作者 主题: [Occult Adventures]灵脉  (阅读 9564 次)

副标题: Chapter 6: Occult Locations - Ley Lines

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[Occult Adventures]灵脉
« 于: 2015-11-15, 周日 11:45:56 »

由灵脉所裹挟的精神印记能够在文化和心理的层面上影响聚居于其路径之上的人们。这种联动能让千里之外,甚至彼此被位面所隔绝的文明以相似的模式演化发展。建于灵脉两端的城镇的街道布置也许完全一致(或者是互为镜影)和类似的历史。住在一条灵脉附近的艺术家也许会在潜意识中将自己的创意传递给另一个位面上的同行,最终的结果便是相互独立却又一致的设计。假如灵脉跨越位面,则有可能带来另一个位面的影响。这意味着假如一个从未同异界生物接触过的地区出现了神魔裔,在某种程度上,灵脉才是起因。这种效应也能够传递术士的魔力,精神异能,和其他的魔法现象,譬如作祟和地域精魂(Loci Spirits,见226页)。

在自然状态下,灵脉是一条无法察觉的流动的能量。搜寻灵脉需要用到能够侦测灵脉所散发的魔法能量的技能和法术。侦测魔法(Detect Magic)能揭示其作用范围内是否存在可触及的灵脉。和魔法物品一样,灵脉的灵光强度由其施法者等级决定。真知术(True Seeing)揭示范围内所有可触及的灵脉——它们看起来像紧密压缩在一起的飘忽不定的能量流。灵脉的颜色象征着其整体的能量级别。施法者等级为1的灵脉是深紫色,而施法者等级为20的灵脉则是深赤色。施法者等级在1到20之间的灵脉颜色与色谱对应(最开始是紫色,再到蓝,绿,黄,橙,最后是红色)。一些预言魔法,比如异界探知(Contact Other Plane),预言术(Divination)和通神术(Commune)能够缩小灵脉所在地的范围。此外,通晓传奇(Legend Lore)能提供关于一条已知灵脉的信息。神秘技能解放,例如探宝(Dowsing,见195页)也能在长途跋涉中侦测灵脉的走向,可以用来寻找一条灵脉可触及的部分。

灵脉可用部分引发的大多数现象都不会主动显现,因此极易忽略。异界能量,精神印记,还有其他被灵脉吸取的力量从其中渗入土地,改变了当地的生命进程。能够施展法术或者类法术能力的生物能够试着汲取100呎内可用灵脉的能量。灵脉每具有2级施法者等级,这个过程就需要消耗1小时,并且要求进行一个DC为20+灵脉施法者等级的法术辨识检定。成功意味着这个生物已经和该灵脉同调,其所有法术和类法术能力的有效施法者等级+1。灵脉的施法者等级每提高5级,这个加值就多+1,最大为+5。这种加值有时候只对特定的法术和类法术能力有效,具体取决于灵脉的类型。比如一座巨大火山上的灵脉可能只在具有火焰描述符的法术和类法术能力上提供加值。对鬼婆和其他有战团(Coven)能力的生物,只要战团中有至少一名成员与灵脉同调且所有成员都在同调者周围10呎内,则全员都能获得同调的加值。一些灵脉还会赐予同调者其他特殊能力,比如额外的法术,类法术能力,或者其他超自然能力。一旦一个生物成功同调,只要不被解除,这种联系就会永久持续。解除魔法(Dispel Magic)以及类似的效果能够斩断一个生物和一条灵脉的联系,施法者必须通过DC为11+灵脉施法者等级的施法者等级检定。当同调生物在灵脉100呎以外时无法获得好处,但是一旦进入范围内则重新获得同调的益处。随着时间的流逝,灵脉也可能受损。极端的魔法力量或者其他重大的变故能够伤害灵脉。这种损伤可能会导致一个超自然的创口,让灵脉的魔力向周边的环境逸散。由于灵脉巨大的规格和宏伟的力量,损坏或者摧毁灵脉是非常困难的。即使是最弱的灵脉也能抵御绝大多数物理和魔法上的攻击,不过极强的力量还是能影响它们。法师裂解术(Mage’s Disjunction)有可能摧毁灵脉,不过施法者必须通过DC为20+灵脉施法者等级的施法者等级检定。如果这么做,施法者立刻受到每灵脉施法者等级2d6点伤害(无豁免)。此外,灵脉毁灭时,所有和灵脉同调且能够受益的生物也要受到每灵脉施法者等级1d6点瘀伤。灵脉每具有一个施法者等级,其毁灭就有1%的可能在被毁灵脉周边半径100呎的范围内形成一个永久的反魔法力场(Antimagic Field)。另外,假如法师裂解术的施法者造成了这个反魔法力场,则施法者需要通过一个DC25的意志豁免,否则将永远失去所有施法能力。这些能力无法经由凡人的魔法恢复,甚至神迹术(Miracle)和祈愿术(Wish)也不行。

劇透 -   :
Researchers into the occult theorize that all the worlds of the Material Plane and the planes beyond are alive. While the exact measure of life and consciousness the universe exhibits is debated, attempts to quantify this cosmic biology point toward the phenomenon of ley lines as proof. Ley lines are conduits of magical energy that traverse all known corners of creation, serving the same function as the veins and arteries of living creatures. These conduits, connecting geographical and cosmological features both great and small, grant knowledge and power to those who tap into them.
Qualities of Ley Lines
A ley line carries raw magical energy along with psychic impressions and other ambient energy its absorbs from its surroundings. This causes ley lines to seed magical effects, subconscious thoughts, and other supernatural phenomena along their paths, and sometimes creates unusual supernatural effects.
Psychic impressions carried down ley lines can impact the cultural and psychological growth of peoples living along the path of a ley line. Such alignments can cause two civilizations separated by thousands of miles—or even separated by planar boundaries—to evolve along similar developmental paths. Towns built on opposite ends of a ley line may have identical (or sometimes mirrored) street plans and similar histories. Artists living near a ley line may unconsciously convey their ideas to other artists on other planes, creating instances of parallel design. When a ley line penetrates planes, it can carry influences from one plane into another, making ley lines partially responsible for the appearance of tief lings and aasimars in bloodlines that had no prior history of contact with outsiders. This effect is also responsible for some of the propagation of sorcerous power, psychic powers, and other unusual magical phenomena such as haunts and loci spirits (see page 226).
Like the arteries of a circulatory system, ley lines come in many different sizes. The larger a ley line, the more capacity it has to carry magical energy. The size of a given ley line can change over time, however, and may vary at different points along its length. The size of a ley line generally impacts the strength and kinds of power that can be drawn from it by spellcasters. Ley lines have an effective caster level ranging from 1 to 20 that represents the overall strength of the ley line and determines the power of effects associated with it.
Finding Ley Lines
A ley line’s natural state is as an imperceptible current of energy. Finding a ley line requires the use of a skill or spell that can detect the magical energy a ley line radiates. Detect magic can locate the presence of an accessible portion of a ley line within its area of effect and uses the ley line’s effective caster level to determine its aura’s strength as if the ley line were a magic item. True seeing reveals all accessible ley lines within its area of effect— they appear as ghostly bundles of tightly packed streams of energy. The color of a ley line is representative of its overall power level. Ley lines with a caster level of 1 are a dark violet color, while ley lines with a caster level of 20 are deep red. Ley lines with caster levels between 1 and 20 range across the color spectrum as appropriate (starting with violet and continuing to blue, green, yellow, orange, and finally red). Divination magic such as contact other plane, divination, and commune can help narrow down the location of a ley line. Additionally, legend lore can help reveal information about a known ley line. Occult skill unlocks such as dowsing (see page 195) can also help detect the presence of ley lines over long distances, which can be quite useful in locating an accessible portion of a ley line.
Because of ley lines’ ability to pick up ambient energy, some local effects can cause portions of a ley line to become visible. For example, in areas of wild magic, an extant ley line may manifest as a shimmering river of rainbow-hued light constantly shifting through the color spectrum, while locations with a powerful presence of negative energy might cause a ley line to appear as a tendril of darkness that bleeds an ephemeral black smoke tinged with red light.
Ley lines do not generally move from location to location. While the exact paths they take may drift over the course of millennia or eons, these changes are largely unnoticed by all but the longest-lived races. As such, the discovery of a ley line can impact a region for millennia and draw attention from those seeking to exploit the ley line’s power. Civilizations that discover ley lines sometimes mark the locations in which their power is most easily accessible by erecting monuments such as menhir circles or obelisks. These sites are typically used to perform rituals or other functions that tap into the latent power of a ley line to enhance spellcasting. A powerful wizard might build his tower atop a particularly strong ley line, a druidic sect might construct a menhir circle nearest to where a ley line touches the ground, or an ancient dragon might build its mountaintop lair as close to a ley line in the sky as possible. Accurate maps and charts depicting the paths and intersections of ley lines are reliable for centuries or more and can reveal nodes of power across worlds and planes.
Using Ley Lines
While a ley line can range from hundreds to thousands of miles long or more, most portions of a ley line are only faintly visible to powerful magic, and their power is inaccessible. However, spellcasters can tap into rare sites where the power of ley lines is concentrated, or where ley lines cross, to increase their power. These sites can be of any size, ranging from a tiny cave under a great mountain to an entire mountain range.
Most of the effects generated by a ley line’s accessible portions are passive and easy to miss. Planar energy, psychic impressions, and other collected powers bleed out into the land and influence the development of local life. A creature capable of casting spells or using spell-like abilities can attempt to tap into an accessible segment of a ley line within 100 feet. Doing so takes 1 hour per 2 caster levels of the ley line and requires a Spellcraft check with a DC equal to 20 + the ley line’s caster level. Success indicates the creature is attuned to the ley line and gains a +1 bonus to its effective caster level for all spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 caster levels of the ley line, to a maximum of +5. Depending on the nature of the ley line convergence, this bonus may apply only to certain spells and spell-like abilities. For instance, a ley line convergence atop a great volcano might apply its bonus only to spells and spell-like abilities with the f ire descriptor. Hags or other creatures with the coven ability benef it from the bonus of ley line attunement so long as at least one member of the coven is attuned to the ley line and all coven members are within 10 feet of an attuned creature. Some ley lines also grant creatures attuned to them special abilities such as bonus spells, spell-like abilities, or other supernatural effects. Once a creature is attuned to a ley line, the bond is permanent unless dispelled. Dispel magic and similar effects can break a creature’s attunement to a ley line; the caster attempting to break the attunement must succeed at a caster level check with a DC equal to 11 + the caster level of the ley line. When an attuned creature is more than 100 feet from the ley line, it gains no benef it from the attunement, but the benef its return when it is once again in proximity.
Ley lines can become damaged over the course of time, whether by extreme magical forces or other monumental events. Damage in this manner can cause a supernatural bruise that bleeds out into the location surrounding a ley line. Harming or destroying ley lines is difficult, given their monumental size and power. Even the weakest of ley lines are impervious to most physical and magical attacks, though great forces can exert influence over them. Mage’s disjunction can potentially destroy a ley line, though this task requires the caster to succeed at a caster level check with a DC equal to 20 + the ley line’s caster level. Doing so immediately deals 2d6 points of damage per caster level of the ley line (no saving throw) to the caster. Additionally, all creatures attuned to the ley line and able to benefit from attunement take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per caster level of the ley line when it is destroyed. There is a 1% chance per caster level of the ley line that its destruction creates a permanent antimagic field with a radius of 100 feet per caster level of the destroyed ley line. Furthermore, the caster of mage’s disjunction who creates an antimagic field in this way must succeed at a DC 25 Will save or permanently lose all spellcasting abilities. These abilities cannot be recovered by mortal magic, not even via miracle or wish.
« 上次编辑: 2015-11-15, 周日 11:50:11 由 EarendilHelluin »