作者 主题: 【淪敦物語】PC導航  (阅读 4010 次)


线上 Lomias

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« 于: 2015-12-26, 周六 11:46:42 »

這是借用Fallen London背景的長篇FATE論壇團,具體長度還沒定,不過最少也有三季。原創劇情和遊戲劇情大概五五開,遊戲本身的劇情框架很好,有很多可以發揮的地方,劇本是不缺的,請三位PC做好這團會跑很久的心理準備。




三十年前,倫敦被蝙蝠盜走,繼而被Echo Bazaar拖入深淵,從此與陽光隔絕,只有Mr Fires的煤氣燈與我們為伴。不過倫敦人可以習慣任何事,而且與魔鬼、黑暗和蘑菇酒相伴的日子和平又安寧。


倫敦不是第一個被盜走的城市,而是第五個。事實上,「盜走」一詞也不準確。傳言說當初the Masters私下和女皇(the Empress)達成了交易,倫敦的主權因此而易手。如今,大家早已對the Masters的統治習以為常,提及這段歷史時仍堅持用「盜走」這類字眼的,也只有時刻打算推翻Masters的革命黨(Revolutionaries)了。

以某種人類無法理解的方式,Masters借助Echo Bazaar這個奇異生命的力量把倫敦拖入一個不見天日的地底世界。這個被人們稱為the Neath的廣闊異世界遵循著和地表(the Surface)有所不同的自然規則。事實上,有不少人懷疑這里是否屬於地球內部,因為長角的魔鬼、長著章魚頭而且混身黏滑的橡胶人(Rubbery Man)和硬繃繃的黏土人(Clay Man)這些地底居民實在大大違背了人們的常識,更不用提那些比惡夢還要可怕的危險怪物了。

出於對未知偉力的敬畏,Masters在淪敦的地位無可比擬,然而他們在奪走淪敦後便甚少出現在人前,其真身一直是個謎,有大膽的學者猜測他們,或者說「它們」,其實是宇宙人,更誇張的說法是異界來客。儘管眾說紛紜,人們仍然對Masters所知甚少。他們是誰?為什麼要奪走淪敦?他們和Echo Bazaar是什麼關係?這一切都是個謎。

如今是淪敦在the Neath的第三十個年頭(公元1891年),在此居住的人們,無論是老一輩還是在Neath出世的新生代,也早已習慣這個黑暗的世界。這些年來,淪敦和地表一直保持聯絡和良好的貿易關係。因此,探望親朋戚友的旅客、熱衷於神秘研究的學者、野心勃勃的探險家、貪婪的投機商人或者是走投無路的賊人源源不絕地從地表來到淪敦。面對這座墜落的城市,他們為之驚嘆,為之愉悅,為之沉淪。你,也許便是他們的一份子。

從地表到Neath有兩條路,一是鈣華盤道(Travertine Spiral),二是庫邁恩運河(Cumaean Canal)。走盤道是最直接的。窮人們在盤旋於鐘乳石和石筍之間的樓梯上長途跋涉,而富人們則在舒適的纜車中渡過這段愉快的旅程。如果你喜歡更有氣派的旅行方式,庫邁恩運河的豪華郵輪公司樂意為你效勞。這條運河的開通是現代工程學(呃,可能還有神秘學)的奇跡。從意大利的山洞到地淵(Unterzee)的海岸,諸位尊貴的客人將在黑暗中享受這段壯麗的冥府之旅。






Social Stress
Social Stress represents a character’s reputation and general social standing. This allows characters to absorb a bit more punishment overall before being taken out. Use Rapport as the relevant skill for extra stress boxes for social stress.

The characters involved fuel the drama, and so stay in the picture for longer, and driving them out whether through destroying their reputation (social stress), pushing them to the brink emotionally (mental stress) or arranging for them to suffer an “accident” (physical stress) requires more work over a longer period of time.

Th consequences taken inform how a character is affected by stress, and has the most long term, mechanical effect. However, looking at the stress a character has taken can also inform the GM on a character’s general state. Especially for social stress, several dots marked of over the course of a scene might show themselves as rumors and whispers following the character around.

When someone else initiates a social conflict, you may use your Deceive as a social attack skill, representing particularly convincing lies as consequences on your target.

False Face Forward
You may opt to use Deceive instead of Rapport as a defense in social conflicts—such as when defending against someone using Empathy to get a “read” on you, or facing down an insult—to lull an opponent into underestimating you.

This defense roll is modified by the Rapport skill. If you lose this defense roll, then your opponent may proceed as usual—in attempting to hide yourself, you have blundered and revealed
a truth, shown an unintentional reaction, or something similar.

If you win the defense, however, you may make your successful defense look like a failure. When you do this, you can provide false information to the would-be “victor” (such as, “Wow! That insult really struck home!” when it didn’t).

In the case of an Empathy read attempt, you may provide a false aspect to the reader, sending him of with an utterly fabricated notion of you. When he later tries to take advantage of an aspect that he falsely thinks is there, it can end up being a waste of a fate point or worse!

Empathy is the ability to understand and guess what other people are thinking and feeling. This can be handy if you are trying to spot a liar or you want to tell someone what that person wants to hear. It’s also useful for keeping up your guard during a social conflict.

Social Defense
Use Empathy as a defense in a social conflict (though it isn’t the only skill that can be used this way). In particular, you must use Empathy to defend against Deceive as you try to sort out truth from fiction in what you’re hearing.

Control of outward reactions and a general ease at conversation are both within the realm of Rapport, and both are useful in mounting a defense against social maneuvers and attacks. Only the rarest of social conflicts prevents you from using Rapport as your defense skill. Rapport is the go-to skill for rolling to defend in social conflicts, much like Athletics is the go-to skill for physical conflicts.

Social Initiative
Use Empathy to determine initiative (order of action) in any social conflict. If there is a tie, compare your Provoke skill, then Deceive.

A character skilled in Rapport is a master of small talk and, through casual, friendly conversation, can get folks to give up information without quite realizing they’ve done it. In a social conflict, you may roll Rapport for maneuvers and “attacks” with this goal in mind. You can also use the skill creatively to grab someone’s attention and keep him distracted by conversation while something else is happening in the room.


Th Social Graces: Keen awareness of the ebb and flow of social situations makes you the master of your circumstances. When determining initiative in a social conflict, gain +2 to Empathy.

Teflon Persona: It’s difficult to make you look bad in social conflicts. Provided that the people
present are aware of who you are, you gain Armor:1 against any social attacks.

Social Conflicts
Not every conflict that the characters engage in is going to be about beating up or killing someone. People have conflicts all the time in a more nebulous, but often more common, realm—the facedown at the bar, the aggressive dare, the guilt-fueled suggestion; conflicts of interest are played out on the social level all the time. Words and other types of influence are used as weapons to further the agenda of one person over another person or over whole groups of people, and those who are most skilled at it can sometimes be far more damaging than a thug with a gun.

Social conflicts occur when the opposing agendas of two or more characters are resolved without physical violence, calling upon a different set of skills and trappings to resolve them. Th damage done by these conflicts can be highly variable, ranging from simply instilling a false sense of security in the loser to ruining his public reputation and hurting his relationships.

Th skills mainly used to attack in a social conflict are Deceive, Provoke, and Rapport; those three and Empathy could all be used to make social maneuvers. Empathy and Rapport are most commonly used to defend. This list is not exhaustive, however, and depending on the context of the interaction, there might be situations where another skill (such as Will or Contacts) may seem a better fit.

Th social stress track is modified by the Rapport skill, representing your friends' trust in you when someone defames you.

Stress and Consequence
Looking at the nature of the conflict is the best place to start. Remember that consequences are meant to represent the outcomes of a conflict that “stick” to the participants—as soon as the scene’s over, anything recorded as stress is really just narrative color.

In terms of consequences, the easiest way to represent the effects of social conflict is through negative emotional fallout—aspects like Stressed Out, Crappy Mood, Nervous, Edgy, and Guilt-Ridden can all come into play later in dynamic and colorful ways. Another potential option is to let the consequences reflect changes in how other people perceive the character after the conflict shakes out. If a character’s reputation is ruined, representing that with a Smeared Name aspect can lend mechanical weight to what might otherwise be just a narrated effect.

Sometimes, the most important effect of a social conflict comes from the new circumstances the event brings into the character’s life—if a character has a significant other, falling for a seduction attempt could create Relationship Doubts or something similar. Play around with any and all of these types of
consequences to give your social conflicts a far reaching impact on play.

Physique helps with physical stress, Will helps with mental stress and Rapport helps with social stress. Either skill grants one more stress box of the respective type (physical/mental/social) if rated at Average (+1) or Fair (+2), or two more stress boxes if rated at Good (+3) or higher. At Superb (+5) or higher, they also grant an additional mild consequence slot. Unlike the standard three, this consequence slot is specifically restricted to either physical harm (Physique), mental harm (Will) or social harm (Rapport).

Recovering from consequence
An appropriate in-game circumstance depends largely on the consequence that’s been taken— most physical consequences require medical attention or rest, while mental consequences might require therapy, counseling, or extended time spent in the healing presence of a loved one.

Social consequences can vary widely and are situational; a consequence like Frazzled might only need a night at the bar and a chance to unwind, while a consequence like Bad Reputation might require your character to spend time doing very public acts of charity to rebuild the good faith he’s lost.

劇透 -   :
Spending Fate Points

Invoking an aspect:You have to explain or justify how the aspect is helpful in order to get the bonus.
Free invokes stacks. You can pass the +2 bonus to others if possible.

Declaring a Story detail:Sometimes, you want to add a detail that works to your character’s advantage in a scene. For example, you might use this to narrate a convenient coincidence, like retroactively having the right supplies for a certain job, showing up at a dramatically appropriate moment, or suggesting that you and the NPC you just met have mutual clients in common.

Earning Fate points

• Accept a Compel: You get a fate point when you agree to the complication associated with a compel. As we said above, this may sometimes happen retroactively if the circumstances warrant.
• Have Your Aspects Invoked Against You: If someone pays a fate point to invoke an aspect attached to your character, you gain their fate point at the end of the scene. This includes advantages created on your character, as well as consequences.
• Concede in a Conflict: You receive one fate point for conceding in a conflict, as well as an additional fate point for each consequence that you’ve received in that conflict.

Whenever a scene starts, GM get one fate point for every PC in that scene for NPC's fate point pool.

When to Roll dice
Roll the dice when succeeding or failing at the action could each contribute something interesting or important to the game.

Encourages players from investing in failure—something you absolutely want them to do, given how important compels and the concession mechanic are.

If you can’t imagine an interesting outcome from both results, then don’t call for that roll. If failure is the uninteresting option, just give the PCs what they want and call for a roll later, when you can think of an interesting failure. If success is the boring option, then see if you can turn your idea for failure into a compel instead, using that moment as an opportunity to funnel fate points to the players.

Scenes: 155, 178, 194, 238, 240, 298
« 上次编辑: 2016-02-16, 周二 23:13:53 由 Lomias »