作者 主题: 腐化(Corruption)整合+翻译  (阅读 23369 次)

副标题: 为什么有人会整合这个啊~当然是给自己的团加点让PC受苦的新内容了~

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« 于: 2021-11-21, 周日 18:08:14 »

腐化阶段(Corruption Stage):衡量你接近墮入腐化的程度的指标。你的腐化阶段協助你想像灵魂中有多少部分已被你的腐化扭曲。到達腐化阶段3时,你即被壓垮並不再是PC。
显形等级(Manifestation Level):是个衡量你的腐化已改变了多少你的身心的指标。你的显形等级等同你擁有的显形數目。

多重腐化(Multiple Corruptions):一般情況你只能有种腐化。但在触發了某些非常罕見的條件下有机会导致你被多于一种腐化影響,这情況下你一般承受多重腐化的所有污染,但只獲得第一种感染腐化的贈礼,而次要的腐化也会以緩慢的進度给予显形。当描述指向你的显形等级时,只計算该次要腐化的显形等级,而非你的显形等级的总和。


实用腐化(Useful Corruption):在此形式的戰役中,你的腐化贈礼让你打擊黑惡势力。你在腐化时选择你獲得的显形並且选择是否提高你的显形等级。你獲得该贈礼但不需要承受该污染。若你拒絕接受污染,此显形不会提高你的显形等级,那可能阻止你滿足更多显形的先決條件。你能在任何时间接受你的显形中的污染,立即提高你的显形等级。
惡劣腐化(Vile Corruption):在此形式的戰役中,腐化是个可怕的負擔,越早清除越好。当你感染腐化或提高你的显形等级时,由GM決定你獲得的显形。你总是承受该污染但能选择不要该贈礼。若你拒絕接受贈礼,你跟腐化过程相关的豁免检定+1环境加值。每拒絕一份额外贈礼则此加值再+1。你能在任何时间接受你的显形中的贈礼,但这样做使你立即失去对應的豁免检定加值。



劇透 -   :

Even the most pure creature can succumb to tides of darkness. What begins as a minor malady or errant idea can grow into something malignant—a spreading corruption that can obscure your morals, cloud your judgment, and ultimately devour your soul. There are a number of different types of corruptions, from the hunger of vampirism to the horrifying transformation of the promethean. Living with a corruption is often a terrifying experience, but also offers the temptation of dark gifts. Hosts sometimes choose not to fight the corruption, but rather accept it and allow it to progress. These unfortunate folk either succumb to lust for the corruption’s power or attempt to control the stain of corruption and use its gifts for some greater good.

Each corruption detailed on the pages that follow features a general description, followed by its catalysts and manifestations. The catalyst section explains how a creature might contract the corruption, how it progresses, and how it can be cured. When a creature first contracts a corruption and its manifestation level increases, the corrupted creature gains manifestations. Manifestations carry both beneficial gifts and detrimental stains. Also, as the manifestation level increases, the stains and gifts of previous manifestations might grow more powerful. Lastly, as a creature’s manifestation level increases, so does the possibility of the corruption taking hold entirely, defiling its host forever.

A short list of terms related to corruptions follows.
Catalyst: The inciting incident that corrupted you in the game’s story, combined with ways you can progress toward total corruption.
Corruption: A dark manifestation of evil or alien influence that changes you over time.
Corruption Stage: A measure of how close you are to falling to your corruption. Think of your corruption stage as how much your soul has been altered by your corruption. At corruption stage 3, you succumb and are no longer a PC.
Gift: A benefit granted by a manifestation of your corruption.
Manifestation: A manifestation is a way in which your corruption becomes more prominent. You gain manifestations roughly every 2 character levels you live with your corruption. Each manifestation has both a gift and a stain, although you might not get both.
Manifestation Level: This is a measure of how much your corruption has changed your body and mind. Your manifestation level equals the number of manifestations you have.
Stain: A negative effect granted by a manifestation of your corruption.

The catalyst section of each corruption offers a number of possible methods for contracting that corruption. Once you contract a corruption, you immediately gain a manifestation. Your manifestation level becomes 1, and your number of manifestations and your manifestation level can increase as described in Manifestation Level on page 15. You also draw closer to losing your soul, as represented by your corruption stage. This is described under The Corruption’s Progress.
Multiple Corruptions: Typically, you can have only one corruption. If some exceedingly rare condition arises that would cause you to be affected by more than one, you typically gain stains from both corruptions’ manifestations but gifts from only the first one you contracted, and the secondary corruption also grants manifestations at a slower rate. When the text refers to your manifestation level, use only your manifestation level for the second corruption, not the sum of all your manifestation levels.

You gain a manifestation of your curse when you first contract a corruption, and gain more at later levels. Each manifestation includes both a gift and a stain (though campaign variants can change how you acquire these gifts and stains as described in the Variants section below). Many manifestations have prerequisites that limit them to characters farther along in their corruptions. A prerequisite marked with an asterisk (*) is another manifestation in the same section.
Unless stated otherwise, the DC for gifts that allow a saving throw is equal to 10 + 1/2 your level + your manifestation level (see below). You can have a maximum of nine manifestations.

A corruption’s gift and stain don’t have to manifest together. Your GM can use the following variants to alter how gifts and stains are gained.
Useful Corruption: In this form of campaign, your corruption’s gifts allow you to fight sinister forces. You select which manifestation to take when you gain the corruption and with each increase to your manifestation level. You receive the gift, but you don’t have to take the stain. If you refuse the stain, that manifestation doesn’t increase your manifestation level, which could prevent you from qualifying for additional manifestations. You can accept the stain of your manifestations at any time, immediately increasing your manifestation level.
Vile Corruption: In this form of campaign, corruptions are terrible burdens to be purged as soon as possible. When you contract a corruption or your manifestation level increases, the GM decides which manifestation you gain. You always acquire the stain, but you can choose not to take the gift. If you refuse the gift, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on saving throws related to the corruption progressing. For each additional gift you refuse, this bonus increases by 1. You can accept the gifts of your manifestations at any time, but once you do, you immediately lose the corresponding bonus on saving throws.

Each creature with a corruption has a manifestation level, which is normally equal to the number of manifestations the corrupted creature has (see Variants for exceptions). Sometimes gifts and stains become more extreme as a creature’s manifestation level increases.
You gain a new manifestation roughly every 2 levels. GMs can introduce corruptions as early as your 1st character level. A standard rate of corruption starts with a PC gaining the first stain at 1st level, the second at 3rd level, and another at 5th, 7th, 9th, and so on. Because you are limited to nine manifestations, your manifestation level can’t exceed 9th.
This standard rate of acquisition is a guideline rather than a strict rule. Many corruptions feature story considerations that could speed up or slow down the process, and individual GMs can alter the speed to serve the campaign’s narrative. When introducing a corruption at higher levels, a GM could accelerate the rate at which the first manifestations are acquired or grant multiple manifestations at once. In any case, the GM decides when a corruption progresses, not you (though variants can alter this, as described in Variants).

Every corruption has an associated saving throw. Each time you fail it, your corruption progresses to the next corruption stage. Each stage causes a more significant change within you, until you become completely irredeemable at corruption stage 3. When you gain a corruption, you begin at what is effectively stage 0, with no direct penalties. You must attempt a saving throw when you are being pulled toward darkness, and these saves are usually spread over a long period of time (often weeks or months). As such, abilities that allow or force rerolls (or rolling twice and taking the higher or lower result) can never be used on these saving throws, and temporary bonuses don’t apply on the progression saving throw, even if they are long-lasting.

底栖魔鱼(Aboleth)Horror Realms面纱大师(veiled master,出自B6的一种底栖魔鱼)们长期以来控制着内海地区政治舞台上无数的仆从
受诅(Accursed)Horror Realms一个肮脏的诅咒深深地束缚着你的身体和灵魂。你对诅咒你之人的怨恨已经形成了一种自己的生活方式。你注意到周围的人对你的蔑视,只有惩罚他们你才能获得慰藉。
不义(Amoral)Antihero's Handbook即使是最高贵的英雄也可能成为身体、思想或精神腐败的牺牲品,但在道德灰色水域行走的反英雄往往更容易陷入下面详述的道德败坏。

深潜者(Deep One)Horror Adventure波涛呼唤着你,就像女妖诱人的歌声回荡在汹涌的海浪中。
恶魔化(Demonic)Horror Realms与深渊或恶魔的密切接触会模糊你的思想,扭曲你的身体。
尸鬼化(Ghoul)Horror Adventure对鲜活血肉的渴望与日俱增,直到每一个有知觉的生物在你眼中都不过是一顿美餐。
狱契(Hellbound)Horror Adventure地狱的深坑等待着你备受谴责的灵魂。
虫群寄体(Hive)Horror Adventure你的躯壳成为一种超凡入侵物种的容器,它试图在恒星间传播并吞噬所有其他生命。
活屍化(Lich)Horror Adventure你转型成反生命(Unlife)的尝试出了极度糟糕的岔子,让你的灵魂被困住了。活屍化腐化还会在化为其它有形不死生物时觸發(食屍鬼和吸血鬼例外,它们有自己独特的腐化)。
兽變(Lycanthropy)Horror Adventure有一个聲音伴隨你的血液脈動,有一股呼喚把你引向世上荒野原始之地,在那里你能自由地为了滿足你的嗜血兽慾而狩獵和殺戮。你滿心希望用尖牙利爪將敵人撕个粉碎。
受疫(Plagued)Horror Realms当疾病对身体造成长期的身体变化时,它可以成为一种腐化。
鬼上身(Possessed)Horror Adventure不管它是真正的精魄还是你的另一个人格,有另一種思想在跟你爭奪你身體的控制權。
改造人(Promethean)Horror Adventure你的肉身日漸消瘦。当你的身體腐朽时,你必須逐渐用上更多的人工组件来替换——尸肉、骨头、木材、金屬、或其他特殊材料。
心能(Psychometabolic)Psychic Anthology在格拉利昂和异位面存在着奇怪的力量。那些在与宇宙现象、神秘事物或来自暗幕之外的恐怖擦肩而过的人偶尔会发现心灵能力在他们的头脑中觉醒。这种力量虽然强大,但却会腐蚀身体、潜意识和情绪,往往会带来灾难性的后果。
影契(Shadowbound)Horror Adventure黑暗和恐惧是指引你的一切。当阴影吞噬你的时候,你正在变成一个憔悴的、没有生命和色彩的本我的黑白画。
渴血(Vampirism)Horror Adventure你看着濺出来的血不禁垂涎三尺,並跟將你的牙齒插進朋友和無辜者的脖子的衝動搏鬥。
« 上次编辑: 2022-01-19, 周三 14:25:58 由 Shift_FK »
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« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-11-21, 周日 18:08:24 »

该进程与你进行的那些具有持久后果的令人唾弃的行为(spiteful actions)有关。当你施展一个永久或持续时间极长的诅咒时,比如降咒,又或者进行残酷的报复(由GM决定,但通常是对生物进行不相称的暴力行为)时,你必须进行一次意志豁免(DC=15+你的显形等级)。在任意一整个月中,若你进行的令人唾弃的行为的次数没有大于等于你的显形等级,你也必须进行一次该意志豁免。如果你在任何一次上述意志豁免中失败,你必须用你最为严厉的惩罚手段去对付下一个冒犯你的生物,即使那仅仅是鸡毛蒜皮的小事

腐化阶段1(Corruption Stage 1):你第一次参与了不相称的惩罚(自愿或因为豁免失败),你的阵营向邪恶偏移一级,你的面容得以改变,变成令人难忘的美貌或丑陋。
腐化阶段2(Corruption Stage 2):你第二次从事这种行为时,你的阵营再向邪恶偏移一级并且你的面容变成非人的外貌,与诅咒你的那种生物越来越相似。
腐化阶段3(Corruption Stage 3):当你第三次从事这种行为时,你被你的仇恨所吞噬,成为一名由GM控制的NPC。
移除腐化(Removing the Corruption)
解除该腐化需要打破原来的诅咒,并杀死或从下诅咒的人那里获得宽恕。如果你不公平地杀死了任何生物或使其永久受损,你必须消除伤害(undo the harm)并赎罪。

恶念瞥视(Baleful Glare)

寒铁过敏(Cold Iron Allergy)

残忍骗徒(Cruel Deceiver)

严峻命运(Grim Fate)

惊惧冲击(Horrific Shock)

唾弃转变(Spiteful Transformation)

不竭恨意(Undying Hatred)

虚弱爪击(Weakening Claws)

愿望贩子(Wish Peddler)

劇透 -  原文:
Accursed Corruption
Source Horror Adventures pg. 16
A foul curse has a deep hold on your body and soul. Your resentment toward the one who cursed you has taken on a life of its own. You notice slights against you by everyone around you, and can gain solace only by punishing them.
The corruption begins with a hateful curse, visitations from a night hag, or another relentless magical torment. These curses most often originate with hags, witches, gods, fey, depraved genies, or insidious divs. Even if the curse is lifted, its corruption lingers upon your soul.
The progression is tied to spiteful actions you take that have lasting consequences. When you inflict a permanent or long-lasting curse, such as bestow curse, or engage in brutal retaliation (what constitutes brutal retaliation is up to the GM, but usually includes disproportionate acts of violence against living creatures), you must attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level). You must also attempt a saving throw after any month in which you have failed to perform a number of spiteful retaliations equal to or greater than your manifestation level. If you fail any of these saving throws, you must use the most severe punishment at your disposal against the next creature that wrongs you, even in a minor way.

If you fail the save but your allies or others prevent you from exacting your retribution for three consecutive slights, you shake off this urge. You avoid having to exact retribution for the time being, and your corruption doesn’t progress. However, the DC of the Will save against your corruption progressing increases by 2. These increases stack each time you shake off this urge, and they last until your corruption reaches the next corruption stage.
Corruption Stage 1: The first time you engage in disproportionate punishment (voluntarily or because of a failed save), your alignment shifts one step toward evil and your face changes, making you memorably ugly or beautiful.
Corruption Stage 2: The second time you engage in this behavior, your alignment shifts another step toward evil and you take on an inhuman appearance, increasingly resembling the type of creature that cursed you.
Corruption Stage 3: The third time you engage in this behavior, you are utterly consumed by your hatred and become an NPC under the GM’s control.
Removing the Corruption
Lifting the corruption requires breaking the original curse and either killing or earning forgiveness from the one who laid the curse. If you killed or permanently impaired any creatures unfairly, you must undo the harm and atone.
The following are manifestations of the accursed corruption.
Baleful Glare
Source Horror Adventures pg. 16
You can weaken foes with a glare.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 6th.
Gift: Once per day, when you successfully use Intimidate to demoralize a creature within 30 feet, you can curse that target as a swift action. The victim must succeed at a Will save or be staggered permanently. If you use this ability on a creature that is still under the effects of your baleful glare from a previous day, the target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be paralyzed with fear for 3 days. At the end of each day the target spends paralyzed with fear, it must succeed at another Fortitude saving throw or die. Your effective caster level for these curses is equal to your character level.
Stain: One eye becomes bulging and bloodshot or each eye turns a different color. You take a –4 penalty on Perception checks. This transformation can’t be hidden by magic.
Cold Iron Allergy
Source Horror Adventures pg. 16
Your skin is as hardened as your heart.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 4th.
Gift: You gain an amount of damage reduction equal to 1/2 your manifestation level. This DR is overcome by cold iron.
Stain: Whenever you touch cold iron, including being struck by a cold iron weapon, you are sickened for 1 round. Immunities don’t prevent this sickened condition, and you can’t remove it early by any means. You can attempt to hide this aversion from foes with a Bluff check opposed by their Sense Motive checks.
Cruel Deceiver
Source Horror Adventures pg. 16
You can weave magical lies to set victims up for a downfall.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 2nd.
Gift: You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks. You can use dancing lights, disguise self, and ghost sound once per day each as a spell-like ability. You can perfectly mimic the sound of any animal or voice you have ever heard. At manifestation level 3rd, the bonus doubles. At manifestation level 5th, you can use mirage arcana once per day as a spell-like ability.
Stain: You can never speak or otherwise communicate the truth. You can still communicate by various methods, such as uttering insignificant lies, obvious lies, or nonstatements.
Grim Fate
Source Horror Adventures pg. 16
You can twist the strands of fate to your desires.
Gift: Once per day as an immediate action, you can reroll an ability check, attack roll, caster level check, saving throw, or skill check after learning the result. At manifestation level 8th, you can also lay a curse of unluck upon a creature once per day. This takes a standard action, and must target a creature you can see within 30 feet.
Stain: You can’t benefit from morale bonuses. You take a –2 penalty on Perform and Sense Motive checks. At manifestation level 3rd, the penalty doubles.
Horrific Shock
Source Horror Adventures pg. 17
You can surprise a foe with overwhelming horror.
Gift: When you damage a creature on the surprise round, it becomes shaken for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Will save.
Stain: You take on a horrible appearance. You take a –2 penalty on Diplomacy, Handle Animal, and wild empathy checks against creatures who can see you. At manifestation level 3rd, the penalty doubles.
Spiteful Transformation
Source Horror Adventures pg. 17
You can transform foes into mere beasts.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 5th.
Gift: Add 1 to the DCs of your spells and abilities that have the curse descriptor. Once per day as a standard action, you can use baleful polymorph as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to your character level. This counts as a curse, and the DC of any caster level check to remove it increases by 5.
Stain: You take a –2 penalty on Will saves. If you have this manifestation’s gift, using your baleful polymorph curse negates the penalty until the next day.
Undying Hatred
Source Horror Adventures pg. 17
You can’t rest while those you hate go unpunished.
Gift: Once per day, if you would die from hit point damage, instead your hit point total becomes –1 and you stabilize. This ability doesn’t work against death effects. Observers believe you to be dead unless they study you closely and succeed at a DC 25 Heal check. After 1 minute, you regain 1 hit point and regain consciousness.
Stain: When you begin your turn with a helpless foe within 5 feet of your reach, you must attempt a Will save. If you fail, you must attempt a coup de grace against that foe this round if possible. The DC of this Will save is equal to 15 + your manifestation level.
Weakening Claws
Source Horror Adventures pg. 17
Your fingernails grow into talons.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd.
Gift: Your nails grow into claw natural weapons that deal 1d3 points of damage if you’re Medium (1d2 if Small). Once per day, you can make a weakening claw attack as a standard action. If you hit, you inflict a permanent –4 penalty on the target’s Strength score. The victim can halve the penalty and reduce the duration to 24 hours with a successful Fort save.
Stain: You take a –2 penalty on Disable Device checks, Sleight of Hand checks, and attacks with manufactured weapons. Your spells with somatic or emotion components have a failure chance of 5%. If you have a spell failure chance from other sources, add the chances together.
Wish Peddler
Source Horror Adventures pg. 17
Like a fey or genie, you can twist another creature’s wishes.
Gift: Once per day as a full-round action, you can duplicate the effect of a witch spell of a spell level lower than your manifestation level. This spell cannot have a material or focus component costing more than 1 gp or a casting time longer than 1 standard action. The spell’s effect must fulfill, in part or in whole, a wish verbally stated by a humanoid creature you can hear (other than yourself).
Stain: If you cast or use a harmless spell or spell-like ability when you are in combat, you must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 20 + double the spell level) or lose the spell. This also applies to nonharmless spells you cast that target only allies. Additionally, you must attempt saves against your allies’ spells and spell-like abilities, even if they are harmless.
« 上次编辑: 2022-01-28, 周五 01:11:33 由 Shift_FK »
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« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-11-21, 周日 18:08:27 »




腐化阶段1(Corruption Stage 1):你第一次从事邪恶行为以促进你的目标,你的阵营就会向邪恶转变一步。
腐化阶段2(Corruption Stage 2):你第二次从事这种行为时,你的方向又向邪恶的方向转变,你的脸色变得病态,你的瞳孔变成了暗红色。
腐化阶段3(Corruption Stage 3):第三次参与这种行为时,邪恶的行为成为你行动的一部分,你对为实现你的目标而造成的痛苦不以为然--毕竟,这一切都是值得的。然而,你可能会因为卑鄙的行为而忽略了你最初的目的。你会成为GM控制下的一个NPC。

移除腐化(Removing the Corruption)

秘密交易(Clandestine Dealings)

证据清除者(Evidence Eraser)

证据伪造者(Evidence Forger)
你不关心真相;你只关心 "事实 "是否支持你的议程,而且你善于使这种假话看起来是真的。

禁忌魔法(Forbidden Magic)

高等秘密交易(Greater Clandestine Dealings)

过人恨意(Overwhelming Hate)

自大狂怒(Self-Righteous Fury)

反社会骗子(Sociopathic Liar)

众叛亲离(Sudden Betrayal)

劇透 -  原文:
Amoral Corruption
Source Antihero's Handbook pg. 20
While even the noblest heroes can fall victim to corruption of body, mind, or spirit, antiheroes who tread ethically gray waters are often at higher risk of losing themselves to the moral decay detailed below.

When an otherwise upstanding person turns to evil deeds to achieve his goals—whether by accident, due to sinister influence, or through desperation—he begins to slip, every excuse and justification furthering his descent into evil.
This corruption often begins when you allow an evil force into your life to help you accomplish an otherwise noble goal. In the name of helping a community or saving a loved one, you may have fallen in league with a disguised succubus or made a desperate deal with a dark power.

Characters wh0 are already neutral or evil cannot gain this corruption.
The progression of this corruption is tied to evil actions taken to achieve a significant benevolent goal (identified when you gain this corruption), especially when such actions provide an easier road to success than good actions. A significant goal might be deposing a tyrant or rescuing a prisoner of war, but it is up to the GM to determine what qualifies. Whenever you commit an evil act in pursuit of your significant goal, you must attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level). You must also attempt this saving throw after any month in which the number of evil acts you performed in pursuit of your goal is less than your manifestation level. If you fail any of these saving throws, you are overcome with the urge to commit a wantonly evil act that does not significantly advance your benevolent goal; this also causes you to progress to the next corruption stage. If others prevent this wantonly evil act, you shake off this urge, but the DC of future saving throws to prevent the corruption’s progress increases by 2; this increase stacks each time you shake off the urge, but it resets when you reach the next corruption stage.

Performing a wantonly evil action for your own enjoyment automatically progresses the corruption to the next stage.

Corruption Stage 1: The first time you engage in an evil act to further your goal, your alignment shifts one step toward evil.

Corruption Stage 2: The second time you engage in such an act, your alignment shifts another step toward evil, you take on a sickly pallor, and your pupils turn dark red.

Corruption Stage 3: The third time you engage in such an act, evil behavior becomes a casual part of your actions and you think nothing of the suffering caused to bring about your goals—after all, it will be worth it. However, you might lose sight of your original purpose in favor of mean-spiritedness. You become an NPC under the GM’s control.
Removing the Corruption
This corruption is difficult to remove, since it is based in part on your self-delusions. You must first be convinced that you are going too far to achieve your goal, and even then, full recovery requires atoning (as per atonement) or going through a similar redemptive arc, with the potential of remission subject to the GM’s discretion.
The following are manifestations of the amoral corruption.
Clandestine Dealings
Source Antihero's Handbook pg. 20
You begin to see the value in the methods of your enemies, and this intrigues them.
Gift: When you attempt a Diplomacy check to influence the attitude of an unfriendly or hostile creature, the DC is reduced by 5.
Stain: The hypocrisy of your methods begins to catch up with you. Good-aligned weapons and damaging effects deal one additional die of damage to you, even if your current alignment is good. (For example, a +1 holy longsword deals 2d8+1 points of damage to you if you are not evil, and it deals 2d8+2d6+1 points of damage to you if you are evil.)
Evidence Eraser
Source Antihero's Handbook pg. 21
You fear discovery of your crimes, so you work with obsessive zeal to cover your tracks, though this makes you paranoid.
Gift: You gain a +4 profane bonus on Bluff checks to obscure or destroy evidence, as well as on Stealth checks. At manifestation level 3rd, this bonus becomes +8.
Stain: You constantly second-guess the motives of others. If you attempt a Sense Motive check against a character who is not being deceptive, you must succeed against a DC equal to 15 + your manifestation level or you form some outlandish theory about the character’s behavior that paints her as an obstacle to accomplishing your goal.
Evidence Forger
Source Antihero's Handbook pg. 21
You don’t care about truth; you care only that the “facts” support your agenda, and you are adept at making such falsehoods seem true.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd, evidence eraser.
Gift: When attempting a Linguistics or similar check to create a forged piece of evidence, you can roll twice and use the higher result. You can use this gift a number of times per week equal to your manifestation level.
Stain: You can no longer discern between reality and a plausible lie. Whenever you attempt either a Will saving throw to disbelieve an illusion or an opposed Sense Motive check, you roll twice and take the lower result.
Forbidden Magic
Source Antihero's Handbook pg. 21
You find your magic to be insufficient for reaching your goal, so you begin to draw from darker sources.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd.
Gift: When you are the target of a damaging or healing spell, before the damage or healing is rolled, you can choose to take one fewer die of damage (for a damaging spell) or add one die of healing (for a healing spell).
Stain: Each time you use forbidden magic’s gift, you must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level) or you progress to the next corruption stage.
Greater Clandestine Dealings
Source Antihero's Handbook pg. 21
Fiends have taken notice of your wavering beliefs, and they seek to entice you.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd, clandestine dealings.
Gift: The benefits of clandestine dealings also apply to evil outsiders, regardless of their initial attitude. Furthermore, such outsiders are always willing to offer bargains, whether they are encountered normally or called by planar binding or similar methods.
Stain: You count as evil for the purposes of spells that have alignment-based effects.
Overwhelming Hate
Source Antihero's Handbook pg. 21
You cannot abide those who would oppose your goals—the very thought makes your blood boil.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 6th.
Gift: Once per day, you can declare an enemy to be a threat to your goal, allowing you to add your manifestation level as a bonus on damage rolls against that enemy. At manifestation level 8th, this extra damage is doubled.
Stain: When you encounter a significant setback in reaching your goal (as determined by the GM), you must attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level). On a failure, you attempt to take revenge on the party you consider responsible within the next few days, and your corruption progresses to the next stage.
Self-Righteous Fury
Source Antihero's Handbook pg. 21
Your fury at being vexed knows no bounds, and you sometimes slip into violent rages.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 6th.
Gift: Three times per day, you can gain the benefits of the rage spell with a caster level equal to your manifestation level. At manifestation level 8th, you also gain the benefits of the haste spell for as long as your rage lasts.
Stain: Your temper is difficult to control. Whenever you fail an ability check or skill check by 5 or more, you must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level) or you immediately lash out at a creature or object involved in the situation (determined randomly if there are multiple targets), attacking it with a weapon or otherwise attempting to damage it. You are not compelled to continue attacking the target.
Sociopathic Liar
Source Antihero's Handbook pg. 21
You have become so adept at spinning mistruths that it becomes nearly impossible for others to understand your true motives.
Gift: Whenever you attempt a Bluff check to lie, you gain a +4 bonus on the check. At manifestation level 3rd, this bonus increases to +8.
Stain: Whenever you are telling the truth and a creature attempts a Sense Motive check, the creature suspects you are lying regardless of the check’s result.
Sudden Betrayal
Source Antihero's Handbook pg. 21
Your allies never suspect that you will betray them in an instant if they get in your way.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 6th.
Gift: When you initiate combat against your allies, each one is staggered for the first normal round of combat.
Stain: You don’t count other creatures as allies for the purposes of abilities and effects that don’t directly target them (excluding the gift of this manifestation)..

« 上次编辑: 2021-11-22, 周一 01:41:23 由 Shift_FK »
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« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-11-21, 周日 18:08:29 »
面纱大师(veiled master)们长期以来控制着内海地区政治舞台上无数的仆从。

每当你有机会收集对政治阴谋有价值的情报或与你的洗脑者的具体利益有关的情报(由GM决定)时,你必须尝试一次意志豁免(DC=15+你的纤细等级)。若失败,你陷入晕厥(black out),当你在下周内有一次最好的机会不被发现的情况下获取信息时,你无意中试图获取信息。你是否能做到这一点取决于GM的判断和你的能力,但是如果获取信息显然超出了你的能力范围,你可以转而努力破坏情报周围的防御系统,这样你或其他被腐化的特工就可以在以后尝试获取信息。如果你成功了,你就能抵制住这种意外的冲动,但是未来对你的腐化进程豁免的DC会增加2。每当你为协助你的底栖魔鱼主人做出重大牺牲,或者以伤害无辜者的方式推进其议程时,你的腐化就会进展。

腐化阶段1(Corruption Stage 1):在你第一次执行这样的行动时,你发现你很难对自己的动机进行质问。在调查你的腐败行为时,你的技能检定会受到-2的罚值,而且你的阵营会向守序邪恶转变一步。
腐化阶段2(Corruption Stage 2):当你第二次进行这样的行为时,上述技能检定的罚值增加一倍,并且你的阵营会变成守序邪恶。
腐化阶段3(Corruption Stage 3):第三次进行这样的行为时,你就会成为GM控制下的面纱大师们的一个自愿的棋子。

移除腐化(Removing the Corruption)

无底心智(Fathomless Psyche)

赠礼:你获得了每天一次以类法术能力使用瞬发隐藏存在(hidden presence)UI的能力。在腐化阶段2,你每天可以使用这个能力两次,在腐化阶段3,每天最多可以使用三次。


莫名幻景(Inexplicable Illusions)
赠礼:每天一次,你可施展幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination)UI或者幻景(hallucinatory terrain)来显现一场幻象。显形等级7时,你能选择通过海市蜃楼(Mirage Arcana)长驻幻影 (Persistent Image)创造你的幻象。显形等级9时,你能选择预置幻影(Programmed Image) 或隐匿之纱  (Veil) 。不管你选择使用上述哪种方式,你每日只能以此能力创造一次幻象。该能力的幻象豁免DC等于10+你的显形等级+法术环位。【译注:上述能力推测均为类法术能力】

可塑躯壳(Malleable Flesh)
赠礼:花费10分钟进行专注,你的肉体开始重新排列,如同变身术(alter self)一般。显形等级5时,你可使用此能力来扮演特定个体的外形。显形等级7时,该能力如同类人形态 I (Monstrous Physique I)

七窍玲珑(Porous Mind)
赠礼:你在凝神聆听时能听见他人的心声。当你在对一名生物读空气(get a hunch)成功通过察言观色检定时,你可以一个标准动作使用侦测忧虑(detect anxieties)UI, 侦测欲望(detect desires)UI, 侦测思想(detect thoughts)或者感知疯狂(sense madness)HA(读取所有信息需要三轮专注)。显形等级6时,你能使用心灵感应与30尺内与你拥有同种语言的生物交流。

超凡游说(Overwhelming Hate)

技能调控(Skill Conditioning)

陆地世界的叛徒(Traitor to the Surface World)陆奸?

无意识议程(Unconscious Agenda)

劇透 -  原文:
Aboleth Corruption
Source Horror Realms pg. 54
The veiled masters have long controlled countless minions in the Inner Sea region’s political arenas.
Sinister agents of the eldritch aboleth empire have brainwashed you.
Whenever you have the opportunity to gather intelligence valuable in political intrigue or relevant to the specific interests of your brainwasher (GM’s discretion), you must attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level). Failure means you black out and unwittingly attempt to seize the information when you have the best chance to do so undetected in the next week. Whether or not you manage to do so depends on the GM’s discretion and your abilities, but if obtaining the information is obviously beyond your means, you may instead work to undermine the defenses surrounding the intelligence so you or another corrupted agent can attempt to gain the information at a later date. If you succeed at this saving throw, you resist the unexpected urge, but the DC of future saving throws against your corruption's progression increases by 2. This increase is cumulative, but it reverses when you fail the saving throw or your corruption progresses. Whenever you make a significant sacrifice to assist your aboleth master or advance its agenda in a way that harms innocents, your corruption progresses.
Corruption Stage 1: The first time you perform such an action, you find it harder to question your own motives. You take a –2 penalty on skill checks made to investigate your corruption, and your alignment shifts one step toward lawful evil.
Corruption Stage 2: The second time you perform such an act, the skill check penalty doubles, and your alignment becomes lawful evil.
Corruption Stage 3: The third time you perform such an act, you become a willing pawn to the veiled masters under the GM’s control.
Removing the Corruption
Psychic conditioning can reverse aboleth corruption, but only if the implanted agenda is understood in detail.
The following are manifestations of the aboleth corruption.
Fathomless Psyche
Source Horror Realms pg. 54
Your memory becomes increasingly unreliable.
Gift: Your mind contains gaps that serve as traps to those who contact it. You gain a +2 bonus on Will saving throws against mind-affecting effects. Anyone who reads your thoughts or emotions must succeed at a Will saving throw or become confused for 1 round. A creature can only be affected by your fathomless psyche once every 24 hours.
Stain: The bonus from your gift becomes a –2 penalty to Will saving throws against aboleths and their kind (including those they have corrupted).
Source Horror Realms pg. 54
Your psychic wake burns away all memory of your passing.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 6th.
Gift: You gain the ability to use hidden presence as a quickened spell-like ability once per day. You can use this ability twice per day at corruption stage 2, and up to three times a day at corruption stage 3.
Stain: People find you creepy but can’t explain why. Living creatures gain a +4 morale bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks to notice you or to see through your Bluff checks.
Inexplicable Illusions
Source Horror Realms pg. 54
Your lies distort the world around you.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 5th.
Gift: Once per day, you can manifest an illusion via either audiovisual hallucination or hallucinatory terrain. At manifestation level 7th, you can also choose to create your illusion via mirage arcana or persistent image. At manifestation level 9th, you can choose programmed image or veil. Regardless of your options, you can only create one illusion per day via this ability. The save DC for these illusions is equal to 10 + your manifestation level + the spell’s level.
Stain: You cannot discuss your aboleth corruption with anyone, whether verbally or by other means, unless you succeed at a Will saving throw. You can attempt this saving throw once per day. Aboleths and their kin are immune to your illusions.
Malleable Flesh
Source Horror Realms pg. 54
Your body twists to conform to your deceptions.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd.
Gift: With 10 minutes of concentration, your flesh takes on a new arrangement, as per alter self. At manifestation level 5th, you can use this ability to assume the shape of a specific individual. At manifestation level 7th, this ability also functions as monstrous physique I.
Stain: The process of shifting your flesh is painful, and you are sickened while concentrating on making the change and for 10 minutes afterward.
Porous Mind
Source Horror Realms pg. 54
Your mind is full of holes.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 2nd.
Gift: You can hear the thoughts of others when you listen closely. Whenever you succeed at a Sense Motive check to get a hunch about a creature, you can attempt to read that creature’s mind as if using detect anxieties, detect desires, detect thoughts, or sense madness as a standard action (revealing all the information from 3 rounds of concentration). At manifestation level 6th, you can communicate telepathically with anyone within 30 feet who shares a language with you.
Stain: The constant psychic noise makes it hard for you to stay focused. For 1 hour after you learn information about a creature with any divination spell or effect (including this manifestation), you take a –4 penalty on concentration and Knowledge checks.
Preternatural Persuasion
Source Horror Realms pg. 55
Your brainwashing is contagious.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd.
Gift: Once per day, when you succeed at a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check against a target, you can weave a suggestion, as per the spell, into your conversation as a full-round action. At manifestation level 5th, you can instead use modify memory. At manifestation level 9th, you can instead use dominate person.
Stain: Aboleths and their kin can read your surface thoughts by concentrating; a successful Will saving throw negates this intrusion. An aboleth or related creature can issue a suggestion once per day at any range to anyone whose actions are currently controlled by your mind-affecting effects, automatically overriding your control if the orders conflict.
Skill Conditioning
Source Horror Realms pg. 55
You have skills you do not remember learning.
Gift: You speak and understand Aklo. Choose a skill. You are treated as having ranks equal to your Hit Dice in that skill and it is a class skill for you. At manifestation level 5th, you can add a second skill with ranks equal to your Hit Dice.
Stain: Your mind works in ways that are unsettlingly alien to mortals. You take a –4 penalty on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks against nonaberrations.
Traitor to the Surface World
Source Horror Realms pg. 55
The world of sunlight has grown foreign to you.
Gift: You feel at home in the water, and as long as you are swimming you gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks, Reflex saving throws, and all Dexterity-based skill checks. You gain a +4 bonus on Swim checks.
Stain: Your skin is painfully sensitive to dryness. You take a –1 penalty on attack rolls and Fortitude saving throws when you are not underwater; this penalty increases by 1 for every 24 hours you go without spending at least 1 hour underwater, to a maximum penalty of –4 after 4 days spent out of water.
Unconscious Agenda
Source Horror Realms pg. 55
You can suppress intrusive memories or thoughts.
Gift: As an immediate action once per day, when you are subjected to any compulsion effect that allows a saving throw, you can choose to reroll that saving throw after you roll but before you learn the results of your first roll. You can use this ability twice per day at manifestation level 4th, and three times per day at manifestation level 5th, but never more than once per saving throw attempt.
Stain: You become more vulnerable to mental influence from aberrations and take a –2 penalty on saving throws against compulsions from aberrations. You can still use your reroll ability against such saving throws, but the –2 penalty applies to all of your rolls.
« 上次编辑: 2023-09-10, 周日 21:55:13 由 Shift_FK »
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« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-11-21, 周日 18:08:31 »



腐化阶段1(Corruption Stage 1):一旦你以无辜的有生命的生物为食——无论是自愿的还是因为你的豁免失败——你的阵营就会向邪恶的方向转变一阶,侦测不死生物的法术会感应到你,尽管它们返回的奇特结果通知施法者你仍然是个活物。其他的法术和效果不会把你当作不死生物。
腐化阶段2(Corruption Stage 2):第二次,你的阵营又向邪恶的方向转变一阶,你会如同你的生物类型是不死生物一样(包括像破敌和宿敌职业特性的效果)而受到法术和能力的影响。这并不赋予你作为不死生物的任何免疫,也不使你对针对活物的效果免疫,或改变负能量和正能量对你的影响。
腐化阶段3(Corruption Stage 3):第三次,你会成为GM控制下的一个NPC食尸鬼。

移除腐化(Removing the Corruption)

食脑者(Brain Eater)

尸化盔甲(Corpse Armor)

疫病啮咬(Diseased Bite)

咬牙切齿(Gnashing Bite)

高等麻痹(Greater Paralysis)

高等墓穴恶臭(Greater Stench of the Grave)

污染:你开始对负能量免疫。当你被引导能量、治愈法术和伤害法术(inflict spells)影响时,你被视作不死生物。

撕裂之爪(Rending Claws)

恍惚之爪(Staggering Claws)

墓穴恶臭(Stench of the Grave)

劇透 -  原文:
Ghoul Corruption
Source Horror Adventures pg. 20
A hunger for the flesh of the living grows more every day, until every sentient creature seems no more than a meal.
Ghoul corruption commonly stems from desperate cannibalism, such as surviving a near-death experience by eating friends who perished. You might contract ghoul corruption after recovering from ghoul fever, especially if you died from the disease but were raised from the dead before rising as a ghoul.
Each week, you need to consume one portion of flesh from a sentient creature. A creature one size category smaller than you counts as one portion, a creature of your size category counts as four portions, and a creature one size larger counts as 16 portions. The extra meat from Huge or larger creatures spoils quickly enough that it can’t all be consumed within a week. After a week, if you haven’t consumed enough flesh, you must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level) each day until you’ve eaten enough. If you fail the save, the next time you rest your corruption takes over and you unconsciously hunt and feed, devouring a living sentient creature completely. In this state, you can’t differentiate between creatures and might consume an innocent; if you do so, your corruption progresses to the next stage.

If circumstances make it impossible to feed (such as if you are tied down or in a locale with nothing to feed upon), you start to starve as if you had not eaten in 3 days, and you continue to hunger for flesh and struggle to escape and feed until you have received five times the amount of flesh from sentient creatures you normally require. If your allies are able to restrain and feed you flesh from sentient creatures, your corruption doesn’t progress. However, the DC of the Will save against your corruption progressing increases by 2. These increases stack each time this occurs, and they last until your corruption reaches the next corruption stage.

In addition to starvation, close brushes with death also increase your craving for flesh. Whenever you are dropped below 0 hit points, you must attempt a single saving throw as if you hadn’t eaten enough flesh that week.
Corruption Stage 1: Once you feed on an innocent sentient creature—either willingly or because you failed a saving throw—your alignment shifts one step toward evil and spells that detect undead sense you, though the peculiar result they return informs the caster that you’re still a living creature. Other spells and effects don’t treat you as undead.
Corruption Stage 2: The second time, your alignment shifts another step toward evil and you are affected by spells and abilities as if your creature type were undead (including effects like bane and the favored enemy class feature). This doesn’t grant you any of the immunities of being undead, nor does it make you immune to effects that target living creatures or change how negative and positive energy affect you.
Corruption Stage 3: The third time, you become an NPC ghoul under the GM’s control.
Removing the Corruption
Getting rid of the ghoul corruption typically requires fasting, isolation from creatures that could incite your hunger, and atoning (as per atonement) for the acts that led to the corruption.
The following are manifestations of the ghoul corruption.
Brain Eater
Source Horror Adventures pg. 20
Devouring brains imparts knowledge to you.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 5th, gnashing bite.
Gift: If you eat the brain of a creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher, you gain a +2 insight bonus on all skill checks in which the creature possessed ranks for 1 hour. Eating a brain is a full-round action, and the target must be dead or helpless. If the target is alive, you can attempt to eat its brain as a coup de grace attack with your gnashing bite, but you gain the bonus only if your attempt results in the victim’s death.
Stain: You take a –4 penalty on saves to resist ghoul corruption.
Corpse Armor
Source Horror Adventures pg. 20
Your flesh is unnaturally tough.
Gift: You gain a +2 bonus to your natural armor. At manifestation level 5th, this bonus increases by 1.
Stain: Your flesh’s corpselike consistency deadens your sensations and makes it harder for you to move. You take a –2 penalty to your Dexterity score.
Diseased Bite
Source Horror Adventures pg. 20
Your bite carries a terrible disease
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 4th, gnashing bite.
Gift: Creatures damaged by your bite attack must succeed at a Fortitude save or contract ghoul fever. A humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight, as described in the ghoul fever entry.
Stain: Your body has a difficult time fighting off diseases. You take a –4 penalty on Fortitude saves to resist diseases.
Gnashing Bite
Source Horror Adventures pg. 20
Your jaw can unhinge and your teeth grow to sharp points.
Gift: You gain a bite attack as a primary natural weapon. This bite deals 1d6 points of damage if your size is Medium (1d4 if Small).
Stain: Your tongue grows long and serpentine. You take a –2 penalty to your Charisma score.
Greater Paralysis
Source Horror Adventures pg. 21
Your paralyzing touch is even stronger.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 7th, paralysis, rending claws, staggering claw.
Gift: A creature that fails its save against your paralysis manifestation is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds instead of 1 round. Elves are immune to this effect.
Stain: Your connection to negative energy is so intense you recoil from its anathema. Whenever you take damage from a positive energy source, you are frightened for 1 round.
Greater Stench of the Grave
Source Horror Adventures pg. 21
The smell surrounding you becomes overwhelming.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 6th, corpse armor, stench of the grave.
Gift: Creatures that fail their saves against your stench of the grave manifestation become nauseated for 1 round before being sickened for 1d6 rounds. Once they have become nauseated in this way, they are immune to the nausea effect of your stench for 1 hour. A creature that succeeds at its save becomes immune to both your stench’s nausea and sickened conditions for 24 hours.
Stain: Your stench is so great that it makes interacting with you almost impossible, as others retch and vomit just from being near you. Living creatures with a sense of smell refuse to engage with you at all, so you fail checks like Diplomacy and Handle Animal with living creatures before you can even attempt them.
Source Horror Adventures pg. 21
A slash from your claws can render a creature helpless.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 6th, rending claws, staggering claw.
Gift: When you confirm a critical hit against a living creature, it must succeed at a Fortitude save or become paralyzed for 1 round. Elves are immune to this effect.
Stain: You are inured to negative energy. You are treated as an undead creature when subjected to channeled energy, cure spells, and inflict spells.
Rending Claws
Source Horror Adventures pg. 21
You grow vicious claws, perfect for stripping flesh from bone.
Gift: You gain two claw attacks as primary natural weapons. These claws deal 1d4 points of damage if your size is Medium (or 1d3 if you’re Small).
Stain: You take a –2 penalty on attacks with manufactured weapons and on all ranged attacks.
Staggering Claw
Source Horror Adventures pg. 21
Your touch weakens the muscles of your victims.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 4th, rending claws.
Gift: Once per day per manifestation level, you can make a staggering claw attack as a standard action. If you hit, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your manifestation level.
Stain: The flesh on your hands is covered with pustules and blisters, and your hunger begins to devour your emotions. The penalty you take on ranged attacks and attacks with manufactured weapons increases to –4. Your spells with somatic or emotion components have a failure chance of 5%. This stacks with any spell failure chances you incur from other sources. (For example, if you were wearing leather armor and casting arcane spells, you would have a 15% spell failure chance.)
Stench of the Grave
Source Horror Adventures pg. 21
Your body exudes a stench of decay.
Prerequisite: Corpse armor.
Gift: You exude an aura of decay. Creatures that begin their turns adjacent to you are sickened for 1d6 rounds unless they succeed at a Fortitude save. A creature that succeeds can’t be affected by your stench again for 24 hours. At manifestation level 5th, this aura extends out to 10 feet.
Stain: The stench of decay you emit allows creatures with scent to notice you from twice the usual distance, and makes it extremely difficult to disguise yourself. Any living creatures that have a sense of smell have their starting attitudes toward you reduced by one step. Your supernatural scent is not affected by the negate aroma spell.
Special: Upon taking this manifestation, you must take both the gift and the stain, even with the useful corruption or vile corruption variants.
« 上次编辑: 2021-11-26, 周五 14:30:27 由 Shift_FK »
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« 回帖 #5 于: 2021-11-21, 周日 18:08:34 »

腐化阶段1(Corruption Stage 1):当你第一次做出符合魔鬼契约的重要行为时(无论是自愿的还是因为你的豁免失败),你的阵营会向守序邪恶偏移一级(如果你还不是邪恶的,则先向邪恶转变)。任何让你起死回生的尝试都需要成功的施法者等级检查(DC=15+你的显形等级的两倍)。
腐化阶段2(Corruption Stage 2):你第二次进行这样的行为时,你的阵营会变为守序邪恶。
腐化阶段3(Corruption Stage 3):当你第三次进行这样的行为时,你的契约就会到期,或者你会成为地狱的傀儡--一个由GM控制下的活生生的魔鬼。

移除腐化(Removing the Corruption)

最暗欲望(Darkest Desires)

魔鬼之角(Devil’s Horns)

魔鬼标记(Devil’s Mark)

魔鬼仆从(Diabolical Servitor)

魔化修养(Fiendish Tutelage)

污浊预视(Murky Futures)
赠礼:每天一次,通过10分钟的冥想,你可以唤来地狱的知识。你获得持续24小时的神导术的好处或直至解消。在更高显形等级时,你可不选择神导术而选择获得不同预言法术的效果:显形等级2时,占卜术;显形等级4时,预言术;显形等级6时,异界探知(询问阿斯摩蒂斯或一名中等神Intermediate Deities)

深穴之讯(Passage through the Pit)

蛇舌(Serpent’s Tongue)

脆弱之魂(Tenuous Soul)

劇透 -  原文:
Hellbound Corruption
Source Horror Adventures pg. 22
The pit of Hell waits for your damned soul.
The hellbound corruption typically takes hold as the result of an infernal contract with a diabolic patron or your fiendish blood. Your soul goes to Hell when you die, though you can be raised from the dead normally.
Your diabolic patron’s portfolio determines what makes your corruption progress. When an opportunity to carry out a significant action that matches the devil’s portfolio comes up, you are tempted to take it. The action might include oppressing people using your authority or tempting someone closer to lawful evil. You must succeed at a Will save (DC = 15 + your manifestation level) or succumb to temptation and perform the action. What counts as significant is up to the GM. Usually, an act that wouldn’t harm anyone doesn’t count. If something prevents you from performing this act, the GM chooses a time over the next week when you’re compelled to further the cause of lawful evil.
Corruption Stage 1: The first time you perform a significant act that matches the devil’s portfolio (either willingly or because you failed your save), your alignment shifts one step toward lawful evil (toward evil first, if you aren’t yet evil). Any attempt to raise you from the dead requires a successful caster level check (DC = 15 + double your manifestation level).
Corruption Stage 2: The second time you perform such an act, your alignment shifts to lawful evil.
Corruption Stage 3: The third time you perform such an act, your contract comes due or you become a thrall to Hell—a living devil under the GM’s control.
Removing the Corruption
Gaining release requires destroying your patron, retrieving the payment, and atoning.
The following are manifestations of the hellbound corruption.
Darkest Desires
Source Horror Adventures pg. 22
Your dark patron offers to grant you wishes to tempt you.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 9th.
Gift: You can use limited wish once per day as a spell-like ability. It can’t duplicate a spell requiring a material component costing more than 1,000 gp. Each time you get more or less what you wished for (GM’s discretion), you must succeed at a Will save or your corruption progresses to the next stage.
Stain: Wishes you make from this manifestation’s gift or your own spells are granted by your patron and interpreted from a devil’s perspective. The patron always tries to twist your wish away from your intent and to its own dark ends.
Special: Upon receiving this manifestation, you must take both the gift and the stain, even with the useful corruption or vile corruption variants.
Devil’s Horns
Source Horror Adventures pg. 22
Horns grow upon your brow.
Gift: You gain a gore attack that deals 1d4 points of damage if your size is Medium (1d3 if Small). These horns appear in any form you take, so you still retain this gore attack in any form you assume with a polymorph effect.
Stain: You gain horns that can’t be hidden by magic, but can be hidden by mundane means. Anyone who sees the horns recognizes them as unnatural. If someone leaves a loophole in an agreement with you that would allow you to gain an advantage, you must exploit it. This typically counts as an act that might progress your corruption.
Special: Upon receiving this manifestation, you must take both the gift and the stain, even with the useful corruption or vile corruption variants.
Devil’s Mark
Source Horror Adventures pg. 22
You have the mark of a fiend on your body.
Gift: You gain a 1st-level sorcerer/wizard or witch spell of your choice as a spell-like ability usable a number of times per day equal to your manifestation level. It must not have a casting time longer than 1 standard action or a material or focus component costing more than 1 gp.
Stain: Your devil’s mark manifests on your body. It can’t be hidden by magic, but can be hidden by clothing or other mundane means. Anyone who sees the mark automatically recognizes it as unnatural.
Diabolical Servitor
Source Horror Adventures pg. 22
You fraternize with devils who answer your call for aid.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 2nd.
Gift: Once per day as a spell-like ability, you can summon a lawful evil outsider, as summon monster II with a duration of 1 minute per manifestation level. At manifestation level 4th, you can use summon monster III, but summon an accuser devil. At manifestation level 6th, you can use summon monster IV this way. At manifestation level 8th, you can use summon monster V this way.
Stain: You see lies and pain behind every exchange, even when it isn’t there. You take a –4 penalty on Perception and Sense Motive checks except for those made against devils.
Fiendish Tutelage
Source Horror Adventures pg. 22
You learn secrets best kept from mortal minds.
Gift: You gain Infernal as a bonus language and a +2 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks to interact with devils. When you acquire this gift, choose two Knowledge skills. You can attempt checks with them untrained. At manifestation level 3rd, the bonuses double.
Stain: Effects that vary based on your alignment treat you as lawful evil or your true alignment, whichever is worse.
Murky Futures
Source Horror Adventures pg. 23
You can call upon Hell for clues about how to avoid your fate.
Gift: Once per day, you can call upon the knowledge of Hell with 10 minutes of meditation. You gain the benefit of guidance, with a duration of 24 hours or until discharged. At higher manifestation levels, you can choose to gain the benefit of a different divination spell at the end of your meditation instead: augury at manifestation level 2nd, divination at manifestation level 4th, or contact other plane at manifestation level 6th (to consult Asmodeus or an intermediate deity).
Stain: Increase the DCs of Constitution checks you attempt to stabilize while dying, Heal checks targeting you, and caster level checks required for conjuration (healing) spells to benefit you by 2 (the DC increase applies on the caster level check required to raise you from the dead at corruption stage 1). At manifestation level 3rd, the DCs increase by 4 instead. Your soul flees immediately on death, so you can’t be revived by breath of life, the gift of life domain power, or any similar ability.
Passage through the Pit
Source Horror Adventures pg. 23
The maw of Hell yawns wide to welcome you.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd.
Gift: You can step through Hell to reach other places once per hour. As a full-round action, you can choose a direction, then teleport 2d10 × 5 feet away in that direction (or the nearest safe, unoccupied location). You can use this ability once per minute at manifestation level 6th, and at will at manifestation level 8th.
Stain: You register as lawful evil as well as your own alignment to effects that reveal alignments. This alignment aura is strong, as if you were a lawful evil cleric. You are treated as an extraplanar lawful evil outsider with the devil subtype by abjurations that protect against such creatures.
Serpent’s Tongue
Source Horror Adventures pg. 23
You gain the persuasive power of a master deceiver.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd, fiendish tutelage.
Gift: You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks. Once per day when you succeed at a Bluff or Diplomacy check against a creature, you can attempt to influence it as if using suggestion with a caster level equal to your character level and a duration of 1 minute per level. At manifestation level 6th, the bonuses increase to +4.
Stain: Your tongue takes on a serpentlike fork that can’t be hidden by magic, though you can attempt a Disguise check to conceal it. Attempt one Disguise check per interaction, opposed by your opponent’s Perception. Your devil tongue rebels when you work against infernal interests. When you attempt to cast a spell for a chaotic or good cause (as determined by the GM), you have a 20% spell failure chance if it has a verbal components and a –5 penalty on concentration checks if it has a thought component.
Tenuous Soul
Source Horror Adventures pg. 23
Your soul feels the constant and increasing pull of Hell.
Gift: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against emotion and fear spells and effects. You are immune to spells and effects that would trap or destroy your soul except those employed by a devil. At manifestation level 3rd, the bonuses increase to +4.
Stain: You take a –2 penalty on saving throws against spells and effects that would possess you or control your actions. At manifestation level 3rd, the penalty changes to –4.
« 上次编辑: 2023-12-10, 周日 03:32:35 由 Shift_FK »
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« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-11-21, 周日 18:08:36 »


每个月一次,如果你没有用你所携带的疾病感染等于或大于你的显形等级的生物,你必须尝试一个强韧豁免(DC=15+你的显形等级)。如果你失败了,在你下次休息的时候,你会立即获得一种由GM选择的新疾病(无需豁免),并昏迷(black out),在疾病的阴险的谵妄中失去对自身控制。你必须在下次日出前寻找并感染任何你能找到的生物。如果你的强韧豁免成功,或者在1天内被阻止感染任何人,这种冲动就会暂时过去,但是未来抵抗这种诱惑的豁免DC会增加2。这种增加是累积的,但是当你的腐化进展到一定程度就会重置。被你感染并治愈的无辜者(或者由GM决定,由你大力协助其康复)不计入这个数字,那些被他人感染的人也不计入,他们在你的腐化达到当前阶段前就已经被感染了。

腐化阶段1(Corruption Stage 1):你的腐化第一次进展时,你所患的任何疾病都变得更加顽强。你在抵抗新的疾病时,会在豁免上受到-2的罚值,并且你的阵营会向邪恶的方向偏移一级。
腐化阶段2(Corruption Stage 2):你的腐化第二次进展,你所0患的疾病变得难以治愈;在决定治愈该效果的施法者等级检定的DC增加10,例如移除疾病。你的阵营会转变为邪恶。
腐化阶段3(Corruption Stage 3):你的腐化第三次发展,疾病剥夺了你的自由意志,GM获得了对你角色的控制。

移除腐化(Removing the Corruption)


苦难增速(Accelerated Affliction)

病体反叛(Bodily Betrayal)
污染:瘟疫之疮使伤痛更加剧烈。在你受到致命伤害(lethal damage)后的1轮内,你的攻击骰、豁免和专注检定都会受到-2罚值。

虚假健康(False Health)

脑热幻梦(Fevered Dreams)

传染性思维(Infectious Thoughts)

生疫吐息(Living Breath)

悲惨伴礼(Miserable Company)

极致脱力(Overwhelming Weakness)

意识窃取(Theft of Awareness)

劇透 -  原文:
Plagued Corruption
Source Horror Realms pg. 58
Disease can become a corruption when it causes long-lasting and physical changes to the body.
Suffering a magical disease for a prolonged period can induce the plagued corruption.
You carry the symptoms and appearance of one suffering from a disease, even if you’ve been cured of the illness that triggered your corruption or are otherwise normally immune to disease. Further, once you gain the plagued corruption, you lose any immunity to disease and cannot gain such immunity from magical spells or items or other effects. Only living creatures can gain this corruption.

Once per month, if you did not infect a number of creatures equal to or greater than your manifestation level with a disease you are carrying, you must attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level). If you fail, the next time you rest, you immediately gain a new disease of the GM’s choosing (without a further saving throw) and black out, losing control to the insidious delirium of the disease. You must seek out and infect any creature you can find before the next sunrise. If you succeed on your Fortitude saving throw or are prevented from infecting anyone for 1 day, the urge passes, but the DC of future saving throws to resist this temptation increases by 2. This increase is cumulative, but resets when your corruption progresses. Innocents you infect and then cure (or whose recovery you significantly assist, at the GM’s discretion) do not count toward this number, nor do those infected by others who were themselves infected before your corruption reached its current stage.

Corruption Stage 1: The first time your corruption progresses, any disease you suffer from becomes more tenacious. You take a –2 penalty on all saving throws to resist contracting a new disease, and your alignment shifts one step toward evil.

Corruption Stage 2: The second time your corruption progresses, diseases you suffer from become difficult to cure; the DC of a disease you are suffering from is increased by 10 for the purposes of caster level checks for spells such as remove disease to cure you from its effects. Your alignment shifts to evil.

Corruption Stage 3: The third time your corruption progresses, your disease saps your free will and the GM gains control of your character.
Removing the Corruption
Curing the corruption requires curing not only the underlying diseases you suffer from, but also the initial illness that triggered your corruption—this often necessitates the use of rare and elaborate treatments.
The following are manifestations of the plagued corruption.
Accelerated Affliction
Source Horror Realms pg. 58
You can quicken diseases in others.
Gift: As a swift action, once per day per 2 manifestation levels you have (minimum once per day), you can cause one creature within 30 feet suffering from any diseases to attempt a saving throw against one randomly determined disease they are suffering. On a failed saving throw, they immediately take that disease’s damage. A successful save does not count toward the saving throws required to recover from the disease.
Stain: You take a –2 penalty to any one ability score of your choice.
Bodily Betrayal
Source Horror Realms pg. 58
Your body betrays you at the worst moments.
Prerequisite: Accelerated affliction.
Gift: Once per day per manifestation level, you can make a touch attack on a creature and expose it to any disease you are carrying.
Stain: Plague sores make injuries more acutely painful. You take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and concentration checks for 1 round after you are dealt lethal damage.
False Health
Source Horror Realms pg. 58
You can feign health and hide your symptoms.
Prerequisite: Accelerated affliction.
Gift: Once per day as a swift action, you can suppress the stain of your accelerated affliction for a number of hours equal to your manifestation level.
Stain: You take a –2 penalty on concentration checks while using false health.
Fevered Dreams
Source Horror Realms pg. 58
Disease clouds your thoughts.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 6th, infectious thoughts, miserable company.
Gift: The dreams of victims of the diseases you spread are apparent to you. Once per day while you rest, you can cause a number of sleeping victims of your disease up to your manifestation level to suffer the effects of one of these spells of your choice: dream, fear (upon awakening), nightmare, or suggestion (upon awakening).
Stain: You sleep poorly. You must rest for 12 hours each night to gain the full benefits of rest.
Infectious Thoughts
Source Horror Realms pg. 58
Your thoughts spread like your disease.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd, miserable company.
Gift: You can communicate telepathically with any creature within 10 feet suffering from any disease. At manifestation level 5th, the range increases to 30 feet. At manifestation level 7th, the range is 100 feet. At manifestation level 9th, the range is 1 mile.
Stain: Your ego becomes hard to contain. You take a –2 penalty on Will saving throws against effects with the emotion descriptor. At manifestation level 5th, the penalty doubles.
Living Breath
Source Horror Realms pg. 59
The stink of disease carries on your breath.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 5th, accelerated affliction, bodily betrayal.
Gift: When you use your bodily betrayal manifestation to expose a creature to a disease you are carrying, your breath carries the disease as well, potentially infecting all creatures within a 10-foot radius. These creatures gain a +2 bonus on the saving throw to resist the disease you are attempting to inflict with your bodily betrayal.
Stain: The disease shortens your breath and stiffens your limbs. You take a –2 penalty on all Strength- and Dexterity-based checks.
Miserable Company
Source Horror Realms pg. 59
Your disease’s symptoms become more apparent.
Gift: You gain a +2 bonus on Heal checks to recognize or treat diseases and on Charisma-based skill checks to influence creatures able to inflict disease or those suffering from a disease. At manifestation level 3rd, these bonuses double. Creatures with any diseases take a –2 penalty on any saving throws against mind-affecting effects you create.
Stain: You remain infectious for 1d4 days even after you are cured of any infectious disease (including your corruption plague), though you show no symptoms. At manifestation level 3rd, you remain infectious for 1d8 days.
Overwhelming Weakness
Source Horror Realms pg. 59
Disease saps your limbs of their strength.
Gift: Victims other than you who fail their initial saving throw against any disease effect you create become sickened for 24 hours.
Stain: The disease makes your limbs weak. You take a –2 penalty to Strength. This penalty stacks with the ability penalty from accelerated affliction if you chose Strength as your penalty.
Theft of Awareness
Source Horror Realms pg. 59
Your senses fail you, but the terrible disease you can inflict affords you access to the senses of those who suffer from it.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 7th, infectious thoughts, miserable company.
Gift: As a move action, for as long as you concentrate, you can borrow the senses of any creature suffering from a disease effect you created, as long as the creature is within range of your infectious thoughts. Your body is effectively blind and deaf while you concentrate. The target can resist this intrusion with a successful Will saving throw. At manifestation level 9th, you can possess one such victim as per possession once per day as a standard action while you are already sharing its senses.
Stain: Your senses falter. You take a –4 penalty on Perception checks and Sense Motive checks while you are not using theft of awareness.
« 上次编辑: 2021-12-10, 周五 15:07:11 由 Shift_FK »
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« 回帖 #7 于: 2021-11-21, 周日 18:08:39 »



腐化阶段1(Corruption Stage 1):你第一次豁免失败时,你破坏了一个可靠的光明、快乐或美丽的来源,例如一件艺术品或一处自然美景。
腐化阶段2(Corruption Stage 2):第二次失败时,你会恐吓无辜的人或破坏一个重要的美丽、光明或快乐的物体。
腐化阶段3(Corruption Stage 3):第三次失败,你摧毁了帮助你在腐化中保持自我的支柱之一,要么是杀死了一个支持你的人,要么是摧毁了一个重要的私人物品。你会完全失去你的认知能力,成为一个由GM控制的NPC。

移除腐化(Removing the Corruption)


阴森感知(Eerie Perception)

虚空空虚(Emptiness of the Void)



痛苦避难所(Refuge in Pain)

悔恨凝视(Regretful Gaze)

坏灭之触(Touch of Ruin)

织谎者(Weaver of Lies)

极致痛苦(Wretched Pain)1000-7

劇透 -  原文:
Shadowbound Corruption
Source Horror Adventures pg. 34
Darkness and fear are all that guide you. As the shadow consumes you, you are becoming a gaunt caricature of your former self, emptied of life and color.
Shadowbound corruption occurs after a month or more of exposure to the Shadow Plane or shadow magic, or contact with cruel kytons, aberrations, undead, or shadowy fey. Corruption sets in only if it is used to torment or disillusion you at least six times in a month in a deeply personal manner.
The corruption progresses when you’re tortured by shadow again, when you destroy a thing of beauty or joy because your melancholy makes it unbearable, or when you sow fear. Every month you must spend at least 2 entire days per manifestation level you have away from all light and other life. If you don’t, at the end of the month you must attempt a Will saving throw. If you fail, sometime in the next 24 hours you go berserk and destroy something precious. You also need to attempt such a saving throw the first time each day you come across a being or object of great beauty, or a being or object with a strong or overwhelming aura of good (this includes yourself, so to avoid the save, you might need to ruin or tarnish your own beauty). The save DC is equal to 15 + your manifestation level. If allies are able to restrain you for 24 hours or otherwise prevent you from destroying anything precious during that time, your corruption doesn’t progress. However, the DC of the Will save to prevent your corruption from progressing increases by 2. These increases stack each time this occurs, and they last until your corruption reaches the next corruption stage.

The precious thing you destroy when you fail your save depends on your corruption stage, as noted below. If you voluntarily destroy a being or object related to a later corruption stage, you automatically progress to that stage (you might skip over intervening stages in this manner). For example, the first time that you intentionally terrorize innocents or destroy an important object of beauty, you then immediately proceed to stage 2. Repeating your actions doesn’t cause your corruption stage to progress further (if you terrorize innocents again, you don’t progress to stage 3).
Corruption Stage 1: The first time you fail the saving throw, you destroy a reliable source of light, joy, or beauty, such as a piece of art or bit of natural beauty.
Corruption Stage 2: The second time you fail the saving throw, you terrorize innocent people or destroy an important object of beauty, light, or joy.
Corruption Stage 3: The third time you fail the saving throw, you destroy one of the pillars that has helped you retain yourself in the face of the corruption, either by killing someone whose support has been essential or destroying an object of vital personal importance. You lose your identity entirely, becoming an NPC under the GM’s control.
Removing the Corruption
Undoing the corruption requires destroying the creature who first twisted you or restoring all the hope and joy that have fallen into darkness as a result of your corruption.
The following are manifestations of the shadowbound corruption.
Eerie Perception
Source Horror Adventures pg. 34
Your eyes change, adapting to a life in the shadows.
Gift: You gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, the range of your darkvision increases by 30 feet instead. You also gain a +2 bonus on Perception and Stealth checks. At manifestation level 3rd, the bonuses increase to +4.
Stain: Your eye color fades to a dull gray and your eyes overreact to light. You gain light sensitivity, causing you to be dazzled in areas of bright light.
Emptiness of the Void
Source Horror Adventures pg. 34
Friends and allies are just people you can hurt more deeply.
Gift: The darkness in your soul can draw in the life force of allies. Once per day when you take ability damage, ability drain, or hit point damage, you can divide the damage or drain evenly between you and one ally within 30 feet. You can do so only if the damage or drain would reduce your ability score or hit points to 0. The ally can attempt a Will save to resist the link. You can activate this ability as a free action, even if it isn’t your turn.
Stain: You struggle to remember the meaning of alliance and friendship. You can’t benefit from or use the aid another action.
Source Horror Adventures pg. 35
Fear lingers in your mind, and you can spread it to others.
Gift: You have a knack for guessing just how to scare others. You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks and the DCs of fear effects you create increase by 1. At manifestation level 3rd, the bonus on Intimidate checks increases to +4 and the DC increases by 2 instead of 1.
Stain: Your hair loses its color and your sleep is interrupted by nightmares that never leave your mind. You take a –2 penalty on saving throws against fear effects, and you lose any immunities to fear you might otherwise possess. You gain immunity to effects that would remove your fear (such as remove fear). At manifestation level 3rd, the penalty changes to –4.
Source Horror Adventures pg. 35
Your body flickers occasionally into insubstantial shadow.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd.
Gift: Your body sometimes shifts or blurs momentarily before resuming the appearance of solidity. You gain a deflection bonus to your AC equal to half your manifestation level. You have a 20% chance to ignore (treat as a normal hit) confirmed critical hits and precision-based damage (such as sneak attack damage) from any weapon unless it has the ghost touch weapon special ability.
Stain: You take a –6 penalty on saving throws and to your CMD against attacks and effects that would move or trip you, as well as on all combat maneuver checks except those made to escape a grapple.
Refuge in Pain
Source Horror Adventures pg. 35
Pain is your only solace from the emptiness of your existence.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 4th, eerie perception, wretched pain.
Gift: Pain invigorates you. Whenever you take an amount of damage greater than or equal to three times your character level from a single attack, you gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round. If you have the stain from the weaver of lies manifestation, these bonuses are profane bonuses instead.
Stain: Whenever you take damage, increase the amount of damage you take by 1/2 your manifestation level.
Regretful Gaze
Source Horror Adventures pg. 35
Your gaze carries your regret for wasted potential.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 3rd, frightful.
Gift: You gain a gaze attack that causes foes within 30 feet to become shaken for 1 round unless they succeed at a Will save. You can suppress this ability as a free action and cause it to resume as a swift action. A creature that succeeds at the saving throw is immune to your regretful gaze for 24 hours.
Stain: You are withered as if by age. Reduce your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores by 1 point each, or by however much they would be reduced if you were one age category older, whichever is worse for you.
Touch of Ruin
Source Horror Adventures pg. 35
You are infused with the ruin of the Shadow Plane.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 4th, frightful, regretful gaze.
Gift: As a standard action a number of times per day equal to your manifestation level, you can make a melee touch attack that deals 1d10 points of damage per manifestation level you have. A creature touched this way takes 1 point of ability drain to the ability score of your choice unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save. Creatures immune to magical aging are immune to this touch attack.
Stain: Any clothing or gear you wear or carry seems strangely faded and timeworn as long as you wear or carry it. Treat such items’ hardness as half the normal amount. You take a –4 penalty on saving throws to protect items in your possession from damage or destruction.
Weaver of Lies
Source Horror Adventures pg. 35
Using shadows drawn from the Plane of Shadow, you can spin falsehoods into convincing imitations of reality.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 2nd.
Gift: Once per day, you can use shadow conjuration as a spell-like ability, but only to emulate a sorcerer/wizard spell 1 spell level lower than your manifestation level. Your caster level is equal to your character level. The illusion is 10% real + another 10% real for every manifestation level you have beyond 2nd.
Stain: Joy and excitement have become foreign to you, leaving pain the only sensation of much interest. You can’t benefit from morale bonuses or bardic performances.
Wretched Pain
Source Horror Adventures pg. 35
Inflicting pain is one of the few sensations that still stirs you.
Prerequisite: Eerie perception.
Gift: Whenever you deal weapon damage to a creature that you are flanking or a creature that is denied its Dexterity bonus to its AC against you, you can inflict a painful wound as an immediate action. The target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be nauseated by pain for 1 round. If the target succeeds at the save, it is sickened for 1 round and becomes immune to your further uses of this ability for 24 hours.
Stain: Your eyes turn a milky white, utter black, or pale yellow, making you appear blind although you can see normally in most circumstances. You gain light blindness, causing you to be blinded for 1 round whenever you are exposed to daylight or another source of bright light and dazzled for as long as you remain in bright light thereafter.
« 上次编辑: 2021-12-10, 周五 19:12:04 由 Shift_FK »
万象回廊 | 房规·开团公告存档·翻译&自设
Starfinder |  游戏掌控    秘术师    先锋


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Re: 腐化(Corruption)整合
« 回帖 #8 于: 2021-11-21, 周日 18:08:51 »
« 上次编辑: 2021-12-10, 周五 19:12:16 由 Shift_FK »
万象回廊 | 房规·开团公告存档·翻译&自设
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Re: 腐化(Corruption)整合+翻译
« 回帖 #9 于: 2021-11-23, 周二 20:31:53 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due