作者 主题: [P.031]耶各Jergal  (阅读 3006 次)

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« 于: 2017-07-10, 周一 15:36:15 »




  (万物终结之主[Lord of the End of Everything],宿命的抄录者[Scribe of the Doomed],水晶塔的管家[Seneschal of the Crystal Spire],被遗忘者[the Forgotten One],无悯者[the Pitiless One])

  哈迪斯半神力(从前强大)[Demipower(formerly Greater) of Hades],

  神职PORTFOLIO:宿命论[Fatalism],死亡的秩序[order in death],正式的葬礼[proper burial],守墓人[guardian of tombs],死者名讳的保管者[protector of the names of the dead]
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:奥伊诺斯/水晶塔[Oinos/Crystal Spire]
  主神SUPERIOR:凯兰沃(从前希瑞克,更早米尔寇)[Kelemvor(formerly Cyric,and previous to that Myrkul)]
  盟友ALLIES:阿曼纳塔(现今消逝)[Amaunator(now dead)]
  徽记SYMBOL:一副无下颚的头骨和一支搁在纸卷上的羽毛笔[A jawless skull and a writing quill resting on a scroll]
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE
【右图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

  耶各[Jergal](读作JER-gull),万物终结之主[Lord of the End of Everything],他负责记录所有亡者灵魂的最终下场。他是位致力于维系死亡秩序的、秉持宿命论的送葬人,他预见到了永恒并侵蚀着所有事物生命的终结。耶各致力于对这个世界缓步陷入死亡的命运进行有序之记述。除了个别研究远古历史的贤者外,甚至几乎没有凡人了解耶各的存在。
Jergal(JER-gull),Lord of the End of Everything,is responsible for keeping records on the final disposition of all the spirits of the dead. He is the fatalistic undertaker who strives for order in death,anticipating the ever-encroaching termination of all things living. Jergal strives for an orderly accounting of the fate of the world as it slowly sinks into death. Few mortals are even aware of Jergal's existence except for a few sages studying ancient history.

  耶各是米尔寇[Myrkul]之前的一任死亡之主[Lord of the Dead],虽然在许多个世纪前,他显然是自愿地将这个位置让渡给了白骨之主[the Lord of Bones]。一些贤者相信耶各在那时同样握有巴尔[Bhaal]和班恩[Bane]的神职,并被幸存的耐瑟瑞尔人[the Netherese]作为纳卡撒[Nakasr]来崇敬。在下台后,耶各成为了骸骨城堡的管家[the Seneschal of Bone Castle],协助米尔寇履行他的职责。在过去的若干世纪里,耶各变成了被遗忘者[the Forgotten One],淡入了米尔寇的影子。
Jergal was Myrkul's predecessor as Lord of the Dead,although he apparently voluntarily relinquished that position to the Lord of Bones many centuries ago. Some sages believe Jergal held the portfolios of Bhaal and Bane at that time,as well,and was venerated as Nakasr by the Netherese survivor states. After stepping down from his position,Jergal became the Seneschal of Bone Castle,assisting Myrkul in the execution of his duties. In the intervening centuries,Jergal has become the Forgotten One and faded into Myrkul's shadow.

  耶各未在动荡之年[the Time of Troubles]中扮演任何角色,不过当希瑞克[Cyric]接替米尔寇成为死亡之主时,这位宿命的抄录者[Scribe of the Doomed]继续担任着骸骨城堡的管家[the Seneschal of Bone Castle]。耶各超越常理的本质令其绝对忠诚于当前的死亡之主,而不管是谁拥有那个职务。然而,从耶各在希瑞克任期时的行为来看,虽然耶各毫无疑问地完全忠于死亡之主这个职务,但如果在任者未能忠于这一岗位的职责,他会在暗中灵活而巧妙地颠覆现任在职者。
Jergal played no part in the Time of Troubles,but when Cyric succeeded Myrkul as Lord of the Dead,the Scribe of the Doomed continued to serve as the Seneschal of Bone Castle. A core component of his very being makes Jergal absolutely loyal to the current Lord of the Dead,regardless of who holds that office. From Jergal's actions during Cyric's tenure,however,it is apparent that while Jergal is utterly loyal to the office of Lord of the Dead,he does have the freedom to subtly undermine the current officeholder if she or he is not true to the position's responsibilities.

  耶各似乎认为与新任的死亡之主凯兰沃[Kelemvor]一道工作远比与其他人更令自己满意。通过保持对所有进入水晶塔[the Crystal Spire]——凯兰沃建立在骸骨城堡废墟上的新寓所——人员的详细记录,被遗忘者作为管家侍奉着死亡审判官[the Judge of the Damned]。耶各有可能将在对凯兰沃的服务中恢复他过去的一些声望,但有同样的可能性,水晶塔的管家[the Seneschal of the Crystal Spire]将在成功为他的旧职务找到合适的继承者后,让他的自我进入死亡。不管如何,除了记录它们的最终命运外,宿命的抄录者对于生命几乎没有明显的兴趣。
Jergal seems to find working with Kelemvor,the new Lord of the Dead,much more to his personal satisfaction. The Forgotten One serves the Judge of the Damned as seneschal by maintaining careful records of all who enter the Crystal Spire,Kelemvor's new abode built on the rubble of the Bone Castle. It is possible that Jergal will regain some of his former prominence serving Kelemvor,but it is equally likely that the Seneschal of the Crystal Spire will pass on into death himself,having found a suitable successor to his old position. Regardless,the Scribe of the Doomed has little apparent interest in the living save for recording their final fates.

  耶各依然保持着起源于耐瑟瑞尔帝国鼎盛时期的、对消逝已久的阿曼纳塔[Amaunator]的好感,他重视这位远古太阳神对法律和秩序的固守,不过除了凯兰沃之外,他几乎没有盟友,甚至没有朋友。在希瑞经[the Cyrinishad]狂灾事件后,耶各对希瑞克,这位前任死亡之主只剩不屑一顾,他视其为让宇宙的秩序瓦解的绝罚。在维沙伦[Velsharoon]擢升神性之后,为了与“死灵师”[the Necromancer]所致力的、延长生命转化为不死和阻碍诸国度[the Realms]有序的死亡进程的行为进行斗争,耶各在诸国度付出了大量努力。
Jergal retains a fondness from Netheril's heyday for the long-vanished Amaunator,valuing that ancient sun god's adherence to law and order,but he otherwise has few allies aside from Kelemvor,and even fewer friends. Following the events of the Cyrinishad debacle,Jergal has nothing but scorn for Cyric,the former Lord of the Dead,considering him anathema to the orderly dissolution of the universe. In the aftermath of Velsharoon's divine ascendance,Jergal spends much of his efforts in the Realms combating the Necromancer's efforts to prolong life into undeath and to thwart the orderly procession of death in the Realms.

Jergal never angers,and always speaks with a disembodied,chilling voice that echoes with the dry whisper of a long forgotten crypt. His tone is always bland,his words fatalistic,and his demeanor excessively formal. Most mortals find the Forgotten One a shadowy,sinister figure who leaves a vague feeling of unease and enervation in his wake. Jergal is totally focused on death and perceives life as momentary existence before death's eternity. A few bards have noted that Jergal's philosophy and actions resemble a mortal attempting to tidy up his affairs and accounts before his imminent death.

This monstrous scribe is depicted in his religion's art as a smooth gray face holding no features other than a pair of bulging yellow eyes. His body is nothing but a shadow-filled gray cloak which rises and falls as if buffeted by an unseen wind,and he wears white gloves that are supported by invisible hands and arms.

耶各的化身Jergal's Avatar
  (牧师Cleric 25,死灵师Necromancer 18)

Jergal appears as a wizened,insubstantial mummy of some ancient,alien race. His skin is gray and tightly drawn across his frame. His bulbous,yellow,lifeless eyes and insectoid mandibles resemble a cross between a humanoid and a preying mantis. His ears and nose are barely distinguishable from his elongated skull. Most of his body is covered with an utterly lightless cloak that seems to absorb the very atmosphere that envelops it. His white gloves cover elongated,claw-like hands and forearms. He always clutches a thick scroll covered with intricate,incomprehensible script and a freshly inked quill in his hands. Jergal draws his spells from the spheres of all,astral,law,combat,divination,elemental,guardian,necromantic,protection,thought,time,travelers,war,wards,and weather and from all schools except illusion/phantasm and enchantment/charm. He has reversed access only to the spheres of animal,creation,healing,and plant,though he is able to use the positive spells from the healing sphere on his clergy only.

  防御等级 -3;移动 15;生命值 156;零级命中值 4;#攻击 2次
  伤害 1d10+弱能术[enervation]
  魔抗 60%;体型 大型L(10英尺)
  力量 18,敏捷 13,体质 20,智力 22,感知 23,魅力 10:
  法术 牧师P:13/12/12/12/11/9/4,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 5;喷吐武器8;法术 6
  AC -3;MV 15;HP 156;THAC0 4;#AT 2
  Dmg 1d10+enervation
  MR 60%;SZ L(10 feet)
  Str 18,Dex 13,Con 20,Int 22,Wis 23,Cha 10
  Spells P:13/12/12/12/11/9/4,W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1
  Saves PPDM 2,RSW 5,PP 5,BW 8,Sp 6

  特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:耶各从不装备武器。他任何一只手的触碰将在正常伤害上附加造成弱能术(如同同名4级法师法术)。如果在同一轮他的双手都成功命中,在正常效果外,他还将会把受害者拖入他的非物质身体内,对不幸的受害者造成吸能术[energy drain](如同同名9级法师法术)。耶各的斗篷外侧本身是一道通向负能量位面[the Negative Energy Plane]的异界之门[gate],所有触碰了他的斗篷者必须成功通过一次-3罚值的即死魔法豁免,否则将被吸入那个完全虚无与死亡的位面。
Special Att/Def:Jergal never wields a weapon. The touch of either hand causes enervation(as the 4th-level wizard spell of the same name) in addition to his normal damage. If he successfully hits with both hands in the same round,in addition to the normal effects,he draws the victim through his noncorporeal body,inflicting an energy drain on the unfortunate victim(as the 9th-level wizard spell of the same name). The outer side of Jergal's cloak is itself a gate to the Negative Energy Plane,and anyone touching his mantle must succeed at a saving throw vs.death magic at a -3 penalty or be sucked into that plane of absolute nothingness and die.

In a single round,Jergal can,by looking into a being's face,read the entire tapestry of its life and death,regardless of any magical protections or psionic defenses,and then distill it to its simplest expression. During this probe,a being is utterly helpless and completely paralyzed. This extrasensory touch is perceived as something cold and inhuman slithering across the mind and burrowing into every memory. Simply by inscribing a mortals name on his voluminous scroll,Jergal can inflict the target's fated demise immediately upon it. Such victims must make a successful saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty or be transported forward in time to the moment of their death. Thereafter,they are relegated to the afterlife for eternity,and may never be raised or resurrected.
【图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

其它显现Other Manifestation

  耶各能使用任何不死生物的形态,并在这样做时获得这个形态的所有固有能力。假若他所选取的形态没有与这些攻击相同或超越的攻击方式,他也将保留他的弱能术和吸能术攻击。他也能采取有着大白胡子的凡人男性形象,因极其年老而弯腰、但仍然保有着智慧,而在他凹陷的眼睛里仍然活力。耶各的首选显现是沉重的巨著以冰冷的结局合上的声音。该显现通常出现于异常长寿的凡人逝世时,尤其他或她利用了长寿药剂[potions of longevity]或类似魔法手段延续生命——譬如大奥术师的魔法——来延续生命时。
Jergal can take the form of any undead creature,gaining all its innate abilities in doing so. He also retains his enervation and energy drain attacks,provided that they are not equaled or surpassed by the form he has taken. He can also take the form of a mortal man with a great white beard,bent with extreme age yet holding intelligence and a driving energy within his sunken eyes. Jergal's preferred manifestation is the sound of a heavy tome being closed with chilling finality. This manifestation often occurs upon the death of an exceptionally long-lived mortal,particularly one who has extended his or her life with potions of longevity and like magical manipulations—such as the magic of an archwizard.

  耶各被种类繁多的、在不同文化中被视为死亡的预兆的生物服侍着。例如,在安奥罗克[Anauroch]沙漠,大白胡子的秃鹫被称为纳'撒[N'asr]的孩子(通常被认为服侍着纳'撒,希瑞克的一个别名),拜耶各所赐将灵魂摆渡到到来世他们命中注定的国度。万物终结之主也借由各种各样与负能量位面相关的不死种类施加影响力,譬如匍行幽影[slow shadow]、幽灵[spectre]、缚灵[wraith]和三叶游灵[trilloch]、游魂[wastrel]、以及负能灵怪[xeg-yi]。自从凯兰沃担任死亡之主职位后,耶各在一定程度上不再突出与削弱能量的不死生物的隶属关系,但当使用它们能最有效地完成、他的上级摆在他面前的任务时,他仍然非常乐意呼唤它们——他仅仅是在向凯兰沃呈报时不详述对它们的使用。
Jergal is served by a wide variety of creatures seen as a harbingers of death in various cultures. For example,in Anauroch,the great white-bearded vultures known as N'asr's children(commonly thought to serve N'asr,an alias of Cyric) ferry spirits into the afterlife to their preordained realms at Jergal's bequest. The Lord at the End of Everything also exerts his influence through a variety of undead tied to the Negative Energy Plane,such as slow shadows,spectres,and wraiths as well as trillochs,wastrels,and xeg-yi. Jergal has somewhat de-emphasized his affiliation with undead that sap energy since Kelemvor's assumption of the position of Lord of the Dead,but he still is not reluctant to call upon them when their use most efficiently accomplishes a task his superior has set before him—he merely does not dwell upon their use when reporting to Kelemvor.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师[Clerics],武僧[monks],专属祭司[specialty priests]
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序中立LN,守序邪恶LE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:C:Yes,if neutral,SP:Yes,at priest level +2,Mon:No
  呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:C:Yes,if evil,SP:Yes,at priest level +2,Mon:No

  耶各的所有牧师、专属祭司和武僧得到宗教知识(泛费伦)  [religion(Faerûnian)]作为非武器数量奖励。
All clerics,specialty priests,and monks of Jergal receive religion(Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

Jergal has only a handful of living worshipers,but it is believed several score of his priests still survive as mummies and greater mummies in long-sealed tombs. These mummies still possess their living intelligence and can cast priest spells. While most are lawful evil in alignment,some favored few tend toward a stricter lawful neutral ethos.

Priests of Jergal existed historically only in very lawful and militaristic societies which did not venerate Deneir or any of the goodly gods. In addition to serving as scribes,funerary workers,and morticians,Jergal's priests kept careful records of births,deaths,and taxes for the kings and rulers they served. Jergal was perceived in such societies as a compassionless steward of death who would visit each mortal at their appointed time and transport them to the appropriate realm in the afterlife.

Jergal's few temples are typically lifeless stone mausoleums or dry,dusty crypts. Animals and plants never live long in these dreary,bleak houses of endless drudgery. Sentients who toil daily in Jergal's dusty temples quickly age and grow weak,yet never die before their appointed time,dooming them to a life of venerability. Rare visitors to such shrines find long rows of scribes dutifully recording the affairs and fates of the short-lived mortals in the surrounding lands.

  耶各的神职人员被称作末日的公证者[the Scriveners of Doom]。在他们的阶层中,各个神殿的高阶祭司被称作末日的首席公证者[First Scrivener of Doom],但除此之外,该信仰并无其他职称或头衔。该信仰总是均匀分为牧师、武僧、以及被称为末日抄写员[doomscribes]的专属祭司。
The clergy of Jergal are known as the Scriveners of Doom. Within their ranks,the high priest of each temple is known as First Scrivener of Doom,but otherwise the faith eschews titles or ranks. The faith has always been evenly split between clerics,monks,and specialty priests,known as doomscribes.

Dogma:Each being has an eternal resting place that is chosen for him or her at the moment of creation. Life is a process of seeking that place and eternal rest. Existence is but a brief aberration in an eternity of death. Power,success,and joy are as transitory as weakness,failure,and misery. Only death is absolute,and then only at its appointed hour. Seek to bring order to the chaos of life,for in death there is finality and a fixedness of state. Be ready for death for it is at hand and uncompromising. Life should be prolonged only when it serves the greater cause of the death of the world. Undeath is not an escape or a reward;it is simply a duty of a chosen few who serve the Lord of the End of Everything.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Day-to-Day Activities:Mummified Scriveners of Doom are chosen priests who continue to serve their lord by delaying their eternal rest to bring order and regulation to the disposition of the dead. Buried in long-forgotten crypts,they do nothing but scribe the fate of all things living on cracked parchments. Some are served by zombies and skeletons,but never by sentient undead. For eons Jergal has whispered to his mummified clergy an unending litany of names and fates that they then dutifully record on scrolls until Jergal grants them eternal rest. It is said that when the world finally grinds to a halt and passes away,the last mummified Scrivener of Doom will lay down its pen and crumble to dust. Such undead priests sometimes attack and sometimes ignore interlopers who invade their dusty tombs,depending upon whether or not such beings have reached their appointed hour of death. They always attempt to drive off and if necessary destroy any being who disturbs their sacred tasks,since order in death is as important as death itself in the teachings of the faith.

  在这个小型教派里,有生命的末日的公证人整日在维护和续写大量卷轴档案(这些档案记录着有知觉者的状态),直到迎来他们的职责消逝、到达他们死后的目的地。不顾他们任务的近于无望,他们无畏地艰苦工作,知道自己有亿万年的时间去完成被赋予的任务。在塞尔[Thay](相较于诸国度的其他地方,在那渺小的耶各教派比较突出),大部分耶各的神职人员成员被个别的首席[Zulkirs]或红袍法师[Red Wizards]雇佣来监管他们奴隶的记录。在履行这项对社会必要的任务之余,这也赋予了抄写员们至关重要的机会,以获取数量庞大智慧生物们的详细细节。
The small cult of living Scriveners of Doom spend their days maintaining and extending vast archives of scrolls listing how sentients under their purview passed away and their destination in the afterlife. Despite their near hopeless task,they toil on undaunted,knowing they have eons to complete their appointed task. In Thay,where the tiny cult of Jergal is relatively prominent compared to elsewhere in the Realms,most members of Jergal's clergy are employed by individual Zulkirs or Red Wizards to oversee their slave records. In addition to fulfilling a necessary task for society,this gives the scribes crucial access to records detailing large numbers of sentient beings.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
  耶各的信仰对圣日或宗教仪式几乎没有耐心或需要,将它们视为不必要的消遣。有个耶各祭司所必需的小仪式被称作印封仪[the Sealing]。在记录各个或每个生物的死、死因和死后的目的地后,末日的公证人必须撒一点灰烬和骨粉的尘埃到他们刻下的字上以玷污墨水,并以此标记朝着世界终末又近了一小步。
Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:Jergal's faithful have little patience or need for holy days or religious ceremonies,viewing them as unnecessary distractions. The one small ritual Jergal's priests are required to perform is called the Sealing. After recording each and every creature's demise,form of death,and destination in the afterlife,Scriveners of Doom are required to sprinkle a light dusting of ash and powdered bone over their inscribed words to blot the ink and mark another small step toward the world's end.

  在每年的最后一个夜晚,岁末之月[Nightal]的第30天,耶各的神职人员将停止他们永无止尽的苦役一整晚。在这个被称作又一年之夜[the Night of Another Year]的神圣夜晚,祭司们阅读着他们在过去一年、仔细写在卷轴上的每个逝去者的名字。伴随着一阵“一年终结了![One Year Closer!]”的哭喊,所有的卷轴将在随后被燃烧,而工作将重新开始。
On the last night of the year,the 30th of Nightal,Jergal's clergy cease their endless toil for a full night. On this holy night,known as the Night of Another Year,the priests read every name whose death they have recorded from the scrolls they have carefully inscribed over the past year. With a cry of “One Year Closer!”,all the scrolls are then burned,and work begins anew.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
  在死亡是日常事务的塞尔,耶各的教派经历了一次小的复兴。濒死地穴[The Crypt of Imminent Death]位于拜占图[Bezantur]城,塞尔,是一座洋葱形圆顶的、金脉黑大理石建筑。黛娜·哲伯伦[Dyhna Zhyborrin](这座神殿的女主),负责监管神殿的小规模职员、领导城中的崇拜服务、以及保持与凯兰沃的神职人员与崇拜者的联系。被遗忘者的教派徒们在整个塞尔旅行着,将死亡记入地穴的图书馆的史册中。
Major Centers of Worship:Jergal's cult has undergone a small renaissance in Thay where death is a daily fact of life. The Crypt of Imminent Death in Bezantur,Thay,is a small onion-domed structure of gold-veined black marble. Dyhna Zhyborrin,the temple's mistress,oversees the temple's small staff,leads worship services in the city,and maintains close ties with the clergy and worshipers of Kelemvor. Cultists of the Forgotten One journey throughout Thay recording deaths for the annals of the Crypt library.

  位于边境王国[the Border Kingdoms]的至高橡树男爵领[the Barony of Great Oak]的神行堡[Godswalk Keep],已经同时成为了一处凯兰沃教会和耶各零散教徒们的圣地。在三神会面[the Meeting of the Three](也被称为大呼啸[the Howling])发生期间,“战神[the War God]”伽拉苟斯[Garagos]、舞蹈女士[the Dancing Lady](夏芮丝[Sharess])、以及被遗忘者(耶各)全都漫游于这座古老的城堡。耶各似乎漫无目的地漫步在废墟中,无视了伽拉苟斯的攻击和舞蹈女士迷人的微笑。
Godswalk Keep in the Barony of Great Oak in the Border Kingdoms region has become a sacred site for a the church of Kelemvor as well as the scattered cultists of Jergal. The Meeting of the Three(also known as the Howling) happens at certain times during the year when Garagos the War God,the Dancing Lady(Sharess),and the Forgotten One(Jergal) all wander through the ancient castle. Jergal seems to wander the ruins aimlessly,ignoring Garagos's attacks and the Dancing Lady's alluring smile.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:
Affiliated Orders:The Jergali church has grown exceedingly small,and it no longer sees a need for a fighting branch of the faith or other affiliated orders. All creatures shall die at their appointed time whether or not the clergy of Jergal assists in that process or not,so the Scriveners of Doom spend their days toiling at the more important task of recording the fates of the dead rather then actively delivering death themselves.

  耶各教派教会的记录描述了两个现已消散的从属组织:苍白面具的友伴[the Companions of the Pallid Mask]和耶各之手[the Hand of Jergal]。苍白面具的友伴是专门打击或控制不死生物的耶各教派祭司组织。他们消灭着其存在未被教会批准、或其被证实引起了麻烦的不死生物。他们也监管着教会在很久以前、有时为盈利而运营的无智慧不死生物工作队。耶各之手是一个狂热祭司领导其他人组成的精英组织,在高阶祭司的指挥下,他们被命令去报复对耶各教会的轻辱。他们致力于对抗,那些唤起或复活了某人又未向耶各致上适当贡物品的其他信仰者,或是那些亵渎或掠夺了在教会保护下的墓葬之人。
Records of the Jergali church speak of two now-extinct affiliated groups:the Companions of the Pallid Mask and the Hand of Jergal. The Companions of the Pallid Mask were a group of Jergali priests who specialized in combating or commanding the undead. They eliminated undead creatures whose existence was not sanctioned by the church or who had proven to be troublesome. They also supervised nonsentient undead work crews that the church sometimes ran for profit long ago. The Hand of Jergal was an elite group of fanatic priests who led others under their command to avenge slights upon the church of Jergal at the direction of a high priest. They acted against those of other faiths who raised or resurrected someone without paying due tribute to Jergal or who violated or looted a tomb under the protection of the church.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Priestly Vestments:Jergal's clergy shave their heads smooth and garb themselves in unadorned gray robes and long,white gloves. At all times they carry a satchel of scrolls,inks,and quills. They also carry a desiccated human skull with the openings plugged that they use to contain the simple mixture of ash and powdered bones employed in Sealing rituals. This skull also serves as their holy symbol.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
Adventuring Garb:Jergali priests only very rarely adventure,and then only at Jergal's bequest. Adventuring Scriveners of Doom seek out those who attempt to prolong their lives beyond their appointed time through magic and then terminate their existence. Jergali priests may wear any armor that they wish to protect themselves—it is irrelevant to the Lord of the End of Everything since every living being will die at its appointed time,regardless of what protections it takes to the contrary. Jergali priests are trained in bludgeoning weapons so that they can powder the bones of their opponents for use in future Sealing rituals

专属祭司Specialty Priests(末日抄写员Doomscribes

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:感知[Wisdom] 9,智力[Intelligence] 11
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:感知[Wisdom],智力[Intelligence]
  武器WEAPONS:任何钝击武器(类型B)[Any bludgeoning(wholly Type B) weapons]
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通[All],动物[animal],预言[divination],守序[law],死灵[necromantic],召唤[summoning],思想[thought],时间[time],[sun][/time]
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:战斗[Combat],元素[elemental],治疗(仅逆转)[healing(reversed only)],战争[war]
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师[Same as clerics]
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:阅读/书写(通用语)[Reading/writing(Common)]
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:阅读/书写(托若斯语)[Reading/writing(Thorass)]

  ·The number of doomscribes in existence is very small,and doomscribes never adventure except at Jergal's behest. Essentially,they are a nonplayer character class.

  ·Only humans can be doomscribes.

  ·When doomscribes successfully turn or command undead,they can double the number of creatures they affect up to three times a day.

  ·末日抄写员知晓大量关于不死生物、以及活物的灵魂在死后的最终归宿的信息。这一知识分为两种领域:尸腐学[necrology]和冥界知识[netherworld]知识。(这些知识的领域都与来自《完全死灵法师手册Complete Book of Necromancers》的尸腐学和冥界知识这两种知识相同。)
  ·Doomscribes know a great deal about undead creatures and the ultimate destinations of the spirits of living creatures after they die. This knowledge is separated into two fields:necrology and netherworld knowledge.(These fields of knowledge are identical to the necrology and netherworld knowledge nonweapon proficiencies from the Complete Book of Necromancers.)

    Necrology:Doomscribes are well versed in necrology,the lore of undead creatures. When checking their necrology knowledge,doomscribes make an ability check against their Wisdom score. Their knowledge may be used to help determine the probable lairs,dining habits,and history of such creatures(no ability check needed). Whenever a doomscribe confronts an undead creature,she or he may be able to specifically identify the creature(discerning between a ghast and a common ghoul,for instance) with a successful ability check. In addition,provided the doomscribe makes another successful ability check,she or he recalls the creature's specific weaknesses and natural defenses or immunities. At the DM's discretion a failed ability check(in either of these cases) reveals misleading or even completely erroneous information which may actually strengthen or otherwise benefit the undead creature.

    冥界知识Netherworld Knowledge:末日抄录者学习了关于外层位面[the Outer Planes]的宇宙学和结构,特别是涉及诸国度、尤其是灵魂死后的最终归宿的。除此之外,末日抄录者还学习了关于那些居住在下层界[the nether regions]的危险生物,包括如塔纳厘[tanar'ri]和巴特祖[baatezu]这样的邪魔:当检定他们的冥界知识时,末日抄录者进行一次对他们感知值-3的属性检定。以一次成功的属性检定,冥界知识能揭示来自外层位面存在的特殊弱等和天然免疫。以一次成功的属性检定,冥界知识还能确定遭遇的跨神域生物的确切种类。
    Netherworld Knowledge:Doomscribes learn about the cosmology and organization of the Outer Planes and how this specifically relates to the Realms,focusing primarily on the ultimate destination of spirits after death. In addition,doomscribes learn about the dangerous behavior of the creatures that inhabit the nether regions,including such fiends as tanar'ri and baatezu;When checking their netherworld knowledge,doomscribes make an ability check against their Wisdom score minus three. With a successful ability check,netherworld knowledge can reveal the specific weaknesses and natural immunities of beings from the Outer Planes. Netherworld knowledge can also be used to classify the exact type of extraplanar creature encountered with a successful ability check.

  ·Some doomscribes retain their abilities into undeath as mummies and greater mummies. Living doomscribes have no choice in the matter;Jergal decides,in some fashion inscrutable to mortals,at the moment of death whether a doomscribe's services will continue to be needed on the Prime Material Plane and she or he will then become a mummy in Jergal's service.

  ·All spells cast by doomscribes from the spheres of law and time are cast at double strength in all aspects.

  ·Doomscribes gain a saving throw vs. petrification against any form of energy-draining attack that could drain them of experience levels or hit points.

  ·每日1次,末日抄写员能假死术[feign death](如同2级法师法术)或施展衰弱射线[ray of enfeeblement](如同2级法师法术)。
  ·Doomscribes can feign death(as the 2nd-level wizard spell) or cast a ray of enfeeblement(as the 2nd-level wizard spell) once a day.

  ·每日1次,末日抄写员能够施展木乃伊之触[mummy touch]头骨守卫[skull watch](如同来自《巫师之页Pages From the Mages》的3级法师法术)。
  ·At 3rd level,doomscribes are able to cast mummy touch or skull watch(as the 3rd-evel wizard spells from Pages From the Mages) once per day.

  ·At 5th level,doomscribes become immune to one level of energydraining damage per day. Thus,if they are struck by a creature that causes them to lose two levels of experience and they fail their saving throw vs. petrification,they lose only one level of experience. They gain another level of immunity at 10th level,and yet another(for a total of three) at 15th level.

  ·在第5级,每日1次,末日抄写员能够施展不死守卫[undead ward](如同5级祭司法术)。该守卫创造驱散不死生物时,以末日抄写员等级而非低2级使用这个能力。
  ·At 5th level,doomscribes are able to cast undead ward(as the 5th-level priest spell) once a day. The ward they create turns undead creatures at the level of the doomscribe using this ability,rather than two levels lower.

  ·At 7th level,doomscribes are able to cast enervation by touch(as the 4th-level wizard spell) thrice per day.

  ·在第10级,每日1次,末日抄写员能够活化尸体[animate dead](如同5级方式法术)。虽然凯兰沃成为死亡之主一事,对耶各的神职人员创造更多不死生物的阻碍。然而尽管如此,无智慧不死生物的创造远比智慧不死生物的创造远更为可取,而一些祭司仍在继续利用这一能力。
  ·At 10th level,doomscribes are able to animate dead(as the 5th-level wizard spell) once a day. Since Kelemvor became the Lord of the Dead,the creation of additional undead by Jergal's clergy is discouraged. Nonetheless,creating nonintelligent undead is vastly preferable to the creation of sentient undead,and some priests continue to employ this ability.

  ·在第13级,每日2次,末日抄写员能施展老化生物[age creature](如同6级祭司法术)。该能力效果不翻倍。
  ·At 13th level,doomscribes can cast age creature(as the 6th-level priest spell) twice a day. This ability is not doubled in effect.

  ·在第20级,每日1次,以接触,末日抄写员能够吸能术[energy drain](如同9级同名法师法术)。
  ·At 20th level,doomscribes are able to energy drain(as the 9th-level wizard spell of the same name) by touch once per day.

耶各教派的法术Jergali Spells

1st Level
侦测活物Detect Living
  (祭司Pr 1;预言[Divination],死灵[Necromancy])

  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级[round/level]
  施法时间Casting Time:4
  影响区域Area of Effect:以施法者为圆心,60英尺半径球体[60-foot-radius sphere,centered on caster]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

  该法术能发现活物的气息,使效果区域内的所有活物、获得一道只对施法者可见且容易辨别的光环。目标的智能是决定法术效果的关键因素,因为智能更高的生物光芒更明亮。该法术无法直接接触精神和发现被魔法或灵能所隐蔽的动物或其他生物。不在场的占卜者的意志可以透过秘法眼[wizard eyes]或者水晶球[crystal balk]使用此能力,隐藏在异次元的人被认为是不存在的。这个法术可以探测生命,包括隐形、隐藏、变形(甚至被困在固体物体或魔法形式)、星质、或虚体,但不会揭示生命的状态。这个法术不会揭示生命的类型、思想或倾向(换句话说,敌对或友好)。
This spell discovers emanations of life,making all living things within the area of effect glow with an easily discernible aura visible only to the caster. Intelligence is the main quality upon which the spell focuses,because more intelligent creatures glow more brightly. The spell does not allow direct mental contact and does not detect magically or psionically-shielded creatures or the wills of “not present” scryers such as wizards using wizard eyes or crystal balk. Beings hidden in extradimensionai space are considered wnot present. This spell can detect life that is invisible,concealed,disguised(even trapped within solid objects or magical forms),astral,or ethereal,but does not reveal the state of the life. This spell gives no hint of the nature,thoughts,or inclination(in other words,hostile or friendly) of the life detected.

This spell was developed by Scriveners of Doom who understood that mortals often flee from eternal rest,too blinded by fear and ignorance to realize that a priest is trying to help them. The spell also serves as a defense against living adversaries who might try to ambush the speltcaster.

3rd Level
终焉的审视Determine Final Rest
  (祭司Pr 3;预言[Divination])

  距离Range:10 码[yards]
  持续时间Duration:1 回合[turn]
  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:1个生物 或 1具尸体[1 creature or 1 corpse]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过即无效Neg.

  这个法术类似于知晓阵营[know alignment],使牧师能够阅读一只在世或已逝生物的灵光。然而,这个特定的变体法术是用来快速确定它相关的外位面以及与各个外位面的关联程度(如果有一个以上)以确定它死后将去往何处(由其信仰、种族、阵营所决定,虽然这些都由DM记录而非施法者)。如果目标在被送往一个错误的埋骨地的途中或应抗拒而改道时,这个法术会令你注意到这个事实,但不会更改前往的目的地。请注意,那些能够抑制通晓阵营的法术或者目标也将能够抑制终焉的审视。死者通常无法豁免此法术,除非他们实际上是不死生物。
This spell is similar to know alignment in that it enables the priest to read the aura of a living or deceased creature. However,this particular strain of magic is used to quickly determine the Outer Plane and the particular level within that plane(if it possesses more than one) to which the examined individual correctly should be consigned to after death(as determined by a being's religion,nature,and alignment,chough the DM notes these are they arc not revealed to the spellcaster). If a being has been sent to an incorrect final rest or redirected unwillingly en route,this spell notes that fact,but not the destination to which the being has been sent. Note that those spells and objects that would prevent a know alignment spell from functioning also inhibit a determine final rest spell. Corpses do not normally receive a saving throw vs. this spell unless they are actually undead creatures.

4th Level
终焉的探寻Seek Eternal Rest
  (祭司Pr 4;改变[Alteration])

  持续时间Duration:5轮 或 直到施法者试图驱散不死[5 rounds or until the caster attempts to turn undead]
  施法时间Casting Time:7
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者[The caster]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

By means of this spell,the priest can augment his or her next attempt to turn undead. While empowered by the effects of this spell,priests who successfully turn undead on their next attempt to do so irrevocably dispel the undead creatures they turn. For example,if a 8th-level cleric attempted to turn a ghost and rolled an 19 after casting seek eternal rest,the ghost would be immediately destroyed.

Priests who are empowered by the effects of this spell and would automatically dispel the type of undead they are turning affect twice the normal number of undead. For example,if an 8th-level cleric attempted to turn a host of skeletons,she would automatically dispel 4d6+4d4 skeletons.

If the priest does not attempt to turn undead within five rounds of casting seek eternal rest,the spell ends with no effect and is lost.

The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

5th Level
耶各的心灵探针Jergal's Mind Probe
  (祭司Pr 5;预言[Divination],死灵[Necromantic])

  施法时间Casting Time:8
  影响区域Area of Effect:1个生物[creature]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过即无效Neg.

This spell combines the effect of a the 3rd-level wizard spell paralyze with the 2nd-level wizard spell ESP. Upon casting this spell,the priest gains the ability to attack a single sentient being with the effects of this spell. The priest must roll a successful attack roll in order to strike an opponent and deliver the spell effects. The priest can delay the attack indefinitely while trying to successfully complete an attack,but if he attempts to cast any other spell before successfully employing this spell,the previously cast but unused mind probe is immediately lost. Any sentient being touched by the spellcaster(other than himself or herself) following the casting of this spell is considered the target of this spell,even if the priest did not intend to attack that being.

When the priest touches a sentient being,the target must make a suecessful saving throw vs.spell to avoid the spell's effects. If the saving throw is successful,the spell ends immediately with no effect. If the saving throw is failed,the target is paralyzed for 2d4 rounds. Creatures that are immune to paralysis,as well as undead and unliving creatures such as golems,cannot be affected by this spell. Nonintelligent creatures are similarly immune.

While a being is paralyzed by the effects of this spell,the priest can probe every corner of its mind. This aspect of the spell is blocked by magical or psionic defenses to ESP,mind-reading magic,or similar protections. The only type of information the priest can determine is the professed faith of the victim of this spell,how true the victim has been to its professed faith,how well the victim has used its natural strengths over the course of its life,how well the victim has dealt with its weaknesses over the course of its life,the failures of which the victim is most ashamed,and the accomplishments of which the victim is most proud. One such nugget of information,in order,is learned per round that the paralysis is in effect.

The spell is ended immediately if the priest casts another spell,as stated previously,or ceases to concentrate on probing the mind of the spells target. The casting of this spell is such a violation of a being's sense of self that most victims targeted by this spell build up a strong hatred for the casting priest during the spells effects.

The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

7th Level
末日之门Gate of Doom
  (祭司Pr 7;咒法/召唤[Conjuration/Summoning])

  距离Range:10 码[yards]
  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级[round/level]
  施法时间Casting Time:1 轮[round]
  影响区域Area of Effect:10 平方英尺/级[square feet per level]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

  这道法术创造了一道来自于负能量位面[the Negative Energy Plane]的能量墙,它是通向那片陨落之地一条事实上的通道。末日之门展现为一道微微发亮、无光的黑色帷幕。任何触碰到末日之门的凡物,在接触的每轮,将遭受2d6点伤害并永久失去1个经验值等级或生命骰。那些愚蠢到穿越这道帷幕的生物,将立即被传送到负能量位面,这几乎肯定会导致他们的死亡,因为从未有从这道法术创造的通道的另一边重返者。
This spell creates a wall of energy from the Negative Energy Plane that is actually a portal to that fell place. A gate of doom appears as a shimmering curtain of lightless black. Any mortal creature who touches a gate of doom suffers 2d6 points of damage and permanently loses one level of experience or Hit Dice per round of contact. Those foolish enough to pass through this curtain are instantly transported to the Negative Energy Plane,almost certainly causing their deaths,as no portal is created by this spell on that side by which to return.

The spellcaster may cast this spell in any loosely rectangular configuration that does not exceed the area of effect. Once cast,the location of the gate of doom is fixed and cannot be moved by the priest or anyone else until the effect fades. This spell cannot be cast on any living creature. Attempting to do so causes the gate of doom to appear nearby in a random location.

  法术负位面保护[negative plane protection]将在这道法术生效期间,提供对这道法术效果的完全免疫,包括预防个体被传入负能量位面。除了木乃伊(或是任何其它类型与正能量位面[the Positive Energy Plane]联系在一起的不死生物)也无视这道法术的效果。
The spell negative plane protection provides complete immunity to this spell while it is in effect,including preventing an individual from passing into the Negative Energy Plane. All undead creatures except mummies(or any other type of undead tied to the Positive Energy Plane) may ignore this spell's effects as well.

  在末日之门100码内不死生物的等级吸取、吸能术[energy drain]法术、以衰弱[enervation]法术和类似效果与能力,总是产生2倍于最大值的效果。
Level-draining undead,energy drain spells,and enervation spells and similar effects and abilities cast or used within 100 yards of a gate of doom always operate at twice their maximum effect.

The material components of this spell are a small stick of black charcoal,a solid black gemstone of at least 50 gp value,and the priest's holy symbol.
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