作者 主题: 【BotD+?】内在之语——哈艮地(Haagenti, The Whispers Within)  (阅读 13232 次)

副标题: 源自所罗门王第48位的魔神,其形为生着鹫翼的公牛。可令人聪慧,有点石成金,化水为酒的能力。


  • 犭良人
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混亂邪惡 男性恶魔领主 职权為煉金、發明、轉化


领域  手藝、混亂、邪惡、力量
连接子域 炼金(手藝)、構裝、惡魔(混亂)、惡魔(邪惡)、決意、自我完善(力量)、疲累
偏好武器 戰斧
邪徽 賢者之石
神殿 鑄造廠、實驗室、圖書館
信徒 殘酷成性的煉金術士、卓爾精靈、非狼型兽化人、变型者
仆从  魔像(尤其是那些通過异能煉金手段獲得少许智力的存在)、魔法兽、泥怪、猎魔蛛、戰狂蜂、其它深淵构装体
圣兽 牛
宗教色 金色、鉛灰色

遵从仪式 通过以下的步驟来練習化鉛為金的神圣实验。此过程一般須要一份賢者之石(philosopher’s stone),但在遵从仪式里,你能以鉛代替任何材料——仪式的重点是转化实验的行為动作,而非其真正的功能。你在通过变化系效果的豁免检定+4褻瀆加值。


第1神恩 血肉里的真理(Truth in the Flesh, Sp):变巨术(Enlarge Person) 每天3次、變身術(Alter Self) 每天2次、或野獸形態I(Beast Shape I) 每天1次
第2神恩 變身(Transformation, Sp):每天1次,你能以类法术能力施展延時轉變術(Extended Transformation)
第3神恩 型態之主(Master of Shapes, Su):你獲得變形亞種。你的身体能立即減輕受到的攻击,这给予你免疫重击和偷襲(视為普通攻击)。当你受到變形效果影響时,你能治療4d8点伤害。



第1神恩 見習賢者(Novice Philosopher, Sp):治療輕傷(Cure Light Wounds) 每天3次、次等復原術(lesser restoration) 每天2次、或治療重傷(Cure Serious Wounds) 每天1次
第2神恩 變態(Altered State, Su):有传言指哈艮地在時间之初向第一批煉金術師介紹了突變藥劑的概念。不論这傳說是真是假,你对內在之語的信仰与崇拜賜予你創造突變藥劑的能力,如同你的HD-4的煉金術師(最大為20级)。若你已能創造突變藥劑,那你由此刻起創造的任何突變藥劑不再在屬性上承受減值;此外,任何突變藥劑提供的屬性加值額外+2。
第3神恩 不朽化學家(Immortal Chymist, Su ):你已完全掌握了哈艮地的神聖實驗的傳奇技術。你的身体不再生理上老化(但你仍能獲得心理上的加值),而你不会死于衰老。若你已是中年或更老,你的身体將煥發青春——你保留你的心理上的加值但失去生理上因老化產生的減值。每天,当你执行遵从仪式时,你会創造少量的神秘水银;若与治療重傷葯水(Potion of Cure Serious Wounds)混合,它將变成生命靈油(Oil of life)。跟使用賢者之石(philosopher’s stone)所創造的一样[註:在煉金术士职业中叫生命靈藥(Elixir of life)],若此油洒在死屍上(标準动作),它將如同完全復生術(True Resurrection)一般复活死亡生物。另外,此水银能將1磅的鉛转化成黃金(最多價值50gp)。此水银在24小时后或下次执行遵从仪式时失去力量。


第1神恩 血肉里的真理(Truth in the Flesh, Sp):变巨术(Enlarge Person) 每天3次、變身術(Alter Self) 每天2次、或野獸形態I(Beast Shape I) 每天1次
第2神恩 變身(Transformation, Sp):每天1次,你能以类法术能力施展延時轉變術(Extended Transformation)
第3神恩 型態之主(Master of Shapes, Su):你獲得變形亞種。你的身体能立即減輕受到的攻击,这给予你免疫重击和偷襲(视為普通攻击)。当你受到變形效果影響时,你能治療4d8点伤害。


第1神恩 炼金术的軍備( Armaments, Sp):重壓之刃(Lead Blades) 每天3次、煉金反芻 (Alchemical Allocation) 每天2次、或武器幻化(Versatile Weapon) 每天1次
第2神恩 戰爭推動創造(Inventive Warfare, Ex):你视任何武器為你的擅長武器。任何影響你並专门适用于戰斧(例如武器专攻或衛道者的神賜武器職業能力)或斧武器組(例如战士的武器訓練職業能力)的专長或效果都能作用于你持有任何武器。此外,以一个迅捷动作,你能在一轮內给予你持有的武器下列武器特性之一:迎擊、卸武、瘀傷、長武、絆摔。
第3神恩 糅骨轧钢(Adaptive Flesh and Twisting Steel, Sp):你能变形為最有效的战争机器,并且你的装备依然可以准备齐全。当你使用任何变形效果时,你的装备会转变为在你的新形态下生效所需的状态(包括幽冥获得类似的魔法效果)。每天1次,你能施形體變化(Shapechange)。此外,增加類人形態IV(Monstrous Physique IV)亡靈形態IV(Undead Anatomy IV)蟲類形態II(Vermin Shape II)至此形體變化(Shapechange)的形態之中。



劇透 -  原文:
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 320
Pathfinder Wiki Haagenti
Alignment CE
Pantheon Demon Lords
Areas of Concern Alchemy, invention, transformation
Domains Artifice, Chaos, Evil, Strength
Subdomains Alchemy (Artifice), Construct, Demon (Chaos), Demon (Evil), Resolve, Self-Realization (Strength), Toil
Favored Weapon Battleaxe
Symbol Philosopher's stone
Sacred Animal(s) Bull
Sacred Color(s) Gold, lead gray

Practice the Divine Experiment by following the procedure to transmute lead into gold; this process normally requires a philosopher’s stone, but for this obedience, the thaumaturge can substitute any material for lead—it’s not the actual transmutation that functions as the obedience, but the act of going through the motions. Gain a +4 profane bonus against transmutation effects.
Source Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 16
1: Truth in the Flesh (Sp) enlarge person 3/day, alter self 2/day, or beast shape I 1/day
2: Transformation (Sp) Extended transformation once per day.
3: Master of Shapes (Su) You gain the shapechanger subtype. Your body can react instantaneously to mitigate attacks, granting immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks (which are treated as normal attacks). Whenever you are affected by a polymorph effect, you heal 4d8 points of damage.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 56
1: Novice Philosopher (Sp) cure light wounds 3/day, lesser restoration 2/day, or cure serious wounds 1/day
2: Altered State (Su) It is said that Haagenti introduced the concept of mutagens to the first alchemists at the dawn of time. Regardless of the veracity of this legend, your worship and faith in the Whispers Within grants you the ability to create a mutagen, as per an alchemist of a level equal to your Hit Dice – 4 (maximum 20th level). If you could already create mutagens, any mutagen you create from this point onward no longer applies its penalties to ability scores; in addition, any ability score increased by your mutagen increases by an additional 2 points.
3: Immortal Chymist (Su) You have mastered the legendary techniques of Haagenti’s Divine Experiment. Your body no longer physically ages (although you continue to accrue mental bonuses), and you don’t die from old age. If you were middle-aged or older, your body returns to its prime— you retain your mental bonuses but lose any penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution gained from advanced age. Each day, when you perform your obedience, you create a small amount of mystic quicksilver; if mixed with a potion of cure serious wounds, it creates a dose of oil of life. Just like that created by a philosopher’s stone, if this oil is sprinkled over a dead body (a standard action), it revives the dead creature as per true resurrection. Alternatively, the quicksilver can be used to convert up to 1 pound of lead into gold (worth a maximum of 50 gp). This quicksilver loses its potency after 24 hours or when you next perform your obedience.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 56
1: Truth in the Flesh (Sp) enlarge person 3/day, alter self 2/day, or beast shape I 1/day
2: Transformation (Sp) You can cast extended transformation as a spell-like ability once per day.
3: Master of Shapes (Su) You gain the shapechanger subtype. Your body can react instantaneously to mitigate attacks, granting you immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks (which are treated as normal attacks). Whenever you are affected by a polymorph effect, you regain 4d8 hit points.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 56
1: Alchemical Armaments (Sp) lead blades 3/day, alchemical allocation 2/day, or versatile weapon 1/day
2: Inventive Warfare (Ex) You can treat any weapon as if you were proficient with it. Any feats or effects you have that apply specifically to battleaxes (such as Weapon Focus or the sentinel’s symbolic weapon class feature) or to the axe weapon group (such as the fighter’s weapon training class feature) apply to any weapon you wield. In addition, as a swift action, you can grant weapons you wield one of the following special weapon features for 1 round: brace, disarm, nonlethal, reach, or trip.
3: Adaptive Flesh and Twisting Steel (Sp) You can transform into whatever form is most efficient for the battle ahead, and your tools remain ready for use. Whenever you use any polymorph effect, all of your equipment is altered in whatever manner necessary to function with your new form (including functioning as ghost touch or similar magical effects). You can use shapechange once per day. In addition, add monstrous physique IV, undead anatomy IV, and vermin shape II to the list of spells that shapechange spells you cast can function as.

Many believe that Haagenti, known in some circles as the Whispers Within (a conceit some inventors and alchemists liken to a form of external but mysterious muse that manifests as soft voices in the back of the mind) is among the least destructive and most reasonable of the demon lords. Of course, this impression is largely smoke and mirrors, for Haagenti is as cruel and sadistic as any demon lord. He simply masks his evil through alchemical creations and wondrous inventions that, while seeming beneficial, subtly influence the development of a society toward destruction. Transmuting lead to gold may seem like a financial miracle, but applied too often, it can destroy a nation’s or even a world’s economy. The power to bring back the dead may seem like the ultimate mercy, but most beings restored to life via Haagenti’s gifts end up as sadists or demon-worshiping villains. The greatest secret he has revealed to mortals is the method of transmuting lead into gold using a philosopher’s stone (a revelation he granted the wizardly rulers of ancient Thassilon—that these rulers went on to become cruel and sadistic tyrants
can be no mere coincidence), but he is the author of other secrets as well, such as the method of creating retrievers and the principles underlying drow fleshwarping. Scholars believe Haagenti has been responsible for guiding many of humanity’s greatest minds to discover new methods of inflicting destruction and pain on each other.
Haagenti has myriad forms and can change his appearance at will. He often appears as an especially attractive member of whatever race he interacts with, particularly in a shape that others will find seductive or pleasing to be around. Regardless of his form, he maintains a dark sense of humor and irony, incorporating some unsettling feature to reflect his demonic nature and mock the form he took. This could be obvious: horns, a hoofed foot, or demonic wings; it could instead be something more subtle, such as eyelids that blink sideways, fingernails on the undersides of his fingers, or a navel in the small of his back. In such cases, he might take pains to hide his “defect,” only to reveal the truth after a victim has profited from the nefarious secrets Haagenti revealed.
The closest thing that Haagenti has to a true form is that of a demonic, winged, bull-like monster, but he appears in this form only in battle. When he manifests as a bull, Haagenti’s toxic breath has the power to violently transform the flesh and bone of his victims, turning them into pain-riddled fleshwarps that find relief from their constant agony only when they are directly following Haagenti’s whispered demands. Haagenti’s axe-bladed horns can penetrate all defenses, transmuting into silver as needed to strike against devils or into adamantine against golems. But despite his ferocity on the battlefield, it is his ability to whisper telepathically that may be his most destructive power—for this is how Haagenti plants the seeds of innovation and inspires even the most mild-mannered of tinkerers to create deadly and cruel devices.
Enabling thinkers who pursue theories despite the devastation their ideas might engender in the world is the greatest of Haagenti’s work in the realm of mortals. When Haagenti reveals his secrets to mortals, he chooses those who already have a penchant for cruelty. For example, the ability to cure disease at a touch might be a gift in the right hands, but Haagenti would give such a gift only to someone who he knows will charge great sums of money or demand humiliating favors for his gift.
Alternatively, Haagenti might grant the ability to create a magical oil that, when applied to the flesh, turns aside weapon blows, but he would gift this discovery to a sadistic warmonger who wants to inflict terror upon the land.
Haagenti’s realm in the Abyss is a labyrinth called Cerebulim, an immense collection of bestiaries, laboratories, libraries, torture chambers, and more. Underneath Cerebulim is a clockwork mechanism that Haagenti can manipulate to rearrange the chambers to suit his preferences, confusing and trapping any who venture therein.
« 上次编辑: 2018-12-10, 周一 10:45:33 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-12-09, 周日 12:09:53 »
魔族仪典(Fiendish Obedience )

当你獲得魔族仪典的神恩时,你一般獲得的是頌教者(Exalted)神恩。若你獲得罪惡使徒(Damned Disciple)或罪惡尖兵(Damned Soldier)专長时,你能選擇傳音者(Evangelist)或者衛道者(Sentinel)神恩。某些進階職業也可以改变獲得的神恩种类。一旦你選擇了一个神恩,你通常不能在日后改变獲得的神恩种类(除非在特定的進階職業中回溯性地改变你的神恩)。
恶魔狂信者(demoniac)、魔鬼大师(diabolist)、吮魂者(souldrinker)進階職業(看pg. 208-213)给予你在較低HD時即可獲得神恩。在这些职业中,你必需選擇你想要的神恩种类;一旦選擇,你就鎖定在那項种类中(而之前的神恩也会被回溯性地改变)。

罪惡使徒(Damned Disciple)

先決條件:魔族仪典(Fiendish Obedience )
專長效果:当你通过魔族仪典(Fiendish Obedience )专長獲得神恩时,你能選擇傳音者(Evangelist)或頌教者(Exalted)神恩,但在選擇后不能改变。此外,選擇兩个技能,你在此技能上獲得+2亵渎加值。

罪惡尖兵(Damned Soldier)

先決條件:魔族仪典(Fiendish Obedience )
專長效果:当你通过魔族仪典(Fiendish Obedience )专長獲得神恩时,你能選擇衛道者(Sentinel)或頌教者(Exalted)神恩,但在選擇后不能改变。此外,你在神祇偏好武器的伤害上獲得+1亵渎加值。

劇透 -  原文:
Fiendish Obedience
Your devotion to a fiendish patron (be it a deity, demigod, or quasi deity) is so great that daily prayer and minor sacrifices grant you special boons.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks; must worship a fiendish deity, demigod, or quasi deity (such as any of the entities presented in Chapter 1 of this book).
Benefit: Each fiend requires a different daily obedience, but all obediences take no more than 1 hour per day to perform. You can combine the ritual of obedience with the time needed to prepare your spellcasting for the day. Once you’ve performed an obedience, you gain the benefit of a special ability or defense as indicated in the “Obedience” entry for the fiend to whom you performed the obedience.
If you have at least 12 Hit Dice, upon undertaking your obedience, you also gain the first boon granted by your fiend. If you have at least 16 Hit Dice, you also gain the deity’s second boon. If you have 20 Hit Dice or more, you also gain the deity’s third boon. Unless a specific duration or number of uses per day is listed, a boon’s effects are constant.
When you gain boons from Fiendish Obedience, you typically gain that fiend’s exalted boons. If you take the Damned Disciple or Damned Soldier feat, you can choose instead to take a sentinel or evangelist boon as appropriate. Certain prestige classes also alter which category of boon you gain. Regardless, once you select a boon, you can’t normally change the type of boon you’ve selected at a later date (unless taking levels in a specific prestige class retroactively changes your boons).
The demoniac, diabolist, and souldrinker prestige classes (see pages 208–213) grant access to these boons at lower Hit Dice as a benefit of their prestige class. For each of these classes, you must select whether you want to take the evangelist, exalted, or sentinel boons; once you make that choice, you are locked in to that category of boon (and previous boon choices retroactively change as appropriate).
If you ever fail to perform a daily obedience, you lose all access to the benefits and boons granted by this feat until you next perform the obedience.

Your diverse experiences influence your choice of boons.
Prerequisite: Fiendish Obedience.
Benefit: When you gain boons through the Fiendish Obedience feat, you can choose an evangelist boon or an exalted boon, but once you select this boon, it can’t be changed. In addition, choose two skills; you gain a +2 profane bonus on checks with those skills.

Your favored boons reflect your martial predilections.
Prerequisite: Fiendish Obedience.
Benefit: When you gain boons through the Fiendish Obedience feat, you can choose a sentinel boon or an exalted boon, but once you select this boon, it can’t be changed. You gain a +1 profane bonus on weapon damage rolls with your god’s favored weapon.






劇透 -  原文:
With a Little Help From My Fiends
Thursday, September 15, 2017

With a thirst for the fiendish, subscribers have begun digging their claws into Pathfinder RPG Book of the Damned. What vile and wicked things might they find within its covers?

While much of the book contains information on the fiendish movers and shakers of the outer planes and their horrid and terrifying realms, I know that many of you want a glimpse at some of the rules found in the Book of the Damned. Some of the strongest fiends in the planes have risen to become fiendish divinities. This includes archdevils, demon lords, daemonic horsemen, and others. Fifty of these fiendish divinities receive full information on their fiendish boons that work with the Fiendish Obedience feat and the associated prestige classes. In addition, the demoniac, diabolist, and souldrinker have all been updated to work with these boons as well, and Book of the Damned includes a sidebar that provides additional guidance.

Fiendish Divinity Boons
The boons granted by fiendish divinities assume that characters gain them in one of two ways—via the Fiendish Obedience feat (see page 178) or via that feat plus one of the three prestige classes presented on pages 208-213. While the boons of each divinity are categorized into the same three categories of boons used in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods, the boons granted by deities in that book are less powerful, as they are more likely to be boons gained by PCs, and thus it’s more appropriate for them to be gained at earlier levels.

While the Hit Dice at which you gain boons via Fiendish Obedience or Deific Obedience (from Inner Sea Gods) are identical, the prestige classes in Inner Sea Gods (the evangelist, exalted, and sentinel) that allow accelerated boon achievement have lower entrance requirements than the prestige classes in this book. As a result, if you wish to use one of those three prestige classes for a character who wishes to gain the boons presented by one of the fiendish divinities in this book, increase the requirements for entry into evangelist, exalted, or sentinel so that a character must be 7th level before selecting the class, as summarized below.

Evangelist: Base attack bonus +7, 7 ranks in a skill other than Knowledge (religion), or ability to cast 4th-level spells.

Exalted: Diplomacy 7 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks, ability to cast 4th-level divine spells.

Sentinel: Base attack bonus +7.

The third chapter of Book of the Damned has more rules mechanics to help a GM run a game dripping with fiendish influence. It contains feats to help you add new and exciting abilities to your villains and fiends, spells and rituals to spice things up, information on infernal contracts, and evil magic items, talismans, and artifacts—including the Book of the Damned itself!

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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膜拜大佬,可惜文里没写这个恶魔领主的信徒聚集地是哪些地方… :em006


赐予  这片

P.S:官方介绍魔鬼大公的文章光我亲眼看见就有三篇了,可到现在论坛里也没人翻译…… :em016