作者 主题: 自用自翻资源帖  (阅读 957720 次)

副标题: 积少成多 滴水成河

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« 回帖 #520 于: 2022-10-14, 周五 06:24:02 »
战舞者(Battle Dancer)出自《武术手册》第4页(Martial Arts Handbook pg.4)
分类 职业
舞者智慧(Dancer’s Cunning (Ex)):战舞者可以将魅力作为智力以满足战斗专长的先决条件。此外,她可以尝试使用表演(舞蹈)检定取代唬骗来使用战斗中的虚招,同时她的徒手打击被视为具有演武武器特性。
翻滚连打(Rolling Flurry (Ex)):战舞者在使用连打职业能力时,她在每次发动近战攻击或者战技前,必须移动五尺。如果她不能移动五尺,她不能进行后续的攻击或者战技。她不能移动超过自身最大移动速度。如果战舞者能够正常的五尺快步,这个移动不会导致借机攻击;如果她不能(比如,在困难地形中),此移动会正常地招致借机攻击,除非通过特技检定。在使用此能力时,战舞者依然可以正常的在攻击前或后进行五尺快步。
舞动闪避(Dancing Dodge (Ex)):4级时,当一名敌人尝试对战舞者进行近战攻击时,她可以使用1次借机攻击次数以直觉动作移动5尺,针对此次攻击的AC将获得等同于魅力调整值的加值(最少0)。这次移动并不能使此次攻击无效,就好像战舞者在受到攻击时仍然处在原来的位置,此移动并非5尺快步,因此也会引发除了那个发动攻击的敌人以外的其他敌人的藉机攻击,但是战舞者可以尝试通过特技检定来避免借机攻击。战舞者每天只能使用1/2职业等级次此能力。战舞者只能在穿着轻甲或无甲,且负载不超过轻载时使用此能力。
陪练伙伴(Sparring Partners (Ex)):4级时,每天一次,当战舞者在使用翻滚连打能力时获得了夹击加值,提供此夹击加值的盟友将在下次攻击该敌人时获得夹击加值,哪怕战舞者离开了夹击位置。如果该盟友或者敌人在该盟友发动攻击前移动超过五尺,此夹击加值失效。此能力只能在盟友在战斗时位于战舞者的敌人的另一侧位置时生效,如果通过其他方式获得夹击加值,如一拥而上,则此能力无效。战舞者在10级和16级时每天可以额外使用一次此能力

劇透 -   :
Battle Dancer
Source Martial Arts Handbook pg. 4

Originating among the Mwangi tribes of Sargava, battle dancers practice a martial art that emphasizes constant motion, hiding their training from colonial oppressors by presenting it as an acrobatic dance. Sargava’s alliance with the Shackles has led to a proliferation of the art there, and battle dancers are often found among Mwangi-descended pirates.

Class Skills: A battle dancer gains Perform (all) as a class skill instead of Knowledge (dungeoneering).

This alters the brawler’s class skills.

Armor Proficiency: A battle dancer isn’t proficient with shields.

This alters the brawler’s armor proficiencies.

Dancer’s Cunning (Ex): A battle dancer can treat her Charisma score as her Intelligence score for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats. In addition, she can attempt a Perform (dance) check instead of a Bluff check to feint in combat, and her unarmed strikes are considered to have the performance weapon special quality.

This replaces brawler’s cunning.

Rolling Flurry (Ex): When a battle dancer uses her brawler’s flurry, she must move 5 feet before each melee attack or combat maneuver. If she is unable to move 5 feet, she can’t attempt any further attacks or combat maneuvers. She can’t exceed her maximum speed. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity if the brawler would be able to take a 5-foot step normally; if she would be unable to (for instance, if she were in difficult terrain), the movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal unless she succeeds at the appropriate Acrobatics checks. While using this ability, she can still take her normal 5-foot step before or after making her attacks.

This alters brawler’s flurry.

Dancing Dodge (Ex): At 4th level, when an opponent attempts a melee attack against a battle dancer, the battle dancer can expend one use of an attack of opportunity as an immediate action to move 5 feet, granting the battle dancer a dodge bonus to AC equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 0) against the triggering attack. The attack is still resolved normally, even if the battle dancer’s movement takes her out of the triggering attack’s reach. This movement is not a 5-foot step and provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other than the one that triggered this ability, though the battle dancer can attempt an Acrobatics check to avoid provoking the attacks. A battle dancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half her level. She can use this ability only while wearing light armor or no armor, and while carrying no heavier than a light load.

This replaces AC bonus.

Sparring Partners (Ex): At 4th level, once per day when a battle dancer gains a flanking bonus on an attack while using her rolling flurry ability, the ally providing the flank gains a flanking bonus on its next attack against that opponent, even if the battle dancer moves out of a flanking position. If either the opponent or the ally moves more than 5 feet before the ally’s attack, the flanking bonus is lost. This ability works only if the ally is on the opposite side of an opponent during the battle dancer’s attack, not if a flanking bonus is gained in some other way, such as through Gang Up. A battle dancer can use this ability one additional time per day at 10th level and at 16th level.

This replaces knockout.

离线 胡萝卜骑士肥鱼

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #521 于: 2022-11-22, 周二 10:04:07 »
魅影情感羁绊:骄傲(Pride) 出自《异能国度》( Occult Realms pg. 15)



强豁免(Good Saves):反射和意志。


公然蔑视(Flagrant Disregard,Ex):以一个迅捷动作,魅影可以在所有攻击检定上获得+2加值,同时在AC上承受–1减值,持续1轮。幻影每有4点基本攻击加值,该加值在攻击检定上增加1,AC减值增加1。

虚荣致辞(Vainglorious Oration,Su):当唤魂师达到7级时,以一个迅捷动作,魅影可以大胆地谎称自己的实力来让敌人战栗。要受到影响,敌人必须在魅影30尺以内并且能够听到它。只要敌人在30尺以内,此效果就会持续(幻影可以以自由动作结束演说)。此能力不能使生物变得惊惧或恐慌,即使目标已经因其他效果而战栗。这是一种依赖于听觉成分的影响心灵的恐惧效果。

极度自信(Overwhelming Confidence,Su):当唤魂师达到12级时,只要魅影免从决心能力中获得对恐惧的免疫能力,任何影响魅影的士气加值都会翻倍。如果魅影失去对恐惧的免疫,所有正在影响魅影的双倍士气加值将作为减值应用到它们的剩余持续时间或直到魅影重新获得恐惧免疫力(以先到者为准)。

完美幻象(Illusion of Perfection,Su):当唤魂师达到17级时,贪婪的魅影能以一个迅捷动作将自己笼罩在幻觉中,表现为完美的物质典范——它对自己的理想化形象。魅影在近战伤害检定上获得等于其魅力调整值的加值。然而,每当魅影对一个生物造成伤害,该生物可以尝试一次意志豁免(DC=10+1/2幻影的生命骰数+幻影的魅力调整值)来不相信这个效果,成功通过则额外伤害减半。魅影每天可以使用完美幻象的时间等于它的生命骰数。此持续时间不需要一次全部使用,但必须以1分钟为间隔消耗。此能力是一种影响心灵的幻觉效果。
« 上次编辑: 2022-11-22, 周二 10:07:02 由 可爱肥鱼 »
劇透 -   :


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« 回帖 #522 于: 2022-11-23, 周三 19:30:17 »
阵营偷袭(Aligned Sneak Attack)(Su)
出处 《遥远国度》(Distant Realms)第13页
当对一个可以被特定阵营的武器(例如 DR 5/善良)克服伤害减免的生物进行偷袭时,盗贼(译注:应该是杀手,下同)的攻击会减少该伤害减免直到盗贼的回合结束,减少的伤害减免等于偷袭骰子数。
劇透 -   :
Aligned Sneak Attack (Su) (Distant Realms pg. 13): When making a sneak attack against a creature that has damage reduction that can be overcome by weapons of a particular alignment (such as DR 5/good), the rogue’s attack reduces that damage reduction by an amount equal to the number of sneak attack dice rolled until the end of the rogue’s turn.
隔离阵营*(Sever Alignment*)(Su)
出处 《遥远国度》(Distant Realms)第13页
当对具有阵营亚种的敌人进行偷袭时,具有此天赋的盗贼可以放弃她的偷袭伤害来扰乱该生物的抽象本质。 如果攻击成功,盗贼正常造成武器伤害,并且目标必须通过强韧豁免(DC = 10 + 盗贼等级的一半 + 盗贼的智力调整值)否则失去所有被特定阵营的武器克服的伤害减免(例如 DR 10/善良),失去所有由阵营来源克服的再生(例如再生 10 [善良]),并失去施法和使用带有阵营描述符的类法术能力的能力,每 2d6 点偷袭伤害持续 1 轮(至少 1 轮)。 盗贼必须拥有阵营偷袭(Aligned Sneak Attack)天赋才能选择该天赋。
劇透 -   :
Sever Alignment* (Su) (Distant Realms pg. 13): When making a sneak attack against an opponent with an alignment subtype, a rogue with this talent can forgo her sneak attack damage to scramble the creature’s metaphysical nature. If the attack succeeds, the rogue deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Intelligence modifier) or lose all damage reduction overcome by aligned weapons (such as DR 10/good), lose all regeneration overcome by aligned sources (such as regeneration 10 [good]), and lose the ability to cast spells and use spell-like abilities with alignment descriptors for 1 round for every 2d6 points of sneak attack damage the rogue would have dealt (minimum 1 round). The rogue must have the aligned sneak attack talent to select this talent.
pfs1卡: | #2401636-1 1 8级炼金铳士pfs跑不动了
翻译与整理:武装少女TRPG プリンセスウイング夕遥的pf炼金笔记本
开团: | 拿到pfs1星(10/10)|  开一个特许(1/1)|  开一个ap(0/1) |

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #523 于: 2022-11-30, 周三 22:45:17 »

离线 胡萝卜骑士肥鱼

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #524 于: 2022-12-10, 周六 15:21:14 »
翻译了一波和人神奥罗登相关的背景,如有错漏或者重复欢迎指正(最近果园经常上不去 :em003

奥罗登众的剑技训练 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(战斗)
劇透 -   :
Arodenite Sword Training
Category Basic (Combat)
Your family has passed down training in Aroden’s favored weapon, even though the god no longer answers their prayers. You are proficient with the longsword. If your class grants longsword proficiency as well, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity with longswords.

围攻防御者 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(战斗)
劇透 -   :
Siege Defender
Category Basic (Combat)
Aroden taught the people of Absalom to survive any siege with proper preparation and cooperation, and those teachings were passed on to you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on melee damage rolls when you attack a target from higher ground.

论语学者 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(魔法)
劇透 -   :
Scholar of the Analects
Category Basic (Magic)
You studied various Analects of Aroden from a young age and became skilled at using magic written by others. You can cast read magic as a spell-like ability three times per day, using your character level as your caster level.

穿刺法术 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(魔法)
劇透 -   :
Stabbing Spells
Category Basic (Magic)
Aroden wrote much about ways to use weapons to enhance magic’s effectiveness, and you have taken to heart the insights gleaned from his words. Whenever you strike a foe with a weapon, you gain a +2 trait bonus on caster level checks to overcome that foe’s spell resistance until the end of your next turn.

奥罗登的历史学家 来源 Arcane Anthology pg.10 PFS不可
类别 基础(社会)
劇透 -   :
Arodenite Historian
Category Basic (Social)
You believe there is much useful information to glean from the mark Aroden left on history, and learn all you can about his exploits and teachings. This has given you significant insights on how different kinds of information are interconnected. If you fail a Knowledge (arcana, history, or religion) check, you can reroll the check 1 round later using your bonus for one of the other two skills.

创始人的遗产 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(社会)
劇透 -   :
Founders' Heritage
Category Basic (Social)
You can trace your family line back to one of the founding families of Absalom that was called by Aroden to aid him in establishing the city because of their vision and potential. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Charisma-based skill checks to influence citizens of Absalom.

宽慰的建议 来源 Arcane Anthology pg. 10
类别 基础(社会)
劇透 -   :
Reassuring Advice
Category Basic (Social)
You’ve studied the speeches and writings of a leader or thinker who served as a reassuring voice in her community in the turbulent times after Aroden died, painfully learning which portions of Aroden’s advice no longer applied and what of his writings could still be usefully applied. Once per day, you can speak Aroden’s words of encouragement to grant any human a +1 insight bonus on any attack roll, saving throw, or skill check of his choice within the following hour. The choice to use the insight bonus must be made before the related roll is made.

哲学系门徒 来源 Quests and Campaigns pg. 21
类别 基础(社会)

劇透 -   :
Student of Philosophy
Category Basic (Social)
You were trained in a nowdefunct philosophical tradition—such as that of the nowdestroyed Galtan universities or Lirgeni astrologers—and learned to use logic and reason to persuade others. You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true. (This trait does not affect Diplomacy checks to gather information or Bluff checks to feint in combat.)

Suggested Characters: Arodenites, Galtans, Sodden Lands natives.

亡神信徒 来源 Taldor, Echoes of Glory pg. 14
类别 宗教
需求 奥罗登
劇透 -   :
Devotee of a Dead God
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Aroden
You simply cannot and will not accept that Aroden is dead. Your faith in his teachings and religion are stronger than ever. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks and Knowledge (religion) checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

虔诚的奥罗登众 来源 Sargava, the Lost Colony pg. 23
类别 宗教
需求 奥罗登
劇透 -   :
Faithful Arodenite
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Aroden
You worship a dead god, and are skilled at making that sound reasonable. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks; this bonus increases to +3 if you are dealing with a follower of Aroden or Iomedae.

精魂语者 来源 Sargava, the Lost Colony pg. 23 PFS不可
类别 信仰
需求 莽吉萨满教
劇透 -   :
Spirit Talker
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Mwangi shamanistic faith
You are a devotee of the shamanistic practices of the Mwangi, having little use for the deities of the colonials. You gain a +1 racial bonus on Will saves against divine spells and spell-like effects employed against you by clerics or paladins of Aroden, Abadar, Iomedae, Gozreh, and Shelyn—but you suffer a –1 penalty on Will saves against divine spells cast by devotees of Mwangi faiths.
« 上次编辑: 2022-12-10, 周六 17:09:50 由 迷你肥鱼 »
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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #525 于: 2023-01-25, 周三 00:45:14 »
猴像(Monkey Statue)
出处:《商人货单(Merchant's Manifest)》23页
价格:150gp 重量:1/2磅
效果:处于某些不为人知的原因,这个精心雕琢的普通猴子雕像抗拒着恶鬼。任何具备恶鬼亚种 (Oni Subtype,见于《怪物图鉴 3》)的生物在处于猴像30尺范围内时,在所有的d20检定上都承受-1罚值。猴像可以在无人持用的情况产生作用,也可以由一个持有者通过一个迅捷动作产生这种效果;但如果它只是储存在持有者身上,那么将不会对恶鬼产生影响。持有者必须以一种空闲的手来展示雕像才能获得其效果。这种罚值与其他猴像的罚值不叠加。

劇透 -  原文:
WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
For some unknown reason, this finely crafted but mundane
monkey statue repulses oni. Any creature with the oni subtype
(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 307) that is within 30 feet of a
monkey statue takes a –1 penalty on all d20 rolls. The monkey
statue can be unattended or presented by its wielder as a swift
action to cause this effect; the statue has no effect on oni if it
is simply stored on a wielder’s person. A wielder must have a
free hand available to present the statue and gain its effect. This
penalty does not stack with that from other monkey statues.

精魂供物(Spirit Offering)
出处:《商人货单(Merchant's Manifest)》23页
价格:20gp 重量:1/2磅
效果:这类祭品可以有多种形式,如食物、熏香、风车、稀有的茶叶、无瑕圆润的白色鹅卵石或是石碑,但总会放在丝带绑好的袋子里。龙国的旅行者们将这些祭品放在路边的小神龛或是圣地上。在旅行者献上精魂供物的一个小时内,其遇到的任何社神(kami,见于《怪物图鉴 3》)的起始态度都改善一级。这种态度改变会在10分钟后恢复正常,除非目标生物的态度在这段时间内得到了进一步的改变——例如通过交涉技能,在这种情况,社神的态度不会在祭品的效果结束后恢复原样。一旦一份精魂供物被用来改善了一个社神的态度,就不能再重复使用。

劇透 -  原文:
WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
These offerings take many forms, such as food, incense,
pinwheels, rare teas, perfectly smooth white pebbles, or stone
tablets, but they are always kept in pouches tied with ribbon.
Travelers in the Dragon Empires leave these offerings at the
small shrines or holy sites that can be found scattered along
roads. For 1 hour after a traveler leaves a spirit offering, any
kami (Bestiary 3 159) the traveler encounters has its initial
attitude improved by one step. This attitude adjustment reverts
to normal after 10 minutes unless the creature’s attitude is
adjusted further during that time, such as via the Diplomacy
skill, in which case the kami’s attitude does not revert after the
offering’s effect expires. Once a spirit offering has been used to
improved a kami’s attitude, it cannot be reused.

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #526 于: 2023-01-25, 周三 20:54:38 »
交换先攻(Trade Initiative)
出处:《遥远海岸(Distant Shores)》63页

劇透 -   :
PFS Legal Trade Initiative (Teamwork)
Source Distant Shores pg. 63
You’re an expert at helping your partner respond faster, and vice versa.

Benefit: After initiative is rolled but before enemies’ initiative is revealed, you may trade the results of your die roll (not including modifiers) with an adjacent ally who also possesses this feat.


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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #527 于: 2023-01-26, 周四 08:38:07 »
訂盟對戒(Covenant rings)
出自《Merchant's Manifest pg. 21》


劇透 -   :
Covenant rings
Source Merchant's Manifest pg. 21
Price 100 gp; Weight —
Category Clothing
These silver rings are always sold in uniquely crafted pairs— usually one made in a Varisian style and one in an old Korvosan style. Originally made to celebrate the uniting of the Korvosan dissidents and Varisian locals at the city’s outset, they are now commonly sought by young lovers, very close friends, and other intimate pairs. When two emotionally intimate creatures each wear one of the rings in a set, both wearers gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This bonus ends if the creatures’ emotional bond is severed (at the GM’s discretion), one of the creatures removes a ring and returns it to the other creature, or a bonded creature is no longer wearing the ring (or is no longer alive or on the same plane).

« 上次编辑: 2023-01-26, 周四 08:50:19 由 (/ ̄(エ) ̄)/犬良人ヾ(T(エ)Tヽ) »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #528 于: 2023-02-10, 周五 13:41:36 »

Syrinx Racial Traits
–2 Dex, +2 Wisdom: Syrinx are contemplative and patient, traits that make them somewhat slow to act.
Normal Speed: Syrinx have a base speed of 30 feet.
Flight: Syrinx have a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability.
Low-Light Vision: Syrinx can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Darkvision: Syrinx can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Nocturnal: Syrinx gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth checks at night.
Pride (2 RP): Syrinx receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
Speak with Avians (0 RP): Syrinx can speak with all birds of the animal creature type and birdlike magical beasts (like phoenixes and thunderbirds).
Languages: Syrinx begin play speaking Syrinx. Syrinx with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Azlant, Celestial, Strix, or Infernal.
« 上次编辑: 2023-02-10, 周五 13:44:31 由 蓬莱儿 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #529 于: 2023-02-15, 周三 10:31:49 »
强化统治之冠(Diadem of Inspiring Rule)
出自:Quests and Campaigns pg. 31
栏位:头部;价格:4,500 GP;重量:-磅
这顶华丽而招摇的王冠使得其佩戴者的领导力值(Leadership score)获得+3表现加值(competence bonus)。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),鹰之威仪(eagle's splendor);
制造成本:2,250 GP

劇透 -   :
Diadem of Inspiring Rule
Source Quests and Campaigns pg. 31
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 4,500 gp; Weight —
This ornate, ostentatious diadem grants its
wearer a +3 competence bonus to her Leadership score.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's
splendor; Cost 2,250 gp

劇透 -   :
of Inspiring Rule)直译可译为:提振统治之冠、启迪统治之冠、统帅灵感之冠。总觉得一眼看不出是什么玩意而。干脆意译强化统治之冠(Diadem of Inspiring Rule)了。
2、萌新现在比较咸鱼,已经零散翻译了几节《商人货单》(共19节,其中海上钓鲸客大佬已经在自己得专区翻译了3节),还对【#135】魔池(Magic Pools)较为感兴趣,翻译了一些还没翻译完。本来想把译好得东西发出去得了,但是电脑上 “您要提交的信息不安全”、“由于正在提交的表单使用的连接不安全,其他人可以看到你的信息”、“拒绝访问”。手机打字,实在打不了那么多字。等正常后再发。