作者 主题: 【AG】红螳螂(Red Mantis)  (阅读 27261 次)

副标题: 内海知名ASSASSIN

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【AG】红螳螂(Red Mantis)
« 于: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:26:33 »
红螳螂(Red Mantis)

总部所在:伊兹玛格罗提(Ilizmagorti;公开)和殷红要塞(Crimson Citadel;秘密);均位于莫迪欧凯提岛(Mediogalti Island)
盟友:阿斯莫迪斯信徒(Asmodeans),贝斯玛拉信徒(Besmarans),卡利斯翠信徒(Calistrians),灰花匠(Gray Gardeners),内希斯信徒(Nethysians),海盗(pirates),正统君王(rightful monarchs)
敌人:凯连凯登信徒(Caydenites),黛丝娜信徒(Desnans),雄鹰骑士(Eagle Knights),艾奥梅黛信徒(Iomedaeans),大多数地狱骑士团(most Hellknight orders),诺格巴信徒(Norgorberites),探索者协会(Pathfinder Society),拉哈多姆(Rahadoum),河域诸国法外理事会(River Kingdoms Outlaw Council),莎伦莱信徒(Sarenites),莎琳信徒(Shelynites)

在内海地区最让人心生畏惧且恶名昭彰的刺客团体建立之前,没有人知道何为红螳螂。这份名为红螳螂的秘密似乎在拉哈多姆的城市艾兹耶尔(Azir)的阴影中隐藏了数十年、甚至百年之久。在那里,红螳螂侍奉着螳螂神阿卡艾克克(Achaekek, the Mantis God),通过无情的杀戮合约践行神圣刺客的荣耀。在2100多年以前,人治律(Laws of Man)的兴起终结了血腥的誓言之战(Oath Wars),而这也放逐了所有神明的信徒。在之后的数百年中,没有人再听到红螳螂的名讳,甚至有人猜测这一团体已经完全被根除了。不过实际上,这些刺客逃到了名为莫迪欧凯提(Mediogalti)的热带岛屿,并于此蛰伏了数个世纪,修筑了隐蔽的堡垒——殷红要塞(Crimson Citadel)。他们还暗中促进伊兹玛格罗提(Ilizmagorti)——海盗们青睐的海港城市——的发展。在红螳螂结束拉哈多姆的战斗约13个世纪后,他们在奈克斯(Nex)通过对莫瑞瓦斯塔·欧琳琪(Merivesta Olinchi)进行的暗杀活动戏剧性地回归人们的视野。红螳螂的执行者在她的杰作《概念异常(The Conception Exception)》首映期间将其杀害,同时红螳螂那标志性的护甲以及使用锯齿剑的战斗风格也首次登上了世界的舞台。
时至今日,红螳螂依旧忠于阿卡艾克克。他们的暗杀行动跨越了种族、地区和信仰。不过,有一种类型的合约一定会被红螳螂的成员回绝,即暗杀目标是正统君王(rightful monarch)的时候,这条规矩源于他们的宗教信仰。此外,若合约内容尝试索求杀戮行为之外的服务,红螳螂也会婉拒委托人。红螳螂的执行者并非只是单纯的破坏者、情报员或窃贼。他们当然能够胜任暗杀阴谋的协助人或者在此类计划中担任顾问的角色,然而这是有先决条件的——只有当有资格的人希望废黜君王的统治时,刺客们才会提供此类服务。

鲜血女士贾凯琳(守序邪恶 女性人类 阿卡艾克克牧师 9级/红螳螂刺客* 10级/诡术大师MA 3阶)
身为红螳螂刺客的首领的贾凯琳同时也统治着莫迪欧凯提岛,从技术上来说,她是所有暗杀行动的最终仲裁者。只有她有权进入殷红要塞中的萨扎里书库(Sarzari Library)——据传这是格拉利昂最全面的古代秘传学识的储藏地之一。尽管贾凯琳掌权的时间已经长达数十年,但是她看起来只是一名让人印象深刻、表情严肃的三十岁女性。人们对她那恒久的青春产生了许多猜测,其中最流行的说法是,她掌握了一种秘术,可以吸收被自己亲手刺杀之人的生命。
高阶杀手多雷尔(守序邪恶 男性变形怪 武僧 9级/红螳螂刺客* 3级)
多雷尔是一名伪装大师,他负责监督刺客们在多项欺诈技艺上的训练。实际上,多雷尔只是这名变形怪在组织内外的多个身份之一。该名变形怪最喜欢的面向是一名光头的莽吉男人(Mwangi man),他为神秘的伊兹玛格罗提市长提供服务,然而需要在公开场合进行交涉时,他会尽可能不使用重复的外貌现身,常常冒充为低阶的行政人员、外交官、贵族或来访的海盗。在此情形下,他拥有自己独占的伪装代理人,专门为他的其他身份充当替身——这种策略已经无数次帮他保住了性命,因为总是有替身死于针对他的暗杀。
高阶牧师萨维雅(守序邪恶 女性精灵 阿卡艾克克牧师 15级)

劇透 -   :
Red Mantis

Notorious Cult of Deadly Assassins
Scope global
Alignment LE
Headquarters Ilizmagorti (public) and Crimson Citadel (hidden) (Mediogalti Island)
Values deadly efficiency, discretion, loyalty, professionalism, purity of focus, respect for the rule of rightful monarchies
Goals act as professional assassins—and only assassins—for any client willing to pay the price of a contract, honor the mantis god Achaekek through the sacred rite of assassination, never fail to fulfill an assassination contract
Allies Asmodeans, Besmarans, Calistrians, Gray Gardeners, Nethysians, pirates, rightful monarchs
Enemies Caydenites, Desnans, Eagle Knights, Iomedaeans, most Hellknight orders, Norgorberites, Pathfinder Society, Rahadoum, River Kingdoms Outlaw Council, Sarenites, Shelynites
Rivals none

None outside of the Red Mantis know when the Inner Sea’s most feared and most notorious assassins’ guild was founded. It seems likely that they operated in secrecy for many years, if not centuries, in the shadows of the Rahadoumi city of Azir. There, the Red Mantis venerated Achaekek, the Mantis God, through the act of merciless contract killings in the deific assassin’s honor. More than 2,100 years ago, the bloody Oath Wars in Rahadoum came to an end with the rise of the Laws of Man, which outlawed all worship of the gods. For many hundreds of years, nothing was heard of the Red Mantis, and the assumption was they were eradicated. In truth the assassins escaped to the tropical island of Mediogalti, where, over quiet centuries, they constructed their hidden fortress, the Crimson Citadel. They also secretly aided the growth of Ilizmagorti, a city-port favored by pirates. It wasn’t until over 13 centuries after their flight from Rahadoum that the Red Mantis made their dramatic return with the assassination of Merivesta Olinchi of Nex. Red Mantis agents murdered her during the premiere of her masterpiece, The Conception Exception, simultaneously debuting their signature armor and sawtooth sabre fighting style.
Today, the Red Mantis continue to hold allegiance to Achaekek. Their assassinations span all races, regions, and religions. However, one type of contract its agents always refuse is that which targets a rightful monarch, as stipulated by their religious beliefs. Additionally, the Red Mantis decline contracts that attempt to solicit services beyond the singular act of killing. The group’s agents are not mere saboteurs, informants, or thieves. They can, of course, be hired to aid in assassination plots or to act as advisors in such schemes—it is only in this capacity that those seeking to depose ruling monarchs can engage the assassins’ services.
The price they extract from their clients varies just as much as the victims the Red Mantis claim. Sometimes the cost is a handful of coins; other times, it’s a merchant’s entire fortune. Or it could simply be a favor the society can call in at a future date. The assassins’ reasoning behind the cost of a contract is as mysterious as their methods.
The Red Mantis are many things to many people. To a desperate merchant, a Red Mantis assassin is a way to eliminate a monopolizing rival. To a grieving father, the contract killers are tools of vengeance against those who butchered his family. And to an orphan who is downtrodden and alone in life, joining the Red Mantis is a way to prove herself and gain true power, so that no one can ever hurt her again.
Sometimes, when a mark proves too difficult to assassinate, the Red Mantis refund the fee and allow the target to go free. In the rare instances in which one of their own defects, an assassin’s direct superiors are expected to hunt her down and either eliminate her or bring her back into the fold. If the defecting assassin survives this and defeats her onetime superior, she is granted clemency and allowed to live her life as she sees fit—provided she never again crosses paths with the Red Mantis or stands in the way of their goals.

Blood Mistress Jakalyn (LE female human cleric of Achaekek 9/Red Mantis assassin* 10/ tricksterMA 3): The leader of the Red Mantis assassins, Jakalyn also rules all of Mediogalti Island and is technically the ultimate arbiter of all assassination activity. She alone has access to the Sarzari Library in the Crimson Citadel, supposedly one of Golarion’s most comprehensive repositories of ancient and esoteric lore. Though she has been in power for several decades now, she still appears as a striking and stern woman in her midthirties. Many speculations as to the nature of her lasting youth persist, but the most popular theory is that she commands a secret method of absorbing youth from those she assassinates.
High Killer Dorel (LE male doppelganger monk 9/Red Mantis assassin* 3): Dorel is a master of disguise who oversees the training of assassins in the many arts of deception. In truth, Dorel is just one identity among many that this doppelganger assumes within the organization and beyond. The doppelganger’s favorite persona is as a bald Mwangi man who serves as the enigmatic Mayor of Ilizmagorti, yet when it comes to interacting with the public, he takes pains to never appear as the same person twice, often posing as a lower-ranking administrator, diplomat, noble, or visiting pirate. In such events he has his own disguised agents stand in for other roles—this tactic has saved his life countless times when a body double fell to a blade meant for him.
High Priest Saviya (LE female elf cleric of Achaekek 15): Once a buccaneer and worshiper of the pirate goddess Besmara who served alongside a band of particularly ill-tempered buccaneers, Saviya caught her captain selling information about Mediogalti Island’s defenses to agents from Rahadoum. Outraged at this betrayal, she informed the Red Mantis and begged to be allowed to participate in the assassination. Her request was granted, and after she assisted in the slaughter of her captain, she converted the whole crew to the worship of Achaekek and joined the assassins. She has since flourished within the Red Mantis’s strict hierarchy, learning to summon and control ever-greater minions who themselves specialize in the art of slaying.
« 上次编辑: 2017-09-25, 周一 18:06:45 由 四月 »

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Re: 【AG】红螳螂(Red Mantis)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:27:01 »
安息杀手(Death Slayer)


生命骰(Hit Die):d8

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

引导能量(Channel Energy,Su):1级起,安息杀手获得以正能量伤害不死生物的力量。该能力的功能与牧师的引导正能量对不死生物造成伤害(但不能治疗活物)能力一样,在判断专长的先决条件或者判断其他依赖于引导能量的效果时,该能力都被视为引导能量。在引导能量时,安息杀手使用她的职业等级作为有效牧师等级。她每日可以引导能量的次数为:3 + 她的魅力调整值。她在1级时可以造成1d6点伤害,并且在之后的每2个等级额外增加1d6点。在判断安息杀手的引导能量对不死生物造成伤害的伤害骰数量时,安息杀手等级与其他任何提供引导能量(若有的话)的职业等级叠加,但是这个引导能量能力只能用于伤害不死生物。不死生物如果由于引导能量而承受伤害时,能够尝试1次意志豁免来使伤害减半;该豁免的DC为:10 + 安息杀手的职业等级 + 她的魅力调整值。安息杀手必须出示她的圣徽或者锯齿剑才能使用该能力。

导能打击(Channel Smite):安息杀手获得导能打击(Channel Smite)作为奖励专长。若她已经拥有该专长,则可以在2级能够选取的奖励专长中选择1个不同的专长作为替代(见后文)。


奖励专长(Bonus Feats):在2级以及之后的每3个等级,安息杀手都能在正常的升级之外获取额外的奖励专长。这些奖励专长必须从后述列表中选取:额外引导(Extra Channel),高等导能打击(Greater Channel Smite;UC),引导之手(Guided Hand;UC),精通导能(Improved Channel),生命诱惑(Life Lure;UM),快速导能(Quick Channel;UM),逆转控制(Shatter Control;HA),死圣法术(Thanatopic Spell;UM),通灵法术(Threnodic Spell;UM)或驱散死灵(Turn Undead)。安息杀手必须满足被选取的专长的先决条件。
劇透 -  逆转控制:
Shatter Control (Combat)
好处:以1次特殊的整轮动作(full-round action),你能够作出单次近战攻击对抗1名不死生物、或作出单次远程攻击对抗30尺内的1名不死生物。若攻击命中,你能够对不死生物目标造成正常的近战或远程伤害。若目标不死生物正在被它人操控,由于目标不死生物是无智能不死生物而被其他生物用法术操控、或者受到其他不死生物的指挥之下时,如果在你作出攻击的时候,控制者在距离你120尺范围之内的话,它必须尝试1次意志豁免(DC = 10 + 1/2x你的等级 + 你的魅力调整值),失败则会在10分钟内失去对目标不死生物的控制力。处于该效果影响时,目标不死生物会立即被迫去寻找并攻击它曾经的控制者,直至控制力被恢复为止。

宿敌(Favored Enemy,Ex):2级起,安息杀手将不死生物作为它的宿敌。该能力的功能与游侠的同名职业能力相同,并且和来自其他职业的类似加值叠加(这并不会增加针对其他生物类型的已有宿敌加值)。6级起,安息杀手对不死生物的宿敌加值增加至+4点。

快速导能击(Swift Smite,Su):3级起,安息杀手每日使用导能打击的次数得到增加,额外增加的次数等同于她的安息杀手等级,而且这些额外导能打击使用次数不会消耗她的每日引导能量使用次数。她无法使用这些导能打击的额外次数来进行常规的引导能量。每当安息杀手使用导能打击时,她能够在近战攻击的检定作出后以直觉动作启动该能力,但是该决定必须在检定得出结果前作出。

注能锯刃(Infuse Sabre,Su):在4级时每日1次,安息杀手能够以迅捷动作(swift action)向1把她所持用的锯齿剑(sawtooth sabre)注入正能量。这些被注入的能量会持续3轮。在挥舞注能锯刃时,安息杀手的引导能量伤害增加一半(+50%),而且不死生物会在对抗她的引导能量以及她的任何法术时,所有豁免检定受到-2减值。7级起,她每日可以向锯齿剑注能的次数增加至2次,10级时提升至每日3次,不过同一时间她仅能拥有1把注能锯刃。

必杀信念(Deadly Conviction,Su):6级起,安息杀手在对抗由不死生物创造的法术或效果时,所有豁免检定获得+4士气加值。每日1次,安息杀手能忽略1个本应影响到她的负向等级(negative level)。

扼杀死灵(Undead Bane):8级起,安息杀手所持用的1把锯齿剑(sawtooth sabre)被视为具有针对不死生物的破敌武器(bane weapon)效果,只要安息杀手持用该武器便可以让该效果生效。

驱死灵光(Aura of Life,Su):10级起,安息杀手能够以迅捷动作(swift action)放射出可以削弱不死生物的10尺正能量灵光。安息杀手身上会因此发出暗淡的深红色光芒。若不死生物身处在灵光范围内,则会在自己的回合开始时承受4d6点正能量伤害。当灵光被激活时,安息杀手获得10点快速恢复(fast healing)。安息杀手每日可以激活该灵光的时间至多为10轮。这些持续时间不必连续,而且她能够以自由动作(free action)停止灵光。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊每日法术
1级+0+1+0+1引导能量 1d6,导能打击,墓穴视域     
2级+1+1+1+1奖励专长,宿敌 +2+1现有施法职业等级
3级+2+2+1+2引导能量 2d6,快速导能击+1现有施法职业等级
4级+3+2+1+2注能锯刃 1次/日+1现有施法职业等级
5级+3+3+2+3奖励专长,引导能量 3d6+1现有施法职业等级
6级+4+3+2+3必杀信念,宿敌 +4
7级+5+4+2+4引导能量 4d6,注能锯刃 2次/日+1现有施法职业等级
9级+6+5+3+5引导能量 5d6+1现有施法职业等级
10级+7+5+3+5驱死灵光,注能锯刃 3次/日+1现有施法职业等级

劇透 -   :
Since their establishment, the Red Mantis have abided by the divine laws established by Achaekek and the holy rituals of murder, including the law of reality that all things must die, in their time—or when a contract seals their fate. Even the gods themselves must face death, as evidenced by the death of the god Aroden a century ago. Creatures that attempt to avoid death through any means mock the order all living things must submit to, and as such mock the sacred act of assassination. Undead are particularly upsetting to some members of the Red Mantis, and death slayers are trained as specialized agents for missions where the target of an assassination is undead, or when an assassinated target returns from death as one of the undead.
Just as Red Mantis assassins do not wantonly slaughter the living, death slayers don’t indiscriminately seek out undead to destroy. They focus instead on eliminating specific targets they’ve been hired to destroy, and they take special satisfaction in destroying those who were assassinated in life by one of their colleagues. A death slayer may even take a contract from one undead client to destroy another, such as two vampires squabbling over territory that holds increasingly sparse human chattel. Death slayers also have a situational exception regarding the prohibition on targeting monarchs. Should a rightful monarch become an undead creature of any sort— whether intentionally (to extend his reign), via a curse, or by other means—this negates the monarch’s previous divine mandate, and the death slayer is not restrained by the Red Mantis’s taboo against killing rightful monarchs for this particular target. Of course, a monarch who becomes undead does not earn the enmity of the Red Mantis simply through the act of becoming undead: an outside agent must still hire the Red Mantis to take out the monarch.
While the majority of death slayers worship Achaekek, worshipers of any deity can follow the teachings of the death slayer, provided those who take levels in the prestige class are themselves at least affiliated with the Red Mantis. Good or chaotic death slayers, while incredibly rare, are not impossibilities. Likewise, while most death slayers were once clerics, any divine spellcaster could, in theory, study to become a death slayer.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a death slayer, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (sawtooth sabre), Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus (sawtooth sabre).
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, Perception 5 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks.
Spells: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells.

Class Skills
A death slayer’s class skills are Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the death slayer prestige class.
Channel Energy (Su): At 1st level, a death slayer gains the power to harm undead with positive energy. This ability functions as a cleric’s ability to channel positive energy to deal damage to undead (but not to heal living creatures), and it counts as channel energy for the purposes of qualifying for feats or determining effects that rely on channel energy. A death slayer uses her class level as her effective cleric level when channeling energy. She can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. She deals 1d6 points of damage at 1st level and an additional 1d6 points of damage every 2 levels thereafter. Death slayer levels stack with levels in any class that grants channel energy (if any) for the purpose of determining the number of damage dice her channel energy ability deals to undead, but this channel energy can never do anything other than harm undead. An undead creature that takes damage from this channeled energy can attempt a Will save to halve the damage; the DC of this save is equal to 10 + the death slayer’s class level + her Charisma modifier. The death slayer must be able to present either her holy symbol or a sawtooth sabre to use this ability.
Channel Smite: A death slayer gains Channel Smite as a bonus feat. If she already has this feat, she instead gains a different feat selected from those bonus feats normally available to her at 2nd level (see below).
Gravegaze (Su): A death slayer gains the benefits of deathwatch at all times.
Bonus Feats: At 2nd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a death slayer gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from the following: Extra Channel, Greater Channel SmiteUC, Guided HandUC, Improved Channel, Life LureUM, Quick ChannelUM, Shatter ControlHA, Thanatopic SpellUM, Threnodic SpellUM, or Turn Undead. The death slayer must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat.
Favored Enemy (Ex): At 2nd level, a death slayer gains undead as a favored enemy. This ability functions as the ranger class feature of the same name and stacks with similar bonuses from other classes. (This doesn’t increase existing favored enemy bonuses against any other creature types.) At 6th level, the death slayer’s favored enemy bonus against undead increases to +4.
Swift Smite (Su): At 3rd level, a death slayer can use her Channel Smite feat an additional number of times per day equal to her death slayer level without expending a use of her total channel energy uses per day. She cannot use these additional uses of Channel Smite to use channel energy in the regular way. Whenever she uses Channel Smite, she can activate the ability as an immediate action after she rolls for a melee attack but before the result is revealed.
Infuse Sabre (Su): Once per day at 4th level, a death slayer can infuse a wielded sawtooth sabre with positive energy as a swift action. This infusion of energy lasts for 3 rounds. When brandishing an infused sabre, a death slayer’s channeled energy damage increases by half (+50%), and undead take a –2 penalty on all saving throws against her channeled energy and against any spell she casts. At 7th level, she can infuse a sabre twice per day, and at 10th level she can do so three times a day, but she can have only one infused sabre at a time.
Deadly Conviction (Su): At 6th level, a death slayer gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against spells and effects created by undead creatures. Once per day, she can ignore 1 negative level that would otherwise affect her.
Undead Bane: At 8th level, one sawtooth sabre a death slayer wields functions as a bane weapon against undead creatures as long as the death slayer wields the weapon.
Aura of Life (Su): At 10th level, a death slayer can emit a 10-foot aura of positive energy that weakens undead creatures as a swift action. This creates a dim crimson glow around the death slayer. Each undead creature within the aura at the start of its turn takes 4d6 points of positive energy damage. While this aura is active, the death slayer has fast healing 10. A death slayer can activate this aura for up to 10 rounds per day. The duration need not be consecutive, and she can deactivate the aura as a free action.
« 上次编辑: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:33:10 由 四月 »

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Re: 【AG】红螳螂(Red Mantis)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:27:14 »
红螳螂刺客(Red Mantis Assassin)


生命骰(Hit Die):d8

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:6 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

武器和防具擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):红螳螂刺客擅长简易武器、轻型军用武器和轻甲,但是不擅长盾牌。红螳螂刺客在穿戴轻甲施放红螳螂刺客法术时不会承受奥术失败率。

法术(Spells):红螳螂刺客能够施放术士/法师法术列表中幻术系(illusion)与变化系(transmutation)的奥术。她能够施放任何自身已知的法术而不用进行事先准备。要施放法术,红螳螂刺客的魅力属性必须至少达到10 + 法术的环级,她的奖励法术基于魅力属性。对抗这些法术的豁免检定DC为:10 + 法术的环级 + 施法者的魅力调整值(若有的话)。在每个红螳螂刺客等级,她都根据后述表格获得1个或更多个新法术。在4级、6级、8级和10级,她能够学会1个新法术取代1个已知法术,不过该法术的法术环级必须与被取代的法术相同。
随着等级的提升,少量原本不可用的法术会加入到她的法术列表中。红螳螂刺客不会在对应的等级自动学会这些法术——她必须将其选为已知法术才能使用。2级时,她将隐雾术(Obscuring Mist)与克敌机先(True Strike)加入到她的法术列表中。4级时,她将黑暗术(Darkness)与飞虫走兽(Summon Swarm)加入到她的法术列表中。6级时,她将云雾术(Fog Cloud)与识破隐形(See Invisibility)加入到她的法术列表中。8级时,她将锐耳术/鹰眼术(Clairaudience/Clairvoyance)与人类定身术(Hold Person)加入到她的法术列表中。10级时,她将任意门(Dimension Door)与修改记忆(Modify Memory)加入到她的法术列表中。

偷袭(Sneak Attack,Ex):该能力的功能与盗贼的同名能力一样。额外伤害在1级时为+1d6点,并在之后的每3个等级额外增加1d6点。如果红螳螂刺客由其他来源获得了偷袭攻击加值,那么伤害加值叠加。

锯齿剑战斗(Sabre Fighting,Ex):1级起,红螳螂刺客获得武器专精(锯齿剑)作为奖励专长,而且在所有方面将锯齿剑(sawtooth sabre)视为轻型武器(light weapon),这包括了以武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse)专长来使用锯齿剑。5级起,她获得高等武器专攻(锯齿剑)作为奖励专长。7级起,她获得高等武器专精(锯齿剑)作为奖励专长。红螳螂刺客不需要满足这些专长要求的最低战士等级也能够使用它们。

祷念杀法(Prayer Attack,Su):2级起,红螳螂刺客习得了她最具特色的暗杀架势。要进行祷念杀法,她要伸出锯齿剑(或双剑),尖头朝下并在半空中摇摆着刀刃。她与目标之间的距离必须在30尺内,而且能够看到目标。开始祷念杀法是标准动作,若目标没有成功通过1次意志豁免(DC = 10 + 红螳螂刺客的职业等级 + 她的魅力调整值;若她正持用两把锯齿剑,该DC会增加2点),便会由于架势而陷入迷魂(fascinated)。迷魂效果是影响心灵(mind-affecting)效果。她能够通过专注来维持迷魂效果。每当目标受到威胁(引起迷魂的刺客之外的人所引起的威胁)时,他都能尝试1次新的豁免来摆脱迷魂。在3轮后的任意时刻,若目标仍旧受到迷魂,红螳螂刺客便能对目标进行致命一击(coup de grace);红螳螂刺客在进行致命一击时能够维持该迷魂效果。启动或以专注维持祷念杀法都不会引起借机攻击。

血红寿衣(Red Shroud,Su):3级起,红螳螂刺客能够以移动动作(move action)制造出1种红雾遮罩,该能力的每日次数等同于她的体质调整值(最低1次/日)。血红寿衣会持续每职业等级1轮,为红螳螂刺客的AC提供+1点闪避加值,以及数值等同于她的体质调整值(最低为1点)的快速恢复(fast healing)。这些薄雾不会被风吹散。若红螳螂刺客在该能力激活时被杀死,她能够选择保留尸体,或者让尸体分解为一团红雾,只留下她的装备,防止敌人利用她的尸体。

召唤螳螂(Summon Mantis,Sp):在4级时每日1次,红螳螂刺客能够召唤1只进化炼狱巨螳螂(advanced fiendish giant mantis)、1d3只炼狱巨螳螂(fiendish giant mantises)、或1d4+1只巨螳螂(giant mantises),就如同使用了召唤怪物 V(Summon Monster V)一般。她能以自由动作(free action)通过精神指挥这些被召唤的虫类。所有被该类法术能力召唤的螳螂均为血红色,而且不会在森林中的潜行检定获得种族加值。

复活感知(Resurrection Sense,Su):5级起,当过去1年内被红螳螂刺客杀死的生物被复活时,只要两者处于相同的位面,她就能察觉到这一点。

螳螂形态(Mantis Form,Su):6级起,每日1次以标准动作,红螳螂刺客能够变身为血红祷念巨螳螂(bloodred giant praying mantis),就如同使用了虫类形态II(Vermin Shape II;UM;施法者等级等同于她的职业等级)一般。除了该法术效果对力量、敏捷以及天生护甲的正常调整外,她还会获得巨螳螂(giant mantis)的60尺黑暗视觉(darkvision);它的攫抓(grab)能力;以及它的突刺(lunge)、颚袭(Mandibles)、和突袭(Sudden Strike)特异能力(extraordinary abilities);但她不会获得免疫影响心灵效果或巨螳螂在察觉和潜行上的种族调整值。若红螳螂刺客在变形时手中持握的是1把魔法锯齿剑(magical sawtooth sabre),那么该把武器的魔法增强会应用至她在螳螂形态中所对应的爪抓攻击(claw attack)上——若她持用着两把锯齿剑,那么每把锯齿剑的增强都会分别应用至相应的爪抓攻击上。随着红螳螂刺客的等级提升,她的螳螂形态会根据后文描述获得额外的力量。
鲜血螳螂(Blood Mantis):8级起,她的爪抓攻击(claw attacks)在命中时会造成1d6点出血伤害(bleed damage)。她还会在该形态下获得5/善良的伤害减免。
致命螳螂(Death Mantis):10级起,每当她以颚袭(Mandibles)能力的一部分作出的啮咬攻击造成伤害时,她还会造成1个负向等级(negative level)。移除每个负向等级的豁免DC为:20 + 红螳螂刺客的体质调整值。每当红螳螂刺客以此方式造成负向等级时,她便会获得5点临时生命值,持续1小时。此外,她在该形态下的伤害减免提升为DR 10/善良。

淡化(Fading,Su):8级起,当红螳螂刺客被武器攻击或被迫尝试1次反射豁免检定时,她能够以直觉动作(immediate action)瞬间变得缥缈无形;她每日能够使用该能力的次数等同于她的体质调整值(最低1次)。她必须在武器攻击检定或法术效果的判定揭晓前选择是否启动该能力。该能力会使红螳螂刺客有50%的概率避免由于攻击或效果而承受伤害。

螳螂之厄(Mantis Doom,Sp):9级起,红螳螂刺客每日能够以类法术能力使用3次漫天虫蚀(Creeping Doom),施法者等级等同于她的角色等级。该版本的法术会召唤出有毒的祷念螳螂集群(swarms of venomous praying mantises),但是其他方面的效果与原法术相同。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊
1级+0+0+1+1偷袭 +1d6,锯齿剑战斗1
4级+3+1+2+2召唤螳螂,偷袭 +2d6
7级+5+2+4+4偷袭 +3d6,锯齿剑战斗3
10级+7+3+5+5致命螳螂形态,偷袭 +4d6     

等级      1环      2环      3环      4环

劇透 -   :
Initiates of the Red Mantis usually begin their training as rogues, often with fighter or ranger levels, as stealth and skill at arms are both prerequisites to joining the order.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a Red Mantis assassin, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful evil.
Feats: Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (sawtooth sabre), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (sawtooth sabre).
Skills: Intimidate 5 ranks, Perception 5 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks.

Class Skills
The Red Mantis assassin’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Stealth (Dex).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Red Mantis assassin.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Red Mantis assassin is proficient with simple weapons, light martial weapons, and light armor, but not with shields. A Red Mantis assassin can cast Red Mantis assassin spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure.
Spells: A Red Mantis assassin casts illusion and transmutation arcane spells drawn from the sorcerer and wizard spell lists. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. To cast a spell, she must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the spell’s level, and her bonus spells are based on Charisma. Saving throws against these spells have a DC of 10 + the spell’s level + the caster’s Charisma modifier (if any). At each Red Mantis assassin level, she gains one or more new spells as indicated on the table below. At 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th level, she can learn a new spell in place of one she already knows, provided the new spell is of the same level as the one she is replacing.
As she gains levels, a small number of additional spells that are not otherwise available to her are added to her list. She does not automatically learn these spells when they become available—they must be selected as part of her total spells known. At 2nd level, she adds obscuring mist and true strike to her spell list. At 4th level, she adds darkness and summon swarm to her spell list. At 6th level, she adds fog cloud and see invisibility to her spell list. At 8th level, she adds clairaudience/clairvoyance and hold person to her spell list. At 10th level, she adds dimension door and modify memory to her spell list.
Sneak Attack (Ex): This functions as the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt is +1d6 at 1st level and increases by 1d6 every 3rd level thereafter. If the Red Mantis assassin gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the damage bonuses stack.
Sabre Fighting (Ex): At 1st level, the Red Mantis assassin gains Weapon Specialization (sawtooth sabre) as a bonus feat and treats sawtooth sabres as a light weapon for all purposes, including being able to use a sawtooth sabre with Weapon Finesse. At 5th level, she gains Greater Weapon Focus (sawtooth sabre) as a bonus feat. At 7th level, she gains Greater Weapon Specialization (sawtooth sabre) as a bonus feat. She does not need to otherwise qualify for these feats by having the minimum number of fighter levels.
Prayer Attack (Su): At 2nd level, a Red Mantis assassin learns her signature assassination style. To initiate a prayer attack, she holds her sawtooth sabre (or sabres) out, point down, and weaves the blade in the air. She must be within 30 feet of and visible to her victim. Beginning a prayer attack is a standard action that causes her victim to be fascinated unless he succeeds at a Will save (DC = 10 + the Red Mantis assassin’s class level + her Charisma modifier; if she’s wielding two sawtooth sabres, the DC increases by 2). The fascination effect is a mind-affecting effect. She can maintain the fascination effect by concentrating. The victim can attempt a new save to escape this fascination each time a threat (other than the fascinating assassin) appears. At any point after 3 rounds, she can deliver a coup de grace to the target, provided the target is still fascinated; the Red Mantis assassin maintains this fascination effect while delivering a coup de grace. Activating or concentrating to maintain a prayer attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Red Shroud (Su): At 3rd level, a Red Mantis assassin can create a veil of red mist a number of times per day equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum once per day) as a move action. The red shroud persists for 1 round per class level, granting the Red Mantis assassin a +1 dodge bonus to AC and fast healing equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum 1). This mist cannot be dissipated by wind. If she is slain while this ability is active, she can choose whether to remain corporeal or to disintegrate into a cloud of red mist that leaves behind only her gear, depriving her enemies of access to her remains.
Summon Mantis (Sp): Once per day at 4th level, a Red Mantis assassin can summon an advanced fiendish giant mantis, 1d3 fiendish giant mantises, or 1d4+1 giant mantises, as if using summon monster V. She can mentally direct the actions of these summoned vermin as a free action. All mantises summoned by this spelllike ability are blood red and gain no racial bonus on Stealth checks in forests.
Resurrection Sense (Su): At 5th level, a Red Mantis assassin senses if a creature she has slain within the last year has been restored to life, as long as they are both on the same plane.
Mantis Form (Su): At 6th level, a Red Mantis assassin can transform into a bloodred giant praying mantis once per day as a standard action, as if using vermin shape IIUM (caster level equals her class level). In addition to the normal adjustments to Strength, Dexterity, and natural armor provided by this spell effect, she gains the giant mantis’s darkvision 60 feet; its grab ability; and its lunge, mandibles, and sudden strike extraordinary abilities, but not its immunity to mindaffecting effects or its racial modifiers to Perception and Stealth. If she wields a magical sawtooth sabre in her hand when she transforms, the magical enhancements on that weapon apply to her corresponding claw attack—if she wields two of them, then the enhancements each apply to their respective claw attacks. As she gains levels, her mantis form gains additional powers, as detailed below.
Blood Mantis: At 8th level, her claw attacks deal 1d6 points of bleed damage on a hit. She also gains damage reduction 5/good while in this form.
Death Mantis: At 10th level, whenever she deals damage with a bite attack as part of her mandibles ability, she also inflicts 1 negative level. The save DC to remove each of these negative levels is equal to 20 + the Red Mantis assassin’s Constitution modifier. Each negative level inflicted in this manner grants the Red Mantis assassin 5 temporary hit points that last for 1 hour. In addition, her damage reduction increases to DR 10/good while in this form.
Fading (Su): At 8th level, as an immediate action a number of times per day equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum 1), the Red Mantis assassin can become ethereal for an instant as she is attacked by a weapon or is forced to attempt a Reflex saving throw. She must choose to activate this ability before the weapon’s attack roll or the spell’s effects are adjudicated. This grants the Red Mantis assassin a 50% chance to avoid taking damage from the attack or effect.
Mantis Doom (Sp): At 9th level, a Red Mantis assassin can use creeping doom as a spell-like ability three times per day (with a caster level equal to her character level). This version of the spell summons swarms of venomous praying mantises, but the effects are otherwise the same as the spell.
« 上次编辑: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:33:23 由 四月 »

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Re: 【AG】红螳螂(Red Mantis)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:27:24 »
Crimson Chymist(Alchemist Archetype)

腥红研究(Crimson Discoveries,Su):腥红炼金师有权使用几种独特的科研发现,详细内容如后所述。
引述: 腥红研究
圣螳神肢(Arms of Achaekek):当腥红炼金师喝下螳螂突变剂之后,她的双臂上的小型倒刺会显著地成长,这使她获得了可作为天生武器(natural weapons)的两次爪抓攻击(claw attacks)。这些爪抓造成的伤害与她的体型相符(中型腥红炼金师为1d4),并且视为次要攻击(secondary attacks)。这些爪抓不会取代腥红炼金师的双手,她仍旧可以使用双手持握武器、攻击、拿取物品、和以其他方式熟练地使用双手,但是她的腕部(wrists slot)无法穿戴任何物品或任何护甲——若她装备了占据腕部的魔法物品或任何护甲,那么只要没有脱下护甲或腕部装备,她的双爪便会缩小为装饰性的倒刺,无法用于在战斗中使用。在选取该项科研发现之前,腥红炼金师必须至少达到6级。

鲜血视域(Blood Sight):当腥红炼金师处于螳螂突变剂的效果影响时,她的双眼会转变为红色的复眼。在螳螂突变剂存续期间,这种改变会让她获得范围为60尺的黑暗视觉(darkvision),而且会使她获得观命术(deathwatch)的效果。若腥红炼金师已经由于自身种族而获得了黑暗视觉,那么使用鲜血视域会让她的黑暗视觉范围增加30尺。

高等圣螳神肢(Improved Arms of Achaekek):当腥红炼金师不使用人造武器(manufactured weapons)进行攻击时,圣螳神肢科研发现提供的爪抓现在被视为主要武器(如果腥红炼金师使用人造武器攻击,那么这些爪抓依旧被视为次要武器)。爪抓的伤害骰提高1级(中型腥红炼金师为1d6),而且攻击命中时会造成1d4点出血伤害(bleed damage)。在选取该项科研发现之前,腥红炼金师必须至少达到10级,而且具有圣螳神肢科研发现。

摄取毒素(Ingest Venom):每日1次以标准动作,腥红炼金师能够摄取(ingest)任意1剂毒素,而且不会伤到自己。当腥红炼金师下一次饮用螳螂突变剂并且使用圣螳神肢科研发现时,她的双爪都会浸有1剂先前摄入的毒素。被摄入的毒素会潜藏在炼金术士的体内,直至她启动圣螳神肢科研发现,或者经过24小时为止,以较早发生者为准。在此期间额外摄入的毒素均会如常对炼金术士生效。在选取该项科研发现之前,腥红炼金师具有圣螳神肢科研发现。

螳螂突变剂(Mantis Mutagen,Su):1级起,腥红炼金师发现了如何制造出一种特殊的突变药剂,让自己获得祷念螳螂(praying mantis)的外观。螳螂突变剂的功能与炼金术士的突变药剂(Mutagen)相同,不过它总是会增强敏捷,并对魅力产生减值。在使用了螳螂突变剂后,红色的几丁质会在腥红炼金师体表的肌肤上生长,增强她的天生护甲;一排装饰性的短小倒刺会生长在她的手臂上。

劇透 -   :
Red Mantis agents are easily identifiable by their iconic equipment. Yet some assassins believe even subtler killing methods can be employed while still honoring Achaekek. These crimson chymists turn to the alchemical arts, infusing their bodies with the mutagenic essence of the Mantis God.
Crimson Discoveries (Su): A crimson chymist gains access to several additional unique discoveries, as detailed below.
This alters discovery.
Arms of Achaekek: The small barbs that grow on the crimson chymist’s arms when she drinks her mantis mutagen grow significantly in size, granting her two claw attacks as natural weapons. These claws deal damage as appropriate for her size (1d4 for Medium crimson chymists) and function as secondary attacks. These claws do not replace the chymist’s hands, and she can still use her hands to wield weapons, attack, hold objects, and otherwise use her hands with ease, but she cannot be wearing any item in the wrists slot or any armor—if she dons magic items that occupy the wrists slot or any armor, her claws shrink back to cosmetic barbs that can’t be used in combat as long as the armor or wrist items are worn. A crimson chymist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.
Blood Sight: When the crimson chymist is under the effects of her mantis mutagen, her eyes transform, becoming red and multifaceted. This change grants her darkvision to a range of 60 feet and the effects of deathwatch for the duration of her mutagen’s effects. If the crimson chymist already has darkvision as a benefit of her race, the range of her darkvision increases by 30 feet while using blood sight.
Improved Arms of Achaekek: The claws granted by the arms of Achaekek discovery now function as primary weapons when the crimson chymist makes no attacks with manufactured weapons (the claws function as secondary weapons if the chymist attacks with a manufactured weapon). The damage die of the claws increases by one size category (to 1d6 for Medium crimson chymists), and attacks deal 1d4 points of bleed damage on a hit. A crimson chymist must be at least 10th level and have the arms of Achaekek discovery before selecting this discovery.
Ingest Venom: Once per day as a standard action, the crimson chymist can ingest one dose of any poison without harming herself. The next time she imbibes her mutagen and uses her arms of Achaekek discovery, both claws are envenomed with a dose of the poison she ingested. An ingested venom remains latent in the alchemist’s system until she activates her arms of Achaekek discovery or until 24 hours have passed, whichever comes first. Additional doses of venom ingested during that time affect the alchemist normally. A crimson chymist must have the arms of Achaekek discovery before selecting this discovery.
Mantis Mutagen (Su): At 1st level, a crimson chymist discovers how to create a specialized mutagen that grants her aspects of a praying mantis. A mantis mutagen functions as an alchemist mutagen, save that it always enhances Dexterity and applies a penalty to Charisma. When imbibed, the mutagen causes the crimson chymist’s flesh to grow red chitinous plates on her body as natural armor and a row of small, cosmetic barbed hooks along her arms.
This alters mutagen.
« 上次编辑: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:33:57 由 四月 »

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Re: 【AG】红螳螂(Red Mantis)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:27:33 »
Mantis Zealot(Warpriest Archetype)

螳螂誓约(Mantis Sworn,Ex):螳螂狂徒必须选择信仰阿卡艾克克,而且他的阵营必须是守序邪恶。若他改信其他神祗,便会失去该变体,并成为普通的战斗祭司。

武器和防具擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):螳螂狂徒擅长简易和军用武器,以及锯齿剑(sawtooth sabre;UE)。他们擅长轻甲,但是不擅长盾牌。

偷袭(Sneak Attack,Ex):4级起,螳螂狂徒能够进行偷袭。该能力的功能与盗贼的同名职业能力相同。4级时,他的偷袭攻击伤害为+1d6点。该伤害在8级以及之后的每4个战斗祭司等级均会增加1d6点。若螳螂狂徒从其他来源获得了偷袭攻击加值,那么这些加值会叠加。
该能力取代了神圣武器(Sacred Weapon)。

神力反应(Sacred Reflexes,Su):7级起,螳螂狂徒能够模仿阿卡艾克克的身姿,并以超自然的流畅性进行移动。只要他穿戴轻甲或不穿甲,便能够以迅捷动作(swift action)获得直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge),就如同盗贼职业能力一般。他每日能够使用该能力的分钟数等同于他的战斗祭司等级。这些持续时间不需要连续,但是必须以1分钟为单位进行使用。若螳螂狂徒已经通过其他来源获得了直觉闪避闪避能力,那么他会在启动该能力时获得精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)。10级起,当螳螂狂徒使用该能力时,他还会获得反射闪避(Evasion),就如同武僧职业能力一般;如果他已经通过其他来源获得了反射闪避,则会获得精通反射闪避(Improved Evasion)作为替代。13级起,他会获得精通直觉闪避以取代直觉闪避。16级起,他能够以作出先攻检定的一部分、在投掷骰子之前来启动该能力。19级起,他会获得精通反射闪避以取代反射闪避。
该能力取代了神圣装甲(Sacred Armor)。

螳螂之相(Aspect of the Mantis,Su):20级起,当螳螂狂徒使用战争之貌(Aspect of War)时,他不会获得无视自身装备的护甲或负重来保持全速移动的能力,取而代之的是,他的每次攻击都会造成一定量的出血伤害(bleed damage),该出血的伤害等同于他的敏捷调整值。
该能力改变了战争之貌(Aspect of War)。

劇透 -   :
Among the Red Mantis worshipers of Achaekek, some hold such strong faith in their assassin god that they gain divine power. They forge themselves into perfect killers in honor of He Who Walks in Blood. These warpriests are a relatively recent addition to the Red Mantis arsenal, but in the few short decades they have served the assassins, they have quickly built a reputation for themselves as particularly fanatical devotees of the Mantis God. Their penchant for taking the faith’s writings verbatim and for overwhelming and often destructive pedantry serves them well in matters of loyalty to Achaekek (and particularly when it comes to drafting contracts for assassinations that favor the organization in financial and tactical ways), but it offers little room for complex cases that would benefit from bending the rules, making them unsuitable for missions that require diplomatic finesse. In addition, the rising incidence of mantis zealots accusing fellow worshipers of Achaekek of heresy and blasphemy, resulting in internal accusations, exiles, and even fullblown assassinations, increasingly makes them objects of fear and distrust among even their own kind. Whether the rise of the mantis zealot presages a dramatic upcoming shift in the religion’s hierarchy and methods, or whether the faction may be burning too bright for its own good and is hurtling toward selfannihilation, remains to be seen.
Mantis Sworn (Ex): A mantis zealot must choose Achaekek as his deity, and he must be lawful evil in alignment. If he ever changes his deity, he loses this archetype and becomes a normal warpriest.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mantis zealots are proficient with simple and martial weapons, as well as withthe sawtooth sabreUE. They are proficient with light armor but not with shields.
This replaces the warpriest’s weapon and armor proficiencies.
Sneak Attack (Ex): At 4th level, a mantis zealot can make a sneak attack. This ability functions as the rogue class feature of the same name. At 4th level, his sneak attack damage is +1d6. This damage increases by 1d6 at 8th level and every 4 warpriest levels thereafter. If the zealot gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses stack.
This ability replaces sacred weapon.
Sacred Reflexes (Su): At 7th level, a mantis zealot can emulate Achaekek’s grace and move with a supernatural fluidity. As long as he is wearing light or no armor, as a swift action he can gain uncanny dodge as per the rogue class feature. He can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to his warpriest level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. If he already has the uncanny dodge ability from another source, he instead gains improved uncanny dodge while this ability is active. At 10th level, when he uses this ability, he also gains evasion as per the monk class feature (or improved evasion if he already has evasion from another source). At 13th level, he gains improved uncanny dodge instead of uncanny dodge. At 16th level, he can activate this ability as part of making an initiative check, before rolling the die. At 19th level, he gains improved evasion instead of evasion.
This ability replaces sacred armor.
Aspect of the Mantis (Su): At 20th level, when using aspect of war, instead of moving at full speed regardless of his armor or encumbrance, a mantis zealot deals a number of points of bleed damage equal to his Dexterity modifier with each attack.
This ability alters aspect of war.
« 上次编辑: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:34:08 由 四月 »

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Re: 【AG】红螳螂(Red Mantis)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:27:59 »
与红螳螂结盟(Affiliation with The Red Mantis)
阿卡艾克克是守序邪恶的刺客之神,神罚和红螳螂的化身。与他相关的领域为死亡(Death),邪恶(Evil),秩序(Law),诡术(Trickery)和战争(War);子域为鲜血(Blood),欺骗(Deception),魔鬼(Devil),杀戮(Murder),战术(Tactics)和盗窃(Thievery)。他的偏好武器为锯齿剑(Sawtooth Sabre),其圣徽为一对纠缠在一起,摆出祈祷姿势的红螳螂双爪。



螳螂神之息(Breath of The Mantis God)
价格:1500gp;类型:吸入;豁免:强韧DC 21
这种由红螳螂刺客制作的毒素专门用于确保目标的死亡,红螳螂组织通常会在暗杀行动伊始便让目标染上此毒,之后再下杀手。若受影响的生物在对抗毒素初始效果的豁免检定中失败的话,那么只要目标在毒素被治愈或者效用耗尽之前死亡,任何尝试复活目标的施法者都必须先成功进行一次施法者等级检定(DC = 10 + 已死生物的生命骰总数),否则便意味着法术失败了。

锯齿剑(Sawtooth Sabre)

魔法物品(Magic Items)

腥红谎言(Crimson Bluff)
这把+2追击锯齿剑(+2 speed sawtooth sabre)通体由黑色的金属铸造而成,唯有它那红色的握柄暗示着剑的所属。每日1次以标准动作,腥红谎言的持用者能向阿卡艾克克进行祷告,并创造出1d4 + 3个持续1小时的红螳螂刺客幻象。这些幻象能够混淆持用者的敌人,让持用者能够利用处于恰当站位的幻象来夹击1名敌人。持用者能够用单个迅捷动作(swift action)指挥所有幻象的移动,让每个幻象移动至多30尺。任何与幻象产生互动(或者被幻象夹击)的生物都能够尝试1次DC 16的意志豁免,成功则不相信该效果。幻象刺客被攻击命中后便会消失(幻象的AC使用持用者的接触AC)。
每日3次以直觉动作(immediate action),当腥红谎言的持用者成为了1名敌人的近战攻击的目标时,持用者能够与和自己相邻的幻象刺客交换位置。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),制造者必须是11级的阿卡艾克克牧师、或者能够施放加速术(Haste)、镜影术(Mirror Image)、和假象术(Mislead)

螳螂魔眼(Eye of The Mantis)
这尊1英寸大小的红色大理石雕塑被刻画成1只超小型的祷念螳螂(praying mantis)。在念出命令词后,螳螂会被活化并且按照拥有者的命令来移动,就如同窥视魔眼(Prying Eyes)法术中的魔眼感受器一样。螳螂会在活化状态中维持至多9个小时,或直至它返回到拥有者处并且回放出它所看到的内容为止,在此时点后,它会恢复雕像形态并持续1日。若螳螂在活化状态下被摧毁,则会直接恢复为雕像形态。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),窥视魔眼(Prying Eyes)

螳螂神刃(Mantis Blade)
特殊目的:屠戮一切(slay all)
类法术能力:CL 20级,专注 +22
  • 3次/日:变身术(Alter Self),黑暗术(Darkness),蛛行术(Spider Climb),克敌机先(True Strike)
  • 1次/日:锐耳术/鹰眼术(Clairaudience/Clairvoyance),深幽黑暗术(Deeper Darkness),任意门(Dimension Door),高等隐形术(Greater Invisibility)
螳螂神刃是一把完全由红色几丁质制成的智能+2公理锯齿剑(intelligent +2 axiomatic sawtooth sabre),它的剑刃弯曲并带有许多锯齿。它会赋予持用者进行偷袭的能力,这可以造成1d6点伤害。该能力的功能与盗贼的同名职业能力相同,但是这些额外伤害会与持用者已经具有的任何偷袭攻击加值叠加。当1名生物被螳螂神刃所伤,持用者能以迅捷动作(swift action)启动这把武器的破敌(bane)武器特殊能力(这会赋予武器额外+2增强加值,并且让它能够产生额外2d6点伤害,但是该伤害仅对之前被命中的那一类生物有效)。该破敌能力持续10分钟,而且每日仅能使用1次。
作为螳螂神阿卡艾克克教团的圣器,螳螂神刃还会为持用它的红螳螂刺客(Red Mantis assassin)提供增强。红螳螂刺客若持用螳螂神刃,那么她的祷念杀法(Prayer Attack)的DC获得+2加值,而且血红寿衣(Red Shroud)和淡化(Fading)能力均会获得1次额外每日使用次数。
迄今为止,只有1把已知的螳螂神刃存在于世间,它被发掘自芒吉莽原(Mwangi Expanse)的失落都市,但是古代文献中还记载着其他螳螂神刃的存在。

螳螂之拥(Mantis Embrace)
红螳螂的执行者通常会在隐秘暗杀任务中使用这种极具红螳螂风格的红手套。若穿戴者成功以1次擒抱战技压制(pins)1名敌人的话,她能使用手套在下1轮执行1次特殊的致命一击(coup de grace),在判断此次攻击的效果时,将这双手套视为一对锯齿剑(1d8点挥砍伤害,重击范围19-20)。若这双手套的穿戴者能用此次攻击杀死敌人,那么目标的头颅便会在喷涌的鲜血中爆发,防止那些需要完整身体的复活法术(life-restoring spells)生效。在此次特殊致命一击中存活下来的生物,可以在24小时内免疫任何螳螂之拥带来的后续尝试。
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),爆头(Explode Head;OA),绞杀(Suffocation;APG)

螳螂面罩(Mask of The Mantis)
制造要求:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),黑暗视觉(Darkvision),观命术(Deathwatch),识破隐形(See Invisibility)

暗红潜行甲(Red Stalker Armor)
这件暗红色的+1皮甲(+1 leather armor)的样式模仿自伊兹玛格罗提(Ilizmagorti)——红螳螂刺客的主城——的鲜血守望卫士(Blood Watch guards)的护甲。得益于开放性的设计和良好的透气性,在丛林、潮湿的热带雨林、或其他险恶的环境中佩戴这件护甲是合适的选择。此外,穿戴者还可以在用于虚招(feint)的唬骗检定中获得+5表现加值。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),制造者必须在唬骗技能上投入5点技能

数个世纪以来,红螳螂刺客开发了许多魔法手段,并以此来强化自身对阿卡艾克克那致命的信仰。下面介绍了几个组织所创造的法术。请注意除了萨扎里暗影记忆(Sarzari Shadow Memory)之外(因为该法术对红螳螂刺客来说法术环级太高了),所有后述法术均为红螳螂刺客的可选法术,就好像这些法术是术士/法师法术列表中的幻术系或变化系法术一般。

骨削肉绽(Bone Flense)
等级:血脉狂怒者 2,牧师 3,德鲁伊 3,审判者 3,魔战士 3,术士/法师 3,女巫 3
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
选择1个你能看到的生物。当该生物被红螳螂的成员所持用的武器、锯齿剑(sawtooth sabre)、或者巨螳螂(giant mantis)的爪抓命中时,如果目标没有通过强韧豁免,那么距离伤口最近的骨头会立即生出锯齿状的锋利尖刺,从内部撕裂血肉。该生物会受到每施法者等级1d6点穿刺伤害。虽然骨头在造成伤害后便会立刻恢复正常,但是该生物会承受1d4点出血伤害(bleed damage),持续时间为每2个施法者等级1轮。在出血持续的期间,受害者会因为剧痛而陷入恶心(sickened)。若目标生物没有骨骼,则该法术无效。

腥红之息(Crimson Breath)
等级:炼金术士 4,牧师 4,德鲁伊 4,术士/法师 4,女巫 4
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
当你施放该法术时,你的唾液腺会被转化,并且立即充满剧毒(potent venom)。进行1次远程接触攻击对抗范围内的单个目标;若命中,目标会受到1剂螳螂神之息(Breath of The Mantis God;见上文装备一栏)的影响。这剂毒素的强韧豁免DC与法术的DC相同,而非装备中毒素自身的标准豁免DC。

鲜血之印(Mark of Blood)
等级:血脉狂怒者 2,审判者 2,术士/法师 2,女巫 2
持续时间:1分钟 和 永久(见后文)
你用1滴自己的血涂抹在1把武器上,并用魔法将其转化,这样你便可以在下次使用这把武器命中活物时,将少量自身的生命精华(life essence)转移过去。自此以后,你能够以移动动作了解到该生物所在的方向以及大致的距离。目标可以通过1次成功的意志豁免来免受该效果。你必须在施放该法术之后的1分钟内用相应的武器命中生物,否则该法术便被浪费了,但是鲜血之印的效果是永久的(permanent),它会一直持续至移除诅咒(Remove Curse)或者类似的效果将其解除或移除为止。

螳螂镜影(Mirror Mantis)
等级:吟游诗人 1,牧师 1,催眠师 1,秘学士 1,异能者 1,术士/法师 1
范围:中距(100尺 + 10尺/级)

萨扎里暗影记忆(Sarzari Shadow Memory)
等级:吟游诗人 6,牧师 6,审判者 6,异能者 6,术士/法师 6,女巫 6
  • “后门(Back doors)”:此类信息会告知目标的家中的隐藏通路以及其他通行手段。当你身处于目标的家中时,会在察觉检定中获得+10洞察加值,而且会获得恒定的侦测密门(Detect Secret Doors)与寻找陷阱(Find Traps)效果。你还能自动看透目标家中的任何幻象墙壁(illusory walls)。
  • “品性(Character)”:此类信息会向你泄露关于目标个人生活的细节,当你在尝试向其他人搜集关于暗杀合约的目标的信息时,唬骗、交涉和威吓检定会获得+10加值。对于所有由你产生的影响心灵效果,目标还会在所有豁免检定中受到-2减值,而且当你尝试克服目标的法术抗力时,你的施法者等级检定会获得+4加值。
  • “弱点(Weakness)”:此类信息会让你知晓关于目标具有的身体弱点(physical vulnerabilities)的知识,此外还会提供目标的伤害减免、免疫、以及其他防御能力。在该法术的持续时间内,若这些弱点或者防御能力改变了,那么你会立即知晓这些情况。你对目标产生的所有重击威胁都会自动确认。

锯刃之域(Sawtooth Terrain)
等级:牧师 5,德鲁伊 5,术士/法师 5,女巫 5
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
在法术最初施放时,所有位于区域内的生物必须尝试1次反射豁免,成功则可避免尖刃带来的3d8点穿刺伤害、外加2d6点出血伤害(bleed damage)。豁免失败的生物的速度会在24小时内减半,或者直至受伤的生物从“治疗(cure)”法术中获益为止(该法术会如常恢复生命值)。其他生物也可以用标准动作,通过成功的医疗检定来对抗法术的豁免DC,用于移除该项惩罚。
在法术剩余的持续时间内,这些摇摆的镰刃会一直在该区域内生效,在此期间此地形被视为困难地形(difficult terrain),任何移动进入或通过该区域的生物均会承受1d8点穿刺伤害。此类被转化的区域可以被定位在法术范围内任何可以看到的表面上,这包括门扉、墙壁、地板、天花板或者其他平坦的表面。

劇透 -  原文:
The Red Mantis are a secretive society that maintain a very public presence, a contradiction that sums up the complexities inherent in Golarion’s most notorious assassins’ guild. While they require oaths and the absolute loyalty of those who officially join their organization, the assassins are also quite comfortable in allowing their signature equipment, magic items, and spells out into the hands of non-members, since the spread of Red Mantis innovation only magnifies the group’s presence.
Achaekek is a lawful evil deity of assassinations, divine punishment, and the Red Mantis themselves. He grants access to the domains of Death, Evil, Law, Trickery, and War, and to the subdomains of Blood, Deception, Devil, Murder, Tactics, and Thievery. His favored weapon is the sawtooth sabre, and his symbol is a pair of crossed mantis arms.

Example Affiliation Encounter: One must seek out a member of the group and apply for affiliation. The Red Mantis accept all such requests if the prospective affiliate is willing to pay the price. These prices fall into one of two categories. The most common is the promise of aid in the future tailored to the affiliate’s capabilities and position in society. This might eventually entail building a magic item for an assassin, delivering sensitive political secrets to one of the cult’s agents, or even accompanying a group of Red Mantis assassins on a mission. An alternative price is for the prospective affiliate to provide a portion of her own body preserved with a dose of unguent of timelessness (the dose of unguent to be paid for and provided by the prospective affiliate). While this body part could well be only a fingernail or a hair clipping, most Red Mantis agents instead require a fingertip, an earlobe, a tooth, or another minor but painfully significant excision from the affiliate as a cruel token of intent. Once harvested, these body parts are placed in storage in the Crimson Citadel, in an ever-growing collection of parts that can be used as needed by the Red Mantis for their own needs, be it components for spells like clone or simulacrum or something more eldritch and sinister. In some cases, the affiliate dies before the body part is used, but in all cases the Red Mantis keep their options open for how to eventually utilize the offered flesh.

The Red Mantis make use of the following equipment.

TYPE inhaled SAVE Fortitude DC 21
FREQUENCY 1/minute for 6 minutes
INITIAL EFFECT 1d4 bleed; see text
SECONDARY EFFECT 1d3 Con damage CURE 2 saves
The Red Mantis exist in a world rife with healing magic and all manner of supernatural ways to dodge death. With the society’s reputation based on its ability to bring death to any contracted target, what good would it be if a kindly cleric or wealthy relative paid for a victim to be brought back to life? As a matter of professional pride (as well as religious fervor), the Red Mantis go to great lengths to ensure that their victims remain in the grave once they are placed there. Breath of the mantis god is just one tool they’ve crafted to assure such ends.
This toxin is made only by Red Mantis assassins to ensure a target’s death, and the Red Mantis often task initiates with administering it to victims before their assassination. Once an affected creature fails its saving throw against this poison’s initial effect, if the creature dies before this poison is cured or runs its course, any spellcaster who attempts to raise the creature from the dead must first succeed at a caster level check (DC = 10 + the dead creature’s total Hit Dice), otherwise the spell fails.

TYPE one-handed exotic melee WEIGHT 2 lbs.
DMG (S) 1d6 DMG (M) 1d8 CRIT 19–20/×2 TYPE S
Crafted to evoke the barbed talons of the Mantis God himself, a sawtooth sabre may be used as a Martial Weapon (in which case it functions identically to a longsword). If you have the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (sawtooth sabre) feat, for the purpose of two-weapon fighting you can treat it as a light melee weapon; for all other purposes, it is a one-handed melee weapon.

The Red Mantis use a wide range of custom magical items.

SLOT none CL 11th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA moderate illusion
With a blade crafted entirely out of black metal, this +2 speed sawtooth sabreUE has only one hint of color: a red hilt. Once per day as a standard action, the wielder of the blade can utter a prayer to the god Achaekek to create 1d4+3 illusory Red Mantis assassins that last for 1 hour. These illusions confound the wielder’s enemies, allowing the wielder to flank an enemy with an appropriately positioned figment. The wielder can direct the movement of all figments as a single swift action, moving each of them up to 30 feet. Any creature interacting with (or being flanked by) an illusion can attempt a DC 16 Will save to disbelieve the effect. If an illusory assassin is hit by an attack, it disappears. (Use the wielder’s touch AC as an illusion’s AC.)
Three times per day as an immediate action, when the wielder of a crimson bluff is the target of an enemy’s melee attack, she can swap places with an illusory assassin that is adjacent to her.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be an 11th-level cleric of Achaekek or be able to cast haste, mirror image, and mislead

SLOT none CL 9th WEIGHT —
AURA moderate divination
This 1-inch red marble statue depicts a tiny praying mantis. When the command word is uttered, the mantis comes to life and moves as its owner instructs, as per a sensor eye from a prying eyes spell. The mantis remains animated for up to 9 hours or until it returns to the bearer and replays what it saw, at which point it reverts to statue form for 1 day. If the mantis is destroyed while animate, it reverts to statue form.
Craft Wondrous Item, prying eyes

SLOT none CL 20th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA strong evocation
SENSES 60 ft., darkvision
SPELL-LIKE ABILITIES (CL 20th, concentration +22)
3/day—alter self, darkness, spider climb, true strike;
1/day—clairaudience/clairvoyance, deeper darkness, dimension door, greater invisibility
The mantis blade is an intelligent +2 axiomatic sawtooth sabreUE made of red chitin that forms a curved, serrated blade. It grants its wielder the ability to make a sneak attack that deals 1d6 points of damage. This ability functions as the rogue class feature of the same name, and the extra damage stacks with any sneak attack bonuses the wielder already has. When a creature is wounded with the blade, the wielder can activate the blade’s bane weapon special ability as a swift action (granting the weapon an additional +2 enhancement bonus and causing it to do an extra 2d6 points of damage, but only against the type of creature struck). The bane ability lasts for 10 minutes and is usable once per day.
Sacred to the faith of the mantis god Achaekek, a mantis blade also grants bonuses to a Red Mantis assassin who wields it. A Red Mantis assassin wielding a mantis blade gains a +2 bonus to the DC of her prayer attack and gains an additional use per day of both her red shroud and fading abilities.
To date, only one mantis blade is known to exist, after it was recovered from a lost city in the Mwangi Expanse, but ancient texts suggest others remain yet to be recovered.
If a single wielder uses the mantis blade to slay nine rightful ruling monarchs, the weapon can be destroyed by a successful sunder combat maneuver.

SLOT hands CL 13th WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA strong evocation and necromancy
These stylized red gloves are often employed by agents of the Red Mantis for stealthy assassinations. If the wearer successfully pins an opponent with a grapple combat maneuver, she can perform a special coup de grace attack the next round with the gloves, treating them as if they were sawtooth sabres (1d8 points of slashing damage, critical threat range of 19–20) for the purpose of this attack. Should the wearer of these gloves slay her opponent with this attack, the target’s head erupts in a geyser of blood, preventing life-restoring spells that require an intact body. A creature that survives this coup de grace attack is immune to subsequent attempts from any mantis embrace for 24 hours.
Craft Wondrous Item, explode headOA, suffocationAPG

SLOT head CL 3rd WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint divination
A mask of the mantis is the traditional headgear of the Red Mantis assassin—a magical helm that evokes the eerie visage of a praying mantis. Designed both to mask the wearer’s identity while on a job and to enhance the wearer’s ferocious appearance, a mask of the mantis has 3 daily charges that can be used to gain additional bonuses. The wearer can spend a charge to gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet, the effects of see invisibility, the effects of deathwatch, or a +5 competence bonus on Perception checks. Once a charge is spent, the effect granted persists for 30 minutes before fading. Multiple effects can be active simultaneously. Charges expended from the mask replenish automatically in 24 hours.
Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, deathwatch, see invisibility

SLOT armor CL 3rd WEIGHT 15 lbs.
AURA faint enchantment
This dark red +1 leather armor is modeled after the armor worn by the Blood Watch guards in Ilizmagorti, the home city of the Red Mantis assassins. Vented and airy, the armor is suitable for wearing in dense jungles, humid rainforests, and other formidable environments. The wearer also gains a +5 competence bonus on Bluff checks to feint.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must have 5 ranks in Bluff

Over the centuries, the Red Mantis assassins have developed numerous magical means to facilitate their death-dealing worship of Achaekek. Below are a number of spells that casters within the society have created. Note that with the exception of Sarzari shadow memory (which is too high of a level for a Red Mantis assassin to learn), all of the following spells are available to Red Mantis assassins, being as they are illusion or transmutation spells on the sorcerer/wizard spell lists.

School transmutation; Level bloodrager 2, cleric 3, druid 3, inquisitor 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components M/F (a jagged shard of bone from a humanoid creature)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one living creature
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
Choose a creature that you can see. When that creature is struck by a weapon wielded by a member of the Red Mantis, a sawtooth sabre, or by the claw of a giant mantis, the bone nearest to the wound instantly sprouts jagged, razor-sharp spurs that flense the muscle and flesh from the inside out unless the target succeeds at a Fortitude save. The creature takes 1d6 points of piercing damage per caster level. While the bone returns to normal immediately after dealing damage, the creature takes 1d4 points of bleed damage for 1 round per 2 caster levels. The victim is sickened by the pain for the duration of the bleeding. If the target creature has no bones, this spell has no effect.

School transmutation; Level alchemist 4, cleric 4, druid 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance no
When you cast this spell, your salivary glands transform and instantly fill with potent venom. Make a ranged touch attack against a single target in range; if you hit, the target is affected by a dose of breath of the mantis god (see page 158). The Fortitude save DC for this poison is the same as the spell’s DC, not the standard save DC for the poison.

School transmutation [curseUM]; Level bloodrager 2, inquisitor 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a drop of your blood)
Range touch
Targets one weapon touched
Duration 1 minute and permanent (see text)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You place a drop of your blood on a weapon and charge it with magic so that you transfer a small amount of your life essence to the next living creature you strike with the weapon. Thereafter, you can spend a move action to know the direction and general distance of that creature. The target can negate this effect with a successful Will save. You must strike a creature within 1 minute of casting this spell or the magic is wasted, but once the mark of blood takes effect it is permanent until dispelled or removed via an effect like remove curse.

School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, cleric 1, mesmerist 1, occultist 1, psychic 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S, F (a hand mirror stained with a dried drop of blood)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one living creature
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Whenever the target of this spell looks into a mirror or other reflective surface where it can see its own visage clearly, it sees a Red Mantis assassin (in full armor, face hidden by a mantis mask) looking back at it. The reflection is harmless and mimics the target’s motions perfectly; no one else can see this illusion. The first time the target sees the Red Mantis reflection, it must succeed at a Will save be or shaken and take a –2 penalty on saves against fear effects for as long as it can see the altered image and for 3 rounds thereafter. A new save must be attempted each time the creature views its reflection during the spell’s duration. Once a creature successfully saves, it becomes immune to being shaken by the caster’s mirror mantis spell for 24 hours, though it will still see the Red Mantis reflection until the spell ends.

School divination; Level bard 6, cleric 6, inquisitor 6, psychic 6, sorcerer/wizard 6, witch 6
Casting Time 1 hour
Components V, S, M (a work of art bearing your target’s likeness worth at least 1,500 gp)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 month
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no (harmless)
While casting this spell, you slowly destroy a piece of art bearing your victim’s likeness and beseech Achaekek to grant you access to the knowledge and lore contained within the innermost sanctum of the Crimson Citadel, the Sarzari Library. This endows you with information that could facilitate the target’s assassination by your hands. This information must be chosen from one of the three following categories—back doors, character, or weakness.
“Back doors” informs you of hidden passages and other means of navigation within your target’s home. While inside your target’s home, you gain a +10 insight bonus on Perception checks and gain the constant benefits of detect secret doors and find traps. You automatically see through any illusory walls in the target’s home.
“Character” lets you know of a compromising detail about your target’s personal life, giving you a +10 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks when attempting to gather information about your contracted victim from other people. Your target takes a –2 penalty on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects you generate, and you gain a +4 bonus on caster level checks you attempt to overcome the target's spell resistance.
“Weakness” grants you knowledge of physical vulnerabilities your target has, as well as information about the target’s damage reduction, immunities, and other defensive abilities. If these vulnerabilities and defenses change during the spell’s duration, you immediately know. You automatically confirm all critical threats against the target.
Once your victim is slain or a month has passed (whichever comes first), the information you gained from the spell fades. While you can recall certain elements of these memories, you no longer gain any of the benefits associated with the spell. You can only have one target affected by Sarzari shadow memory at any one time; if you cast this spell a second time while a previous casting is still active, the effects of the new spell replace the effects of the old one.

School transmutation [earth]; Level cleric 5, druid 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, DF
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect one 10-foot square of difficult and damaging terrain
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance yes
This spell targets an area of earth, metal, stone, or wood, causing long, serrated blades to shoot out from random points within the area of effect.
Any creature in the area when the spell is first cast must attempt a Reflex save to avoid taking 3d8 points of piercing damage from the blades and an additional 2d6 points of bleed damage. A creature that fails the save also has its speed reduced by half for 24 hours or until the injured creature benefits from a “cure” spell (which restores lost hit points as normal). Another creature can remove the penalty by succeeding on a Heal check against the spell’s save DC as a standard action.
The lashing limbs remain active in the area for the remainder of the spell’s duration, during which time the area is treated as difficult terrain, and any creature that moves into or through the area takes 1d8 points of piercing damage. The transformed area can be located on any visible surface within range, including floors, walls, doors, ceilings, or other generally flat surfaces.

离线 叶公好Dragon

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Re: 【AG】红螳螂(Red Mantis)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-07-18, 周二 21:41:37 »
我记得早期AP的Curse of the Crimson Throne #3里有螳螂神本尊的数据 :em008

离线 TougouTuyosi

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  • 两个人的魔法哟~
Re: 【AG】红螳螂(Red Mantis)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-07-20, 周四 13:07:58 »
一副假面骑士的样子 :em024
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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Re: 【AG】红螳螂(Red Mantis)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-07-21, 周五 13:51:07 »
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future