作者 主题: 【EN】4E精灵国家第二章:精灵历史,精灵的灵魂信仰  (阅读 7228 次)

副标题: 原书第20-26页,第四纪命轮之道!

离线 Knightblaze

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« 上次编辑: 2021-09-26, 周日 19:46:16 由 铃木•幻影•圣骑士 »

离线 Knightblaze

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Re: 【EN】4E精灵国家第二章:精灵历史,精灵的灵魂信仰
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-09-23, 周四 04:23:04 »


有一段时间,所有真正的精灵都遵循这一套信仰。最终,精灵们开始脱离宫廷,开辟自己的道路。在这一过程中,他们转变了追随者的信仰,以更好地满足自身需求。这数百个(如果不是数千个的话)分裂的团体被统称为“Dae’mistishsa”,或“自由追随者(Free Followers)”,而忠于老住客的则被统称为“Sa’mistishsa”或“坚定追随者(Strong Followers)”。
也有精灵完全脱离了龙林,完全抛弃了他们的旧传统。前两群人将第三群人称为Nal 'mistishsa,即“迷途追随者(Lost Followers)”。那些追随传统的人宽慰于眼前既定的计划,并发现自己难以想象在迷失者中的生活。大多数人对迷途追随者充满同情,想象着他们一定会感到多么的失魂落魄。而另一些人,就像瑟瑞萨的贵族,鄙视迷途追随者。因为那些精灵们太过无知或懒惰而无法理解与尊重他们古老的历史。

劇透 -   :
Millenia ago, when Wyrm Wood bloomed and its people stood united, they constructed a core set of beliefs that was meant to guide an elf ’s life from cradle to grave. Elves loyal to these beliefs were simply referred to in the elven tongue of Sperethiel as Mistishsa or “Followers.”
For a time, all true elves followed this set of beliefs. Eventually, elves began to break away from the Court to forge their own path. In doing so, they altered the beliefs of the Follower to better suit their needs. These hundreds (if not thousands) of splinter groups are collectively referred to as the Dae’mistishsa, or “Free Followers,” while those that held true to the old tenants were referred to as Sa’mistishsa or “Strong Followers.”
There are also elves who have separated from Wyrm Wood so totally they have entirely abandoned their old traditions. The first two groups refer to the third as the Nal’mistishsa, “Lost Followers.” Those that Follow feel a comfort in the plan set before them and find it difficult to imagine a life among the Lost. Most view these Nal’mistishsa with pity, imagining how bereft they must feel. Others, like the nobles of Sereatha, look upon the Nal’mistishsa with disdain. As elves too ignorant or slothful to understand and honor their ancient history.
The beliefs of the Sa’mistishsa have been collected in many texts and are easily emulated by those with an interest. While the beliefs of the Dae’mistishsa are myriad. A single village’s beliefs could vary so wildly as to barely be recognized as a Follower on the Path. Every traditional belief of the Strong Followers is challenged in some way by at least one sect of Free Followers. While all sects of Dae’mistishsa have broken from traditional doctrine to some degree, the roots of their beliefs are typically still similar and nearly all Followers can recognize the traditions of those from different sects.
« 上次编辑: 2021-09-26, 周日 18:44:08 由 铃木•幻影•圣骑士 »

离线 Knightblaze

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Re: 【EN】4E精灵国家第二章:精灵历史,精灵的灵魂信仰
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-09-23, 周四 20:01:54 »


劇透 -   :
The Way of the Follower
Traditionally, elves are taught from birth to contemplate and understand. It is drilled into them that they must understand both themselves and the world around them. To the outside observer, this drive to understand can foster the illusion of the dispassionate, analytical, and indifferent elf. In truth, elves bring deep feeling to all that they do. However, while other races demonstrate their feelings with action, elven traditionalists do so through devotion and discipline. At the very core of this devotion is belief in the Wheel, a never-ending journey of discovery. This journey is an individual trial put before every elf and it begins before an elf takes its first breath.




劇透 -   :
The Rites Surrounding Birth
As with all Namegivers, elves value the birth of a new life beyond all other things. To an elf, the arrival of a new Follower along the Wheel of Life is cause for great celebration. From the moment of quickening, the expectant mother is showered with gifts and loving attention by all her kindred. The sacred rites of birth,however, do not begin until the tenth month of pregnancy.
In this final month before the expected birth of the child, the closest kinswoman (or dearest friend) of the mother-to-be comes to live under her roof. This woman is known as her dresner, or “assistant”, and aids the expectant mother and fulfills most of her duties in the household.
At the time of birth, the dresner and the midwife escort the expectant mother to the birthing room. Once the door to the birthing room is shut, none but these three women may enter until the child is born. While they labor to bring the child into the world, relatives and friends begin the ritual known as Ar’laana, or “the Wait”. These favored ones gather in the expectant family’s home and pass the time telling tales and singing songs of the awaited child’s ancestors. They also invent fanciful stories of the child’s future exploits. To represent the child’s first steps along the Draesis ti’Morel, “the Wheel of Life,” every elf present during the Ar’laana adds some ornament or stitchery to a pair of boots crafted for the coming infant.
Once the child is born, the midwife takes them to the father. Whether presented with the child during day or night, sunlight or storm, the father carries his infant son or daughter out of doors and shows the new youngling the sky. As he holds the child up to the elements, the father announces the birth of a new Follower to the world.




劇透 -   :
On the Ritual of Passage
When an elf reaches the age of twenty years, they enact the Ritual of Passage.
Completing the Ritual of Passage transitions a carefree elf child from the center of the Wheel into a fully formed Follower of the Path, ready to begin their Journey around the wheel.
The Ritual of Passage takes place in two stages, with the first stage beginning seven days before the elf’s twentieth birthday. From dawn until dusk on that day, the elf fasts, partaking in naught but water. At dusk the elf goes out into the woods to sleep. Before slumber overtakes them, they turn their thoughts to what they wish to make of their life. Throughout the night, the elf dreams of their future. They return home with the dawn and begin to make some item that represents their dreams. An elf who dreamed of becoming a healer might make a medicine pouch, an adventurer might make a weapon, and so on. Whatever the item, the elf must finish it by sunrise on their birthday. As they work, the elf thinks of their vision and discovers within themselves their new adult Name.
On the elf’s twentieth birthday, the second stage of the Ritual of Passage takes place. The elf and their guardians travel to a secluded place deep within the forest (where they are joined by other family and friends). The elf speaks in turn to each Namegiver present, thanking them for the love and guidance they gave throughout their childhood. Before them all, they declare themselves an adult no longer in need of protection and tells them their new Name. Each of the others present speak the elf’s new Name, thereby welcoming them formally into the adult community.
In many settlements, the fasting day and the night of dreaming in the forest is combined with a challenge or test of courage. If the elf fails such a test, they must  wait a year and a day before beginning the Ritual of Passage again.


一个追随者把生命看作是一场发现、改变、成长和支配的旅程。当达到成熟时,每个精灵都会踏上一条表现为生命之轮的抽象道路。命轮包含五条道途,每一条对应着不同的人生阶段。随着精灵年龄的增长,围绕命轮的旅程引导他们通过每一条道途,直到回归命轮的中心。在这个生命的静止中心,他们准备好让灵魂上升至泛位面,去往一处神秘的地点。那里被称为Tesrae ke 'Mellakabal,光耀者的城堡。
每一条道途都代表着更大程度的精神成熟。道途按顺序排列如下:Mes ti 'Meraerthsa,勇士之道;Mes ti 'Telenetishsa,学者之道;Mes ti 'Cirolletishsa,旅者之道;Mes ti 'Perritaesa,贤人之道;和Mes ti 'Raeghsa,君主之道。
在完成一条道途之后,过渡到一条新的道途之前,追随者进入chele ti 'Désach,转变之日。在此期间,精灵被鼓励审视他们在道途上建立的盟约,同时确定它们是否在自己的职责中占有一席之地,并且常常离开他们的配偶。遗忘这些旧的联系是一项艰巨的任务,而这样的选择通常会得到尊从和敬重。如果追随者是一名习艺者,他们必须抛弃原有的门类,尽管可能需要试着重新来过。

劇透 -   :
Of the Journey and the Wheel of Life
A Follower sees all life as a journey of discovery, change, growth, and ascendancy. Upon reaching maturity, every elf treads a metaphysical pathway represented by the Draesis ti’Morel, the Wheel of LIfe. The Wheel contains five Paths, each corresponding to a different stage of life. As an elf ages, their journey along the Wheel leads them through each Path until they return to the Wheel’s heart. At this still center of being, they prepare their spirit for ascension into the metaplanes, to the mystical place known as Tesrae ke’Mellakabal, the Citadel of the Shining Ones.
Each Path represents ever-greater spiritual maturity. The Paths, in order, are as follows: Mes ti’Meraerthsa, the Path of Warriors; Mes ti’Telenetishsa, the Path of Scholars; Mes ti’Cirolletishsa, the Path of Travelers; Mes ti’Perritaesa, the Path of Sages; and Mes ti’Raeghsa, the Path of Lords.
As an elf walks along the Wheel, they are said to be Following one of its Paths. They Follow each Path in order, from Mes ti’Meraerthsa to Mes ti’Raeghsa. It is up to the Follower to determine when they are ready to move from one Path to the next. The journey down each Path is expected to take decades and a sense of enlightenment and understanding is said to herald the time of transition.
After completing a Path, but before transitioning to a new one, the Follower enters the Chaele ti’Désach, the Days of Change.During this time,the elf is encouraged to examine the bonds they forged on their Path and determine if they have a place in their responsibilities and frequently leave their spouses.Leaving these old associations behind is recognized as a difficult task,and such choices are typically met with deference and respect.If the Follower was an adept,they must leave behind their old Discipline,though they may attempt to begin one anew.
Each Follower is meant to tread the Path of Lords before their death. In practice, few elves manage to reach this fifth and final Path before passing. It is believed that any elf who dies before completing their journey can still manage to find their place in the Citadel of the Shining Ones as long as they were suitably dedicated in their Journey.
« 上次编辑: 2021-09-26, 周日 18:46:47 由 铃木•幻影•圣骑士 »

离线 Knightblaze

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Re: 【EN】4E精灵国家第二章:精灵历史,精灵的灵魂信仰
« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-09-26, 周日 03:38:30 »



劇透 -   :
Of the Different Paths
For each of the five Paths that lead to the transformation and ascension of the elven spirit into Tesrae ke’Mellakabal, seven specific associations are sacred to Followers. These associations are: colors, regalia, elements, hours, age, Passions, and Discipline. These associations range from personal reminders to social identifiers; from profound symbols of deep meaning to practical necessities
A Follower displays their Path in the colors of their clothes, so that others may know their Path and show them the respect due. Sigils, symbols, designs, jewelry, and sacred objects also show a Follower’s Path. The specific regalia chosen can vary from Follower to Follower. Each Path has a certain element associated with it: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, or Wood. These elements and anything made of them are of great significance to a Follower of that element’s Path. Certain times of day have meaning for Followers of a given Path; during these sacred hours they must perform a special Path ritual similar to an adept’s karma ritual but focused on the Follower’s Path. The brief ritual, a mere ten minutes in length, reinforces the Follower’s dedication to their Path. The age associated with each Path serves as a guideline to the time of life at which each elf should reach a certain Path. Many reach a given Path earlier than the given age, some reach it later.
It is believed that a Passion guides the Follower in their journey along each Path. Some Followers choose to devote themselves to the relevant Passion for their Path and become questors during their Journey. Those that choose to pursue this more difficult Journey are known as Beletre, the Passionate, and are revered for their dedication.
The final association, that of Discipline, is a complex matter and the most fundamental breaking point between Strong Followers and Free Followers. The looser Dae’mistishsa frequently believe that any number of Disciplines are acceptable for an adept who would follow a given Path, provided the adept keeps the goals of their current Path at the front of their mind. The Sa’mistishsa believe there is one Discipline, and one Discipline only, that is acceptable on each stage of the Journey. To partake in another is to undermine the Wheel entirely.
Of course, few Namegivers are capable of becoming adepts and fewer adepts are flexible enough to understand the views of all Disciplines. For this reason, traditional followers may spend decades without a Discipline only to begin a new Path and uncover a power within them that had remained dormant. Alternately, they may transition from being a powerful adept to a humble and seemingly mundane member of society. Only upon reaching the final Path, the Path of Lords, do traditionalists allow their adept Followers to partake in all of the Disciplines they may have mastered during their Journey.

Mes ti 'Meraerthsa,勇士之道


劇透 -   :
Mes ti’Meraerthsa, The Path of Warriors
The colors of the Path of Warriors are dark earth shades such as black, brown, gray, or deep red. Such a Follower’s regalia often include clothing cut along sharp lines, embroidery or jewelry designs with hard edges and angles, and swords or other weapons. The element of this Path is Earth, and its hour is Midnight. After the Ritual of Passage (p. 21), each Follower begins down this Path and may walk it at any time between his coming of age and his sixtieth year. The Path of Warriors belongs to Thystonius, Passion of Valor and Conflict. The Sa’mistishsa associate this Path with the Warrior Discipline.
The Warrior’s Path tests an elf’s physical strength and abilities. While following this Path, each elf discovers the limits of their body. Emotions rule over reason, and instinct reigns over intellect. As the Follower walks this Path, they learn of the wonders and dangers of the world. They have little time for philosophy and debate, acting and reacting too swiftly for thought. To complete the Path of Warriors is to understand the results of following your instincts and the strengths and failings of being a reactionary creature.

Mes ti 'Telenetishsa,学者之道


劇透 -   :
Mes ti’Telenetishsa, The Path of Scholars
Those treading the Path of Scholars wear bright, rich shades of red and yellow. Favored regalia includes rich embroidery, textured artworks, and symbols of fire or the sun. The element of this Path is Fire, and its hour is Dawn. An elf begins to Follow this Path between the ages of 60 and 120. Floranuus, Passion of Revelry, Energy, Victory, and Motion, guides a Follower’s steps on this Path. It is associated with the Elementalist Discipline.
The Follower who walks this Path begins to explore their inner nature. The Scholar’s Path is not a call to introspection, but an exploration of the reasons behind action. The Follower of this Path examines purposes, defines motives, and reveals intent. Though they still act in the physical world, they act with deliberation and purpose. Along this Path, the Follower begins to perceive much of the inner workings of the world and their own, inner self. To complete this Path is to understand purpose and drive both in yourself and in the world around you.

Mes ti 'Cirolletishsa,旅者之道


劇透 -   :
Mes ti’Cirolletishsa, The Path of Travelers
The colors of the Path of Travelers are light shades of the sky and river, especially blues, whites, and greens. Favored regalia include dramatic, flamboyant artworks and designs as well as both musical and writing instruments. The element of this Path is Air, and its hour is Midday. An elf commonly walks this Path between the ages of 120 and 180. Astendar, Passion of Love and Art, watches over this Path. Its Discipline is the Troubadour.
The Follower who walks this Path moves from the inward soul to the outward world. While in the Mes ti’Telenetishsa, the Follower explored the inner relationship between thought and action, along the Traveler’s Path the Follower discovers the relationship between actions or between expression and inspiration. As they walk this Path, they begin to touch upon the deeper patterns that link all things in the universe. Many Followers of the Mes ti’Cirolletishsa find themselves near centers of power or deeply involved in adventure. In places of power and peril, the Follower can see many connections in the physical world through tales, song, and legends. To complete the Path of Travelers is to understand how drives force the world to shift and change and how every action is in truth a reaction to those who came before.

Mes ti 'Perritaesa,贤人之道


劇透 -   :
Mes ti’Perritaesa, The Path of Sages
The colors of the Path of Sages are rich and deep, such as dark blues, red, and black. Favored regalia include symbolic, abstract works of art, especially those that incorporate detailed designs and mystical symbols. The element of this Path is Water, and its hour is Sunset. An elf commonly Follows this Path between the ages of 180 and 240. Jaspree, Passion of Growth, guides Followers of this Path. The accepted Discipline is the Wizard.
The Follower of the Sage’s Path turns inward once more, finding the inner world far more complex than the outer one. The Follower begins to explore the inner connections between all things. Allowing them to see patterns and define truths once hidden. The cycles of nature become clear, and they begin to understand the true workings of the world. Revelations abound as the Follower perceives the hidden causes behind seemingly unconnected events. Along this Path, the elven spirit re-emerges and begins to move toward the center of the Wheel. Completing the Path of Sages is a deeply personal moment, but it is said those who complete this Path understand the things that must be and the things that may be, with the wisdom to tell the difference between the two.

Mes ti 'Raeghsa,君主之道


劇透 -   :
Mes ti’Raeghsa, The Path of Lords
The colors of the Path of Lords are silver, gold, and bronze. Favored regalia include embroidery and artwork of simple designs that include deeply significant personal symbols. The element of this Path is Wood, and all hours are sacred to it. An elf commonly treads this Path between the ages of 240 and 300. This Path belongs to Mynbruje, Passion of Justice, Compassion, Empathy, and Truth. All elves accept all Disciplines as associated with this Path.
The Follower of the Path of Lords achieves true harmony, bringing the body into balance with the mind. Having achieved mastery of themselves and the world they inhabit, all the world’s mysteries are the Follower’s to ponder and control as they seek the final balance of self and spirit. Once they have achieved this balance, the gates to the metaplanes will open, so that they may make the final journey to Tesrae ke’Mellakabal.
Mes ti’Raeghsa is a Path of great calm, but also of great power. The Follower uses all that they have learned to prepare themselves for entrance to the Citadel of the Shining Ones. One cannot know when the gates to Tesrae ke’Mellakabal will open and beckon, so the Follower must always be ready. When their spirit is taken from its physical vessel, the Follower has completed his Journey along the Wheel.
« 上次编辑: 2021-09-26, 周日 19:45:34 由 铃木•幻影•圣骑士 »

离线 Knightblaze

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Re: 【EN】4E精灵国家第二章:精灵历史,精灵的灵魂信仰
« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-09-26, 周日 19:39:20 »



劇透 -   :
On Rituals Associated with Death
Where many races regard death as a tragedy to be spoken of only when necessary, elves believe the spirit of a fallen elf lives on in another form. For this reason, elves speak often and with joy of their dead brethren. Though elves do see sadness in death, the sorrow is for the living, who will miss the physical presence of the loved one who has gone before. It is a gentle grief and carries no fear of death with it.
Many aged elves anticipate their deaths and spread word of their impending demise, so their families and friends may gather and prepare. It is customary for the dying elf to make a gift of one of their pattern items to someone in the youngest generation of their family. This gifting symbolizes the faith the oldest generations place in the youngest to uphold elven traditions and customs. A young elf who receives such a gift regards it as a precious heirloom. To lose it, or worse, cast it aside, is a fearsome omen of calamity.
Since the passing of the first Queen Melyora (p. 15), the passing of any elf is followed by the Ritual of Everlife. The ritual takes place at midnight, in a place far from any habitation. Each participant holds a single, darkened source of light. Beginning with the mate of the deceased (or their closest living relative) each participant shares a favorite memory of the departed. As each speaks, they activate their light source. Once all have spoken, the mate steps into the center of the softly glowing ring of light and speaks of the tales of the deceased they will share with others, and which heirlooms the deceased has chosen to pass on to their descendants. Once the mate has finished speaking, all extinguish their lights as they speak aloud the deceased’s Name in unison. In the renewed darkness, all participants leave the ritual site, none speaking a word to another until the dawn.
« 上次编辑: 2021-09-26, 周日 19:42:23 由 铃木•幻影•圣骑士 »