作者 主题: 【Portfolio of a Dragon】黑牙遗嘱(注释版) p24-34  (阅读 22896 次)

副标题: The (Dead) Wyrm Talk 翻译:薛猫

离线 NewAlbionDrone

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  • 帖子数: 590
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  • Vive la Monad!


劇透 -   :
To the People’s University of the California Free State, I leave the access code to a Matrix location I think you will find quite useful. My sincere best wishes for your continued existence and success.

参考:Portfolio of a Dragon: DUnkelzahn's Secrets, California Free State, Target: Matrix

劇透 -   :
To Lawrence Edward Grafton, I leave a stipend of 50,000 nuyen annually for as long as he stays chaste. (Good luck.)

参考:Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets

劇透 -   :
To the parties the Draco Foundation agrees have achieved breakthroughs in the inventions necessary to successful deep-space living and travel, I leave 50 million nuyen each for continuing research.

参考:Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets

劇透 -   :
To Art Dankwalther, I leave the sum of 34,586,224,739.58 in UCAS dollars. According to my calculations and accounting for conversion of the original currency, inflation, and 1 percent interest per annum, this settles my debt to your ancestor for the gold piece he kindly lent me for the last meal we shared.

参考:Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Threats 2, State of the Art: 2064

劇透 -   :
To Josey Anne Miller, I leave the antidote labeled DDE2, currently stored in my office refrigerator at Gavilan Ventures. You’ll know when to use it.

参考:Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets


劇透 -   :
Beginning in February of 2058, the Draco Foundation will sponsor two annual competitions for the purpose of advancing the frontiers of knowledge, with an emphasis on practical applications. These competitions will be open to the public, with no entrance fee and no formal qualifications required. Winners will receive a patent established in their name by the Draco Foundation, and additional resources for development if applicable.

The first competition (time and date to be announced) will judge magical innovations, including but not limited to such categories as Spell Design, Magical Theory, Magical Objects and Astral Exploration. The second competition will judge technological innovations, including but not limited to such categories as Rigger Technology, Space Technology, Matrix Technology, Medical Technology and Cybernetics. This competition will take place roughly six months after the first competition.

参考:Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets

给Bradley Smith,我留下一份小礼物,以示敬意,由巨龙基金会分发。
劇透 -   :
To Bradley Smith, I leave a small token of my esteem, to be distributed by the Draco Foundation.

参考:Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets

劇透 -   :
To Vlad Curcio, I leave my open-ended pass to Virtual World Disney. I’m glad we bumped into each other there last fall, and I hope you've recovered from the broken collar bone. "It's a small world, after all."

参考:Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets

译注:"It's a small world, after all."来自迪斯尼歌曲“It's A Small World”。

劇透 -   :
To Ryanthusar I leave my heart, which you will find at my Lake Louise residence.
注:“瑞安图萨”(Ryanthusar)是黑牙对瑞安·“快银”·墨丘利(Ryan "Quicksilver" Mercury)的昵称,他是一名被培育的化龙物理法师,颇有力量,被黑牙和哈勒奎恩训练过。瑞安是资产有限公司的成员,这是世界上最出类拔萃的狂奔者组织之一。他们只为巨龙基金会工作。
龙之心是一个奇物,它是一个四心室的心脏,大小相当于龙的心脏,由纯粹的奥利哈刚支撑。更多信息见Artifact Index。
黑牙死后不久龙之心被秘术圣战士(Mystic Crusaders)从路易斯湖偷走。瑞安·墨丘利找回了它又丢失了它(后来又找回了by译者)。最后赛博僵尸比利(Billy)和精魂莱忒(Lethel)一起用龙之心摧毁了法力峰点(Spike Point)。

参考:Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Threats 2, Loose Alliances, Stranger Souls, Clockwork Asylum, Beyond the Pale, Crossroads

译注:Mystic Crusaders为亚特兰大基金会的奇物盗窃组织。
Ryan Mecury还是Daviar的情人。
Spike Point由Great Ghost Dance产生,阿兹特兰利用献祭在此处搭建通往怖物位面的桥梁。

劇透 -   :
To the last Knight of the Crying Spire, I leave the suit of armor worn by Richard the Lion-hearted on his Crusade, because it's up to You to lead the next one. I also leave you the sword Excalibur — unfortunately, I can't seem to find it at the moment. To whomever finds Excalibur, deliver it to the Draco Foundation for a reward and title. The Draco Foundation will promptly turn the sword over to you, my knight.
注:坎贝尔·哈勒奎恩(Caimbeuel Har'lea'Quinn)是最后的泣塔骑士(Knight of the Crying Spire),从前被称作红塔(Crimson Spire)或千塔之城(City of Spires)。哈勒奎恩是一名不朽精灵、剑术大师,以及这个星球上最强大的泛人类法师。
他来到了巨龙基金会并会回答了几个问题证明身份,之后狮心王理查(第三次十字军圣战时的英格兰国王,因罗宾汉的故事为人熟悉)的铠甲被送到了哈勒奎恩的家,法国的伊夫城堡。巨龙基金会依然在寻找断钢剑,更多关于这件物品的信息,见Artifact Index。

参考:Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Clockwork Asylum, Post Mortem

劇透 -   :
Who sits at the bridge, protecting us from the Enemy?
Whose daughter have you taken on as pupil? Or, is that concubine?()
How old are you?
What was the original name of the Crying Spire?
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-29, 周三 20:21:15 由 NewAlbionDrone »
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik