作者 主题: 【UCa】声望与名誉(Reputation and Fame)  (阅读 13128 次)

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【UCa】声望与名誉(Reputation and Fame)
« 于: 2013-10-04, 周五 03:51:38 »
声望与名誉(Reputation and Fame)
有3个因素会影响你的声望:名誉(Fame)、影响力范围(Sphere of Influence)、威望点(Prestige Points)。名誉的增加与降低取决于你的行为。你当前的名誉会判定你整体的声望以及能够将美名(若你是英雄角色)或恶名(对于邪恶角色)兑现的最高程度。影响力范围用于判定你可以在何处使用你的声望所带来的好处。你可以通过花费获得的威望点来获取你的声望带来的奖励,包括临时加值(temporary bonuses)和支持(favors)。

你的起始名誉等同于你的角色等级 + 你的魅力调整值。你的名誉范围从-100到100,0代表没有名誉。在战役的进程中,你的一言一行都会帮助你构筑声望。尽管冒险者会有很多事迹,但是并非所有事情都有足矣改变名誉的重要性。如果可能的话,DM应当跟进那些直接影响到故事或战役的事迹,而不会因为一次小小的胜利而给予点数。特殊事迹的重要性通常应当由DM来判定,不过名誉事件(Fame Events)表格中描述了部分特殊的例子。如果你的名誉降至0以下,请见184页的丧失名誉与恶名(Disrepute and Infamy)章节。

名誉事件(Fame Events)
事件(Event)名誉修正(Fame Modifier)
正面事件(Positive Events)
在CR与你的队伍平均等级+3相等或更高的战斗遭遇中获胜        +1
在战斗中战胜关键的对手(key rival)+5
负面事件(Negative Events)
7:长度约为1个模组或者冒险之路(Adventure Path,类似于连载的PF冒险模组)的冒险。

影响力范围(Sphere of Influence)

影响力范围调整值(Sphere of Influence Modifiers)
行为(Action)检定调整值(Check Modifier)
吟游诗人在你抵达之前散播与你事迹相关的歌曲与故事        +1/2吟游诗人等级

威望点(Prestige Points)
威望点代表着你利用自身名誉的能力。你可以通过在游戏进程中完成目标来获得威望点(PP)。DM来决定何种行为、目标、或故事元素最为重要,并通过完成这些内容来相应地奖励玩家。每当你的名誉增加时,你还会获得1点威望点。在标准的战役中,你应当在每个角色等级获得大约4至6点威望点。你当前的威望点决不能超过你的名誉。你无法将威望点分与其他角色;只有赢取这些点数的人才能消耗它们。在大多数时候,你会为了某些奖励而消耗它——称号(titles)、临时能力(temporary abilities)、或者与你兴趣相关的任务奖励。


名誉 1(Fame 1)

英雄之幸(1 PP):你在单一一次技能检定中获得+4幸运加值。你必须在尝试正要进行的检定之前使用该奖励。

行贿者(称号,4PP):在任何至少有5000名居民的定居点内,你可以找到1名腐败的官员。如果你在定居点的管辖范围内由于罪行而被监禁或罚款,那么你可以利用这一人脉来获利。如果你能够成功进行交涉检定(轻微犯罪DC15,严重犯罪为20,死罪为25)则不需支付罚款并从判决中脱逃。你能够在每个游戏聚会(game session    译注:大概是开1次面团的时间?不能确定。后面也使用‘游戏聚会’作为翻译。)中使用1次该能力。你可以在每个处于你的影响力范围内的定居点内选择该称号1次;每当你选取该称号时,要选择1个可以应用该奖励的定居点。

位面协议(5PP):你获得1个小魔鬼(imp)、魔蝠(mephit)、夸塞魔(quasit)或者类似的来自进阶魔宠列表(Improved Familiar list)的异界生物的服务。你能够选择的生物至多与你的阵营在每条阵营轴上相差1阶。该生物如同你的忠实奴仆一般行动,至多服务的遭遇次数等同于你的智力、感知或魅力加值(取较高者),但是仍旧不能超过24小时。该生物是被呼唤的异界生物,并且会在服务结束后自动返回它的原属位面。

名誉 10(Fame 10)

奥术速习 I(1 - 2 PP):通过法师或魔法仪式的帮助,你获得准备并施放一些弱小奥术的能力。如果你消耗1点PP,你可以准备4个法师戏法或者1个1级法师法术。如果你消耗2点PP,你能够准备4个法师戏法以及1个1级法师法术。你可以如同法师一般施放这些法术,而且必须达到最低智力属性才能准备这些法术。若你是法师则无法选择该奖励。24小时后,你受到1d3点智力伤害,并且失去任何你仍未施放但准备好的法术。

品德证人(5 PP):若你发现自己由于错误的指控而惹上当权者,一名具有影响力的施恩者会出面证明你的荣誉,并赦免任何你所背负的罪行。你使用该奖励时,前3次而不会承受任何惩罚,在此之后他便会质疑你的声誉;进一步使用该能力会额外消耗1d4点威望点。

岁月之智(1 PP):你可以安心获得智者、图书管理员或者其他知识渊博之人的帮助,通过1小时的研究来使你在任意单一的知识检定中获得+5加值。即使你没有在这些技能中受训,也可以进行这次知识检定。

漫游者(称号,1 PP):你花费大量时间在与旅伴一同旅行,这使得你找到了记住各地风俗的窍门。只要你拥有这个称号,知识(本地)对你来说就是职业技能。

名誉 20(Fame 20)

奥术速习 II(3 PP):该奖励与奥术速习 I的使用方式类似,不过你能够准备1个2级法师法术,并且承受1d4点智力伤害(取代原本的1d3点)。你可以同事使用奥术速习 I和这个奖励。若你是法师则无法选择该奖励。

地区名人(称号,5 PP):选择处于你的影响力范围的100平方英里的地区。现在起你是这个地区的名人,你在该地区内的交涉检定获得+2加值。当你的名誉达到30时,你可以第二次选择该称号,并且获得第二片提供加值的地区,第一片地区内的加值现在提供+4加值。当你的名誉达到55时,你可以第三次选择该称号,并且获得第三片提供加值的地区,第一片地区内的加值提升为+6,而第二片地区的加值提升为+4。

黑市之友(称号,4 PP):每个游戏聚会(game session)一次,当你销售任何物品时,你可以通过一名NPC黑市商人来使销售的物品价值提高10%。这对于通常情况下以完整价值销售的物品无效(比如珠宝或者贸易品)。

新入会员(称号,1 PP):一个强大的组织接受你加入他们。这可能是骑士团、睿智的法师团体、或者武僧的教团。一种适合该组织的技能对你来说成为本职技能。你可以多次选取该称号;每次选取必须选择加入一个适当的组织,并且让另一个技能成为本职技能。由DM来判断可以加入什么组织,以及何种技能是适当的选择。

认真的学生(称号,2 PP):只要你还拥有这个称号,你就在一项技能中获得+2表现加值。你可以在名誉到达30、40以及55时再次选取该称号,每次需要选取不同的技能。

贸易能手(称号,4 PP):通过有影响力的人脉以及商业经验,你能够达成一笔很好的交易。每个游戏聚会(game session)一次,你在购买一件物品时可以获得10%的折扣。该奖励无法用于施法服务、昂贵的材料成分、通常情况下以完整价值销售的物品(比如珠宝或者贸易品)或者魔法物品制作。

牺牲(0 PP):做出重大的牺牲能获得1d3点威望点。如果你是英雄角色,你必须花费375gp x 你的角色等级来使用该奖励,这代表着以你名义举行的盛大宴会、慈善募捐或者其他能够提高你的声望的费用。如果你是邪恶角色,你必须杀死或牺牲盟友以及手下,总生命骰要等同于你的角色等级,以此来表示你对于朋友和下属那无情的恶意。每月你可以获得1次该奖励。

智者(称号,5 PP):选择1项知识技能。你可以使用该技能进行未受训检定,做出最高为DC20而非常规最高为DC10的事情。你可以多次选取该奖励,每次需要选取不同的知识技能。

临时部属(1 PP):获得1名部属,就如同你拥有领导力专长一般。这个角色会为你服务24小时。

复仇者(称号,2 PP):选择1个敌对组织作为你痛恨的敌人。你在对抗该组织的成员时攻击检定与伤害检定获得+1加值。这是宿敌加值(favored enemy bonus)。

名誉 30(Fame 30)

奥术速习 III(3 PP):该奖励与奥术速习 I的使用方式类似,不过你能够准备1个3级法师法术,并且承受1d6点智力伤害(取代原本的1d4点)。你可以同事使用奥术速习 I、奥术速习 II和这个奖励。若你是法师则无法选择该奖励。

血之缚(称号,2 PP):与另一名名誉至少达到30的盟友进行血腥的仪式。每周1次,和该盟友在一起的时候,你可以借用给他至多5点威望点,他可以随意使用这些点数。如果他在24小时内没有使用,则会归还给你。

死里逃生(5 PP):若你的生命值降至0或更低但是没有死亡的时候,你可以自动稳定;到你的下一个回合时,你会治疗2d8 + 3点生命值。每个角色等级你只可以选取该奖励1次。

组织干事(称号,5 PP):你只有在选择新入会员称号之后才能选取该称号。你在所选组织中的阶级得到提升。你在该组织中获得适当的称谓,并且在与组织内部人员交往时,唬骗、交涉、威吓以及察言观色检定获得+4加值。如果你属于多个组织,那么你可以多次选取该称号。

治安官(称号,5 PP):在你的影响力范围内,你获得了足够的尊重,因此你能够对任何被你怀疑已经犯罪或者正在犯罪的普通公民实施逮捕、拘留并将个人财产充公。在与贵族、政治人物、声名显赫之人或者任何等级或头衔与你所拥有的类似或更高的人打交道时,你无法行使这种权力。

世俗功名(2 PP):关于你的事迹被广泛流传,甚至到达了你的影响力范围之外。在接下来的24小时内,你可以使用你的名誉,就好像你处于自身的影响力范围内一般,你无须做相应的检定,但是在影响力范围之外时,你的有效名誉减半。即使在你的影响力范围之外,你也可以使用该奖励。

名誉 40(Fame 40)

指挥官(称号,4 PP):你只有在选择组织干事称号之后才能选取该称号。你在所选组织中的地位达到了指挥者的位置。你可以召唤组织内阶级较低的成员,依照你的命令执行普通的个人任务,包括送信、通报你的到来、并确保进行准备工作以满足你的需求。此外,你在影响任何你的组织最大的竞争对手的成员时(比如相互竞争的行会或者敌对国家的公民),威吓检定获得+4加值。如果你属于多个组织,那么你可以多次选取该称号。

爱国者(称号,4 PP):你的声望已经成为了家乡利益的代言人,而不仅仅是你自己。当你旅行到你的影响力范围之外时,你在对抗来自你的家乡的公民时,所有交涉与察言观色检定获得+2加值。

特许觐见(2 PP):你可以利用自己的声望来获得一场与强大个体的私人会面,比如女皇、将军、大祭司或者行会领袖。在这次会面期间,你的交涉检定获得+2环境加值。

名誉 55(Fame 55)

最高指挥(称号,4 PP):你只有在选择指挥官称号之后才能选取该称号。你在所选组织中成为了最高阶的成员。尽管你需要为了该组织的利益服务,不过你能够召唤较低阶级的士兵来为你的利益而战。这些士兵并不是被魔法召唤出来的;你必须亲自去调遣他们或者为了你而派人聚集他们(这可能根据地点不同而需要1d4轮至1d10分钟)。你能命令的士兵数量等同于你的名誉,外加每20名士兵会带着1名3级的官员,而每4名官员会带着1名5级的领导者。这些士兵通常是1级的战士,但是根据组织的构成不同,他们可能会是其他合适的职业。这些下属会为你服务1天,但是不会背叛组织的利益或者为了你不顾一切地放弃自己的生活。如果你属于多个组织,那么你可以多次选取该称号。

伟人(称号,10 PP):你的影响力范围立刻增加100英里。

丧失名誉与恶名(Disrepute and Infamy)

分享名誉(Shared Fame)

他我、化名以及秘密身份(Alter Egos, Aliases, and Secret Identities)

负名誉的反应(Negative Fame Reactions)
名誉(Fame)        反应(Reaction)

劇透 -   :
Reputation and Fame

Though some heroes content themselves with living off the spoils of their exploits or cloaking themselves in humility, others seek to live forever through the sagas and songs of their epic deeds. History measures a hero's success by tales of triumph and bravery that are retold down the ages. A hero with no one to tell her story quickly fades into obscurity along with her unsung accomplishments. How others tell of a hero's deeds becomes the weight by which she is measured, sculpting both her identity and reputation.

Reputation represents how the general public perceives you, whether positively or negatively. This perception precedes you, speaking on your behalf when you are absent and determining how you can expect to be treated by those who have heard of you. Reputation means different things to different types of characters, reflected in the social and cultural values of different regions. A character who embodies the qualities of a hero in one region may be perceived as villainous or disreputable in another. An icon widely revered and respected in her homeland may slip from fame into obscurity upon traveling to a neighboring kingdom.

When using these reputation rules, the GM needs to establish what reputation means to the players and NPCs of the campaign. For instance, a viking-themed campaign might base reputation on pillaging. Regardless, the basic concept for how you earn a reputation remains the same: You gain reputation when word of your deeds spreads. The more fantastic or socially significant your deeds, the better tales they make. If you are able to establish a strong or noteworthy reputation, you may be extolled for your actions and afforded resources beyond those obtainable by lesser-known individuals. Similarly, you can use your reputation to influence people socially, politically, and financially.

Three factors determine your reputation: Fame, Sphere of Influence, and Prestige Points. Your Fame increases and decreases depending on your actions. Your current Fame determines your overall reputation and maximum potential for cashing in on your fame (for a heroic character) or infamy (for a villainous character). Sphere of Influence defines the places where you can apply the benefits of your reputation. You can reap the benefits of your reputation by spending Prestige Points on awards, including temporary bonuses and favors.

You begin play with a Fame equal to your character level + your Charisma modifier. Your Fame ranges from —100 to 100, with 0 representing a lack of any notoriety. Through the course of the campaign, your words and deeds help you build a reputation. Though an adventurer performs many deeds, not all are significant enough to warrant a change in Fame. If possible, the GM should stick to those deeds that directly affect the story or campaign and not reward points for minor victories. The significance of specific deeds should generally be left up to the GM, though Table 3—5 details some specific examples. If your Fame ever drops below 0, see Disrepute and Infamy on page 184.
Sphere of Influence

Your reputation travels only as far as the tales of your deeds. Even if you are a great hero in your homeland, when traveling elsewhere you will soon discover that your reputation diminishes until you eventually reach regions where you are completely unrecognized. The greater your reputation, the farther it travels and the broader your Sphere of Influence.

Your Fame determines the maximum range of your Sphere of Influence. Your Sphere of Influence has a radius of 100 miles, generally increasing by another 100 miles when your Fame reaches 10, 20, 30, 40, and 55. Increasing your Sphere of Influence isn't always automatic, and you are allowed some say as to where your reputation holds weight. For example, you could ask that your sphere extend more southward toward a major city and ignores the barbarian tribes to the east, or that it extend inward toward another country rather than out into the ocean.

Though your reputation may spread by happenstance, it usually spreads deliberately, whether by traveling bards embellishing stories of your accomplishments to make them more entertaining, your allies exaggerating your common achievements, your enemies repeating rumors about you to recruit others against you, or you telling your story to eager listeners. Where these tales get told determines where you become known and shapes your Sphere of Influence—a heroic sorcerer might hire bards to brag about her magic in a nearby kingdom she plans to visit, or a villainous barbarian might drive the maimed survivors of his raids southward to sow fear among his next victims.

Outside your Sphere of Influence, your Fame is 0. You can attempt to expand your Sphere of Influence into a new settlement by attempting a DC 30 Charisma, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check. If you succeed, you treat the settlement as being within your Sphere of Influence for 1d4 days, though your Fame is effectively halved for that settlement. After this time, the settlement reverts to being outside your sphere.

The following actions and conditions alter your Charisma, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check modifier for the purpose of expanding your Sphere of Influence.
Sphere of Influence Modifiers Action   Check Modifier
Allies or minions spread tales of your deeds before you arrive   +5
A bard spreads tales or songs of your deeds before you arrive   + 1/2 bard level
You have NPC contacts in the settlement   +1
You have enemies in the settlement   +1
Distance from your Sphere of Influence   —1 per 10 miles
Settlement's primary language is different from yours   —5
Prestige Points

Prestige Points represent your ability to leverage your Fame. You earn Prestige Points (PP) by completing objectives during the course of play. The GM decides which deeds, goals, or story elements are most important and awards players for completing them accordingly. Each time your Fame increases, you also gain 1 Prestige Point. In a typical campaign, you should gain approximately 4 to 6 Prestige Points per character level. Your current Prestige Points can never exceed your Fame. You can't share Prestige Points with other characters; only the character who earned them can spend them. Most of the time, you spend points on rewards—titles, temporary abilities, or bonuses on tasks associated with your interests.

Spending Prestige Points earns you awards—temporary bonuses or favors. Each time you want to use an award, you must spend the Prestige Points for that award. Unless otherwise stated, bonuses from spending Prestige Points do not stack (for example, you can't combine the Hero's Luck award with the Lore of Ages award to gain a +9 bonus on a Knowledge check). Spending Prestige Points on a reward is not an action. You may only spend Prestige Points within your Sphere of Influence.

Titles are a special category of award that is permanent instead of temporary. Unless a title's description says otherwise, you can only select a particular title once.

The following are examples of awards and titles for various thresholds of Fame. You must have at least the listed Fame to select a reward from that category. For example, you must have a Fame of at least 10 to select the Wanderer title, even if you have the 5 Prestige Points to spend on it.
Fame 1

This is the starting Fame for a new 1st-level adventurer.

Hero's Luck (1 PP): You gain a +4 luck bonus on a single skill check. You must use this award before you attempt the check in question.

Palm Greaser (Title, 4 PP): In any settlement of at least 5,000 inhabitants, you may locate a corrupt official. If you're imprisoned or fined for crimes committed in the settlement's jurisdiction, you may take advantage of this contact. You pay no fines and escape sentencing if you can make a Diplomacy check (DC 15 for petty crimes, 20 for serious crimes, or 25 for capital crimes). You can use this ability once per game session. You may select this title once for each settlement in your Sphere of Influence; each time you select it, choose one settlement where you may use the award.

Planar Pact (5 PP): You gain the services of an imp, mephit, quasit, or similar extraplanar creature from the Improved Familiar list on page 127 of the Core Rulebook. You can choose a creature with an alignment up to 1 step away from yours on each alignment axis. The creature acts as your willing servant for a number of encounters equal to your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma bonus (whichever is highest), but remains for no more than 24 hours. The creature is a called outsider and automatically returns to its home plane at the end of this service.
Fame 10

This is the typical Fame of a character who has completed a couple of adventures.

Arcane Study I (1 or 2 PP): With the help of a wizard or magical ritual, you gain the ability to prepare and cast a few weak arcane spells. If you spend 1 PP, you can prepare 4 wizard cantrips or one 1st-level wizard spell. If you spend 2 PP, you can prepare 4 wizard cantrips and one 1st-level wizard spell. You cast these spells as a wizard, and must have the minimum Intelligence to prepare these spells. You can't select this award if you're a wizard. After 24 hours, you take 1d3 points of Intelligence damage and lose any prepared spells you didn't cast.

Character Witness (5 PP): If you happen to find yourself in trouble with authorities as a result of false accusations, an influential benefactor steps forth to vouch for your honor, absolving you of any wrongdoing. You can use this award without penalty up to three times, after which the available benefactors begin to question your reputation; any further uses cost you an additional 1d4 Prestige Points.

Lore of Ages (1 PP): You may secure the assistance of a dedicated sage, librarian, or other knowledgeable individual, granting you a +5 bonus on any single Knowledge check after 1 hour of research. You make this Knowledge check as if you were trained in that skill.

Wanderer (Title, 1 PP): The long time you've spent on the road with fellow travelers has enhanced your knack for picking up local customs. Knowledge (local) becomes a class skill for you as long as you have this title.
Fame 20

This is the typical Fame of an adventurer who has completed several adventures and whom the public is starting to take notice of.

Arcane Study II (3 PP): This award works like arcane study I, except you can prepare one 2nd-level wizard spell, and the Intelligence damage is 1d4 instead of 1d3. You can use this award and arcane study I at the same time. You can't select this award if you're a wizard.

Favored Territory (Title, 5 PP): Choose a 100-square-mile region within your Sphere of Influence. This is now your favored territory, and you gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks within that territory. When your Fame reaches 30, you can select this title a second time, gaining a second favored territory and increasing the bonus in your first favored territory to +4. When your Fame reaches 55, you can select this title a third time, gaining a third favored territory and increasing the bonus in your first favored territory to +6 and in your second to +4.

Fence Friend (Title, 4 PP): Once per game session when selling any item, you may do so through an NPC fence, increasing the sale price of the item by 10%. This has no effect on items normally sold at full value (such as gems and trade goods).

Initiate (Title, 1 PP): A powerful organization accepts you into its ranks. This could be a knighthood, a sagacious cabal of mages, or an order of monks. One skill appropriate to that organization becomes a class skill for you. You may select this title multiple times; each time you select it, you choose an appropriate organization to join and another skill that becomes a class skill. The GM determines whether an organization is available and what skills are appropriate choices for it.

Intense Student (Title, 2 PP): You gain a +2 competence bonus on checks with one skill as long as you have this title. You can take this title again once your Fame reaches 30, 40, and 55, selecting a different skill each time.

Master of Trade (Title, 4 PP): Using influential contacts and mercantile experience, you can find a good deal. Once per game session, you gain a 10% discount when purchasing an item. This award cannot be used for spellcasting services, costly material components, items normally sold at full value (such as trade goods or gems), or magic item crafting.

Sacrifice (0 PP): Make a significant sacrifice to gain 1d3 Prestige Points. If you are a heroic character, you must spend 375 gp × your character level to use this award, representing a great feast in your name, charitable giving, or other expenses that improve your reputation. If you are a villainous character, you must kill or sacrifice allies and minions whose total Hit Dice equal your character level, representing callous evil toward your friends and underlings. You can use this award once per month.

Sage (Title, 5 PP): Select one Knowledge skill. You can make untrained checks with this skill up to a maximum of DC 20 instead of the normal limit of DC 10. You may select this title multiple times, each time selecting a different Knowledge skill.

Temporary Cohort (1 PP): Gain a cohort as if you had the Leadership feat. This character remains in your service for 24 hours.

Vindicator (Title, 2 PP): Pick one rival organization as your hated enemy. You gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against members of that organization. This is a favored enemy bonus.
Fame 30

This is the Fame of a successful adventurer whose exploits have made her a local hero.

Arcane Study III (3 PP): This award works like arcane study II, except you can prepare one 3rd-level wizard spell, and the Intelligence damage is 1d6 instead of 1d4. You can use this award, arcane study I, and arcane study II at the same time. You can't select this award if you're a wizard.

Blood-Bound (Title, PP 2): Undergo a bloody ritual with an ally whose Fame is at least 30. Once per week when in the company of that ally, you may lend him up to 5 Prestige Points, which he can spend as he pleases. If he does not spend them within 24 hours, they return to you.

Escape Death (5 PP): If you are reduced to 0 hit points or fewer but are not dead, you automatically stabilize; on your next turn, you are healed 2d8+3 hit points. You can select this award only once per character level.

Officer (Title, PP 5): You can select this title only if you have selected the initiate title. Your rank within your chosen organization increases. You gain an appellation appropriate to the organization and a +4 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks made to interact with anyone within the organization. If you belong to multiple organizations, you may select this title multiple times.

Warden (Title, 5 PP): Within your Sphere of Influence, you hold enough respect that you can arrest, detain, and confiscate possessions from any common citizen you suspect has committed or is committing a crime. This right does not apply when dealing with nobles, aristocrats, political figures, or those who have ranks or titles similar to or greater than your own.

Worldly Fame (2 PP): Word of your deeds has spread far and wide, even outside of your Sphere of Influence. For the next 24 hours, you may use your Fame as if you were within your Sphere of Influence without needing to make the appropriate check, though your Fame is effectively halved outside your Sphere of Influence. You may select this award even when outside your Sphere of Influence.
Fame 40

This is the Fame of an adventurer who has achieved celebrity status.

Commander (Title, 4 PP): You canselect this title only if you have selected the officer title. Your rank within your chosen organization increases to a position of command. You can call upon low-ranking members of your organization to perform mundane personal tasks at your behest, including running messages, announcing your arrival, and making sure preparations are made to accommodate your needs. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks made to influence any members of your organization's greatest rival group (such as a competing guild or citizens of a hostile country). If you belong to multiple organizations, you may select this title multiple times.

Patriot (Title, 4 PP): Your reputation as an agent of your homeland's interests precedes you. When traveling outside your Sphere of Influence, you gain a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks against citizens or natives of your homeland.

Privileged Meeting (2 PP): You use your reputation to gain a private audience with a powerful individual such as a queen, general, high priest, or guildmaster. You gain a +2 circumstance on Diplomacy checks for the duration of that audience.
Fame 55+

At this Fame level and higher, the character is idolized and easily recognized for his or her achievements.

High Commander (Title, 4 PP): You can select this title only if you have selected the commander title. You become a senior member of your chosen organization. While serving the interests of that organization, you can call upon low-ranking soldiers to fight on your behalf. The soldiers are not magically summoned; you must speak to them as a group or send an officer to gather them for you (which may take anywhere from 1d4 rounds to 1d10 minutes). The number of soldiers at your command is equal to your Fame, plus one 3rd-level officer for every 20 soldiers and one 5th-level leader for every four officers. These soldiers are usually 1st-level fighters, but depending on the organization they may have some other appropriate class. These minions serve you for 1 day, but will not betray the interests of the organization or recklessly throw away their lives for you. If you belong to multiple organizations, you may select this title multiple times.

The Great (Title, 10 PP): You immediately increase your Sphere of Influence by 100 miles.
Disrepute and Infamy

If your Fame drops below 0, your reputation is based on infamy rather than fame. Treat your Fame as a positive number instead of a negative number for all rules relating to Fame, Sphere of Influence, and Prestige Points (for example, a villainous Fame of —20 is equivalent to a heroic Fame of 20 for the purpose of determining what awards you can buy).

If an event would increase your Fame, you may choose to increase your Fame (bringing it closer to 0) or decrease your Fame (making it a larger negative number). For example, if your Fame is —20 and you publicly roll a 30 on a Craft check to create a masterwork sword (normally worth +2), you may increase your Fame to —18 or decrease it to —22. Negative events that decrease your Fame always count as negative (a villain attacking innocent people doesn't make the public like him more).

If you have a negative Fame, nonevil NPCs often have unfriendly or hostile reactions to you (see Table 3—7: Negative Fame Reactions). Note that if you have a reputation for being powerful and dangerous, NPCs might avoid you rather than confront you.
Shared Fame

Sometimes situations should take into account the Fame values of multiple characters. This usually occurs when all the PCs continually operate as a single entity, such as King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, Robin Hood's Merry Men, or Captain Kidd's pirate crew. Instead of the fame of individuals contributing to the fame of a group, the group's fame is independent of its members (a group may start in the first category and evolve into the second as it gains more members and the founders take a less direct role in its activities). A group like this develops its own Fame; if you are a member of that group, you use its Fame instead your own. If you and your allies are part of such a group, the Fame rules work the same, except the GM only tracks one Fame value for the entire group instead of individual values for each PC; each character's actions that would increase or decrease the Fame contribute to that score. You still gain and spend your own Prestige Points, but use the group's Fame for everything else.
Alter Egos, Aliases, and Secret Identities

Throughout the course of your adventuring career, your public persona and your true personality might drift begin to drift apart or become notably disparate. When this occurs, you may change your name and adopt an alter ego or alias in order to rid yourself of your prior reputation. In this case, your Fame and Prestige Points remain with your former name, allowing you to shed your former life and start a new one.

With an alter ego, you create an artificial persona to show the public. You wear a mask or costume to hide your true identity. When performing deeds as your alter ego, you develop its Fame instead of your own. Only when presenting yourself as the alter ego can you use its Fame and Prestige Points to your advantage. In this way, a seemingly weak or unassuming character can adopt the identity of a famous masked vigilante, relying on her fame to persuade commoners and strike fear into villains while remaining unknown in her secret identity.

If it's revealed that your two identities are actually the same person, your Fame and Prestige Points may change when dealing with those who have found out. For example, a notorious bandit changes her name and becomes a humble village healer. If her former life is made public, the villagers react to her according to her (larger, negative) Fame as a bandit, but she also loses face with bandits, who don't respect her choice to live peacefully and react according to her (lower, positive) Fame as a village healer.
Fame Events Event   Fame Modifier
Positive Events
Acquire a noteworthy treasure from a worthy foe1   +1
Confirm two successive critical hits in a CR-appropriate encounter   +1
Consecrate a temple to your deity   +1
Craft a powerful magic item   +12
Gain a level in a PC class   +1
Locate and disarm three or more CR-appropriate traps in a row   +1
Make a noteworthy historical, scientific, or magical discovery3   +1
Own a legendary item or artifact   +14
Receive a medal or similar honor from a public figure   +1
Return a significant magic item or relic to its owner   +1
Sack the stronghold of a powerful noble   +1
Single-handedly defeat an opponent with a CR higher than your level   +15
Win a combat encounter with a CR of your APL + 3 or more   +1
Defeat in combat a person who publicly defamed you   +2
Succeed at a DC 30 or higher Craft check to create a work of art or masterwork item6   +2
Succeed at a DC 30 or higher public Diplomacy or Intimidate check6   +2
Succeed at a DC 30 or higher public Perform check6   +2
Complete an adventure with a CR appropriate for your APL7   +3
Earn a formal title (lady, lord, knight, and so on)   +3
Defeat a key rival in combat   +5

Negative Events
Be convicted of a petty crime   —1
Keep company with someone of disreputable character   —18
Be convicted of a serious nonviolent crime   —2
Publicly flee an encounter of a CR lower than your APL   —3
Attack innocent people   —5
Be convicted of a serious violent crime   —5
Publicly lose an encounter of a CR equal to or lower than your APL   —5
Be convicted of murder   —8
Be convicted of treason   —10
1 This includes claiming a treasure from a defeated monster or rival. A villainous character may include stealing such an item instead of obtaining it fairly.
2 Per 40,000 gp of the item's price.
3 Such as finding the ruins of a lost city, recovering forgotten lore, or creating a useful new spell.
4 Per 40,000 gp of the item's price. Artifacts with no price count as 200,000 gp (5 PP) for this purpose.
5 Per CR the opponent is above your level.
6 You may increase your Fame in this way no more than once per month.
7 Approximately the length of a Pathfinder Module or Pathfinder Adventure Path adventure.
8 Per week of close association.
Negative Fame Reactions Fame   Reaction
—5   Merchants, hirelings, and innkeepers overcharge you by 10% to discourage you from doing business in their community.
—8   Merchants, hirelings, and innkeepers refuse to accept your business. If you enter a business, you are immediately asked to leave. If you refuse, the owner calls for the authorities or locals to throw you out.
—10   When you approach, businesses shutter their windows and bar their doors. Most citizens refuse to speak with you. Others request that you leave immediately. If you remain for longer than 24 hours or act out against the citizens, your Fame decreases by 5 and the citizens form a mob to run you out of town.
—15   Incensed that you display the gall to enter their community, an angry mob gathers. If you do not leave within a few minutes, the mob starts pelting you with fruit, sticks, and rocks.
—20   An angry mob forms shortly after you enter town. Not willing to wait for a potentially corrupt trial, they attempt to capture you and execute you for your crimes.
—25   An authority figure has issued a warrant for your arrest, including a reward to anyone who captures you. This is well known and many are eager to collect it.
—30   An authority figure has issued a bounty for your head. This is well known and many are eager to collect it.
« 上次编辑: 2013-10-04, 周五 10:36:24 由 四月 »

离线 柳深龍佐性

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    • 皇帝聖印RPG
Re: 【UCa】声望与名誉(Reputation and Fame)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-10-04, 周五 10:22:01 »

還有downtime session、 campaign session :em016
« 上次编辑: 2013-10-04, 周五 10:24:07 由 柳深龍佐性 »
