作者 主题: [P.080]海菈·明斧Haela Brightaxe  (阅读 2138 次)


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[P.080]海菈·明斧Haela Brightaxe
« 于: 2017-07-16, 周日 01:04:05 »

[P.080]海菈·明斧Haela Brightaxe

【校】Eternal Sum

海菈·明斧Haela Brightaxe

  (争斗女士[Lady of the Fray],幸运女士[Luckmaiden],努力者[the Hard])

  万兽园半神力[Demipower of the Beastlands],

  神职PORTFOLIO:战斗中的运气[Luck in battle],喜欢战斗和喜欢同怪物作战的矮人的守护神[patron of dwarves who love to fight and who battle monsters],作战的热爱/愉悦[love of/joy of battle],矮人的怪物猎获[dwarven monster kills],矮人的战士冒险者[dwarven fighter adventurers]
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:黎明之森/好运洞窟[Brux/Findar Endar]
  盟友ALLIES:阿尔伏林[Arvoreen],布兰多布李斯[Brandobaris],希劳拉妮[Cyrrollalee],伊莉丝翠[Eilistraee],摩丁萨曼诸神(除了阿巴索,深地·杜菈,拉杜格)[the Morndinsamman(except Abbathor,Deep Duerra,Laduguer)],坦帕斯[Tempus],泰摩拉[Tymora]
  敌对FOES:阿巴索[Abbathor],贝莎芭[Beshaba],深地·杜菈[Deep Duerra],拉杜格[Laduguer],乌尔德连[Urdlen],类地精和邪恶矮人神系[the goblinkin and evil giant pantheons]
  徽记SYMBOL:一柄出鞘的剑,被燃烧的火束环绕(火焰从边螺旋上升)[An unsheathed sword encircled by a flaming bolt(a two-ended spiral of flame)]
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:任意[Any]
[译注:矮人语Dwarvish :findar——good luck, good fortune, favorablechances;endar—cave (surface world; one not linked toextensive underways)]

【图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

  海菈·明斧[Haela Brightaxe](读作HUH-ae-la BRITE-ax)是那些热爱争斗、在地表(尤其是在北地[the North])漫游、面对着未知危险、以及与怪物搏斗的矮人们的守护神。虽然崇敬争斗女士[Lady of the Fray]的矮人包括任何阵营,但那些混乱或中立善良阵营、热爱战斗或表现出了狂暴倾向的粗壮族裔[Stout Folk],更为趋向拥抱幸运女士[the Luckmaiden]的崇拜。
Haela Brightaxe(HUH-ae-la BRITE-ax) is the patron of dwarves who love the fray,who wander the surface lands(especially in the North),who face unknown dangers,and who battle monsters. Although dwarves of all alignments venerate the Lady of the Fray,those Stout Folk of chaotic or neutral good alignment who love battle or exhibit berserker tendencies tend to actively embrace the worship of the Luckmaiden.

  海菈居住在一座位于万兽园[the Beastlands]的简单洞穴中,但她并不打扰在那居住的动物,而是保持隐藏在森林的深处。她的卫士[Guardians]们保护着幸运洞穴[Findar Endar](这座石窟的名字)。幸运女士极少宅在家中,而经常出现在蛮荒天宇[wildspace]或是某个世界(譬如托瑞尔[Toril]星球),在那些矮人正享受着战斗但又需要支援的地方。
Haela dwells in a simple cave in the Beastlands,but she bothers none of the animals that dwell there,keeping to herself,hidden by everpresent mists in the depths of a forest. Findar Endar,as the grotto is known,is protected by her Guardians. Rarely at home,the Luckmaiden is usually to be found in wildspace or on a world such as Toril,wherever dwarves are enjoying battle but in need of aid.

Haela is well known among dwarves for her ready laugh,her booming voice,and her ever-cheerful nature. The Luckmaiden is charming,resourceful,and delivers gallows witticisms with a broad grin.

  虽然除了摩拉丁[Moradin]她不承认其他主神,但海菈是今日活跃在诸国度[the Realms]唯一被广泛承认的矮人半神力,因此幸运女士永远留心着摩拉丁萨曼诸神[the Morndinsamman]那些更早成神、更强大的成员的意愿。作为矮人战士、尤其是旅行到远方的那些战士的女神,海菈的神职与马瑟摩·杜温[Marthammor Duin]重叠,而她的工作也与踪迹发现者[the Finder-of-Trails]接近。同样地,争斗女士[Lady of the Fray]也与克兰贾丁·银须[Clangeddin Silverbeard],作战之父[the Father of Battles]保持着良好关系,而他们之间的影响范围也存在交叉。
Although she recognizes no superior save Moradin,Haela is the only widely recognized dwarven demipower active in the Realms today,and as such,the Luckmaiden is ever-mindful of the wishes of the more established and more powerful members of the Morndinsamman. As a goddess of dwarven warriors,particularly those who travel far afield,Haela's portfolio overlaps with that of the Marthammor Duin,and she works closely with the Finder-of-Trails. Likewise,the Lady of the Fray maintains good relations with Clangeddin Silverbeard,the Father of Battles,into whose sphere of influence she also crosses.
【图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》】

海菈的化身Haela's Avatar
  (战士Fighter 25,牧师Cleric 18,法师Wizard 16)

Haela appears as a powerfully muscled female dwarf. Sometimes she appears clad in fine dwarven scale mail or plate mail,and sometimes she manifests in naught but her long,flowing silver hair and beard. She dances and twirls about constantly,wielding a two-handed sword that cannot cut her. She often hurls it into the air and catches it by the blade,vaults up to a high ledge or balcony with a hand upon the sword's point,or slides down it exuberantly,in play. She casts spells from the spheres of all,combat,creation,guardian,healing,necromantic,protection,and sun. She favors spells from the schools of abjuration and invocation/evocation,although she can cast spells from any school.

  防御等级 0;移动 24;生命值 189;零级命中值 -4;#攻击 5次/2轮 或 1次
  伤害 2d12+13(+3越型双手剑,+8 力量,+2对双手剑专精) 或 1d10+8(接触,+8 力量)
  魔抗 40%;体型 中型M(6英尺高)
  力量 20,敏捷 21,体质 19,智力 17,感知 18,魅力 22
  法术 祭司P:10/10/9/9/6/4/2,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/3/2/1
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 3;权杖、法杖与魔杖 1*;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术6

  AC 0;MV 24;HP 189;THAC0 -4;#AT 5/2 or 1
  Dmg 2d12+13(oversized two-handed sword +3,+8 STR,+2 spec. bonus in two-handed sword) or 1d10+8(touch,+8 STR)
  MR 40%;SZ M(6 feet high)
  STR 20,DEX 21,CON 19,INT 17,Wis 18,CHA 22
  Spells P:10/10/9/9/6/4/2,W:5/5/5/5/5/3/2/1
  Saves PPDM 3,RSW 1*,PP 4,BW 4,Sp 6

  *Includes dwarf +5 CON save bonus to a minimum of 1. The CON save bonus also applies to saves vs. poison to a minimum of 1.

  特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:她挥舞着火矢[Flamebolt],一柄越型(对于她的身高)+3双手剑(2d12点基础伤害),在她战斗时,它总是被盘旋上升、但却无害的火舌包围。她能随意令火矢消失或是重现,这将在瞬间发生,但它不能在同一轮内消失后重现。当她无武装的时候,海菈能如携带着武器那样战斗。她只能被+1或更好的魔法武器击中。
Special Att/Def:She wields Flamebolt,an over-sized(for her height) two-handed sword +3(2d12 points of base damage) that is always encircled by tongues of spiraling,but harmless,flame while she fights. Haela can will the blade to vanish or reappear freely and it does so instantly,but Flamebolt cannot reappear on the same round in which it vanishes. Haela can parry just as well when weaponless as when she bears a weapon. She can be struck only by +1 or better magical weapons.

Once per turn Haela can call into being her Brightaxe,a shining silver throwing axe as tall as a man. It appears in midair in 1 round and flashes through the air in accordance to her will in the next round. Brightaxe flies up to 140 feet and deals any creature struck by it 3d12 points of damage(no saving throw allowed),and(if mortal) stunning them(no voluntary activities,including spellcasting or magical activations of any kind) for the following round.

  每天1次,海菈能对自己施展钢铁守卫(如同5级祭司法术,于《巫师之页Pages from the Mages》),这种异能与随之而来的所有弊端(例如无力挥舞金属武器)将持续9轮。在运用了钢铁守卫后,通过接触,海菈能在钢铁守卫生效期间的任何时候,将这种保护转移到另一个生物上。
Once per day Haela can cast ironguard(as the 5th-level wizard spell detailed in Pages from the Mages) upon herself,a power that lasts for nine rounds with all the attendant drawbacks such as the inability to wield a metal weapon. After invokingironguard,Haela can,by touch, transfer this protection to another creature at any time while it is active.

Once per day,Haela can employ resurrection(as the 7th-level priest spell) on any one being without penalty. Creatures so restored to life automatically succeed at their resurrection survival checks. Haela customarily only resurrects dwarves who died valiantly in battle,although if dwarves beg her to,she uses this power to aid nondwarven companions and allies of the dwarves.

  海菈常现身为一团不知从何处绽放出来、不会造成伤害的壮观蓝白色火焰爆发。一旦神临,她将投身与她能发现的、矮人们最凶猛的敌人(或是将制造最急迫伤害的生物)交战。她将与敌交战4轮,如果敌人被杀,她将在剩余的时间攻击矮人们的第二位对手。随后,幸运女士将授予一位矮人和/或一件武器异能(见后文的其他显现[Other Manifestations]),并高举起手消失。海菈的神临将令矮人们狂喜,使他们在能看见她时战斗的所有攻击骰获得+1奖励。在那些海菈援助被围困矮人的案例中,她经常在他们的敌人面前舞蹈,吸引和回避攻击、而非直接打击造成伤害,令矮人们有时间重新集结、把他们的伤员拖到安全的地方。随后,她将治疗2d4位矮人(再次见后文的其他显现),以最认真地态度挥出一击,然后消失、匆忙赶往下一场冲突。
Haela usually appears in a spectacular blue-white burst of flames that blossom from nowhere and do no damage. Once present,she engages the fiercest foe of,or the creature offering the most pressing danger to,the dwarves that she can find.  She battles it for 4 rounds,and if it is slain,attacks a second opponent of the dwarves for the remaining round or rounds. The Luckmaiden then empowers a dwarf and/or a weapon(see Other Manifestations,below) and disappears with a hand held high. Haela's presence causes such exultation in dwarves that they fight with a +1 bonus on all attack rolls while they can see her. In cases where Haela aids beleaguered dwarves,she usually dances in front of their enemies,engaging and parrying rather than striking to do damage,allowing the dwarves time to regroup and drag their wounded to safety. Then she heals 2d4 dwarves(again see Other Manifestations,below),strikes one blow in earnest,and vanishes,hurrying on to the next conflict.

In such cases,consider Haela able to engage 1d8 creatures while parrying their attacks in her battle dance. She cannot stop magical attacks,but automatically ruins all spellcasting,and lessens/thwarts physical attacks upon her or the dwarves she is protecting as follows:

  ·If Haela faces one or two opponents,all attacks are automatically thwarted,and the creatures cannot advance against her.

  ·If Haela faces three,four,or five opponents,all their attack rolls are made at a penalty of-3,and they receive a -1 penalty to damage.

  ·If Haela faces six,seven,or eight opponents,all their attack rolls are made at a penalty of-1,but there is no effect on damage they inflict.

  ·Creatures in excess of eight are unaffected by Haela's dance of battle:they get through to attack normally. Count flying creatures as two opponents when using these totals. If Haela deems it necessary to heal(once per round) while dancing,her healing action lessens her parrying ability by 2 opponents.

  ·Any successful attacks on Haela while she is parrying do half damage if she is armed and full damage if she is unarmed.

Haela is seldom in any one place for long,and almost never returns to the same fray or dwarven individuals twice in a day. However,she favors especially bold or valiant dwarves,and may,in the course of their lives,aid them repeatedly. It is said that she appears when her favorites die,to carry their souls away to become her Guardians,and to avenge their deaths by pursuing and slaying their killers,however long it takes and no matter how powerful they are. If such killers are subsequently raised,Haela takes no further action against them.

其他显现Other Manifestations
Haela manifests only rarely,preferring to appear directly instead. When she does manifest,it is either in cases where she will not be otherwise needed or to help dwarves hold on until she can arrive later to help.

Haela's manifestations always involve an aura of silvery flames,shot through with blue-white and amber sparks. These are images only,not true flames or sparks,and cannot ignite anything.

If Haela's aura surrounds a dwarf,her power heals the dwarf of all injuries and allows the dwarf to strike at a +4 bonus to attack for 1d4+1 rounds. This imbues the dwarf with power enough to consider any weapons wielded to be silver and equivalent to +4 magical weapons,for purposes of what can be hit by the empowered dwarf.

If Haela's aura surrounds a weapon,it is rendered supreme for 1d4+1 rounds:Any attacks made with it during this time cannot miss,and do full normal damage. If a weapon empowered by Haela is already magical,its magical properties are suspended by Haela's magic and cannot operate(or be harmed or drained):The weapon does only physical damage until Haela's power fades.

  海菈主要被倒下矮人武者的灵魂所变成的、她的卫士(英灵[einheriar])侍奉着,但有时也有其它上层位面[the Upper Planes]生物,包括[aasimon(particularly agathinon)]、[asuras]、[bariaurs]、[courage incarnates]、[hollyphants]、[quesar]、以及代表她行动的[warden beasts]。她通过发现以下事物表现她的满意:血石[bloodstone]、红玉髓[carnelian]、 风信子石[jacinth]、烟色红锆石[jargoon]、红色调的碧玉[jasper]、红色调的暖色晶[orl]、红色泪石[tear]、深红色调的红宝石[rubies]、红色尖晶石[spinel]、以及红色调的齐奥思宝石[ziose stone]。她通过让这些宝石在被接触时,溶解为鲜血的小水洼来显示她的不悦。
Haela is served primarily by the spirits of fallen dwarven warriors who become her Guardians(einheriar),but on occasion other creatures of the Upper Planes,including aasimon(particularly agathinon),asuras,bariaurs,courage incarnates,hollyphants,quesar,and warden beasts act on her behalf. She manifests her pleasure with the discovery of bloodstones,carnelians,jacinths,jargoons,red-hued jaspers,red-hued orls,red tears,crimson-hued rubies,red spinels,and red-hued ziose stones. She manifests her displeasure when such gems dissolve into tiny puddles of blood when touched.

教会The Church
  神职人员CLERGY:牧师[Clerics],十字军[crusaders],专属祭司[specialty priests]
  神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN
  驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:C:Yes,Cru:No,SP:No
  呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:C:No,Cru:No,SP:Yes

  海菈的所有牧师(包括战士/牧师)、十字军、以及专属祭司(包括战士/专属祭司)得到宗教知识(矮人)[religion (dwarven)]和阅读/书写(矮人语符文)[reading/writing(Dethek runes)]作为非武器熟练奖励。海菈的牧师能使用任何武器,而不只是钝击(类型B)武器。海菈的牧师(以及战士/牧师)在7级前不能驱散不死生物,但她们总是在对不死生物的所有攻击和伤害骰上获得+2。在7级或以上时,牧师(包括兼职牧师)可以如其他牧师那样驱散不死,但牧师等级-4。这些调整只作用于牧师职业。在动荡之年[the Time of Troubles]之前,海菈的祭职者全部是女性;在那之后,已经有一些男性加入了神职人员队伍。
All clerics(including fighter/clerics),crusaders,and specialty priests(including fighter/specialty priests) of Haela receive religion (dwarven) and reading/writing(Dethek runes) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. Clerics of Haela can use any weapons,not just bludgeoning(wholly Type B) weapons. Clerics of Haela(as well as fighter/clerics) cannot turn undead before 7th level,but they always strike at +2 on all attack and damage rolls against undead creatures. At 7th level and above,clerics(including multiclassed clerics) can turn undead as other clerics do,but as a cleric of four levels less than their current level. These modifications apply only to the cleric class. Before the Time of Troubles,the priesthood of Haela was all female;since then,some males have joined the clergy.

  海菈很受盾矮人[shield dwarves],尤其是盾矮人流浪者的尊敬,而她的教派也在南方[the South]的年轻金矮人[gold dwarves]中缓慢地发展着。幸运女士还因她的追随者们近乎传说的事迹,而在北地[the North]的非矮人冒险者中颇有知名度、很受尊敬,但在久居于人类和精灵城市中的居民中,她通常仅仅被视为一位矮人的狂战士之神——类似于伽拉苟斯[Garagos]。
Haela is well regarded by shield dwarves,particularly wanderers,and her cult is slowly growing among the younger gold dwarves of the South. The Luckmaiden is well known and well regarded among nondwarven adventurers of the North through the near-legendary deeds of her followers,but she is commonly seen as nothing more than a dwarven god of berserkers-akin to bloodthirsty Garagos-by the more sedentary inhabitants of human and elven cities.

  海菈的神殿是洞穴或者地下房间,有时在古老的被废弃监牢、或是人类废墟的酒窖中。它们通常也是食物仓库、小型铁匠铺、以及塞满了剩余武器和防具的兵工厂,而守卫的祭司几乎不会少于1打(经常是更多,16到20位在其中居住)。这样一座神殿总是在某处安置了一具有高度破坏力的陷阱:如果矮人们被杀或是被驱逐,没有矮人之敌能在不付出惨重代价而获得武器储备。有座为安菲尔[Amphail]村附近的兽人侵占的著名海菈神殿,被证明有一具六面独立剑刃护壁[blade barriers]陷阱,它们相继地出现、使用神殿的武器贮藏作为旋转的武器。
Temples of Haela are caves or underground rooms,sometimes in old abandoned holds or the cellars of human ruins. They are typically storehouses of food,small smithies,and armories crammed with odd weapons and armor,and are never guarded by less than a dozen priests (more often,16 to 20 are in residence). There is always a highly destructive trap set somewhere in such a temple:If the dwarves are slain or forced out,no enemy of the dwarves will get the store of weapons without taking heavy losses. One famous temple of Haela,overrun by orcs near Amphail,proved to have a trap of six separate blade barriers that came into being one after another and used the cached weapons of the temple as the whirling weapons.

  类似于克兰贾丁的初修士,海菈的初修士名为未见血者[the Unblooded]。正式祭司名为明斧之刃[Blades of the Brightaxe]。依升序,海菈教派[Haelan]祭司所使用的头衔如下:第一滴血[First Blood]、致命短刃[Deadly Dirk]、粗壮之矛[Stout Spear]、锋锐之斧[Sharp Axe]、闪光之剑[Shining Sword]、火矢[Flamebolt]、以及明斧[Brightaxe]。至高长者[High Old Ones]们拥有独特的头衔,但被统称为神圣绯红[the Hallowed Crimson]。专属祭司名为幸运女士[luckmaidens]。海菈的神职人员包括盾矮人(70%)、金矮人(28%)、以及灰矮人(2%)。海菈的神职人员均分为专属祭司(34%)、牧师(33%)以及十字军(33%)。全体专属祭司和牧师的一半分别是战士/专属祭司和战士/牧师。海菈神职人员的性别比大约为85%的女性和15%的男性,虽然只有女性可以成为幸运女士。
Novices of Haela,like novices of Clangeddin,are known as the Unblooded. Full priests are known as Blades of the Brightaxe. In ascending order of rank,the titles used by Haelan priests are First Blood,Deadly Dirk,Stout Spear,Sharp Axe,Shining Sword,Flamebolt,and Brightaxe. High Old Ones have individual titles but are collectively known as the Hallowed Crimson. Specialty priests are known as luckmaidens. The clergy of Haela includes shield dwarves(70%),gold dwarves(28%),and gray dwarves(2%). Haela's clergy is evenly divided between specialty priests(34%),clerics(33%),and crusaders(33%). Fully one-half of the specialty priests and clerics are fighter/specialty priests and fighter/clerics,respectively. The gender mix of Haela's clergy is about 85% female and 15% male,though only females can be luckmaidens.

Dogma:Through battle there is validation,liberation,and exultation. Trust in Haela to see you through the fray,and the monsters of the world shall fall to the sharp blades of your axes,regardless of their apparent strength and numbers. The Luckmaiden blesses those dwarves who believe in her beneficence,and she,through her faithful,will always be there for the beleaguered and the besieged. Rejoice the power of your swing in battle,the sound of your weapon smiting a worthy foe,and the challenge of the fray. If asked,show mercy on a noble foe who abides by a code of honor,but hold not your hand against the treacherous,the liars,and the honorless.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Day-to-Day Activities:Priests of Haela wander throughout the Realms,aiding dwarves in battle. They wander because no priest knows where or when she or he will be needed-each relies upon Haela's guiding hand to position him or her as necessary.

  明斧之刃通过治疗、施展法术、以及与他们并肩战斗,来援助被围困的矮人(以及矮人们已知的盟友和同伴)对抗各种类型的生物。她们的目标是让矮人尽可能地取胜、并让矮人尽可能多地活下来。祭司们也希望令所有的矮人熟习于自己在战斗中的技能——对于海菈的崇拜者来说,如果粗壮族裔[the Stout Folk]要生存,就需要以作战技能指引每一双矮人之手。
Blades of the Brightaxe aid beleaguered dwarves(and known allies and companions of dwarves) against creatures of all sorts by healing, casting spells,and fighting alongside them. Their objectives are to achieve victory for the dwarven side and to allow the maximum possible number of dwarves to survive. The priests wish also to make all dwarves comfortable with their own skills in combat-to Haela's worshipers,battle-skills are needed to guide the hands of all dwarves if the Stout Folk are to survive.

Priests of Haela are always heavily armed and are often skilled at weapon and armor repair. They freely give away the weapons they carry to dwarves in need but always keep at least one weapon for themselves,although it may be well hidden. They practice throwing weapons in a variety of ways,such as onto ledges,to cut ropes,and to land upright,points buried in the turf,beside those needing them. Priests of Haela who attempt to deliver a weapon in such a manner gain a +3 bonus to their Dexterity checks.

  海菈的资深祭司教导她们的后辈与特定怪物战斗的相关战术、秘诀、与窍门,以及它们的习惯、巢穴和弱点。DM可以传授来自《怪物图鉴MONSTROUS MANUAL》的详细信息给向海菈的祭司提出了正确问题的PC。所有得到了海菈祭司援助的个人或团队,都被期望为这份援助而支付一件备用武器,让这位祭司可以给予某些其他的贫穷队伍。否则,一面盾牌、一副铁手套、或者其它防具或有用的装置也可以作为代替。把某位祭司刚刚给你的武器归还给他,被认为是不礼貌的行为。
The senior priests of Haela teach their juniors much concerning tactics,secrets,and hints for fighting specific monsters,and knowledge of their habits,lairs,and weaknesses. A DM can impart detailed information from the MONSTROUS MANUALtome to PCs who ask a priest of Haela the right questions. All individuals or groups aided by a priest of Haela are expected to pay for the aid with a spare weapon that the priest can give to some other needy band. Failing that,a shield,pair of gauntlets,or other armor or useful gear can be substituted. It is considered bad form to give the priest back a weapon she or he just gave you.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
  幸运女士的追随者庆祝按个神圣的纪念日。一年之中,这类圣日的第一个是每年在绿草节[Greengrass]庆祝的产卵时节[the Time of the Spawning]。在这一天,海菈的神职人员为兽人或是其它怪物从矮人们陷落已久的被侵占据点倾泻而出、再次威胁剩下的粗壮族裔做准备。产卵时节以对将要来临的猛攻作准备的严峻仪式为标志,包括不休止的战斗圣歌合唱、与无休止的鼓点节拍相合的有节奏吟唱、以及将从早前的对手那里缴获的武器与防具仪式性地粉碎。
Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:The followers of the Luck maiden celebrate three holy days of note. The first such day of the year,celebrated annually on Greengrass,is known as the Time of the Spawning. On this day Haela's clergy prepare for the next wave of orcs and other monsters to pour forth from the occupied holds of long-fallen dwarves to threaten the remaining Stout Folk once again. The Time of Spawning is marked by grim ceremonies of preparation for the coming onslaught and includes endless choruses of battle hymns,rhythmic chanting to the beat of endless drumming,and the ritual shattering of weapons and armor seized from previous opponents.

  海菈教派信仰的第二个主要圣日名为高举之斧[the Axe Held High],这是个赞扬争斗女士的英勇,和她在对抗他们的远古敌人时保护他们的角色的日子。这是个欢乐的庆典,庆典在正午的户外举行、彻底地拥抱太阳。幸运女士的追随者们认为,在日球位于最高顶点时,在太阳的中心会顷刻出现一柄出鞘的剑。虽然没有其他信仰曾经曾经报道过这样的幻影,但每位够格随海菈参与这场禁忌仪式的明斧之刃成员,将在接下来的24小时内,得到被灵光包裹的其它增益(见上的其他显现)。
The second major holy day of the Haelan faith is known as the Axe Held High,a day that glorifies the valor of the Lady of the Fray and her role in defending the Stout Folk against their ancient foes. On this day of joyous celebration,ceremonies are held at midday,outdoors in the full embrace of the sun. The followers of the Luckmaiden hold that an unsheathed sword appears momentarily in the center of the solar orb at high noon. While no other faith has ever reported such an apparition,every member of the Blades of the Brightaxe in good standing with Haela who participates in the proscribed rituals receives the benefits other enveloping aura(see Other Manifestations above) for the next twenty-four hours.

  最后,月宴节[the Feast of the Moon]被海菈追随者用来纪念阵亡者祭[the Commemoration of the Fallen]。在这一天,将通过对他们战斗的详细述说和在对他们的回忆中献祭崭新的防具和武器,在与怪物作战保卫粗壮族裔时阵亡的矮人和非矮人盟友被铭记。
Finally,the Feast of the Moon is celebrated by the followers of Haela as the Commemoration of the Fallen. On this day,those dwarves and nondwarves alike who fell in the defense of the Stout Folk while battling monstrous opponents are remembered by the recounting of their battles and the consecration of new armor and weapons in their memory.

On all such holy days,Haela's devout followers are expected to offer several drops of their own blood(one per level of the follower) as well as the blood of enemies of the dwarves they have defeated since the previous holy day(one drop of blood per foe,and one foe per level of the follower).

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
  剑洞[Endar Aglandtor],即剑之石窟[the Sword Grotto],是一座幸运女士的修道院,隐藏在一系列矮人所挖的洞窟中,这些洞窟是从名为诸剑岩峰[the Tor of Swords]的花岗岩基开凿出的。剑之石窟坐落于失魂之丘[the Hill of Lost Souls]的北方-西北,正位于不断弯曲的蜿蜒河[Winding Water]制造的极东的环带的最北边以西。这座山丘曾经标记着海尔布琳[the Helbryn],陷落已久的矮人王国奥格兰[Oghrann]广阔的狩猎禁区的最北边界。今日,剑之石窟在“绯红之斧刃”阿格拉娅·岩拳[Blade of the Crimson Axe Aglaya Rockfist],罗瑞纳之女[daul of Rorrina],海仑玛之血[blood of Helmma]干练领导下,充当着海菈之军[Haela's Host](见后)的牧师会礼堂。从她们隔绝的堡垒出发,这支军事组织保持着对失魂之丘、白骨战场[the Battle of Bones]、以及的其它很久以前有矮人阵亡的无名杀戮战场的监视。海菈之军的牧师、十字军、和专属祭司频繁与毒蛇丘陵[the Serpent Hills]的怪物们发生冲突,有个别冒险队曾经探索过这座小丘,但没有找到传说中的诸刃。假设这柄智能剑不止是神话,可能它们现在被海菈之军最有才能的女剑客使用。
Major Centers of Worship:Endar Aglandtor,the Sword Grotto,is an abbey of the Luckmaiden hidden in a series of dwarf-dug caverns hewn from the base of a granite uprising known as the Tor of Swords. Located north-northwest of the Hill of Lost Souls,the Tor of Swords stands just east of the most northerly of the easternmost loops that the ever-twisting Winding Water makes. The hill once marked the northernmost border of the Helbryn,the great hunting preserve of the long-fallen dwarven kingdom of Oghrann. Today the Tor of Swords serves as the chapter house of Haela's Host(see below) under the able leadership of Blade of the Crimson Axe Aglaya Rockfist,daul of Rorrina,blood of Helmma. From their isolated redoubt,the priests of the militant order keep watch over the Hill of Lost Souls,the Battle of Bones,and other unnamed battlefields in the region where dwarven warriors fell long ago. The clerics,crusaders,and specialty priests of Haela's Host clash frequently with the monsters of the Serpent Hills,the Marsh of Chelimber,and the Forest of Wyrms,and they are very effective in keeping monstrous population of the region in check. The Tor of Swords is named for the quintet of sentient magical swords said to have been entombed within the hill before the erection of the Standing Stone. Since most tales confuse the Tor of Swords with the nearby Dungeon of Swords,located to the northwest in the Serpent Hills,few adventuring bands have ever explored the isolated knoll,and none have found the legendary blades. Assuming the sentient swords are more than myth,it is likely they are now wielded by the ablest swordswomen of Haela's Host.
[译注:矮人语Dwarvish :aglandt——sword;endar——cave (surface world; one not linked toextensive underways)]

  冒险会场[Torstultok],即宏伟狩猎之厅[the Hall of Grand Hunts],是座因资助了大量的纯矮人和混合种族冒险队,而在北地的粗壮族裔中广为人知的海菈神殿要塞。冒险会场坐落于遗弃丘陵[the Forlorn Hills],这片区域因其两座最出名的废墟而著称:坍塌之梯[the Crumbling Stair]与石屋[the House of Stone]。这座神殿坐落于在北地的监察者[the Watchers of the North]的东部终点地下,由隧道和宏伟厅堂组成的、庞大复杂的结构中。冒险会场在消逝王国[the Fallen Kingdom]陨落前被称为火锤堡[Firehammer Hold],在北地的传说中,大量宝藏仍然归因于后者的名字。虽然有很多相同的传说声称:火锤堡的矮人,在人类王国[the Kingdom of Man]建立后不久、被肆虐了这座堡垒的瘟疫灭亡了,但实际上,矮人的数量是随着时间减少的,而堡垒的领导人们制造了致命瘟疫的迹象,来让剩余的矮人更为安全。
Torstultok,the Hall of Grand Hunts,is a temple-fortress of Haela well known among the Stout Folk of the North for the numerous all-dwarven and mixed-race adventuring companies it sponsors to reclaim long-lost dwarven relics from ore-held halls. Torstultok is located in the Forlorn Hills,a region best known for its two most famous ruins:the Crumbling Stair and the House of Stone. The temple is located in a sprawling complex of tunnels and grand halls beneath the eastern end of the Watchers of the North,the line of hills that mark the northern edge of the Forlorn Hills. Torstultok was known as Firehammer Hold before the Fallen Kingdom fell,and much treasure is still ascribed to the latter name in the tales of the North. Although those same tales claim that the dwarves of Firehammer Hold perished in a plague that ravaged the hold shortly after the founding of the Kingdom of Man,in truth,the dwarves' numbers dwindled over time,and the leaders of the hold staged the evidence of a deadly plague in order to increase the security of those dwarves who remained.
[译注:矮人语Dwarvish :torst——adventure;ultok——meeting-place, coming together]

  这一行为意想不到的结果是随后数个世纪渴求宝藏、寻求长久失落的矮人金堆的冒险者的到来。为了安抚这些潜在掠夺者的贪欲,矮人们开始雇佣这类流浪者,去探索他们知道被兽人侵占的矮人要塞。从这一传统,这座要塞在热爱战斗的矮人、与在陷落已久的矮人王国废墟之中寻求荣耀的其他种族冒险者之间,衍生出了现在的交易所角色。海菈的神职人员甚至已经开始用外观古老的财富、不完整的藏宝图、以及其它的诱人饵料引诱冒险者们到神殿。一个这样的例子,便是可以在歌唱之魂[the Singing Sprite]的墙中发现的一间不那么秘密的隐藏房间,歌唱之魂是一家有着石板瓦、砌着多面山墙的石头小酒馆,它坐落于三座丘陵之间的盆地中,而村庄西康布[Secomber]也建筑在那里。
An unexpected consequence of this action was the arrival in subsequent centuries of treasure-hungry adventurers seeking long-lost dwarven hordes of gold. To assuage the anger of such would-be-plunderers,the dwarves began a practice of hiring such wanderers to seek out other dwarven holds that they knew to be occupied by orcs. From this tradition evolved the hold's current role as a clearinghouse for battle-loving dwarves and adventurers of other races seeking glory amidst the ruins of long-fallen dwarven kingdoms. Haela's clergy have even begun to lure adventurers to the temple by means of ancient-looking,incomplete maps and other enticing lures. One such example may be found on the walls of a not-so-secret hidden room in the Singing Sprite,a slate-shingled,many-gabled stone inn located in the bowl between the three hills that the village of Secomber is built upon.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:
  在过去的诸世纪中,幸运女士的追随者建立了不可计数的宗教和军事组织,但几乎从未有幸存超过一代或两代。今日仍然存在的某些最著名组织包括:海菈之军(见上文)、幸运女士之女[the Dauls of the Luckmaiden]、深地之下的光辉之军[the Shining Host of the Underdeeps]、以及骑乘鹫马[hippogriff]的剑谷飞行员[Skyriders of Aglandar](大裂谷[Great Rift]在矮人语[dwarvish]中的名字)。大部分组织都以其成员的英勇和胆量著称,这类队伍通常致力于以他们的努力,减少他们根据地区域的邪恶怪物数量。

Affiliated Orders:Numerous religious and military orders have been founded by the followers of the Luckmaiden in past centuries,but few ever survive longer than a generation or two. Some of the most famous orders in existence today include Haela's Host(see above),the Dauls of the Luckmaiden,the Shining Host of the Underdeeps,the Dancing Damsels of the Brightaxe,and the hippogriff-mounted Skyriders of Aglandar(as the Great Rift is known in dwarvish). Most orders are known for the valor and daring of their members,and such bands typically focus their efforts on reducing the population of evil monsters in the region in which they are based.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Priestly Vestments:Haela's clergy favor either armor or plain steel-gray rotes,with an overcloak of scarlet and crimson footwear,as ceremonial vestments. An open-faced helm is always worn. The holy symbol of the faith is a steel medallion embossed with Haela's symbol.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
Adventuring Garb:When adventuring,the Luckmaiden's clergy garb themselves in the best armor available-chain mail is preferred-and always seek to wield weapons of the finest quality. Helms are always worn,but they need not be open-faced.

  出于对一种古老习俗的致敬,海菈的祭司身边永远携带着一只装着铁蒺藜的大麻袋,希望有机会用到它们。(纳入大口袋大约35到75枚蒺藜,取决于蒺藜和袋子的大小。蒺藜在《Arms and Equipment Guide》中讲述。)随着阿笛普[Ardeep]和消逝王国几个世纪前的分裂,海菈的祭司们跟随其他人英勇奋战(无论是否最终徒劳无功),保护三冠王国[the Realm of Three Crowns]沿着德林毕尔河[the River Delimbiyr]河堤的残余部分。在那时,数量众多的半身人农夫,在以附近火锤堡为基地的海菈祭司盟友们的保护支持下,在西康布村周围的翠绿农田安了家。出于对幸运女士神职人员的警惕之斧和她们所分享的、预备的武器供应的感激,渺小族裔[the Little Folk]不断地向海菈英勇的祭司们提供蒺藜袋——通常是一次3袋——作为报偿。这一惯例对于双方来说,既是一种笑料,也是一种充满感情的传统。
In honor of an ancient custom,priests of Haela are forever toting large sacks of caltrops around,hoping to get a chance to use them. (About 35 to 75 caltrops can fit in a large sack,depending on the size of the caltrops and the sack. Caltrops are covered in the Arms and Equipment Guide.) As Ardeep crumbled and the Fallen Kingdom splintered centuries ago,Haela's priests,along with many others,fought valiantly,if ultimately futilely,to preserve what remained of the Realm of Three Crowns along the banks of the River Delimbiyr. At that time,numerous halfling farmers made their homes in the verdant farmland surrounding Secomber under the protective aegis of the allied priests of Haela based in the nearby Firehammer Hold. In thanks for the vigilant axes of the Luckmaiden's clergy and the ready supply of weapons they shared,the Little Folk continually repaid Haela's valiant priests with bags of caltrops-typically three at a time. This practice is now both a joke and an affectionate tradition for both groups.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(幸运女士Luckmaidens

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量[Strength] 11,敏捷[Dexterity] 10,感知[Wisdom] 9
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量[Strength],敏捷[Dexterity],感知[Wisdom]
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通[All],战斗[combat],守卫[guardian],治疗[healing],保护[protection],旅者[travelers],战争[war]
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:创造[Creation],预言[divination],死灵[necromantic],召唤[summoning],太阳[sun]
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师[Same as clerics]
  熟练需求REQ. PROPS:武器锻造[Weaponsmithing]
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:盲战[Blind-fighting],翻滚[tumbling]

  ·Luckmaidens must be female dwarves. While most luckmaidens are shield dwarves and many of the rest are gold dwarves,dwarves of nearly every subrace are called to be specialty priests of Haela's clergy.


  ·Luckmaidens are allowed to multiclass as fighter/luckmaidens,and if the DM allows kits for multiclassed characters,they may take any allowed fighter/cleric kit for dwarves.


  ·Luckmaidens may select nonweapon proficiencies from the warrior group without penalty.


  ·Luckmaidens have a +2 bonus on all saving throws when actively participating in melee combat.

  ·Luckmaidens can cast armor,on themselves only,or shield(as the 1st-level wizard spells) once per day.

  ·At 3rd level,luckmaidens can cast aid(as the 2nd-level priest spell) orstrength(as the 2nd-level wizard spell) on themselves only,once per day.

  ·在第5级,每日1次,幸运女士能施展唤起圣力[draw upon holy might]减轻负荷[lighten load](如同2级祭司法术),仅限自身。
  ·At 5th level,luckmaidens can cast draw upon holy might or lighten load(as the 2nd-level priest spells) once per day.

  ·在第7级,随意使用,幸运女士侦测武器[detect weapons](如同1级祭司法术)。
  ·At 7th level,luckmaidens can cast detect weapons(as the 1st-level priest spell) at will.


  ·At 7th level,luckmaidens who are not multiclassed can make three melee attacks every two rounds.

  ·在第10级,每日1次,幸运女士能施展祈祷术[prayer](如同6级祭司法术)或火击术[flame strike](如同5级祭司法术)。
  ·At 10th level,luckmaidens can cast prayer(as the 6th-level priest spell) onflame strike(as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ·At 13th level,luckmaidens who are not multiclassed can make two melee attacks per round.

  ·在第15级,每日1次,幸运女士能施展治疗术[heal]英雄宴[heroes' feast](如同6级祭司法术)。
  ·At 15th level,luckmaidens can cast heal or heroes' feast(as the 6th-level priest spells) once per day.

海菈教派法术Haelan Spells

1st Level
侦测武器Detect Weapons
  (祭司Pr 1;预言[Divination])

  持续时间Duration:1 回合[turn]
  施法时间Casting Time:1轮[round]
  影响区域Area of Effect:10英尺X90英尺[10 feet X 90 feet]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

When the detect weapons spell is cast,the priest detects weapons in a path 10 feet wide and up to 90 feet long in the direction she or he is facing. The caster can turn,scanning a 60°arc per round. The spell is blocked by solid stone at least 1 foot thick,solid metal at least 1 inch thick,or solid wood at least 1 yard thick. In addition,the caster has a 10% chance per level to determine if a specific type of weapon is present. One type of weapon can be checked for each round.


The spell detects concealed,invisible,and improvised weapons thathave been used to harm or are carried with intent to harm. Brokenweapons are detected only if still usable(for example,a spear withits shaft snapped in half). In some old ruins,the sheer number of abandoned weapons renders this spell ineffective except to search for particular types of weapons,as all checking in most directions will reveal the presence of weapons.


The spell requires the use of the priest's holy symbol.

2nd Level
海菈的战斗祝福Haela's Battle Blessing
  (祭司Pr 2;改变[Alteration])

  持续时间Duration:2轮+1轮/级[2 rounds+1 round/level[
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:被接触的生物[Creature touched]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

Haela's battle blessing aids the recipient in battle. Normally a roll of a 20 on an attack roll is always a hit. When this spell is used by the priest or an ally,the chances of an automatic hit are improved. If cast by a priest of 8th level or less,both a 19 or a 20 are always hits on an attack roll by the spell recipient. If cast by a priest of 9th level or greater,an 18 is also always a hit on an attack roll by the recipient. This spell does not,by itself,allow damage to be inflicted on creatures vulnerable only to magical weapons.


The spell requires the use of the priest's holy symbol.

掷岩术Hurl Rock
  (祭司Pr 2;改变[Alteration]) 可逆[Reversible]

  距离Range:10 码/级[yards/level]
  施法时间Casting Time:1
  影响区域Area of Effect:一块岩石(见下)[One rock(see below)]
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无[None]

  这道法术令矮人能突然而暴力地心灵遥控一块松动的岩石,将其作为投掷物猛投。能够使用的只有岩石,可以是自然岩体也可以是石质物品。这块石头必须是松动的;它不能是墙体、岩壁、或天花板的一部分。这发弹药使用施法者的THAC0。这道法术的范围指祭司与这块岩弹之间的距离。这发弹药可以飞到垂直30英尺高、水平达30英尺。弹药使用《城主手册DUNGEON MASTER Guide》的“表 45:投炸物的影响Table 45:Grenade-Like Missile Effects”。
This spell allows a dwarf to suddenly and violently use telekinesis ona loose rock,hurling it as a missile. Only stone can be used,either natural stone or petrified objects. The stone must be loose;it cannot be part of a wall,rock face,or ceiling. The projectile strikes with the caster's THAC0. The range of this spell refers to the distance between the priest and the stone missile. The projectile can leap up to 30 feet vertically and up to 30 feet horizontally. Misses use "Table 45:Grenade-Like Missile Effects" in the DUNGEON MASTER Guide.

The caster can move up to 2 cubic feet/level. Rocks that are too large are detected as such;the priest can choose another rock in the same round,but if it is also too large,the spell is wasted.


At times,it may be important to know what damage the missile itself sustains after being hurled;for instance,if it is a fragile,valuable object or,say,a petrified companion. The missile suffers 2d4 pointsof damage from its use in this spell and double that damage if it falls more than 50 feet in the process. This shatters the missile if it is brought to 0 hit points. Assume rocky missiles to have an average hit point total of 6 per 2 cubic feet,so that a rock of the maximum size that a 3rd-level priest can move(6 cubic feet) has 18 hit points.


Rocky missiles that shatter spray shrapnel;all creatures within 10feet of the landing site of a shattering missile must succeed at a saving throw vs. spell or suffer 1d4+1 points of damage.


Any item struck by the missile or its shrapnel(see above) must succeed at an item saving throw vs. crushing blow. A being struck by the missile is hurt as follows:

岩石体积(立方英尺) 伤害
Rock Volume    Damage
(in Cubic Feet) 

1-2         2d4
3-4         2d8
5-6         2d10
7-8         3d8
9-10         3d10
More than 10    4d12


Note that a typical man-sized statue is 12 cubic feet.

  这道法术的逆向版本,岩石盾牌[rock shield],让施法者能偏转各种类型、各种来源的石弹。这面盾牌的效果将保持1 轮/级,能无误地对抗所有边缘为包含、或为石制的弹丸。一旦被施展,它便不需要继续专注或进一步行动。盾牌的使用者无法控制石弹被偏转的方向。使用《城主手册》中“表 45:投炸物的影响”来确定它们的目标,请注意:这种偏斜可能命中盾牌使用者的同伴或敌人。岩石盾牌不能与其它防护一般飞弹的保护共存。
The reverse of this spell,rock shield,allows the caster to deflect rocky missiles of all types and from all sources. The shield remains in effect for 1 round/level,infallible against all missiles whose edges contain or are made of stone. Once cast,it does not require continued concentration or further action. The deflections are in directions uncontrollable by the user of the shield. Use "Table 45:Grenade-Like Missile Effects" in the DUNGEON MASTER Guide to determine their destination,noting that deflections may hit companions of the shield-user or his or her enemies. Rock shieldis incompatible with protection from normal missiles.


The material component of this spell is a tiny pebble held in the priest's hand and not consumed during casting. The reverse of the spell requires two small pebbles(which are not consumed) and a translucent piece of glass,mica,ice,crystal,or a gem.
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