作者 主题: 【第二章】炼金术士(Alchemist)  (阅读 17682 次)

副标题: 内含2个变体

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« 于: 2017-09-16, 周六 15:28:20 »

Blood Alchemist(Alchemist Archetype)


命之血(Lifeblood,Su):当炼血士执行致命一击(coup de grace)并杀死1名智能类人生物(intelligent humanoid creature)时(目标不能为被召唤出来的智能类人生物),他能够将该生物的命之血(Lifeblood)凝缩到1个小瓶内;这是死亡效果(death effect)。他可以在接下来的24小时内使用这剂命之血,并以此来创造出1剂他自身能够施放的化合炼成(extract),而且该化合炼成的环级不能高于该生物的CR的1/2,这么做并不会花费每日化合炼成位(daily extract slot)。炼血士每日可以使用该能力的次数为每个法术环级1次(举例说明,13级的炼血士可以使用命之血来额外各获得1个1级、2级、3级、4级和5级化合炼成)。炼血士无法获得科研发现中的突变药剂(Mutagen;UM)和异变药剂(Cognatogen;UM)。

炼金圆阵(Alchemical Circles,Sp/Su):炼血士获得血池(blood pool),血池的点数为他的炼金术士等级 + 他的智力调整值。他能够花费1点血池中的点数,并以血来在地面或者其他永久性的装置(permanent fixture)上画出复杂的炼金圆阵,该过程需要花费1分钟的时间。根据炼血士的炼金术士等级,炼金圆阵能够产生后述几种效果。
1级起,炼血士能够花费1个未使用的化合炼成位,用炼金能量来为圆阵充能。他要从后述列表中选择1个法术,该法术的等级要小于或等于他花费的化合炼成位的环级,那么直至他重新恢复化合炼成位为止,只要他的身体与圆阵有物理上的接触,就能够以类法术能力(spell-like ability)引发先前所选择法术的效果。若该法术在正常情况下会花费昂贵的材料成分(material component),炼血士就必须要支付这些成分,他可以把这些成分磨碎与用于绘制圆阵的血液混合,也可以将其放置在圆阵之中(若这些成分同时还是法术目标的话)。只有被圆阵容纳的存在(someting)、或者直接在其表面上绘制圆阵才能够被你选择的效果所影响或被当成目标。要学会后述效果,炼血士必须把它记入到自己的公式簿(formula book)中,与正常抄录公式的开销相同(炼血士也可以使用随着升级而得到的免费公式来学会后述效果,以取代获取正常的公式)。
  • 1级:快速挖掘(Expeditious Excavation;APG),造弹术(Fabricate Bullets;UC),应急措施(Jury-Rig;UC),魔化武器(Magic Weapon),强固武装(Reinforce Armaments;UC)
  • 2级:敲击术(Knock),完全修复术(Make Whole),精致品转变术(Masterwork Transformation;UM),束布成钢(Silk To Steel;UM),柔石术(Soften Earth and Stone),曲木术(Warp Wood)
  • 3级:锐锋术(Keen Edge),魔化防具(Magic Vestment),高等魔化武器(Greater Magic Weapon),黑曜之流(Obsidian Flow;UC),刺石术(Spike Stones),塑石术(Stone Shape)
  • 4级:鬼斧神工(Fabricate),穿墙术(Passwall),化泥为石(Transmute Mud to Rock),化石为泥(Transmute Rock to Mud)
  • 5级:石化术(Flesh to Stone),地动术(Move Earth),解除石化(Stone to Flesh),沥青池(Tar Pool;UC),化铁为木(Transmute Metal to Wood)
  • 6级:变形万物(Polymorph Any Object),转血为酸(Transmute Blood To Acid;UM)
8级起,炼血士还能够制造法阵(magic circle),就如同秘学士(Occultist)的魔法阵(Magic Circles)职业能力一般(详细见Occult Adventures 49页),不过它会消耗1点血池的点数,以取代消耗1点心智点(mental focus)。
12级起,他还能够绘制束缚法阵(binding circle),就如同秘学士的同名职业能力一般,不过这会从他的血池中消耗2点能量,以取代消耗2点心智点。
16级起,炼血士能在短时间内绘制出魔法阵和束缚法阵,就如同秘学士的法阵速写(fast circles)职业能力一般。

鲜血学识(Blood Knowledge,Sp):4级起,炼血士能够通过耗时1分钟的工序,在把1滴血与各种炼金试剂混合时,花费1个未使用的2级化合炼成位。若炼血士这么做,则可以用标准动作饮用他制成的这剂混合物,并获取关于他之前所使用的血液的信息,就如同施放了血之讯息(Blood Biography;APG)一般。就如同法术中注明的一样,活物与不死生物能够获得1次意志豁免(DC = 13 + 炼血士的智力调整值)来避免该效果。

劇透 -   :
The science of alchemy allows its practitioners to create wonders beyond the imagining, but sometimes the pursuit of science breaks their minds, and other times, the allure of greater achievements pushes them to cross a moral line from which they can never return.

Most alchemists can transform matter and energy into other forms, but some wicked specialists realize that life itself is an energy that can greatly fuel their alchemy.

Alignment: A blood alchemist trades the lives of others for more power when using his lifeblood ability. A nonevil blood alchemist can’t use the lifeblood ability, but he can use his other archetype and class abilities, and he can continue to advance in alchemist.

Lifeblood (Su): When a blood alchemist performs a coup de grace that kills an intelligent humanoid creature (though, not a summoned intelligent humanoid creature), he can gather its lifeblood into a vial; this is a death effect. He can use this lifeblood any time within the next 24 hours to create an extract of a spell level he can cast that is no higher than 1/2 the creature’s CR, without spending a daily extract slot. He can use this ability once for each spell level each day (for example, a 13th-level blood alchemist can use lifeblood to gain additional 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, 4th-, and 5thlevel extracts). A blood alchemist can’t take the mutagenUM or cognatogenUM discoveries.
This ability replaces mutagen.

Alchemical Circles (Sp, Su): A blood alchemist gains a blood pool with a number of points equal to his alchemist level + his Intelligence modifier. He can spend 1 point from his blood pool to draw a complex alchemical circle in blood on the ground or on another permanent fixture in a process that takes 1 minute. Depending on his alchemist level, the alchemical circle can have one of several effects.
At 1st level, the blood alchemist can spend an unused extract slot to charge the circle with alchemical energy. He chooses one of the spells listed on page 45 of equal or lower level to the extract slot he spent, and until he refreshes his extract slots, as long as his body is in physical contact with the circle, he can produce the effect of the spell he chose as a spell-like ability. If the spell normally has an expensive material component, he must still provide it, either grinding it up and mixing it with the blood used for the circle or placing it in the circle (if the component is also the target). The chosen effect can target or affect only something contained within the circle, or the surface on which the blood alchemist drew the circle. To learn one of these effects, he must write it into his formula book, with the same cost as usual for a formula (he can also use his free formula from leveling up to learn the chosen effect instead of a normal formula).
The blood alchemist can choose from the following spells for this ability: 1st—expeditious excavationAPG, fabricate bulletsUC, jury-rigUC, magic weapon, reinforce armamentsUC; 2nd—knock, make whole, masterwork transformationUM, silk to steelUM, soften earth and stone, warp wood; 3rd—keen edge, magic vestment, greater magic weapon, obsidian flowUC, spike stones, stone shape; 4th—fabricate, passwall, transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to mud; 5th—flesh to stone, move earth, stone to flesh, tar poolUC, transmute metal to wood; 6th—polymorph any object, transmute blood to acidUM.
Starting at 8th level, the blood alchemist can also create a magic circle, as per the magic circles occultist class ability (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 49), though it costs 1 point from his blood pool instead of 1 point of mental focus.
Starting at 12th level, he can also create a binding circle, as per the occultist class ability of the same name (Occult Adventures 49), though it costs 2 points from his blood pool instead of 2 points of mental focus.
Starting at 16th level, the blood alchemist can draw magic circles and binding circles more quickly but with a shorter duration, as per the occultist fast circles ability (Occult Adventures 49).
This ability replaces bombs.

Blood Knowledge (Sp): Starting at 4th level, a blood alchemist can spend an unused extract slot of 2nd level while mixing a drop of blood with various alchemical reagents in a process that takes 1 minute. If he does so, he can drink the resulting concoction as a standard action to gain the information he would learn as if he had cast blood biographyAPG on the blood he just used. As per the spell, living and undead creatures receive a Will saving throw (DC = 13 + the blood alchemist’s Intelligence modifier) to negate the effect.

Mad Scientist(Alchemist Archetype)

天赋狂才(Mad Genius,Su):2级起,炼金狂人能够对自己造成1d3点感知伤害(或者造成1d6点理智伤害,若启用了本书12页的理智规则的话),并以此来创造出1剂天才合剂(genius extract),作为她的1个每日1级、2级、3级、4级或5级化合炼成。该能力在花费时间与效果上和制造同等级的正常化合炼成相同,但是取代她从自己已知的公式中进行选择,天才合剂会产生完全不可知的结果。当炼金狂人(或1名盟友,如果炼金狂人具有灌注科研发现APG的话)饮用天才合剂时,它会产生进阶玩家手册(Advanced Player's Guide)的32页、炼金术士公式列表中,比化合炼成的环级高1级的随机效果。举例说明,若炼金狂人使用2级化合炼成位来制作天才合剂,那么它会产生随机3级炼金术士公式的效果。在饮用之前测定天才合剂会产生的效果是不可能的事情。天才合剂的最低施法者等级等同于炼金狂人所使用的化合炼成位的最低施法者等级,而非效果自身的最低施法者等级。举例说明,比如1剂产生狐之狡黠(Fox's Cunning)效果的天才合剂,它的最低施法者等级为1级(因为使用的是1级的化合炼成位),而非原本的4级(对于2级效果来说)。2级化合炼成一共有29种、3级化合炼成一共有23种,4级化合炼成一共有18种,5级化合炼成一共有15种,6级化合炼成一共有15种。

狂人突变剂(Mad Mutagen,Su):4级起,炼金狂人能够以狂人突变剂来取代通常的突变药剂(Mutagen)。若她这么做的话,则不需要在制作突变药剂(如果炼金狂人具有合适的科研发现的话,这也包括异变药剂UM或其他突变药剂的变体)时作出任何决定。当炼金狂人饮用她的狂人突变剂时,她可以临时作出关于突变药剂效果的决定,但是这么做也会让她承受1d4点感知伤害(或者造成1d8点理智伤害,若启用了本书12页的理智规则的话)。若有其他人——甚至其他炼金术士——喝下了狂人突变剂的话,则必须进行1次意志豁免(DC与防止反胃的强韧豁免相同),失败则困惑(confused)1小时。

劇透 -   :
The mad scientist’s colleagues laughed at her insights, mocked her theories, and hounded her from the halls of academia, simply because they were too weak and frightened to understand her work. They thought she was finished. They were wrong.

Mad Genius (Su): At 2nd level, a mad scientist can deal 1d3 points of Wisdom damage to herself (or 1d6 points of sanity damage if employing the sanity rules found on page 12) to create a genius extract as one of her daily 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, 4th-, or 5th-level extracts. This otherwise takes the same amount of time and effort as creating a normal extract of its level, but instead of her choosing a formula she knows for it to grant, a genius extract has an unpredictable result. When the alchemist (or an ally, if she has the infusionAPG discovery) drinks the extract, it produces a random effect from the list of alchemist formulae on page 32 of the Advanced Player’s Guide of 1 spell level higher than the extract’s spell level. For instance, if she creates a genius extract using a 2nd-level extract, it would produce the effect of a random 3rd-level alchemist formula. There is no way to predict which effect a genius extract will produce before drinking it. A genius extract’s minimum caster level is equal to the minimum caster level of the extract used, not the effect produced. So, for instance, a genius extract that produced a fox’s cunning effect would have a minimum caster level of 1 (for the 1st-level extract used) rather than 4 (for the 2nd-level effect). There are 29 potential 2nd-level extracts, 23 potential 3rd-level extracts, 18 potential 4th-level extracts, 15 potential 5th-level extracts, and 15 potential 6th-level extracts.
This ability alters alchemy and replaces the discovery gained at 2nd level.

Mad Mutagen (Su): At 4th level, a mad scientist can brew a mad mutagen in place of a normal mutagen. If she does so, she need not make any decisions about the mutagen (including whether to make it a cognatogenUM or another variant mutagen if she has the appropriate discoveries) when she brews it. When the mad scientist drinks her mad mutagen, she makes those decisions on the fly, but she also takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage (or 1d8 points of sanity damage if using the sanity rules on page 12). If anyone else, even another alchemist, drinks a mad mutagen, that person must succeed at a Will save (with the same DC as for the Fortitude save against nausea) or she becomes confused for 1 hour.
This ability alters the alchemist’s mutagen and replaces the discovery gained at 4th level.
« 上次编辑: 2020-10-22, 周四 11:57:06 由 沉淪 »

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Re: 【HA】煉金術士(Alchemist)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-09-16, 周六 15:44:15 »

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Re: 【HA】炼金术士(Alchemist)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-09-16, 周六 17:35:59 »

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Re: 【HA】炼金术士(Alchemist)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-09-16, 周六 17:59:05 »

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Re: 【HA】炼金术士(Alchemist)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-09-17, 周日 13:33:23 »
不能當炸彈人的煉金術士還有啥存在意義  :em020

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Re: 【HA】炼金术士(Alchemist)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-09-19, 周二 10:26:17 »

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Re: 【HA】炼金术士(Alchemist)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-09-19, 周二 21:25:21 »
炼金圆阵(Alchemical Circles,Sp/Su):炼血士获得血池(blood pool),血池的点数为他的炼金术士等级 + 他的智力调整值。他能够花费1点血池中的点数,并以血来在地面或者其他永久性的装置(permanent fixture)上画出复杂的炼金圆阵,该过程需要花费1分钟的时间。根据炼血士的炼金术士等级,炼金圆阵能够产生后述几种效果。


