作者 主题: 凯博尔 Khyber  (阅读 6677 次)

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凯博尔 Khyber
« 于: 2019-12-07, 周六 21:25:19 »
     每当有人降入世界表面以下时,他们就会进入凯博尔。 但是,地下世界以两种截然不同的形式存在。一种是自然界域,是由石头和土壤形成的隧道和洞穴网络。这些通道黑暗且危险,但它们正是您期望在地下世界中找到的。这些通道可能是食腐虫,巨甲虫或狗头人氏族的家园。但是这些平凡的洞穴终究遵循着自然规律。
    这些联系以多种方式影响着世界。黑暗势力可以在世界任何地方崛起,从一个先前未知的通往凯博尔的传送门汹涌而出。 这一事实决定了银焰教会的主要使命:随时准备捍卫无辜者免受这种非自然的威胁。由于半位面是随机连接到世界的,所以当您冒险进入深处时,您永远不会知道会发现什么。下水道中新开的裂缝可能是地面上一个完全平凡的洞,也可能是通向喀尔的深渊森林的通道。
    这些联系以多种方式影响着世界。黑暗势力可以在世界任何地方崛起,从一个先前未知的通往凯博尔的传送门汹涌而出。 这一事实决定了银焰教堂的主要使命:随时准备捍卫无辜者免受这种非自然的威胁。由于半位面是随机连接到世界的,所以当您冒险进入深处时,您永远不会知道会发现什么。下水道中新开的裂缝可能是地面上一个完全平凡的洞,也可能是通向喀尔的深渊森林的通道。
    凯博尔的诸多层面只在它们的怪异和致命方面有相似性。艾伯伦是自然世界;凯博尔则是邪魔和怪物之源和畸形的异变魔的领域。一些黄泉巨龙会的成员相信天堂就在内阳之谷Vale of the Inner Sun等待着他们,但别忘了这些会徒也认为惧噬体和夺心魔是美丽的生物。在成群的恶魔和异怪之中,奇妙的宝藏可能就在下面的世界中等待着被发现。
劇透 -   :
In Khyber, you could ...
• Fight mind flayers and armies of hideous aberrations.
• Discover a wondrous realm lit by an inner sun.
• Prevent a fiendish overlord from escaping its ancient prison.
The common creation myth contends that when the Progenitor Dragons fought, Eberron trapped Khyber in her coils and became the world, imprisoning her evil sibling in a living prison. Bound within the world, Khyber spawns demons and monsters to plague the children of Eberron. This might be myth and metaphor, but it's also a description of fact: there are worlds within the world, realms inhabited by aberrations, fiends, and all manner of monsters.
Any time someone descends below the surface of the world, they enter Khyber. But the underworld takes two very different forms. First is the natural realm, networks of tunnels and caverns formed from stone and soil. These passages are dark and dangerous, but they're exactly what you expect to find in an underground realm. Such passages might be home to carrion crawlers, giant beetles, or clans of kobolds. But ultimately these mundane caverns follow the laws of nature.
There's another aspect to Khyber: go deep enough and you find a seemingly endless array of demiplanes, each stranger than the last. When descending into a chasm, you could find a labyrinth inhabited by demons or discover a realm consisting of the guts of a colossal living creature. Anything is possible in Khyber, and these "worlds within" are home to all manner of terrors. The demiplanes of Khyber are not concretely tied to the world above. You could discover a passage in Breland that leads into a disturbing subterranean swampfilled with oozes and slimes. After traveling what seems
to be a few miles, you might emerge from a different tunnel in Xen'drik, half a world away from where you began.
The Mror Holds demonstrate this mystery. Over the past century, the dwarves discovered a vast subterranean kingdom within the Ironroot Mountains. Most of these halls rest in the natural layers of Khyber. The halls connect to one another in logical cartographic order. But as the ancient dwarves dug deeper, they opened passages into the unnatural realms and unleashed the hordes of the daelkyr Dyrrn the Corruptor. Passages to Dyrrn's realm also exist in the Shadow Marches, on the opposite side of Khorvaire. The Corruptor's domain doesn't necessarily stretch across the entire world; the portals to the worlds within defy natural law. These connections impact the world in a number of ways. Dark forces can rise anywhere in the world, bursting out of a previously unknown portal to Khyber. This fact dictates the primary mission of the Church of the Silver Flame: to stand ready to defend the innocent from
such unnatural threats. Because the demiplanes connect to the world at random, you never know what you might find when you venture into the depths. A newly opened chasm in the sewers could be an entirely mundane hole in the ground, or it could be a passage to the Abyssal Forests of Khar.
The many layers of Khyber share similarity only in their strangeness and deadliness. Eberron is the natural world; Khyber is the source of fiends and monstrosities and the domain of the alien daelkyr. Some cults of the Dragon Below believe that paradise awaits them in the Vale of the Inner Sun, but such cultists also consider gibbering mouthers and mind flayers to be creatures of beauty. Wondrous treasures might wait in the worlds below amid hordes of demons and aberrations.
    凯博尔是一个永远存在的威胁。任何较深的通道都可能连接到邪魔的国度,也可以喷涌出一支异怪大军。尽管这种威胁确实存在,但通往凯博尔的传送门非常罕见,并且一旦它们被发现就会保持稳定。如果您只是在地面上挖了一个洞,那么您最终到达内阳之谷的几率是极其微小的。如果费尔黑文的下水道中存在通往凯博尔的传送门,则它很有可能早已被发现。 当您探索以前从未有人去过的通道时,请务必当心潜在的风险。现在,费尔黑文的下水道可能很安全,但是如果地震打开新的竖井或一群邪教徒深入挖掘,以前未知的通往凯博尔的通道可能被发现。只要有通向凯博尔的通道被开辟,怪物和黑暗力量就会从中崛起,威胁地上世界。
    黄泉巨龙会与凯博尔有千丝万缕的联系。有些服从异怪或与狰狞异变怪和嶙峋异变怪(请参阅第6章)并肩作战。 其他人则可能无意地通过释放地下世界中的东西来威胁社区:不自然的疾病,邪恶的恶魔或奇怪且令人上瘾的药物。在处理这种邪教时,问题不仅在于如何制止他们目前的阴谋,还在于如何密封通道或防止其构成持续的威胁。
    凯博尔的宝藏有很多种形式:异变魔创造了包括共生体(请参阅第5章)在内的活体工具,但是任何魔法物品都可以以有机创造物的形式呈现:江湖骗子的活体斗篷会将其穿戴者传送到疯狂之位面;还有用几丁质和肌肉制成,类似于蝎子尾刺的剧毒匕首;一颗由异变魔贝拉希拉制作的水晶球看起来像一只巨大的眼睛,它会将遥远地方的景象直接投射到使用者的脑海中。从邪魔控制的半位面中回收的物品可能是用常见的材料制成的,但它们的外观无不显露出其邪恶本质,例如产自喀尔深渊森林Abyssal Forest of Khar的窃命剑是由锯齿状的发黑的钢铁制成的,它那阴影笼罩的剑刃每次吸取血液时都会发出饥饿的呻吟。
d10 凯博尔的饰品
1  一朵压过的花,有生动传神的绿色花瓣。当您闻到它的气味时,会听到一段诡异的音乐。
2  一个微小的油灰球; 如果将其放下,它会开始缓慢爬行。
3  一片黑铁碟子,永远是温暖的。
4  一本书页由皮革制成的小日记; 您在其中写的任何文字都会慢慢消失。
5  一个四面骰子,刻有奇怪的标记。
6  一颗宝石,带有未知物种的剪影。
7  一根保存完好的的有四个关节的紫色手指。
8  一颗保存完好的眼睛;如果将其放下,它会旋转以跟随您的运动。
9  一个小盒子;当它被打开时,会发出只有您一个人能听到的尖叫。
10  一只保存完好的昆虫;您之前从未见过另一只这样的。
劇透 -   :
In Khorvaire, you might ...
Find a way to close a passage to Khyber before a horde of horrors emerges from it.
• Battle a mind flayer that has established a cult in the sewers.
• Stop the spread of a deadly drug or strange disease flowing from a well tied to Khyber.
Khyber is an ever-present threat. Any deep passage could connect to a realm of fiends or spew out an army of aberrations. Despite the magnitude of this threat, portals to Khyber are very rare, and they are stable once found. If you dig a hole in the ground, the odds that you'll eventually reach the Vale of the Inner Sun are infinitesimal. And if a portal to Khyber existed in the sewers of Fairhaven, odds are good that it would already have been discovered. The risk arises when you're exploring passages where no one has gone before. The sewers of Fairhaven might be safe today, but if an earthquake opens a new shaft or a group of cultists digs deeper, a previously unknown passage to Khyber could be uncovered. Wherever a passage to Khyber appears, monsters and dark powers can rise up to threaten the world above. Cults of the Dragon Below often have ties to Khyber.
Some serve aberrations or fight alongside dolgrims and dolgaunts (see chapter 6). Others can unintentionally threaten a community by releasing something from the underworld: an unnatural disease, a malevolent demon, or a strange and addictive drug. In dealing with such a cult, the question is not only how to stop their current machinations, but how to seal the passage or prevent it from posing an ongoing threat. Treasures from Khyber can take many forms. The daelkyr create living tools, including symbionts (see chapter 5), but any magic item could be presented as an organic creation: a living cloak of the mountebank that teleports its wearer through the plane of madness; a dagger of venom made from chitin and muscle, similar to a scorpion's barb; a crystal ball made by the daelkyr Belashyrra that looks like a giant eye, casting visions of distant places directly into the wielder's mind. Items recovered from fiendish demiplanes might be constructed from standard materials but have a sinister aspect or appearance, such as a sword of life stealing from the Abyssal Forest of Khar made of jagged, blackened steel. Shadows trail the blade, and it issues a hungry moan any time it draws blood.
dlO Trinket
1 A pressed flower with vivid green petals; when you smell it, you hear eerie music
2 A tiny ball of putty; if you set it down, it begins to slowly crawl around
3 A perpetually warm disk of dark iron
4 A small journal with leathery pages; any words you write in it slowly disappear
5 A four-sided die carved with strange markings
6 A cameo with the silhouette of an unknown species
7 A preserved finger with purple flesh and four joints
8 A perfectly preserved eye; if you set it down, it rotates to follow your movement
9 A small box; when opened, you alone hear screaming
10 A preserved insect; you've never seen another like it
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-25, 周三 21:53:00 由 PAX-12 »