作者 主题: 【第二章】秘学士变体  (阅读 10398 次)


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« 于: 2016-11-05, 周六 16:09:42 »

作祟收集者  Haunt Collector (秘学士变体)
出自Horror Adventure

鬼怪缠身Possessed Possessions (Su): 2级时以及之后的每4级,当作祟收集者选择一个他还未习得的灵器学派时,取代使用该学派的正常灵器,他可以与一个作祟灵器——一个他在旅途中找到的强大而附有英灵的物品——构建联系。当他选择一个作祟灵器时,他不会获得该灵器所属学派的共鸣之力,而是从通灵者的英灵列表中选择一个英灵(pathfinder RPG OA异能冒险),他会获得这个英灵的降灵奖励来取代原本的共鸣之力。他还能以一个迅捷动作唤出灵器中的作祟实体,以短暂地获得所选英灵类型对应英灵同调中所有特定检定和数据中的加值,持续1轮。这个英灵同调的加值等同于填入该灵器中的心智点数值的1/2,最高为1+每4秘学士等级1点。他每天能召唤这些英灵同调加值的次数等同于他填入该灵器中的心智点数,不过启动这个加值并不会消耗任何心智点。一旦一个灵器的英灵类型被选定了,就不能再被改变。

作祟专家Hauntist (Su):到了5级,拥有至少一个作祟灵器的作祟收集者会获得通灵者的制祟者职业能力,他的有效通灵者等级等于他的秘学士等级-2.

精魂说客Spirit Speaker (Sp):到了8级,拥有至少一个作祟灵器的作祟收集者能每天一次与精魂进行沟通。通过进行10分钟的降灵,他能向一个被摧毁的不死生物,或是一个被无害化(neutralized)或摧毁的作祟提出一个问题。。如果对一个有实体的不死生物使用该能力,该生物的头部必须要在作祟收集者的掌控之中;如果对一个作祟或虚体不死生物使用该能力,这次降灵必须在作祟发生的地点或是虚体不死生物被摧毁的地方进行。将这个能力视为作祟灵交谈 speak with haunt ACG或是死者交谈(但只会影响被摧毁的不死生物而非全部尸体),使用作祟收集者的秘学士等级作为施法者等级。他在12级,16级和20级时能各获得一次额外的每天使用次数。

解放作祟灵Extricate Haunt (Su): 作祟收集者能短暂地将他的作祟灵器中寄存的灵体驱逐出来,从而自发地形成类似于作祟的现象,并向它们注入秘学士已知的法术。以一个会引发借机攻击的整轮动作,作祟收集者可以消耗1点心智点来解放出一个灵器中的英灵,使这个幽灵般的存在进入一个相邻的的方格中,并让它获得为作祟收集者传递一个来自该灵器对应学派的法术(范围为接触或更远)的能力。该动作会消耗掉对应的法术如同它被施放一般,不过法术的能量被控制在这个被制造出来的作祟中,直到触发了作祟收集者设定的触发条件为止。作祟的法术效果的触发条件必须是清晰的,不过它们可以很一般化,使用魔嘴术的触发条件的准则。作祟是固定的,一旦触发条件被满足,法术就会如常施放,不过它现在以作祟的方格作为法术源起点。



劇透 -   :
Haunt Collector
Source Horror Adventures pg. 62

Haunt collectors use items haunted by their former owners to create ghostly presences imbued with psychic power.
Possessed Possessions (Su): At 2nd level, and every 4 occultist levels thereafter, when the haunt collector chooses an implement school he doesn’t already know, instead of using implements as normal for that school, he can gain access to a haunted implement—a powerful, spirit-possessed item collected during his travels. When he selects a haunted implement, he forsakes the resonant power from the item’s implement group and instead selects a spirit from the medium’s list of spirits (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 33), gaining that spirit’s seance boon in place of the resonant power. He can also call upon the implement’s haunting entity as a swift action to temporarily gain bonuses on all checks associated with the selected legendary spirit’s spirit bonus for 1 round. This spirit bonus is equal to 1/2 the amount of mental focus invested in the implement, to a maximum bonus of 1 + 1 for every 4 occultist levels the haunt collector has. He can call upon this spirit bonus a number of times per day equal to the amount of mental focus invested in the implement, though invoking it doesn’t expend any mental focus. Once the spirit type is selected for an implement, it cannot be changed.
This ability alters implements.
Hauntist (Su): At 5th level, a haunt collector with at least one haunted implement gains the medium’s haunt channeler class feature (Occult Adventures 31), with an effective medium level equal to his occultist level – 2.

This ability replaces aura sight.
Spirit Speaker (Sp): At 8th level, a haunt collector with at least one haunted implement can commune with the spirits once per day. By holding a seance for 10 minutes, he can ask questions of a destroyed undead or a neutralized or destroyed haunt. To use this ability on a corporeal undead, the haunt collector must have the creature’s head in his possession. For a haunt or incorporeal undead, this seance must be held in the haunt’s location or where the incorporeal undead was destroyed. Treat this ability as speak with hauntACG or as speak with dead (but affecting only destroyed undead rather than only corpses), using the haunt collector’s occultist level as the caster level. He can perform this seance one additional time per day at 12th level, and again at 16th level and 20th level.
This ability replaces outside contact.

Extricate Haunt (Su): The haunt collector can temporarily exorcise his haunted implements’ possessing entities to spontaneously create phenomena similar to haunts and imbue them with spells the occultist knows. As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the haunt collector expends 1 point of mental focus to extricate an implement’s spirit and infuse an adjacent square with its ghostly presence while granting it the power to deliver a spell from the implement’s associated school (whose range is touch or greater) on the haunt collector’s behalf. This action consumes the spell just as if it had been cast, but the energy is held in check by the created haunt until triggered by conditions set forth by the haunt collector. The conditions needed to trigger the haunt’s spell effect must be clear, although they can be general, using the guidelines of the magic mouth spell. The haunt is stationary, and once the conditions for the trigger are met, the spell is discharged normally, though it now originates from the haunt’s square.

The haunt itself is an invisible, incorporeal, spectral force, similar to a stationary unseen servant with an undead aura for the purposes of spells such as detect undead. It has a number of hit points equal to the double the level of the spell used to create it + the occultist’s Intelligence modifier. If triggered during the same combat it is created, the haunt acts at initiative count 10; otherwise, when the trigger occurs, the haunt initiates combat and acts at initiative count 10 on the surprise round. Other creatures must succeed at a Perception check (DC = 10 + the haunt collector’s occultist level) to act in the surprise round. The haunt can be damaged by positive energy and anything else that can harm haunts, and if destroyed before it is triggered, it dissipates harmlessly. If the haunt is destroyed, it does not reform in its haunted implement until the occultist next invests his implements with mental focus. If the haunt doesn’t trigger before the occultist next invests his implements with mental focus, the haunt dissolves at that point and reforms in its haunted implement.

The haunt collector can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Intelligence modifier. While a haunting presence is extricated from its implement, the haunt collector does not receive the benefit of the implement’s seance boon, nor can he call upon the implement’s spirit bonus or use its focus powers, though he can still cast spells associated with the implement without penalty. If the spell is discharged successfully (rather than the haunt being destroyed), the spirit’s presence returns to the haunt collector’s implement the following round, and the seance boon and spirit bonus abilities are again available to the haunt collector.

At 12th level, the haunt collector can create a free-roaming haunt by expending an additional point of mental focus, granting it a fly speed of 10 feet with good maneuverability, which allows it to change locations or seek targets, under the restrictions for trigger conditions as outlined above. If the haunt wanders beyond medium range (measured from the haunt collector’s current position), it is instantly destroyed.

At 16th level, the haunt collector can extricate an implement’s spirit as a standard action.

This ability replaces magic circles, binding circles, and fast circles.
护符制造师 Talisman Crafter(秘学士变体)


护符灵器talismanic implements(SU)护符制造师并不会获得普通的灵器;取而代之的是,在每天回复心智点之后,她要花费一小时用金属、羊皮纸、蜡或木材做成数个小的大师护符,在上面刻写好复杂的徽记并向其中注入力量,以作为她用来施展她已习得学派的秘学士法术的灵器。护符制造师如常选择学派(1级两个,2级和之后每4个秘学士等级再多一个)。她为每个已知的灵器学派制造一个大师护符,除非她复数次选择了同一个灵器学派,这种情况下她每选择一次了这个学派就需要一个该学派的大师护符。护符制造师如常将她的心智点分配到各个她已知的灵器学派或作为共用心智点。

咒缚护符 spellbond talisman(su)2级时,护符制造师除了大师护符以外还能雕刻出咒缚护符,她可以将已知的通常影响一个或多个目标生物(但不能是目标为施法者本人,影响一片区域,制造一个效果或其他类似的法术)的异能法术注入到这些小令牌当中。当秘学士将她的一个法术注入到护符中时,她会消耗掉法术位,如同她刚刚释放过该法术并且花费了任何需要的材料成分一般。以一个引发借机攻击的标准动作,护符制造师能将这个准备好的护符投掷出去。即使她拥有不引发借机攻击来投掷物品的能力,投掷一个护符仍然会引发借机攻击,除非她成功通过一个防御式施法的专注检定。被投掷的护符有20尺射程,而秘学士需要成功进行一次远程接触攻击来击中她的目标。如果她击中了目标,法术如常生效,而生物如常进行豁免对抗法术效果(如果需要豁免)。这允许护符制造师通过咒缚护符远程传递接触法术。或者,护符制造师也能以一个近战接触攻击来拿护符触碰一个目标生物(如果目标自愿,她自动命中);只要她能成功通过防御式施法的专注检定,这个攻击不会引发借机攻击。如果一个刻入护符的法术本应影响多于一个目标,它的DC会加2.

共用护符Shared Talisman(su)4级起,护符制造师能花费一点共用心智点来制造一个所有人都能启动的咒缚护符,它仍会占用一个秘学士的法术位,但能被其他生物触发它的效果。无论是谁触发了它的效果,一个共用护符并不需要思维或情绪成分,并且不会因其释放了法术而引发借机攻击(不过它仍可能因为投掷而如常引发借机攻击)。

防护徽记 Warding Seal(su)5级起,护符制造师能刻写出一个防护徽记,以向一个被刻好的刻文中注入异能之力。刻写刻文遵从绘制魔法阵的规则,花费1分钟时间,需要秘学士消耗1点心智点(可以是共用心智点,也可以是来自任何一个灵器中的心智点)。以一个引发借机攻击的整轮动作,护符制造师消耗1点心智点来画出一个特定的徽记,向刻文注入一个她已知的影响一个或多个生物的法术,并消耗掉这个法术位,如同她释放了该法术一般。该徽记会维持着法术能量不发散,直到其被画出时设定好的条件被处罚,或是直到秘学士恢复她的心智点。该徽记如同守卫刻文法术中的法术刻文一般运作。17级时,护符制造师的速写法阵能力也能应用到她的防护徽记能力上,并且该能力如同高等守卫刻文法术中的高等法术刻文一般运作。

劇透 -   :
Talisman Crafter
Source Horror Adventures pg. 63
Talisman crafters specialize- in the creation of seals, constructing master talismans to use as implements and inscribing wards with esoteric geometry.

Talismanic Implements (Su): The talisman crafter doesn’t gain normal implements; rather, after refreshing her mental focus, she spends 1 hour crafting a number of small master talismans out of cast metal, parchment, wax, or wood, inscribing them with esoteric seals and investing them with power to serve as her implements for casting occultist spells of the schools she knows. The talisman crafter selects schools as normal (two at 1st level and an additional one at 2nd level and every 4 occultist levels thereafter). She creates one master talisman for each implement school she knows, unless she selected that implement school multiple times, in which case she needs one master talisman per time she has selected that school. The talisman crafter splits her mental focus among the schools she knows and generic focus as normal.

This ability alters implements.

Spellbound Tailsman (Su): At 2nd level, a talisman crafter can inscribe spellbound talismans in addition to her master talismans, infusing small tokens she crafts with psychic spells she knows that normally affect one or more target creatures (but not spells that target the aster, spells that affect an area, spells that create effects, or other such spells). When the occultist infuses a talisman with one of her spells, she expends the spell slot just as if she had cast the spell and expends any material components necessary. The talisman crafter can hurl this prepared talisman as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity and that requires the same thought and emotion components (Occult Adventures 144) as the original spell. Even if she can normally throw objects without provoking an attack of opportunity, throwing a talisman still provokes an attack of opportunity unless she also succeeds at a concentration check to cast defensively. The thrown talisman has a range of 20 feet, and the occultist must succeed at a ranged touch attack to hit her target. If she hits the target,the spell affects it normally, and the creature receives the normal saving throw (if any) against the spell effect. This allows the talisman crafter to deliver touch spells at range through the spellbound talisman. Alternatively, the talisman crafter can touch the talisman to a target creature as a melee touch attack (for a willing target, she automatically hits); this attack doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity as long as she succeeds at a concentration check to cast defensively. If an inscribed talisman’s spell would normally target more than one creature, its DC increases by 2.

Only a talisman crafter can activate her spellbound talismans. Once created, a spellbound talisman remains potent until the next time the talisman crafter regains spell slots before losing its magic. Inscribing a spellbound talisman in this manner takes 1 minute of work.

This ability replaces magic item skill and object reading.

Shared Talisman (Su): At 4th level, a talisman crafter can expend 1 point of generic mental focus to create a spellbound talisman that anyone can activate. As long as the spellbound talisman exists, it continues to occupy one of the occultist’s spell slots, but can be used by another creature to trigger its effects. Whoever triggers the effect, a shared talisman does not require thought or emotion components, and it doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity for casting a spell (though it still does so as normal if thrown).

This ability replaces shift focus.

Warding Seal (Su): At 5th level, a talisman crafter can inscribe a warding seal, infusing an inscribed glyph with psychic energy. Inscribing the seal follows the rules for drawing magic circles, takes 1 minute, and requires the occultist to expend 1 point of mental focus (either generic focus or focus from any one of her implements). As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the talisman crafter expends 1 point of mental focus to scribe a special seal, infusing the glyph with a psychic spell she knows that affects one or more creatures and expending the spell slot just as if she had cast the spell. This seal holds the spell energy in check until it’s triggered by conditions set forth when the seal is crafted or until the occultist refreshes her mental focus. The seal functions as the spell glyph option of the glyph of warding spell. At 17th level, the talisman crafter’s fast circles ability applies to her warding seals, and she treats the ability as the greater spell glyph option of the greater glyph of warding spell.

This ability replaces aura sight and the focus powers normally gained at 5th and 17th levels.
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