作者 主题: 【SCAG】第1章 欢迎来到国度-第7节 费伦诸神(36/43)  (阅读 101289 次)

副标题: 哎呀呀,四舍五入就很接近完成了鸭

离线 笨哈

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歐呂優 Auril
« 回帖 #10 于: 2018-04-27, 周五 04:01:43 »


歐呂優 Auril註一
冰霜少女 The Frostmaiden,霜吻女士 Lady Frostkiss,寒冰黎明 Icedawn



陸斯坎(Luskan)有一座供奉歐呂優的神殿,有著白色尖頂的冬日殿堂(Winter Palace)。這座神殿是由白色石料雕鑿出的數列石柱以及拱頂的無屋頂建築。在外人的眼裡,歐呂優的崇拜儀式看上去十分殘酷。在陸斯坎,遊客會聚集在神殿,觀看時常舉行的「浸潤遊行(wet parades)」,祈求者會身著攜有冰霜的衣物。隨後,他們會遊行於被稱為「歐呂優之吻(Kisses of Auril)」的六根石柱,這六根石柱分散在城市各處。信徒會在石柱間穿梭,向女神吟誦禱詞。當抵達一根石柱時,一名祈求者必須攀登其上,並「親吻女神(kiss the lady)」,就是用嘴唇去碰觸在頂端的生鏽鐵盤。在冬季,這些事情就類似於瘋狂的競走,伴隨著凍傷以及從光滑石柱上墜落的危險。附近旅店的人們,會為參與者的耐力下注,並為他們歡呼。那些完成比賽的人,會被認為讓冬季更輕鬆了點,而這些人在整個冬季內幾乎不用為食物或酒類買單。


能理解儘管音錯,但是大家已經習以為常將錯就錯的心態(像是energy drain翻譯成能量吸取、知道蘇輪但沒聽過賽倫涅等等),畢竟那真的比較方便。所以我不反對之後如果夜要整合的話,把這些譯名改回舊有的翻譯。但我在果園上的就是這樣翻了 :em015
« 上次编辑: 2018-04-27, 周五 04:20:10 由 笨哈 »

离线 leafnight

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Re: 【SCAG】第1章 欢迎来到国度-第7节 费伦诸神(2/43)
« 回帖 #11 于: 2018-04-27, 周五 10:44:01 »
能理解儘管音錯,但是大家已經習以為常將錯就錯的心態(像是energy drain翻譯成能量吸取、知道蘇輪但沒聽過賽倫涅等等),畢竟那真的比較方便。所以我不反對之後如果夜要整合的話,把這些譯名改回舊有的翻譯。但我在果園上的就是這樣翻了 :em015
大哈好棒棒。 :em025


另外,除了听读YouTube外,我还会参考下类似词尾的单词的译名。比如“ril”常用对应的译名是“里尔”,有“德里尔dril”、“埃夫里尔Averil”等。有时还会略去元音(比如Averl有时会译成艾弗尔),有时会略去辅音(比如李尔王里的角色Goneril 会译成 贡纳梨)。之所以说这么多其实只是在讲翻译成 欧吕尔 是多么的合理

« 上次编辑: 2018-04-27, 周五 10:47:55 由 leafnight »

离线 拉斯的黑袍

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Re: 【SCAG】第1章 欢迎来到国度-第7节 费伦诸神(3/43)
« 回帖 #12 于: 2018-04-30, 周一 09:54:15 »

离线 笨哈

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« 回帖 #13 于: 2018-07-01, 周日 01:32:20 »


至高者(The High One),辨法之主(the Lord of Spellcraft),首席大法師(the First Magister)



« 上次编辑: 2018-07-01, 周日 01:34:30 由 笨哈 »

离线 归田卸甲退休孤寡老人

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Re: 【SCAG】第1章 欢迎来到国度-第7节 费伦诸神(3/43)
« 回帖 #14 于: 2018-09-26, 周三 18:44:37 »
黑手 The Black Hand,黑暗之主 the Lord of Darkness




劇透 -   :
The Black Hand, the Lord ofDarkness

Bane has a simple ethos: the strong have not just the right but the duty to rule over the weak. A tyrant who is able to seize power must do so, for not only does the tyrant benefit, but so do those under the tyrant's rule. When a ruler succumbs to decadence, corruption, or decrepitude, a stronger and more suitable ruler will rise.

Bane is vilified in many legends. Throughout history, those who favor him have committed dark deeds in his name, but most people don't worship Bane out of malice. Bane represents ambition and control, and those who have the former but lack the latter pray to him to give them strength. It is said that Bane favors those who exhibit drive and courage, and that he aids those who seek to become conquerors, carving kingdoms from the wilderness, and bringing order to the lawless.

At many times and in many places in Faenun, the faithful of Bane have been seen as saviors for their efforts in slaughtering raiders, throwing down corrupt rulers, or saving armies on the brink of defeat. But in just as many other places, the worship of Bane has created or supported cruel dictatorships, aided mercantile monopolies, or brought about the practice of slavery where before it didn't exist.

离线 归田卸甲退休孤寡老人

  • 沉迷翻译的咸鱼
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Re: 【SCAG】第1章 欢迎来到国度-第7节 费伦诸神(3/43)
« 回帖 #15 于: 2018-09-26, 周三 18:45:59 »
本莎芭 Beshaba
厄运少女 The Maid of Misfortune,灾厄女士 Lady Doom,黑贝丝 Black Bess









劇透 -   :
The Maid ofMisfortune, Lady Doom, Black Bess

Beshaba is the counterpoint to Tymora and is just as frequently acknowledged in daily life as is her more be- nevolent "sister." She is seen as a cruel and capricious goddess who must be propitiated to avoid attracting her attention and interest in a negative way.

Beshaba's name is invoked when someone is beset by bad luck-which could be as minor as stubbing a toe or breaking a wagon wheel, or as catastrophic as slipping and accidentally falling off a cliff. It is also invoked to ward off her attentions when someone is doing some- thing in which good luck wouldn't play a part but bad luck might. For example, someone rolling dice would invoke Tymora because they want random chance to fall in their favor, but someone about to cross a rickety bridge would ask Beshaba to keep the bridge intact.

Folk make the symbol of Beshaba by folding in their thumbs and extending their fingers on one or both hands (mimicking the horns of her holy symbol) to ward off misfortune. The same gesture raised to the head signifies a salute; when pointed at someone, the "horns" indicate ill favor directed toward that individual.

Many druids worship Beshaba as one of the First Circle. They propitiate her with dances while wearing fire-blackened antlers dipped in blood. According to these druids, her holy symbol is the horns of a stag because when Beshaba was first worshiped, humans were simple hunter-gatherers and she was believed to bring misfortune to hunters, such as being gored by a stag.
Although most people tremble in fear at the prospect of Beshaba's attendance at any event (even in spirit), Beshaba is almost always invoked and welcomed formally in the opening speeches or ceremonies of formal functions such as marriages and coronations, contests of sport or martial prowess, and at the naming ceremonies of children. If she isn't invited to such an event, she might take offense and wreak misfortune on those involved.

Temples to Beshaba are virtually unknown. It's common, however, for rural folk to erect a post and mount antlers on it at the site of some roadside accident or murder. In cities, where antlers are hard to come by and murders and accidents more prevalent, the fashion is to draw the black antlers of Beshaba with charcoal on a nearby wall, leaving the symbol on display until weather scours it away. These "shrines," in either form, serve as warnings to others about places of ill fortune

 More formal shrines to Beshaba exist in places where folk frequently hope to ward off misfortune. These sites tend to be posts or stones painted red with blackened antlers attached to them, or a red, triangular wall- mounted plaque with attached antlers. Both types have a stone or bronze bowl where coins can be tossed or burnt offerings made. The Red Wizards of Thay commonly erect such shrines outside their ritual chambers to guard against unfortunate mistakes.

Few dare to take Beshaba as a patron. The rare clerics of the Maid of Misfortune are those who have been deeply affected by great misfortunes and who seek to warn others of the essential unfairness of life- or to inflict that unfairness upon them.
« 上次编辑: 2018-09-29, 周六 14:08:28 由 咸鱼@翻译提不起劲 »

离线 归田卸甲退休孤寡老人

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Re: 【SCAG】第1章 欢迎来到国度-第7节 费伦诸神(3/43)
« 回帖 #16 于: 2018-09-26, 周三 22:59:16 »
巴尔 Bhaal
谋杀之主 The Lord of Murder

当一个人想要谋杀时,会向巴尔祈祷,他可能有充足理由。例如无法通过合法的手段修正不公。但更常见的是,祈祷者出于嫉妒、贪婪或愤怒而想杀人。除刺客和杀人成瘾者(compulsive killers)外,很少有人信奉巴尔。而他的牧师通常两者都能胜任。


劇透 -   :
The folk of Faerum don't normally pray to or acknowledge Bhaal. He is seen as a deeply evil and destructive deity who hungers for death —— meaning the death of any sentient beings through unlawful means.
Some people pray to Bhaal when they want to commit murder. A person might have good reason to resort to murder, such as when one is unable to redress some injustice through lawful means. But it's far more common for prayers to Bhaal to be uttered by those who seek to kill someone out of jealousy, greed, or wrath. It's rare for anyone but assassins or compulsive killers to take Bhaal as a patron, and clerics who revere Bhaal often qualify on both counts.

Murder cults of Bhaal have arisen in the past, each led by a charismatic, self-styled priest of Bhaal, but organized worship of the Lord of Murder is extremely un- common. Temples and shrines are similarly rare. Those who erect a shrine to Bhaal usually do so to thank him for a successful murder. Such shrines typically feature
a skull or a severed head surrounded by drops of blood (often both from the murdered victim).
« 上次编辑: 2018-09-29, 周六 14:08:35 由 咸鱼@翻译提不起劲 »

离线 归田卸甲退休孤寡老人

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Re: 【SCAG】第1章 欢迎来到国度-第7节 费伦诸神(3/43)
« 回帖 #17 于: 2018-09-27, 周四 11:14:32 »
裳提亚 Chauntea
伟大母亲 The Great Mother,谷物女神 the Grain Goddess





劇透 -   :
Chauntea is goddess of agriculture: sowing and reaping, seeding and harvest, breeding and butchery, shearing and weaving. In this aspect she is a rural deity rarely prayed to behind the walls of a city except by kitchen gardeners. But Chauntea is also the Great Mother, a goddess of crib, hearth, and home. And as such she is welcomed into all homes at mealtimes and at the birth of children, and folk give her thanks whenever they experience the pleasure of settling by a fire and feeling safe and loved.

Chauntea's faith is one of nurturing and growth. Agricultural aphorisms and farming parables dot her teachings. Growing and reaping, the eternal cycle, is a common theme in the faith. Destruction for its own sake, or leveling without rebuilding, is anathema to her.

Temples of Chauntea maintain a great body of lore about farming and cultivation. Her priests work closely with communities in rural areas, and they are willing to roll up their sleeves and dig their hands into the dirt.

The druids of the Moonshae Isles worship the Earth- mother, she who is the generative power of the land itself. To some mainlanders, the Earthmother is an aspect or manifestation of Chauntea, but to the Ffolk, she is simply the Earth mother, and always will be. The moonwells of the isles are her sacred sites and her windows onto the world. See "Druids" in chapter 4 for more information.
« 上次编辑: 2018-09-29, 周六 14:08:46 由 咸鱼@翻译提不起劲 »

离线 归田卸甲退休孤寡老人

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Re: 【SCAG】第1章 欢迎来到国度-第7节 费伦诸神(3/43)
« 回帖 #18 于: 2018-09-27, 周四 11:54:08 »
希瑞克 Cyric
谎言王子 The Prince of Lies,暗日 the Dark Sun




劇透 -   :
The worship of Cyric derives directly from the story of his ascension to godhood. Cyric was a mortal during the Time of Troubles and the key to how that chaotic period resolved, but he was also a selfish traitor and a murderer. When he became a god, Cyric continued to work various plots of deceit and murder——the most famous of which is that, according to legend, Cyric murdered Mystra and thus caused the Spellplague over a century ago.

Those who don't worship Cyric see him as a god of madness, strife, and deceit, although his priests consider such claims to be heresy. Their Prince of Lies isn't a twisted madman, but a god of dark majesty who proves that, ultimately, all bonds between folk corrupt and wither away.

Cyric's church works openly in Arnn, where the citizens espouse the principles of ambition, self-reliance, and "buyer beware." Those who take Cyric as their patron tend to be sadists, con artists, power-mad connivers, and worse. Other folk pray to Cyric when they want to do wrong but don't want others to find out about it.

"The Dark Sun," originally one of Cyric's epithets, has become a metaphor for strife in the Realms. "A Dark Sun has risen o'er this court" might be spoken as a warning that intrigues and infighting have gotten out of hand in a noble household; and married couples know to seek advice from others if "a Dark Sun shines through the window" in their relationship.
« 上次编辑: 2018-09-29, 周六 14:08:58 由 咸鱼@翻译提不起劲 »

离线 归田卸甲退休孤寡老人

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Re: 【SCAG】第1章 欢迎来到国度-第7节 费伦诸神(3/43)
« 回帖 #19 于: 2018-09-27, 周四 12:52:04 »
迪尼尔 Deneir
文字与图像之主 The Lord of All Glyphs and Images,最初的抄写员 the First Scribe,欧格玛的抄写员 the Scribe of Oghma





劇透 -   :
Deneir is the god of literature and literacy, the patron of the artist and the scribe. His is the power to accurately render and describe, to write and to read, and to pass on information. In legend, Deneir is often portrayed as being a scribe in service to Oghma, and he is sometimes thought of as Oghma's right hand.

It's common practice for someone who writes a letter or records information to say a prayer to Deneir to avoid mistakes. Similarly, artists acknowledge Deneir before beginning and upon completing paintings, particularly illuminations on manuscripts, tapestries that relate stories, and any such attempt to use art to capture the truth.

Followers of Deneir believe that information not recorded and saved for later use is information lost. They consider literacy an important gift of the gods, one that should be spread and taught. His followers are scribes and scholars devoted, like their patron, to preserving written works, and also to experiencing them, for they say that Deneir himself is hidden within the lines, shapes, and passages of all written works. Priests of Deneir take an oath of charity as well, compelling them to accept the requests of others to write letters and transcribe information.

The god's followers tend to be individualists, united by their shared faith but not overly concerned with religious hierarchy and protocol. This behavior is supported by the fact that Deneir's blessings of divine magic are more often bestowed on those who lose themselves in written works than on those who fancy themselves part of any temple or religious order. Contemplation of the faith's most holy book, the Tome of Universal Harmony, is the most effective way to become deserving of Deneir's blessings.