作者 主题: 自用自翻资源帖  (阅读 957274 次)

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离线 linfzxy

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #440 于: 2020-07-14, 周二 15:26:54 »
劇透 -   :

  出自:《Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins》 © 2019, Paizo Inc. pg.24
    【PFS可用】部落魂域 Tribe


    迟疑诅咒,Curse of Faltering (Su):当30尺内的一个敌人造成重击威胁时,以一个直觉动作,萨满可以强迫一个生物重骰它原来的攻击骰,这个攻击骰具有等同于萨满魅力调整值的减值。目标可以尝试一个意志豁免来免疫这个能力。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    孤立诅咒,Curse of Isolation (Ex):萨满使30尺内的一个敌人敏锐地感受到他在部落外面的状态。等同于萨满等级的回合数,目标无法从夹击或者援助他人中获益,也无法从士气加值中获益。目标可以尝试一个意志豁免来免疫这个能力。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    屹然楷模,Steadfast Example (Su):萨满接触一个自愿的生物,增强它的精神和情感防御。目标下次尝试一个意志豁免时,目标可以使用萨满的意志豁免加值而不是他自己的意志豁免加值。同一时间萨满只能用此巫术影响一个生物,受此巫术影响的生物24小时内无法再次被此巫术影响。

    危机四伏,Threatening Coordination Hex (Su):萨满使一个30尺内的生物将萨满的盟友视作障碍物。目标将萨满盟友的临接方格视为困难地形,该效果持续等同于萨满等级的轮数。如果目标意志豁免成功,则该效果只持续一轮。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    援助之触,Touch of Succor (Su):以一个标准动作,萨满可以触摸一个自愿的生物,来移除下列状态之一:疲乏,战栗,恶心。在8级时,她将困惑和惊惧加入可移除状态列表。在12级时,她将晕眩,反胃和恐慌加入此列表。萨满每天可以使用等同于萨满等级次数的此能力。


    部落协作,Tribal Cooperation (Su):萨满获得一个团队专长作为奖励专长。她必须满足该专长的先决条件。以一个标准动作,萨满可以将一个她的团队专长分享给30尺内所有能看见和听到她的盟友。盟友可以使用这个奖励专长(3+每2萨满等级1)轮。盟友不需要满足这个奖励专长的先决条件。萨满每天可以使用3+魅力调整值次数的此能力。
    部落连结,Tribal Bond (Sp):萨满和她的部落之间享有一个超绝的连结。每天一次,当她和她的魂兽交流以恢复法术时,萨满可以选择她一半萨满等级数量的生物作为她的名誉宗族。这些生物可以持续互相交流,如同心灵连线(telepathic bond)一样。

    部落护卫,Guardian of the Tribe (Su):萨满可以释放一个距离为接触的无害法术到30尺内的一个被部落连结影响的生物上。萨满每天可以使用此能力的次数等同于她的魅力调整值(最低1)。此外,她能持续感知所有部落连结成员的状况,如同关照术(status)一样。

    20级时,萨满是她部落力量和团结的显现。她在所有豁免检定上获得等于魅力调整值的加值,并且免疫胁迫类法术和类法术能力。每天一次,以一个标准动作,她可以尝试复活一个在她的部落连结中的1回合内死去的生物,类似于生命之息(breath of life),只是这个法术可以以任意距离施展只要目标和萨满在同一位面,并且目标恢复的生命值等于10x萨满的等级(最大200)。

劇透 -   :

A shaman who selects the tribe spirit strives to protect her allies, whether they be a traditional tribal unit or a chosen group of adventuring companions.

Spirit Magic Spells: bless (1st), shield other (2nd), create food and water (3rd), spiritual ally (4th), life bubble (5th), battlemind link (6th), vision (7th), discern location (8th), mass heal (9th).

Hexes: A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit can select from the following hexes.

Curse of Faltering (Su): As an immediate action when an enemy within 30 feet threatens a critical hit, the shaman can force the creature to reroll its original attack roll with a penalty equal to the shaman’s Charisma modifier. The target can attempt a Will save to negate this ability. Whether or not the save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours. This is a curse effect.

Curse of Isolation (Ex): The shaman makes an enemy within 30 feet keenly feel its status outside the tribe. For a number of rounds equal to the shaman’s level, the target gains no benefit from flanking or the aid another action, and it doesn’t benefit from morale bonuses. The target can attempt a Will save to negate this ability. Whether or not the save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours. This is a curse effect.

Steadfast Example (Su): The shaman touches a willing creature and bolsters its mental and emotional defenses. The next time the target attempts a Will saving throw, the subject can use the shaman’s Will saving throw bonus instead of his own. The shaman can have only one creature under the effect of this hex at a time, and a creature affected by this hex cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.

Threatening Coordination Hex (Su): The shaman causes a creature within 30 feet to view the shaman’s allies as obstacles. The target treats squares adjacent to the shaman’s allies as difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to the shaman’s level, or for 1 round if the target succeeds at a Will saving throw. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature affected by this hex cannot be the target of it again for 24 hours.

Touch of Succor (Su): The shaman can touch a willing creature as a standard action to remove one of the following conditions: fatigued, shaken, or sickened. At 8th level, she adds confused and frightened to the list of conditions she can remove. At 12th level, she also adds dazed, nauseated, and panicked. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her shaman level.

Spirit Animal
The shaman’s spirit animal has colorations or markings that resemble a totem or important symbol for the shaman’s tribe. When the spirit animal successfully performs the aid another action, the bonus it provides increases by 1.

Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability.

Tribal Cooperation (Su): The shaman gains a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. She must meet the feat’s prerequisites. As a standard action, the shaman can grant one of her teamwork feats to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear her. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every 2 levels the shaman has. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of this bonus feat. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

Greater Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the greater version of that spirit.

Tribal Bond (Sp): The shaman and her tribe share a transcendent bond. Once per day when she communes with her spirit animal to regain spells, the shaman can select a number of creatures equal to half her shaman level to serve as her honorary tribe. These creatures can constantly communicate with each other, as telepathic bond.

True Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the true version of that spirit.

Guardian of the Tribe (Su): The shaman can cast a harmless spell with a range of touch on a member of her tribal bond as long as that creature is within 30 feet. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). In addition, she is constantly aware of the condition of all members of her tribal bond ability, as status.

Upon reaching 20th level, the shaman embodies the strength and unity of her tribe. She gains a bonus on all of her saving throws equal to her Charisma modifier and becomes immune to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Once per day as a standard action, she can attempt to revive a creature connected to her by her tribal bond ability who has died within 1 round as breath of life, except that the spell can be cast at any range as long as the target is on the same plane, and the target regains a number of hit points equal to 10 × the shaman’s level (maximum 200).

Section 15: Copyright Notice
Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Kim Frandsen, Sasha Hall, Violet Hargrave, Andrew Mullen, Jessica Redekop, Mikhail Rekun, Sean K. Reynolds, and Rodney Sloan.
« 上次编辑: 2020-07-30, 周四 17:23:48 由 linfzxy »

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #441 于: 2020-07-25, 周六 21:05:49 »
    出自:《Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins》 © 2019, Paizo Inc. pg.24
    【PFS可用】部落魂域 Tribe

    迟疑诅咒,Curse of Faltering (Su):当30尺内的一个敌人造成重击威胁时,以一个直觉动作,萨满可以强迫一个生物重骰它原来的攻击骰,这个攻击骰具有等同于萨满魅力调整值的减值。目标可以尝试一个意志豁免来免疫这个能力。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    孤立诅咒,Curse of Isolation (Ex):萨满使30尺内的一个敌人敏锐地感受到他在部落外面的状态。等同于萨满等级的回合数,目标无法从夹击或者援助他人中获益,也无法从士气加值中获益。目标可以尝试一个意志豁免来免疫这个能力。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    屹然楷模,Steadfast Example (Su):萨满接触一个自愿的生物,增强它的精神和情感防御。目标下次尝试一个意志豁免时,目标可以使用萨满的意志豁免加值而不是他自己的意志豁免加值。同一时间萨满只能用此巫术影响一个生物,受此巫术影响的生物24小时内无法再次被此巫术影响。

    危机四伏,Threatening Coordination Hex (Su):萨满使一个30尺内的生物将萨满的盟友视作障碍物。目标将萨满盟友的临接方格视为困难地形,该效果持续等同于萨满等级的轮数。如果目标意志豁免成功,则该效果只持续一轮。无论是否豁免成功,这个生物在24小时之内不能再次成为这个巫术的目标。这是一个诅咒效果。

    援助之触,Touch of Succor (Su):以一个标准动作,萨满可以触摸一个自愿的生物,来移除下列状态之一:疲乏,战栗,恶心。在8级时,她将困惑和惊惧加入可移除状态列表。在12级时,她将晕眩,反胃和恐慌加入此列表。萨满每天可以使用等同于萨满等级次数的此能力。


    部落协作,Tribal Cooperation (Su):萨满获得一个团队专长作为奖励专长。她必须满足该专长的先决条件。以一个标准动作,萨满可以将一个她的团队专长分享给30尺内所有能看见和听到她的盟友。盟友可以使用这个奖励专长(3+每2萨满等级1)轮。盟友不需要满足这个奖励专长的先决条件。萨满每天可以使用3+魅力调整值次数的此能力。
    部落连结,Tribal Bond (Sp):萨满和她的部落之间享有一个超绝的连结。每天一次,当她和她的魂兽交流以恢复法术时,萨满可以选择她一半萨满等级数量的生物作为她的名誉宗族。这些生物可以持续互相交流,如同心灵连线(telepathic bond)一样。

    部落护卫,Guardian of the Tribe (Su):萨满可以释放一个距离为接触的无害法术到30尺内的一个被部落连结影响的生物上。萨满每天可以使用此能力的次数等同于她的魅力调整值(最低1)。此外,她能持续感知所有部落连结成员的状况,如同关照术(status)一样。

    20级时,萨满是她部落力量和团结的显现。她在所有豁免检定上获得等于魅力调整值的加值,并且免疫胁迫类法术和类法术能力。每天一次,以一个标准动作,她可以尝试复活一个在她的部落连结中的1回合内死去的生物,类似于生命之息(breath of life),只是这个法术可以以任意距离施展只要目标和萨满在同一位面,并且目标恢复的生命值等于10x萨满的等级(最大200)。

劇透 -   :

A shaman who selects the tribe spirit strives to protect her allies, whether they be a traditional tribal unit or a chosen group of adventuring companions.

Spirit Magic Spells: bless (1st), shield other (2nd), create food and water (3rd), spiritual ally (4th), life bubble (5th), battlemind link (6th), vision (7th), discern location (8th), mass heal (9th).

Hexes: A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit can select from the following hexes.

Curse of Faltering (Su): As an immediate action when an enemy within 30 feet threatens a critical hit, the shaman can force the creature to reroll its original attack roll with a penalty equal to the shaman’s Charisma modifier. The target can attempt a Will save to negate this ability. Whether or not the save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours. This is a curse effect.

Curse of Isolation (Ex): The shaman makes an enemy within 30 feet keenly feel its status outside the tribe. For a number of rounds equal to the shaman’s level, the target gains no benefit from flanking or the aid another action, and it doesn’t benefit from morale bonuses. The target can attempt a Will save to negate this ability. Whether or not the save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours. This is a curse effect.

Steadfast Example (Su): The shaman touches a willing creature and bolsters its mental and emotional defenses. The next time the target attempts a Will saving throw, the subject can use the shaman’s Will saving throw bonus instead of his own. The shaman can have only one creature under the effect of this hex at a time, and a creature affected by this hex cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.

Threatening Coordination Hex (Su): The shaman causes a creature within 30 feet to view the shaman’s allies as obstacles. The target treats squares adjacent to the shaman’s allies as difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to the shaman’s level, or for 1 round if the target succeeds at a Will saving throw. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature affected by this hex cannot be the target of it again for 24 hours.

Touch of Succor (Su): The shaman can touch a willing creature as a standard action to remove one of the following conditions: fatigued, shaken, or sickened. At 8th level, she adds confused and frightened to the list of conditions she can remove. At 12th level, she also adds dazed, nauseated, and panicked. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her shaman level.

Spirit Animal
The shaman’s spirit animal has colorations or markings that resemble a totem or important symbol for the shaman’s tribe. When the spirit animal successfully performs the aid another action, the bonus it provides increases by 1.

Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability.

Tribal Cooperation (Su): The shaman gains a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. She must meet the feat’s prerequisites. As a standard action, the shaman can grant one of her teamwork feats to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear her. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every 2 levels the shaman has. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of this bonus feat. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

Greater Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the greater version of that spirit.

Tribal Bond (Sp): The shaman and her tribe share a transcendent bond. Once per day when she communes with her spirit animal to regain spells, the shaman can select a number of creatures equal to half her shaman level to serve as her honorary tribe. These creatures can constantly communicate with each other, as telepathic bond.

True Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the tribe spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the true version of that spirit.

Guardian of the Tribe (Su): The shaman can cast a harmless spell with a range of touch on a member of her tribal bond as long as that creature is within 30 feet. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). In addition, she is constantly aware of the condition of all members of her tribal bond ability, as status.

Upon reaching 20th level, the shaman embodies the strength and unity of her tribe. She gains a bonus on all of her saving throws equal to her Charisma modifier and becomes immune to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Once per day as a standard action, she can attempt to revive a creature connected to her by her tribal bond ability who has died within 1 round as breath of life, except that the spell can be cast at any range as long as the target is on the same plane, and the target regains a number of hit points equal to 10 × the shaman’s level (maximum 200).

Section 15: Copyright Notice
Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Kim Frandsen, Sasha Hall, Violet Hargrave, Andrew Mullen, Jessica Redekop, Mikhail Rekun, Sean K. Reynolds, and Rodney Sloan.

诶 这个我翻过了啊 在PF译文区→玩者手册里

离线 linfzxy

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #442 于: 2020-07-30, 周四 17:21:55 »

诶 这个我翻过了啊 在PF译文区→玩者手册里

啊,感谢大佬,果园不太熟就如同我的发帖数量一般没搜索到又想缥缈魂域拿就翻了一下 :em003 (不过看了半天都不知道哪个团队专长好用

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #443 于: 2020-08-03, 周一 23:55:04 »
天狗剑学 Tengu Blade Lore
出自《Heroes of Golarion pg. 26》


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« 回帖 #444 于: 2020-08-05, 周三 19:53:30 »
抓取用尾巴(Grasping Tail)
出自《Planar Adventures pg. 28, Advanced Race Guide pg. 174》

  特殊說明:若你已擁有魔裔的卷尾(Prehensile Tail)种族特性,你能以迅捷動作用你的尾巴抓取5尺的无主物品或在你个人随身携带收藏好的物品;你能用你的尾巴持有此物品,但是你不能用他控作此物品(除了放到你手上外)。

劇透 -   :
Grasping Tail
Source Planar Adventures pg. 28, Advanced Race Guide pg. 174
Your tail becomes more useful, and can be used to grab or hold small items.

Prerequisites: You must have a tail.

Benefit: You can use your tail to grab stowed items. While you cannot wield weapons with your tail, you can use it to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on your person as a swift action.

Special: If you have the prehensile tail tiefling racial trait, you can use your tail to grab unattended items within 5 feet or stowed objects carried on your person as a swift action; you can hold such objects with your tail, though you cannot manipulate them with it (other than to put them in your hand).


鞭击用尾巴(Lashing Tail)[战斗]
出自《Source Planar Adventures pg. 30》


劇透 -   :
Lashing Tail (Combat)
Source Planar Adventures pg. 30
Your tail is either thick and heavy enough to serve as a weapon, or else is adorned with barbs or quills that weaponize its lashing length.

Prerequisites: Grasping Tail, you must have a tail.

Benefit: You gain a tail slap natural attack that deals damage as appropriate for your size (1d6 points for a Medium creature, or 1d4 points for a small creature). When you first gain this feat, choose bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing; this is the type of damage your tail inflicts, and it cannot be later changed. Due to the inherent awkwardness of attacking with your tail, you can’t make a tail slap attack and other natural weapon attacks as part of the same full attack. Treat your tail slap attack as a secondary attack if you also attack with a manufactured weapon as part of a full-attack action.


调皮用尾巴(Mischievous Tail)
出自《Source Planar Adventures pg. 30》

  先決條件:敏捷 15,抓取用尾巴,你必須擁有尾巴。
  專長效果:你能使用你的尾巴滿足所有目的,如同空手(free hand)一样,但是你不能用他有效地持用武器或盾牌(你仍能用你的尾巴持有物品,只要该物品通常也可以舒适地用手携带)。此外,你在卸武和盜取战技獲得+2加值而且不会引起借机攻击,以及在只用你的尾巴的巧手检定獲得+2加值。

劇透 -   :
Mischievous Tail
Source Planar Adventures pg. 30
Your tail seems to have a mind of its own.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Grasping Tail, you must have a tail.

Benefit: You can use your tail for all purposes as though it were a free hand, though you cannot effectively wield weapons or shields with it (you can still carry such objects with your tail, as long as such an object could also be comfortably carried in a hand normally). In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on disarm and steal combat maneuvers and Sleight of Hand checks performed using only your tail, and combat maneuvers performed this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

« 上次编辑: 2021-06-05, 周六 16:55:54 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #445 于: 2020-08-17, 周一 18:19:14 »
姬图姆之忿(Kitumu's Ire) 出自《冒险家的武器库2》(Adventurer's Armory 2)
价格:75gp 重量:-
类型:炼金武器 制造DC:工艺(炼金) 30

劇透 -   :
PFS Legal Kitumu's ire
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 25
Price 75 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Weapons
Named after a malevolent Mwangi goddess, this sack of luminous paste is made from crushed jungle flowers. You can throw Kitumu’s ire as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet; on a hit, the target is coated with the paste. A target coated with the paste draws the attention of any swarm within 30 feet, causing it to seek out and attack the target over any other creature. In addition, an affected creature takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against swarms’ distraction ability. Kitumu’s ire lasts for 1 hour or until washed away with at least a gallon of alcohol.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 30

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #446 于: 2020-08-20, 周四 15:47:06 »
几把武器,都出自Martial Arts Handbook
断背直刀Broken-back seax(轻刃武器组)
双头矛Double spear(矛武器组)
分刃剑Split-blade sword(重刃武器组)
旅行壶Traveling kettle(武僧武器组)
« 上次编辑: 2020-08-25, 周二 11:31:06 由 愤怒的书页 »

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #447 于: 2020-08-20, 周四 16:24:06 »
青春版抗力斗篷变换斗篷(PROTEAN CLOAK),来自Planar Adventures
这些多彩的斗篷就像它的灵感来源proteans(这是啥。。。某种很会变形的怪物吗)一样易变。典型的变换斗篷由naunet protean的皮毛制成,但不管由什么材料制作,变换斗篷都会闪烁着五彩斑斓的光芒。虽然材料摸起来有凹凸不平的鳞片状质感,但变换斗篷能像丝绸一样流动,并且不会妨碍任何移动。变换斗篷会在单一的豁免检定上(通常是意志豁免)提供+1到+5的抗力加值。每日一次,穿戴者可以以一个标准动作改变变换斗篷提供的豁免类型,变换斗篷会为这种新的豁免提供加值,直到再次被改变为止。如果一件变换斗篷超过24小时无人使用,便会自动恢复为提供意志豁免。
« 上次编辑: 2020-08-20, 周四 16:50:12 由 愤怒的书页 »

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #448 于: 2020-08-21, 周五 12:56:06 »
Ultimate Wilderness中对动物装备栏位进行了修正,和动物档案Animal Archive中相比有所不同,不同之处已经标红,基本都添加了头部装备位










离线 阿贝里昂

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« 回帖 #449 于: 2020-08-28, 周五 00:57:39 »
健壮猛兽(Hefty Brute)

出自《荒野起源》(Wilderness Origins)第22页



« 上次编辑: 2020-09-21, 周一 18:35:43 由 阿贝里昂 »