
譯文資料區 => 核心书籍(Core Books) => Pathfinder RPG => Pathfinder => 《冒險者指南》 => 主题作者是: Rivers 于 2018-02-05, 周一 23:41:18

主题: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-05, 周一 23:41:18
巨人伏击客(GIANT STALKER,野蛮人变体)
Of the dangerous creatures that roam grim peaks and icy steppes, giants are among the most feared. They are cunning and capricious, and their ability to craft weapons and coordinate attacks makes them a constant threat to the nomadic tribes in the region. In the wilds where giants hunt, cleverness isn’t the only thing the people need to survive—they require the fearlessness to confront a challenge, no matter the size. Elders select the children of the tribe’s fiercest barbarians for the honor of becoming giant stalkers. Through intense training, these children learn to spot and track giants using telltale signs along with more subtle clues (such as giants’ unique scents). They learn the giants’ speech and culture; they study their traditions and brutality; and most importantly, they foster their hatred of these oversized foes. When Mammoth Lord followings travel, giant stalkers scout ahead, securing safe passage through giant-infested territories. They clear giant hunting parties and ambushes, using gruesome trophies to mark the trails. Sometimes giant hunters send their own raiding parties into the mountains to capture young giants, as most followings keep giant thralls as symbols of status.
巨人咆哮(Harangue Giant,Ex):
Harangue Giant (Ex): While raging, a giant stalker can speak Giant. If the giant stalker already knows Giant, she gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks when speaking Giant while raging. This ability alters rage.
嗅探巨人(Smell Giants,Ex):
    此能力替代了直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)。
Smell Giants (Ex): A 2nd level, a giant stalker gains the scent special ability, but with regard only to humanoids with the giant subtype. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
挑衅巨人(Giant Baiter,Su):
    此能力替代陷阱感知(Trap Sense)。
Giant Baiter (Su): At 3rd level, a raging giant stalker can take a move action to erupt into a violent or vulgar display directed at a single giant within 60 feet. This display is infused with secret magical traditions that draw upon the Mammoth Lords’ ancestral enmities toward giants. A targeted giant must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + half the giant stalker’s barbarian level + the giant stalker’s Constitution modifier) or be compelled to focus its attacks on the giant stalker; this ability can also affect non-giant creatures that are Large or larger, though such creatures gain a +4 bonus on the Will save to resist the effect. This compulsion ends if the giant stalker is out of sight or inaccessible to the giant’s attacks. While baited, a giant is distracted and enraged by the insults—a giant stalker gains a +1 dodge bonus to her AC against any giant she has successfully baited. Once baited, a giant remains baited for a number of rounds equal to the giant stalker’s Constitution modifier, or until the giant stalker’s rage ends (whichever comes first). If the giant stalker baits a different giant, any previously baited giant is no longer baited. A giant that successfully saves against baiting is immune to that giant stalker’s giant baiter ability for 24 hours. This is a language-dependent mind affecting effect. At 6th level, a giant stalker can bait two giants at once, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +2. At 9th level, baiting giants becomes a swift action, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +3. At 12th level, she can bait up to three giants at once, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +4. At 15th level, baiting giants becomes a free action, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +5. At 18th level, a giant stalker can bait a number of giants equal to 3 + her Constitution modifer, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +6. This ability replaces trap sense.

巨人伏击客防御(Giant Stalker Defense,Ex):

绊摔巨人(Topple Giant,Ex):

Giant Stalker Rage Powers: A giant stalker gains access to the following rage powers.
Giant Stalker Defense (Ex): When raging, a giant stalker does not take a penalty to Armor Class against attacks from giants.
Topple Giant (Ex): When raging, the giant stalker does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she attempts to trip a giant, and can attempt to trip a giant that is up to two size categories larger than she is.
Underfoot (Ex): When raging, the giant stalker can attempt to enter a giant’s space, provided she is at least one size category smaller than the giant. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Doing so takes a move action and requires a successful combat maneuver check against the giant’s CMD. If she succeeds, she enters a square in the giant’s space. If she makes an attack against the giant while sharing its space, the giant is treated as being flat-footed against her. At the end of her turn, she exits the giant’s space into any square adjacent to the giant’s space.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-05, 周一 23:52:01
The traditions of the Qadiran horselords are now spread throughout Qadira and the lands beyond in the Inner Sea region, but they originated among the horse-breeders and mounted-combat specialists of the Al-Zabriti; the name “horselord” was applied by outlanders. Qadiran horselords pride themselves on their mobility and endurance—qualities also found in the breed of horses they ride. While they don’t command the same presence as a host of Lastwall cavalry, Qadiran horselords can get to a battleground in half the time and on a third of the rations. In battle, they are skirmishers, ducking in and out of combat with brutal, precise slashes of their scimitars.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Qadiran horselord is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor, and with shields (except tower shields). This replaces the cavalier’s normal weapon and armor proficiencies.
Mount (Ex): A Qadiran horselord must select a horse or pony as his mount. At the GM’s discretion, a different mount can be selected. This ability alters the cavalier mount class feature.
一骑绝尘(Desert Wind,Ex):
Desert Wind (Ex): The speed of a Qadiran horselord’s mount increases by 5 feet. Its speed increases by an additional 5 feet at 5th level and every 5 cavalier levels thereafter. This ability replaces tactician.
沙地骑术(Desert Mastery,Ex):
    此能力替代强力冲锋(Cavalier’s Charge)。
Desert Mastery (Ex): At 3rd level, a Qadiran horselord gains favored terrain (desert) as per the ranger ability of the same name. At 8th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the granted bonus on initiative and skill checks increases by 2, but the Qadiran horselord never selects additional favored terrains. Additionally, his mount gains all the benefits of the favored terrain ability. This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.
沙暴掠击(Sand Storm,Ex):
Sand Storm (Ex): At 6th level, a Qadiran horselord gains the benefits of the Mobility feat so long as he is mounted. Additionally, he deals double damage while using a one-handed slashing weapon from the back of a charging mount, as though using a lance. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 6th level.
人马一体(As One,Ex):
    9级时,只要卡蒂亚马王骑着坐骑便能获得跳跃攻击(Spring Attack)的好处。他可以以坐骑的移动动作发动跳跃攻击,他和他的坐骑都不会引起目标的借机攻击。如果他以单手挥砍武器发动此次攻击,则命中时额外造成1D6点伤害。这个额外伤害在17级时,增加至3D6。在满足专长的习得条件时,此能力视为跳跃攻击(Spring Attack)专长,但仅在卡蒂亚马王骑乘时有效。
    此能力替代高等战术(Greater Tactician)。
As One (Ex): At 9th level, a Qadiran horselord gains the benefits of the Spring Attack feat so long as he is mounted. He uses his mount’s movement for this action, and neither he nor his mount provokes attacks of opportunity from the target. When he makes a single attack with a onehanded slashing weapon in this way, the attack deals 1d6 additional points of damage. This bonus damage increases to 3d6 at 17th level. This ability counts as the Spring Attack feat for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites, but only while the Qadiran horselord is mounted This replaces greater tactician.
沙之鞭笞(Sand Scourge,Ex):
    此能力替代战术大师(Master Tactician)。
Sand Scourge (Ex): At 17th level, a Qadiran horselord and his mount can make a tactical rush through enemy ranks as a full-round action. His mount can move up to twice its normal speed in a straight line. The Qadiran horselord can make a single attack against each creature he threatens during his mount’s movement, up to his normal number of attacks per round. These attacks use his full base attack bonus and take a –2 penalty; this is not a charge, and these attacks deal normal damage. The Qadiran horselord provokes attacks of opportunity during this movement, but his mount does not. This ability replaces master tactician.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-05, 周一 23:55:32
Sunriders help their allies, be they fellow tribe members or fellow adventurers, to survive in harsh desert terrain, while simultaneously making it even harsher for their foes. They seem to share a single mind with their loyal steeds, and companions who ride with them become an eerily well-coordinated cavalry unit that traverses the treacherous desert sands with ease to wreak havoc upon invaders. Sunriders almost never leave their tribal homelands; those found outside Al-Zabriti are usually either exiles or emissaries sent to deal with issues that can’t be addressed from their holds.
Class Skills: A sunrider gains Knowledge (local) as a class skill, but does not gain Profession as a class skill. This alters the druid’s class skills.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A sunrider gains proficiency with the shortbow, but not with the scythe, sickle, or quarterstaff. This alters the druid’s weapon and armor proficiencies.
自然纽带(Nature Bond,Ex):
    这调整了德鲁伊的自然纽带(Nature Bond)职业能力。
Nature Bond (Ex): A sunrider must use this ability to bond with a horse or a pony as an animal companion; she cannot choose a different animal or choose a domain instead of an animal companion. This alters nature bond.
天赋骑手(Born to the Saddle,Ex):
    此能力替代穿林步(Woodland Stride)。
Born to the Saddle (Ex): At 2nd level, while wearing light or no armor, a sunrider does not need to attempt Ride checks for any task listed in the Ride skill with a DC of 15 or lower. She does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding her mount. This ability replaces woodland stride.
长辔远驭(Mounted Advantage,Su):
    此能力替代无踪步(Trackless Step)。
Mounted Advantage (Su): At 3rd level, any allied mount within 30 feet of a sunrider can ignore the effects of rocky or sandy difficult terrain. This ability replaces trackless step.
荒漠之子(Desert Born,Ex):
    此能力替代抗自然诱惑(Resist Nature’s Lure)。
Desert Born (Ex): A sunrider is at home in the desert. At 4th level, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and on Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks while she is in desert terrain. Mounted allies traveling with her likewise gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks and Perception and Survival checks while in desert terrain, as long as they are within 30 feet of the sunrider. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.
齐心协力(Concerted Effort,Ex):
    4级时,旭骑兵可以与他的坐骑以及周围的坐骑伙伴一起分享他的自然纽带,令它们齐心协力成为一股势不可当的战斗力量。旭骑兵周围60尺的盟友坐骑获得动物伙伴的反射闪避(Evasion)特殊能力。6级时,此范围扩大至90尺,且周围的盟友坐骑的移动速度得到+10尺增强加值。8级时,此范围扩大至120尺,且周围的盟友坐骑获得动物伙伴的忠诚(Devotion)特殊能力。10级时,周围的盟友坐骑获得动物伙伴的多重攻击(Multiattack)特殊能力。12级时,周围的盟友坐骑在豁免骰上获得+2加值。16级时,周围的盟友坐骑的移动速度得到+20尺增强加值。18级时,周围的盟友坐骑在攻击检定上获得+2加值,并且他们的护甲获得+2闪避加值。20级时,周围的盟友坐骑获得DR 5/-和10点强酸、寒冷、闪电、火焰及音波抗性。这些能力近当盟友坐骑在旭骑兵一定范围内生效(他自己的坐骑始终视为盟友)。
    此能力替代自然变身(Wild Shape)。
Concerted Effort (Ex): At 4th level, a sunrider can extend the bond she shares with her horse to other nearby mounted companions, forming them into a fighting force that seems to share a single mind. Allied mounts within 60 feet of the sunrider gain evasion as per the animal companion special ability. At 6th level, the range expands to 90 feet and allied mounts gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to their speed. At 8th level, the range expands to 120 feet and allied mounts gain devotion as per the animal companion special ability. At 10th level, allied mounts gain multiattack as per the animal companion special ability. At 12th level, allied mounts gain a +2 bonus on saving throws. At 14th level, allied mounts gain a +20-foot enhancement bonus to their speed. At 16th level, allied mounts gain improved evasion as per the animal companion special ability. At 18th level, allied mounts gain a +2 dodge bonus to their Armor Class and a +2 bonus on attack rolls. At 20th level, allied mounts gain DR 5/— and energy resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage. These abilities function only while allied mounts are within range of the sunrider (her own mount always counts as an ally). This ability replaces wild shape.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-06, 周二 00:00:44
带头大哥(RINGLEADER ,吟游诗人变体)
The Aspis  Consortium’s global operations are too extensive to conduct without relying on contractors and hirelings. Ringleaders are specialists who oversee large operations in which trouble could strike at any moment and any place.
暗中计划(Cunning Plan,Su):
Cunning Plan (Su): By spending 1 minute laying out a plan, a ringleader can impart inspiring instructions to a number of allies equal to her bard level + her Charisma bonus. Upon concluding the plan, the ringleader chooses one of her bardic performances and expends a number of rounds of bardic performance equal to up to double her bard level. Thereafter, as a move action, the ringleader or any of the instructed allies can trigger the implanted instructions, causing that creature to immediately gain the benefits of the ringleader’s implanted bardic performance (each creature can trigger the instructions for itself separately). This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the rounds of bardic performance the ringleader expended while creating the plan, though the effect also ends if the ringleader dismisses it as a free action or activates a different plan or bardic performance. For the purpose of this ability, the ringleader attempts any skill checks associated with the bardic performance once a creature triggers the plan. A ringleader’s cunning plans all expire each time she regains her daily spell slots or after 24 hours (whichever comes first). At 7th level, the ringleader (but not an ally) can trigger a cunning plan as a swift action instead of as a move action. At 13th level, the ringleader can trigger a cunning plan as an immediate action. A ringleader is less capable of improvising, and when she uses bardic performance without creating a cunning plan, she must expend 1 additional round of bardic performance to begin the performance. This ability alters bardic performance.
大哥风范(绝不丢脸? Never Lose Face,Ex):
Never Lose Face (Ex): A ringleader is never outdone by her minions. At 2nd level, she gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against effects that also target one or more of her allies. This ability replaces well-versed.
穷凶之相(Sinister Mien ,Ex):
    此能力代替多才多艺(Versatile Performance)。
Sinister Mien (Ex): At 2nd level, a ringleader can use her Intimidate bonus in place of her Perform bonus when using her bardic performance class ability. When the ringleader uses Intimidate to improve a creature’s attitude, the creature’s attitude remains friendly for 10 additional minutes per point by which the ringleader exceeded the check’s DC. At 6th level, the ringleader gains Dazzling Display as a bonus feat and does not need a weapon in her hand to use the feat. At 10th level, the ringleader can activate Dazzling Display as a standard action. At 14th level, she can affect all enemies within 60 feet with Dazzling Display. At 18th level, the range increases to 120 feet. This ability replaces versatile performance.
无限可能(Countless Contingencies ,Su):
    此能力代替暗示(Suggestion)、群体暗示(Mass Suggestion)和安神(Soothing)吟游表演。
Countless Contingencies (Su): At 6th level, whenever a ringleader creates a plan using her cunning plan ability, she can choose two different bardic performances. When she triggers the plan, she chooses which of the two performances takes effect. At 12th level, a ringleader can spend a standard action and 2 rounds of bardic performance to extend the duration of a triggered plan by 1d4 rounds. At 18th level, the ringleader can choose three different bardic performances when using her cunning plan ability. This ability replaces suggestion, mass suggestion, and soothing performance.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Noven2018-02-06, 周二 19:04:42
巨人咆哮(Harangue Giant,Ex):
Harangue Giant (Ex): While raging, a giant stalker can speak Giant. If the giant stalker already knows Giant, she gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks when speaking Giant while raging. This ability alters rage.
嗅探巨人(Smell Giants,Ex):
2级时,巨人伏击客获得灵敏感官特性,但仅能用于感知类人生物巨人子类的生物上。此能力替代直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)。
Smell Giants (Ex): A 2nd level, a giant stalker gains the scent special ability, but with regard only to humanoids with the giant subtype. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
挑衅巨人(Giant Baiter,Su):
3级时,巨人伏击客可以以一个移动动作,对60尺距离内的一个巨人生物做出暴力或粗鄙的挑衅。这个挑衅会将猛犸领主源自先祖的敌意以秘密且具有魔法性的传统手段传达向目标。目标巨人单位必须通过一个DC=(10+1/2野蛮人等级+体质调整值)的意志检定,否则会被强制攻击巨人伏击客。此能力也可以被用于吸引非巨人的大型或巨型生物,但它们在对抗此能力效果的意志豁免的检定上会获得+4加值。这个效果会一直持续到巨人伏击客离开其视野或无法被攻击到为止。被挑衅后,巨人会因羞辱而处于暴躁和狂怒的状态,巨人伏击客在针对所有他所成功挑衅的目标时AC获得+1闪避加值。一旦被挑衅,巨人会持续处于此状态等同于巨人伏击客体质调整值的轮数或直到他停止狂暴(以先发生者为准)。如果一个巨人伏击客挑衅了另一名巨人,则之前受他挑衅的巨人将不再处于被挑衅的状态。一名在意志检定中成功豁免了挑衅的巨人,将在24小时内对该巨人伏击客的挑衅免疫。这是一个基于语言的影响心灵效果。6级时,巨人伏击客可同时挑衅两名巨人,并且在针对被挑衅巨人的AC闪避价值增加至2。9级时,巨人伏击客可以以迅捷动作挑衅巨人,并且在针对被挑衅巨人的AC闪避价值增加至3。12级时,巨人伏击客可同时挑衅三名巨人,并且在针对被挑衅巨人的AC闪避价值增加至4。15级时,巨人伏击客可以以自由动作挑衅巨人,并且在针对被挑衅巨人的AC闪避价值增加至5。18级时,巨人伏击客可同时挑衅(3+体质调整值)个目标,并且在针对被挑衅巨人的AC闪避价值增加至6。此能力替代陷阱感知(Trap Sense)。
Giant Baiter (Su): At 3rd level, a raging giant stalker can take a move action to erupt into a violent or vulgar display directed at a single giant within 60 feet. This display is infused with secret magical traditions that draw upon the Mammoth Lords’ ancestral enmities toward giants. A targeted giant must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + half the giant stalker’s barbarian level + the giant stalker’s Constitution modifier) or be compelled to focus its attacks on the giant stalker; this ability can also affect non-giant creatures that are Large or larger, though such creatures gain a +4 bonus on the Will save to resist the effect. This compulsion ends if the giant stalker is out of sight or inaccessible to the giant’s attacks. While baited, a giant is distracted and enraged by the insults—a giant stalker gains a +1 dodge bonus to her AC against any giant she has successfully baited. Once baited, a giant remains baited for a number of rounds equal to the giant stalker’s Constitution modifier, or until the giant stalker’s rage ends (whichever comes first). If the giant stalker baits a different giant, any previously baited giant is no longer baited. A giant that successfully saves against baiting is immune to that giant stalker’s giant baiter ability for 24 hours. This is a language-dependent mind affecting effect. At 6th level, a giant stalker can bait two giants at once, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +2. At 9th level, baiting giants becomes a swift action, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +3. At 12th level, she can bait up to three giants at once, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +4. At 15th level, baiting giants becomes a free action, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +5. At 18th level, a giant stalker can bait a number of giants equal to 3 + her Constitution modifer, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +6. This ability replaces trap sense.
巨人伏击客防御(Giant Stalker Defense,Ex):
Giant Stalker Rage Powers: A giant stalker gains access to the following rage powers.
Giant Stalker Defense (Ex): When raging, a giant stalker does not take a penalty to Armor Class against attacks from giants.
Topple Giant (Ex): When raging, the giant stalker does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she attempts to trip a giant, and can attempt to trip a giant that is up to two size categories larger than she is.
Underfoot (Ex): When raging, the giant stalker can attempt to enter a giant’s space, provided she is at least one size category smaller than the giant. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Doing so takes a move action and requires a successful combat maneuver check against the giant’s CMD. If she succeeds, she enters a square in the giant’s space. If she makes an attack against the giant while sharing its space, the giant is treated as being flat-footed against her. At the end of her turn, she exits the giant’s space into any square adjacent to the giant’s space.

狂暴时 灵敏嗅觉 大型及更大 不受ac罚指(狂暴的那个-2) 漏翻

主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: 沙包2018-02-07, 周三 17:53:52
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-07, 周三 19:44:08
新手上路,谢谢指正~ :em032
巨人咆哮(Harangue Giant,Ex):
Harangue Giant (Ex): While raging, a giant stalker can speak Giant. If the giant stalker already knows Giant, she gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks when speaking Giant while raging. This ability alters rage.
嗅探巨人(Smell Giants,Ex):
2级时,巨人伏击客获得灵敏感官特性,但仅能用于感知类人生物巨人子类的生物上。此能力替代直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)。
Smell Giants (Ex): A 2nd level, a giant stalker gains the scent special ability, but with regard only to humanoids with the giant subtype. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
挑衅巨人(Giant Baiter,Su):
3级时,巨人伏击客可以以一个移动动作,对60尺距离内的一个巨人生物做出暴力或粗鄙的挑衅。这个挑衅会将猛犸领主源自先祖的敌意以秘密且具有魔法性的传统手段传达向目标。目标巨人单位必须通过一个DC=(10+1/2野蛮人等级+体质调整值)的意志检定,否则会被强制攻击巨人伏击客。此能力也可以被用于吸引非巨人的大型或巨型生物,但它们在对抗此能力效果的意志豁免的检定上会获得+4加值。这个效果会一直持续到巨人伏击客离开其视野或无法被攻击到为止。被挑衅后,巨人会因羞辱而处于暴躁和狂怒的状态,巨人伏击客在针对所有他所成功挑衅的目标时AC获得+1闪避加值。一旦被挑衅,巨人会持续处于此状态等同于巨人伏击客体质调整值的轮数或直到他停止狂暴(以先发生者为准)。如果一个巨人伏击客挑衅了另一名巨人,则之前受他挑衅的巨人将不再处于被挑衅的状态。一名在意志检定中成功豁免了挑衅的巨人,将在24小时内对该巨人伏击客的挑衅免疫。这是一个基于语言的影响心灵效果。6级时,巨人伏击客可同时挑衅两名巨人,并且在针对被挑衅巨人的AC闪避价值增加至2。9级时,巨人伏击客可以以迅捷动作挑衅巨人,并且在针对被挑衅巨人的AC闪避价值增加至3。12级时,巨人伏击客可同时挑衅三名巨人,并且在针对被挑衅巨人的AC闪避价值增加至4。15级时,巨人伏击客可以以自由动作挑衅巨人,并且在针对被挑衅巨人的AC闪避价值增加至5。18级时,巨人伏击客可同时挑衅(3+体质调整值)个目标,并且在针对被挑衅巨人的AC闪避价值增加至6。此能力替代陷阱感知(Trap Sense)。
Giant Baiter (Su): At 3rd level, a raging giant stalker can take a move action to erupt into a violent or vulgar display directed at a single giant within 60 feet. This display is infused with secret magical traditions that draw upon the Mammoth Lords’ ancestral enmities toward giants. A targeted giant must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + half the giant stalker’s barbarian level + the giant stalker’s Constitution modifier) or be compelled to focus its attacks on the giant stalker; this ability can also affect non-giant creatures that are Large or larger, though such creatures gain a +4 bonus on the Will save to resist the effect. This compulsion ends if the giant stalker is out of sight or inaccessible to the giant’s attacks. While baited, a giant is distracted and enraged by the insults—a giant stalker gains a +1 dodge bonus to her AC against any giant she has successfully baited. Once baited, a giant remains baited for a number of rounds equal to the giant stalker’s Constitution modifier, or until the giant stalker’s rage ends (whichever comes first). If the giant stalker baits a different giant, any previously baited giant is no longer baited. A giant that successfully saves against baiting is immune to that giant stalker’s giant baiter ability for 24 hours. This is a language-dependent mind affecting effect. At 6th level, a giant stalker can bait two giants at once, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +2. At 9th level, baiting giants becomes a swift action, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +3. At 12th level, she can bait up to three giants at once, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +4. At 15th level, baiting giants becomes a free action, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +5. At 18th level, a giant stalker can bait a number of giants equal to 3 + her Constitution modifer, and her AC bonus against baited giants increases to +6. This ability replaces trap sense.
巨人伏击客防御(Giant Stalker Defense,Ex):
Giant Stalker Rage Powers: A giant stalker gains access to the following rage powers.
Giant Stalker Defense (Ex): When raging, a giant stalker does not take a penalty to Armor Class against attacks from giants.
Topple Giant (Ex): When raging, the giant stalker does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she attempts to trip a giant, and can attempt to trip a giant that is up to two size categories larger than she is.
Underfoot (Ex): When raging, the giant stalker can attempt to enter a giant’s space, provided she is at least one size category smaller than the giant. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Doing so takes a move action and requires a successful combat maneuver check against the giant’s CMD. If she succeeds, she enters a square in the giant’s space. If she makes an attack against the giant while sharing its space, the giant is treated as being flat-footed against her. At the end of her turn, she exits the giant’s space into any square adjacent to the giant’s space.

狂暴时 灵敏嗅觉 大型及更大 不受ac罚指(狂暴的那个-2) 漏翻

主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-07, 周三 19:59:03
奥多里决斗剑价格 20GP
武器类型  单手异种近战武器重量  3磅
小体型伤害  1D6中体型伤害  1D8重击范围  19-20/x2伤害类型  挥砍


These slightly curved swords measure just over 3 feet in length. An Aldori dueling sword can be used as a martial weapon (in which case it functions as a longsword), but if you have the feat Exotic Weapon Profciency (Aldori dueling sword), you can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifer instead of your Strength modifer to attack rolls with an Aldori dueling sword sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon. You can also wield an Aldori dueling sword in two hands to apply 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus to damage rolls.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-07, 周三 20:03:13
奥多里卫士(Aldori Defender,战士变体)
The Aldori swordlords of Brevoy are among the deadliest and most feared fighters of the Inner Sea. They have spent long years mastering the Aldori dueling sword, pitting themselves against other dueling swords and all manner of weaponry besides. Their speed and reflexes weave a net of impenetrable steel around them, from which they strike and harry their unfortunate opponents. The most common form of Aldori dueling (and arguably the easiest of the techniques to master) focuses on avoiding damage and disarming foes; these swordlords prefer to wear light or no armor, trusting their skill for protection.
This archetype focuses on such techniques—characters seeking a more offensive method of focusing training on the Aldori dueling sword should consider the Aldori swordlord prestige class on page 20. However, this archetype also synergizes well with the powers and skills the prestige class offers.
The following benefits apply only when an Aldori defender is wielding an Aldori dueling sword (see page 24) and carrying nothing in his other hand. An Aldori defender fights with his sword wielded with both hands only in moments of desperation.
Suggested Feats: Although this archetype replaces some of the bonus feats that a fighter would normally have access to, Aldori defenders still have several opportunities to gain feats. The following feats are the most thematically appropriate for an Aldori defender, but the archetype does not require any of them: Aldori Dueling Mastery (see page 24), Combat Expertise, Dazzling Display, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Lunge, Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Specialization (Aldori dueling sword).
格挡秘技(Defensive Parry,Ex):
    此能力替代所有等级的盔甲训练(Armor Training)。
Defensive Parry (Ex): At 3rd level, when an Aldori defender makes a full attack with an Aldori dueling sword, he gains a +1 shield bonus to his AC against melee attacks until the beginning of his next turn. This bonus increases to +2 at 7th level, +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 15th level. This ability replaces armor training.
卸武打击(Disarming Strike,Ex):
Disarming Strike (Ex): At 6th level, when an Aldori defender successfully disarms an opponent using an Aldori dueling sword, he also deals normal damage to the target, but without the normal Strength bonus to damage. This ability replaces the bonus feat the fighter would normally gain at 6th level.
成风之斫(Steel Net,Ex):
Steel Net (Ex): At 8th level, an Aldori defender can create a blazing wall of steel to defend himself. When fighting defensively as a full-round action with an Aldori dueling sword, the Aldori defender’s penalties on all attacks in a round are reduced by 2, and his dodge bonus to AC increases by 2 for the same round. This ability replaces the bonus feat the fighter would normally gain at 8th level.
Counterattack (Ex): At 10th level, once per round, an Aldori defender can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who hits him with a melee attack (regardless of how many attacks of opportunity the Aldori defender can otherwise make), so long as the attacking creature is within the his reach. This ability replaces the bonus feat the fighter would normally gain at 10th level.
*PFS:奥多里卫士替代ISP(初探内海,Inner Sea Primer)当中的奥多里剑豪(Aldori Swordlord)变体
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-07, 周三 20:06:40
雷斯兰暴徒(Rostland Bravo,游荡剑客变体)
The Free City of Restov is host to numerous dueling schools, from the renowned Aldori Academy to tiny training grounds in blademasters’ homes. Students of these schools are notoriously competitive, and street-corner duels at dawn and dusk are a constant of Restov life. In most cases, while these “lesser schools” do not teach offial Aldori techniques, their methods mesh well with that signature style. Unsurprisingly, many students eventually train in the Aldori style, whether
because they aspire to join the swordlords’ ranks or simply for the challenge of mastering the legendary weapon.
While some favor more technical approaches, others study flashier maneuvers, wielding the curved blade with artful flair. Disdainfully called “bravos” by classically trained rivals, students of this approach have claimed the label with pride. The Rostland bravos’ most advanced techniques bear dragon-themed names as a snub to traditionalist Aldori swordlords, who have never forgotten their crushing defeat by Choral the Conqueror’s dragons at the Valley of Fire.
奥多里流游荡剑客(Aldori Swashbuckler,Ex):
Aldori Swashbuckler (Ex): A Rostland bravo focuses on the Aldori dueling sword (see page 24), scorning the bucklers used by duelists of other styles. In addition, the relative safety and creature comforts allowed by life in the sprawling city of Restov reduces her need for athleticism. A Rostland bravo gains Exotic Weapon Profciency (Aldori dueling sword) as a bonus feat. The Rostland bravo is not proficient with bucklers, and does not gain Climb or Swim as class skills. This ability alters the swashbuckler’s class skills and armor proficiencies.

胜利宣告(Inevitable Victory,Ex):
    雷斯兰暴徒的技艺完全基于个人天赋,光是炫上两招就能让雷斯托夫任何一名拳师重新考虑是否要开仗。3级时,雷斯兰暴徒获得炫目技巧(Dazzling Display)作为奖励专长,仅当他持用一柄奥多里决斗剑时,他才能花费1点时髦值来使用该专长。
    此炫技替代威胁剑舞(Menacing Swordplay)。

冯虚御风(Sweeping Wind Feint,Ex):
    此炫技替代迅捷佯攻(Superior Feint)。

无尽龙怒(Dragon’s Rage ,Ex):
    此炫技替代伤口出血(Bleeding Wound)。

巨龙霆威(Terror of the Great Wyrm, Ex):
    15级时,雷斯兰暴徒可以将胜利宣告(Inevitable Victory)作为全力攻击或无尽龙怒(Dragon’s Rage)的一部分来施展,如果一个生物因此将战栗3轮或以上,则他会先惊惧1轮,然后在其余的轮数战栗。
    此炫技替代游荡剑客之骄傲(Swashbuckler’s Edge)。
Deeds: A Rostland bravo’s training and personality set her apart from the typical swashbuckler, and as a result of these differences (as well as the impact of her Aldori training), she gains the following deeds. These deeds function only when the bravo is wielding just an Aldori dueling sword.
Inevitable Victory (Ex): The Rostland bravo’s technique is all about flair; a display of her skill is enough to make any Restov brawler reconsider picking a fight. At 3rd level, the Rostland bravo gains Dazzling Display as a bonus feat. She can activate its effect only while wielding an Aldori dueling sword, and she must spend 1 panache point to do so. This deed replaces menacing swordplay.
Sweeping Wind Feint (Ex): At 7th level, the Rostland bravo masters an exotic feinting style, tossing her blade to the other hand and performing a sweeping attack or upward slash before the opponent reacts. Once per round, she can spend 1 point of panache to attempt a feint as a swift action. This deed replaces superior feint.
Dragon’s Rage (Ex): At 11th level, the Rostland bravo can cast aside restraint in favor of a blindingly fast assault of unpredictable strikes inspired in part by the overwhelming brutality of a dragon in combat. Once per round as part of a full attack, the bravo can spend 1 panache point to make an additional attack with her Aldori dueling sword at her highest attack bonus. If she reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with this additional attack, she regains 2 panache points rather than the normal 1 point she would gain from striking a killing blow. This deed replaces bleeding wound.
Terror of the Great Wyrm (Ex): At 15th level, the Rostland bravo can use her inevitable victory deed as part of a full attack or dragon’s rage. If a creature demoralized in this way would be shaken for 3 or more rounds, the Rostland bravo can make the target frightened for 1 round before becoming shaken for the appropriate duration. This deed replaces swashbuckler’s edge.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: 白貓2018-02-07, 周三 22:31:40
一些專有名詞建議可以用果園的站內搜尋看下現有的翻譯,例如你翻的阿丕斯協會(The Aspis Consortium),果園是翻成盾徽財團或盾徽聯合。
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-07, 周三 22:45:52
一些專有名詞建議可以用果園的站內搜尋看下現有的翻譯,例如你翻的阿丕斯協會(The Aspis Consortium),果園是翻成盾徽財團或盾徽聯合。
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-08, 周四 19:15:54
Most occultists acquire and study antiques at a steady pace, learning new techniques one at a time. A lucky few join wealthy organizations replete with relics or inherit undocumented vaults full of historical treasures, and dabble in a wide variety of implements while mastering few. This is especially common in the Aspis Consortium, whose far-flung merchants handle countless relics every year. It’s simple enough to snag choice items from Aspis ships, allowing these curators to compile truly prodigious collections. While all agents of the Aspis Consortium are expected to catalog and file their discoveries, in practice many of them keep prizes for their personal use, and the curator has elevated this practice almost to an art form. When confronted by superiors with accusations of failing to hand over rare treasures or mysterious items, the curator is swift to point out that such objects do the group no good sitting on a dusty shelf. Instead, the curator lives up to his name, and seeks to access the ancient powers hidden in such objects so that he can use them in the best interest of the Aspis Consortium. Over time, the Consortium has been forced to admit the wisdom in this way of thinking.
浩瀚馆藏(Extensive Collection,Su):
Extensive Collection (Su): At 1st level, a curator acquires a collection of esoteric relics that function as occultist implements associated with two schools of magic; he must select these schools and their associated spells when he gains this feature. As a move action, the curator can empower a single piece of his collection, choosing one of the two selected schools, gaining that school’s focus power, and accessing the selected spells for 10 minutes. The curator can empower only a single relic at a time in this way, and activating this ability a second time ends any other relic’s ongoing benefits. A curator’s relic collection has a number of points of mental focus equal to his Intelligence modifier. Empowered relics are automatically invested with these mental focus points; expending a relic’s mental focus reduces this total for the day. A curator can use this ability once per day. He can use it an additional time per day at 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter. At 6th level and again at 14th level, a curator chooses two additional schools of magic—in addition to their spells— and adds them to his collection. This ability replaces one of the two occultist implements learned at 1st level as well as the implements learned at 6th level and 14th level.
一心多用(Split Focus,Su):
    此能力调整了秘学士的心智点(Mental Focus)。
Split Focus (Su): A curator has a number of points of mental focus equal to only his occultist level. This ability alters mental focus.
通权达变(Adaptable Powers,Su):
Adaptable Powers (Su): At 3rd level, a curator learns one focus power from each of the schools associated with his extensive collection. Whenever he activates his collection, he can use those focus powers associated with his selected school of magic while the relic remains empowered. Whenever the curator would learn another focus power for an implement, he can instead select two new focus powers from different schools associated with his extensive relic collection. This ability replaces the focus power gained at 3rd level.
精研古物(Relic Resistance,Ex):
    4级时,展览馆长获得对有害物品的抗力。他不会因持有或穿着魔法物品而获得负向等级,在针对智能魔法物品人格冲突的意志检定上具有+4加值。每当一件被诅咒物品的副作用生效前,展览馆长可以通过一次(DC = 10+物品施法者等级)的意志豁免检定尝试丢弃这件物品。在鉴定一件物品时,展览馆长仅需在检定中超过所需DC5点(而非通常的10点)就可辨识出这件物品是否被诅咒。
    此能力替代心智转移(Shift Focus)。
Relic Resistance (Ex): At 4th level, a curator develops a resistance to harmful items. He never gains negative levels due to his alignment as a result of wielding or wearing magic items, and he gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resolve personality conflicts with intelligent magic items. Whenever a cursed item’s harmful condition would trigger, a curator can attempt a Will save (DC = 10 + the item’s CL) to suppress the curse just long enough to discard the item before it activates. Finally, when identifying an item, a curator needs to exceed the item’s DC by only 5 (instead of 10) to determine whether the item is cursed. This ability replaces shift focus.
复合陈列(Complex Collection,Ex):
    此能力替代异界接触(Outsider Contact)。
Complex Collection (Su): At 8th level, a curator can empower two relics that are in his collection simultaneously, and he gains the benefits of both. When he does so, he must allocate his relic collection’s mental focus between the two relics. This ability replaces outsider contact.
了然于心(Mental Catalog,Su):
    此能力替代魔法阵(Magic Circles)、束缚法阵(Binding Circles)和法阵速写(Fast Circles)。
Mental Catalog (Su): At 8th level, the points of mental focus invested in the curator’s relic collection increase by 2. This total increases by 1 additional point at 12th level and 16th level. This ability replaces an occultist’s magic circles, binding circles, and fast circles.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-09, 周五 21:18:52
铃花浚洫客(Bellflower Irrigator,盗贼变体)
Bellflower irrigators take on tasks that many other agents of the Bellflower Network find distasteful. Rather than focusing on saving slaves, Bellflower irrigators seek to defeat slavery by aiming to eliminate the source. They gauge the precise moment to strike from the shadows and annihilate slave traders and masters alike. Bellflower irrigators realize that for every slave released today, another will be shackled tomorrow—until all the masters are dead. This cynicism leads Bellflower irrigators to target anyone who owns or sells slaves on Golarion, especially cruel masters within Cheliax.
Though most Bellflower irrigators are halflings, this branch of the Network is more diverse than many of the others—anyone with a hatred of slavery and a talent for stealth and martial combat is free to join. Bellflower irrigators employ combat methods that many find questionable, such as the use of poison and calculated strikes meant to kill rather than incapacitate. The Bellflower Network does not knowingly allow evil members, but very few Bellflower irrigators are good—most are chaotic neutral in alignment, as their methods of solving the problem of slavery often force them into moral and ethical gray areas. A few Bellflower irrigators are in fact evil, but these rarities do their best to hide their personal lack of morals and addiction to cruelty in order to maintain their positions and connection to the Bellflowers, for as evil as they may be, they share a hatred of slavery with their more altruistic kin. An evil Bellflower irrigator who is found out is typically exiled from the group, yet most continue to fight slavery even after they are sent away in this way.
花田(Bellflower Crop,Ex):
    以标准动作,铃花浚洫客可以任命至多3 + 她的魅力调整值数量的盟友成为她的花田的成员。只要这些盟友保持在距离她30尺范围之内,便可获得所有花田成员的好处,无论上述好处源自铃花秋穑客、浚洫客或者阡陌客。如果他们离开这范围,铃花阡陌客必须再次指定这些盟友,才能使他们重回花田。
Bellflower Crop (Ex): As a standard action, a Bellflower irrigator can designate a number of allies equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier as part of his Bellflower crop. Members of a Bellflower crop must remain within 30 feet of the Bellflower irrigator to gain any benefits from abilities that affect a Bellflower crop, regardless of the ability’s source (whether it’s a Bellflower harvester, irrigator, or tiller). If the allies leave this range, the Bellflower irrigator must designate them again to include them in his crop.
用毒(Poison Use, Ex):
Poison Use (Ex): A Bellflower irrigator is trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison himself when applying poison to a weapon. This ability replaces trapfinding.
移花接木(Grafting,Ex ):
    此能力替代直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)以及4级时习得的盗贼天赋。
Grafting (Ex): At 4th level, a Bellflower irrigator is considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two members of his Bellflower crop are threatening that opponent, regardless of the irrigator’s actual positioning. This ability replaces uncanny dodge and the rogue talent gained at 4th level.
    8级时,如果铃花浚洫客研究了他的目标3轮(每轮消耗一个标准动作),接下来他可以用近战武器进行一次偷袭攻击,若此攻击命中了目标,他可以额外瘫痪或杀死目标(由铃花浚洫客选择)。如果目标察觉到铃花浚洫客或识别出他是一名敌人,这次攻击将会失败。如果目标在抵抗击杀效果的强韧豁免(DC = 10+1/2盗贼等级+智力调整值)中失败,他会立即死亡。如果他在豁免瘫痪效果的检定中失败,在接下1D6+1/2铃花浚洫客盗贼等级的轮数中,他将无法行动,并且陷入无助状态。如果他成功进行了豁免检定,此次攻击视为一次正常的偷袭攻击。一旦铃花浚洫客完成了3轮研究,他必须在接下来的3轮内出手。8级时,铃花浚洫客每日发动此能力1次,之后每4级,每日发动次数+1。
    此能力替代精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)。
Irrigation (Ex): At 8th level, if a Bellflower irrigator studies his target for 3 rounds (spending a standard action each round to do so) and then makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the attack has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing the target (Bellflower irrigator’s choice). The death attack fails if the target detects the Bellflower irrigator or recognizes him as an enemy. If the victim of the attack fails a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the Bellflower irrigator’s class level + the Bellflower irrigator’s Intelligence modifier) against the kill effect, she dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per 2 rogue levels that the Bellflower irrigator has. If the victim’s saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak attack. Once the Bellflower irrigator has completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the irrigation attempt within the next 3 rounds. A Bellflower irrigator can attempt to kill or paralyze a creature in this way once per day, plus one additional time per day for every 4 additional rogue levels he has after 8th. This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-10, 周六 01:00:52
铃花秋穑客(Bellflower Harvester,侠客变体)
Bellflower harvesters are the front-line operatives of the secretive Bellflower Network, whose members infiltrate Chelish estates in the guise of servants and slaves, and tolerate a harsh life as they uncover secrets, gauge security, and send slaves on the first steps toward freedom. While Bellflower tillers (see page 40) wander the countryside, escorting the crop of escapees to freedom, Bellflower harvesters remain in seeming bondage to direct others to the road to freedom, undermine efforts to recapture slaves, and end the threat of especially vile masters.
Bellflower harvesters consist almost exclusively of halflings, though the role could be taken by anyone with the patience or humility to withstand months or years of cruel abuse without risking being caught raising a hand in his own defense.
潜伏身份(Rebellious Identity,Ex):
    此能力调整了双重身份(Dual Identity)。
Rebellious Identity (Ex): A Bellflower harvester’s vigilante identity must be within one step of chaotic good, and his social identity must appear to be a servant, slave, or other menial laborer. This alters dual identity.
花田(Bellflower Crop,Ex):
    以标准动作,铃花秋穑客可以任命至多3 + 她的魅力调整值数量的盟友成为她的花田的成员。只要这些盟友保持在距离她30尺范围之内,便可获得所有花田成员的好处,无论上述好处源自铃花秋穑客、浚洫客或者阡陌客。如果他们离开这范围,铃花阡陌客必须再次指定这些盟友,才能使他们重回花田。
Bellflower Crop (Ex): As a standard action, a Bellflower harvester can designate a number of allies equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier as part of his Bellflower crop. Members of a Bellflower crop must remain within 30 feet of the vigilante to gain any benefits from abilities that affect a Bellflower crop, regardless of the ability’s source (whether it’s a Bellflower harvester, irrigator, or tiller). If the allies leave this range, the Bellflower harvester must designate them again to include them in his crop.
花田警戒者(Crop Vigilance,Ex):
    当花田秋穑客对他的花田成员使用援助他人动作时,会赋予其下一次对目标发动的近战攻击检定+3,或是在对抗目标下一次发动的攻击时AC +3加值。此加值不与其他专长或职业能力叠加。5级以及之后每6级,此加值增加1(在17级时达到最大值6)。
    此能力替代侠客的侠客之道(Vigilante Specialization),但在学习侠客天赋时,铃花秋穑客仍视为拥有诡秘猎手(Stalker)侠客之道。
Crop Vigilance (Ex): When the Bellflower harvester uses the aid another action to grant a member of his Bellflower crop a bonus on an attack roll against an opponent, on a skill check, or to AC against an opponent’s next attack, the bonus increases to +3. This doesn’t stack with the benefits of other feats or class features that improve the bonus he grants to an ally with aid another. At 5th level and every 6 vigilante levels thereafter, the bonus that the Bellflower harvester provides when using aid another to assist a member of his Bellflower crop increases by 1, to a maximum of +6 at 17th level. This ability replaces vigilante specialization, but the Bellflower harvester is still treated as if he had the stalker specialization for the purpose of selecting other vigilante talents.
Obsequious (Ex): A Bellflower harvester works hard to cultivate a social identity that plays of others’ racist assumptions to defect blame and excuse suspicious behavior, making him seem harmless or even a model servant. He can use the Bluff skill to defect suspicion about his vigilante identity and activities (including use of vigilante talents when in his social identity) rather than Disguise, and gains a +2 bonus on Bluff checks to do so. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 vigilante levels he has beyond 1st, to a maximum of +6 at 17th level. This ability replaces the social talent gained at 1st level.
树艺于园(Tend the Garden,Ex):
    2级时,铃花秋穑客获得了协调他的花田成员来改善他们战斗表现的能力。他获得协同隐藏UC(Stealth Synergy)作为额外专长。以一个标准动作,铃花秋穑客可以将他任意一个团队专长分享给他的花田成员,只要他们能听见及看到他。他的花田成员可以保持这个专长1轮,2级之后每5个等级持续时间会增加1轮(在17级时达到最大值4轮)。铃花秋穑客每次只能以这种方式分享一个团队专长。
Tend the Garden (Ex): At 2nd level, a Bellflower harvester gains the ability to coordinate the members of his Bellflower crop to improve their performance in battle. He gains Stealth SynergyUC as a bonus feat. As a standard action, a Bellflower harvester can grant any one teamwork feat he has to all members of his Bellflower crop who can see and hear him. Members of his Bellflower crop retain this feat for 1 round, plus 1 round for every 5 vigilante levels the Bellflower harvester has beyond 2nd, to a maximum of 4 rounds at 17th level. A Bellflower harvester can share only one teamwork feat at a time in this manner. This ability replaces the vigilante talent gained at 2nd level.
    推荐铃花秋穑客学习以下社交天赋:未雨绸缪UI(Case the Joint)、扮无辜UI(Feign Innocence)、飞短流长UI(Gossip Collector)、忠诚助手UI(Loyal Aid)、主观事实UI(Subjective Truth)。
Social Talents: The following social talents complement the Bellflower harvester: case the jointUI, feign innocenceUI, gossip collectorUI, loyal aidUI, and subjective truthUI.
    推荐铃花秋穑客学习以下侠客天赋:盲点UI(Blindspot)、抄来就打UI(Environment Weapon)、黑暗之眼UI(Shadow`s Sight)、守望相助(Team Player,如下)。
Vigilante Talents: The following vigilante talents complement the Bellflower harvester: blind spotUI, environment weaponUI, shadow’s sightUI, and team player (see below).

Many vigilantes find themselves drawn to the righteous cause of the Bellflower Network. The following vigilante talent is often chosen by such agents of the Network—many Bellflower harvesters take this option, but any vigilante who is affiliated with the network can do so as well if he desires.
守望相助(Team Player,Ex):
    侠客习得迅捷协助APG(Swift Aid)作为奖励专长,侠客不需要满足专长的前置条件。另外,如果侠客以标准行动使用这个专长,侠客可以协助与他相邻的所有盟友。10级时,如果侠客以移动动作替代迅捷动作协助一名盟友时,其获得的加值增加至+2。
Team Player (Ex): The vigilante gains Swift AidAPG as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites. Additionally, the vigilante can use the feat as a standard action, in which case it applies to every ally adjacent to the vigilante. At 10th level, the vigilante can increase the bonus provided to one ally by this feat to +2 by using the aid another action as a move action rather than as a swift action.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-11, 周日 23:19:46
厚颜妄徒(Brazen Deceiver,吟游诗人变体)
Where other thieves use stealth or intimidation to achieve their goals, the brazen deceiver depends on lies. The Council of Thieves often sends brazen deceivers to acquire blackmail materials, arrange the release of incarcerated agents, or otherwise manipulate events in the Council’s favor. Brazen deceivers’ techniques come from a dark source. During the reformation of the Council, Sabriune and Aspexia acquired the shattered fragments of an ancient relic called the Totemrix, which belonged to the long-deceased demon lord of shadows, Vyriavaxus. This particularly intrigued Sabriune, for it was her demonic patron Nocticula who slew Vyriavaxus. Drawing upon Sabriune’s heretical faith, Aspexia’s psychometric mastery, and Westcrown’s lingering psychic trauma from an oppressive shadow curse that plagued its nights for many years, the Council leaders were able to coax remnants of power from the broken artifact. All brazen deceivers are imbued with a fragment of that power during their initiation—not enough to damn a soul or shift alignment, but just enough to give these bards access to the sinister energies they need to deceive.
散播谣言(Deceptive Tale,Su):
Deceptive Tale (Su): A brazen deceiver learns the deceptive tale bardic performance, allowing him to weave magic into his lies and imbue the most fantastic claims with the appearance of truth. While the brazen deceiver maintains this performance, he takes half the normal penalty on Bluff checks for unlikely lies (rounding down to –2). At 5th level, this effect also applies to Bluff checks for far-fetched lies, and at 11th level, it applies to Bluff checks for impossible lies. Deceptive tale relies on audible components. This replaces the countersong and distraction bardic performances.
死皮赖脸(Shameless Scoundrel,Ex):
    此能力替代逸闻知识(Bardic Knowledge)。
Shameless Scoundrel (Ex): A brazen deceiver adds half his level (minimum +1) on Bluff, Disguise, and Stealth checks. This ability replaces bardic knowledge.
游辞巧饰(Blatant Subtlety,Ex):
    2级时,厚颜妄徒掌握了如何施展法术而不被发现的技艺。厚颜妄徒获得咒歌UM(Spellsong)作为奖励专长。观众不能自动将他的吟游表演和一般的演讲或表演区分开来,除非他们通过一个(DC = 10+1/2吟游诗人等级+魅力调整值)的察觉检定,否则他们无法察觉到厚颜妄徒的吟游表演。
Blatant Subtlety (Ex): At 2nd level, a brazen deceiver has mastered the art of using magic without being detected. The brazen deceiver gains SpellsongUM as a bonus feat. Observers do not automatically recognize his bardic performances as anything other than ordinary speech or performance. Those specifically looking for abnormal effects must succeed at a Sense Motive check (DC = 10 + half the brazen deceiver’s bard level + the brazen deceiver’s Charisma modifier) to detect his performances. This ability replaces well-versed.
魔君祈唤(Invoke Vyriavaxus,Ex):
    西冠城在阴影诅咒下挣扎了许多年,厚颜妄徒的灵魂内也因此寄居了许多黑暗的碎片。厚颜妄徒将下述法术在指定等级添加进他的已知吟游诗人法术列表。2级时,厚颜妄徒将出血术(Bleed)和疲乏之触(Touch of Fatigue)加入已知0环吟游诗人法术。6级时,厚颜妄徒将黑暗术(Darkness)和黑暗视觉(Darkvision)加入已知2环吟游诗人法术。10级时,他将幽影咒法术(Shadow Conjuration)和暗影步UM(Shadow Step)加入已知4环吟游诗人法术。14级时,他将幽影塑能术(Shadow Evocation)和行影术(Shadow Walk)加入已知5环吟游诗人法术。18级时,他将高等幽影咒法术(Shadow Conjuration,Greater)和高等幽影塑能术(Shadow Evocation,Greater)加入已知6环吟游诗人法术。
    此能力替代多才多艺(Versatile Performance)
Invoke Vyriavaxus (Ex): Westcrown suffered under the shadow curse for many years, and a brazen deceiver has a tiny piece of that darkness lodged in his soul; as his skills increase, he learns to command this shadowy power. A brazen deceiver adds the following spells to his bard spells known at the listed class levels. At 2nd level, the brazen deceiver adds bleed and touch of fatigue to his 0-level bard spells known. At 6th level, the brazen deceiver adds darkness and darkvision to his 2nd-level bard spells known. At 10th level, he adds shadow conjuration and shadow stepUM to his 4th-level bard spells known. At 14th level, he adds shadow evocation and shadow walk to his 5th-level bard spells known. At 18th level, he adds greater shadow conjuration and greater shadow evocation to his 6th-level bard spells known. This ability replaces versatile performance.
魔鬼喉舌(Devil’s Tongue,Ex):
    此能力替代博学(Lore Master)。
Devil’s Tongue (Ex): At 5th level, a brazen deceiver beguiles others with astonishing skill. This functions as the lore master ability, but its effects apply to Bluff checks instead of Knowledge skill checks. This ability replaces lore master.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-14, 周三 13:32:45
花间浪客(Dashing Thief,游荡剑客变体)
The dashing thief relies on swift swordplay, dazzling charm, and spirited courage to commit audacious acts of thievery. Another thief might break into a noble’s house by night, leaving none the wiser, but the dashing thief swings in through a window, charms the noble’s servant into handing over the jewelry, and then duels her way out. Council of Thieves heists often involve at least one dashing thief, as their attention-grabbing antics can provide a distraction for subtler agents, and their combat skills can be vital in tight spots. The majority of the Council’s dashing thieves are personally trained by Sabriune Misraria—between her renounced family’s lust-fueled intrigues and their numerous enslaved succubi, the drow heretic has numerous sources for the tricks and stunts she teaches her agents.
穿窬之盗(Bold Thief,Ex):
    花间浪客总能成功盗取议会的目标,但会是以他们独特的方式。他的大胆特技(Derring-do)和游荡剑客之骄傲(Swashbuckler’s Edge)可以作用于解除装置和巧手,但不能用于飞行和骑术。他将解除装置和巧手加入本职技能,替代飞行和骑术。
Bold Thief (Ex): A dashing thief fulfills the Council’s larcenous goals with style. Her derring-do and swashbuckler’s edge deeds apply to Disable Device and Sleight of Hand, but not to Fly and Ride. She adds Disable Device to her list of class skills, but does not have Fly or Ride as class skills. This ability alters the swashbuckler’s class skills and the derring-do and swashbuckler’s edge deeds.
攫金以偿(Thief ’s Confidence,Ex):
Thief ’s Confidence (Ex): A dashing thief ’s panache is fueled by bold acts of thievery. Whenever a dashing thief uses the stealAPG combat maneuver to steal an object worth at least 100 gp × her class level from an opponent, she regains 1 panache point. She cannot regain panache in this way from a given opponent more than once per day. This ability alters panache and replaces the swashbuckler’s ability to regain panache from a killing blow.
盗贼天赋(Rogue Talents):
Rogue Talents: Council training grants a dashing thief numerous opportunities to learn trade secrets from fellow scoundrels. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a dashing thief gains a rogue talent, treating her class level as her rogue level when determining the talents’ benefits. Starting at 12th level, the dashing thief can choose advanced rogue talents. This ability replaces the swashbuckler’s bonus feats.
分花拂柳(Dazing Charm Deed,Ex):
    花间浪客可以欺身上前令他的敌人大吃一惊,让他们无法动弹以便越过他们或者逃脱战斗。3级时,当他成功地对一名敌人施展虚招后,他可以消耗1点时髦值,以一个自动动作轻拂之。除非目标通过一次(DC = 10 + 1/2游荡剑客等级+魅力调整值)的意志坚定,否则将晕眩1轮。在一个生物由于分花拂柳而晕眩后,它会在24小时内免疫该能力的效果。一个生物是否能被分花拂柳所影响可由GM根据实际状况判断。总体来说,它总是能对与花间浪客生物类型相同或与之有显著的共同点的目标生效(例如,一名人类花间浪客的分花拂柳可以影响任意的类人生物,或许也能够影响树妖、魔裔,甚至半人马或史芬斯)。
   此能力替代威胁剑舞(Menacing Swordplay)炫技。
Dazing Charm Deed (Ex): A dashing thief takes foes aback with her forwardness, shocking them into submission long enough to rush past or stage a getaway. At 3rd level, as a free action when she successfully feints against a foe, she can spend 1 panache point to pull the enemy into a quick kiss (or similar gesture). The target is dazed for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Will save (DC = 10 + half the dashing thief ’s class level + her Charisma modifier). A creature dazed this way is immune to that dashing thief ’s dazing charm deed for 24 hours. Whether or not a creature could potentially be affected by a dazing charm deed is ultimately subject to GM adjudication. As a general rule, however, it works on creatures of the dashing thief ’s creature type, or on those of a different type but who share significant thematic similarities (for example, a human dashing thief could use her dazing charm deed on any humanoid, but also potentially on creatures as diverse as dryads, tieflings, or even centaurs or sphinxes). This ability replaces the menacing swordplay deed.
柳宠花迷(Swaying Charm Deed,Su):
    此能力替代炫目防御(Dizzying Defense)炫技。
Swaying Charm Deed (Su): A dashing thief eventually becomes truly irresistible. At 15th level, when a dashing thief successfully dazes a creature using her dazing charm deed, she can instead charm the target for 1 day (as per charm monster). Only one creature can be charmed this way at a time; if the dashing thief charms another creature this way, the first charm effect immediately ends. This ability replaces the dizzying defense deed.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-18, 周日 16:23:32
Runesages draw upon the mystic energies of ancient Thassilon. While they sometimes experiment with the same heinous techniques exploited by the runelords, runesages temper their explorations into classic Thassilonian mysteries with moderation and empathy, maintaining balance by using small gemstones as the foci for their spellcasting. Runesages are experts at identifying spell effects associated with Thassilonian magic. As most of Thassilon’s mysteries remain buried, runesages remain ever curious and continue to seek out new locations that hide secrets caches of Thassilonian magic.
符文专注(Runic Focus,Su):
    此能力调整了法师的奥术联结(Arcane Bond)能力并替代了奥术学派(Arcane School)能力。
Runic Focus (Su): A runesage can use her knowledge of runes to create a runic focus, a small, semiprecious stone engraved with Thassilonian runes that she manipulates to alter her spellcasting abilities. In function, a runic focus behaves like an ioun stone. To activate a runic focus, the runesage must meditate on it as she prepares her spells. Following spell preparation, she tosses the gemstone into the air, after which it orbits around her head. A runic focus remains in orbit until the next time the runesage prepares her spells. A runic focus automatically functions as a
runesage’s bonded object.
A runesage does not have the option to specialize in an arcane school—all runesages must be universalists. However, when a runesage creates a runic focus, she must choose one Thassilonian school of magic (see page 63). When she prepares her spells, she is treated as a Thassilonian magic specialist of her runic focus’s school for the purposes of determining what spells she can prepare (including gaining two additional spell slots per spell level of her school, and being unable to prepare spells from her runic focus’s two opposition schools). She does not gain the corresponding powers of that school, however, and always functions as a universalist wizard in this regard.
A runic focus allows the runesage to augment spells of a single arcane school to which the runic focus is aligned. As long as a runic focus remains activated, the runesage doesn’t require material components for any spell she casts from the runic focus’s aligned arcane school, provided the component’s cost never exceeds 10 gp × the runesage’s caster level. If the spell requires a material component that surpasses the cost limit, the runesage must have the material component on hand to cast the spell, as normal.
A runic focus has an AC of 24, 10 hit points, and hardness 5, as per an ioun stone. While the first runic focus a runesage creates is free, replacement runic foci can be created using the standard rules for replacing a bonded object for a wizard’s arcane bond. When a runesage creates a new runic focus, she can focus it on a different school of Thassilonian magic than her previous focus as long as the new school is not one that was an oppositional school from her previous focus. For example, a runesage with a runic focus on necromancy could abandon that focus and replace it with a new focus on any school other than abjuration and enchantment (as these two schools are opposition schools to Thassilonian necromancy). This ability alters arcane bond and replaces arcane school.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: 他化自在天2018-02-18, 周日 22:15:26
盗贼天赋(Rogue Talents):

主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-18, 周日 22:53:50
Traditionally, the Cyphermages have harbored something of a resistance toward physical combat, preferring to rely upon the power of magic to solve problems and defeat foes. Many of the organization’s traditionalists hold prejudices against those who rely upon martial skills, and this prejudice has bled over to those who mix magic with combat, such as eldritch knights and magi. With the organization’s recent change to its traditions, though, its numbers have grown more welcoming of these traditions, and magic in particular, have developed a unique method of incorporating their lore.
When a magus joins the ranks of the Cyphermages, she can learn the art of infusing her arcane pool with the secrets of ancient Thassilonian magic. Such an individual becomes known as a sigilus. While the mysteries of ancient Thassilon drive her spellcraft, the sigilus makes little effort to understand the academic and philosophic aspects of runes. Instead, she focuses almost entirely upon their practical application. A sigilus manipulates the discoveries of wizards and other more sagacious Cyphermages, using those findings to create special sigils that allow her to transfer spell effects into different objects for later use. Her craft builds upon traditions founded by the runelords that allowed them to infuse magic into their flesh, but rather than infusing magic into her body, the sigilus infuses it into a weapon. More interested in the exploration of Thassilonian ruins than academic research, sigiluses serve the Cyphermages by engaging in fieldwork and recovering artifacts. They work alongside more studious Cyphermages, sometimes serving as bodyguards or as regulatory agents who make sure no member gains too much power through the acquisition of potent Thassilonian secrets.
融符魔武(Inscribe Rune,Su):
Inscribe Rune (Su): At 2nd level, a sigilus learns how to magically inscribe a Thassilonian rune onto a weapon. The rune to be inscribed must be chosen from the seven runes that symbolize the seven schools of Thassilonian magic (see page 63). Note that due to the nature of magus spells, certain runes (and thus certain schools of magic) are more appropriate for inscription than others—the runes for conjuration, evocation, illusion, and transmutation are the strongest choices, while those for abjuration, enchantment, and necromancy are less enticing. Inscribing a rune takes 10 minutes.
Once a weapon has been infused with a rune, the sigilus becomes more adept at using her spell combat ability with spells of that rune’s school. Her penalty on attack rolls when using spell combat is reduced by 1 (to –1) when she casts a spell from the same school as her inscribed rune, but is increased by 2 (to –4) when she uses spell combat with a spell not from her inscribed rune’s school. As long as she has a rune inscribed on her weapon in this manner, she cannot use spells from that rune’s opposition schools at all with spell combat. The sigilus can maintain only a single inscribed rune on a weapon at any time; if she inscribes a new rune on a weapon, the previously inscribed rune fades. This ability replaces spellstrike.
刻印圣甲(Inscribe Sihedron,Su):
Inscribe Sihedron (Su): At 7th level, a sigilus learns to inscribe the Sihedron rune (the seven-pointed star that symbolizes all seven schools of Thassilonian magic) on a suit of light armor she wears. When she does so, her armor becomes physically empowered with defensive magic, granting her energy resistance 5 to two energy types of her choice selected from acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic, and increasing the armor’s armor bonus by 1. (Note that this increase is an armor bonus increase, and thus stacks with any enhancement bonus a suit of magic light armor may have.) Inscribing the Sihedron rune in this way becomes part of the sigilus’s spell preparation ritual—she can inscribe a Sihedron rune in this way once per day as a result. Each day she inscribes the Sihedron rune, she can change the two types of energy resistance it grants as she wishes.
At 13th level, an inscribed Sihedron rune grants energy resistance 10 to one energy type and energy resistance 5 to two other energy types, and its armor bonus increases to +2.
A Sihedron rune can be inscribed only on light armor—it cannot be inscribed on medium or heavy armor, even if the magus later gains proficiency with medium or heavy armor. This ability replaces medium armor and heavy armor.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-19, 周一 16:24:23
While all Steel Falcons are peerless proponents of the rights of the downtrodden, those who endeavor to make the spread of liberty as peaceful as possible often become scions of Talmandor, honoring the powerful avoral agathion who serves as the patron of the Steel Falcons. Talmandor is reluctant to act directly on behalf of the Eagle Knights and even more unwilling to accept their worship, preferring to lend assistance primarily by being a voice of reason and dispensing wise counsel when it is most needed. A scion of Talmandor attempts to exemplify this selfless altruism, offering assistance to the oppressed and facilitating the peaceful transfer of power from the few to the many. Scions of Talmandor look to the brutality of the revolution in Galt, Andoran’s neighbor, as a cautionary tale and an unfortunate blemish on populism’s short history. They also reject the Nirmathi notion of freedom, thinking it too individualistic; instead, they strive to build strong communities both at home and abroad. Wherever possible, a scion of Talmandor opts for peaceful, grassroots solutions to problems facing the many oppressed peoples of the Inner Sea region, encouraging them to take a central role in bettering their lot in life.
传承者信念(Scion’s Faith,Ex):
Scion’s Faith (Ex): A scion of Talmandor must worship a lawful good deity, and she gains Fly as a class skill instead of Ride. This alters class skills.
    2级时,每日一次以迅捷动作,塔玛多信嗣可以将神恩(Divine Grace)提供的豁免检定上的加值减半(至少为+1),然后把减少后加值提供给他及其周围30尺内的盟友。这些加值会持续等同于塔玛多信嗣魅力调整值的轮数,之后他的神恩将被压制1小时。
    此能力调整了神恩(Divine Grace)。
Egalitarian (Su): At 2nd level, once per day as a swift action, a scion of Talmandor can halve her bonus on saving throws from divine grace (minimum +1) to grant the resulting bonus to herself and to all allies within 30 feet. This shared bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the scion’s Charisma modifier, after which her divine grace is suppressed for 1 hour before returning to normal. This ability alters divine grace.
雄鹰契约(Bonded Eagle,Sp):
    此能力替代神契(Divine Bond)。
禽(鹰/隼/枭)[Bird (Eagle/Hawk/Owl)]
AC:+ 1天生防御
属性:力量10,敏捷15,体质12,智力2,感知14,魅力6  力量+2,体质+2
Bonded Eagle (Sp): At 5th level, a scion of Talmandor forms a bond with an eagle using the statistics for a bird animal companion. The eagle is a loyal companion that accompanies the scion on her adventures. When the scion activates smite evil, she can expend an additional use of smite evil to grant her eagle the bonuses granted from smite evil as well. This ability functions like the druid animal companion ability, using the scion’s paladin level as her effective druid level. This ability replaces divine bond.
    此能力替代虔诚灵光(Aura of Resolve)。
Consensus (Ex): At 8th level, twice per day as a swift action during the first full round of combat, a scion of Talmandor can take a vote from a number of allies equal to or less than 3 + the scion’s Charisma modifier, all of whom must be within 30 feet of the scion of Talmandor. In initiative order, each ally can vote for Freedom, Justice, or Responsibility. Allies who vote receive a +2 sacred bonus either on attack rolls (if Justice wins), on saving throws (if Freedom wins), or to Armor Class (if Responsibility wins) until the end of combat. The scion of Talmandor votes last, and in the case of a tie, her vote breaks the tie. This ability replaces aura of resolve.
塔玛多赐福(Talmandor’s Gift,Sp):
    11级时,塔玛多信嗣可以召唤一只鹏羽天使(Pathfnder RPG Bestiary 2 16),如同施放了召唤怪物VII(以塔玛多信嗣的圣武士等级作为施法者等级)。
    此能力替代审判灵光(Aura of Justice)。

鹏羽天使 CR 9
XP 6400
中立善良 中型异界生物(盖丁天族,跨位面,善良)
INIT +6; 感官 黑暗视觉60尺,感知魔法,低光视觉,识破隐形;洞察+23

AC 25,接触17,措手不及18(+8 天生,+6敏捷,+1闪避)
HP  94(9D10 +45)
强韧+11,反射+12,意志+6;+4 vs 毒素
DR 10/邪恶或银;
免疫: 电,石化
抗性:寒冷10,声波10;SR 20

近战:2 爪抓+16(2d6+3), 2 翅膀拍击 +10 (2d6+1)
类法术能力(CL 9; 专注+12)
随意——援助术,模糊术(仅限自身),命令术(DC 14),侦测魔法,任意门,解除魔法,造风术(gust of wind,DC 15),人类定身术(DC16),光亮术,反邪恶法阵(仅限自身)
一天三次——闪电束(DC 16),强效魔法飞弹


BAB+9;  CMB+12;  CMD 29
专长 闪避,强效类法术能力(魔法飞弹),飞行攻击(flyby attack),武器娴熟,武器专攻(爪)
技能: 唬骗+10,交涉+7,飞行+22,驯养动物+9,胁迫+15,知识(任一)+14,洞察+23,骑术+7,察言观色+15,法术辨识+11,潜行+18;种族特性 洞察+8
语言: 天界语,龙语,炼狱语,动物交谈,巧言术(true speech)
SQ 圣疗(4d6, 7次/天,如同9级圣武士)

环境 任何空中(极乐境)
组织 单独,成双,或小队(3-6)
宝物 标准

真视(SU)此能力如同名法术(CL 14),但只能影响鹏羽天使。鹏羽天使必须集中精神1轮才能生效,并在保持集中时一直持续。
虽然在他们的家乡位面,他们喜欢翱翔在云端,在山峰间互相比赛俯冲,战争中鹏羽天使却是盖丁天族的侦察兵,间谍与传令官。依靠惊人的速度与极强的视力,加上魔法能力,他们得以潜入一个区域,侦查敌情,静悄悄地与当地动物交流来获得更多情报,然后带着报告飞行或传送脱离。他们是游击战的专家并经常运送其他天界战士进入战场(有其他不会飞/传送的么? :em005)
Talmandor’s Gift (Sp): At 11th level, a scion of Talmandor can summon an avoral agathion (Pathfnder RPG Bestiary 2 16) as if via summon monster VII (caster level equals the scion’s character level). This ability replaces aura of justice.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: Rivers2018-02-22, 周四 14:01:39
毒爪(TOXIC TALON,盗贼变体)
Twilight Talons might pursue many tasks, from relatively passive information gathering to staging massive coups meant to depose tyrants. A toxic talon, however, is trained and deployed for one very specific purpose: to defeat foes with unusual and potent poisons. After adopting a profession to serve as a cover for his activities, a toxic talon spends resources and time combining easy-to-obtain materials into dangerous toxins to aid in the defense of Andoran. A toxic talon can use rare, complex, slowrelease poisons to make a death look like it happened naturally, but sometimes the toxic talon will use specific poisons to cast suspicion on other organizations, stirring internal conflict that other Twilight Talons can use to their advantage.
The use of poisons in the defense of a good nation is controversial, and other branches of the Eagle Knights generally disavow the existence of toxic talons among their organization. Many influential leaders among the Eagle Knights, particularly in the Steel Falcons, have pushed to have the practices of the toxic talons banned from use, but these efforts have only pushed the toxic talons into further obscurity. Their role is particularly protected by the Twilight Talons, who sometimes go as far as to outright lie to others in the Eagle Knights about the operations of a toxic talon. At other times, a toxic talon may choose to martyr his freedom by publicly accepting blame for a mission that has had unfortunate public repercussions. In such a case, the toxic talon is not abandoned by his kin—instead, he is placed on a fair and public trial whose purpose is as much to appease the masses as it is to determine whether any moral lines were crossed. In cases where such a toxic talon is found guilty, he is generally sentenced to hard labor or prison (in which case he often continues to run missions inside of prisons or other fortifications for the Eagle Knights as best suits his talents) or to exile (in which case his role in serving Andoran shifts to one of clandestine missions in other nations). A toxic talon who martyrs his freedom in this way and is then captured again understands that it’s unlikely he’ll be afforded the same level of support from the Eagle Knights, and that the organization may well disavow any official knowledge of his actions. To a toxic talon, this is all merely a deeper, more significant level of service to the well-being of the nation of Andoran. By serving as a sort of sineater for the rest of the Twilight Talons (and at times, for the other branches of the Eagle Knights), such selfless characters can ensure that the organization survives scandal and public outcry to carry on their good work. In such cases, while public recognition for their deeds may never manifest, their brothers and sisters never forget the toxic talon’s sacrifice.
灵蛇吐信(Forceful Breath,Ex):
Forceful Breath (Ex): A toxic talon is proficient with blowguns instead of hand crossbows. He can use a blowgun without penalty while prone. This alters the rogue’s weapon proficiencies.
毒步天下(Poison Adept,Ex):
    毒爪学会了如何安全的用毒素给武器淬毒而不伤及自身。他可以以移动动作给弹药涂毒。此能力在决定符合专长、进阶职业以及其他职业选项的前置条件时被视为用毒(Poison Use)。
Poison Adept (Ex): A toxic talon is trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison himself when applying poison to a projectile weapon. He can apply poison to a projectile as a move action. This counts as the poison use ability for the purposes of qualifying for feats, prestige classes, and other options. This ability replaces trapfinding.
毒素抗力(Toxin Resistance,Ex):
    此能力替代陷阱感知(Trap Sense)。
Toxin Resistance (Ex): A toxic talon’s constant exposure to varied poisons grants him increasing resistance to them. At 3rd level, a toxic talon gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against diseases and poisons, and he gains a +1 bonus on Heal checks to treat diseases and poisons. He also gains a +1 bonus on caster level checks (including when he activates a magic item) to treat or remove poisons and diseases, such as when using remove disease or neutralize poison. Finally, he gains a +1 bonus on Perception checks to identify traps that utilize diseases or poisons. These bonuses increase to +2 at 6th level, to +3 at 9th level, to +4 at 12th level, to +5 at 15th level, and to +6 at 18th level. This replaces trap sense.
    4级时,毒爪学会了使用秘密的化学技巧来增强他涂在武器上的毒药,这些毒药的豁免DC 增加1点(此加值在12级时,增加至+2)。此项豁免DC上的加值持续1分钟或毒药被消耗,以先发生者为准。毒爪每小时可使用此能力一次。
    此能力替代直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)。
Catalyst (Su): At 4th level, a toxic talon can use secret alchemical techniques to enhance a poison as he applies it to a weapon, increasing the save DC of the poison by 1 (this bonus increases to +2 at 12th level). This increase to the save DC lasts for 1 minute or until the poison is used up, whichever comes first. A toxic talon can use catalyst once per hour. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
祸不单行(Split Toxin,Su):
    此能力替代精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)。
Split Toxin (Su): At 8th level, when a toxic talon uses catalyst to enhance poison as he applies it, he can envenom two ranged weapons or units of ammunition simultaneously with the same dose. This ability replaces the rogue’s improved uncanny dodge.
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: 杀菌@深坑未填2018-04-09, 周一 20:55:44
奥多里流游荡剑客(Aldori Swashbuckler,Ex):
假如我没看错,这个变体没调整巧手游荡剑客,奥多里决斗剑不是挥砍武器吗 :em032
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: 他化自在天2018-04-10, 周二 11:17:30
奥多里流游荡剑客(Aldori Swashbuckler,Ex):
假如我没看错,这个变体没调整巧手游荡剑客,奥多里决斗剑不是挥砍武器吗 :em032

主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: duke19912018-04-20, 周五 20:35:49
胜利宣告(Inevitable Victory,Ex):
    雷斯兰暴徒的技艺完全基于个人天赋,光是炫上两招就能让雷斯托夫任何一名拳师选择开仗。3级时,雷斯兰暴徒获得炫目技巧(Dazzling Display)作为奖励专长,仅当他持用一柄奥多里决斗剑时,他才能花费1点时髦值来使用该专长。
    此炫技替代威胁剑舞(Menacing Swordplay)。

Inevitable Victory (Ex)
The bravo’s technique is all about flair; a display of her skill is enough to make any brawler reconsider picking a fight. At 3rd level, the bravo gains Dazzling Display as a bonus feat. She can activate its effect only while wielding a dueling sword, and she must spend 1 panache point to do so.Inevitable Victory (Ex): The Rostland bravo’s technique is all about flair; a display of her skill is enough to make any Restov brawler reconsider picking a fight. At 3rd level, the Rostland bravo gains Dazzling Display as a bonus feat. She can activate its effect only while wielding an Aldori dueling sword, and she must spend 1 panache point to do so. This deed replaces menacing swordplay.

This deed replaces menacing swordplay.

這邊的描述應該是說Rostland bravo可以靠炫個幾招就讓brawler望而卻步,重新考慮(reconsider)要不要與Rostland bravo開戰吧....

另外再借樓問下,Aldori dueling sword跟dueling sword到底有啥不同...


除了變體的描述之外就只有Aldori dueling sword跟dueling sword的區別,另外還找到幾個專長的要求是要用dueling sword的,這兩者到底能不能相通啊....
主题: Re: 【AG】Advanturer's Guide职业变体
作者: 白貓2018-04-20, 周五 21:30:16
Aldori dueling sword和dueling sword是一樣的東西,d20pfsrd網站因為有商業行為,所以上面的東西全都把有版權相關的設定給刪除或改名字。