作者 主题: 【Starfinder CRB】宗教信仰:艾奥梅黛(IOMEDAE)-格拉里昂之魂  (阅读 28039 次)

副标题: 【校对:冒泡的湖怪】高唱勇气赞歌,昂首迈向星辰大海的人类守护女神

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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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格拉里昂之魂(The Spirit of Golarion)
圣徽:      一柄被旭日之光所环绕的长剑



作为人类的守护女神,人类占据了格拉里昂之魂信徒的绝大部分,但许多维斯克蜥蜴人以及kasathas也被她荣誉之战的信条所吸引。艾奥梅黛的典型信徒都是心存正直,努力不懈的人物,他们乐于助人,同时也随时做好接受别人的帮助的准备。圣战军,使节(Envoy),恒星武士(solarian)和星际战士(Soldier)都可能会崇拜艾奥梅黛,而且他们中的许多人都会随身带着各种版本的艾奥梅黛神选武器——长剑,并与之一同踏入战场。她的祭司会反抗压迫,并寻求把宇宙重塑成更美好的形态——如有必要,动用刀剑也在所不惜。艾奥梅黛的教会支持着数个骑士团,而最为声名显赫的格拉里昂骑士团(Knights of Golarion,参照第478页)也在此列,其成员守护着协约世界以及其他有人类定居的遥远星系,并乘坐着其强大无匹的圣堂星舰向邪恶发动永无休止的圣战。

劇透 -  原文:
Born a mortal human on Golarion, Iomedae ascended to godhood centuries before the Gap, and when humanity left the planet of their birth for the stars, they brought their faith in Iomedae with them. With Golarion’s disappearance, Iomedae’s connection to that world took on even greater significance, and she became the Spirit of Golarion, the patron goddess of humanity. Iomedae is a righteous knight, fearless in battle, and a missionary and crusader on behalf of the benign sovereignty of good. She personifies glory, honor, justice, strength, and valor, and is unafraid to point her sword at the greatest evils facing humanity and the Pact Worlds.

Iomedae is both fiercely martial and wisely benevolent, and she commands the respect of any deity who deals with her. She expects her mortal servants to exercise courtesy and receive the same in their dealings with one another. She strongly desires justice for everyone, honorable behavior from each individual, and bravery in battle, no matter the odds. Iomedae teaches that it is better to convince evildoers to lay down their arms in honorable surrender than cut them down, but she sanctions her followers to wage unyielding war against those who persist in serving evil.

As the patron goddess of humanity, the Spirit of Golarion counts humans as the majority of her worshipers, but many vesk and kasathas are attracted to her code of honorable battle. A typical follower of Iomedae is a right-minded, hardworking person, helpful toward others and ready to accept help when it is offered. Crusaders, envoys, solarians, and soldiers all worship Iomedae, and many carry versions of the goddess’s favored weapon, the longsword, with them into battle. Her priests fight against oppression and seek to reshape the universe into a better form, by the sword if need be. Iomedae’s church sponsors several knightly orders, most notably the Knights of Golarion (see page 478), who patrol the Pact Worlds and more distant star systems where humanity has settled, tirelessly crusading against evil in their mighty cathedralships.

Where her followers establish outposts of her faith on other planets, moons, and larger asteroids, they construct large temples in which they can praise her name. These buildings are often fabricated in the style of old Golarion churches, with large fountains, soaring arches, and walls made to look like whitewashed stone. Despite their appearance, though, these structures don’t lack modern technological amenities, as crusading knights will sometimes request to use them as training grounds, recuperation facilities, and temporary living spaces.

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离线 白药君

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其实这个背景中或多或少暗示了大散乱(Gap)的开始时间 :em001


....3832 艾奧梅黛(Iomedae),闪耀远征(Shining Crusade)的女英雄, 经过努力成功的通过坠星石的试炼(Test of the Starstone) 并且成为了奥罗登(Aroden’s) 的传令官.....

....4606 奥罗登(Aroden)突然死亡, 没有留给切利亞斯(Cheliax)帝国一个神圣的使命...

....4711 现时起始之年....

其他请大家自行脑补  :em021

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我已经不知道这个到底是荷鲁斯还是多恩还是圣吉列斯还是莱昂了 :em032

离线 白药君

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我已经不知道这个到底是荷鲁斯还是多恩还是圣吉列斯还是莱昂了 :em032

 :em009 梅黛子原体何须喻以兄弟手足,其本身就是独一无二的存在

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单个小孩的CR再X3,这遭遇怎么都是团灭的节奏啊…… T_T

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(看著Trinue)至少可以肯定砸鍋的AP不是Iron Gods了...
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.