作者 主题: 【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)  (阅读 25506 次)

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【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
« 于: 2013-04-06, 周六 01:38:49 »
义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
生命骰(Hit Die):d8

特殊(Special):制裁邪恶(Smite evil)职业能力,心如止水(still mind)职业能力

本职技能(Class Skills):
每级技能点数(Skill Ranks at Each Level):4 + 智力调整值

等级  BAB  强韧  反射  意志  职业能力

职业能力(Class Features):

武器与护甲擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):义洛理的勇士不获得任何额外的武器或护甲擅长。

侦测混乱(Detect Chaos)(Sp):该能力如同圣武士的侦测邪恶一般运作,但是是侦测混乱而非邪恶。

武技艺术家(Martial Artist)(Ex):在确定义洛理的勇士的AC加值,疾风连击,震慑拳以及徒手击打职业能力的效果时,义洛理的勇士的职业等级与武僧职业等级叠加。

制裁混乱(Smite Chaos)(Su):1级起,义洛理的勇士的圣武士制裁邪恶能力获得1次额外使用次数。此外,他能够选择使用制裁邪恶能力来制裁混乱,影响混乱阵营的生物,并在第一次成功攻击混乱亚种的异界生物,混乱阵营的异怪与精类时造成每职业等级2点额外伤害。在确定义洛理的勇士对他制裁的生物造成多少伤害时,该职业等级与圣武士的等级叠加。义洛理的勇士无法同时激活制裁邪恶或者制裁混乱的效果;当一个效果已经激活时使用另一个会立刻终止较早的效果。8级起,义洛理的勇士的制裁邪恶能力获得1次额外使用次数。

丹田气池(Ki Pool)(Su):2级起,义洛理的勇士获得等同于他1/2职业等级 + 他的感知调整值点的气池;该能力的功能与武僧的同名能力一样,并且该职业等级与其他获得气池的职业等级叠加。除了正常使用气以外,义洛理的勇士还可以消耗2点气触发他的圣疗(lay on hands)能力(如果他有)或者制裁邪恶能力。在决定这些能的效果时,他的职业等级与圣武士等级叠加。

追寻知识(Pursuit of Knowledge)(Ex):2级起,义洛理的勇士将他的1/2职业等级加在所有知识检定上,并且能够在未受训的情况下进行知识技能检定。

顺势制裁(Sweeping Smite)(Ex):3级起,以标准动作,义洛理的勇士能够在使用他的制裁邪恶或者制裁混乱时进行单一一次徒手打击。如果攻击命中,他能够使用相同的加值,对一个处于他的触及范围并且与之前命中的目标相邻的邪恶或混乱生物进行另一次攻击。除了第一次攻击造成的额外伤害,他获得制裁混乱或制裁邪恶的好处(无论他已经使用哪个),对该名生物持续至他的下回合开始为止。这不需要额外消耗每日使用制裁邪恶或者制裁混乱的次数。

挺身而出(Valiant Stand)(Su):4级起,当义洛理的勇士与多余一个的对手相邻时,他的攻击检定与AC获得等同于1/2他的职业等级的神圣加值。如果他还与盟友相邻,就无法获得这些加值。

守护弱者(Shield the Weak)(Su):5级起,每轮1次以直觉动作,义洛理的勇士能够庇护等同于他感知调整值数量的与其相邻的盟友,从那些允许进行反射豁免的爆发(burst),锥形(cone),线形(line)或扩散(spread)效果中保护盟友,不过他与他的盟友必须都受到这些效果影响才能这么做。义洛理的勇士必须放弃自己的豁免检定,但是相邻的盟友在对抗效果时获得高掩蔽(improved cover),并且还在对抗效果时给盟友的反射豁免提供+4加值与精通反射闪避(Improved Evasion)。

技能专精(Skill Mastery):6级起,义洛理的勇士使用一定数量的技能进行了广泛的实践。该能力与技能专精(Skill Mastery)高等盗贼天赋完全一样。

完美反击(Perfect Opening)(Ex):7级起,每轮1次当被义洛理的勇士威胁的敌人对他或者他的盟友确认重击时,他可以对该名敌人进行1次借机攻击。即使义洛理的勇士会被这次重击杀死或失去战斗力,他也能进行这次借机攻击,这次攻击在重击造成伤害之后,却在他死亡或失去战斗力之前。如果义洛理的勇士的借机攻击命中,则会自动重击威胁(automatically a critical threat)。

一指劲(One Finger)(Su):8级起,以标准动作,义洛理的勇士能够以近战接触攻击进行单一一次徒手打击。

完美一击(Perfect Strike)(Su):9级起,义洛理的勇士能够以迅捷动作消费1点气,来使得他的回合结束之前的下次徒手打击变得完美无瑕。攻击与伤害检定可以进行两次检定,并且由义洛理的勇士选择使用哪个。

旋风制裁(Whirlwind Smite)(Ex):10级起,以整轮动作(full-round action),义洛理的勇士能够对每个他威胁的生物进行徒手打击,就如同他拥有旋风攻击(Whirlwind Attack)专长一般(尽管他只能以徒手打击使用该专长)。他也能够在这样做的时候触发制裁邪恶或者制裁混乱能力,对每个他攻击的生物均会获得制裁带来的好处,持续的轮数等同于他的感知加值。

行为准则(Code of Conduct):义洛理的勇士与其他圣武士一样遵循着秩序与善良之路,以荣誉为律,保护着无辜之人;如果他蓄意进行邪恶行为就会失去所有职业能力。义洛理的勇士必须避免那些可能使他偏离追寻完美之路的无谓纠葛,不负债也不借贷给他人——尽管他被鼓励对那些穷苦之人慷慨赠予。他也会赶走任何形式的潜在追随者,也无法招募(如果已经获得的话,则必须解除这些服务关系)任何追随者、随从、动物伙伴、魔宠、特殊坐骑或类似的生物。

劇透 -   :
Champion of Irori
The little-known champions of Irori give their lives in service to the perfection and uplift of society, their ultimate goal to create a safe and orderly world within which each person can find and perfect her true purpose in service to the whole. In their ethos, only through the accumulated perfection of each individual can societal transformation truly occur. Though Irori’s core teachings apply equally to good, evil, and neutral individuals, champions of Irori focus on embodying and promulgating the virtues of hard work, discipline, and devotion to the causes of justice, truth, and the pursuit of perfection. It is only through this pursuit that individuals can realize true joy and liberate themselves from the cycles of reincarnation to serve the Master of Masters in the life beyond life.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a champion of Irori, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful good.
Deity: Must worship Irori.
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, 5 ranks total in Linguistics or other Knowledge skills.
Special: Smite evil class feature, still mind class feature.

Class Skills
The class skills of a champion of Irori (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the champion of Irori prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A champion of Irori gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Detect Chaos (Sp): This ability functions like a paladin’s detect evil ability, but detects chaos instead of evil.

Martial Artist (Ex): The class levels of a champion of Irori stack with monk levels for determining the effect of his AC bonus, f lurry of blows, stunning fist, and unarmed strike class features.

Smite Chaos (Su): At 1st level, a champion of Irori gains an additional use of his paladin’s smite evil ability. In addition, he can choose to use his smite evil ability to smite chaos instead, affecting chaotic-aligned creatures and dealing 2 points of damage per class level on the first successful attack against outsiders with the chaotic subtype, chaotic-aligned aberrations, and fey. Levels in this class stack with paladin levels for the purpose of determining how much damage a paladin of Irori deals to targets of his smite. A champion of Irori cannot have both a smite evil and smite chaos effect active at the same time; using one while the other is active immediately ends the older effect. At 8th level, a champion of Irori gains an additional use of his smite evil ability.

Ki Pool (Su): At 2nd level, a champion of Irori gains a ki pool equal to 1/2 his class level + his Wisdom modifier; this functions like the monk ability of the same name, and levels in this class stack with levels in other classes that grant a ki pool. In addition to the normal uses of this ki pool, a champion of Irori may expend 2 ki points to trigger either his lay on hands ability (if he has it) or his smite evil ability. His class levels stack with paladin levels when determining the effect of such abilities.

Pursuit of Knowledge (Ex): At 2nd level, a champion of Irori adds 1/2 his class level on all Knowledge checks and can make Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Sweeping Smite (Ex): At 3rd level, as a standard action, a champion of Irori can make a single unarmed strike while using his smite evil or smite chaos ability. If the attack hits, he can make another attack at the same bonus against an evil or chaotic creature adjacent to the first and also within reach. He gains the benefits of smite chaos or smite evil (whichever he was already using), except for additional damage for the first attack, against that creature until the beginning of his next turn. This does not require an additional daily use of smite evil or smite chaos.
At 6th level, a champion of Irori can use this ability to attack any number of opponents, as long as each is within his threatened area and adjacent to the previous target. This ability functions similarly to the Cleave and Great Cleave feats, but does not stack with them and does not result in an AC penalty.

Valiant Stand (Su): At 4th level, a champion of Irori gains a sacred bonus on attack rolls and to AC equal to 1/2 his class level when adjacent to more than one opponent. He does not gain this bonus if he is also adjacent to an ally.

Shield the Weak (Su): At 5th level, as an immediate action once per round, a champion of Irori can shield a number of adjacent allies equal to his Wisdom modifier from a burst, cone, line, or spread effect that allows a Ref lex saving throw and which he and his allies are all affected by. The champion of Irori must forgo his own saving throw, but adjacent allies gain improved cover against the effect, providing a +4 bonus on Ref lex saves and improved evasion against the effect.

Skill Mastery: At 6th level, a champion of Irori becomes well practiced in a certain number of his skills. This ability functions exactly like the skill mastery advanced rogue talent.

Perfect Opening (Ex): At 7th level, once per round a champion of Irori can make an attack of opportunity against an enemy he threatens when that enemy confirms a critical hit against the champion or an ally. The champion of Irori can make this attack of opportunity even if he would be killed or incapacitated by the critical hit, resolving the attack after the critical hit deals damage but before he falls unconscious or dies. If the champion of Irori’s attack of opportunity hits, it is automatically a critical threat.

One Finger (Su): At 8th level, as a standard action, a champion of Irori can resolve a single unarmed attack as a melee touch attack.

Perfect Strike (Su): At 9th level, a champion of Irori can expend 1 point from his ki pool as a swift action to perfect the next unarmed attack he makes before the end of his turn. Attack and damage rolls are rolled twice and the champion of Irori selects which result to use.

Whirlwind Smite (Ex): At 10th level, as a full-round action, a champion of Irori can make one unarmed strike against every creature he threatens, as if he possessed the Whirlwind Attack feat (though he can use it only with unarmed strikes). He can also trigger either his smite evil or smite chaos ability while doing so, gaining its benefits against every creature he attacks for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom bonus.

Code of Conduct: A champion of Irori embraces law and goodness as other paladins do, conducting himself with honor and protecting the innocent; he loses all class features if he ever willingly commits an evil act. A champion of Irori must avoid entanglements that would distract him from the pursuit of perfection, and may not incur debts nor give loans to others—though he is encouraged to give freely to those in need. He likewise turns away potential followers of any sort, and may not recruit (and must discharge from service, if already acquired) any cohort, follower, animal companion, familiar, special mount, or similar creature.

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Re: 【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-04-06, 周六 01:46:25 »

离线 背叛者之殇

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Re: 【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-04-06, 周六 10:02:20 »
和尚兼啪啪丁的進階…………怎么看怎么違和 :em032


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Re: 【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-04-06, 周六 10:34:47 »
和尚兼啪啪丁的進階…………怎么看怎么違和 :em032
不過看到配圖之後 :em032

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Re: 【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-04-06, 周六 12:01:32 »


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Re: 【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-04-06, 周六 13:50:50 »


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Re: 【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-04-06, 周六 17:37:55 »
DND3R战力最强  1/1
DND4E战力最强  1/1
-----PF战力最强  1/1
DND5E战力最强  1/1


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Re: 【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-04-07, 周日 13:26:21 »
pf的满bab职业比pal能打的不多了。对比3R真是三十年河东转河西啊…… :em006
单个小孩的CR再X3,这遭遇怎么都是团灭的节奏啊…… T_T

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Re: 【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2013-04-07, 周日 15:11:43 »

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Re: 【PoP】义洛理的勇士(Champion of Irori)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2013-04-08, 周一 16:49:05 »