作者 主题: 【第二章】德鲁伊变体职业  (阅读 18705 次)

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离线 灯泡powerbult

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« 于: 2016-08-15, 周一 23:54:30 »

死亡德鲁伊DEATH DRUID(德鲁伊变体)

  魅影 Phantom:死亡德鲁伊吸引着魅影,如同一个唤魂师(出自异能冒险OA)一般,不过她致力于将让这些魅影得到安息。死亡德鲁伊会不断努力寻找如何将她的魅影投胎转世的方法(通常是通过完成魅影生前未了之愿,由GM来决定)。如果她能成功这么做,她将无需付出任何代价获得新的魅影,通常是在之后的一周内。

  灵魂魔法 Soul Magic:死亡德鲁伊将以下法术加入到她的德鲁伊法术列表(使用下文给出的环级):0环-墓穴之语OA;1环-尸体圣化UM;2环-安抚魂魄OA,虚假生命,镇魂曲APG,灵能武器;3环-死者交谈;4环:作祟灵交谈ACG;5环:生命之息,呼唤魂魄OA,群体镇魂歌APG;6环-死亡法阵,亡者归亡。该能力取代自然智识和野性认同。

  抗死亡呼唤 Resist Death’s Call (Ex):4级起,死亡德鲁伊在对抗死亡效果,负能量和能力吸取的豁免骰获得+4加值。该能力取代抗自然诱惑。

  负能量免疫Negative Immunity (Su):9级起,死亡德鲁伊免疫负能量和能力吸取。该能力取代毒素免疫。


  退化伙伴Devolved Companion (Ex):退化学家的自然纽带只能选择动物伙伴,且必须选择一个退化的类人生物作为她的动物伙伴。退化伙伴使用猿动物伙伴的数据,但到了4级它的体型不会变为大型(它仍然获得其他所有4级进化的好处)该能力调整了自然纽带。

  反驯化Undomesticate (Su):4级起,退化学家能花费1分钟时间,把一只自愿或被束缚的被驯化的动物反驯化,将它变回野生动物,并让它失去之前学到的技巧。这只动物不再将任何类人生物视为朋友或盟友,并很乐意将它之前的玩伴撕碎当成食物。驯养动物对反驯化的生物不起作用,不过野性认同仍有作用。该能力不会对动物伙伴,特殊坐骑,或其他类似的生物生效;其他的特殊驯化动物则可以通过一个意志检定(DC=10+1/退化学家的德鲁伊等级+她的感知调整)来避免这个效果,检定成功则对该效果免疫24小时。虽然这个能力是瞬间生效的效果,破除结界、有限祈愿术、神迹术和祈愿术能反转其效果。该能力取代抗自然诱惑。

  退化Devolution (Sp):9级起,退化学家能进行一个持续24小时的仪式来不可逆地将一个类人生物或动物变为一种退化的野性状态。该效果没有豁免骰,但目标必须在仪式中出现并保持相对静止,这通常需要目标自愿或被束缚。

生命引导者LIFE CHANNELER (德鲁伊变体)


  植物保护Plant Preservation (Su):生命引导者必须选取植物领域作为她的自然纽带(若她愿意,也可选取滋长子域)。当她使用致命一击杀死一个智能类人生物(不能是召唤生物)时,她能以仪式性的方式进行这一击,使得以尸体为中心的区域受到丰沃版本的植物滋长影响。这种献祭是一个死亡效果。该能力调整了自然纽带。

  柳条护身符Wicker Talismans (Su):4级起,生命引导者获得了制造一系列能储存智能生命的能量并转化为她周围植物生长,健康与繁殖之力的柳条护身符。从1环开始,生命引导者在她能施展的每个法术环级上获得一个与之对应的柳条护身符。这些护身符起始状态为空的,但它们能储存生命能量。当生命引导者用致命一击仪式性地杀死了生物时,她能将生命能量存入1个护身符中,而非获得植物滋长效果。该生物的CR必须至少等于护身符对应的法术环级的2倍。例如,一个CR8的生物的生命能量最高能为对应4环法术的护身符提供能量。一个护身符要么为空要么为满;它不能储存超过一个生物的生命能量。生命引导者能消耗储存在一个护身符中的能量,来施展她对应环级的领域法术,而无需消耗法术位。

  蔓延滋长Rampant Growth: 4级起,生命引导者能通过她的献祭更加充分地滋养土地。当用致命一击仪式性地杀死一个生物来制造植物滋长的丰沃效果,或使用她其中一个护身符来施放植物滋长的的丰沃版本时,该效果的范围从半英里范围提升为1英里范围。到了8级,如果被献祭的生物CR至少为8,该效果持续3年而非1年。到了12级,如果被献祭的生物CR至少为12,该效果提升产量为正常的2/3,而非正常的1/3。这些效果叠加,只要被献祭生物的CR足够高。

  储存生命Stored Life:9级起,生命引导者在对智能类人生物使用致命一击时获得了第三个选择。如果目标的CR和生命引导者的职业等级一样高或更高,她能将这个生物的生命能量储存入自己体内。她同一时间只能拥有一个生物的生命能量。当她存有生命能量时,若她将被死亡效果造成了伤害或杀死,或获得了负向等级,或受到能量吸取时,她能无需任何动作地献祭储存的生命能量来无效那个效果。该能力取代毒素免疫。

劇透 -   :
The natural world is full of beauty, but it is equally a realm of horror, savagery, and death. Some druids call these darker places of nature home. They tend to wayward spirits and venerate the cycle of life and death, as well as seek to control that cycle themselves through baleful sacrifices, taking life to give new life.

DEATH DRUID (ARCHETYPE) Some druids believe that birth and death are the most important parts of the natural cycle. They focus on destroying undead and putting troubled souls to rest.

Phantom: A death druid attracts phantoms like a spiritualist (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 72), though she focuses her efforts on putting those phantoms to rest. A death druid is continually attempting to figure out how to send her phantom to the afterlife (usually by completing the phantom’s unfinished business as determined by the GM). If she is able to do so, she gains a new phantom with no additional effort on her part, sometime during the next week. At 1st level, she gains the spiritualist’s phantom and etheric tether class features; at 4th level, she gains the bonded manifestation class feature; and at 14th level, she gains the spiritual bond class feature. She does not gain any of the other spiritualist abilities related to phantoms. The death druid treats her druid level as her spiritualist level for these abilities. This ability replaces nature bond and wild shape.

Soul Magic: A death druid adds the following spells to her druid spell list at the given spell levels: 0—grave wordsOA; 1st—sanctify corpseUM; 2nd—calm spiritOA, false life, ghostbane dirgeAPG, spiritual weapon; 3rd—speak with dead; 4th—speak with hauntACG, spiritual allyAPG; 5th—breath of life, call spiritOA, mass ghostbane dirgeAPG; 6th—circle of death, undeath to death. This ability replaces nature sense and wild empathy.
Resist Death’s Call (Ex): At 4th level, a death druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against death effects, negative energy, and energy drain. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.
Negative Immunity (Su): At 9th level, a death druid is immune to negative energy and energy drain. This ability replaces venom immunity.

DEVOLUTIONIST (ARCHETYPE) Full of simmering hatred toward civilization and those who dwell within it, devolutionists believe that the world would be better off without any sentient life at all. They transform intelligent creatures and domesticated animals into throwbacks to their feral ancestors.
Devolved Companion (Ex): A devolutionist must choose a devolved humanoid as an animal companion for her nature bond. Use the stats for an ape animal companion, but at 4th level, the devolved humanoid doesn’t increase to size Large (it still gains all the other benefits at 4th level). This ability alters nature bond.

Undomesticate (Su): At 4th level, a devolutionist can spend 1 minute with a willing or restrained domesticated animal to undo the effects of domestication, transforming it into a wild animal and causing it to lose any tricks it knew. The animal no longer recognizes any humanoids as friends or allies and gladly tears former playmates apart for food. Handle Animal checks don’t work on an undomesticated creature, though wild empathy does. This ability doesn’t function on animal companions, special mounts, or the like, and other exceptional domesticated animals can attempt a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the devolutionist’s druid level + her Wisdom modifier) to negate the effect and become immune to it for 24 hours. Though this ability is instantaneous, break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, or wish can reverse the effects. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Devolution (Sp): At 9th level, a devolutionist can perform a 24-hour ritual to irrevocably transform a humanoid or animal into a devolved feral state. There is no saving throw, but the target must be present and stay relatively still for the entire ritual, which typically requires a willing or restrained target.

An affected humanoid’s Intelligence score is instantly reduced to 2; its type changes to animal; it loses all spellcasting and abilities that require intelligence; it can’t wield manufactured weapons; it gains two claw attacks and a bite attack (all dealing 1d4 points of damage for a Medium humanoid or 1d3 for Small humanoids); and it can’t use skills other than Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth, Survival, and Swim. An affected animal is undomesticated (see above) if applicable and then either gains the advanced template, except without any increases to mental ability scores, or becomes a dire version of the animal (if a dire version exists and at the GM’s discretion). The devolved creature starts out friendly toward the devolutionist, though it typically tries to kill and devour other sentient humanoids. The devolutionist has no special empathy or connection with a creature she devolves, and if it was her animal companion before, it ceases to be so. The druid can communicate her desires to a devolved creature using wild empathy. This ability counters and dispels awaken, and only awaken, miracle, or wish can reverse it. This ability replaces venom immunity.

LIFE CHANNELER (ARCHETYPE) Life channelers take the natural cycle to what they believe is its logical conclusion. By sacrificing the life of a sentient creature, they can generate energy that guarantees fertility and prosperity for lower creatures like plants and animals. These druids preach to flocks who become willing sacrifices, each serving as a “king” or “queen” for a short time after being chosen as the next sacrifice.

Alignment: In addition to a druid’s usual alignment requirements, a life channeler must be of a nongood alignment. If she becomes good, she can no longer take levels in the druid class or fill her wicker talismans (see below), but she otherwise keeps all her abilities. This alters the druid’s alignment requirements.

Plant Preservation (Su): A life channeler must choose the Plant domain with her nature bond (she can select the Growth subdomain if she wishes). When she performs a coup de grace that kills a sentient humanoid creature (not a summoned creature), she can do so ritualistically in order to affect the area centered on the body with the enrichment version of plant growth. The sacrifice is a death effect. This ability alters nature bond.

Wicker Talismans (Su): At 4th level, a life channeler gains a selection of wicker talismans that can store and convert the life energy of sentient creatures into the growth, health, and fertility of plants around her. The life channeler gains one wicker talisman corresponding to each level of druid spells she can cast, starting with 1st-level spells. These talismans are initially empty, but can hold life energy. When the life channeler ritualistically kills a creature with a coup de grace, she can store life energy in a talisman instead of gaining the plant growth effect. The creature must be of a CR equal to at least twice the spell level of the corresponding talisman. For instance, a CR 8 creature’s life energy could provide energy for a talisman holding up to a 4th-level spell. A talisman is either full or empty; it can’t hold more than one creature’s life energy. A life channeler can expend the energy stored in a talisman to cast her domain spell of the talisman’s level without expending a spell slot.
Starting at 6th level, a life channeler gathers a flock of willing sacrifices. This grants her the benefits of the Leadership feat, except that using a follower as a human sacrifice with this ability doesn’t cause the life channeler to take a penalty to her Leadership score. This ability
replaces wild shape

Rampant Growth: At 4th level, a life channeler can enrich the land more than usual with her sacrifices. When ritually killing a creature with a coup de grace for the plant growth enrichment effect or casting plant growth for the enrichment effect from one of her talismans, the effect has a range of 1 mile instead of a range of half a mile. At 8th level, if the sacrificed creature was at least CR 8, the effect lasts for 3 years instead of 1 year. At 12th level, if the sacrificed creature was at least CR 12, the effect increases productivity to two-thirds above
normal, instead of one-third above normal. These effects stack, assuming the creature is high enough CR.

Stored Life: At 9th level, a life channeler gains a third option when using a coup de grace on a sentient humanoid. If the victim had a CR at least as high as the life channeler’s class level, the life channeler can store the creature’s life energy in her body. She can have the life energy from only 1 creature in her body at a time. While she is storing life energy, if she would take damage or die from a death effect or if she would gain negative levels or take energy drain, she can sacrifice the stored energy to negate the effect without spending an action. This ability replaces venom immunity.
« 上次编辑: 2020-10-22, 周四 11:56:24 由 沉淪 »

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Re: 【HA】德鲁伊变体职业
« 回帖 #1 于: 2016-08-17, 周三 13:06:40 »

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Re: 【HA】德鲁伊变体职业
« 回帖 #2 于: 2016-08-18, 周四 14:56:16 »

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Re: 【HA】德鲁伊变体职业
« 回帖 #3 于: 2016-08-18, 周四 23:15:45 »

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Re: 【HA】德鲁伊变体职业
« 回帖 #4 于: 2016-08-19, 周五 12:57:43 »


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Re: 【HA】德鲁伊变体职业
« 回帖 #5 于: 2016-08-19, 周五 13:23:17 »


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Re: 【HA】德鲁伊变体职业
« 回帖 #6 于: 2016-08-20, 周六 18:31:08 »
