作者 主题: 【UI】专长(Feats)  (阅读 35960 次)

副标题: 剩余2个专长内有其他未翻译章节内容,待补齐

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« 于: 2017-03-10, 周五 17:42:18 »

专长类型(Type of Feats)

战斗专长(Combat Feats)

重击专长(Critical Feats)
重击专长会通过对遭受重击的对象产生额外的状态来调整重击的效果。不具有重击熟稔(Critical Mastery)专长的角色仅能够将1个重击专长的效果应用至单次重击上。具有复数重击专长的角色可以在重击确认后,选择应用何种专长的效果。

超魔专长(Metamagic Feats)
超魔专长让施法者能够调整和改变自身的法术,使得法术获得新的力量和效果。此类法术通常会占用比正常情况下更高环级的法术位。对于如何向法术应用超魔专长的完整规则,详细请见核心手册(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook)的112页。

派头专长(Panache Feats)
派头专长会与游荡剑客(Swashbuckler)的派头(panache)职业能力(Advanced Class Guide 56页)或业余剑客(Amateur Swashbuckler)专长(Advanced Class Guide 141页)提供的派头产生相互作用。游荡剑客能够选择派头专长作为奖励专长。

流派专长(Style Feats)
流派专长初次刊载于极限战斗(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat)中。本章中提供的几种流派专长更适用于城镇内的战斗和需要策略性的战役。
以迅捷动作(swift action),你能够进入一个流派专长所具现化的格斗架势。尽管你无法在战斗开始前使用流派专长,但你能维持它的架势,直至使用迅捷动作切换流派或战斗遭遇结束为止,以较先发生者为准。你仅能够在处于一种流派架势时,使用那些以对应流派为先决条件的流派专长。
  • 狡狐式:这种灵巧的流派会增强使用者的虚招成功率,并且避免受到敌人的战术影响,此外它还扩展了阴招的应用面。
    专长之路:狡狐式(Fox Style),狡狐之智(Fox Insight),狡狐之策(Fox Trickery)
  • 枭冲式:这种流派会运用那些影响移动的技能,增强其基础训练以及相关技能在战斗中的效能。
    专长之路:枭冲式(Owl Style),枭落式(Owl Swoop),枭穿式(Owl Dive)
  • 街霸流:这种新型徒手战斗流派的开创者能够活用城镇中的地形,将敌人砸向砖墙、拉扯对手倒向粗糙的鹅卵石道路、并且用篱笆之类的尖锐物体刺穿他们。
    专长之路:街霸流(Street Style),街角霸王拳(Street Sweep),街霸残虐击(Street Carnage)

团队专长(Teamwork Feats)

专长描述(Feat Descriptions)

专长名称(Feat Name):本段包含了专长的名称以及专长所属于的专长类型(若有的话),之后有一段关于该专长的简单描述。





劇透 -  原文:
Feats represent special abilities that characters acquire though training, luck, or a quirk of birth.

Though most of the feats presented in this chapter are general and have no special rules governing them, some feats belong to a type or types of feats that share special rules. A feat’s types appear in parentheses after the feat’s name. This chapter features the following types of feats.

Combat Feats
Feats designated as combat feats often grant characters new options to use in combat. Brawlers, fighters, gunslingers, swashbucklers, and warpriests can select combat feats as bonus feats. Members of other classes can take combat feats provided they meet the prerequisites.

Critical Feats
Critical feats modify the effects of a critical hit by inf licting an additional condition on the victim of the critical hit. Characters without the Critical Mastery feat can apply the effects of only one critical feat to an individual critical hit. Characters with multiple critical feats can decide which feat to apply after the critical hit has been confirmed.

Metamagic Feats
Metamagic feats allow spellcasters to modify and change their spells, granting the spells new powers and effects. Such spells generally take up a higher-level spell slot than the normal spell. For complete rules on how to apply metamagic feats to spells, see page 112 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.

Panache Feats
Panache feats interact with the swashbuckler’s panache class feature (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 56) or the panache granted by the Amateur Swashbuckler feat (Advanced Class Guide 141). Swashbucklers can take panache feats as bonus feats.

Style Feats
Style feats were first introduced in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat. The style feats presented in this chapter are based on a number of styles more fitting to urban settings and intrigue-based campaigns.
As a swift action, you can enter the stance employed by the fighting style that a style feat embodies. Although you cannot use a style feat before combat begins, the style you are in persists until you take a swift action to switch styles or the combat encounter ends, whichever occurs first. You can use a feat that has a style feat as a prerequisite only while you are in the stance of the associated style.
The new style feats are listed below, along with associated combat feats that require the style feat as a prerequisite.
Fox Style: This crafty style improves its practitioners’ chances to feint and to avoid sneaky tactics employed by their foes, and also expands their ability to deploy other devious and dirty tricks.
Feat Path: Fox Style, Fox Insight, Fox Trickery.
Owl Style: This style takes advantage of basic training in skills that affect movement to enhance those skills through combat ability.
Feat Path: Owl Style, Owl Swoop, Owl Dive.
Street Style: A practitioner of this creative unarmed combat style takes advantage of urban environments to bash foes against brick walls, drag them over rough cobblestones, and impale them on fence posts and other sharp-edged objects.
Feat Path: Street Style, Street Sweep, Street Carnage.

Teamwork Feats
Teamwork feats grant significant bonuses, but they function only under specific circumstances. In most cases, these feats require an ally with the same feat to have a specific position on the battlefield. Teamwork feats provide their benefits only if the given conditions are met. Allies who are paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, or otherwise unable to act don’t count for the purposes of these feats. Cavaliers, hunters, and inquisitors have special class abilities that allow them to use teamwork feats even if their allies don’t have those feats.

The feats in this chapter are summarized on Table 2–1: Feats on pages 78–80. The prerequisites and benefits of the feats listed in this table are abbreviated for ease of reference. See the feats’ descriptions for full details.
All feat descriptions use the following format.
Feat Name: This line indicates the feat’s name as well as the feat types, if any, the feat belongs to, and is followed by a basic description of what the feat does.
Prerequisites: This entry lists the required minimum ability score, feats, minimum base attack bonus, or minimum number of skill ranks, in addition to anything else required in order to take the feat. This entry is absent if a feat has no prerequisites. A feat can have more than one prerequisite. Prerequisites from this book, such as classes, class abilities, and feats, are marked with a dagger (“*”).
Benefit: This entry describes what a feat enables the character (“you” in the feat description) to do. If a character takes the same feat more than once, its benefits don’t stack unless indicated otherwise in its description.
Normal: This entry states what a character who doesn’t have this feat is limited to or restricted from doing. It is typically included only when a feat interacts with rules systems in an unusual way.
Special: Additional unusual facts about the feat, if any, appear here.

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Re: 【UI】专长(Feats)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-03-10, 周五 17:42:29 »
表 2-1:专长

特技施法者*(Acrobatic Spellcaster)战斗施法,技能专攻(特技动作)通过特技动作避免施法引起的借机攻击
恐惧化身(Agent of Fear)谈判专家,骇人现身能够频繁地对1个生物使用现身能力
感知背叛*(Betrayal Sense)感知13,盗贼3级,陷阱感知将陷阱感知加值用到看破易容和避免被突袭的检定上
虚张声势(Blustering Bluff)魅力13,唬骗1级,威吓1级用威吓的气势让人相信你的谎言
锦囊妙计(Brilliant Planner)智力13,角色5级为还未执行的计划设立资金库
(Brilliant Spell Preparation)
不痛不痒*(But a Scratch)魅力13,唬骗4级通过淡化敌人的攻击威力来挫败士气
呼吁停战(Call Truce)魅力15,谈判专家,交涉5级在战斗中呼吁休战
 终战重击*(Entreating Critical)呼吁停战,重击专攻,BAB+11用重击来让敌人停火
谨慎飞行者(Careful Flyer)特技专家,飞行5级避免慢速飞行带来的检定和借机攻击
悄声慢行(Careful Sneak)敏捷13,潜行3级可以着轻中甲不受减值地慢速潜行
 悄声潜行(Exquisite Sneak)敏捷15,悄声慢行,潜行6级可以着轻中甲不受减值地潜行
 异界漫游者(Planar Wanderer)地理传送学,知识(位面)10级
猫鼠游戏*(Cat and Mouse)唬骗5级,察言观色5级,适时格挡反击炫技保留反击的机会以获取优势
猫落技巧(Cat’s Fall)敏捷13,特技动作1级坠落时受到更少伤害并且总是以脚着地
迂回射击*(Circuitous Shot)敏捷19,盲斗,精通精准射击
攀附脱逃*(Clambering Escape)智力13,寓守于攻,精通移位,反射闪避在回避后,把1名敌人拖入爆炸中
掩饰施法(Conceal Spell)诈欺师,唬骗1级,易容1级,巧手1级隐藏施法的迹象
 精通掩饰施法(Improved Conceal Spell)掩饰施法,唬骗5级,易容5级
黑道名声(Criminal Reputation)交涉5级,威吓5级更容易影响不法者
刻薄羞辱(Cutting Humiliation)谈判专家,威吓5级通过羞辱他人削弱其基于魅力的检定
遮光戏法(Darkness Trick)使用魔法装置5级,能施放黑暗术停止魔法武器的光芒
灵巧捕手(Deft Catcher)技能专攻(巧手)使用巧手避免物品掉落
酒鬼的坚毅(Drunkard’s Recovery)体质13酒精自动稳定你的伤势
敏锐探子(Expeditious Sleuth)察觉3级,灵感或博学更快地进行搜索并在取20时获得+2加值
双重触发术(Extra Contingency)CL19级能具有2个触发术效果
慧眼识材料(Eye for Ingredients)施法免材,估价6级,法术辨识6级在购买材料成分时省钱
杯弓蛇咒(Feign Curse)诈欺师,唬骗5级,法术辨识1级欺骗敌人使其相信自己被诅咒了
优雅刺击*(Fencing Grace)敏捷13,武器娴熟,武器专攻(细剑)在细剑的伤害检定中使用敏捷加值
精怪术法学识(Fey Spell Lore)魅力13,法术辨识1级,能施放德鲁伊法术将精类主题的法术添加到德鲁伊法术列表
精怪术法技巧(Fey Spell Versatility)魅力13,法术辨识1级,能施放游侠法术将附魔、幻术或诅咒添加到游侠法术列表
愚弄魔道具(Fool Magic)诈欺师,易容1级,使用魔法装置1级用易容欺骗魔法物品
凝视映射(Gaze Reflection)法术辨识10级,深邃注视和催眠师诡计用你的注视忽略或反射凝视攻击
华丽盗技*(Graceful Steal)敏捷13,灵巧武艺,精通盗取,巧手3级在战斗之外或从容器中进行盗取战技
精通英勇*(Improved Bravery)魅力13,英勇英勇加值对影响心灵效果生效
煽动猜忌*(Incite Paranoia)智力13,寓守于攻,诈欺师
金玉良言(Insightful Advice)表演(演说)3级全天候协助队友
英勇启迪*(Inspiring Bravery)魅力13,英勇将你的应用加值赋予30尺内的盟友
激励师(Inspiring Mentor)魅力13,提振技能提振技能影响30尺内的盟友
 激励师之惠(Omnipresent Mentor)魅力17,激励师提振技能24小时影响1名盟友
戴高帽(Intoxicating Flattery)诈欺师,唬骗5级奉承别人以削弱其基于感知的检定
不破的逻辑(Ironclad Logic)智力19,交涉3级交涉检定获得+4加值且能在舌战中使用智力
 投其所好(Play to the Crowd)不破的逻辑,交涉5级,察言观色5级查知偏好以辅助交涉
传说共鸣(Legendary Influence)次级英灵之力从事迹中获取1个不同的专长
 精通传说共鸣(Improved Legendary Influence) 传说共鸣,慰灵之术从事迹中获取2个不同的专长
灵巧手技(Manipulative Agility)唬骗1级,巧手1级用巧手来通过肢体语言进行唬骗
武装权威*(Martial Dominance)BAB+5,威吓1级以BAB进行威吓,在重击后威吓
误导战法*(Misdirection Tactics)智力13,寓守于攻,诈欺师,唬骗4级在全防御时用唬骗来让命中攻击失手
 转向误导*(Misdirection Redirection)误导战法,唬骗10级误导战法中重定向攻击至其他生物
  反击误导*(Misdirection Attack)误导战法,转向误导误导战法中对攻击者进行借机攻击
冷面交涉人(Nerve-Racking Negotiator)谈判专家威吓的目标在之后不会与你敌对
 凶恶交涉人(Threatening Negotiator)冷面交涉人,谈判专家,技能专攻(威吓)威吓的持续时间增加2d6小时
煞面义警*(Notorious Vigilante)炫目技巧,武器专攻,非善良阵营
招摇狂暴者*(Ostentatious Rager)威吓5级,狂暴狂暴能当做表演赚钱和扰乱敌人
行贿高手(Persuasive Bribery)谈判专家行贿更为有效而且不会冒犯他人
刺击擒抱*(Piercing Grapple)敏捷13,精通擒抱,精通徒手打击
略施小惠(Quick Favor)谈判专家每日1次在搜集讯息后快速跟进
快速研习*(Quick Study)智力13,英勇+3,战士10级向盟友学习1个战斗专长
无声击杀*(Quiet Death)敏捷19,潜行10级,盗贼10级在敌人出声前将其放倒
远距解除装置(Ranged Disable)远程射击,近距射击
远距虚招*(Ranged Feint)BAB+2,唬骗3级用远程武器执行虚招
解读魔力残留(Read Spell Traces)从魔法灵光中了解更多信息
时刻备战*(Ready for Anything)警觉,精通先攻,闪电反射
 诡诈直感*(Cunning Intuition)时刻备战,BAB+13或盗贼13级
机关魔道具(Sabotage Magic Item)魔法天赋,解除装置5级
破坏专家(Sabotage Specialist)妙手,解除装置5级你做过手脚的物品会在更准确的时间损坏
诡技破武*(Sabotaging Sunder)力量13,精通破武,猛力攻击
 精通诡技破武*(Improved Sabotaging Sunder) 诡技破武,解除装置9级在更多情况下使用诡技破武且不会引起借机攻击
查知观念(Sense Assumptions)察言观色3级辨别哪些谎言是对方不会相信的
恐惧之影*(Shadows of Fear)暗袭+2d8或偷袭+2d6每轮1次夹击受惊吓的敌人
滑步冲锋*(Sliding Dash)敏捷15,唬骗3级
英勇交际*(Social Bravery)魅力13,英勇使用英勇加值对抗社交攻击
优雅繁星*(Starry Grace)敏捷13,武器娴熟,武器专攻(星刃)在星刃的伤害检定中使用敏捷加值
惊愕诡步*(Startling Getaway)惊愕现身可以在惊愕现身后移开
街头智慧(Street Smarts)知识(本地)和察言观色检定+2加值
 城市跑者(City Sprinter)街头智慧在城区更快更安全地移动
 武艺评估*(Measure Foe)街头智慧,BAB+1估量敌人的作战能力并获得加值
 查知关系(Sense Relationships)街头智慧辨别2人间的关系并利用这点对抗它们
飘渺附魔术(Subtle Enchantments)诈欺师,法术专攻(附魔系)受术者和观察者可能不会注意到你的附魔法术
优秀探测者(Superior Scryer)法术专攻(预言系)
偷天换日*(Swipe and Stash)巧手5级将物品放到他人身上
窃听感应(Telepathy Tap)察言观色10级,能以法术或类法术能力施放
弄假成真(True Deception)魅力17,易容17级,忍者10级或盗贼10级
不破的荣耀(Unimpeachable Honor)钢铁意志避免违背信念+4加值,对抗盟友的攻击和伤害-4减值
顺手牵羊(Walking Sleight)妙手,巧手5级在移动中或以移动动作使用巧手
义警帮手(Willing Accomplice)魅力13,唬骗3级,察言观色1级使用唬骗协助盟友的易容
短暂法术(Fleeting Spell)解消法术更为简单
格物法术(Studied Spell)使用知识来让法术穿透种族抗力
时髦法术(Stylized Spell)唬骗5级,法术辨识5级法术难以辨识并会被误认为类似法术
强固法术(Tenacious Spell)法术难以解除并能存续1d4轮
激怒敌人*(Enrage Opponent)魅力13,业余剑客或派头,谈判专家激怒敌人,削弱其防御直至它击中你为止
闪电备战*(Lightning Draw)即时备战,游荡剑客之反应炫技
解构刺击*(Structural Strike)知识(工程)5级,精确刺击职业能力或炫技你的精确刺击能伤害通常免疫该能力的敌人
狡狐式*(Fox Style)智力13以BAB进行虚招和分散敌人的注意
 狡狐之智*(Fox Insight)狡狐式你很难被虚招欺骗,士气也很难被挫败
  狡狐之策*(Fox Trickery)寓守于攻,狡狐式
枭冲式*(Owl Style)敏捷13,技能专攻(潜行),潜行1级以BAB进行潜行,并能潜行冲锋
 枭落式*(Owl Swoop)敏捷15,枭冲式,特技动作1级以BAB执行特技,并能在冲锋中执行特技
  枭穿式*(Owl Dive)敏捷17,枭冲式,枭落式
街霸流*(Street Style)力量15,精通冲撞,精通徒手打击
 街角霸王拳*(Street Sweep)街霸流,BAB+6或武僧5级追击被冲撞的敌人,将其击倒
  街霸残虐击*(Street Carnage)  街霸流,街角霸王拳,BAB+8或武僧7级  徒手打击重击倍率变为x3
拆除小队(Cooperative Disabling)  解除装置1级,寻找陷阱盟友能以直觉动作尝试第2次解除装置检定
武器协同*(My Blade Is Yours)智力13,寓守于攻,察言观色3级  使用1种相邻盟友的武器特性
适时协同(Timely Coordination)由盟友触发的准备动作中,攻击与技能检定+1加值

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Re: 【UI】专长(Feats)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-03-10, 周五 17:42:41 »
Acrobatic Spellcaster (Combat)
先决条件:战斗施法(Combat Casting),技能专攻:特技动作(Skill Focus:Acrobatics)

Agent of Fear
先决条件:谈判专家(Persuasive),骇人现身*(Frightening Appearance)职业能力
专长效果:当你以对1个目标使用骇人现身(Frightening Appearance)或震撼现身(Stunning Appearance)时,它无法在接下来的24小时内免疫这些效果,不过在这段时间内,它在对抗这些职业能力时豁免检定会获得+2加值。如果你在24小时内对相同的目标重复使用这些能力的话,上述豁免加值会与自身叠加。由于这些能力会让目标生物意识到你的存在,因此在特定的战斗结束之前,你仍旧无法对这些目标使用这些能力。
通常状况:当生物成为了骇人现身(Frightening Appearance)或震撼现身(Stunning Appearance)的目标时,它会在24小时内免疫这些职业能力的效果。

Betrayal Sense (Combat)
先决条件:感知 13,盗贼等级3级,陷阱感知(Trap Sense)职业能力
专长效果:当你以察觉检定识破其他生物的易容,或以察言观色检定避免被突袭时,察觉检定和察言观色检定会获得加值。这些加值的数值与你的陷阱感知(Trap Sense)职业能力的加值相同。

Blustering Bluff
先决条件:魅力 13,唬骗1级,威吓1级
专长效果:当你使用唬骗欺骗1名敌人时,可以用盛气凌人地对该生物叫嚷,使得讲出不太可靠(unlikely)或过于牵强(far-fetched)的谎言带来的减值降低5点。若你这么做且检定并失败的话,在1d6 x 10分钟以后,被你愚弄的生物才会意识到你试图欺凌唬骗它,其对你的态度会变为不友善(treats you as unfriendly),而且可能会告发你或者对你采取其他行动。

Brilliant Planner
先决条件:智力 13,角色等级5级
专长效果:你能够为未来的突发事件做出准备,即便事先不知道这些突发情况会是哪方面的内容也不在话下。作为妙计(brilliant plan)的准备工作,你要在1个定居点内逗留至少24小时,你能花费8小时并且支付至多每角色等级50gp作为妙计的资金。当你的妙计没有付诸实施时,你总是被视为额外背负20磅重的物品,即便妙计的内容本身仍未敲定也是如此。
每日1次,你能够花费10分钟制定妙计,取得在之前造访的定居点内可以获取的1件物品,或者获得你的角色提前计划过的1项普通服务(mundane service)。一旦你制定了妙计之后,便可以从专长的资金中扣除物品或服务带来的开销。由妙计获取的任何物品的重量必须小于等于10磅。同样地,你通过该专长获得的任何非魔法服务是否在该地区内适用,必须由GM进行判定。

Brilliant Spell Preparation
先决条件:智力 13,能够准备3环法术

But a Scratch (Combat)
先决条件:魅力 13,唬骗4级
专长效果:当1名敌人使用近战武器对你确认了重击时,你能够以直觉动作(immediate action)尝试1次特殊的唬骗检定对抗该名敌人。该检定的DC与使用威吓检定挫败士气(demoralize)的DC相同。若你的检定成功,攻击的敌人会战栗(Shaken)1轮,就好像你成功使用威吓挫败了士气一般。检定结果比DC高5点或更多并不会延长战栗状态的持续时间。若你在该专长提供的特殊唬骗中失败,则可以尝试用本专长提供的唬骗来对抗那些看到你之前的失败检定的敌人,但是你会在这次的唬骗检定、以及后续24小时内结合本专长对这些敌人做出的唬骗检定中承受累计的-2减值。

Call Truce
先决条件:魅力 15,谈判专家(Persuasive),交涉5级
专长效果:在战斗中以1轮的动作(1-round action;就如同该效果是施法时间为1轮的法术一样,详细见核心手册 213页),你能够向智力属性至少为4或更高、并且能够理解你的话语的任何生物呼吁停战(call for a truce)。当你这么做时,不能持用武器或具有威胁性的装备,比如已经充能的法术(charged spell)、魔杖(wand)或任何你所呼吁停战的对象会认为具有威胁性的任意事物。而你也必须位于大多数(most)被呼吁生物的视野之内。
一旦开始呼吁停战,那么直至你的下个回合开始之前,若你的盟友中有任何人对你呼吁停战的对象进行攻击或者进行任何具有威胁性的动作的话,呼吁停火的行为便会失败。在你的下个回合开始时,尝试单词交涉检定(DC = 30 + 敌对群体中魅力调整值最高生物的魅力调整值)。若你的检定成功,战斗便会停止1分钟,或者直至任何对方群体的生物被威胁或被攻击为止。
若你的检定失败了5点或更多的话,则在1d4小时内无法再次尝试对你呼吁停战的任何生物使用交涉技能。若你所在的群体内有任何人打算计划使用这次谈判来获得战斗优势的话,敌人可以尝试1次察言观色检定对抗你的团体中每一名领会此种行为(get a hunch)的成员,DC等同于20或者角色的唬骗检定结果,以较高者为准。
特殊说明:如果谈判会直接导致敌人的投降或失败、敌人是狂信者或受到了精神控制、或者具有任何其他GM认为合适的理由,那么你便无法使用该专长。举例来说,如果敌对势力之所以比玩家的队伍强大,主要优势来源于持续时间极短的法术,而这法术会在谈判途中结束(详见186页的【Calling for a Cease-Fire】),那你便无法使用该专长。根据情况,检定DC的潜在难度可能会增加5、10、或者甚至20点。

Careful Flyer

Careful Sneak
先决条件:敏捷 13,潜行3级
专长效果:只要你的移动速度不超过自身速度的一半,便可以忽略轻甲和中甲对潜行检定带来的护甲检定减值(armor check penalty)。在以此方式潜行时,你仍旧无法奔跑(run)或冲锋(charge)。

先决条件:知识(地理)10级,施放高等传送术(Teleport, Greater)的能力
专长效果:若你能够施放高等传送术(Teleport, Greater)——或者需要对应地点的可靠描述(reliable description)的类似传送效果——但是并不了解关于目的地的可靠描述的话,你能够在施放法术之前尝试1次DC为25的知识(地理)检定,来获得距离目的地100英里内的某些地点的可靠描述。若你的检定结果比DC高10点,那么则可以获得距离目的地50英里范围内的某处地点的可靠描述;若检定结果比DC高20点,则可以获得距离目的地25英里范围内的某处地点的可靠描述。一旦你为了某个特定地点而尝试了上述检定,则无法再次尝试;而且如果你尝试使用高等传送术前往同一片大致地区(same general area)的不同地点的话,检定结果视为不变。举例说明,如果你不知道强盗的城堡位于何处,那么对于同属于距离该城堡100英里内,紧挨着强盗的城堡的马厩、或者相距城堡半英里的小镇则都属于你所不了解的地点。

Cat and Mouse (Combat)
先决条件:唬骗5级,察言观色5级,适时格挡反击炫技(opportune parry and riposte deed;ACG)
专长效果:当你对1名敌人的攻击使用炫技(deed)中的适时格挡反击(opportune parry and riposte)时,如果你还有直觉动作(immediate action)可用,并且选择不尝试回击的话,你的AC会获得+1闪避加值,并且在对被你成功格挡攻击的敌人进行的所有战技检定中获得+2加值,持续1轮。

Cat’s Fall
先决条件:敏捷 13,特技动作1级
专长效果:当你成功通过DC为15的特技动作检定来减缓坠落的冲击时,你可以忽略该次坠落的最初20尺高度,并且让接下来10尺高度带来的伤害转化为非致命伤害(nonlethal damage)。只要由于坠落而对你造成的伤害不超过20点,你便会以双脚着地(而不是倒地)。

Circuitous Shot (Combat)
先决条件:敏捷 19,盲斗(Blind-Fight),精通精准射击(Improved Precise Shot),近距射击(Point-Blank Shot),精准射击(Precise Shot),BAB +11
专长效果:你可以选择让1次远程武器攻击承受-2的减值,来让攻击在石质或金属表面上进行弹射,使得攻击的起始点就如同是在弹射点一般,并以此来判断掩蔽(cover)的情况(但是无法以此来判断隐蔽的情况)。用武器或弹药的所经过的完整距离来判断距离对攻击带来的减值。以此方式进行弹射攻击有可能绕过障碍,使得你可以对对你具有全掩蔽(total cover)的敌人进行远程攻击,但是这些敌人在对抗你的攻击时仍旧具有全隐蔽(total concealment)。

City Sprinter
先决条件:街头智慧*(Street Smarts)
专长效果:人群(crowds)对你来说不会被视为困难地形(difficult terrain)。你还会在穿行于房顶、在城市街道或下水道中的光滑材质上行动的特技动作检定中获得额外+2加值。

Clambering Escape (Combat)
先决条件:智力 13,寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),精通移位(Improved Reposition;APG),反射闪避(Evasion)职业能力
专长效果:当你成功使用反射闪避(Evasion)职业能力避免允许进行反射豁免检定的效果带来的伤害时,你能够以直觉动作(immediate action)尝试1次特殊的移位(reposition;APG)战技检定,对抗触及范围内的任意1名敌人。若检定成功,你会与战技的目标交换位置。若该名敌人最初时并没有位于你通过反射闪避躲避的效果范围内,那么它必须进行豁免对抗该效果,就如同身处效果的区域范围内一般。

Conceal Spell
专长效果:当你施放1个法术或使用1个类法术能力时,能够尝试把语言(verbal)和姿势(somatic)成分掩藏在其他话语和手势中,并且将施放法术的表现(manifestation)掩藏起来,这样其他人在为时已晚之前就不会意识到你在施放法术或类法术能力。尝试掩藏法术会让你的施法变得缓慢,因此通常花费标准动作的法术在此时需要整轮动作(full-round action),而那些通常来说花费时间比标准动作更长的法术则需要消耗两倍的时间。不过迅捷动作(Swift Action)的法术仍旧只用迅捷动作。要发现你的诡计,1名生物必须成功通过察觉、察言观色或者法术辨识检定(该生物会自动使用上述技能中加值最高的检定)对抗DC,DC为15 + 你的唬骗或易容上投入的技能点数(以较高者为准)+ 你的魅力调整值;该生物会在本检定中获得加值,加值数量等同于你尝试掩藏的法术或类法术能力的环级。
若你的法术具有姿势成分(somatic component),能看到你的任何生物都会获得1次察觉或法术辨识检定(以加值较高者为准)对抗DC,DC为15 + 你的巧手技能中投入的技能点数 + 你的敏捷调整值;该生物会在本检定中获得加值,加值数量等同于你尝试掩藏的法术或类法术能力的环级。
由于你把施法的表现掩藏在其他动作中,其他观察你的人会意识到你有所作为,虽然它们并未意识到你在施法。若法术具有语言成分(verbal component),它们仍旧会清晰明了地听到你的声音,但是不会注意到法术编织于其中。若敌人在检定中失败,你的施法还不会引起借机攻击,而且检定失败的敌人无法使用基于你施放法术或者使用类法术能力的准备动作,也无法使用法术反制之类的需要鉴别你正在施放的法术的准备动作。火球术(fireball)这样会创造额外明显效果(独立于所有法术和类法术能力共有的施法表现之外)的法术仍旧会创造出相应的效果,不过除非法术效果是由你散发(emanates from you)出来,否则它可能不会明显指示出是谁施放了法术。

专长效果:当你在使用唬骗检定欺骗某人的检定中失败时,你能够立即尝试相同谎言的另一种版本(another version of the same basic deception)对抗同一名生物,不过由于你轻描淡写地忽视失败的唬骗并且快速转移话题,你会在后续的这次检定上承受-5减值。如果最初的唬骗过于离谱(egregious),导致根本无法发生(就如同唬骗技能描述中所说的一般),那么你也无法使用该能力。如果第二次尝试的唬骗仍旧失败了,那么你便无法再次重试唬骗检定,而且关于特定谎言(particular deception)的所有后续尝试都会变得不可行。
通常状况:当你在对抗1名生物的唬骗检定中失败时,该名生物会变得多疑(innately suspicious)。你为了欺骗该名生物所作的后续尝试会承受-10减值,依照GM的判断,此类尝试可能会变得完全不可行。

Cooperative Disabling (Teamwork)
专长效果:当你对1个陷阱使用解除装置检定并且失败时,单个具有该专长且与你相邻的盟友如果也能触及到陷阱的话,能够以直觉动作(immediate action)尝试1次解除装置检定对抗相同的装置。该名盟友必须在你解除装置的过程中一直与你相邻,而且必须协助你的解除装置检定或者不采取任何其他动作。若你的盟友检定成功,那么你的尝试会被视作成功了。若你的盟友检定失败,那么你的尝试被视作失败了5点或更多,即便你原本的检定仅仅失败了4点或更少也是如此。

Criminal Reputation

Cunning Intuition (Combat)
先决条件:警觉(Alertness),精通先攻(Improved Initiative),闪电反射(Lightning Reflexes),即时备战(Quick Draw),时刻备战*(Ready for Anything),BAB +13或盗贼等级13级,察言观色13级
专长效果:当你准备动作(ready an action)时,你不需要声明具体要采取何种行动,只需要说出如何触发该行动以及被触发的动作类型(标准、移动、迅捷或自由选择其一)。若你选择的动作类型是标准动作,则可以在被准备的动作被触发时以移动动作进行替代。当准备动作的条件被触发时,你能够选择执行一个符合相应动作类型的特定动作(specific action)。

Cutting Humiliation
专长效果:当你在社交场合(social situation)成功使用语言上(verbal)的威吓检定挫败目标的士气,而非由于炫目技巧(Dazzling Display)或者胁迫者(Enforcer;APG)这样的能力做出威吓检定的话,你能够羞辱目标以取代挫败士气的效果,让目标在基于魅力的技能检定和魅力属性检定承受-2减值,持续时间为1小时 + 你的检定结果每超出DC5点便会额外增加1小时。目标能够花费10分钟整理心情让自己冷静下来,使得该效果提前被移除。若你在检定中失败,那么任何目击此次失败的生物都会免疫你使用该专长作出的羞辱,持续24小时。若失败了5点或更多的话,那么你本人则会变为受到羞辱的对象以取代目标,持续1小时。

Darkness Trick
专长效果:当你持用1把会发光(sheds light)或者其特征为发光(luminescent)特质,比如炽焰(Flaming)或光能(Brilliant Energy)武器那样的话,你能够以迅捷动作(swift action)熄灭它产生的照明。你可以在任何时候以自由动作(free action)重新点燃它的光芒。任何会迫使武器发出光亮的内在魔法性质,比如炽焰武器的额外伤害,都不会在光芒被熄灭时生效,而且由于光能武器在常态下由光构成的“主要结构(significant portion)”会在熄灭时消失。

Deft Catcher
先决条件:技能专攻:巧手(Skill Focus:Sleight of Hand)
专长效果:每当你丢掉或者被迫丢掉一件自身拥有的物品时(这不包括卸除武器或者盗取物品的效果),你能够以直觉动作(immediate action)尝试1次DC为20的巧手检定,来使得物品落地(falls away)之前重新抓住物品。若你成为了1个效果的目标,而该效果可能会卸武(disarm)或盗取(steal)你抓握(holding)的1件物品的话,比如卸武(disarm)或盗取(steal;APG)战技或者心灵遥控(Telekinesis)这样的法术效果的话,你还能够以直觉动作(immediate action)尝试1次巧手检定,成功则可以重新握住脱手的物品。若你对抗的是战技检定,DC则为10 + 战技检定的结果;若你对抗的是不需要战技检定的法术,DC则为20 + 法术的DC。无论何种情况,如果你在巧手检定中失败10点或更多的话,则会倒地(fall prone)。

Drunkard’s Recovery
先决条件:体质 13
专长效果:若你正处于濒死(dying),只要有生物给你喝下至少1口酒(a sip of alcohol)的话(对相邻的生物来说是标准动作),你的伤势便会立即稳定(immediately stabilize)。

Enrage Opponent (Combat, Panache)
先决条件:魅力 13,业余剑客(Amateur Swashbuckler;ACG)或派头(panache;ACG)职业能力,谈判专家(Persuasive)
专长效果:以迅捷动作(swift action),你能够花费1点时髦值(panache point)来激怒(enrage)1名60尺范围内、智力为4或更多、且能够看到或听到你的生物。就如同挫败该生物士气一般尝试1次威吓检定。如果你成功了,那么该生物的AC会承受-2减值,直至它至少对你作出1次攻击(包括将你包含在内的区域型攻击)或者直至它不再能看到或听到你为止。在同一时间内,你只能以此专长激怒1名敌人对你发火,而且一旦你激怒了1名生物,则在24小时内无法再次激怒它。

Entreating Critical (Combat, Critical)
先决条件:魅力 15,呼吁停战*(Call Truce),重击专攻(Critical Focus),谈判专家(Persuasive),BAB +11,交涉5级
专长效果:每当你确认了1次重击(confirm a critical hit)时,攻击带来的威慑力总会带来一次机遇,让你能够以一次简短的请求(quick entreaty)终结敌意。在确认重击(confirming the critical hit)后立即通过直觉动作(immediate action),你能够尝试1次交涉检定改变目标的态度,就好像花费了1整轮(full round)的时间使用呼吁停战(Call Truce)专长一般。所有其他呼吁停战(Call Truce)专长所具有的条件与限制依旧有效。

Expeditious Sleuth
先决条件:察觉3级,灵感(Inspiration;ACG)或博学(Lore Master)职业能力

Exquisite Sneak
先决条件:敏捷 15,悄声慢行*(Careful Sneak),潜行6级

Extra Contingency

Eye for Ingredients
先决条件:施法免材(Eschew Materials),估价6级,法术辨识6级
专长效果:当你身处大城市(large city)或更大的定居点(larger settlement)时,能够花费4小时仔细寻找店铺,从而让你施放法术所需要购买的材料成分(material components)获得10%的折扣。每日你能够买到至多价值1000gp的材料成分(你的实际开销为900gp)。这些低价材料能够正常地帮你施放法术,但是转售它们的价格也会减少10%。

Feign Curse
专长效果:以标准动作,你能够装出对1名目标施以诅咒的样子。目标必须尝试1次察言观色或法术辨识检定(以目标具有加值的技能为准),对抗DC为15 + 你在唬骗中投入的技能点数 + 你的魅力调整值,目标会在技能检定中获得加值,数值与限定条件为对抗巫术(hexes)或诅咒(curses)时才可应用至豁免检定的加值相同,比如防护巫术(Hex Ward;UM)提供的加值。如果他的检定失败了,则会因为自怨自艾和自我怀疑而受苦。在他接下来的2次攻击检定、豁免检定、技能检定或属性检定中,要投掷2次并取较差的结果;你在唬骗技能中投入的技能点数每比5点高5点,该能力就会额外影响1次检定。这是个影响心灵(mind-affecting)效果,而且不会对免疫诅咒(immune to curses)的目标生效。一旦你尝试如此假装对1名生物施以诅咒之后,则无法再次在24小时内对相同生物这么做,而且如果目标成功看破了你的伎俩,则会在后续的尝试中获得+10加值。

Fencing Grace (Combat)
先决条件:敏捷 13,武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse),武器专攻:细剑(Weapon Focus:rapier)
专长效果:当你以单手持用细剑(rapier)时,能够将敏捷调整值取代力量调整值,以应用至该武器的伤害上。这把细剑必须符合你的体型。当你以双武器或者使用疾风连击(flurry of blows)进行战斗、或者另一只手被占用(occupied)时,便无法获得该好处。
此外,若你具有派头(panache;ACG)职业能力,且至少还有1点时髦值(panache point)时,你会在对抗向你的细剑进行卸武(disarm)尝试中,CMD获得+2加值。

Fey Spell Lore
先决条件:魅力 13,法术辨识1级,施放德鲁伊法术(druid spells)的能力
专长效果:将后述法术添加到你的德鲁伊法术列表中对应的环级上:0环——舞光术(Dancing Lights),1环——次等困惑术(Confusion, Lesser),2环——魅惑人类(Charm Person),3环——隐形术(Invisibility),4环——降咒(Bestow Curse),5环——魅惑怪物(Charm Monster),6环——强效诅咒(Curse, Major;UM),7环——梦之衣(Cloak of Dreams;APG),8环——精神错乱(Insanity),9环——迷舞(Irresistible Dance)。

Fey Spell Versatility
先决条件:魅力 13,法术辨识1级,施放游侠法术(ranger spells)的能力

Fleeting Spell (Metamagic)
专长效果:如果原法术不允许解消的话,那么短暂法术在持续时间内将会变得可以解消(dismissible)。你能够以迅捷动作(swift action)解消自己的短暂法术。当你解消短暂法术后,若有人想以魔法侦测该法术所残留的灵光时,进行侦测的施法者必须成功以施法者等级检定对抗DC才能发现灵光,该DC为11 + 你的施法者等级。反制(counter)短暂法术的解除检定(dispel checks)DC降低2点,移除短暂法术的解除魔法(dispel magic)无需通过施法者等级检定便可成功。短暂法术的持续时间为其正常持续时间的一半(对于延时短暂法术来说,法术持续时间的调整会相互抵消掉)。只有持续时间至少为2轮的法术才能够受到短暂法术超魔调整,立即(instantaneous)或永久(permanent)的法术无法成为短暂法术。短暂法术不会让法术占用比其实际环级更高的法术位。

Fool Magic

Fox Insight (Combat)
先决条件:智力 13,狡狐式*(Fox Style)
专长效果:当你使用狡狐式(Fox Style),且有敌人尝试对你使用虚招时,你可以使用基本攻击加值来替代察言观色检定中投入的技能点数,并以此来判断你的察言观色技能加值。此外尝试对你进行挫败士气的生物不会因为体型比你大而获得加值(不过体型比你小的依旧会承受减值)。如果你的智力至少达到了19,那么对你进行虚招或者挫败士气的DC增加4点。

Fox Style (Combat, Style)
先决条件:智力 13
专长效果:当你使用该流派时,能够在为了隐藏而分散对方注意力(create a distraction to hide)以及在战斗中进行虚招而作出的唬骗检定中,使用基本攻击加值来取代你在唬骗技能中投入的点数。若你的智力至少达到了19,则可以在上述唬骗检定中添加你的魅力调整值时获得+4加值。

Fox Trickery (Combat)
先决条件:智力 13,狡狐之智*(Fox Insight),狡狐式*(Fox Style),精通阴招(Improved Dirty Trick;APG)
专长效果:当你使用狡狐式(Fox Style)时,能够以借机攻击执行阴招战技(dirty trick combat maneuvers;Advanced Player’s Guide 320页)。若你的智力至少达到了19,则会在阴招战技检定中获得+4加值。

Gaze Reflection
先决条件:法术辨识10级,深邃注视(Bold Stare;OA)和催眠师诡计(Mesmerist Trick;OA)职业能力
专长效果:当有生物使用凝视攻击(gaze attack),包括由摄心目光(Eyebite)或灼热凝视(Burning Gaze)这样的法术或者魔法物品提供的效果,而你以移开双眼(avert your eyes)来应对的话,你可以投掷两次检定并选择较好的结果,来判断你是否暴露在凝视攻击之下、或者判断你对抗该生物做出的攻击检定是否失手,其中后者的效果不会与盲斗(Blind-Fight)专长叠加。此外,以迅捷动作(swift action),你能够花费1次催眠师诡计(Mesmerist Trick)的使用次数,来让你免疫该生物的凝视,直至你的下个回合开始为止。若你花费2次催眠师诡计(Mesmerist Trick)的使用次数,则会在免疫该生物的凝视的同时,将它的凝视反射回其自身,以它自己的凝视来影响它。
特殊说明:在判断该专长的效果时,催眠师(Mesmerist)的催眠注视(Hypnotic Stare)、女巫(witch)或鬼婆(hag)的邪眼(evil eye)以及吸血鬼(vampire)的支配(dominate)都被视为凝视攻击(gaze attacks);同样地,那些在看向生物时才会触发的能力,比如宁芙(nymph)的盲目绝色(blinding beauty)或海鬼婆(sea hag)的骇人外貌(Horrific Appearance),在本专长中也被视同为凝视效果。在使用本专长并且花费2次催眠师诡计(Mesmerist Trick)的使用次数时,并不会忽略目标生物对自身凝视的免疫力,比如吸血鬼的免疫影响心灵效果(immunity to mind-affecting effects)或者宁芙的盲目绝色(blinding beauty)仅对类人生物(humanoids)生效的限制。

Graceful Steal (Combat)
先决条件:敏捷 13,灵巧武艺(Agile Maneuvers),精通盗取(Improved Steal;APG),巧手3级
专长效果:当你尝试用巧手检定藏匿或盗窃物品时,能够使用盗取战技(steal combat maneuver;APG)的CMB来替代巧手的调整值(Sleight of Hand modifier),不过如果你要这么做的话,则必须使用敏捷调整值而非力量调整值。即便物品被藏在包或袋子里,你也能够使用盗取战技偷窃物品(前提是你能够触及到放在内部的物品),但是在此情况下,敌人的CMD至少会获得+5加值(由于物体是被固定住的)。

Improved Bravery (Combat)
先决条件:魅力 13,英勇(Bravery)职业能力

Improved Conceal Spell
先决条件:掩饰施法*(Conceal Spell),诈欺师(Deceitful),唬骗5级,易容5级,巧手10级,施放3环法术或3级类法术能力的能力

Improved Legendary Influence
先决条件:传说共鸣*(Legendary Influence),次级英灵之力(Lesser Spirit Power;OA)和慰灵之术(Propitiation;OA)职业能力
专长效果:为每个你能呼唤(Channel)的英灵选取第2个专长(造物专长除外)。每当你通过让英灵对你造成1点共鸣(Influence)来使得英灵获得传说共鸣(Legendary Influence)赋予的对应专长时,可以让该英灵对你造成1点额外共鸣(Influence),使其获得本专长提供的第2个专长。

Improved Sabotaging Sunder (Combat)
先决条件:力量 13,精通破武(Improved Sunder),猛力攻击(Power Attack),诡技破武*(Sabotaging Sunder),解除装置9级
专长效果:当你执行诡技破武(Sabotaging Sunder)专长提供的特殊破武战技时,不会再引起借机攻击。此外,你能够尝试使用该战技对抗目标持握(hold)的物品,但你仍旧无法对被藏匿在袋子、背包、或者其他容器中的物品使用该战技。

Incite Paranoia (Combat)
先决条件:智力 13,寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),诈欺师(Deceitful),高等虚招(Greater Feint),精通虚招(Improved Feint),BAB +6
专长效果:当你成功在战斗中使用了虚招时,如果你的检定成功了5点或更多,那么直至你的下个回合为止,目标便不会再为盟友提供夹击,也不会提供或获得团队专长(teamwork feats)带来的好处。
此外,当你尝试1次唬骗检定来说谎,而且谎言中暗指1个或更多个目标的盟友会背叛目标、或者暗中陷害她(secretly against her)的话,该谎言的可信度会比正常情况下高1级,从过于牵强(far-fetched)变为不太可靠(unlikely),从不太可靠(unlikely)变为可信(believable),如果谎言的可信度本身低于过于牵强(far-fetched),则本专长不会产生效果。

Insightful Advice
专长效果:你能够尝试1次技能检定为30尺内的1名盟友提供协助(aid),不过前提是你必须在该项技能中受训。这会耗费1分钟,而且在此期间内,你需要在动嘴说的同时,让接受该次建议的盟友听到你说的话。你赋予的加值为+2点,并且忽略任何可能改变你的协助他人加值(aid another bonus)的任何其他效果。该加值会适用于此盟友使用对应技能尝试的全部检定,它会持续1日,而且不会与任何其他协助他人加值叠加。无论你在协助他人的检定中成功与否,每日你仅能为每名盟友尝试使用1次该能力。

Inspiring Bravery (Combat)
先决条件:魅力 13,英勇(Bravery)职业能力
专长效果:只要你还有意识(conscious)且没有陷入震慑(stunned)、晕眩(dazed)或困惑(confused),那么30尺内所有能够看到你并听到你的盟友均可以在对抗恐惧(fear)时,获得你的英勇(Bravery)加值。若你具有精通英勇*(Improved Bravery)专长,他们还能将你的英勇加值用在对抗所有影响心灵(mind-affecting)效果的豁免检定上。若你具有英勇交际*(Social Bravery)专长,则你的英勇加值可以加在挫败盟友士气的威吓检定DC、对盟友进行虚招的DC、改变盟友态度的检定DC、或者说服他们履行要求(perform a request)的检定DC上。

Inspiring Mentor
先决条件:魅力 13,提振技能(Inspire Competence)吟游表演
专长效果:提振技能(Inspire Competence)吟游表演(bardic performance)现在可以影响30尺内所有能够听到你的表演的盟友,只要他们尝试的技能是你选择的便可以生效。
通常状况:提振技能(Inspire Competence)仅能影响1名盟友。

Intoxicating Flattery
专长效果:你能够在1次长期互动(花费至少1分钟)中奉承1名生物,让他变得自我膨胀,从而影响其判断力。在这段奉承的最后,尝试1次唬骗检定,对抗DC为10 + 该生物的HD + 该生物的感知调整值或者10 + 该生物的察言观色调整值,以较高者为准。若你的检定成功,目标则会在意志豁免检定、基于感知的技能检定和感知属性检定上承受-2减值,持续1小时,你的检定结果每比DC高5点,就会再额外持续1小时。目标可以通过花费10分钟调整心态来提前移除该效果。如果你的检定失败,任何目击到你的失败的生物均会免疫你使用该专长作出的奉承,持续24小时。若你失败了5点或更多的话,目标对你的态度会降低1级。

Ironclad Logic
先决条件:智力 19,交涉3级
专长效果:每当你把魅力调整值应用至交涉检定时,该检定便会获得+4加值。若你在交涉技能上投入了至少10点技能点,而且智力属性达到了27或更高,该加值提升至+8点。该加值不会与技能专攻:交涉(Skill Focus:Diplomacy)带来的加值叠加,但是在判断专长以及其他以技能专攻:交涉为基础的先决条件时,本专长可以被视同为技能专攻:交涉。在舌战(verbal duels;见本书176-181页)中,若你使用的辩才(tactic)关联技能本身基于智力(Intelligence-based skill)的话,在计算该关联技能加值时,你可以使用你的智力调整值而非魅力调整值。

Legendary Influence
先决条件:次级英灵之力(Lesser Spirit Power;OA)职业能力
专长效果:立即为你能呼唤(Channel)的每个英灵(Spirit)选择1个专长(造物专长除外)。每当你执行降灵(Seance)呼唤英灵时,能够让英灵对你造成1点共鸣(Influence),以使得你在呼唤该英灵期间,让英灵获得传说共鸣的专长。你能够使用该奖励专长作为英灵之力(Spirit Power)所赋予的任何专长的先决条件,比如勇士(Champion)的至高英灵之力传奇勇士(Legendary Champion);但是不能作为其他专长的先决条件。

Lightning Draw (Combat, Panache)
先决条件:即时备战(Quick Draw),游荡剑客之反应(swashbuckler initiative;ACG)炫技,游荡剑客等级7级
专长效果:当你投掷先攻时,即便是在你无法行动的突袭轮(surprise round)刚开始时,你能够花费1点时髦值(panache point)来拔出1把或更多的轻型或单手穿刺武器(light or one-handed piercing weapons),无论这些武器是否被藏匿(hidden)了起来。拔出这些武器并不需要动作(does not take an action)。
若你具有即时变脸(Instant Unveil;见本书53页的游荡剑客变体)炫技,那么只要你至少还有1点时髦值,当你使用上述段落中描述的能力时就不会再消耗时髦值,而且每当1名生物攻击你时,你都能以直觉动作(immediate action)花费1点时髦值来拔出1把轻型或单手穿刺武器,无论这把武器是否被藏匿了起来。

Manipulative Agility

Martial Dominance (Combat)
先决条件:BAB +5,威吓1级
专长效果:在判断你的威吓技能加值时,你可以使用基本攻击加值取代你在威吓技能上投入的技能点数。当你对1名生物确认了重击(confirm a critical hit)时,能够以直觉动作(immediate action)尝试1次威吓检定,用于挫败该生物的士气(demoralize)。

Measure Foe (Combat)
先决条件:街头智慧*(Street Smarts),BAB +1
专长效果:在至少观察1分钟敌人的移动、或者至少观察2轮敌人的攻击之后,你能以自由动作(free action)尝试1次察言观色检定,并以此推断出1名敌人曾经受过何种的武技训练。如果你观察的是移动时的姿态而非攻击动作的话,则会在检定中承受-10的减值。该DC为20 + 该生物的BAB 或 10 + 该生物的唬骗或易容调整值,以较高者为准。若你的检定成功,则会了解到敌人的基本攻击加值,外加1个它所具有的战斗专长(combat feat),你的检定每比DC高出5点,便能够再额外知晓1个该生物具有的战斗专长。直至该名敌人获得新的等级或者以其他方式强化了自身能力为止,你在对抗它的攻击检定中均会获得+1洞察加值,而且AC还会在对抗它的攻击时获得+1洞察加值。若你的检定失败了,那么直至你的察言观色技能获得更多技能点为止,均无法再对该名特定敌人尝试本检定。

Misdirection Attack (Combat)
先决条件:智力 13,寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),诈欺师(Deceitful),转向误导*(Misdirection Redirection),误导战法*(Misdirection Tactics),唬骗10级
专长效果:当你成功使用了误导战法(Misdirection Tactics)专长让1次近战武器攻击失效时,对你作出此次失效攻击的敌人会引起你的借机攻击,即便正常情况下进行全防御动作时不能进行借机攻击,此时你也可以这么做。该专长的效果独立于转向误导*(Misdirection Redirection)的效果之外。

Misdirection Redirection (Combat)
先决条件:智力 13,寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),诈欺师(Deceitful),误导战法*(Misdirection Tactics),唬骗10级
专长效果:当你成功使用了误导战法*(Misdirection Tactics)专长让1次近战武器攻击失效时,可以重定向敌人的攻击,引导敌人依照你的选择来攻击其近战触及范围内的其他生物。要处理该次攻击,你的敌人必须对抗新目标做出1次新的攻击检定。

Misdirection Tactics (Combat)
先决条件:智力 13,寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),诈欺师(Deceitful),唬骗4级
专长效果:当你使用全防御动作(total defense action)时,若1次近战攻击仍然会超出你的AC(hit your AC),你能以直觉动作(immediate action)尝试1次唬骗检定,DC等同于敌人的攻击检定。若你的检定成功,则会免受到此次攻击(它被视为失手了)。若该次攻击仍旧命中的话,你在24小时内无法再次对相同的敌人使用该专长。

My Blade Is Yours (Combat, Teamwork)
先决条件:智力 13,寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),察言观色3级

Nerve-Racking Negotiator
专长效果:当你成功使用威吓技能迫使1名敌人向你表示友善(act friendly toward you)时,目标必须在威吓效果消退后尝试1次意志豁免。DC为10 + 你在威吓中投入的技能点数。若目标在该次豁免中失败的话,它在威吓带来的效果期限结束之后对你的态度视为与最初相同——通常为冷漠(indifferent)——而且不会因为被你威胁而上报权力机构。

Notorious Vigilante (Combat)
先决条件:炫目技巧(Dazzling Display),武器专攻(Weapon Focus),任意非善良阵营(any nongood alignment),高级声誉社交天赋*(Great Renown Social Talent),擅长相应的武器(proficiency with chosen weapon)

Omnipresent Mentor
先决条件:魅力 17,激励师*(Inspiring Mentor),提振技能(Inspire Competence)吟游表演
专长效果:通过在每日伊始(at the start of the day)花费4轮吟游表演(bardic performance)的每日轮数,你能够向1名盟友心中注入你的鼓励之言。选择1项你已经投入了技能点数的技能。你的盟友会获得提振技能(Inspire Competence)吟游表演带来的好处,无视距离,持续至你重新恢复吟游表演的每日轮数为止。该效果并不会被视为被激活的吟游表演,因此它不会因为你开始进行其他吟游表演而结束。在同一时间,仅有1名盟友能受到该能力影响;若你在持续时间结束之前再次使用该能力,先前受影响的盟友会失去该专长带来的加值。

Ostentatious Rager (Combat)
专长效果:你能通过彰显自己的力气、练出让人惊诧的把式来使用威吓技能赚钱(earn money),与使用表演技能赚钱完全相同。
除此之外,当你正处于狂暴(raging)时,若有1名敌人将要因为你的技能而被挫败士气(demoralized),而且它现在并未因为你的威吓而陷入战栗(shaken)的话,你能够选择用扰乱它的注意力来取代让它陷入战栗,持续至你的下个回合开始为止。在此期间,该名敌人在与你无关(don’t involve you)的察觉检定中受到-5减值,AC在对抗除你以外的生物所发起的攻击时受到-2减值。如果除你以外的生物对该名敌人发起攻击,或者你使用挫败士气来让该名敌人陷入战栗的话,上述效果便会提前结束。

Owl Dive (Combat)
先决条件:敏捷 17,枭冲式*(Owl Style),枭落式*(Owl Swoop),技能专攻:潜行(Skill Focus:Stealth),BAB +7或武僧等级5级,特技动作1级,飞行1级,潜行1级
专长效果:当你使用枭冲式(Owl Style)时,能够使用你的基本攻击加值取代你在飞行中投入的技能点数,并以此来判断你的飞行技能加值。你能够冲锋(charge)穿过其他生物占据的空间,但是和正常情况一样,你必须做出成功的特技动作检定才能通过敌人占据的空间。当你于冲锋途中穿过敌人占据的空间,而且在此时作出的特技动作检定中失败时,你的冲锋便会在进入该名敌人占据的空间时结束;如果你能威胁到该名敌人,则可以用你的冲锋攻击对抗该名敌人。

Owl Style (Combat, Style)
先决条件:敏捷 13,技能专攻:潜行(Skill Focus:Stealth),潜行1级
专长效果:当你使用这个流派时,能够使用你的基本攻击加值取代你在潜行技能中投入的技能点数,并以此来判断你的潜行技能调整值(与正常情况一样,这不会替换掉其他来源提供的技能加值,比如技能专攻带来的效果)。当你以这种架势进行潜行时,能够在承受以全速潜行(Stealth at full speed)而带来的减值(这通常为-5减值)之外,承受-10减值来进行冲锋(charge)。如果敌人的察觉检定失败,而且没有以其他方式(比如盲感之类的能力)发现你的话,这些敌人在对抗你于冲锋期间或者冲锋结束时作出的攻击(以取代正常的第一次攻击)时,AC会失去敏捷加值。

Owl Swoop (Combat)
先决条件:敏捷 15,枭冲式*(Owl Style),技能专攻:潜行(Skill Focus:Stealth),特技动作1级,潜行1级
专长效果:当你使用枭冲式(Owl Style)时,能够使用你的基本攻击加值取代你在特技动作中投入的技能点数,并以此来判断你的特技动作技能加值。你能尝试特技动作检定来在光滑或狭窄的表面上移动,也可以用于避免冲锋时引起的借机攻击,不过依旧如常承受全速进行移动所带来的检定DC提升和减值。

Persuasive Bribery
专长效果:当你尝试以交涉检定贿赂某人(bribe someone)、以及用交涉或魅力检定与被呼唤的生物(比如异界盟友或异界誓缚法术呼唤的生物)讨价还价时获得+2加值,上述加值是在贿赂本身带来的任何加值之外额外提供的。当某人初次拒绝你提出的贿赂时,这个人对你的态度不会恶化,即便在正常情况下这种提议会冒犯到对方也是如此。

Piercing Grapple (Combat)
先决条件:敏捷 13,精通擒抱(Improved Grapple),精通徒手打击(Unarmed Strike),即时备战(Quick Draw),威吓7级
专长效果:当你发起擒抱(initiate a grapple)时,能够拔出1把轻型或单手穿刺武器(light or one-handed piercing weapon)并把它刺向你要擒抱的敌人。当你如此发起擒抱时,会在战技检定上承受-2减值,但因为你是以发起擒抱的一部分拔出武器,所以不会因为手持这把武器而承受通常的-4减值。若你的检定成功,则会如常擒抱敌人,而且在判断是否承受-4减值或者在维持擒抱中造成伤害时,这把武器不被视为在你的手中。若你的敌人成功打破了擒抱,它便会受到伤害,数值为你使用的那把武器的基础武器伤害外加1d4点出血伤害(bleed damage)。成功通过DC 15的医疗检定或任何魔法医疗都能够结束出血效果(bleed damage)。若你主动结束擒抱,也可以选择不造成出血伤害,但是无论何种方式,你的敌人都会受到基础武器伤害。当你维持此类擒抱时,会在所有用于对抗你的敌人的威吓检定中获得+2环境加值。

Planar Wanderer
先决条件:地理传送学*(Cartogramancer),知识(地理)10级,知识(位面)10级,施放高等传送术(Teleport, Greater)和异界传送(Plane Shift)的能力
专长效果:当你研究打算使用异界传送(Plane Shift)前往的位面时,能随着施法尝试1次DC为25的知识(位面)检定。若你的检定成功,则可以在跨位面传送中前往更为准确的位置,让你抵达距离目的地5d20英里的位置,以取代原本距离目的地5d%英里的位置。如果你的结果比DC高10或更多,则会抵达距离目的地5d10英里的位置作为替代;若你的结果比DC高20或更多,则会抵达距离5d6英里的位置。

Play to the Crowd
先决条件:智力 19,不破的逻辑*(Ironclad Logic),交涉5级,察言观色5级
专长效果:当你使用交涉来改变1名角色的态度时,可以首先尝试1次察言观色检定对抗该名NPC,以此来获得一种直觉(get a hunch),了解该名角色是否正受到附魔系效果(enchantment)的影响、对其使用查知观念*(Sense Assumptions)专长或用于在舌战(verbal duel;见本书176页)中评估偏好(biases)。若你的察言观色检定成功了,则会在交涉检定中获得+2加值,而且若你在舌战(verbal duel)中得知了任何对方的偏好(biases),则可以选择额外得知一种偏好。如果你在交涉检定中失败5点或共多的话,不会因此而让NPC的态度变差。

Quick Favor

Quick Study (Combat)
先决条件:智力 13,英勇+3(Bravery +3)职业能力,战士等级10级

Quiet Death (Combat)
先决条件:敏捷 19,潜行10级,盗贼等级10级

Ranged Disable
先决条件:远程射击(Far Shot),近距射击(Point-Blank Shot),武器专攻(Weapon Focus),解除装置9级
专长效果:以整轮动作(full-round action),你能用1把具有相应武器专攻专长的远程武器来尝试1次解除装置检定。你仅能对1次简单的解除尝试(1次通常情况会花费1个整轮动作来解除的尝试)使用该能力,而且解除装置的目标如果具有任何掩蔽(cover)或隐蔽(concealment)的话,便无法使用此方法来解除。如此使用的远程武器不会对装置造成伤害,但是可以让你尝试1次解除装置检定作为替代。你会把该次远程攻击视同为你在使用不恰当工具进行此次尝试,让你的解除装置检定承受-4减值。你要将武器所承受的任何距离减值应用至解除装置检定上,但是你无法把通常来说可以为攻击检定提供的加值应用至此次解除装置检定上。

Ranged Feint (Combat)
先决条件:BAB +2,唬骗3级
专长效果:你能够用1把远程武器执行虚招(feint),通过投掷1把投掷武器、或者发射1根箭矢、弩矢、子弹或者其他种类的1发弹药来执行虚招;此次虚招所使用的动作与正常的虚招相同(takes the same action as normal to feint),但是根据你的武器类型,也许在此之后你需要重新装填或拔出另一把武器。当你成功使用1次远程虚招后,能够让该名敌人在对抗你的远程攻击和你的近战攻击时失去AC上的敏捷加值,持续时间与正常情况相同。若你在正常情况下成功使用虚招之后,该敌人在对抗除你以外的生物发起的攻击时,AC也会失去敏捷加值的话,那么你的远程虚招产生的效果仅会对其他人的近战攻击生效。

Read Spell Traces
专长效果:若你使用鉴定术(identify)或者任何更高环级的法术进行侦测,且该法术在正常情况下可以用于侦测1个正在生效的法术(an active spell)的法术学派(school)和灵光强度(aura strength)的话,如果你的检定比DC高出10或更多,那么你还能准确地了解到是什么法术。若你在使用的法术已经可以通过读取灵光来告知你具体是何种法术的话,你便可以尝试从残存灵光(lingering aura)的痕迹中鉴别出法术,不过此类尝试会承受-10减值。当你尝试使用高等侦测魔法*(greater detect magic;见212页)鉴别独特的魔法署名(unique magical signatures)时,你会在知识(神秘)检定上获得+2加值。此外,在对抗魔法灵光(Magic Aura)和其他当你豁免失败便可以隐藏法术真正灵光的法术或效果时,你会在豁免检定上获得+2加值。

Ready for Anything (Combat)
先决条件:警觉(Alertness),精通先攻(Improved Initiative),闪电反射(Lightning Reflexes),即时备战(Quick Draw),BAB +6或直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)职业能力
专长效果:你总是能够在突袭轮(surprise round)中行动,即便你在发现敌人的察觉检定中失败也是如此,但是直至进行动作之前,你仍旧会被视为措手不及(flat-footed)。

Sabotage Magic Item
先决条件:魔法天赋(Magical Aptitude),解除装置5级,使用魔法装置5级
专长效果:你能尝试1次使用魔法装置检定来向1件魔法物品设置机关而非启动它,DC与盲目启动该魔法物品相同。若此次检定成功,你能在魔法物品上设下1个会引发事故(mishap)的触发条件,这个事故可以是对尝试使用魔法物品的生物造成2d6伤害的同时未能启动其预期的功能,或者也可以是魔法物品影响到错误的目标。事故的触发条件必须为视觉型(visual)或听觉型(audible)触发条件,就如同魔嘴(Magic Mouth)法术中所制定的一般。若你在该检定中失败,则会承受事故作为替代,就好像你在盲目启动魔法物品的检定中失败了10点或更多一般。

Sabotage Specialist
先决条件:妙手(Deft Hands),解除装置5级
专长效果:当你使用解除装置技能设置(rig)简单(simple)或复杂(tricky)的装置(比如马鞍或者货车车轮),让它能够在正常工作一段时间后再脱落或损坏时,你能够指定装置损坏的时间点,延迟的时间至多为在你成功进行设置工作后60分钟的时点。装置会在指定时间的1d6 - 3轮后损坏(结果为-1或-2则意味着装置会在指定时间之前的1或2轮时损坏)。

Sabotaging Sunder (Combat)
先决条件:力量 13,精通破武(Improved Sunder),猛力攻击(Power Attack),解除装置7级
专长效果:你能够以标准动作执行1次特殊的破武战技(sunder combat maneuver),来破坏1名敌人穿戴的1件物品。你会在近战中使用该项技巧破坏1件既没有被持握(hold)也没有被藏匿在袋子、背包、或者其他容器中的物品。你必须至少有1只手空着才能执行该项战技,而且这么做会引起你所执行战技的目标的借机攻击,即便你具有精通破武(Improved Sunder)专长也是如此。
当你尝试该次战技检定时,使用你在解除装置中投入的技能点数替代你的基本攻击加值,并用你的敏捷调整值替代力量调整值。任何针对破武战技检定的加值(比如精通破武专长提供的加值)仍旧适用于该次战技,而你的目标在CMD上获得的任何用于对抗破武尝试的加值,依旧也能够在此次战技中保护它。若你的检定成功,取代原本的造成伤害,你会破坏目标物品,让它获得破损(broken)状态。若该物品已经处于破损状态,那么你会摧毁(destroy)该物品,或者导致它的脱落(fall off)。免疫破武的物品依旧免疫此种特殊战技,若一件物品(比如神器)在正常情况下仅能用特殊方式摧毁(destroy)或移除(remove),该专长也无法将其摧毁或移除。

Sense Assumptions
专长效果:在经过1分钟的谈话(conversation)后,你能尝试1次察言观色检定来查知其他人的某些观念(assumptions)。该DC为20,或者10 + 目标的唬骗调整值,以较高者为准。若你的检定成功,则会了解到与你们之前谈话的主题相关的谎言(根据你的选择)是否会在让目标信服的唬骗检定中承受减值。若你在检定中失败4点或更少,则不会得知任何信息。若你失败了5点或更多,目标便会意识到你正在尝试从它的口中套取信息。你能够重试此次检定,但是针对相同目标,之前作出的每个失败的此类检定均会让DC增加5点。

Sense Relationships
先决条件:街头智慧*(Street Smarts)
专长效果:在经过1分钟或更长时间的互动(interaction)或观察(observation)后,你能尝试1次DC为20的察言观色检定来评估氛围(get a hunch),以此来查知任意两个正在彼此互动的生物间的关系。如果你不了解它们正在说的语言,则会在检定中承受-5减值,而且如果这些生物与你的生物类型不同,你还会在检定中额外承受-5减值。

Shadows of Fear (Combat)
先决条件:暗袭*(Hidden Strike)+2d8或偷袭(sneak attack)+2d6
专长效果:在你每轮第1次命中1个承受恐惧(fear)效果影响的生物时,可以对它造成暗袭(Hidden Strike)或偷袭(sneak attack)伤害,就如同你在夹击该名生物一般。精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)以及其他能够防止夹击的效果也能够防止该专长作出的暗袭或偷袭。

Sliding Dash (Combat)
先决条件:敏捷 15,特技动作10级或杂技冲锋*(acrobatic charge)职业能力,唬骗3级
专长效果:在冲锋时,你可以不必停留在能够攻击到目标且距离你最近的位置,取而代之的是你能够移动到与目标相邻、并且位于另一侧的位置,就如同你穿过了可以攻击到目标并且距离你最近的位置,然后再穿过目标占据的空间后所处的位置。当你穿过目标占据的空间时,必须尝试1次特技动作检定,DC为10 + 你的敌人的CMD。成功则让你在不引发冲锋目标借机攻击的前提下穿过目标所占据的空间,之后你会抵达目标区域并作出攻击,目标会被视同为受到该次攻击的夹击(若你在冲锋中可以作出多次攻击的话,则只有第1次攻击视为目标受到夹击)。如果你的检定失败了,则会引起目标的借机攻击,之后如正常情况一般完成冲锋。无论特技动作检定是否成功,你的AC都会受到-4减值以取代正常的-2减值,持续至你的下个回合开始为止。
译注:本专长先决条件的acrobatic charge虽然标记*号,但是本书并无同名能力。整个pf规则似乎也只有核心手册的进阶职业决斗家6级是同名能力。

Social Bravery (Combat)
先决条件:魅力 13,英勇(Bravery)职业能力
专长效果:在社交场合(social situations)上,你的勇气能保护自己,使得他人更难以读出你的想法。将你的英勇(Bravery)加值加到对你挫败士气的检定DC、对你虚招的检定DC、改变你的态度的检定DC或者说服你履行要求(perform a request)的检定DC上,该加值还能应用至对抗刻薄羞辱*(Cutting Humiliation)和戴高帽*(Intoxicating Flattery)专长时。此外,你的唬骗和威吓检定获得士气加值,数值相当于你的英勇加值。

Starry Grace (Combat)
先决条件:敏捷 13,武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse),武器专攻:星刃(Weapon Focus:starknife)
专长效果:当你持用星刃(Starknife)时,能够用你的敏捷调整值替代力量调整值来修正武器的伤害。你的星刃必须与你的体型相符。当你使用两把武器进行战斗、使用疾风连击(flurry of blows)或者当另一只手因为其他原因而被占用时,便会失去上述好处。
此外,如果你具有派头(Panache;ACG)职业能力,那么只要你至少还有1点时髦值,便会在使用星刃进行攻击动作之后的移动动作中使移动速度获得+5加值,使用星刃进行跳跃攻击(Spring Attack)或冲锋(charge)之时也可以获得该加值。

Startling Getaway (Combat)
先决条件:惊愕现身*(Startling Appearance)职业能力
专长效果:在突袭轮(surprise round)期间,你对1名没有意识到你的存在的敌人做出攻击动作(attack action)之后,能够执行1个移动动作(move action)来移动。若你已经有能力在突袭轮中做出1个标准和1个移动动作的话,该专长不会提供任何额外的动作。

Street Carnage (Combat)
先决条件:力量 15,精通冲撞(Improved Bull Rush),精通徒手打击(Improved Unarmed Strike),猛力攻击(Power Attack),街霸流*(Street Style),街角霸王拳*(Street Sweep),BAB +8或武僧等级7级

Street Smarts

Street Style (Combat, Style)
先决条件:力量 15,精通冲撞(Improved Bull Rush),精通徒手打击(Improved Unarmed Strike),猛力攻击(Power Attack),BAB +4或武僧等级3级
专长效果:当你使用街霸流期间,每轮1次以迅捷动作,能够在徒手打击命中目标时,额外造成1d6点伤害,并对目标尝试1次冲撞战技(bull rush combat maneuver)。
特殊说明:你只能在城市地形(urban terrain)启动街霸流的架势,当你离开城市地形后,该架势会立即终止。

Street Sweep (Combat)
先决条件:力量 15,精通冲撞(Improved Bull Rush),精通徒手打击(Improved Unarmed Strike),猛力攻击(Power Attack),街霸流*(Street Style),BAB +6或武僧等级5级
专长效果:当你使用街霸流期间,每轮第1次用徒手打击对1名敌人造成伤害时,如果该名敌人在你的上个回合开始后,被你用街霸流冲撞过的话,该名敌人必须进行1次强韧豁免(DC = 10 + 你的基本攻击加值),失败则会被击倒(knocked prone),而且恍惚(staggered)1轮。

Structural Strike (Combat, Panache)
先决条件:知识(工程)5级,精确刺击(precise strike)职业能力或精确刺击(precise strike;ACG)炫技
专长效果:在使用决斗家(Duelist)或游荡剑客(Swashbuckler)的精确刺击(precise strike)时,你能够以标准动作作出单次攻击,对抗1名原本免疫你的精确刺击伤害的敌人。若攻击命中,你会如常对该名敌人造成精确刺击伤害。当你使用游荡剑客的精确刺击炫技(deed)时,能够以迅捷动作(swift action)花费1点时髦值(panache point),使得单次攻击对通常来说免疫精确刺击的敌人造成常规(regular)的精确刺击伤害。若你同时具有上述两种职业能力,则可以从两种版本的精确刺击中选择任意一种,并造成全额伤害。

Studied Spell (Metamagic)
专长效果:当你施放格物法术时,从受到该法术影响的目标中指定1名。在你施放法术时,基于这个目标生物的生物类型,尝试1次合适的知识检定。此次检定的DC为20 + 该生物的CR(该CR要基于这个生物的种族,而不包括任何职业等级或模板),由职业等级来确定CR的生物在该能力中的有效CR为0。若你的检定成功,你的格物法术会忽略该目标通过种族而获得的任何能量抗力(energy resistance)或伤害减免(damage reduction)、以及对抗法术时生效的任何豁免检定加值;比如矮人(Dwarves)的坚韧(Hardy)种族特性或者半身人(Halflings)的半身人幸运(Halfling Luck)种族特性。你的格物法术不会忽略由于其他法术和效果而带来的能量抗力、伤害减免或豁免检定加值。若你的知识检定失败了,该法术仍会产生正常的效果。格物法术使用比法术的实际环级高2级的法术位。

Stylized Spell (Metamagic)
专长效果:时髦法术和正常法术相比,其语言(verbal)和姿势(somatic)成分略有不同。在施放法术时鉴别时髦法术的法术辨识DC要比正常高10点。若使用知识(神秘)通过创造法术所使用的材料或者法术的效果来鉴别时髦法术的话,知识(神秘)DC也会比正常高10点,就如同使用高等侦测魔法*(greater detect magic;见212页)辨别你的魔法署名(recognize your magical signature)一般。
当你将该专长应用至法术上时,能尝试将时髦法术掩饰成相同学派(school)和子学派(subschool)中具有相同描述符(descriptors)的其他法术。时髦法术(在受到超魔的调整前)必须与试图伪装成的法术具有相同的环级、或者比试图伪装成的法术低1级。若你这么做的话,时髦法术会获得诡计(ruse)描述符(见本书192页),而且会在某些表层表现(some superficial aspects)上呈现出与其他法术相同的形式。与其他具有诡计描述符(ruse descriptor)的法术一样,他人在鉴别该法术的尝试中失败10点或更少时,会将该法术错误地识别为你想要伪装成的法术(失败更多则会完全无法辨识法术)。时髦法术使用比法术的实际环级高1级的法术位。

Subtle Enchantments
先决条件:诈欺师(Deceitful),法术专攻:附魔系(Spell Focus:enchantment)
专长效果:当你施放附魔系法术(enchantment spell)或者使用附魔系类法术能力(enchantment spell-like ability)来影响1名生物的态度或行动时,而且敌人以1次成功的意志豁免来抵御法术的话,她有50%的概率不会注意到自己刚刚成功进行了1次豁免(她仍旧可以如常鉴别你的法术或类法术能力)。若敌人在豁免中失败了,或者以其他方式受到了法术的影响,那么察觉该名敌人正处于附魔系效果影响之中的察言观色DC会增加5点。

Superior Scryer
先决条件:法术专攻:预言系(Spell Focus:divination),至少能够施放1个探知子学派(scrying subschool)法术的能力
专长效果:当你施放探知系法术(scrying spell)时,无论你本身是否具有黑暗视觉(darkvision)、或者法术在正常情况下是否允许你使用黑暗视觉进行观察,你通过法术的感受器(sensor)进行观察时都会视为具有60尺黑暗视觉(darkvision)。如果法术传回的感觉信息仅限于感受器周围10尺范围之内时,比如探知(Scrying)和高等探知(Greater Scrying)法术,该专长便无法增加它能探知的范围。当你通过探知感受器进行观察时,察觉事物(notice things)的察觉检定会获得+2加值;你的窥视魔眼(Prying Eyes)与昆虫探子*(Insect Spies)也会在察觉检定中获得+2加值。
在使用探知(Scrying)或高等探知(Greater Scrying)法术时,你正在使用的法术能通过感受器运作的概率增加10%。

Swipe and Stash (Combat)
专长效果:你能以标准动作尝试1次DC为20的巧手检定,用于将1个小物品(small object)放在1名生物身上。目标有权进行1次察觉检定对抗你的巧手检定,用于发现你放置了物品。这不会迫使该生物穿戴(wear)、佩戴(wield)或以其他方式使用物品;你只是单纯地将那件物品放置到该生物的随身物品中。若目标没有穿衣服、护甲、挂载点(tack)和挽具(harness;如果目标为动物或类似生物的话),或者其他具有相似意义的可以让你藏物品的配备的话,该检定的DC会增加至30。
在战斗中,你必须成功进行1次盗取战技(steal combat maneuver;APG)才能将1件物品放置到1名生物身上,然而为了在这么做时不被目标察觉,你仍旧需要尝试巧手检定对抗目标的察觉检定。若你具有高等盗取(Greater Steal;APG)专长,而且战技还成功了,你的尝试会自动被视为未被察觉(automatically unnoticed)。
若你用1次成功的巧手检定或盗取战技检定偷窃了1件物品,则能在你的回合结束之前,以迅捷动作(swift action)使用该专长将赃物放置到触及范围内的其他生物身上。
特殊说明:若你具有顺手牵羊*(Walking Sleight)专长,则可以在同1轮内,于移动过程中的任意一点仅采取顺手牵羊或偷天换日的行动,或者同时使用两者;只要你愿意并且有足够的移动力,就能够在同时盗窃和放置物品的之前与之后进行移动。

Telepathy Tap
先决条件:察言观色10级,以法术或类法术能力施放侦测思想(Detect Thoughts)或心灵感应(Telepathy;OA)的能力、或者以心灵感应(telepathy)超自然能力
专长效果:当1名生物正在使用心灵感应进行沟通,包括在该生物接收或发送魔法讯息的时候,比如托梦术(Dream)或短讯术(Sending),而且它位于你的心灵感应(Telepathy)范围内、若你使用的是侦测思想(Detect Thoughts)的话则为60尺范围内,你能够尝试1次DC为30的察言观色检定,成功意味着你察觉到了这次通讯。在此时点,你能够以直觉动作使用自己的心灵感应能力、花费1次侦测思想的使用次数、或者施放侦测思想。若你这么做的话,检定结果每比DC高出5点,便可以获取1条关于此次沟通的讯息碎片,比如通信来源的身份(identity of its source);沟通的性质(general nature);发送或接收方的情绪状态;讯息中提及的特定个人、地点或事物。此外,该生物必须尝试1次意志豁免(如果你使用的侦测思想或心灵感应为法术或类法术能力,则为你耗费的法术DC;若你使用的是种族提供的心灵感应能力,DC则为10 + 1/2你的种族HD + 你的魅力调整值)。若目标的豁免失败,那么只要你持续在每轮中以标准动作维持专注,就可以窃听到送信与接收两方面的心灵感应或魔法通讯。

Tenacious Spell (Metamagic)
专长效果:反制(counter)或解除(dispel)强固法术的施法者等级检定DC增加2点。若强固法术被解消或解除了的话,它仍会在结束之前持续1d4轮(最高持续至法术正常的持续时间);如果反魔场(antimagic field)或者类似的法术或效果将强固法术压制了、或者强固法术并非是由于解消或解除而结束的话,上述效果就不会发生。在使用侦测魔法侦测时,强固法术结束后残留的灵光所存续的时间为正常的两倍。强固法术使用比法术的实际环级高1级的法术位。

Threatening Negotiator
先决条件:冷面交涉人*(Nerve-Racking Negotiator),谈判专家(Persuasive),技能专攻:威吓(Skill Focus:Intimidate)
专长效果:当你成功使用威吓技能迫使1名对手对你表示友善(act friendly toward you),目标态度的改变会持续2d6小时。
通常状况:使用威吓改变对手的态度后,它对你的友好态度只会在1d6 x 10分钟。

Timely Coordination (Teamwork)
专长效果:如果触发你的准备动作的是同样具有该专长的盟友,那么以该准备动作的一部分做出的攻击检定和技能检定均会获得+1加值。当你与同样具有该专长的1名盟友尝试【attempting to overcome separate simultaneous obstacles as part of a heist or infiltration (see page 127)】,你也会获得该专长对攻击检定和技能检定提供的+1加值。

True Deception
先决条件:魅力 17,易容17级,忍法·千面相(master disguise;UC)高等忍者忍术或易容大师(Master of Disguise)高级盗贼天赋,忍者等级10级或盗贼等级10级
专长效果:当你使用忍法·千面相(master disguise;UC)高等忍者忍术或易容大师(Master of Disguise)高级盗贼天赋来呈现出特定个人的外貌时,能够愚弄定位(locate)你所易容的对象的预言系魔法和效果,就如同侠客的一人千面*(Any Guise)社交天赋一般。此外,你的唬骗检定还会在模仿特定个体的举止时获得+10加值。

Unimpeachable Honor
先决条件:钢铁意志(Iron Will)
专长效果:当你正处于魅惑(charm)或胁迫(compulsion)效果的影响时,如果该效果会迫使你采取的行动包含后述内容,你就会在抵抗该命令或者打破效果的任何豁免检定或对抗性魅力检定中获得+4加值,具体的行为包括:违背你的本性(fundamental nature)的行为、明确违反了你的宗教限制的行为、或者与你的阵营完全相反的行为(举例说明,让守序善良的你执行邪恶或混乱的行为)。每当你被迫(compelled)攻击盟友时,你的攻击检定与伤害检定均会受到-4减值。

Walking Sleight
先决条件:妙手(Deft Hands),巧手5级
专长效果:当你以移动动作尝试巧手检定时,不会再承受-20减值。你能够在移动行动之中(in the middle of your move action)以标准动作尝试1次巧手检定。

Willing Accomplice
先决条件:魅力 13,唬骗3级,察言观色1级
专长效果:以标准动作,你能尝试1次唬骗检定来协助他人(aid another's)的易容检定。此外,当你以上述检定协助1名侠客(Vigilante)盟友维持他的社交身份(social identity;见第9页)时,成功的检定能赋予该盟友+5点加值,以取代正常的+2点。
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Re: 【UI】专长(Feats)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-03-10, 周五 17:43:20 »
劇透 -  原文:
Acrobatic Spellcaster (Combat)
Your skillful movements prevent foes from disrupting your spells.
Prerequisites: Combat Casting, Skill Focus (Acrobatics).
Benefit: When you succeed at an Acrobatics check to move through a threatened square without provoking attacks of opportunity or to move through an enemy’s space, creatures denied attacks of opportunity by your Acrobatics check also cannot make attacks of opportunity against you when you cast spells for the remainder of your turn.
Normal: Casting a spell within an enemy’s reach provokes attacks of opportunity even after you succeed at an Acrobatics check to move through a threatened square.

Agent of Fear
You inspire fear so powerful that it’s hard to shake off.
Prerequisites: Persuasive, frightening appearance* class feature.
Benefit: When you target a creature with your frightening appearance or stunning appearance class feature, it does not become immune to the effects of those features for 24 hours, but does gain a +2 bonus on the saving throws against those class features for 24 hours. This bonus stacks with itself if you use those abilities against the same creature multiple times in the same 24- hour period. Because these abilities alert the creature to your presence, you still can’t use them on the creature again until after the end of that specific combat.
Normal: A creature targeted by frightening appearance or stunning appearance becomes immune to the feature’s effect for 24 hours.

Betrayal Sense (Combat)
You can sense betrayal and intrigue as well as physical traps.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, rogue level 3rd, trap sense class feature.
Benefit: You gain a bonus on Perception checks to pierce another creature’s disguise and Sense Motive checks to avoid being surprised by an attack. These bonuses are equal to the bonus you gain from trap sense.

Blustering Bluff
You can verbally bully others into believing unlikely or outrageous lies.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Bluff 1 rank, Intimidate 1 rank.
Benefit: When using Bluff to fool a foe, you can bully that person to reduce the penalty for telling an unlikely or far-fetched lie by 5. If you do so and your check would not have succeeded otherwise, after 1d6×10 minutes, the person you fooled realizes you bullied him into believing a lie, treats you as unfriendly, and might report you or take other actions against you.
Normal: The penalty for telling unlikely lies is –5, and the penalty for telling far-fetched lies is –10.

Brilliant Planner
Your experience and intellect enable you to create prescient plans and contingencies.
Prerequisites: Int 13, character level 5th.
Benefit: You can prepare for future contingencies without defining what those preparations are until they are relevant. As a part of this preparation, while in a settlement for at least 24 hours, you can take 8 hours and spend up to 50 gp per character level, which becomes your brilliant plan fund. While you have a brilliant plan pending, you are always treated as carrying 20 additional pounds of weight, even before you define your brilliant plan.
Once per day, you can take 10 minutes to enact a brilliant plan, withdrawing an item that would have been available in a settlement you visited or procuring a mundane service that your character planned ahead of time. Once you enact the plan, subtract the price of the item or service from this feat’s fund. Any item procured must weigh 10 pounds or less. Likewise, the GM must approve any nonmagical service you gain by using this feat as being appropriate for the location selected.
Once you have spent all the money in your brilliant plan fund or procured 20 pounds of objects with this feat, you cannot use the feat again until you replenish your brilliant plan fund.

Brilliant Spell Preparation
You have the foresight to prepare just the right spell for the troubles you face.
Prerequisites: Int 13, ability to prepare 3rd-level spells.
Benefit: Select one class for which you prepare spells of 3rd level or higher. Once you select a class, it can’t be changed. When you prepare spells for that class, you can leave one spell slot open as a special slot. The slot must be at least 2 levels lower than the highest-level spell you can cast. You can then prepare a spell in this special open slot as a standard action instead of it taking 15 minutes.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you can leave an additional special slot open.

But a Scratch (Combat)
Your bravado convinces your enemies that their deadliest attacks are mere trif les, making you seem nigh invulnerable.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Bluff 4 ranks.
Benefit: When an opponent confirms a critical hit against you with a melee weapon, you can attempt a special Bluff check against that opponent as an immediate action. The DC of this check is the same as the DC to demoralize the opponent with the Intimidate skill. If you are successful, the attacking opponent is shaken for 1 round as if you had successfully demoralized it with Intimidate. Exceeding the DC by 5 or more does not add to the shaken condition’s duration. If you fail the special Bluff check granted by this feat, you can attempt it against opponents who saw you attempt the earlier check and fail, but you take a –2 cumulative penalty on that Bluff check and any subsequent Bluff checks attempted in conjunction with this feat against those opponents for 24 hours.

Call Truce
You can passionately entreat your enemies with the aim of making combat unnecessary.
Prerequisites: Cha 15, Persuasive, Diplomacy 5 ranks.
Benefit: While in combat, as a 1-round action (as if it were a spell with a 1-round casting time, Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 213), you can call for a truce with any creatures that have an Intelligence score of 4 or greater and can understand you. When doing so, you can’t be wielding a weapon or threatening implement, such as a charged spell, wand, or anything else the creatures you are entreating might consider threatening. You must also be in plain sight of most the creatures you are entreating.
Once you’ve called for a truce, if any of your allies attack or take any threatening action against those you are entreating before the start of your next turn, your call is unsuccessful. At the start of your next turn, attempt a single Diplomacy check (DC = 30 + the Charisma modifier of the creature with the highest Charisma modifier in the opposing group). If you are successful, combat ceases for 1 minute, or until any creature in the opposing group is threatened or attacked.
If you fail the check by 5 or more, you cannot use Diplomacy again with any creature you attempted to entreat for 1d4 hours. If anyone in your group instead plans to use the parley to gain a combat advantage, the opponents can attempt a Sense Motive check against each such member of your group to get a hunch, with a DC equal to either 20 or the result of that character’s Bluff check, whichever is higher.
Special: If the parley would inherently result in the opponents surrendering or losing, if the opponents are mind-controlled or fanatics, or if there are other appropriate circumstances at the GM’s discretion, you might not be able to use this feat. For instance, if the opponents’ main advantage over your group comes from a short-duration spell that would end during a parley (see Calling for a Cease-Fire on page 186), you cannot use this feat. Circumstances could potentially increase the check’s DC by 5, 10, or even up to 20.

Careful Flyer
You move with ease when you f ly at a slower rate.
Prerequisites: Acrobatic, Fly 5 ranks.
Benefit: As long as you take a move action to f ly, even when moving less than half your speed, you do not need to succeed at a Fly check to continue f lying. When moving less than half your speed in a round, you also gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks to avoid attacks of opportunity and a +2 bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity you provoke because of movement.
Normal: You must succeed at a Fly check to continue f lying unless you move at least half your speed.

Careful Sneak
By taking your time, you negate penalties while sneaking in most armor.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Stealth 3 ranks.
Benefit: You do not apply the armor check penalty for light and medium armor on Stealth skill checks as long as you move half your speed or less. You still cannot run or charge while using Stealth in this way.

You combine your knowledge of geography with the art of teleportation.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (geography) 10 ranks, ability to cast greater teleport.
Benefit: If you cast greater teleport—or similar teleportation effects that require a reliable description of the location—but do not have a reliable description of the destination, you can attempt a DC 25 Knowledge (geography) check prior to casting the spell to gain a reliable description of some location within 100 miles of the destination. If you exceed the DC by 10, you gain a description of some location within 50 miles, and if you succeed the DC by 20, you gain a description of some location within 25 miles. Once you have attempted such a check for a specific location, you cannot attempt it again, and if you attempt to use greater teleport elsewhere in the same general area, the result is the same. For instance, if you don’t know the location of the villain’s castle, you also don’t know a location within 100 miles of the stables next to the villain’s castle, or within 100 miles of the town half a mile away from the villain’s castle.

Cat and Mouse (Combat)
You can forgo an obvious counterstrike against an opponent to better spot breaches in its defenses.
Prerequisites: Bluff 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks, opportune parry and riposte deedACG.
Benefit: When you use the opportune parry and riposte deed to successfully parry an opponent’s attack, if you have your immediate action available and choose not to attempt a riposte, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC and a +2 bonus on all combat maneuver checks against the opponent you successfully parried for 1 round.

Cat’s Fall
Much like a cat, you can instantly shift your balance when you fall and roll with the impact, avoiding serious injury and landing on your feet.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Acrobatics 1 rank.
Benefit: When you succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics skill check to soften a fall, you ignore the first 20 feet of that fall and convert the damage from the next 10 feet of the fall to nonlethal damage. You land on your feet as long as you take less than 20 points of damage from the fall.
Normal: A successful DC 15 Acrobatics check allows you to ignore the first 10 feet fallen, and you fall prone if you take any falling damage.

Circuitous Shot (Combat)
You can bounce ranged attacks off objects to obscure their point of origin and surprise foes.
Prerequisites: Dex 19, Blind-Fight, Improved Precise Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: You can choose to take a –2 penalty on a ranged weapon attack to ricochet it off a stone or metal surface and resolve the attack as if it originated from the chosen ricochet point for the purpose of determining cover (but not for determining concealment). Add the entire distance the weapon or ammunition traveled to determine range penalties for the attack. Bouncing a shot this way can potentially enable you to make ranged attacks against foes who have total cover against you by going around obstacles, but such a foe still has total concealment against your attack.

City Sprinter
You are skilled at moving quickly through forbidding parts of cities.
Prerequisite: Street Smarts*.
Benefit: You do not treat crowds as difficult terrain. You also gain an additional +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks to move along rooftops and on slippery sections of city streets and sewers.

Clambering Escape (Combat)
You can escape an area effect by throwing an enemy in its path to shield yourself.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved RepositionAPG, evasion class feature.
Benefit: When you successfully use your evasion class feature to avoid taking damage from an effect that allows a Reflex saving throw, you can attempt a special repositionAPG combat maneuver check against any one foe within reach as an immediate action. If successful, you switch positions with the target of your combat maneuver. If your foe was not initially within range of the effect that you evaded, it must save against the effect as if it had been within the area of effect.

Conceal Spell
You can hide the evidence of spells you cast.
Prerequisites: Deceitful, Bluff 1 rank, Disguise 1 rank, Sleight of Hand 1 rank.
Benefit: When you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability, you can attempt to conceal verbal and somatic components among other speech and gestures, and to conceal the manifestation of casting the spell, so others don’t realize you’re casting a spell or using a spell-like ability until it is too late. The attempt to hide the spell slows your casting slightly, such that spells that normally take a standard action to cast now take a full-round action, and spells that normally take longer than a standard action take twice as long. (Swift action spells still take a swift action.) To discover your ruse, a creature must succeed at a Perception, Sense Motive, or Spellcraft check (the creature receives an automatic check with whichever of those skills has the highest bonus) against a DC equal to 15 + your number of ranks in Bluff or Disguise (whichever is higher) + your Charisma modifier; the creature gains a bonus on its check equal to the level of the spell or spelllike ability you are concealing.
If your spell has a somatic component, any creature that can see you receives a Perception or Spellcraft check (whichever has the highest bonus) against a DC equal to 15 + your number of ranks in Sleight of Hand + your Dexterity modifier; the creature gains a bonus on its check equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability you are concealing.
Since you are concealing the spell’s manifestation through other actions, others observing you realize you’re doing something, even if they don’t realize you’re casting a spell. If there is a verbal component, they still hear your loud, clear voice but don’t notice the spell woven within. If an opponent fails its check, your casting also does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and an opponent that fails its check can’t use readied actions that depend on realizing that you’re casting a spell or using a spell-like ability, or readied actions such as counterspelling that require identifying the spell you’re casting. Spells such as fireball that create an additional obvious effect (aside from the manifestation of casting that all spells and spell-like abilities share) still create that effect, though it might not be obvious who cast the spell unless it emanates from you.
If a character interacts with you long enough to attempt a Sense Motive check without realizing you have been casting spells, that character can use Sense Motive to gain a hunch that you’re behaving unusually.

Sometimes your second attempt at a deception does the trick.
Prerequisites: Bluff 9 ranks, Sense Motive 9 ranks.
Benefit: When you fail to deceive someone with a Bluff check, you can immediately attempt another version of the same basic deception against that creature at a –5 penalty by downplaying the failed Bluff and quickly moving on to another one. You cannot use this ability if the first Bluff was so egregious that further checks would have been impossible (as per the Bluff skill). If you fail the second attempt, you cannot retry the Bluff check and all further attempts to perpetrate that particular deception are impossible.
Normal: When you fail a Bluff check against a creature, that creature is innately suspicious. You take a –10 penalty on future attempts to deceive that creature, or at the GM’s discretion, such attempts may be impossible.

Cooperative Disabling (Teamwork)
You are skilled at working with an ally to disable traps.
Prerequisites: Disable Device 1 rank, trapfinding class feature.
Benefit: When you use the Disable Device skill and fail the check against a trap, a single adjacent ally with this feat who is also within reach of the trap can attempt a Disable Device check against the same device as an immediate action. The ally must have remained adjacent throughout the process of disabling the device and must have either aided your Disable Device check or taken no other action. If your ally succeeds at the check, your attempt is considered to be successful. If your ally fails, your attempt is considered to have failed by 5 or more, even if the original check failed by 4 or less.

Criminal Reputation
Your acts of audacious larceny have endeared you to the criminal underworld.
Prerequisites: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Intimidate 5 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks when interacting with criminals, whether they’re individual thieves and cutpurses or criminal organizations. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
These bonuses do not stack with those granted by Persuasive, but this feat counts as Persuasive for the purposes of feats and other rules elements with Persuasive as a prerequisite.

Cunning Intuition (Combat)
You can read your foe’s body language to gauge your foe and gain an edge in combat.
Prerequisites: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw, Ready for Anything*, base attack bonus +13 or rogue level 13th, Sense Motive 13 ranks.
Benefit: When you ready an action, you do not need to declare what action you will take, only the trigger for that action and an action type (either standard, move, swift, or free). If you choose the standard action type, you can take a move action instead when your readied action triggers. When the condition triggers, you can choose a specific action of the appropriate type to take.

Cutting Humiliation
You know how to cut a foe deeply with humiliation.
Prerequisites: Persuasive, Intimidate 5 ranks.
Benefit: When you successfully demoralize a target by using a verbal Intimidate check in a social situation (rather than an Intimidate check you can make via an ability such as Dazzling Display or EnforcerAPG), you can instead humiliate the target, causing it to take a –2 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks and Charisma ability checks for 1 hour + 1 additional hour for every 5 by which the result of your check exceeds the DC. The target can remove the effect early by taking 10 minutes to compose herself. If you fail this check, any creature who witnessed the failure is immune to your humiliation from this feat for 24 hours. If you fail by 5 or more, you become humiliated for 1 hour instead of your target.

Darkness Trick
You can manipulate the luminescence of magic weapons.
Prerequisites: Use Magic Device 5 ranks, ability to cast darkness.
Benefit: When wielding a magic weapon that sheds light or that features a luminescent quality, such as a f laming or brilliant energy weapon, you can deactivate that illumination as a swift action. You can reignite the illumination at any time as a free action. Any intrinsic magic properties that would force the weapon to shed light, such as the extra damage of a f laming weapon, do not function while the illumination is deactivated, and the “significant portion” of a brilliant energy weapon that is normally made of light ceases to exist.
If a weapon affected by this ability ever leaves your possession (for instance, if you drop the weapon or pass it to another creature), its illumination and related abilities instantly return.

Deft Catcher
You possess a preternatural skill for catching items that slip from your grasp.
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand).
Benefit: Whenever you drop or are forced to drop an item you possess (other than by an effect that disarms or steals the item), you can attempt a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check as an immediate action to catch the item before it falls away. If you are targeted by an effect that would disarm or steal an item you’re holding, such as a disarm or stealAPG combat maneuver or the effects of a spell like telekinesis, you can also attempt a Sleight of Hand check as an immediate action to maintain possession of the errant item (DC = 10 + the combat maneuver check result if there was a combat maneuver check, or 20 + the DC of the spell if there was no combat maneuver check). In either case, if you fail the Sleight of Hand check by 10 or more, you fall prone.

Drunkard’s Recovery
You need only a swallow of strong drink to bring you back from the brink of death.
Prerequisite: Con 13.
Benefit: If you are dying and a creature gives you at least a sip of alcohol (a standard action for an adjacent creature), you immediately stabilize.

Enrage Opponent (Combat, Panache)
With a quip or a suggestive gesture, you send your enemy into a tizzy.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Amateur SwashbucklerACG or panache class featureACG, Persuasive.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can spend 1 panache point to enrage a creature with an Intelligence of 4 or more within 60 feet that can see or hear you. Attempt an Intimidate check as if to demoralize the creature. If you succeed, the creature takes a –2 penalty to its AC until it has made at least one attack against you (including area effects that include you) or until it can no longer see or hear you. You can have only one opponent enraged at you with this feat at a time, and once you’ve enraged a creature, you can’t enrage it again for 24 hours.

Entreating Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hit allows you a chance to make your foes brief ly see reason.
Prerequisites: Cha 15, Call Truce*, Critical Focus, Persuasive, base attack bonus +11, Diplomacy 5 ranks.
Benefit: Whenever you confirm a critical hit, the shock of the attack momentarily opens an opportunity to end hostilities with a quick entreaty. As an immediate action immediately after confirming the critical hit, you can attempt a Diplomacy check to improve the target’s attitude as though you had spent 1 full round using the Call Truce feat. All other conditions and limitations of the Call Truce feat apply.

Expeditious Sleuth
You mind is meticulous and sharp, making it easy for you to thoroughly search an area.
Prerequisites: Perception 3 ranks, inspirationACG or lore master class feature.
Benefit: You can take 20 on a Perception check in only 10 times the usual amount of time, and gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks when you take 20.
Normal: It takes 20 times as long to take 20 on a skill check.

Exquisite Sneak
You know how to move silently even while wearing some forms of armor.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Careful Sneak*, Stealth 6 ranks.
Benefit: You do not apply the armor check penalty for light and medium armor on Stealth skill checks no matter how fast you move. You still cannot use Stealth while running or charging.

Extra Contingency
You can manage multiple contingency effects.
Prerequisite: Character level 19th.
Benefit: You can have two contingency effects active at one time. If they would both trigger on the same round, one (chosen randomly) does not trigger until 1 round later.
Normal: You can benefit from only a single contingency active at a time.

Eye for Ingredients
Your keen eyes help you find better deals on magical components for your spells.
Prerequisites: Eschew Materials, Appraise 6 ranks, Spellcraft 6 ranks.
Benefit: When in a large city or larger settlement, you can search the markets carefully for 4 hours in order to purchase material components for your spells at a 10% discount. You can purchase up to 1,000 gp worth of material components (which costs you 900 gp) each day. These cheaper components work perfectly well for their spells, but their resale value is also 10% less.

Feign Curse
You can fool others into believing you have ensorcelled them.
Prerequisites: Deceitful, Bluff 5 ranks, Spellcraft 1 rank.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can feign placing a curse on a target. The target must attempt a Sense Motive or Spellcraft check (whichever skill that target has a higher bonus with) against a DC equal to 15 + your number of ranks in Bluff + your Charisma modifier, with a bonus on his skill check equal to any conditional bonus he has on saving throws against hexes or curses (like from the spell hex wardUM). If he fails, he becomes plagued by self-doubt and second-guesses himself. For his next two attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, or ability checks, he rolls twice and takes the lower result; for every 5 ranks of Bluff you possess beyond 5, this ability affects an additional roll. This is a mind-affecting effect, and it doesn’t work if the target is immune to curses. Once you attempt to feign putting a curse on a creature, you cannot do so again against the same creature for 24 hours, and if the target succeeds at detecting your ruse, he gains a +10 bonus against future attempts.

Fencing Grace (Combat)
Your dashing style and f luid rapier forms allow you to use agility rather than brute force to fell your foes.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier).
Benefit: When wielding a rapier one-handed, you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapon’s damage. The rapier must be one appropriate for your size. You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using f lurry of blows, or anytime another hand is otherwise occupied.
In addition, if you have the panacheACG class feature, you gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against attempts to disarm you of your rapier while you have at least 1 panache point.

Fey Spell Lore
You have learned the treacherous spells employed by the fey.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Spellcraft 1 rank, ability to cast druid spells.
Benefit: Add the following spells to your druid spell list at the indicated levels: 0—dancing lights, 1st—lesser confusion, 2nd—charm person, 3rd—invisibility, 4th—bestow curse, 5th—charm monster, 6th—major curseUM, 7th—cloak of dreamsAPG, 8th—insanity, 9th—irresistible dance.

Fey Spell Versatility
You have learned magical secrets from the fey.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Spellcraft 1 rank, ability to cast ranger spells.
Benefit: Choose a 1st-level spell, a 2nd-level spell, a 3rd-level spell, and a 4th-level spell from the bard, sorcerer/wizard, or witch spell list that is either from the enchantment or illusion school or a spell with the curseUM descriptor. Add those spells to your ranger spell list. Once chosen, these spells cannot be changed.

Fleeting Spell (Metamagic)
Your spells vanish with unusual speed.
Benefit: A f leeting spell’s duration becomes dismissible, if it is not already. You can dismiss your own f leeting spell as a swift action. When you dismiss a f leeting spell, its lingering aura cannot be detected by magic unless the caster succeeds at a caster level check against a DC equal to 11 + your caster level. The DC of dispel checks to counter a f leeting spell is reduced by 2, and once active, dispel magic removes a f leeting spell without a caster level check. A f leeting spell has half its normal duration (with an extended f leeting spell, these duration adjustments cancel out). Only spells with a duration of at least 2 rounds can be made f leeting, and instantaneous or permanent spells cannot be f leeting spells. A f leeting spell does not use up a higher-level spell slot than the spell’s actual level.
Normal: It is a standard action to dismiss a dismissible spell, and only spells whose Duration entry is marked with a D are dismissible.

Fool Magic
You can mislead magic items by virtue of your disguise.
Prerequisites: Deceitful, Disguise 1 rank, Use Magic Device 1 rank.
Benefit: When you are in disguise as a member of a particular race or a person of a particular alignment, you can use your Disguise bonus instead of your Use Magic Device bonus to emulate that race and alignment for the purpose of attempting to activate a magic item.

Fox Insight (Combat)
Your foxlike movements protect you from your opponents’ attempts to manipulate you.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Fox Style*.
Benefit: While using Fox Style, you can use your base attack bonus in place of your ranks in Sense Motive to determine your Sense Motive skill bonus when foes attempt to feint against you, and creatures attempting to demoralize you don’t gain a bonus for being bigger than you (though they still take a penalty for being smaller). If your Intelligence score is at least 19, the DC to demoralize or feint you increases by 4.

Fox Style (Combat, Style)
Your martial training helps you manipulate foes.
Prerequisite: Int 13.
Benefit: While using this style, you can use your base attack bonus in place of your ranks in Bluff on Bluff checks to feint in combat and to create a distraction to hide. If your Intelligence is at least 19, you gain a +4 bonus on such Bluff checks when adding your Charisma modifier.

Fox Trickery (Combat)
Whenever a foes drops his guard, you can make him suffer with a dirty trick.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Fox Insight*, Fox Style*, Improved Dirty TrickAPG.
Benefit: While using Fox Style, you can perform dirty trick combat maneuvers (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 320) as attacks of opportunity. If your Intelligence is at least 19, you gain a +4 bonus on dirty trick combat maneuver checks.

Gaze Reflection
The power of your psychic stare wards you from the potent gazes of your enemies.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 10 ranks, bold stareOA and mesmerist tricksOA class features.
Benefit: When you avert your eyes from a creature with a gaze attack (including one produced by a spell like eyebite or burning gaze or by a magic item), you can roll twice and select the better result when checking to see whether you are exposed to that gaze attack and when rolling your miss chance on attacks made against that creature (the latter doesn’t stack with Blind-Fight). In addition, as a swift action, you can expend one mesmerist trick to make yourself immune to that creature’s gaze until the beginning of your next turn. If you expend two mesmerist tricks instead, you gain immunity to that creature’s gaze and also ref lect its gaze back at it, affecting it with its own gaze.
Special: A mesmerist’s hypnotic stare, a witch’s or hag’s evil eye, and a vampire’s dominate ability are treated as gaze attacks for the purpose of this feat, as are abilities that are triggered when looking at a creature, such as a nymph’s blinding beauty or a sea hag’s horrific appearance. Spending two mesmerist tricks on this feat does not bypass any immunity the creature might have to its own gaze, such as a vampire’s immunity to mind-affecting effects or the fact that the nymph’s blinding beauty works only on humanoids.

Graceful Steal (Combat)
You can steal with surprising subtlety.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Agile Maneuvers, Improved StealAPG, Sleight of Hand 3 ranks.
Benefit: When attempting Sleight of Hand checks to lift or palm objects, you can use your Combat Maneuver Bonus for a stealAPG combat maneuver in place of your Sleight of Hand modifier, though if you do so, you must use your Dexterity modifier and not your Strength modifier. You can steal items with the steal combat maneuver even if they are hidden in a bag or pack (provided you can reach the item within), but the opponent gains at least a +5 bonus to its CMD (as for a fastened object) in this case.

Improved Bravery (Combat)
Your bravery protects you from more than just fear.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, bravery class feature.
Benefit: Add your bravery bonus against all mind-affecting effects instead of just against fear.

Improved Conceal Spell
You can conceal the mightiest spells in the subtlest fashions.
Prerequisites: Conceal Spell*, Deceitful, Bluff 5 ranks, Disguise 5 ranks, Sleight of Hand 10 ranks, ability to cast 3rd-level spells or use a 3rd-level spell-like ability.
Benefit: When you use Conceal Spell, creatures no longer gain a bonus equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability on their checks to notice the hidden spell.
Normal: Creatures attempting to notice a spell hidden with Conceal Spell gain a bonus equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability on their Perception, Sense Motive, and Spellcraft checks.

Improved Legendary Influence
Each legend grants you more of its power in return for greater inf luence.
Prerequisites: Legendary Inf luence*, lesser spirit powerOA and propitiationOA class features.
Benefit: For each spirit you can channel, choose a second feat other than an item creation feat. Whenever you allow a spirit to gain 1 point of inf luence over you to gain that spirit’s associated feat via Legendary Inf luence, you can allow that spirit to gain 1 additional point of inf luence over you to gain the second feat.

Improved Sabotaging Sunder (Combat)
You become further adept at sabotaging your foes’ items.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Sabotaging Sunder*, Disable Device 9 ranks.
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing the special sunder combat maneuver from the Sabotaging Sunder feat. In addition, you can attempt to use that maneuver on items held by the target, but you still cannot do so against items hidden in a bag, a pack, or another container.

Incite Paranoia (Combat)
You can convince anyone of her allies’ ill intent.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Greater Feint, Improved Feint, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When you successfully feint in combat, if you
succeed by 5 or more, the target no longer provides flanking to its allies and no longer gains or grants the benefits of teamwork feats until the beginning of your next turn.
In addition, when you attempt a Bluff check to lie and the lie implies that one or more of the target’s allies have betrayed her or are secretly against her, your lie is one step more believable than normal, from far-fetched to unlikely and from unlikely to believable (if the lie was already less believable than far-fetched, this feat has no effect).

Insightful Advice
You teach others how to make the most of their skills.
Prerequisite: Perform (oratory) 3 ranks.
Benefit: You can attempt a skill check to aid an ally within 30 feet with a skill in which you are trained. This takes 1 minute, and during that time, you need only speak and be heard by your chosen ally to offer this aid. The bonus you grant is +2, regardless of any other effects that would alter your aid another bonus. This bonus applies to all checks the ally attempts with that skill for 1 day and does not stack with any other aid another bonus. Whether you succeed at or fail the skill check to aid another, you can attempt to use this ability only once per day for each ally.

Inspiring Bravery (Combat)
Your bravery inspires bravery in others.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, bravery class feature.
Benefit: As long as you are conscious and not stunned, dazed, or confused, allies within 30 feet who can see and hear you gain your bravery bonus on saving throws against fear. If you have Improved Bravery*, they gain your bravery bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting effects. If you have Social Bravery*, your bravery bonus is added to the DC of checks to demoralize them, feint against them, change their attitude, or convince them to perform a request.

Inspiring Mentor
Others listen to your words of encouragement and perform acts above and beyond as a result.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, inspire competence bardic performance.
Benefit: Inspire competence now affects all allies within 30 feet who can hear your performance, as long as they are attempting the skill you’ve selected.
Normal: Inspire competence only affects one ally.

Intoxicating Flattery
You know how to compromise a target’s judgment with lies.
Prerequisites: Deceitful, Bluff 5 ranks.
Benefit: You can f latter a creature in a protracted interaction (taking at least 1 minute) to bestow in them an inf lated sense of self worth that muddles their judgment. At the end of the tirade of f lattery, attempt a Bluff check against a DC equal to 10 + the creature’s HD + the creature’s Wisdom modifier or equal to 10 + the creature’s Sense Motive modifier, whichever is higher. If you succeed, the target takes a –2 penalty on Will saving throws, Wisdombased skill checks, and Wisdom ability checks for 1 hour plus an additional hour for every 5 by which your result exceeds the DC. The target can remove the effect early by taking 10 minutes to compose herself. If you fail this check, any creature who witnesses the failure is immune to your f lattery from this feat for 24 hours. If you fail by 5 or more, the target’s attitude toward you decreases by 1 step.

Ironclad Logic
You appeal to sound reasoning and fact, rather than to emotion, when attempting to sway others.
Prerequisites: Int 19, Diplomacy 3 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks whenever you add your Charisma modifier on those checks. If you have at least 10 ranks in Diplomacy and an Intelligence score of 27 or more, this bonus increases to +8. This bonus doesn’t stack with the bonus from Skill Focus (Diplomacy), but this feat counts as Skill Focus (Diplomacy) for the purpose of feats and other elements with Skill Focus (Diplomacy) as a prerequisite. In verbal duels (see pages 176–181), when using tactics to which you assigned an Intelligence-based skill, you can add your Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier to the associated skill check.

Legendary Influence
Each legend grants you more of its power in return for greater inf luence.
Prerequisite: Lesser spirit powerOA class feature.
Benefit: Immediately select one feat (other than an item creation feat) for each spirit you can channel. Whenever you perform a seance to channel a spirit, you can allow the spirit to gain 1 point of inf luence over you to gain access to that spirit’s Legendary Inf luence feat for as long as you channel that spirit. You can use this bonus feat as a prerequisite for any feats granted by a spirit power (such as the champion’s legendary champion ability), but not for any other feats.

Lightning Draw (Combat, Panache)
You can draw your weapon with startling speed.
Prerequisites: Quick Draw, swashbuckler initiativeACG deed, swashbuckler level 7th.
Benefit: You can spend 1 panache point to draw one or more light or one-handed piercing weapons, whether hidden or not, when you roll initiative, even at the start of a surprise round in which you can’t act. Drawing these weapons does not take an action.
If you have the instant unveil deed (see page 53), it doesn’t cost any panache to use the ability described in the previous paragraph as long as you have at least 1 point of panache, and you can spend 1 panache point to draw a single light or one-handed piercing weapon, hidden or not, as an immediate action whenever a creature attacks you.

Manipulative Agility
You can use your agility to manipulate people as well as small objects.
Prerequisites: Bluff 1 rank, Sleight of Hand 1 rank.
Benefit: You can use Sleight of Hand in place of Bluff for checks to feint in combat, as well as for checks to pass secret messages without being noticed (by using gestures and body language). In both cases, the effects become visual and don’t work if the target or recipient is blind or cannot see you. In the case of secret messages, the limitations of hand gestures and body language might impact what sorts of messages you can pass, at the GM’s discretion.

Martial Dominance (Combat)
Your skill at arms intimidates your foes.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +5, Intimidate 1 rank.
Benefit: You can use your base attack bonus in place of your ranks in Intimidate to determine your Intimidate skill bonus. When you confirm a critical hit against a creature, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize that creature as an immediate action.

Measure Foe (Combat)
You can read a foe’s martial skill from its body language.
Prerequisite: Street Smarts*, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can attempt a Sense Motive check as a free action to deduce a foe’s martial training after observing the foe’s movements for at least 1 minute or observing the foe’s attacks for at least 2 rounds. You take a –10 penalty on your check if you are observing movements, rather than attacks. The DC equals 20 + the creature’s base attack bonus or 10 + the creature’s Bluff or Disguise modifier, whichever is higher.
If you succeed, you learn the foe’s base attack bonus and one combat feat it has, and you learn an additional combat feat it has for every 5 points by which you exceed the DC. You also gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls against that foe and to your AC against that foe until the foe gains a level or otherwise improves its abilities. If you fail this check against a particular foe, you can’t try again against that foe until you gain more ranks in Sense Motive.

Misdirection Attack (Combat)
After misdirecting your opponent’s weapon attack, you leave your opponent open to further violence.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Misdirection Redirection*, Misdirection Tactics*, Bluff 10 ranks.
Benefit: When you successfully use the Misdirection Tactics feat to negate a melee weapon attack, the opponent whose attack you negated provokes an attack of opportunity from you, even though you normally can’t take attacks of opportunity while using the total defense action. This effect is in addition to the effect gained from Misdirection Redirection.

Misdirection Redirection (Combat)
After misdirecting your opponent’s weapon attack, you trick it into striking someone else.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Misdirection Tactics*, Deceitful, Bluff 10 ranks.
Benefit: When you successfully use the Misdirection Tactics feat to negate a melee weapon attack, you redirect your foe’s attack and trick your foe into striking another creature of your choice within the foe’s melee reach. To resolve this attack, your foe must make a new attack roll against the new target.

Misdirection Tactics (Combat)
You have learned to use deception and trickery to misdirect your opponent’s weapon attack.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Bluff 4 ranks.
Benefit: While you are using the total defense action, if a melee attack would still hit your AC, you can attempt a Bluff check with a DC equal to the foe’s attack roll as an immediate action. If you succeed at the check, you negate the attack (treat it as a miss). If the attack still hits, you cannot use this feat against the same opponent for 24 hours.

My Blade Is Yours (Combat, Teamwork)
You fight with seamless grace alongside your allies, complementing the inherent strengths of your weaponry.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Sense Motive
Benefit: When adjacent to an ally with this feat who is wielding a weapon with the blockingUE, disarm, distractingUE, or trip weapon special feature, you can treat your own weapon as if it also had that feature. If your ally’s weapon has more than one of those features, you choose one feature to emulate at the start of your turn.

Nerve-Racking Negotiator
You’ve mastered the art of intimidation to get what you want without suffering unwanted repercussions.
Prerequisite: Persuasive.
Benefit: When you successfully use the Intimidate skill to force an opponent to act friendly toward you, the target must attempt a Will save once the intimidation wears off. The DC is equal to 10 + your number of ranks in Intimidate. If the target fails this save, after the intimidation period expires, the target counts as having the same attitude toward you as it initially did (usually indifferent) and will not report you to the authorities for intimidating it.
Normal: The target of a successful Intimidate check is unfriendly to you and potentially reports you to the authorities after the duration ends.

Notorious Vigilante (Combat)
You are widely known as dangerous and fearsome.
Prerequisites: Dazzling Display, Weapon Focus, any nongood alignment, great renown social talent*, proficiency with chosen weapon.
Benefit: Your presence can act as a fast and effective Dazzling Display. As a standard action, you use the benefit of Dazzling Display even when you are not wielding a weapon in which you have Weapon Focus. If you are wielding such a weapon, you gain a +2 bonus on the Intimidate check.

Omnipresent Mentor
You’re able to impart your guidance to a single ally, regardless of location.
Prerequisites: Cha 17, Inspiring Mentor*, inspire competence bardic performance.
Benefit: By expending 4 rounds of your bardic performance at the start of the day, you can instill one ally with your inspiring words. Select one skill in which you possess ranks. Your ally gains the benefits of your inspire competence bardic performance, regardless of distance, until the next time you replenish rounds of bardic performance. This doesn’t count as an active performance, so the effects don’t end if you start another performance. Only one ally can be affected by this ability at a time; if you use this ability again before the duration expires, the ally currently affected loses the bonuses from this feat.

Ostentatious Rager (Combat)
You can enthrall onlookers with a show of ferocious might or compel enemies to regard you as a crucial threat.
Prerequisites: Intimidate 5 ranks, rage class feature.
Benefit: You can earn money with Intimidate by performing feats of strength and intimidation, exactly as if you were doing so with the Perform skill.
Additionally, while you’re raging, if a foe would be demoralized by your Intimidate skill and the foe is not currently shaken by your intimidation, you can instead distract that foe until the beginning of your next turn. During that time, the foe takes a –5 penalty on Perception checks that don’t involve you and takes a –2 penalty to its AC against any creature other than you. These effects end early if a creature other than you attacks the foe or if you demoralize the foe and apply the shaken condition.

Owl Dive (Combat)
Your martial training helps you f ly and charge through others’ spaces.
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Owl Style*, Owl Swoop*, Skill Focus (Stealth), base attack bonus +7 or monk level 5th, Acrobatics 1 rank, Fly 1 rank, Stealth 1 rank.
Benefit: While using Owl Style, you can use your base attack bonus in place of your ranks in Fly to determine your Fly skill bonus. You can charge through other creatures’ spaces, but you must make a successful Acrobatics check to move through enemy spaces, as normal. If you fail an Acrobatics check to move through an enemy’s space during a charge, your charge stops just before you enter that enemy’s space; if you threaten that foe, you can make your charge attack against that foe.

Owl Style (Combat, Style)
You can move with the quiet grace of an owl.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Skill Focus (Stealth), Stealth 1 rank.
Benefit: While using this style, you can use your base attack bonus in place of your ranks in Stealth to determine your Stealth skill modifier (as usual, this does not replace your ranks for other purposes, such as determining the effects of Skill Focus). While in this stance and using Stealth, you can charge at a –10 penalty beyond the penalty you take for using Stealth at full speed (which is typically –5). Foes that fail their Perception checks and don’t otherwise notice you (for instance, with an ability like blindsight) are denied their Dexterity bonuses to AC against all attacks you make against them during or at the end of that charge instead of just against the first attack.

Owl Swoop (Combat)
Your martial training helps you move with acrobatic poise.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Owl Style*, Skill Focus (Stealth), Acrobatics 1 rank, Stealth 1 rank.
Benefit: While using Owl Style, you can use your base attack bonus in place of your ranks in Acrobatics to determine your Acrobatics skill bonus. You can attempt Acrobatics checks to move on narrow or slick surfaces and to avoid attacks of opportunity while charging, incurring the same penalties and increased DCs that you usually would apply for moving at full speed.

Persuasive Bribery
You know how to get the most out of bribes.
Prerequisite: Persuasive.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks when attempting to bribe someone and on Diplomacy or Charisma checks to bargain with a conjured creature (such as with planar ally or planar binding), in addition to any bonus granted by the bribe itself. The first time someone refuses a bribe you offer, that person’s attitude toward you doesn’t worsen, even if the offer would normally offend the person.

Piercing Grapple (Combat)
You can use small but deadly weapons to restrain a foe, forcing it to choose between pain and capitulation.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Quick Draw, Intimidate 7 ranks.
Benefit: You can draw a light or one-handed piercing weapon and stab your opponent with it when you initiate a grapple. You take a –2 penalty on your combat maneuver check to initiate the grapple, but since you pull the weapon out as part of the grapple, you don’t take the usual –4 penalty. If you succeed, you grapple your opponent as normal, and the weapon doesn’t count as being in your hand either for the purposes of the –4 penalty or for dealing damage while maintaining a grapple. If your opponent successfully breaks the grapple, it takes an amount of damage equal to the base weapon damage of the weapon you used to initiate the grapple plus an additional 1d4 points of bleed damage. A successful DC 15 Heal check or any magical healing ends the bleed effect. If you choose to end the grapple, you can opt to not deal the bleed damage, but either way, your opponent still takes the base weapon damage. While maintaining this grapple, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Intimidate checks made against your opponent.

Planar Wanderer
Your knowledge of the planes and teleportation allows you to travel with more precision.
Prerequisites: Cartogramancer*, Knowledge (geography) 10 ranks, Knowledge (planes) 10 ranks, ability to cast greater teleport and plane shift.
Benefit: When researching a plane to which you intend to plane shift, you can attempt a DC 25 Knowledge (planes) check as you cast the spell. If you succeed at the check, you’re able to more precisely target your planar transport, allowing you to arrive 5d20 miles away from your intended destination instead of 5d% miles away. If you exceed the DC by 10 or more, you arrive 5d10 miles away instead, and if you exceed the DC by 20 or more, you arrive 5d6 miles away.

Play to the Crowd
You can glean the interests of others and use that information to strengthen your rhetoric.
Prerequisites: Int 19, Ironclad Logic*, Diplomacy 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks.
Benefit: When you use Diplomacy to change the attitude of a character, you can first attempt a Sense Motive check against that NPC to get a hunch to determine whether the character is under the inf luence of an enchantment, to use Sense Assumptions*, or to determine biases for a verbal duel (see page 176). If you succeed at the Sense Motive check, you gain a +2 bonus on the Diplomacy check, and if you learned any biases for a verbal duel, you learn one additional bias of your choice. You do not worsen an NPC’s attitude if you fail a Diplomacy check by 5 or more.

Quick Favor
You can quickly take advantage of your charm.
Prerequisite: Persuasive.
Benefit: Once per day, you can decrease the time required for a Diplomacy check to gather information to 4d10 minutes when you use Diplomacy to gather information again just after you previously gathered information there (whether or not the previous attempt was successful).
Normal: You must spend 1d4 hours to gather information using Diplomacy.

Quick Study (Combat)
You can learn quickly, although you do not always retain what you learn long.
Prerequisites: Int 13, bravery +3 class feature, fighter level 10th.
Benefit: Once per day, you can train with someone who has a combat feat you do not possess to gain that feat. You must train with that person for 8 hours and must meet the feat’s prerequisites to gain it this way. You gain this feat until you learn another one using this feat.

Quiet Death (Combat)
You have learned to dispatch your enemies with the silence and grace of an accomplished assassin.
Prerequisites: Dex 19, Stealth 10 ranks, rogue level 10th.
Benefit: When you ambush an enemy or enemies that are unaware of your presence, you can roll a Stealth check with a –5 penalty. The result indicates the Perception DC to hear your attacks (rather than the normal DC of –10 to hear pitched combat) until an opponent’s first action, when the DC returns to –10. Other enemies present can still see the attack; Quiet Death only prevents the sounds of battle from alerting further enemies.

Ranged Disable
You can disable devices with ranged weapons.
Prerequisites: Far Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus, Disable Device 9 ranks.
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can attempt a Disable Device check with a ranged weapon you have chosen with Weapon Focus. You can use this ability against only a simple device (one that would normally take a full-round action to disable), and you can’t use it if the device has any cover or concealment. This use of the ranged weapon deals no damage to the device, but it allows you to attempt a Disable Device check instead. You treat the ranged attack as if you were using tools inappropriate for the job, taking a –4 penalty on your Disable Device check. You also apply any range penalty for the weapon to the Disable Device check, but you do not gain any bonuses that would normally apply on attack rolls on the Disable Device check.

Ranged Feint (Combat)
You can mislead foes about your aim with ranged attacks.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +2, Bluff 3 ranks.
Benefit: You can feint with a ranged weapon by throwing a thrown weapon or firing one arrow, bolt, bullet, or other piece of ammunition; this feint takes the same action as normal to feint, but depending on your weapon, you might have to reload or draw another weapon afterward. When you successfully use a ranged feint, you deny that enemy its Dexterity bonus to AC against your ranged attacks as well as your melee attacks for the same duration as normal. If your feints normally deny a foe its Dexterity bonus to AC against attacks other than your own, this applies only against others’ melee attacks.
Normal: You can feint only with a melee weapon, and only against a creature you threaten with that weapon.

Read Spell Traces
You can identify spells by the lingering traces they leave.
Benefit: When using identify or any spell of a higher level that normally allows you to detect the school and aura strength of an active spell, if you exceed the DC by 10 or more, you also learn the exact spell. If the spell you are using would already allow you to learn the exact spell from its aura, you can attempt to identify the spell from the traces in a lingering aura, though you take a –10 penalty on such an attempt. When using greater detect magic (see page 212) to attempt to identify unique magical signatures, you receive a +2 bonus on your Knowledge (arcana) checks. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against magic aura and other spells and effects that conceal a spell’s true aura unless you succeed at a saving throw.

Ready for Anything (Combat)
You never let down your guard.
Prerequisites: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Ref lexes, Quick Draw, base attack bonus +6 or uncanny dodge class feature.
Benefit: You can always act in the surprise round even if you fail a Perception check to notice foes, but you are still considered f lat-footed until you take an action.

Sabotage Magic Item
You can cause magic items to suffer mishaps.
Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, Disable Device 5 ranks, Use Magic Device 5 ranks.
Benefit: You can attempt a Use Magic Device check to sabotage a magic item rather than to activate it, with the same DC as activating it blindly. If you succeed at the check, you define a condition under which the magic item will suffer a mishap, either dealing 2d6 points of damage to the creature attempting to use the magic item and failing to perform its desired function or else affecting the wrong target. The condition must be either an audible or a visual trigger, as defined by the magic mouth spell. If you fail the check, you suffer a mishap instead, just as if you had failed to activate the item blindly by 10 or more.

Sabotage Specialist
You have an amazing knack for sabotaging devices.
Prerequisites: Deft Hands, Disable Device 5 ranks.
Benefit: When you use the Disable Device skill to rig simple or tricky devices (such as a saddle or wagon wheel) to work normally for a while and then fail or fall off some time later, you can designate the time the device will fail, up to 60 minutes after you successfully sabotaged it. The device fails 1d6–3 rounds after the designated time (a result of –1 or –2 means it fails 1 round or 2 rounds before the designated time).
Normal: You can use the Disable Device skill to rig simple devices such as saddles or wagon wheels to work normally for a while and then fail or fall off some time later (usually after 1d4 rounds or minutes of use).

Sabotaging Sunder (Combat)
Your can quickly sabotage a foe’s worn or carried equipment.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Disable Device 7 ranks.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can sabotage an item worn by a foe with a special sunder combat maneuver. You use this maneuver in melee to sabotage an item that is neither held nor hidden in a bag, pack, or other container. You must have at least one hand free to perform this combat maneuver, and doing so provokes an attack of opportunity from the creature against whom you are performing the maneuver, even though you have the Improved Sunder feat.
When attempting the combat maneuver check, use your ranks in Disable Device in place of your base attack bonus and your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier. Any bonuses on combat maneuver checks specifically to sunder (such as the bonus granted by Improved Sunder) also apply to this maneuver, and any bonuses your target gains to CMD against sundering attempts also protect her from this maneuver. If you succeed at the check, instead of dealing damage, you sabotage the chosen item, causing it to gain the broken condition. If the item was already broken, you instead destroy the item or cause it to fall off. Items immune to sunder are also immune to this special combat maneuver, and this still can’t destroy or remove an item such as an artifact that can normally be destroyed or removed only by specific means.
Normal: A successful sunder attempt deals weapon damage to the sundered item.

Sense Assumptions
You can easily intuit an opponent’s preconceptions.
Prerequisite: Sense Motive 3 ranks.
Benefit: You can attempt a Sense Motive check to intuit some of another person’s assumptions after 1 minute of conversation. The DC equals 20, or 10 + the target’s Bluff modifier, whichever is higher. If you succeed, you learn whether or not a falsehood of your choice related to the topic of conversation would impose a penalty on Bluff checks to convince the target of that falsehood’s truth. If you fail by 4 or less, you learn nothing. If you fail by 5 or more, the target realizes you are trying to glean information from it. You can retry this check, but the DC increases by 5 for each previous failure on this check against that target.

Sense Relationships
You can quickly sense relationships between others and use that knowledge to manipulate them.
Prerequisite: Street Smarts*.
Benefit: After 1 minute or more of interaction or observation, you can attempt a DC 20 Sense Motive check to get a hunch in order to intuit the relationship between any two creatures interacting with one another. If you don’t understand the language they are speaking, you take a –5 penalty on the check, and if the creatures are a different type than you, you take an additional –5 penalty on the check.
If you succeed at this check by 5 or more, for the next hour, you gain a +2 bonus on Bluff checks to lie about one of the creatures to the other and on Diplomacy checks to request that one act against the other. If you fail the check, you cannot attempt this ability on the same creatures again until you gain an additional rank in Sense Motive.

Shadows of Fear (Combat)
Your enemies’ fear causes them to jump at shadows, diverting their attention.
Prerequisite: Hidden strike* +2d8 or sneak attack +2d6.
Benefit: The first time each round that you hit a creature suffering from a fear effect, you can deal hidden strike or sneak attack damage as if you were f lanking that creature (improved uncanny dodge and other effects that prevent f lanking also prevent a hidden strike or sneak attack from this feat).

Sliding Dash (Combat)
Your seemingly reckless advance becomes an agile strike at the last moment.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Acrobatics 10 ranks or acrobatic charge* class feature, Bluff 3 ranks.
Benefit: When charging, instead of moving to the closest space from which you can attack your target, you can move to the space adjacent to your target and on the other side of it, as long as you move through the closest space from which you can attack the target and through the target’s space to get there. When you move through the target’s space, you must attempt an Acrobatics check with a DC equal to 10 + your opponent’s CMD. Success allows you to move through the target’s space without provoking an attack of opportunity from that target, and when you arrive in the destination space and make your attack, the target is considered f lanked for that attack (or the first attack if you have more than one attack on a charge). On a failed check, you instead provoke an attack of opportunity and complete the charge as normal. Whether or not you succeed at the Acrobatics check, you take a –4 penalty to your AC until the start of your turn, instead of the normal –2 penalty.
Normal: When charging, you must end the movement part of a charge in the closest space in which you can attack your target.

Social Bravery (Combat)
Even the most stressful social situations don’t daunt you, and you weather them as easily as a battle with a dragon.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, bravery class feature.
Benefit: In social situations, your bravado protects you and makes you harder to read. Add your bravery bonus to the DCs of checks to demoralize you, feint against you, change your attitude, or convince you to perform a request (this also applies against Cutting Humiliation* and Intoxicating Flattery*). Additionally, add a morale bonus equal to your bravery bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks.

Starry Grace (Combat)
Your quick and free starknife motions allow you to make deadly dexterous attacks.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Weapon Fin

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Re: 【UI】专长(Feats)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-03-10, 周五 22:14:56 »
  No mind to think.

I am the vessel.
No will to break.

I am the Hollow Knight!
No voice to cry suffering.
Born of God and Void.

离线 Noven

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Re: 【UI】专长(Feats)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-03-11, 周六 00:22:23 »
« 上次编辑: 2017-03-11, 周六 00:24:12 由 Noven »

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Re: 【UI】专长(Feats)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-03-11, 周六 01:57:38 »

离线 剧毒术士

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Re: 【UI】专长(Feats)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-03-11, 周六 02:54:18 »
《进化职业起源》里的优雅挑刺(Fencing Grace)是重做了么……怎么这本书里的Fencing Grace在疾风和twf时不能敏捷上伤害?
细剑流圣战连击痛哭流涕啊 :em032
« 上次编辑: 2017-03-11, 周六 02:57:25 由 剧毒术士 米诺 »

离线 Noven

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Re: 【UI】专长(Feats)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-03-11, 周六 08:28:52 »

« 上次编辑: 2017-03-11, 周六 08:33:07 由 Noven »

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Re: 【UI】专长(Feats)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-03-14, 周二 17:41:59 »
Shadows of Fear (Combat)
先决条件:暗袭*(Hidden Strike)+2d8或偷袭(sneak attack)+2d6
专长效果:若每轮第1个被你命中的生物正在承受恐惧(fear)效果的影响,你便可以对它造成暗袭(Hidden Strike)或偷袭(sneak attack)伤害,就如同你在夹击该名生物一般。精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)以及其他能够防止夹击的效果也能够防止该专长作出的暗袭或偷袭。
Shadows of Fear (Combat)
Your enemies’ fear causes them to jump at shadows, diverting their attention.
Prerequisite: Hidden strike* +2d8 or sneak attack +2d6.
Benefit: The first time each round that you hit a creature suffering from a fear effect, you can deal hidden strike or sneak attack damage as if you were f lanking that creature (improved uncanny dodge and other effects that prevent f lanking also prevent a hidden strike or sneak attack from this feat).

前两句是否应该翻译为“你每轮第一次命中正在承受恐惧(fear)效果影响的生物时,你可以对它造成暗袭(Hidden Strike)或偷袭(sneak attack)伤害”