售来源不明的特价肉而闻名。
4 亵渎盗贼:会在犯罪现场留下猥亵的名片。
5 不死游侠:虽然打着这个名号但其中既没有不死生物也没有游侠。
6 忠诚者:非常讽刺的是这里以惊人的违约率闻名。
7 强壮秃鹫:利用飞行魔法从事特殊工作。
8 奎克&佛瑞德:所有人的化名都是佛瑞德。
劇透 -   :
1 The Tumble Dumplings, an all-halfling guild whose cover identities are acrobats
2 The Char Hawks, whose front operation is a well known cleaning service
3 The Flattering Butchers, known for their sales of discount meat of unknown provenance
4 The Profane Pilferers, who leave lewd calling cards at the scenes of their crimes
5 The Undead Rangers, whose cover is that they have nothing to do with rangers or the undead
6 The Loyalists, ironically known for breaking contracts at an alarming rate
7 The Robust Vultures, who make use of flying magic for specialty jobs
8 The Quick and the Fred, who all use "Fred" as an alias


劇透 -   :
Each of the many archetypes of the rogue offers a variety of features that can prove a boon to any Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. You might enjoy making a scene, or you might prefer to pass unseen. You might eliminate your foes in the most public way possible, or prefer to deal with all problems behind closed (and preferably soundproofed) doors. Either way, your talents make you the invaluable linchpin of your franchise's operations.

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Re: 第三章:玩家选项-背景及职业
« 回帖 #15 于: 2021-04-14, 周三 17:04:57 »

劇透 -   :
Yes, that's a fine idea. We should totally put that to a vote. Hey, that's weird- my hands are starting to glow. ls anyone else seeing that?

劇透 -   :
A sorcerer's use of magic runs the range from chaotic to catastrophic- which suits the style of many Acquisitions Incorporated franchises alarmingly well. When a loud and emphatic marketing statement needs to be made using magic, trust a sorcerer to do the talking. And with natural charisma powering their magic, a sorcerer also makes a good public face for a franchise, with their darker or more chaotic tendencies either hidden or amplified depending on need.


劇透 -   :
Your natural charisma makes you the obvious choice to be the leader of your franchise. Others look to you constantly for inspiration, even if they're afraid to show it. And that's a good fit for you. because if you can tell others what to do and have them listen to you. it's easier to give the most dangerous frontline tasks to them while you cast from the back and reap the rewards.
With great profit comes great responsibility. however, and it's important to let the other members of your franchise know that they have a place where their opinions matter. lt's a place beneath you, sure, but good ideas often trickle upward. It's surprising how often a suggestion made by an underling turns out to be exactly what you were planning on thinking all along. And your understanding of chaos tells you it's easier by far to deal with the so-called law when you have a strong team at your back. Or, even better, at your front, so they're the ones drawing attention to themselves if things go bad.


劇透 -   :
All sorcerers rely on an arcane focus through which they channel their magic, but traditional focuses lack a singular style. Staffs. orbs, wands, blah, blah. You like to do things differently.


1 一只用假宝石做眼睛的毛绒黄鼠狼。
2 一枚在你注视时会闪闪发光的罕见金币。
3 一个印有你自己肖像的铜质皮带扣。
4 一副镜片颜色会随你所释放的法术学派变化的银质眼镜
5 一条保存完好并且你和周边所有生物都觉得闻起来很美味的香肠。
6 一把被注视时会突然发出巨响的金口琴。
7 一颗偶尔会眨眼吐舌头的干瘪侏儒头。
8 一把雕刻成泰拉斯奎巨兽形状的马球锤。
9 一瓶你每次看时都会变色的药剂。
10 一根鹿鹰的鹿茸,用仙女的头发和皮克精的魔粉做为装饰。
劇透 -   :
1 A stuffed weasel with fake diamonds for eyes
2 A rare gold coin that sparkles as you cast
3 A copper belt buckle created in your own likeness
4 A pair of silver spectacles whose lenses change color based on the school of spell you're casting
5 A well-preserved sausage that smells delicious to you and any other creature nearby
6 A gold harmonica that cranks out a dramatic tune when you cast
7 A shrunken gnome head that blinks and sticks its tongue out occasionally
8 A polo mallet carved in the shape of the tarrasque
9 A flask of liquid that changes color each time you cast
10 The antler stub of a peryton, decorated with nymph hair and pixie dust


劇透 -   :
When you cast a spell, you go all in, channeling that magic through body and soul. Often, leftover magic from a casting manifests as a residual effect that can build up over repeated uses of your spelIs and cantrips. Some residual effects are subtle. Others are obvious to the point of distraction. But any such effect might eventually become a kind of spellcasting signature, ensuring that everyone knows the tenor of your magic as well as they know your name.


1 一种恶心程度比战蜥人分泌物略低的味道时不时从你身上散发。
2 你的嗓音会随机的比正常声音高三个八度或低三个八度。
3 你的头发颜色会改变一小时,如果你没有头发则会在一小时长出银发,之后再脱落。
4 偶尔你的言行举止让人以为你烂醉如泥。
5 一分钟内你的眼睛会循环发出红蓝绿三种颜色的光芒。
6 有时当你对其他生活造成伤害后,你身边虚空中会有一个声音大喊道“呸!”
7 你的眼睛和耳朵中会短暂的滴落出血迹。
8 你的指甲上会长出扭曲的爪子,会在十分钟后或你碰触任何东西之后脱落。
9 间歇性地,你施法所需的任何姿势成分会变成剧烈的咳嗽。
10 一分钟内你会比正常情况下高六寸或矮六寸。
劇透 -   :
1 A smell just slightly less noxious than troglodyte musk wafts off you from time to time.
2 At random, your voice shifts three octaves higher or lower than normal.
3 Your hair changes color for 1 hour. If you don't have hair, you grow silver hair that lasts for 1 hour, then falls out.
4 At random, your speech and movement suggest that you are blind drunk.
5 Your eyes glow for 1 minute, cycling intermittently through red, blue, and green.
6 Sometimes when you deal damage to a creature, a disembodied voice near you shouts out, "Boo yah!"
7 Blood momentarily drips from your ears and eyes.
8 Your fingernails grow out to gnarled talons. This new growth falls off after 10 minutes or if you touch something.
9 Intermittently, any somatic components for spells you cast take the form of violent coughing.
10 For 1 minute, you are 6 inches shorter or taller than normal.


劇透 -   :
Each sorcerer draws their power from different sources, based on their lineage or their connection to the multiverse. Your own lineage defines much about your place in the world and your approach to magic, and can help you establish your connection to your Acquisitions Incorporated franchise.

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Re: 第三章:玩家选项-背景及职业
« 回帖 #16 于: 2021-04-14, 周三 17:06:57 »

劇透 -   :
No.you don't understand. My magic exists outside of any known reality. I wield the power of an entity that dwells beyond space and time. Clearly, none of the profits created by that magic are taxable in this realm.

劇透 -   :
A warlock can be an authoritative asset to an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise, as their known association with powerful otherworldly forces makes for a great starting point in tough business negotiations. Likewise, a warlock's pact is the definitive binding contract, providing a unique insight into matters of debt and obligation.
The only thing you need to watch out for is making sure your work-life balance is in order. You want to be seen by your staff as the suave, fashionable master of your franchise's occult services. not the creepy weirdo with the glowing eyes always chuckling maniacally to yourself. As convenient as it might seem. remember that interns are not automatically potential sacrifices. Always check the individual contract first.


劇透 -   :
Being beholden to a strange, otherworldly entity gives you a certain style that none can match. Sometimes this style takes the form of an interesting quirk that makes you the memorable master of the dark arts you are.


1 你每顿饭都必须吃掉大量的生洋葱。
2 当你陷入紧张的状况时,你每说四个字就要大喊用词。
3 每当你认真倾听时,你的第二对耳朵就会不停的出现又消失。
4 你无法接受直接触摸贵重物品,必须要先带上手套才行。
5 在你洗手或洗澡时,除非烫的吓人,不然你都会觉得水是冰凉的。
6 你必须粗暴的掴一些生物之后才能睡个好觉。
7 除非你的衣服有华丽的对比色或华丽的图案,不然你总会觉得不舒服。
8 当你施法时,你的言语或姿势成分必须带着一点淫秽。
9 你的头发长的飞快以至于你必须在每次短休或长休中理发。
10 当别人用真名叫你时,你总会责怪他们是在把你的真名告诉它们。
劇透 -   :
1 Every meal you eat must involve copious amounts of raw onions.
2 When you are in a stressful situation, you shout every fourth word you speak.
3 You have a second set of ears that emerge and retract whenever you are actively listening.
4 You can't bear lo touch anything valuable without wearing gloves.
5 When you wash or bathe, anything less than uncomfortably hot water feels cold to you.
6 You have to slap some creature roughly before you can get a good night's sleep.
7 You're just not comfortable unless your clothing features garishly contrasting colors or patterns.
8 When you cast a spell, the verbal or somatic component must involve a mild obscenity.
9 Your hair grows so quickly that you must cut it during every short or long rest.
10 When people call you by your correct name, you constantly admonish them by telling them your correct name.


劇透 -   :
As a warlock, you bring every dark aspect of your dark path and darker calling to bear darkly on your franchise's operations. Wrapping yourself in mysterious defensive power or tagging an enemy in the face with eldritch blast are just as valuable for corporate espionage as for tomb raiding.
How you present yourself to the world at large is often a subtle reflection of your patron. Being a member of an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise means you have no trouble wearing suitable business apparel to make the right impression. But whether that stylish suit is made from fine Calimshan silk or the flayed skin of fiends is totally up to you.


劇透 -   :
There's an old Luskan saying: "They could sell water to a sahuagin and it would come back for a refill." And that's you in a nutshell- using the connections of your pact to sell your skills . your services, and your legend. The right people need to hear about you, and the wrong people need to be completely unaware of your existence. A good motto for yourself (and your franchise, if the other characters are worthy) can be the difference between wasted days in endless taverns waiting for opportunities, and constantly filling your bag of holding with the sweetest loot.


1 “我不算账,我直接跟人‘算账’。”
2 “我是利润的先知,我有一个关于成功的预言。”
3 “胜利是最好的香水,而我闻起来香气扑鼻。”
4 “你的珍宝就是我的生意。”
5 “凡人才会犯错,我可不会。”
6 “比起琢磨花哨的座右铭我宁可直接完成工作。”
劇透 -   :
1 "I don't break even; I get even."
2 "I'm the prophet of profit, and I've got a prediction for success."
3 "Victory is the finest perfume, and I smell delightful."
4 "Your treasure is my business."
5 "To err is human, so I'm not."
6 "I get the job done rather than thinking up fancy mottos."


劇透 -   :
No matter what your pact, the process of binding yourself to power has prepared you well for life in an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise. Gathering secret information from the operatives of rival organizations, a bit of well-timed sabotage on some manufacturing equipment, or intimidating contractors into turning their backs on a rival are all regular business for an Acq Inc warlock.

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Re: 第三章:玩家选项-背景及职业
« 回帖 #17 于: 2021-04-14, 周三 17:08:32 »

劇透 -   :
Yes, I can getyou inside that vault. I can locate that secret treasureyou·re all hyped up about. I can getyou out with no collateral damage. I'm fine ifyou care less about the "no collateral damage" thing. Now letsget down to business.

劇透 -   :
The utility that a wizard brings to an Acquisitions Incorporated operation is obvious to franchise members, staff, clients, and rivals alike. Defensive spells, arcane travel rituals, eldritch utility magic- a wizard does it all. Plus, they'll blow things up when needed. And not surprisingly, things in an Acq Inc campaign need to get blown up a lot.
It's easy to make the case that arcane magic is the most valuable component in any franchise business plan or strategic road map. And as a wizard, you're the premium vendor of advantageous arcane services. Just make sure that staff and intern contracts have strong language regarding the risk of friendly fire. But in the small print, way down there at the bottom.


劇透 -   :
Though wizard encompasses a single class. the study of arcane magic lends itself to a broad range of specialization. As such. it's not enough to simply dedicate yourself to being the best wizard you can be. It's about figuring out which wizardly path best addresses your franchise's potential needs.
Enchanters and illusionists in the service of a franchise can boggle the minds of enemies and allies. Transmuters, conjurers, and necromancers ensure that franchise members always have the right tool or monster for the job. Abjurers and diviners can help avoid catastrophic events before they happen. And evokers and war mages? No one needs to be reminded of the simple yet devastating majesty of a fireball spell. Well, they don't need to be reminded more than once.


劇透 -   :
Your use of magic is always clean and precise. Still, tapping directly into the Weave to reshape reality or burn it to the ground has an eventual effect on the mind, and your sleep is often haunted by a recurring nightmare whose indelible images you cannot shake.


1 你站在悬崖顶端看着海中浮现一只似乎能毁灭世界的海怪,开始用每只触手中的毛刷在你周围乱涂乱画,你无法躲开它的追踪,但总能在被刷到颜色之前醒来。
2 你梦到在一张纸上漫步,纸上用各种语言写满了“蛋壳”,其中还包含一些你不认识的语言。
3 你正在开一场职业生涯中最重要的发布会,而你用来制造各种华丽视觉特效的魔法却失控了,现在观众眼中的你除了一条围巾之外一丝不挂。
4 一名特许经营机构中的员工收到了一笔巨额馈赠并申请离职,而一张你签名的纸条显示你前一天从公司账户上提取了同样多的一笔钱,但你对此没有任何印象。
5 你感觉有羽毛在轻轻地咯吱你,抬头后却发现是一只蛇鸡兽在你胸口梳妆打扮。
6 你的所有口袋都开裂了,但你无法让自己停止往里放进贵重物品,只能不停的重复掉出来、捡起来、再装进去的流程。
劇透 -   :
1 You stand atop a cliff as an apocalyptic sea monster emerges and begins painting the world around you with a brush in each tentacle. You cannot escape its attention, but wake up just before you are recolored.
2 You dream about walking on pieces of paper, each of which is scribed with the word "eggshells." This is written in multiple languages, some of which you can't read.
3 You are giving the most important presentation of your career, and the magic you are using to create an impressive visual display has gone haywire. It now displays an illusory image of you wearing nothing but a strategically placed scarf.
4 A franchise staff member has gained a huge inheritance and retired. A note signed by you indicates that you withdrew the same huge amount of cash from company accounts the day before, but you have no memory of doing so.
5 You feel the pleasant tickling of feathers, then look up to find a cockatrice preening on your chest.
6 All your pockets have been torn open, but you can't stop placing valuable objects in them. Each time an object falls out of a pocket, you pick it up, then put it in a pocket again.


劇透 -   :
Over the long years of study it took you to become a wizard, the arcane master you studied under left an indelible mark on you. Possibly a physical one. Kind or cruel, exacting or eccentric, this teacher shaped you during your apprentice days in profound and probably disturbing ways. Whether a typical mage wearing a pointy hat and dwelling in a remote tower, a bespectacled bookworm lurking in a dusty library. or an eldritch maniac with personal habits you're not comfortable talking about, your master made you the wizard you are today.


1 菲里亚·福乔:半精灵防护师,她烤的小蛋糕能当药水吃。
2 奥格加:沉默的半兽人预言师,她用石头把失败的学生都砸死了。
3 兰普勒·里克斯:侏儒变化师,住在桥下并为甜菜糖和花生蜂蜜工作。
4 梅尔娜·罗西伯恩顿伯里维尔夫人:238岁的槌球运动员兼塑能师,以及第一、二、三、五、六次巨魔战争的英雄(第四次她在休产假)
5 弗恩斯坦·德洛克伯恩:地底侏儒口技演员兼咒法师,带着他的“笨蛋”文森罗伊——穿着木偶服装的亲密小傀儡。
6 洛·哈特:提夫林幻术师兼鞋匠,他和魔鬼交易的传言提供了许多“靴子修好,灵魂坏掉”的笑话。
7 “兔子”雷尼:为胡萝卜痴狂的半身人附魔师,你当他徒弟时吃了太多胡萝卜,从此看见就反胃。
8 西尔维斯特·德拉古:人类死灵师,他最宝贝的东西是一副过去学生给他画的肖像画,据说完美的捕捉到了他眼睛的绿色,但其实肖像的眼睛是血红色的,没人告诉西尔维斯特他是个色盲。
劇透 -   :
1 Philia Fjor, a half-elf abjurer who baked cupcakes that functioned as potions.
2 Oghhga, a mute half-ore diviner who beat her unsuccessful students to death with rocks.
3 lmpler Rickys, a gnome transmuter who lived under a bridge and worked for candied beets and honey peanuts.
4 Dame Melna Rothburntonberryville, a 238-year-old elf croquet player and evoker, and hero of the first, second, third, fifth, and sixth Troll Wars. (She was out on maternity leave during the fourth.)
5 Fernstern Drockburn, a deep gnome ventriloquist and conjurer, and his "dummy" Vinceroy, an imp familiar in a puppet suit.
6 Loa Hatt, a tiefling illusionist and cobbler, whose rumored dealings with devils led to many jokes about fixing soles while destroying souls.
7 Reni the Hare, a halfling enchanter with an odd fondness for carrots. You ate a lot of carrots as an apprentice. You don't much like carrots anymore.
8 Sylvester Delague, a human necromancer whose greatest possession was a portrait painted by an ex-student, said to capture his green eyes perfectly. In truth, Sylvester was color-blind, and the portrait's eyes are bloodshot red. No one ever told him.


劇透 -   :
With so many schools of magic available to wizards, each type of specialization brings a different set of skills and strengths to a franchise. Your chosen school can help define your ro le in the business. as well as your fellow franchise members' expectations for you.

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Re: 第三章:玩家选项-背景及职业
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