作者 主题: 【AG】盗贼议会(Council of Thieves)  (阅读 16641 次)

副标题: 从灰烬中重生的盗贼议会以及白学的三位领导

离线 TougouTuyosi

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【AG】盗贼议会(Council of Thieves)
« 于: 2018-02-10, 周六 18:46:18 »
盗贼议会(Council of Thieves)

盟友:切利亚斯贵族(Chelish noble families),雄鹰骑士(暮光之爪)(Eagle Knights (Twilight Talons)),对抗政权的反叛者(insurgents and rebels),银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)
敌人:阿巴达尔信徒(Abadarans),卫队(切利亚斯城市守卫)(dottari (Chelish city guards)),地狱骑士(焚烧/刑架/天谴骑士团)(Hellknights (Orders of the Pyre, Rack, and scourge)),商人(merchants),诺格巴信徒(Norgorberites)


艾斯佩夏·温切什(绝对中立 女性替换儿B4 通灵者OA15)
玛希拉诺·加尔特罗(混乱中立 男性人类 盗贼10/西冠魔鬼5)
赛布莉妮·弥斯拉瑞亚(混乱中立 女性卓尔 盗贼5/游荡剑客ACG10)

劇透 -   :

Rulers of a Criminal Underworld

Scope national (Cheliax)

Alignment CN

Headquarters Westcrown (Cheliax)

values:absorb or eliminate rival gangs, commit crime with class, kill only when necessary

Goals: control government officials, dominate criminal activity across Cheliax and beyond, make money, research and understand their own occulted history

Allies Chelish noble families, Eagle Knights (Twilight Talons), insurgents and rebels, Silver Ravens

Enemies Abadarans, dottari (Chelish city guards), Hellknights (Orders of the Pyre, Rack, and scourge), merchants, Norgorberites

Rivals Hellknights (particularly the Orders of the Pyre, Rack, and Scourge—the Council of Thieves remain rivals with the other orders as well, but its primary conflict is with those mentioned specifically above)

For centuries, the criminal guild known as the Council of Thieves ruled the underworld of the city of Westcrown. After an archdevil’s plot tore the Council apart from within and a group of heroes rose against the self-destructive leaders of the guild, many thought the syndicate destroyed. Yet now the Council of Thieves rises from the ashes, eager to restore its former prominence and spread its influence across the Inner Sea region.

Unlike the previous Council, which was largely led by nobles drawn from prominent Chelish families, the new Council of Thieves is a diverse organization that welcomes new members from all walks of life. Much of the guild’s new direction comes from the trio responsible for its reformation (see the NPCs on page 47) and their blend of noble traditions with occult lore. While the Council’s ranks are rife with ambition and intrigue, the organization’s three current leaders have not yet been deposed. This is partly due to their intense loyalty to one another; the three share a devoted polyromantic relationship, and any subordinate who would act against one earns the ire of all three.

Despite its criminal and often chaotic nature, the Council has a strong ethical code held in place by a bulwark of fear and tradition. Council members consider murder a sloppy solution. One of the Council’s oft-repeated aphorisms, “The dead can be robbed only once,” resonates with even its more violence-prone members. When unaffiliated thieves act in regions under the Council’s influence, the guild seeks to recruit first, threaten second, and kill as only a last resort.

A strong anti-Thrune sentiment runs through the Council of Thieves, as Queen Abrogail II’s tyrannical policies are at odds with the organization’s freewheeling spirit. This has attracted the attention of Westcrown’s House Grulios, which sees the criminal syndicate as a potential ally. The Council has started to leverage this interest to pursue alliances with Kintargo’s Silver Ravens and even the Twilight Talons of the Eagle Knights, though with limited success. The Council’s deliberate (and perhaps surprising) dissociation from the church of Norgorber certainly helps to lay the foundation for future collaboration with these groups, but it is also fueling tension between the Council and Norgorber’s faithful—particularly in the northwestern Chelish city of Vyre.

Westcrown’s river delta was once sacred to the founders of Aroden’s faith, and the city holds numerous temples to the recently deceased god and shrines to one or more of his saints. The well-hidden understructure of the largest and best preserved place of worship, a cathedral known as Sanqatada Cinqarda, now secretly hosts the Council’s headquarters. Since The Council’s return to power, it has branched out into cities throughout Cheliax and has established tentative presences in neighboring nations like Nidal, Isger, and even Andoran. In time, the Council hopes to expand its influence and become a regional power.

Aspexia Wintrish (N female changelingB4 mediumOA 15):
From her youth, Aspexia has been fascinated by Westcrown’s legendary founder
 —and her fascination has grown into an increasingly overwhelming obsession. Her interest in the Arodenite saints is occult, rather than religious; Aspexia’s communion with the city’s spirits fuels the Council’s mastery of Westcrown and arms Council agents with occult tricks. Not unlike her royal namesake, the old Chelish monarch Aspex the Even-Tongued, the silver-tongued changeling has a talent for tempting rivals into alliances, further driving the Council’s rebirth. Recently, Aspexia has become aware of her true heritage as the daughter of the vile Mother of Flies, a powerful local hag. Her disgust at this revelation fuels her growing compulsion to seek the hag out.

Marcellano Jhaltero (CN male human rogue 10/Westcrown devil† 5):
Marcellano is both a crime lord and a thrill-seeker. A true gentleman thief, the devilishly handsome rogue delights in plotting daring heists and executing complex but cunning plans to bolster the Council’s coffers, while his
connections within the Jhaltero information network keep the Council one step ahead of the city guard, House Thrune, and the guild’s growing number of enemies—in particular, he has a personal vendetta against the church of Norgorber for reasons he has, so far, kept to himself. He discourages Council agents from harming citizens, as he believes his noble blood comes with the responsibility of protecting “lesser” Chelaxians. (Robbing them blind is, of course, quite another matter.)

Sabriune Misraria (CN female drow rogue 5/swashbucklerACG 10):

Forced to flee her subterranean homeland when her heretical views on the worship of the demon lord Nocticula nearly got her executed by her own mother, Sabriune finally found a new home in the Council of Thieves after spending several years living in the shadows of the strange surface world she now calls home. The
renegade drow makes heavy use of disguises and go-betweens, keeping her true identity known to only a select few. A lover of the arts, Sabriune launders the Council’s ill-gotten gains via civic works and artistic patronage; meanwhile, her agents spread rumors of the Council’s role in these works to sway public opinion in the syndicate’s favor.
« 上次编辑: 2018-02-18, 周日 16:26:02 由 骰狗 »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


离线 TougouTuyosi

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-02-10, 周六 18:46:51 »
西冠魔鬼(Westcrown Devil)


生命骰(Hit Die):d8

本职技能(Class Skills)

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊

职业能力(Class Features)

武器与护甲擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):西冠魔鬼擅长使用长剑。

古典训练(Classically Trained,EX):人神奥罗登重返西冠城是长久以来的预言,但当他陨落时,这预言已然破灭,西冠城的人民不得不去适应新的人生。 如今的西冠城通过塑像,大教堂,以及其他纪念物品来尊奉着奥罗登的遗产。而盗贼议会,或者说其中一派,训练其成员使用奥罗登所青睐的武器,长剑——人神曾通过灵巧与技术来绕开蛮力取得奇效的武器。西冠魔鬼可以在挥舞适用其体型的长剑时应用武器娴熟专长,即便它不是一把轻武器。

奠基者之青睐(Founders’ Favor,Su):一群被认为是奥罗登教奠基者的人们庇护着西冠城。这些人在这座城市所留下的传统是如此的深厚,以至于在切利亚斯转向黑暗王子的如今也没能抹去他们在暮色之城的痕迹。西冠魔鬼学会了召唤这群奠基者的英灵之力,享受着几乎无人能及的对这座城市的掌握。

瓦德鲁斯之眼(Eye of Vadrus,Su):玻璃工守护神允许西冠魔鬼将墙视作玻璃制造的。1级时,以一个整轮动作并花费1点青睐值,西冠魔鬼可以在接触锁,陷阱或类似装置时看到其内部结构。他在解除该装置的解除装置检定上获得+4加值。4级时,他可以使用瓦德鲁斯之眼来看穿任何他所邻接并接触的不超过五尺见方的门或者墙,仿佛这段墙或者门是透明的。这个效果持续每职业等级一轮。

克鲁西索之引导(Crucisal’s Guidance,Su):航海守护神引导着西冠魔鬼,同时阻碍任何追逐者。3级时,当处于城市环境时西冠魔鬼可以用一个迅捷动作花费1点青睐值,1分钟内,他在基础速度上获得+10英尺增强加值以及在特技检定以及隐匿检定上获得+4洞察加值。无论何时每当西冠魔鬼花费青睐值来增强一次追逐(chase,GameMastery Guide 232)或者追捕(pursuit,Ultimate Intrigue 142)中的技能检定时,他用2d6代替1d6增加在他的检定上。

阿德尔之技艺(Adel’s Craftsmanship,Sp):木工守护神赋予他们对木制造物的掌控。5级时,通过一个标准动作,西冠魔鬼可以花费1点青睐值使用曲木术或者融身入木(类似融身入石,除了融入目标是任何体型或者尺寸的木材)。如果西冠魔鬼8级或者更高等级,他可以使用这个能力释放穿墙术来穿过木制障碍或者释放雕像术但用木质雕像(硬度5)代替。

瑞克希纳之馈赠(Rixana’s Bounty,Sp):为能在深水区域安全行动而呼唤这位深水馈赠的守护神。7级时,西冠魔鬼可以用一个直觉动作花费1点青睐值在24小时里获得水中呼吸法术的好处。当他使用这个能力时,可以通过额外消耗每个生物1点来影响其他生物。

帕尔默之治愈(Palmor’s Recovery,Sp):助产士守护神授予强大的治疗能力。8级时,以一个标准动作,西冠魔鬼可以花费1点青睐值来使用治疗重伤或者次等复原术。他也可以通过一分钟的仪式后花费3点青睐值来使用破除结界或者复原术(需要消耗昂贵的材料成分)

多塔娜之庇护(Dotara’s Shroud,Su):老练的西冠魔鬼得到了卫队(城市守卫)守护神的青睐。9级时,西冠魔鬼在所有对抗或者针对城市守卫的技能检定上获得+5洞察加值,在城市守卫对他进行的攻击时AC获得+2闪避加值以及在由城市守卫所造成效果引起的所有豁免检定上得到+2洞察加值。这个能力是常态生效的并且仅在西冠魔鬼至少剩余1点青睐值时适用。

奥罗登那玛之化身(Arodennama’s Avatar,Su or Sp):西冠城最伟大的纪念碑,奥罗登那玛,做为逝去的人神的象征,西冠魔鬼可以从这面雕像中得到启发去借助奥罗登之力或是锋利其剑刃。10级时西冠魔鬼可以使用他的奠基者之青睐能力来强化他使用长剑进行的攻击如同它们是技能检定一样。此外,用一个整轮动作,西冠魔鬼可以花费2点青睐值来释放一个暗示术或者花费5点青睐值释放一个群体暗示术。这些效果等于同名的法术,但它们只会影响人类。

议会秘诀(Council’s Secret):2级以及之后每2级,西冠魔鬼从那些盗贼可用的盗贼天赋中选择一个获得。西冠魔鬼用他的角色等级视为他的盗贼等级来决定这些天赋的效果。6级开始,每当西冠魔鬼可以选择一项盗贼天赋时,他可以选择高等盗贼天赋代替。

偷袭(Sneak Attack,Ex):3级时,西冠魔鬼获得偷袭,如同盗贼的同名能力。3级时额外伤害是1d6,并在6级时增加至2d6,以及在9级时至3d6。
劇透 -   :

The Council of Thieves’ premier agents—called “devils” as an ironic nod to Cheliax’s infernal rulers—are steeped in the lore and mystery of the Council’s home city of Westcrown

To qualify to become a Westcrown devil, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Feats: Weapon Finesse plus any one of the following: Alertness, Athletic, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Magical Aptitude, Persuasive, or Stealthy.
Religion: Cannot worship Norgorber.
Skills: Knowledge (local) 5 ranks, 5 ranks each in any three of the following skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Use Magic Device.

Class Skills
The Westcrown devil’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Westcrown devil prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Westcrown devil gains proficiency with longswords.

Classically Trained (Ex): The god Aroden’s return to Westcrown was long foretold, but when he died instead and prophecy proved unreliable, the citizens of Westcrown had to adapt. Today, Westcrown honors Aroden’s legacy with memorial statues, cathedrals, and other remembrances. The Council of Thieves, for its part, trains its members with Aroden’s favored weapon, the longsword—a weapon the god used to great effect by eschewing strength for finesse and expertise. A Westcrown devil can use Weapon Finesse with a longsword sized for him when he wields it one-handed, even though it is not a light weapon.

Founders’ Favor (Su): A group known as the founders of Aroden are the patrons of Westcrown. So strong are the traditions this group imprinted on the city that even Cheliax’s relatively recent dedication to the Prince of Darkness has not effaced their mark upon the City of Twilight. A Westcrown devil learns to call upon the founders’ spiritual power, enjoying a mastery of the city matched by few.
At 1st level, a Westcrown devil gains a pool of favor points equal to his class level + his Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is highest). In addition to the powers inspired by specific founders (see below), the Westcrown devil can spend one favor point to add a bonus equal to half her class level (minimum +1) on a skill check without spending an action. The Westcrown devil must use this ability before learning the result of the check, and he can add this additional bonus only once per skill check. The pool of favor is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest.
As the Westcrown devil gains levels, he learns to call upon powers inspired by specific founders. The caster level of spell-like abilities used this way is equal to the character’s class level. Effects (including spell-like abilities) that allow a saving throw have a DC equal to 10 + the Westcrown devil’s class level + the Westcrown devil’s Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is highest).

Eye of Vadrus (Su): The patron of glassmakers allows the Westcrown devil to turn walls to glass. At 1st level, as a fullround action that costs 1 favor point, the Westcrown devil can see the internal workings of a lock, trap, or similar device that he touches. He gains a +4 bonus on Disable Device checks to disable this device. At 4th level, he can use eye of Vadrus to see through a section of any door or wall he is adjacent to and touches, as though a section of that wall or door no larger than 5 square feet were transparent. This effect works only on walls or doors that are no thicker than 6 inches. This effect lasts 1 round per class level.

Crucisal’s Guidance (Su): The patron of navigation guides the Westcrown devil while hindering any pursuit. At 3rd level, when in an urban environment, the Westcrown devil can spend 1 favor point as a swift action to gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to his base speed and a +4 insight bonus on Acrobatics and Stealth checks for 1 minute. Whenever the Westcrown devil spends favor to improve a skill check as part of a chase (GameMastery Guide 232) or pursuit (Ultimate Intrigue 142), he adds 2d6 to his check instead of 1d6.

Adel’s Craftsmanship (Sp): The patron of woodcraft imparts mastery over such creations. At 5th level, as a standard action, the Westcrown devil can spend 1 favor point to use warp wood or meld into wood (as per meld into stone, except that the wood can be of any size or dimensions). If the Westcrown devil is 8th level or higher, he can use this ability as passwall through wooden barriers or statue to assume the form of a statue made of wood (hardness 5) instead.

Rixana’s Bounty (Sp): Calling upon the patron of the bounty of deep waters allows for safe navigation of underwater regions. At 7th level, the Westcrown devil can spend 1 favor point as an immediate action to grant the benefits of water breathing for 24 hours. When he activates this ability, he can affect other creatures he can touch by spending 1 additional favor point for each added creature.

Palmor’s Recovery (Sp): The patron of renewal grants access to powerful healing. At 8th level, as a standard action, a Westcrown devil can spend 1 favor point to use cure serious wounds or lesser restoration. He can spend 3 favor points in a 1-minute ritual to use break enchantment or restoration (requiring expensive material components as appropriate).

Dotara’s Shroud (Su): Experienced Westcrown devils gain the favor of the patron of the dottari (city guard). At 9th level, the Westcrown devil gains a +5 insight bonus on all skill checks opposed by or targeting city guards, a +2 dodge bonus to his AC against attacks from city guards, and a +2 insight bonus on all saving throws against effects created by city guards. This ability is constant and applies only while the Westcrown devil has at least 1 favor point remaining.

Arodennama’s Avatar (Su or Sp): Westcrown’s greatest monument, the Arodennama, symbolizes the dead god of humanity, and the Westcrown devil can draw inspiration from this towering statue to invoke Aroden’s authority or mastery of the blade. At 10th level, the Westcrown devil can use his favor ability to improve attack rolls with longswords as if they were skill checks. In addition, as a full-round action, the Westcrown devil can spend 2 favor points to issue a suggestion, or spend 5 favor points to issue a mass suggestion. These function as the spells of the same name except that they affect only humans.

Council’s Secret: At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a Westcrown devil gains a rogue talent, selected from those available to rogues. The Westcrown devil treats his character level as his rogue level for the purpose of determining the talents’ effects. At 6th level, whenever the Westcrown devil would select a rogue talent, he can select an advanced talent instead.
Alternatively, the Westcrown devil can focus on occult studies instead. If he chooses this option, when he would gain a talent via this ability, his spellcasting ability in a psychic spellcasting class he has increases by 1 level instead. The Westcrown devil can gain a level of spellcasting in this way once, plus one additional time at 6th and 10th levels.

Sneak Attack (Ex): At 3rd level, a Westcrown devil gains sneak attack as per the rogue class feature. The extra damage is 1d6 at 3rd level, and it increases to 2d6 at 6th level, and to 3d6 at 9th level.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-22, 周五 17:43:56 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


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吟游诗人变体-brazen deceiver
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-02-10, 周六 18:53:50 »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


离线 TougouTuyosi

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-02-10, 周六 18:54:38 »
« 上次编辑: 2018-02-10, 周六 19:05:51 由 骰狗 »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


离线 TougouTuyosi

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-02-10, 周六 18:56:28 »
与盗贼议会结盟(Affiliation with The Council of Thieves)
« 上次编辑: 2018-02-18, 周日 19:58:40 由 骰狗 »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|


离线 TougouTuyosi

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  • 苹果币: 2
  • 两个人的魔法哟~
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-02-10, 周六 18:56:51 »
职业选项(Class Options)

传奇英灵(legendary spirits)
议会通灵者最近开始降灵伊卡迪安·卓文吉(Eccardian Drovenge)—— 这个男人的政变直接导致前盗贼议会的崩溃。有关传奇英灵的附加规则,详见探索者角色扮演惊惧冒险(Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures)第58页。

双重诅咒王子(The Twice-Damned Prince,诡术师)
伊卡迪安·卓文吉(Eccardian Drovenge),玛门之子(son of Mammon),在为支配西冠城而孤注一掷的战斗中被杀死于奥罗登那玛之顶,而旧盗贼议会也与之同埋。最近一场在纪念碑附近的降灵会中艾斯佩夏意外的与其英灵进行了交流,这也是她重建盗贼议会的原因之一。

同流合污(Gaining Favor):若想取悦王子,你必须爬上位于西冠城的九十尺高的奥罗登那玛。在那里,你要将油倾倒在雕像的脸颊上,然后将其点燃。你必须发誓自己要在政治上出人头地,然后成功通过一个魅力检定(DC=10+通灵者等级的一半)。魔裔在这个检定上获得+5加值。

偏好降灵地点(Favored Locations):纪念碑,贵族别墅,盗贼据点,西冠城的任何地方。


决斗大师(Master duelist, 高等英灵之力(Greater),Su):当你持握轻型或者单手穿刺武器时,你在对抗近战攻击的AC上获得+3闪避加值。你的诡击现在也可以应用在你夹击的生物上。

盗贼天赋(Rogue Talents)

艾斯佩夏的异能学说(Aspexia’s Mysticism, EX):盗贼接受了基础的异能技巧训练。盗贼获得异能敏感做为奖励专长。

慎重一击(careful stab, EX):当有着该天赋的盗贼通过精准伤害将一个生物的生命值降低到0点以下时,她可以选择让该生物的生命值保持在-1点的同时伤势稳定。

发夹技巧(Hairpin Trick,EX):盗贼擅于利用她能够找到的任何东西。她在使用临时工具尝试解除装置检定时不受惩罚,并且可以在不使用任何工具尝试解除装置检定时只受到-4的罚值。她将所有非临时的盗贼工具视作精制品,而从精制品盗贼工具上获得的加值翻倍,从+2增加到+4。

Knockout Queen (Ex):赛布莉妮传出了迅速制作卓尔毒的秘诀。每天一次,盗贼可以通过花费25金币/每剂量来制造1剂或者更多剂量的卓尔毒;无论她打算制造多少剂量,这个过程都需要30分钟的工作时间。她不能制造超过1/3盗贼等级剂量(最少1剂量)的卓尔毒。通过这种方式制造卓尔毒并不需要技能检定,但是如果不在24小时内使用,制造出来的毒药就会失效。(这意味着向不知情的商人出售这种毒药以获取利润可能会导致不好的后果以及报复)

Silencing Strike* (Su): Using magic stolen from the Hellknights, Council agents can render foes silent. When a creature is damaged by the rogue’s sneak attack, the rogue magically renders the creature mute for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Will save (DC = 10 + half the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Charisma modifier). Silencing strike can be used a number of times per day equal to half the rogue’s level.


Founders’ Blessing (Su): The rogue can call upon the mystical legacies of the Council. Once per day, she can choose a skill in which she has no ranks. After she spends 10 minutes communing with these mystical spirits, they grant her a luck bonus equal to her rogue level with that skill, and she can attempt checks with that skill as if she were trained in its use. The effects of founder’s blessing last for 8 hours.

劇透 -  原文:
The following class options for mediums and rogues are often used by members and allies of the Council of Thieves.

Council mediums have recently begun channeling the spirit of Eccardian Drovenge—the man whose coup to seize control of the Council of Thieves directly resulted in the group’s resounding defeat. See page 58 of Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures for additional rules regarding legendary spirits.

The Twice-Damned Prince (Trickster)
Eccardian Drovenge, son of Mammon, was slain atop the Arodennama during a bid for rulership of Westcrown, in a battle that saw the collapse of the Council of Thieves. It was Aspexia’s accidental communion with his spirit during a recent seance at the monument that inspired her to rebuild the Council of Thieves in its new incarnation.

Gaining Favor: To gain the Prince’s favor, you must climb atop the 90-foot-tall Arodennama in Westcrown. There, you must pour oil down the statue’s cheeks, then set the oil afire. You must vow to seek political influence, and then succeed at a Charisma check (DC = 10 + half your medium level). Tieflings gain a +5 bonus on this check.

Favored Locations: Monuments, noble homes, thieves’ dens, anywhere in Westcrown.

Taboo: Eccardian’s pride demanded that his victims know whose hand they died by. If you accept a taboo while channeling the Prince, you must not attack any foe who is completely unaware of your presence.

Master duelist (Greater, Su): While wielding a light or one-handed piercing weapon, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to your AC against melee attacks. Your surprise strike damage also applies to attacks against creatures you are flanking.

These rogue talents are designed specifically for rogues working for the Council of Thieves, either as full members or merely as affiliates. The talent marked with an asterisk (*) adds an effect to a rogue’s sneak attack. Only one such talent can be applied to an individual attack, and the decision must be made before the attack roll.

Aspexia’s Mysticism (Ex): The rogue has been trained in a minor occult technique. The rogue gains Psychic SensitivityOA as a bonus feat.

careful stab (Ex): When a rogue with this talent reduces a creature to fewer than 0 hp with precision damage, she can choose to leave that creature at –1 hp and stable.

Hairpin Trick (Ex): The rogue is skilled at making do with anything she can find. She takes no penalty on Disable Device checks for using improvised tools, and can attempt such checks without any tools at a –4 penalty. She treats all non-improvised thieves’ tools as masterwork and doubles the bonus she gets from masterwork thieves’ tools from +2 to +4.

Knockout Queen (Ex): Sabriune has passed on the secret of swiftly manufacturing drow poison. Once per day, the rogue can create 1 or more doses of drow poison by spending 25 gp per dose; this process takes 30 minutes of work, regardless of the number of doses she creates. She can create no more than 1 dose for every 3 rogue levels she has (minimum 1 dose). Creating drow poison in this way does not require a skill check, but the created poison spoils if not used within 24 hours. (This spoilage means that selling doses of this poison for a profit to unsuspecting merchants might well result in unwanted repercussions and reprisals!)

Silencing Strike* (Su): Using magic stolen from the Hellknights, Council agents can render foes silent. When a creature is damaged by the rogue’s sneak attack, the rogue magically renders the creature mute for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Will save (DC = 10 + half the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Charisma modifier). Silencing strike can be used a number of times per day equal to half the rogue’s level.

Founders’ Blessing (Su): The rogue can call upon the mystical legacies of the Council. Once per day, she can choose a skill in which she has no ranks. After she spends 10 minutes communing with these mystical spirits, they grant her a luck bonus equal to her rogue level with that skill, and she can attempt checks with that skill as if she were trained in its use. The effects of founder’s blessing last for 8 hours.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-22, 周五 18:06:57 由 TougouTuyosi »
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|
